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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Bro's gonna have like, week-long waits inbetween receiving people, considering how far away Ravenfell is from most duchies.

Dw, time is the one thing he has all in the world.
My derpy brain just realized that just like the Hearthfire Gala, the people invited by DuMont are arriving one by one instead of all at the same time like a football team lol
In T1 MP 3 mos ago Forum: Arena Roleplay
I think those glory days have passed, fam, barely anyone does arena roleplays these days.
@The Otter I don't know how yet, but Cal and Mel should meet sooner or later, hanging out with all of these boomers must be tiring.
@RoseKnightJason Hope your new job is treating you well. <3

I second this. We got a good thing going here and are all excited for your return!
* Raiding the Glasic Fields and coming away with a whole ass bounty of Seeds. This is probably the most other-PC-involvement-friendly thing.
* Negotiations with the Tearmoon Coven to ensure either allegiance or at least neutrality in coming affairs. Likely gonna require some yapping with Izu.

Referencing my last collab with Est, Jezebel will definitely be interested in both of these, will definitely try to rope in Melisande (and Kronos), other coven members, and maybe even the Headmaster as well.

Essentially, the Duke needs to convince the Matriarch by guaranteeing that her coven will supplant the Royal Gardeners if they support him.

--Nieve - Castle Plaza--

After the party split up into several smaller groups, Remilia hummed in approval as The Half-Machine Knight caught up to her, yes, indeed, her very own lady-in-waiting, Anne wasn't Sakuya but she shall do. "Oh?" Then she perked up in a pleasant surprise as yet another otherworlder joined them; she wasn't expecting the salmon-haired bride's participation, but she certainly would welcome it.

"Well, well, well, it seems this will be an outing of not two, but three, ohohoho~" The lilac-haired youkai veritably exuded utter confidence as she strutted through Nieve's streets, commanding that unmistakable presence only those born and raised in high culture could accomplish. Truly, the royal family should be honored for the privilege of hosting the Scarlet Devil.

"Why, of course, Lady Anne, we shall greet them with honesty and decorum." Remilia answered simply, no doubt convinced that her simply being herself would be enough to be granted entry...

...or so she thought.

"W-w-w-wha-... what is this insolence?!" Soon enough - and perhaps predictably so for Anne - Remilia could be seen barking up at the castle guards, fuming at their sheer audacity to deny them entry, "Don't you simpletons know who I am?! I'm Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, you unwashed peas-!!" It was clear that if no one stepped in, the vampiress would definitely continue chewing the poor guards out, for Lavielle knows how long.

@Drifting Pollen @Rezod92

--Lower City - ART-ficer Workshop--

After what seemed like an endless trek through an infinite maze, Lenneth - assisted by her navigation systems and modules - eventually arrived within the vicinity of a seemingly nondescript structure, a tiny morsel compared to the towering skyscraper she had just jumped out of mere hours ago. But of course, the blonde knew better, for this otherwise bland structure hosted one of the best ripperdocs Neon York ever had.

After making sure she wasn't followed, the cyborg enforcer approached the structure proper, triggering the feline 'doorbell'. She didn't really approve of this method, the creature was far too loud, a silent alarm would've been much more preferable, alas, it wasn't in her place to question Derek's quirks, the man had always been eccentric, as it was common among gifted savants.

Entering the workshop, Lenneth made a silent sigh as she promptly disarmed and disrobed, putting away all of the equipment that wasn't a permanent fixture of the mechanical vessel housing her brain, then she laid down on the table. All standard procedure, they had done this countless times by now.

"..." The blue-eyed blonde couldn't help but curl a subtle amused smirk at ART-Ficer's comments. Well, there were several good reasons why Master chose him, not others. Though he did have a point, nothing in the world is invincible, even the toughest of armor could crack and break. Ultimately, she held the reins over her body.

Ah, perhaps he wasn't aware about her being an adrenaline junkie, though Lenneth supposed it'd be best to just... keep it to herself.

"Affirmative, doctor." She humored him back, then relaxed while the doctor did his magic, meanwhile allowing the prismatic-furred feline to settle onto her lap. She'd have personally preferred a fluffy bunny instead, but cats would do just fine.

...maybe she should watch a movie while she waited, she had been meaning to see the sequel of the classic crime drama, 'The Godmother'.

❖ No Rolls

FP: 0 | Stress: Tick 0 | Consequences: None
Tag: @MrSkimobile
<Snipped quote by Donut Look Now>

I'll let you come up with it. It's probably something pretentious and overly academic, considering who did it.

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