Time: +2 hrs
Location: Galley & Atrium
If it was possible for robots to be upset this little mop Roomba was. It continued to clean around the android's body.
The abandoned meal stayed on the table.
"I don't think they meant it to be rude." Gordon said as they walked from the Galley to the Atrium.
"So much as they got very excited about what Kyle found. Much like you were excited about that robot." When he stepped into the room his eyes got big and he looked up at the planet in their view.
"I see why they got excited."
Location: Atrium
Skill: N/A
Tessa jogged back rejoining the others near the doors as Ryanor suggested they all cut themselves to prove they were not space androids. Tessa blinked then shrugged. She was fine with it. Interestingly the guy, Luke, looked upset at the prospect. Sophia was offering to go first, which was probably a good idea. Everyone was nervous about her because of what she said before they had known they were in space. Zarina seemed super excited about being cut open. That was even weirder.
Cal seemed to be taking control of trying to calm Vinnie.
"It is the quickest way to discover if one, or all of us, are robots like the one in the Galley. No one is getting dissected, except maybe the one who is already dead." Manny argued with Cal.
"Raynor has a point. We have to know, and this is the easiest way to find out." "Uh," Luke started.
"I think. I don't know if I can." Tessa watched him, and thought for a moment he looked like he was going to pass out.
"Dude, are you okay?" Tessa asked him. He just shook his head.
"I don't know why, but the idea of cutting myself open, even a small nick, is making me really freaked out. I'm worried I'll bleed out." Tessa frowned the guy had to be exaggerating right? A small cut wouldn't cause him to bleed out.
"Are you Hemophiliac?" Manny asked. Luke looked at Manny for a moment. Tessa could almost see the gears turning in his head before he finally nodded. She knew the term and knew that some royalty had hemophilia cause they had been keeping the family tree from branching out too much. Did that mean Luke had royal blood? Or had there just been a few too many inbreeders in his family? Right now there was no way to find out. Luke wouldn't know.
"Yeah. I think that's what it is. My first thought when I woke up was that I was in a hospital for a blood transfusion. And when I dig in my memory I can see that. As if it happened a lot." "Well look at the bright side if you are a space Android you probably aren't a hemophiliac anymore." Manny said with a shrug.
"I'm fine with giving myself a nick to prove I bleed red." There was something about that sentence that felt familiar and she didn't know why. Tessa was comfortable with a small cut though. There was no reason to be doing any autopsy, well except for the dead robot in the other room.
"Zarina mentioned, when you all abandoned her, that there was something about the skin that was different. Not sure I understand it, but maybe that is an option instead of cutting yourself Luke." Gordon offered. Tessa winced at the jab. They had asked her questions and then just left, she mouthed sorry at Zarina. She would have to make it up to the kid later. Luke seemed to be latching onto the idea that he might not have to cut himself.
"I think I can keep him from bleeding out if it comes down to it." Manny said.
"Tessa there were a lot of non-food items in the machine, right? I wonder if there is maybe gauze and stuff too. I'll be right back." He left the room heading back down the hall to the Galley. Tessa wondered something, there had been no doors in the Galley, and no apparent ones here in the Atrium. Her room had been super basic and she assumed everyone else's was too.
"This appears to be a very small ship. Or we have been restricted access to more of it."