Rose Buckner
Location: The warehouse -> Camelot
"Thank you, Merlin." It felt ridiculous as she said his name. Like it was some fake name. She couldn't quite believe it completely still. She had seen some weird stuff but it felt like a really elaborate prank so far. When the cop lady mentioned that people were going to start filing missing person reports about them Rose frowned. She didn't want the Buckners to think she had been kidnapped so she sent them a quick text. "I'm okay, but I found a lead about my birth parents and I'm going to check it out. I'll try to contact you soon, but I don't think my phone will have a signal. Love you both and thank you." It wasn't much. She should call them, but she wanted what was on the other side of the portal too much.
"Trust me I always want to flirt with your sister more." Rose said grinning at Layla. She followed after Sierra through the portal into her homeworld. And home felt like the right word. The trees and the world fit in with the little bit of memory she had from before the Buckners had found her. She had repressed a lot of them, but she remembered telling them about how everything seemed to be alive. She remembered her mother and the wolf protecting her. Maybe in the real version of the little red riding hood, the wolf became friends with the kid who would grow up to become her mother. How odd was that thought?
But for all of the correct-ness of this wood, it wasn't the right one. It was close, but this wasn't the one the cottage from her memory was. She didn't feel like if she walked just the right path she'd find it and smell cookies baking, but it was close. Closer than she had ever been in her whole life to finding the right woods.
Colby Jackson
Location: The warehouse -> Camelot
There was a good spread of fairy tale kids. A part of Colby felt bad for leaving Pandora behind. She hadn't been a friend, but she had been interesting. He lifted his chin as he stepped through the portal. He never made a call or left a text for anyone. Only the note for his roommates would tell the world what he had gotten involved in. Colby didn't care. He was happy to be leaving this place. Happy that he had Matthew going with him.
Once they were through the portal he looked around taking in the view. They were in a wood. This wasn't the wood of Wonderland though. Wonderland was too non-sensical for this wood to be the right place, which made sense. Camelot was traditionally part of England. Wonderland was a different world entirely. Full of strange creatures and plants.
Colby had already introduced himself so he didn't bother to do it again, and he decided he'd let Matthew introduce himself. What was interesting to Colby though was all these kids had at one point been to the same orphanage, how odd was it then that they didn't really remember each other. It made sense for Colby as he was one of the younger people in the group. He had been barely a toddler when he had been adopted, but some of them were much older. Like Rose looked like she was mid-twenties. Did she remember a young Matthew desperate to be adopted and leaving him behind?