Character Quote: I see what you did there
Name: Dalisy Bautista
Aliases: Daisy, B, Watcher
Age: 19 (at death) 25 (currently)
Birthday: March 21, 1996
Death Date: Dec. 19th, 2015
Ethnicity: Filipino
Birth Place: Manila, Philipines
Godly Parent: Heimdall
How Many Years At Hotel Valhalla: 5
Gender: Female
Languages: Tagalog, English, Old Norse
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 140lbs
Body Type: Fit
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Ears are peirced.
Personal Style: Maybe it is a bit of the bifrost in Dalisy, but she loves colorful clothing. She tends to stuff more form fitting and on the fancy side. She likes to look a little flashy, and puts more effort into her outfits than strictly necessary. If asked about it she says 'I might be a hot mess on the inside, but I can at least look just hot on the outside'. Often she will wear dresses cause those are easy, and don't require coordination. The plus side of being dead is you never outgrow your clothing anymore.
Energetic * Manipulative * Creative * Invasive * Logical * Irratable
Sexuality: Bixsexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: If Dalisy had been born in the USA she would have fit in with the 'hold my beer' crowd. She often leaps before thinking, it is probably what got her killed in the first place. Dalisy likes getting her way and isn't afraid to use the knowledge she shouldn't have to get it.
However, if she thinks things through she tends to be logical and methodical. Those are the times she can be even crueler because it becomes 'numbers'.
She is a hot mess, to be as kind as possible. Emotionally, she isn't completely over being dead. Or the things she has seen her alternate selves do. She wants to just get through the afterlife without making things too much worse, but she's too confrontational to not cause some havoc.
Fatal Flaw: Impulsiveness
Habits: Checking in on her sister
Hobbies: Hiking, sparing, playing the Buktot, ax throwing
Fears: - Herself
- The future
- Her sister finding out what happened and never forgiving her
Likes: - Exploring
- People watching
- Swimming
- Playing the Buktot
- The mountains
- Big Dogs (the kind that can kill you with their love)
Dislikes: - Secrets
- Birds (stupid nest outside her childhood bedroom window woke her up too early)
- Being bored
- Being bested in a fight
- Small dogs (like Chihuahuas)
- Being restrained
Demigod Abilities:
- Super-Sense
- Bifrost Control
General Skills:
- Norse Mytholodgy
- Combat first aid
- Art (Drawing)
- Astrology
- Geography
- Music (Buktot)
Combat Skills:
- Longbow
- Longsword
- Ax
- Hand-to-hand
Magic Item:
- Bifrost Channel
- A Longbow, and quiver with unlimited ammo
What Do They Carry On Them: - Clothing - A summer dress, comfy sneakers
- Purse/Wallet - $100 USD, ID,
- A multi-tool
- The Bifrost Channel
- Longsword (disguised)
- Bottle of whatever nail polish she is currently wearing so she can fix the paint job if needed
- Sketchbook, and pencils.
- Touch-up make up.
Possessions In Hotel Room:
- A photograph of of her family at the fair, taken about a week before she died.
- A globe
- Books: Geography, Tagalog (classics and current), Music theory
- A copy of the Poetic Edda
- Buktot
- An arsenal of cute outfits (she has a room dedicated to it)
- Her bathroom is decorated in the Spanish Colionial style with pastels and mint green. Her bedroomroom is pastels and white.
- Make-up, nail polish
- Art table
BiographyDalisy was the oldest child in her sweet family. She was close to her sister, Niah, who was two years younger than her. The pair were the best of friends. Their father never explained who Dalisy's mother was, which made sense when Dalisy found out she didn't actually have a mother. Her childhood made it clear though that there was something special about her, and her sister. Their younger brother seemed to be completely normal. The child of their stepmother. Since Niah liked their new stepmother Dalisy accepted her into the family.
Even though Dalisy was seven years older than Niah they were close like best friends. However, there was always some tension between Dalisy and her father. Even though Niah trusted him, there was something that made Dalisy nervous. It might have been that he had somehow gathered the attention of two gods enough to have children with both, and Dalisy was aware of that since she had less control over her super-sense at the time.
The power grew as she did, but so did her control over it. She and Niah bonded over their strange abilities at a young age. Telling each other secrets. As the time approached for Dalisy to consider college she got frustrated. She didn't want to move so far away that Niah felt like she was being abandoned, but Dalisy was ready to set out for her own future. She had applied to dozens of great Geography schools and was accepted into Clark University. It was while on a trip to the school that she was killed.
There was some heavy confusion about two nearly identical bodies, but neither were identified and so her family was never notified in the Philipines, which is why to this day Niah still hopes her sister is alive.
How Did You Get To Hotel Valhalla: Dalisy died fighting to protect herself, from...herself? As Dalisy tells it someone who looked like an older version of her showed up and asked if she wanted to join forces. She didn't particularly want to leave her sister and told this copy of herself just that. A fight ensued and Dalisy defended herself with an iron pipe she found. It was not enough. Dalisy was able to kill that version of herself, which she figures is what earned her into the Hotel.
Dalisy knows Niah believes she disappeared, but the truth would be much harder for her sister to process so she hadn't reached out to her, even though Niah has joined the Roman Camp Jupiter. Dalisy out of curiosity searched for herself across all the universes and was horrified at the carnage. She, while thankful she didn't join the other Dalisy's, is terrified of what that means about her future. Something invisible even to her.
Theme Song: Beware of Darkness - MuthafuckaExtra Information: Aesir &
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