Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie
Rose smirked at Layla and when Cassie kissed her she sunk into the kiss. Savoring it. She didn't want it to end. But it did, as all good things do. She rested her forehead on Cassie's.
"That's a date then." She smiled. Pulling back from the embrace. The public show of affection didn't bother her.
She rocked back on her heels, let out a sigh, and then nodded. Ready. She followed Cassie through the portal and back the way they had come before. Hopefully, their secret entrance was still unguarded. Rose doubted it though. They had left the same way and had not left subtlety.
Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team
Skills: Magic
Colby awkwardly reached back and hugged Maddie. Then he turned around so he could hug him properly.
"I will. The same goes for you. And make sure they don't do anything stupid with that lamp." No consensus had been made or even attempted to devise the exact phrasing of how to get the genie to help. Colby didn't trust that. Hopefully, it was the Robin Williams type of Genie, not something more sinister. At least Merlin seemed to think it was since he had mentioned to free the Genie with the wish.
"I've got a great plan too." Colby grinned. He was going to teleport around the field and send blasts of fire at the enemy. He couldn't be pinned down if he did that. It wouldn't be easy. And Colby had a feeling he'd wear out quickly doing both. But if he was smart about it he could have swaths of the enemy taken out and a huge amount of distraction accomplished. And the enemy might think there was more than one mage on their side. That would hopefully be a morale destroyer. And if you destroy the morale of the enemy that's half the fight.
Colby released Maddie from the hug and headed for the portal.
"See ya after the fight okay." He smiled his lopsided grin and hurried through joining the distraction team. Colby shook his head. Didn't they know catapults were for attacking a castle not defending it? All well those would make for good targets for his fireballs.
He summoned a fireball hitting one of the catapults, but it didn't even catch fire. That was annoying. He tried to hit it again but missed this time. Next, Colby did the next step in his plan and cast the teleport spell on himself. Transporting himself from one end of the field to the other, staying on their side of the battlefield, but now in a different location.