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Niah Bautista

Location: Junk Yard - Fargo, North Dakota

Niah took off the armor. She wasn't totally comfortable wearing it, mostly cause it had made her fly uncontrollably for a moment there. She felt better knowing both her feet were staying on the ground for now. She did grin at Mads joke about tying a string to her. "Might have you do that still." She said and started looking around for a bag or something that she could carry the armor in for now. She found one and stuffed the armor in, following the proper procedure of course.

"Okay, we need a pawnshop now." She looked behind the counter and found a phone book. Niah opened it up and searched for pawnshops. There were a few listed. Niah ripped out the page from the phonebook and put it in her pocket. "We're gonna want a ton of rope. Trying to make that secure is going to be rough. You're also going to have to control the mist to keep us from being noticed. I think we should do some low to the ground test flights before taking off to Rushmore."

Time: +4:15 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Atrium
Skill: N/A

"Guess you're right Sophia. Look at the bright side I guess, and not the horrifying possibility that as far as my wife knows I've abandoned her." Kyle's voice was tight and he was still sitting with his head in his hands.

"Let me see your hand kid." Manny told her, Zarina held out her hand. Manny looked at it and took her pulse while counting to himself, then said. "Good news, you don't have hypothermia. However, as your self-appointed doctor, I think it is best you get out for a little bit and warm up before trying back up there again. The blanket is good."

Manny considered the bourbon that Cal was suggesting Zarina drink. He then looked up at the windows showing them the void of space. Manny shrugged. "I wouldn't recommend it, probably best if you drink some hot tea or something. I won't stop you from trying it though. I have a feeling you're going to be determined to try it."

"You can check in the mirror in the bathrooms if you want to verify." Gordon suggested to Vinnie. "I will say though I can kind of see some relation between you two."

"I'm guessing be a cop makes me a responsible adult. I strongly suggest you don't drink that Zarina." Kyle said. He finally stood up and offered his hand to Zarina so she could jump out of the pipe a lot easier.

"While she warms up I'm going to check out the other end of the river. See where it drains." Luke picked up the rope and looked at it confused.

"I'll tie that up for you in a second." Kyle offered.

Location: The street outside George Washington University's Lisner Auditorium -> Starbucks

Andy had been considering the woman with fantastically fluffy hair and her offer. A warm bed? That usually meant a shower. And food. Hot fresh food. Those were all lovely sounding too. She wanted that. Wanted comfort. And her coffee! She remembered that she had set it down to fight the Purifiers. She looked back towards the guy who had been shot, saw her abandoned coffee sitting there.

Andy gathered from the glance that the man had died. Her heart twisted a little at the loss of someone yet again to Purifiers. She hadn't even known the guy, and she was still sad about his death. Andy considered that thought and wondered if that meant she could trust the woman since she had been friends with the man.

Her thought process was cut off abruptly when a young man stepped out of a van. Fire spurted from his hand. It was just a step too far for her. Between the Purifiers and now, there was a fire. Her mind told her how much those flames hurt as they kissed her skin, singing off the hair. Her throat closed up, burning at the memory of trying to breathe flames. Nothing else mattered but getting away.

She spun on her foot and ran into the first building she registered as existing. It was Starbucks. Safety and coffee. Andy ducked into the building. Her brain trying to feed her information on what she might need to get to safety. Importance was not placed on Dr. Watts or his unconscious daughter, who had been the whole reason Andy had gotten involved. Or the bathroom. It was instead placed on the lone cup of hot coffee on the counter.

Andy picked it up and starting sipping. It was hot and burned, which did not help with the panic coursing through her. "Ex-" She coughed. "Excuse me, may I go out the back. There is...chaos that way." She asked the barista, begging them mentally to let them go. She just needed to go.

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Floor 12
Skill: Longbow

Dalisy pulled her feet up and tucked them under so she was in a three-point stance on the seat of the canoe. That kept her feet out of the water and made sure she was balanced enough so she could take a shot at the three Einherjar ladies that had attacked them. The first shot still went wild, the next two found their homes in the women. One killing and knocking the woman out of the boat. The other only hurting her. Dalisy smiled to herself.

She figured Lara would have a harder time with her spear. She might be able to take out the boat itself though. So Dalisy turned and faced the oncoming issues letting Lara handle that as if she was gifting her the others. Though, Dalisy knew that if Lara upstaged her she would be irritated. She wished she had let Lara go first, but it was too late.

"What is it about your face that people are attacking our canoe? Or did they just figure it would be easy since the canoe is older than most people who are enjoying their afterlife?" Dalisy asked over her shoulder. It was mostly directed at Arnora as a joke, but a part of her hoped that Lara would take it wrong and make a big deal out of it.

Location: Upper Deck
Skill: n/a

Andy had asked a fair amount of questions as well. Some answers had been reassuring, others had just made her more confused. She wasn't certain still where she stood with the gods. Andy also wasn't certain if she wanted to stay with the other half-bloods still. Though she couldn't see herself leaving Arthur or Demi.

On the Upper Deck she was prepared for a fight. Andy did raise her hand and asked "What do they look like?" She was nervous about flying the ship into a storm, but if they needed the storm spirits to fly it was better to get them than not. Andy didn't have much fear when it came to fighting monsters. She had been doing it before she had gotten to camp. It had felt like her whole life was fighting.

At least she understood why now, and with that knowledge, she might be able to protect herself better in the future. She was determined. Determined to become a better fighter, and better at using the mist. With all of what she could be potentially, she had a chance to survive.

Location: New Rome - Coffee shop
Skills: n/a

"Thank you Marco." Niah said. She smiled holding her fresh mixed drink. It was best cold during the summer, but the smell was best when the drink was hot. Niah took a deep breath of her tea. It was a relaxing smell, which helped ease her tension a bit. She sat down at the 'reserved' spot. Mads was spot on for what Niah figured of the situation.

"Sounds about right." Her mind was racing as she went over the options and everything that they were facing. "We should figure out who we can take. I know you saw some people in the vision. But is there anyone we should take? Or send on a secondary mission? Are there any details we might need to know?" She figured it would be a good idea to have multiple groups taking on separate tasks that might need to be finished before or while the core group went to New York and down to the pit.

Location: New Rome - Coffee Shop
Skills: n/a

Emily sipped at her drink near the counter. When she realized she could hear the Preator and Niah talking she listened a bit curious what the big issue was. She winced as it became clear what they were talking about. "I'd rather be shoveling Hanible's poop, then deal with what it sounds like the Preator's are dealing with." She shook her head.

Emily had heard enough of the Preator's chatter. She did not like where it was going. Emily moved away out of earshot. She spotted Waves and waved at her. Waverly reminded Emily of herself when she first arrived at Camp Jupiter, minus the dysphoria.

"Hey Waverly." She said. Her usual sunny smile appearing. "How are you?" Waverly was in her cohort, and even though Emily was just a Legionnaire she gave advice to Probatios sometimes. Waverly would be a nice diversion from the chaos that was heading their way.

Location: the Ruins of Attilan

Matt would have been laughing at the absurdity of the situation if it also wasn't an extremely tragic one. He wanted to move to comfort Cass. That was an odd thought. He considered it as Gamora disappeared, and realized what that meant. Well, he'd have to circle back on that one later he decided.

"Uh, Strange, when you say that it isn't working what do you mean since they are leaving?" Matt asked. He was a little concerned that maybe Thanos and his people were going to give them a fake-out and come back and destroy everything cause they felt like it. So far the Secret Warriors were doing okay against the Black Order. They had lost people but they had done significantly more damage to the Black order than they had done to them.

Matt looked at the location where Oliver's LMD had been before Flynn had blown it up. He was a little impressed that it had worked out as well as it had. More surprising they weren't second-guessing why Flynn had done that. Or maybe that was why Strange was saying it didn't work.

Location: The street outside George Washington University's Lisner Auditorium
Skills: Boxing & Electrokinesis

Andy had been ready to throw another punch. She was considering a feint. Sam was well trained she was going to have to step up her fighting. But the lady with really fluffy hair broke his neck. Andy relaxed her stance as the woman asked if she was okay. "Oh, you know, just your average Tuesday. Some new bruises, but nothing is broken."

Andy glanced at the chaos around them. Several of the woman's group were wounded. "You should get your wounded out of here. I can distract the last two Purifiers." Andy looked at the green-haired girl with the sword. "Want to help?" Andy figured the green-haired girl wasn't with the woman since she had seen her outside earlier. She also guessed the green-haired girl was like her and liked to fight. This was when Andy felt most alive.

Andy looked around and saw two standing purifiers. She moved over to them and punched one of them, sparks flickering as her fist connected with the Purifier. They dropped to the ground. She let out a sigh. Her fighting at the shop hadn't included using her electrokinesis, it felt good to let the energy out.

Rose Buckner

Location: The trails

Rose was Sierra had been able to escape, she had felt bad for leaving her behind. In front of her Merlin and a bunch of others coming through a portal were appearing. She had noticed that parking was the Pendragon woman. Rose sighed, at least they had backup. She noticed that Cassiopeia was with the group. That made things interesting. She hung up the phone since Merlin was already there. Rose caught her breath as she joined Merlin and his growing group of fairytale children.

"Hey, thanks for coming. She was trying to get us to join her. She started a fire." Rose didn't want to go over the whole string of bad luck that had led them to this moment. Rose smiled at Willow and then at her long time friend Cass. "Good choice of a ranger. Got an extra bow?" Rose would feel more comfortable with a weapon and bows were her weapon of choice.

Colby Jackson

Location: Merlin's warehouse -> Trail head

"Thanks." Colby said to Layla. He held the knife uncertain. He had never fought with one before. He sighed and found a place to store it on his belt. Colby stepped through the portal and joined the others. He noticed that it was Pandora with Maleficient. Part of him was not surprised. Pandora had always given him evil-vibes. They had had their respect for each other and kept out of the hair of the other.

"Hey Pandora, long time no see. You in the woods doing an evil seance or something?" He asked with a grin and walking toward her. He hoped he could chat with her long enough to distract her so someone could shoot her with an arrow or maybe Merlin could magic them to sleep? The lack of planning was not fantastic. "We just heard there was a party going on and wanted to check it out." He grinned at Pandora.

Location: the Ruins of Attilan
Skills: Jack-of-all-trades [Guns], Specialization in Guns [Hand guns] & Weapon Proficiency, Hand-to-hand & Paralysis Inducement

What the hell? Raptors? How had Oliver gotten his hand on Raptors? And of course, he didn't have control of them, so they were attacking the group instead of the enemy. If Matt wasn't dealing with Proxima Midnight, he might have been horrified. He didn't even want to think about the fact that Tinley was dead now since Lazer-eyes had shot her head off. He had respected her; she was the reason he had requested to join Secret Warriors. The green-skinned woman tried to attack Cass, but she could handle herself. Cass was a verified BAMF in Matt's mind. Bonnie took down the blue-skinned woman; Bonnie was another verified BAMF. Maybe there was a chance the group could survive this.

Proxima Midnight was threatening him and asking for last words. Matt didn't have any planned, so he didn't say anything. He fired two shots. One hit her leg and took out her knee, the other went wide and missed her. This wasn't working. The woman was too determined, and now with the Raptors, they needed fewer enemies on the field.

Matt moved into hand-to-hand combat reach with her, closing the distance between them, and reached out to touch her. That was all he needed to do for his power to work, which was probably a good thing. He felt the energy leave him and enter Proxima Midnight; he sent a lot more than he would normally. Proxima Midnight dropped to the ground. She wasn't breathing, and it was apparent her heart had stopped beating as the blood from her neck wound was no longer spurting out. 'Well, she's not bleeding out anymore cause that requires a heartbeat,' Matt thought. He felt guilty for the use of his power; it was more potent than he liked. He hated doing that and killing people, but she would have done her best to kill him if he had allowed her to keep fighting. "Maybe next time don't pick a fight with a guy with the gun? Or attack and not chat? Not sure which was your fatal mistake there." Matt said to her corpse.

He noticed the spear that Oliver had had earlier in her hands and, on some instinctual level, knew he would know how to work it if he held it. Matt picked it up. His exposure to the mist on the moon their first time here had caused him to go through terrigenesis a second time. Matt didn't know the name of the power that he gained from it, but it was clear what it did. He now knew intrinsically how weapons worked. He just had to hold them. "Oh, neat." He turned to face Oliver. "Hey, maybe come up with better plans, ones that don't involve Raptors in space!"

Time: +4 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Atrium
Skill: N/A

Tessa stayed away from the opening of the river. She was impressed with Zarina's willingness to climb in and start checking it out. Tessa figured it just led up into a vat of water. There probably was a filtration system of some sort too.

"Wait, what about where the water exits." She pushed herself away from the tree and started following the river downstream. It ended eventually in a pond, but it couldn't be a closed system, if it was that meant that the water would just be flooding the room. "Luke, you can swim, right? Like you're good at it, you said you had the swimmers cap in your room."

"I'm fairly confident about it yeah. Why?"

"Zarina is going against the current. What would happen if we went with it? That pipe probably leads to a vat of water that is processed from the water that is coming from this pool. Right?" Tessa looked helpless thinking. Noah joined them.

"I don't think you're wrong. Let Zarina see what she can discover. If the water pressure is too much we can try this direction, but it might be a completely closed loop. However, in space water is extremely valuable. It is possible whoever we are dealing with has figured out a way to synthesize it."

"Synthesized what?" Luke asked. Tessa was wondering as well.

"Water." Noah said. He shrugged and then walked back to the mouth of the river. "How is she doing?"

For Zarina she would catch in the flash of the light another grate up ahead, it would be a struggle going against the water though, she would also hear Raynor's message over the radio. She would not be able to tell if the grate in front of her was screwed in from this side or the other side.

To Vinnie Manny said "Blowing stuff up is a lot harder than just some alcohol. Especially if it is metal like this is." He said holding up the grate. He sighed when she started going off. With Cal's revelation that Vinnie the girl made more sense and he relaxed his shoulders a bit. "Okay, can we calm down a bit? However, a blow torch or something might help. Though not sure how I feel about giving a blowtorch to a teen."

"I-" Kyle started to say and then he sat down holding his head. "Oh, oh boy. Okay. I just have a lot of memories suddenly. I do climb, competitively for fun. I also am a cop and work with Interpol. My wife, she was the one I remembered with the lizard. She really likes lizards. That's her thing."
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