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Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Electrokinesis, Boxing, Kickboxing
Wearing: rubber suit under uniform

Andy's head had cleared a bit. The seething anger and hatred had stopped boiling inside her a bit. Gideon had asked for her help, but there were people over by their hostage. She was torn, but that hatred boiled up again. What was it about Megan?

Ignoring the situation with the hostage, or rather forgetting about the problem. Andy tries to punch Megan again. This time she is pushed back, her punch missing too. Infuriated Andy steps in closer and kicks with all her might into Megan's stomach letting off a blast of electricity at the same time.

[hider]If attacked Andy would like to use the attack against the attacker and try for a touch and electrical blast.[/color]

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo
Skills: Magic

Ed froze when the Indigenous woman called out a name. His eyes went to the only unknown person on the field that wasn't a fiend. The face was familiar. The name was familiar. That was his (step-) daughter. He touched his pocket where a candy bracelet sat. It had only been a few hours for him, she was almost 3 for him. But here she was, a fully grown adult.

"Mads." He whispered. She would not be hurt. Not here. Not under his watch. Something was going on with the others. Ed wasn't certain, but it was time for him to do something. He flicked his right hand and then his left hand in quick succession. Those who had worked with him before would recognize the movement. His force blasts. Normally these were blasts that could knock an opponent back, or a projectile from the air. However, this time the orange light was thin. Almost invisible and it cut through a swath of the demons. Each wrist flick had killed five of the fiends. It was not enough.

Ed ran forward stopping next to Madalyne. Something was wrong with her. If the newcomer woman was right, she was under some sort of control (other than Prudence's), and Ed figured she would. The sweet child he knew...she wouldn't attack like this. He slowly reached out to touch her shoulder. Theoretically, he could have healed her from a distance, with the bracelet. It was hers, it would have her DNA on it, but from here he could protect her better.

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)
Skills: Magic (shield & healing)

Ed watched the camera feed a bit. The newcomer seemed a bit frazzled to him. At least he wasn't acting aggressive. Mary asked the same question he was wondering. Though the man wasn't actively aggressive, he was nervous about them.

Then there was water coming under the door. Ed sighed and tried to put up a shield to stop water from coming under the door. There was still some water seeping through some cracks. He reinforced his shield. If this guy was an architect on the ship he might be able to help them find a way out. They still needed to meet up with the others. But at least at the moment, they weren't dead. And Ed hadn't missed that Magneto had taken off his helmet. Maybe the guy had turned over a new leaf? Is that who Max had meant when he said they had run into someone who was acting nice? That seemed likely since Max was with Lance...and Lance wasn't putting weight on his legs. That probably meant he was really the one who had broken his legs.

"And if you aren't thinking of how to kill us when we aren't looking, maybe you can help us meet back up with our friends and get off this rock. Uh...No offense to your design, but we don't really want to be here." He asked and tapped the vial with Lance's name on it.

He watched the video and could see the orange glow of his magic wrap around Lance's legs. He wasn't certain how much better that was for Lance, but hopefully, he'd be able to stand now.

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent’s Castle - Team Genie

Rose smirked at Layla and when Cassie kissed her she sunk into the kiss. Savoring it. She didn't want it to end. But it did, as all good things do. She rested her forehead on Cassie's. "That's a date then." She smiled. Pulling back from the embrace. The public show of affection didn't bother her.

She rocked back on her heels, let out a sigh, and then nodded. Ready. She followed Cassie through the portal and back the way they had come before. Hopefully, their secret entrance was still unguarded. Rose doubted it though. They had left the same way and had not left subtlety.

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower -> Maleficent’s Castle - Distraction Team

Colby awkwardly reached back and hugged Maddie. Then he turned around so he could hug him properly. "I will. The same goes for you. And make sure they don't do anything stupid with that lamp." No consensus had been made or even attempted to devise the exact phrasing of how to get the genie to help. Colby didn't trust that. Hopefully, it was the Robin Williams type of Genie, not something more sinister. At least Merlin seemed to think it was since he had mentioned to free the Genie with the wish.

"I've got a great plan too." Colby grinned. He was going to teleport around the field and send blasts of fire at the enemy. He couldn't be pinned down if he did that. It wouldn't be easy. And Colby had a feeling he'd wear out quickly doing both. But if he was smart about it he could have swaths of the enemy taken out and a huge amount of distraction accomplished. And the enemy might think there was more than one mage on their side. That would hopefully be a morale destroyer. And if you destroy the morale of the enemy that's half the fight.

Colby released Maddie from the hug and headed for the portal. "See ya after the fight okay." He smiled his lopsided grin and hurried through joining the distraction team. Colby shook his head. Didn't they know catapults were for attacking a castle not defending it? All well those would make for good targets for his fireballs.

He summoned a fireball hitting one of the catapults, but it didn't even catch fire. That was annoying. He tried to hit it again but missed this time. Next, Colby did the next step in his plan and cast the teleport spell on himself. Transporting himself from one end of the field to the other, staying on their side of the battlefield, but now in a different location.

Location: Labyrinth

Andy was getting a bit of a stitch in her side. She saw Madalyne give a jewel to Mary and her lip trembled. She still clutched the sword, like it was a life preserver. Mads had erected a shield of sorts, and Mary found a staircase for them to climb. It was going to be hard going, but they had to. Had to keep going.

She started running up the stairs, trying to be careful. Her breathing was labored and the stitch in her side got worse. But they had to escape. Had to get the sword out of there. Her vision dimmed and all she could see was the next step she took. Going as fast as she could. Up and away from the monsters.

Location: Taxi

Niah nodded at Persephone's answer about why she was joining them. That made sense. And it also was a terrifying prospect. They were in serious trouble if a goddess themself showed up and was ready to fight. She chewed on her lip.

"It's been five years. She was older than me. I don't know if we have the same mother. I think if she is in your husband's domain she is in Elysium." Niah hoped she was. If that's what the vision was she really hoped so. "I saw her with some friends." Niah frowned. She had never had a vision before, but it was strange to have it and then immediately meet basically the perfect person to ask about it. "They were having some sort of feast in a giant hall."

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

Ed let those with computer skills figure out what they could on the computers. What Flynn told them was terrifying. Cortez could have killed them if he had overdone it. Though, among mutants that wasn't all that unusual he supposed. Death was always flitting around them. He turned to start to ask Mary a question when Max's voice came into his head.

He frowned. He hated that. People invading his mind. His family trained against it. But Max had only seemed to get there a little bit. Whatever message he was trying to relay came in bits and pieces. The important part was that someone was hurt. Max's message was garbled enough that he had no idea who was injured. He wished that Annie was there so that she could give him help with guessing who it might be.

"Max just told me that he has met up with some others. Someone is being unexpectedly friendly and someone is hurt. The message came in a garbled mess. Apparently, he doesn't know that I am resistant to telepaths." Ed shrugs, "He is asking if I can heal the person from afar. Theoretically, I could, if I knew who it was." He hadn't ever tried to heal someone that wasn't in eyesight. He couldn't think of a reason for it to not work though. So he just had to guess who was hurt and hoped it worked.

Ed thought for a moment and narrowed it down to Lance, Guin, and Jaclyn. He didn't have any hair from Jaclyn so he couldn't heal her. But the other two he could. He reached into his pocket and tapped the two vials that had been neatly labeled Guin and Lance. Guin would feel a warmth spreading from the top of her head down to her toes and she felt back at 100% suddenly. Lance would feel the same thing, though he did not get back to 100%. He might be able to walk, but it wasn't recommended. For those watching they'd see an orange light emanate from the tops of their heads and surround them before disappearing. The color of the light was easy to associate with Ed. It was the color of all his magic.

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo
Skills: Magic

Ed didn't respond to Prudence. Not right away. He watched as Runa and Max floated to the top of the cliff, and then turned to Prudence. His face was that of someone who knew their death would come soon, and it would not be a kind one.

"Nothing we ever do will be enough. There will always be someone who wants to take from you." This man had known death and had lost loved ones. He had once shielded his heart from caring again, but that had not worked. Now he found himself here.

He waved his hand, and a small platform appeared. It was not big enough for even one of them, maybe 4 inches in diameter. He held up his other hand and after placing both hands together he pulled them apart. The shield expanded some. It wasn't large, but it was big enough. He stepped onto it and offered his hand to the indigenous woman; he did not offer a hand to Prudence. Once all who cared to join him on the platform were on it; he raised it up to the top of the cliff.

"More demons." It was interesting that it was another Sorcerer Supreme leading them. What a choice. Ed prepared himself.

Location: Gym - Training Room C
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Electrokinesis, Boxing
Wearing: rubber suit under uniform

Andy felt type-casted. She wondered if the others felt the same. And of course, there was that girl, Megan, god she wanted to punch her face. Maybe if her mom asked for a virginal sacrifice again she'd see if she fit the bill. Mads had suggested the team break up and tackle different people. Andy didn't know enough about the other students to have an idea of what to do. Mary Sue put a barrier around their 'victim' and was fighting the siren. It'd be so easy to just zap Megan, she had a sword even. That had to be conductive. Can't fight with something that keeps electrocuting you. Maybe they should have looked up the other students they might go up against and considered tactics. Something to keep in mind for next year or round or whatever Andy supposed. Her attention was still on Megan.

It wasn't that she was ignoring Mads' suggestion. It was just that Megan was so...punchable. She pulled at the electricity within her and shot it at Megan, she missed wildly. That was fine, she wasn't one to be deterred easily. She threw another bolt at Megan, this one struck the sword but did not travel it. This was stupid.

Andy stalked over to where Megan was and just decked her. She didn't even power it. Just punched her. That felt good. The crunch of Megan's nose breaking was satisfying too. She hoped that didn't count against her, but she honestly didn't care.

Rose Buckner

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Rose smiled. "Yeah." She nodded. She was a bit scared though. This was going to be a big fight. The skirmishes she had been fine with. Those had been small groups. This would be a whole lot of people. Rose didn't have stage fright or anything. She enjoyed public speaking and performing. Especially with stuff like her archery.

She also had come to realize she didn't care if she killed someone. That didn't bother her. She wondered if part of her still saw this all as a story. That killing here didn't really count. But that wasn't true. Not really. She knew though that Maleficent and her people were planning on attacking Kansas. Stupid really. But Kansas couldn't hold up against magic. A lot of people would die if that happened. Even if the attack eventually failed. The US would be difficult to take down really. So she put aside her concerns and thought of a few people back in Kansas that she wanted to make sure were safe from this.

She gathered armor and arrows for herself. Helping Cassiopeia as she needed. Rose was a bit worried about her going out into a battle injured. But she didn't say anything it was Cass's choice. "I just hope we can stop this once and for all."

Colby Jackson

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Colby rolled his eyes. He actually knew how to fistfight. God knew he had been in enough. But he honestly did not care at this point. He just wanted to get this whole thing over with. He wanted to not be fighting. He wanted to just be able to live.

He leaned against Maddie and then jumped up and started getting ready. He got his cat Silky, the magic one, not the mundane one from home. Though he gave Jackson Galaxy some love too. He figured having the magic cat with him on 'team cause a distraction' would be great. Colby also got some light armor, it covered his torso, it wasn't a lot, but it was better than nothing.

Ed Penior

Location: Limbo

Ed wanted to ask Max some questions. Wanted the easy friendship that had taken months to form but had lasted. Jokes over Dungeons and Dragons. Chatting about magic. But all he could bring himself to do was nod, not even the smile he wanted to give him. As it felt like a countdown timer that he had known about since the day he met Max was clicking down the last minutes, hours if he was lucky.

He didn't even let Prudence's prickly comments bother him. The shield had been his main weapon for his whole life. His family didn't kill with magic. None of his spells should be able to. But he had had ideas since he had been in an alternate reality and met a broken version of himself. A version that had been willing to break the family laws.

And Ed knew that this place would be where he broke them.

He would ensure the world was safe for his children.

The 5 of them were soon at the base of the mountain. He considered offering to carry Runa, or put her on a shield and let her float up the mountain. He decided he'd wait. If she started to fall behind and stumble he would. He wouldn't leave her behind. He needed at least one person who knew him beside him.
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