Avatar of Lady Absinthia


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4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

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Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

M6 (Tram): Atticus looked over towards Amelia and smiled slightly. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. Admin sends out new assignments overnight and they are slipped under your doors. So when the morning announcement goes off to wake people up, it'll be there. If for some reason it isn't there, over by the flag pole where we have morning assembly is a bulletin board where all the up to date assignments are posted. And for some reason failing that, just head over to Admin and ask at the front desk. We got you covered," he said as he gathered his things. Remembering something, he walked over to Amelia. "Oh and there is also posted walk times for pets and where, you might want to check it so you know when to avoid the beach because of dogs," he said quietly, remembering she didn't do well around dogs.

L6 (Education Center): Afternoon classes were just getting let out and several of the younger members of the community were filing out and heading over towards General Housing to put their books other things away before dinner. Edna, better known as the Professor stepped outside and walked over to a bench in front of the Education center, taking a seat. The bench wasn't empty, another older woman was sitting there but she looked far different than Edna did. This woman's gray hair was cut very short, she was thicker, more worn. Wearing a tank top and a pair of grease covered jeans with combat boots. She seemed to be covered in tattoo's she must have gotten over thirty years before from the looks of things. "Rosie," Edna said as she sat down.

"Well hey there, kids give you any problems today?" she asked as she took a pocket knife and tried to clean the grease out from under her nails.

"I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter the state of the world, a student will still find a way to harness a spitball," Edna said dryly. Rosie chuckled a bit.

"Ahh that's just kids being kids," Rosie quipped as she wiped some grease her off her knife onto her jeans.

"Your powers of deduction never fail to astound me Rosie," Edna said flatly looking over towards Rosie.

"Yeah, I'm a veritable Einstein."

L5 (Mess Hall): By the time dinner was starting to be served, people were filing in and getting into line. It was set up like a lunch room for schools back before the world went to hell. Rows of tables with fixed stools, some regular chairs at the end. Along one wall the serving was setup. It wasn't too different from the way those from Newnan had been used to, just on a larger scale. On the sneeze guards where papers reminding people that there would be a seafood boil at the beach tonight, so dinner was light. There was a small section of the serving line reserved for those with food allergies with a note on the glass there for people with allergies to speak with Mae.

People broke off into groups, as people tended to do, to eat. The General and Gunny were at the end of one table. People seemed to group off according to where they worked most of the time but there was mixing here and there. There didn't seem to be any assigned seating. Bass, Maddog, Panama, Volts, Atticus, and Auntie were at one table. It seemed like an odd mix and while they had trays with a little food on them, they didn't really seem to be eating. Each of them had papers in their hands they were going over. Looked like sheet music.

The food was simple enough tonight. There was pasta, a sauce, some meatballs it looked like, canned greens, and some bread. Milk was reserved for the younger kids. There was tea and water to drink, some fresh citrus is people wanted. Shelved characters are present. Tatiana and family go sit with the Major, Tatiana speaking to her in Russian. The Major seems a lot more talkative in Russian than she ever was in English. Tatiana seems to be able to just talk freely without worry of tripping over her words. Wayne is over with the General and Gunny. (Pretty sure Hank would settle here as well.) No one talking, just looking and seeming like they are having a conversation. lol

Joaquin was sitting with Roy, Shears, and Atlas. Edna and Rosie were sitting with some others the group hadn't been introduced to yet. Dusty wasn't there, he was still out dropping off those that weren't staying in CMB. Spots had gone with him. Medical was sitting together.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: 5N (Street) -> L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Thana found herself smiling as Ash came over, giving the others a wave. When he hugged her, she clung to him. Yeah, the hug felt like it was meant to be a hug for two people that had been apart far longer than they actually had today but then again she wasn't complaining. They had spent so much time apart, it was bound to be that way for a while. Leaning against him she shrugged. "Yeah, well if I followed Docs orders to the letter I'd still be in the hospital," she said with a slight smirk on her lips. It probably wouldn't have been that bad but Thana wasn't one to sit around and do nothing. She had been offered the evening off and then some more days to recover from being outside of the walls so long but she had turned it down. She wanted to work, needed to, she had a debt to pay off for one. For two, now she had a life to build towards.

As Ash leaned down she quirked a brow and then laughed. "Sounds good to me," she chuckled as she climbed on and held on, trying to make sure that Ash didn't accidentally brush her thigh where the pins had been taken out of the day before. Once he was ready she just lay her chin on his shoulder and held on tight. "Yeah, let's get to the mess hall," she said and waited for Ash to take them there. Though once they got to the door, she made him put her down. She could walk a little bit to get some food and sit down.

Tray in hand, after going through the line, Thana looked around. She didn't get much to eat, just enough to hold her over until the boil later. Thana spotted an open spot and headed over, not really looking for a spot with others to sit down with. Sure she could have gone and sat with her family but for now, they were all talking or sitting with others. This would work. Taking a seat, she set her tray down. "If ya want, I can see about talkin' to Grandpapi about lettin' you all visit the graveyard tomorrow," she said quietly to Ash, figuring he would want to go say goodbye to some people if he could.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: I6 (R: General Supply) -> L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

"Okay, think that covers it," Nikki said before popping her gum. Chewing it she pushed her cart through the Supply building, out from the back and into the main area. Place was pretty empty but it was about dinner time anyways by the time she got things together. Pushing the cart out of the building, she glanced around. She would rather be skateboarding right then but she had her duties, her job. Get it done, get it over with. Then she could have fun, right? Well as everyone was headed for dinner she knew she better as well. She wasn't done yet though, grumbling under her breath she opted to head into the Mess Hall first, pushing the cart in and behind the serving line, into the kitchen.

"Here ya go Cook," she said as she unloaded a few things from the cart. "Gonna grab a bit and then be back for the cart," she added, figuring that she could eat a little bit before heading down to the beach to drop off the rest. Would just be silly to walk to the Mess Hall, drop off, go to the beach, drop off, then come back to mess to eat, and then all the way back down to the beach for the party. No, this was more efficient. Okay, she didn't care about efficiency but if asked that would be how she explained it.

Grabbing a tray, she looked around. New people. Where was that kid she was talking to in Quarantine? She saw him but he didn't look like he wanted to talk. Well that sucked. Okay, who else? Others were still coming in. Thana was with her man it seemed. Leave them alone. Taking a seat she kept looking around as people filed in. Oh, the two bald chicks. Riley and Amelia, yeah that was there names. Waving to them when she spotted them she smiled. "Hey, wanna seat?" she asked them once they were in ear range.
>TMW the set up is perfect and you ready the post

Tartarean Strands: Chapter 1

Date: D-Day of the Collide

PE Fade Between

There, between two trees spaced so far apart or perhaps not, stood the five of them that had come through the portal which Gio had created. Now that portal was gone and they were on the path. Gilbert, moving to check and see what differences between the two choices down the roads might be see no differences. As if they are carbon copies of each other. There is no rise or fall of the land to make one think they are the same ones. Just twins of each other perhaps? Or mirror images? Not one in the same but still appearing as such. Yet, the pull of the Emendators Gilbert feels is both in the same direction, to the left (for simplicity of direction since one cannot know which way is north right now). Sophia, trying to hear or smell, to sense some difference is able to note a smell depending on which direction she faces. To the right is smells far more pure and clean while when facing the right it is more tainted and rotting. It is hard for her to make out as either isn't strong, even with her senses, but she can smell the difference if only just barely.

Now, while the road and such appear empty save for the few items of note and the group, they are not alone. Just off the road, in the fields there. There is a slight haze that builds up just at the edge of the road, a shimmering. It seems there is something moving in the haze, but one cannot be sure what it is as first. Like trying to see something coming towards you in the middle of a thick fog. Slowly it comes more into focus. A figure, a person perhaps? Coming through a portal? No, it doesn't seem like that but as the figure reaches the edge of the road and steps barefooted onto the road itself, the haze fades and the figure becomes clear. A shorter woman, dressed in a simple faded gray gown, belted at the waist. Olive skin and dark hair fall to her shoulders. Her eyes are hidden behind a strip of cloth that wraps around her head. In one hand she carried a set of scales, in the other a scythe that she leans against just slightly.

"You must choose." Her voice was ethereal as she spoke. Pointing her scythe to the right. "Peace." Resting the scythe's end back against the ground she gestured to the left with the scales. "Or Punishment." Her head stayed facing just center as she brought the scales back towards her. "Choose."

DttS Fade Between

Like others, this group was far from being completely alone. There was that wonderful skeleton statue of sorts that was just standing there as perhaps a warning, or just a wonderful decoration. One couldn't tell. Though as the group conversed among itself, there was a slight chuckle. Did the statue just laugh at them? "You be long way from Zerzura sweet child." The voice was thick and deep, and held an distinct accent, that of the Caribbean. The voice came from the statue, didn't it? It sure sounded like it. "Hell, Heaven, a playground." Though, after a moment, it was clear that the voice wasn't coming from the statue of bones but behind it as a puff of smoke trailed up and a hand came to rest on the skeletons shoulder. Slowly emerging a man gave a grin towards the group. He held a cigar in his hand, a top hat on his head, and a snake slithering over his shoulders.

"Gods grant mercy? Gods know no such thing." His grin remained on his painted face as he took a puff from his cigar and ducked under the arm of the skeleton. "I prefer the term bordello, tis more poetic." Righting himself in front of the skeleton he used a tall staff decorated flamboyantly to stand with. "Creeps? Fear is good. Let's you know you're alive." He chuckled as he jumped down from the rocks and bones. "And you are alive." Taking a few steps forward he kept chuckling and ran a thick tongue along his bottom lip. "Which means you are not supposed to be here," he said shaking his head slowly. "Unless of course, you wish to make a trade." There was a mischievous twinkle in the dark mans oddly bright eyes as he spread his arms and bowed slightly.

Evelina Lucas

Location: The In-Between: Evelina's Cave
Skills: N/A

Evelina rested her hand against the side of the cave and glanced towards Faith. "Then get a therapist and deal with your abandonment issues." Sighing she shook her head turned her attention back to the outside of the cave. "They knew as much as I. Save for a feeling I needed to help one like you. So I left. They are as much your family as I am. A mother should not feel guilty for letting family take care of her kids. Nor I for leaving you with other Emendators. So I don't. Family is family." She didn't. She did at one point. She questioned so much. What if she had done this or that. What if she had stayed to talk, what if she hadn't. After so long alone she had figured out one thing. Worrying about yesterday didn't change it. Worrying about tomorrow didn't stop it from coming. Here, now, the basics, that was all that mattered. At least to her anymore.

"I stopped a death, it was worth it." How she had she still was not sure but she stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago. A walk in the rain, she had found one. A choice was given, neither option was taken. It was the last time she had rolled her dice, or at least the last time she had felt the pull to do so.

The brow over her left eye shot up high as Faith mentioned Siduri. "So she has come out of hiding? Figures," she said, sounding a little vexed. "I was beginning to believe she had left sometime ago." Shaking her head a bit she looked back out of the cave once again. "Alone you may have been but they are here now but so far away."

Turning she walked back into the cave and sat down. "You dry, we wait until it will be safer to travel. We have a ferry to catch, I am not swimming the waters." Pulling out her dagger she stoked the fire some with the tip of the blade. "And hope he is feeling generous or you have something in that bag of yours he will take as payment."

Kyra Altham

Location: DtB Fade Between
Skills: Alertness

Kyra tilted her head to the side slightly as Robert spoke, a brow raising in the slightest before glancing around the area. She didn't answer him at first as she surveyed the land. It wasn't until she looked back at him that she spoke. "Walk elsewhere then." Her solution, don't like where you are; walk to where you are not. Nothing was stopping him from leaving, at least not physically, from what she could tell. There was a motion from her hand and a nod to Mali's words. She agreed with her, the woman's bluntness reminded her of her a very long time ago. More words were spoken, questions.

Kyra's eyes closed slowly and she let out a slow breath as if she was annoyed. "Newydd-ddyfodiaid," she muttered under her breath. "Yes." A simple enough answer to food and water. There was. To Riley's question she nodded. "Blights, Soul-Eaters. Around, somewhere." She looked towards Ash, who lifted his head and sniffed the air before resting his head back down. "Not here."

Ash seemed to whimper and she nodded as she blew out another breath, hard and through her lips this time. "Follow me." She sounded like a mother at the end of a long day. Turning she started walking, no particular direction it seemed, just placing one foot in front of the other from where she stood. "Story doesn't interest me." Ash stretched slightly before trotting up next to Kyra, his tail down as he walked. Kyra's hand coming out and resting on his back that stood higher than her waist. Chances were she could ride the wolf if she needed to. "There," she pointed far off in the distance where the rocks seemed to jut out of the ground. It would take sometime to get there.
March 24th, 1823
*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^


Gretna Green (Church): Elizaveta took a deep breath, it was over, finally. Or at least it appeared to be over for now. For all she knew something else was going to happen or present itself in this haze. Slow long breaths left her lips as she sat there. Her eyes going over towards some of them as they suggested that what they had fought had been Ludwig, she wanted to talk but as she tried, her throat was dry and her mouth parched. It was William that came over and offered her something to deal with that. Taking it, there was a grateful look on her features but the actual gratitude in words didn't comes until after she had taken several long drinks. Lowering the flask she nodded, "Dank you, very much," she was finally able to get out.

Seemed Ny was finding the situation fascinating. "No, was not dear Ludwig. He was already dead, gone. This beast simply got pulled on top of his corpse during the battle," he said. He was sure most of these people were in the church when Veta had performed her ceremony on Ludwig. Though he could understand the confusion. "At least, I don't think it was." He could be wrong.

"No, vas not Ludvig," Veta managed to get out slowly after taking another drink of water.

Millicent looked skeptical. "How do you know?" she asked as she slowly stepped back and took a seat. Her hand rubbing her throat lightly.

"Could feel souls. His was pure, that...thing vas not," Veta stated as she gradually leaned back against the wall and let out a tired breath. "Agree, still hazey, I doubt is over yet."

Ny walked up towards altar and looked around slowly. "This is new, so interesting, sad but interesting," he said as he kept writing. His head going left and right and then right and left. Writing, drawing, flipping through book. "Nothing like it before." Write, flip, turn, stop, look around. "Wasn't there a small animal?" he asked before shrugging. Perhaps he was thinking about something else. Constantine seemed to be vigilant right then but nothing seemed to be sticking out as any more off than it already was, but where was Dieter? The ferret, not the brother.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: A Tour! (In other words everywhere lol)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Once everyone was back, Atticus hitting the speaker system while Daytona drove. Manny and Hunter keeping quiet for now. (As they are shelved lol) "Alright, Daytona let's head that way and then swing around," he said and she nodded. The tour went basically in this order, so reference the map to see the path taken and in what order:

O: Enlisted Housing
L: Distillation/Fuel
I: Boat Ramp
D: Pier
U: Fishing Traps And Underwater Garden
E: Main Electric
M: Education Center
K: Mechanics and Fabrication
R: General Supply
F: Helipad
V: Chapel
H: Desalination Treatment Facility
G: Water Repair Shop
A: Administration/Communication
P: Assembly
B: Hospital/Medical
S: Armory Supply
J: Sea Processing
C: Mess hall
N: Officer Housing
X: General Housing

"That's the enlisted housing, basically for the younger folks who are part of our small military. Main reason we actually have a military force, outside of just everyone generally knowing how to take care of themselves is because there are other settlements. Not too close,two or three days walk but we do know of five other settlements and well we didn't always get a long. Some are still a little iffy. None are as set up as we are. The General tries to help the other newer settlements get on their feet and such as we can. Oh over here is the Fuel Center: For vehicles and us humans - booze. Yes we drink around here. Harder stuff mostly but we are able to do other stuff. Have a girl that worked at Jack Daniels in Tennessee, we call her Whiskey, names Adelaide. We keep this side of the camp mostly clear in case things blow up, safer that way," he explained. Most of the housing on this side was boarded up and empty.

"And that's where we load boats into the water, exciting," he chuckled before having Daytona swing the tram around and head back to the main part of the camp. Driving down to the beach one could see the pier and he stopped the tram. "Alright only one is getting off here. We have more to do. The party isn't until tonight," he said as he waited for Thana to get off and start walking towards the pier. "The main deck of the pier is open to all. Underside of it is off limits unless you have a job down there. We have traps set up underneath and a salt water garden. Now the water is pretty safe but do be careful. We have a section down that way where you can swim, but only when the guards on duty. Now look out over the water - the buoys in the water. Those are our markers. Stay back from those. We have netting and wire stretching there to catch Deadies that try to float or even walk on the bottom. Dive team checks it each morning and at dusk.

Alright, let's go. Here is main electrical. They get batteries charged, fix solar units, which are on each building we can get them on. Some units are older so when you are not at home, AC or heat off, lights off unless you need them. Helps things last longer. Education of course, and Mechanics/Fabrication. We have to build most parts these days for vehicles and well everything else. General Supply is there, change out your clothing there each Friday. Need shampoo, combs, etc. Also where you buy things once you have credit built up. Helipad, stay off of it. Dusty comes in hot."

A little further and they were passing the Chapel. "Open most of the time for prayer, services are posted on the door. We also do larger functions there and it is where the kids daycare is. Desalination center is there, they make sure we have drinkable water and that all the pipes are working. Water repair is there, boats mostly. Admin building, also communication. If you like paper work you'll love it there. And then here is Assembly, if you hear the speakers come on calling, report there. Also, it's check in for each morning. Which reminds me. Always lock up! It isn't so much to keep from getting robbed but anyone at anytime could die. We lock everything religiously so that if someone dies we can keep it contained as much as possible.

Safety handles the dead unless you have no choice. If you wake up in the morning and the person in the room next to you died, leave them, report the dead, and let the Safety Team handle it. This keeps surprises from popping up, lets a full team handle it, and cuts down on an accidental bite and then doors being open and shit going way south really fast. If you try to handle it on your own, and you didn't have to, toodles. The General will remove you. Smarts over heroics. I'm sure you like most anyone these days can take a walker or two out but just don't. We have this in place for safety.

Okay, there is the hospital. Any problems go there. Doc will let you know when you have your yearly. Psych people also go there for therapy. Armory is there, and unless you have a job for it, nope. All armor, weapons, and explosives stay there. Only taken out for job or training. Oh and that, is Sea Processing. Where they clean the fish and such, it stinks, but hey food. Officer housing, people that run the camp or are in charge of divisions. And here we are back at the beginning," he said as Daytona pulled back up to the General Housing.

"Just be smart. Don't seek out trouble. Stay out of somewhere if you aren't working there. Don't go wandering into other buildings. It's just like life was before basically. You didn't walk into a place you didn't know without reason. Plenty of people, so just ask if you get lost, need to know something, curious. Be kind, be respectful," he said as he pulled out his bag and pulled out a stack of papers. "Here, map of the community, things marked, and descriptions for you all. Should help you get started," he said as he started handing things out.

"Dinner is in twenty, the party isn't until 2000 hours, 8PM. Beach is off limits until then while they set up. Don't worry there will be an announcement. That's about it, so go ahead, you're on your own for now. Tomorrow will be slipped under your door your assignments and stuff. Anything you need just ask," Atticus said as he climbed out and shouldered his bag.

Manny and Hunter took their stuff and headed back to their places. As did Jack, Tatiana, Wayne and Hank. (Basically all shelved characters - assume they are where they need to be when needed. So meals, assemblies, work, parties, the like - just kicking back.)

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M6 (Parking Lot For X/Tram) -> L14 (U) -> 5N (Street)
Skills: Botany

Thana looked over to Ash and smiled but she shook her head no. "Sorry, you ain't allowed there unless yer assigned. We can look into with admin tomorrow though," she said as she reached over and rested her hand on his, squeezing it slightly. She understood wanting to do something and keeping busy but it wasn't her place to let him go somewhere he wasn't assigned. She was still new in the camp itself as well. They weren't as quick to let people move things around as they had been in Newnan. "Don't worry, I should be done by the time you are done with the tour. Meet up with ya afterwards," she added before Atticus started his tour.

Once they reached the end of the road closest to the pier, Thana gave Ash a kiss before climbing down. "See y'all in a bit," she said with a slight wave before she started walking towards the pier. She was still limping slightly but she would be for a while. Thana headed to the under walkway of the pier and pulled out a sheet of paper that hung in a plastic bag. Started checking the numbers, checking salt levels, making notes, seeing what was working and what wasn't. Checking traps. It took a while but it was nice to have a few minutes, more like an hour or two.

By the time she was done and walking back, the tour seemed to be ending. It was decent timing. She probably would have been done sooner but her leg was slowing her down. Hopefully in a few more weeks it would be good enough to start moving normally again, or as normal as she could hope for these day. Sheet of paper in hand, she folded it up and slipped it into her back pocket. She would need to drop it off at mess but considering dinner was soon, she figured she could hand it over then. Spotting the tram she waved slightly from the road. If they were done, meant Ash should be joining her soon and free to walk around a bit. She could use a piggy back ride right about now.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: I6 (R: General Supply)
Skills: N/A

This was why she hated supply. It was boring as hell to her. It hadn't been when she first started working in there. It was exciting then. As weird as that may sound, but it was. Seeing all the odd things the place had found over the years, learning where things went, what people would come in and request could be funny as hell. Some people had some really weird requests. A lamp in the shape of a genie with a clock in its stomach was still on someones request form for people to keep an eye out for. But that was then and this was now and now it was boring. She knew where everything was, she could nearly close her eyes and still find what she was looking for.

The days helping in Quarantine had been great but now it was back to the usual grind. Hopefully she did well enough that the next time an opening came she could get it and not one of the newer folk. If they did, it wouldn't be the first time she had been passed over but the last time she had just turned 18, so age. Now she was older, wiser. Okay, maybe not wiser but hey less likely to break into the distillery and try to wrangle booze. Now she was old enough to drink by the camps regulations. Though now that she could without worry too much, it just wasn't as fun. Okay, maybe she still had some growing up to do. Huffing slightly she blew a bubble and popped it. Pulling herself out of her day dreaming and getting back to work. Dinner was soon and then she had to get this stuff down to the beach.

Tartarean Strands: Chapter 1

Date: D-Day of the Collide

DttS Fade Between

Over by the scary skeleton, Mosi is trying to keep an eye out for things that may cause problems but her perception and alertness isn't really up to snuff right now. In fact if a shark jumped out in front of her roaring a swarm of bees she probably wouldn't notice it right now. Maybe the bullet did knock her a bit before it vanished.

Now, Nancy is having better luck with things. Seeing that wicked skeleton and looking around she is pretty sure she knows where they are but it ain't anywhere she has been before. Only a place she has read about in the past. Or more so that others have written about. A place where once, long ago, people spoke of about that they went after death. Not one of the many that Nancy herself had lived through but one another Emendator had lived through, more than one, for hundreds of years. She is pretty sure where they stand would have been known to Amaratha (Lady Lucas) as Erebus, a region of the Greek underworld where the dead pass immediately after dying. At least that was what they called it. Also, Nancy is feeling other Emendators. More than two, in multiple directions. She cannot tell who she is feeling in which direction but she is feeling them nonetheless.

The scenery seems to be holding as it was and Faye is correct, it does not seem that this skeleton is meaning them any harm. Perhaps it is a warning, perhaps it is just there to appear scary, or maybe it is just a welcome. Hell of a welcome. Either way it doesn't seem like it is going to suddenly spring to life and attack them. Thankfully. Though maybe Lauren was right, maybe it was pointing in a direction but if it was, did you really want to follow where the skeleton was pointing? I mean if you weren't a Crypt. Of course a Crypt would follow it. Be like the best invitation ever. For now though, nothing was changing and it seemed like things were calm.

PE Fade Between

Now, over to some others. It seems that everyone that comes through Gios portal is going to come through the other side without injury. At least nothing physical. Measuring mental trauma is a whole different thing and well going from Egypt to wherever the hell this is might throw some people off. Granted, since it just appears to be a road that has been traveled on, it seems like it could be anywhere. Maybe they are in Nebraska? Who knows.

Sophia doesn't have a half bad idea. Maybe trying to sense or hear or even smell something might give a clue to where they are. Then again, maybe not. Who knows. Worth a shot maybe though? At least it is quiet enough to where if she tried to listen she shouldn't be overwhelmed with things getting too loud around her, as long as the rest of the people with her don't start screaming suddenly. That wouldn't be fun, for anyone. Those hearing it or those screaming.

Andromeda is staying alert and it seems that things are calm. There is a slight wind but the road is empty besides them. Down at either end of the horizon is a tree. Both trees seem to have leaves moving slightly with the wind but nothing more. She can't see through the leaves but there doesn't appear to be anything hiding in them, at least it doesn't seem that way. One cannot be sure. The only sign of life she is seeing, other than those standing around her, is a flock of black birds far off in the distance. They are too far for her to be able to tell what type of birds they are. They might not even be black, it may be they are too far too for her to actually know what color they are.

Evelina Lucas

Location: The In-Between: Evelina's Cave
Skills: Locate (Paradox), Locate (Emendator)

Evelina starred at the fire, watching the flames crackle and the embers burn as thin tendrils of smoke rose. "I did leave word. I said do not follow." Her words were distant as she spoke them, still not looking away from the fire. She had left specific instructions. Take a week off, reflect, do not follow her. Pulling a dagger from it's sheath on her thigh, she poked the tip into the fire. Turning it slowly. Evelina did not seem like the same woman who had trained Faith, nor even the same one who seemed darker before the last day that Faith had actually seen and spoken to her. "That begs the question, what are you doing here? But perhaps that question has answered itself in your own lines. To save me," Evelina said as she rotated the blade slowly. It turning red in the flame and darkening before she stood up. She had nearly chuckled when she said Faith was there to save her, but it was not a happy chuckle or even a sarcastic one. More of one of defeat.

Walking over to the walls her hand reached out and ran along the lines carved into the walls. Slowly tracing them as she walked, stopping and tilting her head to the side as she found one that only had four scores. Driving the dagger into the wall she raked it diagonally through the marks. "How long has it been for you? Since you last saw my face? I wonder. Why come now? After all this time or perhaps time is not the same there as it is here. Or maybe it is. Maybe that is why you are here now, because it has been so very long. Look," she said as she looked back towards Faith, motioning with the tip of her blade towards the marks furthest away from her. "At first they marked the days." Turning she pointed to another section of wall. "Then weeks." She pointed to yet another section. "Months." Looking back, Evelina pointed to where she had just carved. "Years...." Evelina turned and looked back at Faith. "Though until today I had stopped marking so very long ago. I do not know even how long it has been anymore. Half a millennia? Maybe more. A lifetime, even in my eyes."

Reaching down, she took a strip of the leather that hung from her waist. Pulling it up and wrapping it around the blade of the dagger. Cleaning away the smut that darkened its metal until it shone again. Releasing the leather it fell back against her thigh as she looked towards the ceiling of the cave and let out a long breath. After a moment her eyes went back to Faith. Waving the dagger around as if to point out the world around them. "This place? Where is it? Perhaps the better question is what is it? Yes, what is this place. Well it is here. Where we, no, they go. When no choice is given, or when you decide to leave. Perhaps you did die a second time. Perhaps I died. Perhaps that is why we are here. Your guess is as good as mine. Hell, Heaven, Hades, Limbo. An In-between, between life and death?" Breathing out she shrugged and sheathed her dagger back.

Sitting back down she bent her knees and draped her arms over them as she sat there hunched over. No long the straight rod up her backside that refused to have any posture but perfectly straight. "I felt a strange tug, like there was another. Not like me, more like you, something different, in trouble. So young, you all were. Not ready. Let them stay, reflect, train, rest, be protected. That was what I thought. I left word, do not follow. I stepped through a portal, it was to take me to a set place, one I had been to before. One that was steady for us. Yet, when I came through, there I was." Her hand lifted and pointed back out of the cave, towards the river where Faith had come through. "Here I was. Here I am. Here I have been."

Lowering her hand she looked at her fingers. "Is it abandonment when a mother leaves her child with their uncles and aunt? To be protected while she searches for another of their family? No, it is prudence. To think of you all here, all these... centuries." Evelina swallowed slightly before shaking her head. "Maybe you are simply here to keep my company with your sparkling personality." There was a slight chuckle again, though slightly humorous instead of defeated. "I have missed you though." Her voice was laced with a lost kindness with those last words as she looked towards Faith.

Evelina seemed to be in thought, until she suddenly stood up as if she had heard a twig snap in the woods. Nearly startled by whatever it was that got her attention but there was no sound. Her head whipped to one side and then the other, as if she was looking in different directions but could not look quickly enough. "Did others come with you?" she asked as her head kept turning one way and then another. Stepping slowly over to the mouth of the cave. Placing her hand against the rock and looking out over the terrain.

Kyra Altham

Location: DtB Fade Between
Skills: Alertness, Tracking

The woman kept looking at people in front of her, her eyes going from one to the next to the next. Four of them. Looking at her wolf she seemed to nod towards him and he laid down, yawning deeply and resting his head on the ground. Even laying there, his back was still nearly as high as the woman's waist. Tilting her head to the side as the one woman asked where they were and who she was. "Here." That was a simple enough answer. Not really answering the question but stating the obvious. They were here, wherever the hell here was. "Kyra, Ash," she eventually added, pointing to herself and then the wolf at her feet.

Kyra's head tilted to the other side as she spotted Mali standing there. She was a large woman and not in the way where one had had too many rounds at the bar. While the man smelt of a pugilist, this woman looked like one. Built about like one she had seen before, but the coloring was very different. She said nothing, Kyra could respect that. Words were lost much of the time, especially when others were already talking. Sometimes silence was best. Most of the time Kyra had found words didn't matter as much as actions, then again, Kyra wasn't exactly the action packed woman in life she had once been, unless one counted walking as an action; which it was but not like before. Mali wouldn't be picking up any sort of hostility from Kyra or Ash, they both seemed rather indifferent to the group being there. Ash was yawning and Kyra just seemed to be there.

Then another spoke, asking more questions. How was she to know how they got here? She just shrugged. She knew how she got here, or at least she thought she knew how she got here. Once she got here though she really didn't question the how or even the why. She was there, so she went with it after a while. "Don't know a Gandalf."

The first woman spoke again and Kyra looked at her and then at the ground. Slowly stepping around them, keeping her distance. She was looking at the ground, not them. Her head tilting left and then right before she stepped back over to Ash and stopped. Looking back at them. "No one else has been here." It was a flat statement. There were no other tracks she could see in the ground, she heard nothing else around them. Saw nothing else. Smelled nothing else. As far as she knew it was only them.

Then the man that smelled like a pugilist finally spoke up. He seemed to introduce the others. "Strange names." They were to her. Not like names she head heard before but then again, she hadn't heard anything but the sound of her own voice for some time and the names she did know may be strange to them. "Dress strange as well." To her, she didn't know what to make of what they wore. Odd materials from the looks of it. Strange cuts. Maybe they were gypsy. They did dress oddly, she knew one once. Her clothing could have been considered odd. The man said words she didn't know. A different language perhaps? Not one she had heard before. They seemed slightly familiar and her brow rose. "Purgatorio? You mean Purgatory? Yes, maybe. Many names. Otherworld."
March 24th, 1823
*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^


Gretna Green (Church): The fight rages on against the foul beast from hell. Or maybe it's from New Jersey. Who knows. What we do know is at this point the creature is down across the altar, and what I keep referring to in my head as Miss Sally's Angels are effectively kicking its ass. Well if it has one of those. All that darkness and billowing tendrils, can smoke have an ass? I don't know, you know what I mean in general. I hope. Anyways, creature down on the altar, Veta praying, girls kicking much butt and the guys trying to keep up. Now, what happens next? Let's see.

William, bless his heart, is trying to get in there. As there are a lot of people already around the altar it is making it difficult to find an opening but eventually he does around the back side of the altar. Taking a swing though doesn't seem to yield any results as he misses. The creature is flailing and trying to break free, like any wild thing would that is being attacked, and Williams attack misses. Thankfully though it doesn't end up hitting anyone else.

In the middle of flailing the Creature nearly ends up hitting Veta again but Constantin, ever being at the ready will be able to strike the creatures tendrils and knock them away from her. Thankfully keeping Veta undisturbed and able to keep her chanting for the time being.

Vlad seems to have an idea and tries to make it where he can fight this creature on another plane but when he shifts it isn't like it normally is. He doesn't seem to shift to the astral but to another place that seems just as real and solid as the one they are fighting in now. He can look around but there is no church, no battle, no creature, no one else. It is disturbing and feels as if it is both lacking something and containing more. He can only hold it a few moments before his astral form slams back into his body and he goes sliding back across the room and barely stops before hitting the wall.

Maeve is doing well enough fighting off the flailing tendrils - able to strike at it with her feet and her weapon. Knocking them away so it cannot grab ahold of her or others nearby. This is great because it gives a hell of an opening. One that Ny nearly tries to strike in the middle of but takes a step back and with good reason.

As Veta continues and the white light start to grow and slams into the creature center, perhaps it is its chest or just it's core. Whatever it is though causes the creature to scream out in what we can assume is agony. That scream however is cut short as Virginia finds that she is very able with a sword. Sure it isn't her axe but it doesn't matter. As the white light spreads, Constantin is seeing a moment of his previous vision come true. The light is pure white now. Virginia is able to rush the beast and between her thoughts, seeing Millicent wield it before, and taking in what she has seen from the creature she brings her sword down and strikes into its core. The beast seems to seize, its cry cut off. As Virginia draws the blade back, it is dripping with what looks to be blood but it is pure white and slow fades to black and then to ash as the Creature seems to break away like a log that has been burned too long - nothing is left but dust in the form of a burned corpse draped in ashed cloth that if touched, just falls apart as ash would. The smell of sulfur is heavy in the room. Somewhere below the ash still lays poor Ludwig.

Millicent gasps and stops moving. "Ashes to ashes?" she asks as she slowly continues to reach for her dagger, pulling it out and looking around smartly. Is it really dead? Is there another? Taking a step forward gradually, sliding her feet over towards Virginia she peeks over her friends shoulder to look at the beast or what remains of it. "That was a powerful strike, you would have done well in China," she muses quietly to her friend.

Ny steps forward and tilts his head to the side before quickly pulling out a journal and sits down in the front pew. Oh this must be written about. This was something new! "Interesting, very interesting!"

Veta slams back as the light draws back and lands on her rear end. Curling over she works to catch her breath. "Vater, please," she manages to choke out from the dryness in her throat.

@Morose - You are clear to post for Nancy here now.
@Nallore - You are clear to post for Lauren here now.
@FantasyChic - You are clear to post for Faye here now.
@ONL - You are clear to post for Richard and Mahendra here now.

Now, you four are coming in together from DttS - you are appearing just behind Josephine and Mosi - list your location as "DttS Fade Between" for now. There will be more information provided down the line.

As with the other Rps - you can call for rolls in chat, you can post one at the end of your post as well. Double check the skills listing in the 0th post of the CS tab for skill explanations. If in doubt of what do to - just ask.

Counters - do not reset - they go off that characters last post in their previous RP. If confused, just ask. I will post reminders in chat as per usual.

Deeper Than The Sands

Date: October 6th, 1924

*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^

Athribis (Underground): All fucked together, that seems to be the way of things but at least you aren't being ripped limb from limb by one of the creatures that Gene is speaking about. Someone in another place and time did and well, it wasn't pleasant to witness or experience to say the least. Just yuck. Gene seems to be the one that has the best grasp of the situation, or at least as well as one can have right now all things considered. It seems that people are just fading away into nothing and now it is only the five of you left. Things at one point had seemed to be fading together, or at least backwards. You were seeing the carvings and walls look more like one would think they would have centuries before, back when they were fresh and new. Then everything started going away.

Gene isn't sure which direction to go but she still has that pull in two directions, even though they have suddenly shifted. Like a roller-coaster right changing directions on you suddenly. Her inner compass feels wonky. Perhaps it is everything going on that is causing it. Both Mahendra and Richard (Nearly wrote Robert here) aren't sure which direction to go or what to do at this point. With everything fading out and people vanishing as if they were not there, where does one go? When it seems to be happening in every direction. The walls and carvings at this point are too faded to even be able to find a direction.

Fear not, or perhaps fear more because the world is fading more and faster now and seems to fade away completely. What is it replaced with? Well to take a vision before two others, let me quote:

Everything was shades of gray and black. A haze rising up, not like the haze before that seemed to disrupt their vision. This was more of a fog, like a dank English summer that rolled by and cut through the landscape like pea soup. Thick and sticky. It rose up in pillars from the ground and towards a black sky. Was the sky black? One couldn't tell. That same fog that seemed to roll over the ground rolled across the sky. Everything was still and it seemed so silent. Too silent.

Save for a few crackles. Was that a fire? Perhaps. There was a light. Several of them. Burning from something in the distance. And then the fog rolled in such a way to reveal what it was. It was torches burning within what looked to be iron cages. A jutting of black rock coming from the ground and someone standing there. Wait, where your eyes playing tricks on you? No, the fuzziness you were seeing it gone and you can see the details of the bones with perfect clarity. A skeleton, standing there, in worn robes, unmoving, a scythe in a hand. Like it had been set there as a warning? The robes were worn or were they? Or was that bandages? Like a mummy that had been unwrapped partially? It shouldn't be able to stand like that should it? No, bones should call to the ground when not being held together by flesh and skin. It shouldn't be standing there...

There is that and two that some of you have met before - A Miss Josephine and a Miss Mosi

*At this point, DttS is now fully merged over to T.S. - please make your next posts there. I will be updating the lists shortly. ^_^

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W) -> H6 (In Front of W)

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

Atticus made sure that each of the new comers had their keys and that they worked. Walking them to their new homes as it were before moving along to the next. Giving each one a minute to look around and get settled in. "Soon as you are ready, come back to the Tram. We will gotta lot to show you before this evening. I'll meet you back there in a few," he explains to each. Once everyone is shown their new place, Atticus heads back to the tram where Daytona and Major are waiting. Daytona powers the tram back up as people start to return to get the fan running, not knowing how long everyone is going to take to return. Major is still sitting where she was, just looking around as the people of CMB pass every so often.

Wayne, Hank, and Thalia seem to be the first three back. (Hank and Wayne are shelved and are just background noise now.) Riley and Erica are the next back. The came along Manny and Hunter. Now they are waiting on the others.

Tatiana and Jack come back with Jamie. (They are shelved as well and are just background noise.) Atticus looks around and checks his watch, figuring the rest will be back soon enough.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M5 (N) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X/Tram)
Skills: N/A

Watching Ash, Thana just took in the moment. It was a big change from Newnan she knew. Yet, some things were the same. They had decided to try living together before Newnan fell, so this was just simply picking up where they left off. Last night had been nice, being able to be with each other, but parts of it were also hard. She had to open up a lot about parts of her past that she would rather forget but there were things Ash had to understand, reasons why she was the way she was. And they both needed to tell each other more about just who exactly they were. It wasn't the easiest of talks but it was needed. Now with it being a new day, it felt more real. More like an actual couple instead of just two ships passing in the night. They were different in a lot of ways but it seemed that in the ways that mattered they worked well together. Only time would tell if they could build something lasting while they were here. Hopefully they could.

Looking down at he took her hands she chuckled a bit. "Yeah, well, we'll have tonight. And I'm only hangin' around with the tram to get a ride down to the pier," she said quietly before looking up to him. She had work to do but if she could ride along for a bit that wouldn't be bad. And it would keep her from having to walk the distance to the pier itself. Her leg was better now that she had been moving around but she had just had two large steel pins removed from her thigh when she got back yesterday, so it was sore. She didn't want to push it too much. Especially now that Ash had mentioned wanting to dance with her tonight. They hadn't danced at Tatiana and Jacks Wedding Reception but then again, they had both been trying to get out there of there quickly. Tonight was different and the idea of dancing with the man was nice. It was something normal couples did back before the whole world went to shit. Any piece of normalcy was worth its weight in gold these days.

Leaning up, Thana brushed her lips to his and smiled. "Come on, let's get back," she said before she headed out of the room. "Don't forget to lock up," she added as she headed down the hallway. She figured he could catch up with her easily enough. He wasn't the one with a limp right now. Heading down the stairs and then out of the building, Thana made her way to the street, stopping as a truck with supplies drove by before crossing and heading back to the tram. Some where already back. Climbing into her seat, she sat down and nodded slightly towards Atticus. "Just gonna tag along until we reach the pier," she told him. She wasn't going to stick around for the full tour, she already knew where everything was but hey, a few more minutes with the group wouldn't hurt. Turning around in her seat she looked towards Thalia and smiled slightly. It must have hurt her to see Beatrice leave, but knowing that Thalia's brother was here was at least good in her mind. Having her own family here had made the transition easier. She might not have stayed if they weren't. No, she wouldn't have, she would have been back on the road looking for them.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: I6 (R: General Supply)
Skills: N/A

"Oh my god, yes, I got it. It ain't like it's fuckin' rocket science. I load this shit up, drive it to these places, and like drop it off. Auntie, I'm a blonde, I'm not stupid!" Nikki half barked as she tapped the clipboard with the pencil in her hand. It tapping rapidly and then stopping as Nikki took a step back. Auntie was giving her the look. It was a common look from people she got when she was starting to mouth off and about to write another check her ass might not be able to cash. Granted she doubted that Auntie would do anything physical to her, woman would risk breaking a hip, but Auntie had a tongue twice as sharp as Nikki's and she really didn't want to get verbally beat down, or worse, grounded. "Okay, yes ma'am, I got it. Shit, sorry," she said quickly before turning and rushing off.

Pulling a cart over, she looked at the list. Okay, she had a lot to do before tonight. She was a little behind but Nikki smiled to herself, it was worth it. She wanted to get out of supply. She had been in supply for years. And before that, it was more than a year sweeping streets and cleaning up after people. She still would be if an opening hadn't come in. The place was growing quickly back then, so positions opened up faster than they did now. Things had slowed down now. To get a new job either usually meant someone left or died these days. Once in a position you could be there for years. So having a few days being able to work security, even if it was only a test, had been nice. Again, it had put her behind in her Supply duties but it was so worth it.

Nikki had been curious about the new people and getting to see them up close was fun. The two girls who seemed to be dating looked like they would be fun to hang out with. Sparrow was back, so maybe she would let her start running with her again, when she wasn't up that one guys ass. The two older dudes who spent nearly ever minute in their recliners were funny as hell to her. The one armed girl seemed tough as nails and now she found out she was related to Joaquin, now that was some shit. Then there was that Hunter kid, she still wasn't sure what to think about him. He seemed okay and he was a decent kisser but after that whole scene she had been pulled aside by one person and warned to watch her ass. To which she brushed of course. Like Nikki really listened half the time.

Bobbing in place, she hummed to herself as she went down the check list. There were a few stops that she had to make today. Mechanics needed some stuff, the mess hall needed a lot since they were prepping for tonight, and then it was down to the beach to deliver supplies down there and help with set up. Tonight was going to be so much fun. The beach parties usually were but she knew everyone here. Now there were going to be new people! It meant that things would be different than it normally was. Sure, change wasn't always good but hey, she figured today it was. Seeing the same people day in and day out could get boring, and well when she got bored she got into trouble. Maybe she would be a good girl tonight? Snickering to herself, she thought, yeah fucking right.
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