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Je suis un homme qu'adorer le RPG, jeux vidéo, et histoire. Si vous veux jeux avec moi, envoye un PM en RPGuild et Discord.

If you can read that. Then as long as I have time. I'm happy to Roleplay with you. I'm okay with my French, but don't expect a Masters Thesis level of French from me.

I'm also cool with Roleplaying in English though!

Most Recent Posts

The Gyaru looked at both the potion and the rifle, deeply fascinated by both finds and all but gushing at how they looked. The potion, while she could not feel its inherent mana, is practically glowing for all intents and purposes, something that catches Mitsuko’s attention. Before she could explain what it is though, Cynthia opened the bottle and, much to the girl’s surprise, started drinking it. “Ah…” She said, looking at the Lizard woman drinking the elixir, Cynthia was about to drop the bottle when Mitsuko picked it up from her and read the label. “Hmmm… Ki-enhancing elixir, will increase Ki by tenfold, do not consume elixir more than 3 times a day. Side effects of excessive usage include skin irritation, coughing blood, elevated heart rate, and death. Well. I think that settles it then.”

She went and grabbed another elixir bottle and gave it to Illistriana once more. “Yeah, just be careful with this stuff, this thing enhances your Mana tenfold for a period of time, and… actually, I think I want to grab some myself. Sun spells are taxing, to say the least of it, and I probably need this more than most people.”

“Oh, and Ki means Mana in my language, just in case you’re curious.”

After procuring a healthy amount of elixirs (she grabbed 3), she then went to Shin’za and inspected the rifle he was holding. The girl noticed that there is a firing range when they were looking around for the exit, and motioned Shin’za to follow her. “Alright, so… if I get this, you put this magazine into this slot right here.” She said, slotting the magazine in. “And then you power it up with your own mana, like so.”

Mitsuko can feel the rifle sucking her own energy as she focused mana onto her hands that held the rifle, and the mechanisms of the rifle channeling her Mana into its inner workings. “Now, let’s see how this bad boy rips!”

Switching to semi-auto, the woman pulled the trigger and a unique sound came out of the rifle, she then switched to full auto, and the unique sound repeated in intensity, the woman then motioned Shin’za to look at the concrete wall at the end of the shooting range, and both individuals can see the bullets have pierced through the concrete and revealed the steel reinforcements inside it. “Let’s just say it will be very hard for me to create a spell powerful enough to pierce that much concrete in such a short amount of time. Also.” She handed Shin’za a couple more magazines. “Found these, use them wisely, you don’t wanna be wasting these things since I don’t think there are manufactories anymore in this world.”

She then handed the rifle to Shin’za and proceeded to address the group, the woman was sure everyone has gathered even more equipment now, and she was pretty sure Cynthia doesn’t need a guide to wield a Katana, right? Right!. “Alright! I think that’s everything we’ve gathered in this abandoned facility, now, do you wanna see what Tokyo looks like? Well, wait no further, for Here. We. Go!”

She pushed the doors and the gang was greeted with a ruined metropolis. The sky was grey, the buildings are all crumbling, and there was no sign of life anywhere in this dead city, Mitsuko’s anticipation turned to disappointment once she sees the ruined capital of her country. “Well, this is a ruined world, I just thought that the sky would look a little bit more… blue y’know? Well, whatever. We have a job to do, and I know the way to the Imperial Palace, so let’s go.”

She lead the group and walked through an abandoned rail line, the signs all leading to Tokyo Station. “In my world, this is the largest city in the world. Some… 37 million people lived here, you can get food from any culture of the world here, and these metal things you see we’re walking on? These are guidelines for things we call trains, iron-linked carriages that can carry hundreds of people throughout the city. Let’s just say that my first experience in Tokyo was very hectic, but Amaterasu lives here so I need to take the Shinkansen sometimes to-”

The woman motioned the group to stop. Grabbing her bag and unfurling her Khukri. “Everyone.” She whispered, “Ready your weapons. Shit!”

Mitsuko can see a lone figure standing a couple of feet from her, an imposing man wearing traditional samurai armour, horns, and everything. Everything was coloured black and Mitsuko can see him unfurling a Nodachi from his back. “I think that’s Hachiman.” She whispered to the group. “The god of warriors and of war, if he’s here… then.”

The man then charged the group, Mitsuko could see the enchantments he has made to both his armour and his sword, and barely dodged the cleave from his Nodachi, its impact leaving a slicing mark on the train tracks and beyond. “Fuck! Don’t get caught in his sword! If he cuts you it’s all over, that sword can slice through ANYTHING, I know those spells like the back of my mind, and, sunova-”

Hachiman then proceeded to swing his sword straight to Mitsuko’s torso, intending to slice the woman clean in two, and she channeled all her mana into a localized shield spell to protect the side that will be initially impacted, and it barely protected her. Only through a herculean effort on her side to keep feeding the shield mana can she keep herself from being sliced in two, but in her focus, she didn’t notice the feet that quickly approached her stomach and landed, the woman lost all air in her lungs for a moment and was flung from the railway tracks and onto the road below it. Mitsuko’s impact created a small crater on the road.

“Most impressive.” The samurai said. Jumping down to the road below the elevated railway. “Are you an apprentice of Amaterasu? That type of quick thinking and… generous use of Ki is always her signature fighting style. I will admit, I have never won a duel against her, but a champion that can only channel a 20th of her skill and power? Well, perhaps I can handle that.”

“Ugh. urk.” Mitsuko coughed a bit. “A little bit of help here? I… I don’t think I can defeat this guy alone.”

@Martian@King Cosmos

The next morning came early for Madeleine. She woke up around 6 AM, fully expecting this day to be as productive as the last one, nay, probably even more so than yesterday. She knew they would be going into the compound, probably heavily armed, and potentially asking a ton of questions to the people in this cult thing.

And right now she is currently waiting for both Morgana and Xaviron to arrive. And soon enough, arrive they did.

“Hey!” The Demoness greeted. “I think you know what we’re gonna do here right? We will be going into the compound where those cultists were and perhaps extracting some information regarding the connection between Morgana’s witch coven, Mr. X, the Abomination, and our deceased ‘friend’ Mr. Raimund. Don’t worry about finding the lodge. I made a request to all offices in Germany to search for a cultist lodge and they found the location just 30 minutes ago. It’s somewhere in the Black Forest, the forensic accounting team discovered a bunch of transactions between this ‘company’ so to say, and a bank account located in Newcastle, so I am pretty certain it’s here.”

“So, shall we pay this lodge a visit? I need to bring a certain uhh… equipment just in case things go badly.”

And so she left, the Demon quickly beelining to the armory and returning with a rifle that simultaneously looks old and new at the same time. “I made this myself, went to a certain Italian company, and borrowed their workshops for a short time, I think it’s in… the late 1800s? Definitely after the Franco-Prussian war. Ah, gotta love Beretta.”

The demon then poured some mana into the rifle. Making the circular thing light up in response. “Fires simple magic bolts, but it fires at such velocity it can pierce through Ceramic armour, also leaves a nice hole as that bolt explodes with raw mana upon penetrating a certain amount of flesh. It’s always a nasty sight, so any bastard that gets hit by this rifle always drops dead. Isn’t it nice?” She asked, smiling. “That Greatsword I used was more of a last resort, didn’t expect those cultists to arrive so shortly, this is my typical weapon when I’m on a mission.”

Slinging it on her back, she then looked at both Xaviron and Morgana. “So, ready to go? Already packed your things?”


The car Amanda managed to procure slid off the parking lot, with the Android quickly exiting and unfurling her giant axe as she looked at the Apartment Block in front of her. She saw the rest of her team coming out of the car and nodded in appreciation. “Alright.” She said. “Let's keep this tight okay? Faye, I want you to teleport any grenade they throw at us out of sight. Micheal, just do whatever it is you do with the spirits and make sure to not get shot, Scarlet, I want you to provide covering fire, just use your sniper rifle and make sure the enemy is pinned. Myself, Faye, and Micheal will be doing the clearing in the building.”

And just as the Android finished saying that. A stray bullet caught her head, scrapping off her cheeks and revealing the metal underneath her ‘skin’. “Fuck.” Amanda replied. and subsequently used her Axe’s large size to block any further bullets that came flying from the Apartment. “Micheal, Faye, on me!!”

Amaterasu was fascinated by the way everyone was busy preparing themselves for the coming fight. It truly is a sight to behold when people from completely different cultures and worlds prepare for something they know is very important. Some champions even decided to return to their own universes and grab equipment there, and some champions talked with their gods in order to steel themselves for the coming fight.

Mitsuko however, has a unique form of preparation that she has rarely seen in people.

She’s meditating.

The woman she chose to be her champion has decided to choose meditation as her way of preparing. All the ornaments she would usually wear on the outside are thrown away and put aside. Her hair is fully let loose, and Amaterasu could feel the sheer concentration MItsuko’s putting on her mind by meditating. The goddess could only wonder what her champion is thinking.

Still, everytime Mitsuko meditates before the battle. They have always won the fight afterward, there is something about Mitsuko after she meditated that allows her to have a very powerful intuition when it comes to battle, perhaps a good omen? Perhaps…

“I’m ready.” Mitsuko said. Opening her eyes and looking at her deity. “Ikimashou, Amaterasu-Sama.”

Ah, those eyes, the eyes of someone completely at peace with themselves. Almost emotionless, a couple of steps before her stare is completely indistinguishable from a robot. A sign that she is in full concentration.


“Alright!” Amaterasu said. “Everyone, gather around. I trust that you’ve been good champions and gathered sufficient materials for this quest. Don’t worry, I don’t think this battle would last long at all, maybe a week at most. Mitsuko, are you ready?”

“Yeah, just give me a moment.” She replied, tying her hair and gathering all the stuff she has, before nodding. “Yeah, ready.”

“Alright then.”

The Japanese deity concentrated some magic into a certain area. She has been training for this exact scenario for years at this point, and she knows the pinpoint location where the party would have the smallest chance of being detected. And when the portal slowly opened, a small rift in reality stabilized by Amaterasu’s own mana, she knows that the party could step over and finish the job she couldn’t do herself. “Portal’s open. You will be in an underground area just to be safe but don’t worry, I’m pretty sure that there are doors that will allow you to go to the surface, just follow the direction to the Imperial Palace after that.”

Mitsuko nodded and was the first to take the plunge. But not before hugging her deity and saying her farewells. “Don’t worry Ama-chan. I will make sure this world will rest after all the chaos your alter-ego has wrought upon it.” And then jumped into the abyss. The rest of the champions followed suit, and soon enough, the door was closed.

Amaterasu then looked at the rest of the deities gathered around. Knowing their first concern and addressing it immediately. “Don’t worry, I have a link with Mitsuko and she only need to call me mentally in order for me to reopen the portal. They won’t be stranded there without some way to go back.”

“Anyway… do you have an idea of what to do now? Maybe we can talk about our worlds?” She offered. “I’m sure each of your worlds will have something worth talking over.”

The portal that Mitsuko leaped through led the party into some form of an underground facility, Mitsuko knew the moment she feasted her eyes upon the sight that it was some sort of research facility, but she didn’t know what this facility was for.

“Hmm… interesting.” She pondered, taking into account her surroundings, the faded metal, the charred away signs, and of course the lab equipment all strewn around the floor. She then looked at the party she was accompanied by and knew they were as confused as she was.

They exited the room they were teleported to and walked the corridors, some of them pointed to ‘enchantment research’, and ‘thaumatological conceptual studies’. Ah, definitely magical research in nature. But it was until the group stumbled into the sign that indicated where they are that Mitsuko’s eyes widened.

Either her deity is mad for teleporting her here, or she is wise beyond her years, and Mitsuko knew to choose the latter than the former.

Imperial Japanese Army magical research facility, Keio University Yagami Campus.

“Ah, so this is an underground military research facility. And…” Mitsuko concentrated for a short while. “Yep, magically protected to prevent detection. Our enemies should not know where we are right now, but the moment we step out of… that door.” She pointed at the door in front of her. “They would immediately know our location, I have no doubt Amaterasu would send her minions to do her dirty work, so just prepare yourself for the worst once we exit.”

“In the meantime, why don’t we scavenge some materials in this university complex? This is a dedicated research facility for developing magical weapons, I have no doubt about it. So they should be working once you laid your hands on them, just feed them mana and they should have a devastating effect once you fire them. I’ll tell you how to work the weapons once you show them to me, okay?”

“Or perhaps, you want to step out of that door and brace for the worst? I wouldn’t recommend it, my deity opened the portal right here for a good reason y’know.”
@Martian. Accepted, I only ask that you post after we arrive in the first world. To make his entrance all that more grand.

With the introductions finished, and Amaterasu feeling confident that the group can progress forward. She decided to discuss the plan to hopefully seal this phenomenon away. She doesn’t fully understand what this calamity is doing, but the sun goddess knows that they plan on spreading their taint into many worlds, and there are 4 key worlds that they will need to reclaim in order to seal the taint on reality for the foreseeable future.

“Alright then. Since everyone has gotten to know each other, I feel that we need to discuss this Nirvana anomaly.” Amaterasu said, snapping her fingers before a massive metallic table is summoned into the center. “Don’t worry, that is just me summoning something from my pocket dimension.”

The table then proceeded to light up, the extremely complex electronics and chips inside the table processing terabytes of information, eventually resulting in a 3D projection from the table’s screen upwards. “We know there is one massive anomaly in the center of… well, the space between universes. As you can see in the hologram.” She pointed at a white object in the center of the projection. “And they are tainting different universes across realities with the hopes of eventually consuming all of reality. Well, through a ton of research from myself, our fellow deities present here, as well as the OMR on my earth. We’ve found out that there are 4 key universes that are the main ‘staging grounds’ for this anomaly to spread its taint. And we will send you to one of these realities for now.”

“Don’t worry, even just reclaiming one of these realities from corruption is going to significantly hamper the expansion, and all you need to do is to just destroy the one thing that is the key of mainttaining the corruption in that world. It can be an object, a person, a corrupted deity, as long as you killed them? The world should return to normal, although I do feel kinda sad that we can’t revert the damage already wreaked though. Bah! A project for another time perhaps, right?”

She might sound optimistic, but in truth, the moment Amaterasu made that realization, that the worlds corrupted by the taint will have to recover manually, that there is no magical reset to their situation, fills her with a kind of depression she has rarely encountered. The type of depression seeing her people just after Japan surrendered feels like, the depression where you know there’s a long road ahead for these people, but… you can’t do anything to alleviate their woes and suffering.

No, she mustn’t dwell on that too much. She has a mission to complete.

“Alright, so the first world we will be going is… oh shit.” Amaterasu looked at the world, and her face paled at what this world has in store for her.

“We will be going to a… universe where… my country… won the world wars.” She said. Her voice dropping like lead as she finished that sentence. “Uhh, Mitsuko? Can you take over for a moment? You’ve already read the briefing right?”

The former criminal knew what Amaterasu was experiencing, and nodded, Amaterasu herself found a chair to sit down on, and contemplate the dark future she could’ve led her country, nay, her world should they win. Her face, if anyone dares to look at it, looks grim, like seeing a newborn child being killed in the face of their mother.

“Alright, so… things might get a little bit heavy here, but… this is a universe where Japan uhh, won the second world war. In the reality where I live. My country once embarked on a campaign of territorial conquest some 70 years ago, our fellow countrymen conducted atrocities and brutalities among our neighboring countries, and we got rightfully defeated by a coalition of nations. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki got completely obliterated by a… uhh, I guess the closest analogy you have is an incredibly powerful spell? One that can destroy cities with one blast. And we surrendered after that.”

“Okay okay. I’m aware that I glossed over a ton of history there, but let’s just say none of us are proud of what we did during that time. Even myself. This is a universe where our enemies lost and we won, and it seems that they’ve opened a tear into this Nirvana thingy and got destroyed as a result.”

“You will be dropping near Tokyo by the way.” Amaterasu interjected. “Or at least, what remains of it after the calamity destroyed the world.”

“Yes, and the target should be uhh… uhh.”

“My evil alter ego. An Amaterasu drunk on power and is focused on furthering the goal of NIrvana for just a touch more power on a throne of ashes.” Amaterasu finished.

“Uhh yeah… that. So uhh. Wow, this got dark really quickly.” Mitsuko finished. Powering down the table and leaning on it to see everyone in the face. “Listen. This world is dead, like, completely and totally dead. There are no lifeforms, no humans, no elves, and no other living beings. The gods here only persist because of the power given to them by the Nirvana anomaly, so if we kill Amaterasu, every single deity in this world should die with it.”

“You should do your preparations now by the way.” Amaterasu finished, finally standing up. “Because we gods cannot help you on this endeavour, only champions are resistant to this type of corruption, so I would recommend stocking up food, weaponry, mana, whatever you want to stock up. Because I can tell you, beating Amaterasu is NOT going to be easy, I would have a coterie of deities alongside myself, our gods of war, of nature’s wroth, of lightning, of whatever.”

“So, once you’ve finished all your preparations, come back to this meeting spot and I’ll open up the portal for you.” She finished. The face of the sun goddess lightened a little bit, but still sad at what she saw in that reality.
@Dead Cruiser @TengenUzui96 @Kumbaris @Mendicant Bias @Riffus Maximus @Emeth @ActRaiserTheReturned @Teyao @The Muse

Sorry for disappearing everyone. The past month or so has been really hard for me in my real life. For years now I’ve struggled with schizophrenia and depression, something that always troubles me. A part of that is that I do get psychotic episodes occasionally, and cannot properly function. I was in such an episode about a month ago and basically just shut down. So that was a hard thing for me to deal with, but it got even worse when I had a family member pass away after that.

Basically it made my schizophrenia and depression reach unbearable levels. However, I’m no longer in a psychotic episode and the pain of losing a family member has calmed down enough that I feel ready to getting back into life. That includes role playing, which is a genuinely positive thing for my mental health.

I’m really glad that Kumbaris got this idea up and running and that you guys are having a good time. I still love this idea, and would love to participate if you’ll have me. I’d probably create a completely new character than use the character I made for the first attempt at this. So let me know if you are still accepting characters.

And again, thanks for keeping this idea alive when I wasn’t able to.

Hey Martian. I would be very happy to have you participate. Just write a CS and I would be more than happy to consider it.

Mitsuko was awed at the sight of everyone present in the garden-in-between-worlds, she saw a veritable multitude of individuals milling around, talking with each other, and just in general being jovial with each other, from half-lizard people to elves so bizarre they were unlike anything she’s seen on Earth. It’s downright bizarre yet also incredibly fascinating and interesting, a lot of opportunities for Mitsuko to study and see new people not from Earth.

Amaterasu, meanwhile, was trying to fend off the double inquiries from Dominus and the Turtle. Assuring Dominus that no, she did not make a bad choice by choosing Mitsuko, and telling the turtle why they are here in the first place. "Didn't you get the memo? We are here to provide coordination and guidance for our champions." She told the Omniscient. "We could not let them go without imparting some wisdom from us can we? I would be a bad goddess if I did such a thing."

But, now that everyone is here. Amaterasu decided to speed things up, feeling confident that she had fended off Dominus for now, and quenched the curiosity of the Turtle. The black-haired woman took center stage, with every deity and their champion seeing the Japanese sun goddess speak on the proverbial platform.

“Alright alright. I think that’s pretty much all of you?” Amaterasu interjected, killing Mitsuko’s interest in an effort to move the team along. “I think that you all know why you are here. So I will make this as quick and effortless as possible. We’ll move on to discuss the issue of this Nirvana thingy later on. But first!”

“My name, in case you’re wondering, is Amaterasu Omikami, and this is my champion. Mitsuko Imada. She is a champion of mine for 5 years now, and arguably one of my best.” The deity turned her face and looked at Mitsuko with a certain fondness in her eyes. Like they know the hardships they endured together and what kind of grit Mitsuko has to make sure things are resolved amicably in their favour. “But that’s enough of me. Why don’t you introduce yourself, Mitsuko?”

“Me?” Mitsuko wondered, quite unusual for Amaterasu to put her into the spotlight in the first place, but whatever. “My name is Mitsuko Imada, from an island nation called Japan. I was born in the city of Osaka, a town with… I think 20 million people now? Give or take? Yeah, big… big city. Unfortunately for me though, I was born into poverty. My people were historically oppressed in Japanese society and I was a daughter born to parents within that group, so I grew up living a life of crime and general lawlessness, that is, until. I went to jail at the age of 18 with my gang over a robbery gone wrong. And while that should be the end of me, Amaterasu stumbled into my group of ne’er do wells and offered me an opportunity. Become a champion of her, or rot in prison.”

“Safe to say I took her offer, and thank goodness for that. I was taught self-discipline, culture, fighting techniques, and etiquette. I was also given money and luxuries I never imagined before, and in return? I fight evil Japanese spirits and make sure that my country does not fall into the clutches of rogue spirits with evil intent. Let’s just say that I am particularly good at my job, even defeated one of the premier Japanese deities in a duel once. So that’s fun.”

“Do you have any questions for me? What I said over there is a very truncated history of my life, so I probably omitted a lot of details there, but gosh! My life has been a rollercoaster that’s for sure.”

“Speaking of rollercoasters. Would anyone else be willing to share the stories of their life? I think it would be best for all of us to know each other deeply.” Mitsuko concluded. To the approval of the Japanese sun goddess beside her.


The Android woman quickly returned with the car identification, and, sure enough. She was met with a wall of information from the other team members. From the additional car Scarlet discovered to the theory Faye put forward as to the potential origins of the spell. To Micheal’s constant insights and general smarts.

Amanda felt secretly proud that the team she assembled is working like a well-oiled machine. But first, she has to make create some order out of the madness of information she has just received. Perhaps it would be best to start with Scarlet’s insight, the black Mercedes that was spotted around the corner is an interesting piece of information, worth mulling over, but potentially useless since they are on a time crunch.

Faye’s information is also super insightful. An individual with multiple spell matrices linked alongside each other. It would be a pain in the ass to discover the true identity of the individual if it weren’t for the fact that Amanda has pinned the address the car originates from.

She’s happy about that at least.

Micheal’s insights also proved insightful, there’s nothing more to be said about that.

So we are dealing with individuals that are capable of using multiple complex spells, have a car that is reminiscent of the one the OMR uses, and has been sighted gathering intel on their arrival. This is problematic on multiple levels, but Amanda loves a challenge if she sees one. “Alright then.” Amanda concluded. “So looking at the car’s ID, we have managed to pin it down to an apartment complex in the downtown area, considering the fact that this individual is capable of stacking spell matrices on top of each other, this is an enemy we don’t take lightly. So for the moment, I need you to prepare, because I am planning a raid on this base in like, half an hour at most.”

“Just be at your best okay? We do not want screwups like our arrival here in Minsk, we want to be deliberate, and we want to be careful. I have a plan of the apartment complex right here.” She said, unfurling a map. “Typical Soviet commie-block design really, lots of hallways, lots of rooms, but our perp has the 2nd floor, specifically room 214 as his potential hideout. If there are any civilians, urge them to stay indoors, if anyone has a weapon? Urge them to to put it down, if anyone points at any of you? Kill on sight. Is that understood?”

“I have informed the office of the potential raid and the info leak, they are currently busy rebuilding the wards they thought were foolproof, so there won’t be any reinforcements present until a couple of hours from now. So bring your A-game okay?”

Amanda doesn’t like this, but the suspect’s lead is simply too hot at the moment. If they managed to capture the suspect, invaluable information on who Mr X is might be gleaned for that, although… with how sophisticated Mr X’s ops seem to be, Amanda has a working theory on who they might be.

“Just between us guys.” Amanda urged them to get closer. “But I think Mr X might be a deity. Just… think about it, near perfect knowledge of OMR SOP’s, advanced kill squads ready and waiting for our arrival. The fact that they used magic from the abomination. Either Mr X used to work at the OMR, or knows someone in the OMR to peel their brain on how the organisation works, or alternatively have traitors in the organisation itself.”

“What do you think?” Amanda then asked the group. Waiting for their opinion on her theory.

@Martian@King Cosmos

Madeleine was happy on the thought that the cultists are gone, she has already phoned the Frankfurt office and agents are already being dispatched to the garden. She is also quite content at the thought of the rogue spirit being sent off to the other side to ensure minimal destruction of property and lives within the local area.

But she is still quite unnerved by the fact that these cultists are still out at large, probably plotting against her team as she speak. She does not like this, and has conferred both Morgana and Xaviron to discuss things. “Alright. So, first things first, we are going to the Frankfurt office and we’re doing to de-stress and get ourselves cleaned up, secondly. I want your opinion on what we should do next.”

The car ride and the literal cleanup were short, but afterwards. Everyone was in relatively tip-top shape and Madeleine gathered the Witch and the Half elf into an office meeting room. “Alright, let’s make this quick and then we can take a nap.” Madeleine said.

“We have two options right now. We can rejoin Amanda’s team in Minsk and let the Frankfurt office deal with this cultist mess. It will take some time for the local German OMR to do this, but they do have the capabilities to handle them as they see fit. Alternatively, we can continue investigating this issue and possibly find the links between Mr X and Morgana’s English witch coven. Something I’m sure our dear English friend would appreciate.”

“I’m open to both, so what do you want to do?"

Both Mitsuko and Amaterasu were mightily impressed by the sudden arrival of the two champions from their respective universes. The sun goddess of Japan hasn't heard much about the colleagues from other universes, silently expecting that they might be deities from another alternate universe earth where things happened differently, but totally not expecting that they would originate from their own, unique universes with their own worlds. Just looking at them is enough to pique anyone's interest, the man made out of pure silver is very gracious in greeting the goddess, with Mitsuko herself impressed by the grace and poise of someone that came from what looks like a very fleshy dimension, just how did he learn those manners in the first place? Should anyone that wants to preserve their sanity know?

And of course, there is the elf that comes from a fantasy novel setting too. Mitsuko could not help but be awestruck by the woman's beauty. Like seeing an elf goddess from some high fantasy novel living in a castle coming to greet you in person. Heck, even her greeting with all that 'blessings of the moon' stuff felt unreal to her. While originally wanting to be more upbeat with potential introductions, the Osakan woman decided that formal manners are necessary with these individuals, no 'sup's!' and 'oh hi there's'.

And waiting for Amaterasu to introduce herself is part of good manners the champion reasoned, as she slowly descended from her flight with more poise and grace than when she started.

"Konnichiwa." Amaterasu first responded to Evolution Zero, bowing in the typical Japanese fashion she's used to when meeting foreign deities. "Watashi wa Amaterasu-desu. It is very nice to meet you Zero San. I did not expect someone from another dimension to know such manners as you are, My name is Amaterasu Omikami, and this is my champion, Mitsuko Imada." She gestured to the blonde woman beside her.

"Konnichiwa." Mitsuko bowed quickly afterward. "It is a pleasure meeting you Mr Zero, I hope we would be able to destroy this Nirvana anomaly and ensure the safety of both our Universes." She hated being this formal herself, being from the lower classes herself, she's more used to informal greetings and talking about things more authentically, none of this pretentious crap. But she's willing to let aside her preferences for a moment if only to ensure a smooth relationship with potentially powerful people she doesn't know.

The Japanese goddess then turned towards the Elven woman. Bowing in return to the Elf's gesture, before outstretching her hand in an expectation to be shaken. "Greetings to you to Illistriana-Sama. My name is Amaterasu-Omikami, but you can call me Amaterasu for short. I am the sun goddess of a nation called Japan, and we greet you warmly from the land of the rising sun. This is my champion, Mitsuko Imada, an invaluable asset I have chosen as my champion."

"Greetings." Mitsuko bowed again. "I am Amaterasu's champion for 5 years. It is a pleasure to meet a fellow champion as well. I hope that our relationship could be as productive as possible."

Mitsuko then turned towards Amaterasu. Her face visibly showed her discomfort and all but telling her to 'break the ice'. With the black-haired woman smiling softly at her in response. Telling her that 'she's on it'. "Well, enough with the formalities shall we, we ought to discuss our respective realities in more... jovial terms perhaps?"
@Emeth. Accepted.
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