Avatar of Lady Absinthia


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

Current Roleplays
Resources and Tutorials
My Main RP Peeps
Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

Evelina Lucas

Location: The In-Between: Plains between River and Cave
Skills: N/A

Many things went through Evelina's mind as Faith spoke. She kept all her thoughts to herself. Right then, she felt it was the best thing to do. Sometimes silence was golden. It gave a person time to reflect. On what they had been told and more than that just what they were saying. Her feet hitting the ground with each step she took and the sound of gravel grinding under foot being muffled out by the talking of the Paradox. A blank expression on the Emendators features as she walked, back ridged and arms loose at her sides. Her dark hair, longer now than it had been, hung down her back and whipped slightly in the wind. Time did that. While for Faith it had been less than a week since Evelina had left, less time than a short vacation, a time so short she wouldn't have even have had to pluck her brows. Time in the end for anyone was relative. A thousand years could feel like a few minutes. A few minutes could feel like a thousand years. It all depended on how you spent the time and who was around you. Right then, a few minutes felt like a thousand years. Chances were nothing would change that.

Stopping for a moment, Evelina looked up and away as Faith finished talking. Turning her head to the left and then to the right. Glancing around with the same blank expression she had had when the Paradox was talking. There was no evidence how what Faith said affected Evelina. Had she listened? Had she heard her? Had it hurt? Angered? Calmed her? One couldn't tell. She just stood there, looking in one direction and then another. Keeping what went through her mind to herself before looking back in the direction she had come from.

"How close to death do you really want to get?" A sideways glance was cast towards Faith as she spoke. "Take it from someone who contemplates the terror of nothingness every extricable moment of their existence." Evelina's voice was calm as she spoke. "You don't understand what that is." Even and emotionless. "I hope you never do." Before, while reserved most of the time Evelina had held emotion. "I am so sorry I am such a disappointment to you." The last time Evelina has spoken to a Paradox before today she had erupted towards them. "It doesn't make any difference." Today, at most, she had shown only a hint of emotion. "What do you do when you realize you might not be the good guy?" The longer time went by though the less there was. "I did what I had to do." Until there was nothing left but a hollow echo. "If I had to do it again, I would." Evelina was not the same. "There is no way out."

Taking a deep breath she turned her head. "At least not for me." Placing one foot in front of the other. "The void within me is bottomless and it is black and it is eternal." In the same direction she had been going. "You can't save me." The direction she had said she was going to walk. "No one can." Towards the river. "I'm already gone." Sharp rocks were starting to line the area as she walked, taller and taller the closer she got to the river itself. "That's just the roll of the dice." It was still someways off when Evelina had to step around one of the larger rocks and behind it out of sight. "And even I cannot change that." She never emerged from the other side.

Kyra Altham

Location: DtB Fade Between : PE Fade Between
Skills: Alertness, City Knowledge (The In-Between), Animal Control (Wolf)

Kyra looked up towards the sky and away as the others talked. Turning her head to the left and to the right as the others kept speaking. Was what they saying having any effect on her? It was unclear as her eyes moved and swept across the landscape slowly, as if she was scanning for something. "A shift is coming." Her words were blank as she spoke, as if she was telling someone that two plus two equaled four or letting them know what the weather would be tomorrow. It wasn't even clear if she was actually speaking to them or just to the air as the words left her lips. Ash lifted his head slightly, sniffing the air for a moment before resting himself back down in Kyra's lap.

Whatever it was, it didn't seem to concern either of them. Though, things didn't really seem to faze Kyra. Emotionless, even, there was not much there to define her. People appearing in the middle of this place and she seemed no more surprised than if when she laid her head down at night she fell asleep. Was it expected? Or just common occurrence? Perhaps she had a numbness to the world. Perhaps that is what happened to people when they came here. While she did not say much though, she listened. A simple nod coming from her at the question Mali gave her. Proserpine? "Yes."

***** Snapping *****

Taking a deep breath, she would have said more but there was nothing more to say to those that were not there. Looking around from where she sat she didn't recognize any of the people standing up around her. Kyra did not bother to shrug or even look perplexed. She merely patting the large wolf resting its head in her lap. It sat up, sitting it was nearly as tall as those standing around. A slow breath left her nose as she stood up and looked around. Taking in her surroundings.

"Shiftings..." she said to herself as she kept looking around. The wolf stood up and padded around Kyra protectively. Sniffing slightly as he did, his large tongue lapping out to lick his own nose. Kyra looked down at the wolf for a minute before looking finally at the people standing there. "You smell of fear." Her voice was direct as she looked towards Mahendra. She looked each of them over. "More strange clothing." She seemed to be talking more to herself than to those actually standing there.

Elizaveta Romanova

Location: Soulless Fade Between : DttS Fade Between
Skills: N/A

Turning her head Elizaveta looked towards Constantin, her fingers resting on the walls of the ruins. Gently running over the worn stone. There was a nod from her. "Da, perhaps. Elsevhere as vell. Vould be good? Safe but elsevhere? Ve can hope," she said softly as her fingers left the wall and she walked over towards Constantin, reaching out and taking his hand in hers. Another nod, as if to reassure herself along with him. "They are strong, they survive. Ve survive." She didn't know that for certain but as she had said, hope. It was what they had. Perhaps they were still in the church, wondering the same. Thinking the same. Hoping the same.

At Constantin's question, Elizaveta looked around. Dieter? It took her a minute to remember the small animal that was with the German. Pursing her lips together she let go of Constantin's hand and started looking around but it was no good. Dieter, the ferret not the brother, was no where to be found. He was not with them. Perhaps like others, like Millicent and Colette and Ny, he was elsewhere as well. She could hope. Hope was all they had now. They were elsewhere. A place they didn't know, coming by a way they had not expected.

While during her looking around, Elizaveta hadn't found anything of note, someone else would. Virginia, in her speaking and looking seemed to have clued in on something. On one of the other walls, etched in the stone but faded and worn was the same symbol that Elizaveta had drawn in the dust on the floor of the church, the Belladonna. It seemed there was a connection. If that connection meant anything or not was yet to be seen but there it was. Perhaps not as clear as day but clear as a foggy night: which for Virginia might have been preferable.

Turning her head, Elizaveta looked towards Vlad and sighed. "Let us take a moment. reserve fire for grand finale, da?" she said in a calm voice towards Vlad. There was a slight glance towards William as he introduced himself. "Much of the time even the purpose ve find is not the one meant." Or perhaps there was none? During Williams searching he would find nothing he could link to England or Scotland. Nothing other than the symbol that Virginia had already discovered.

***** Snapping *****

Elizaveta was about to say something else to Vlad when she suddenly appeared elsewhere. She spun around quickly, her hand falling to the hilt of her blade. Only she didn't know those standing around her. She knew William but only barely. Seeing the other two women standing with this strange looking man with a snake her eyes narrowed. "Vhat vitchery is this?" she asked. The two women were dressed in away she didn't understand and the man looked like something that had just docked from the West Indies. "You look of the Del'ataunt Graveolase..." She did not sound happy about that as her grip on the hilt of her blade tightened.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

L5 (Mess Hall): Everyone is either eating, or heading out. Milling about and talking a bit to each other. No big changes here this round within the mess hall other than what is in posts.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Thana gave a slight smirk and shook her head. "Oh don't put that on me. Last time I even tried to mention anything booze wise she told me to shove it where the sun don't shine. You wanna deal with that hornets nest that is all on you and I ain't gonna be in fall out range," Thana said before pushing her food around on her tray a bit before finally getting a piece on her fork. Taking a bite she chewed her food quietly and looked around to see what was going on before having to remind herself that she was basically off duty. There was no ever full off duty, even here, but she was as off duty as she could get and she was in the mess hall, there was no reason for her to be on the look out other than just habit. It was a good habit to have in this world but then again if you were so focused on everything else you missed the here and now as well.

Turning her head she looked over towards Ash. He really wasn't saying anything or giving her anything. Well, his presence, which was nice, but two people sitting in silence with only one really giving anything wasn't exactly a great dinner conversation. Out of everything she had said to him, he only half responded to one thing. Picking up her napkin, Thana wiped her mouth before turning slightly and rested her elbow on the table as she leaned her head into her palm. "Anyone ever tell you that you talk to much?" she asked him with a hint of sarcasm in her voice and a sly smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth. Hopefully that little verbal poke would get him to talk a little more or at least be aware that she wasn't going to hold a one sided conversation with herself while he eavesdropped.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Nikki looked over towards Amelia a little confused as she chewed her food. Wanted to get away from the crowds? Pursing her lips as she swallowed she shook her head. "Beach area where you can go is limited. Everyone's gonna be there. Better get used to the crowds. Unless you're home, this is about as quiet as it gets," she said waving her fork around the room to the people sitting down and eating before adjusting the grip on her fork and stabbing a piece of meat on her plate. "Nah, not everyone but most if you have been here for more than a couple of years. Some come in with some, mostly things just stick. Like Checkbook. Writing checks my ass can't cash," Nikki said with a grin as she popped her fork in her mouth and pulled it out clean with a grin and a wink. "Talk to the band tonight, maybe they'll cut a deal with ya," she said with food in her mouth to Riley mentioning the guitar.

More would have been said but Lisa came over as she was chewing. "Hey girl. Just shoveling food before running. Gotta get shit down to the sands before the party," she said after she swallowed. Standing up, she grabbed her tray. "Here, take my seat. Watch out though, these two will talk your ear off," Nikki added sarcastically with a giggle before she turned and started skipping off. Bobbing her head as she bussed her tray and went to go grab her cart. It would have been nice to sit and talk for a while but Maddog had already basically told her to get her ass in gear once today, she didn't want a repeat. And she did want to have fun at the party tonight.

Evelina Lucas

Location: The In-Between: Evelina's Cave -> Plains between River and Cave
Skills: Locate (Emendator), Locate (Paradox)

"How about to trust me? That I wouldn't leave unless I had to? That if I say don't follow me don't? To think on what I tried to teach you? That you aren't special, none of us are. That I owe you nothing, that no one does," Evelina said as she started packing up. Stopping she sighed and shook her head. "Never mind. Talking to you is like talking to a wall. Yes, I am stupid. I thought I could get through to you and trust you to have learned something. That now knowing that I left to save another, not to help you, would have sunk in. But as you seem to believe that myself and the rest of the Emendators are stupid I see that was a fools hope." Picking up her pack she kicked dirt over the fire to put it out. Faith was speaking just as she did back when she was taken with Bart to Club Afterdark. Even worse now from Evelina could recall. It sickened her. Especially the way she spoke about the other Emendators.

"As far as who is saving who, you figure it out. I am either too inept to know the answer or you won't listen to the one I give you," Evelina added. Opening her pack she reached in and pulled out her dice. Rolling them over in her hand a few times before placing them softly back in the pack. Tightening it down she slid her pack onto her shoulder and stepped to the edge of the cave.

There was a pause in Evelina's movements, closing her eyes and feeling as well as she could which direction other Emendators were, other Paradoxes. Her head turned one way and then another, as if she was feeling in the directions instead of actually looking. As her eyes opened, something cemented in her mind but as she stepped out of the cave she didn't move in either direction her head had turned. She seemed to be walking back towards the water where Faith had come through. Not directly, like she was aiming to get there but further up the river. "I am going this way," she said as she motioned in the general direction.

Kyra Altham

Location: DtB Fade Between
Skills: Alertness, City Knowledge (The In-Between)

Taking a breath, Kyra leaned her head back against the wall face and her eyes darted around the area for a moment before she stopped. The wolf seemed content to just lay there next to Kyra, yawning every so often before resting his head down in Kyra's lap, taking up most of it. Looking down Kyra rested her hand on his fur and ran her fingers through it idly. Her eyes still looked out beyond where they were sitting, like she was watching something or for something. She didn't seem to be listening but as Mali spoke she uttered a few words. "Blights," she said in reference to the creatures that Mali was speaking about. Tilting her head to the side she took note of the womans hands. Glowing, that was different to her but she made no mention of it.

Yet as Robert started talking, her brow quirked a bit. She though. Still listening to what the others were saying. When Caesar mentioned the name Keystone the woman's head seemed like it could have snapped the way she turned it so quickly in Caesar's direction. Keystone, that was a name she had not heard since the tower. That was not a good day. "Keystone? Large Pugilist?" she asked before looking away. "Speak with Proserpine." It seemed the woman was able to weave together more than two words but what she lacked in length of sentence was probably made up with meaning behind it. At least with one of those words, some in the group might know the name, for different reasons, none of them good. Lifting her hand she pointed up the wall of rock and back some what. "Chthonic Groves. Four days that direction."

Elizaveta Romanova

Location: Soulless Fade Between
Skills: N/A

The feeling when her hands joined with Virginia and Vlad was something Elizaveta had no experienced before. It was hard to put it to words. Flying? Light Headed? The world around her seemed to fall away to another. What was happening? She wasn't sure. She had only hoped that by following the threes that were making themselves evident and joining the three families that maybe the source of their families abilities would be able to be tapped and they would see what Vlad had seen. It was a shot in the dark but considering everything they had recently seen everything seemed to be up in the air. What happened however was nothing she could have ever imagined. It was something out of left field and completely unexpected. Perhaps though, that was how things were now. One could only expect the unexpected and pray they had it in themselves to deal with it.

As they seemed to land in this new place Elizaveta let go of Vlad and Virginia's hand, only to place her own to her brow and take a few long and deep breaths. This was not the first time she had been transported elsewhere. That thing which took her seemed to do the same but much more violently. Yet, it still was not an easy feeling. After a moment she lowered her hands and took a look around. "Ve transport?" she answered towards Williams question of what happened. She was not sure herself. All she knew was they were in a church. This looked like it could have once been a church but not the one they had been in. This was far too different. Taking a deep breath she shook her head. "Do not knov," she said truthfully.

Slowly she stood, finding her legs a tad wobbly but she soon found more stable footing beneath herself as she continued to look around and take in where they were, wherever that was. "Da, beautiful in unique vay," Elizaveta said in a calm voice. Perhaps a bit too calm, like she hadn't fully let herself grasp what had just happened. Though as far as she knew they were just elsewhere, like Virginia said. Could have been somewhere in Scotland for all she knew. Stepping slowly she walked towards one of the ruins walls and looked at it but it wasn't telling her anything. She couldn't pick out any markings that made any sense to her. Turning her head she noted not all of them where there. "Do you think others are safe?" she asked, just in general and to no one in particular.

(As William does not have a perception skill - he cannot call for a skill roll using that. Use skills listed of N/A for a roll without a skill. Skills listed must be skills in CS. Rolled this time but no results. William is not picking up on anything.)
@Morose - You are clear to post for Virginia here now.
@Sigil - You are clear to post for Vlad here now.
@Rivaan - You are clear to post for Constantin here now.
@Romero - You are clear to post for William here now.

And I will start posting for Veta here now as well.

Now, you coming in together from Soulless - you are appearing just as you were standing in the church in Soulless - just go off the description in the last Soulless post for the area itself. - list your location as "Soulless Fade Between" for now. There will be more information provided down the line.

As with the other Rps - you can call for rolls in chat, you can post one at the end of your post as well. Double check the skills listing in the 0th post of the CS tab for skill explanations. If in doubt of what do to - just ask.

Counters - do not reset - they go off that characters last post in their previous RP. If confused, just ask. I will post reminders in chat as per usual.

March 24th, 1823
*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^


Gretna Green (Church): Millicent looked confused as Veta spoke. "Again? I don't know about the rest of you but I would do very well never having to do any of this again," she said as she looked around. The last thing she wanted to do was to have to repeat what they all just went through. If she could get through the rest of her life without ever seeing another dark beast that smelled of brimstone. Then Virginia's words made her stop. "What?" was all she could muster to say. She heard and understand the words but the why was probably a better question. Millicent felt she was in the same boat as Meave, she hadn't a clue what was going on.

Ny just chuckled and took a seat. "Oh my, yes, yes, let us see what happens!" he said as he pulled out his journal and started writing again, he wanted to get this all down. Seemed those touched with a bit of madness knew what was going on. William seemed to be readying himself for something. (Note, during switch over, fighting skills can only be used in actual actions, not prepping for action. That takes things like alertness to pick up on things.) Dieter, the ferret not the brother, seemed to be looking around at what was going on but he was fine with Constantin being his care taker for now.

"I do not know if I wish to know what is about to transpire..." Millicent said as she looked at the Circus folk and her dearest friend before glancing towards Maeve and Colette.

Veta smiled over towards Virginia as she took her hand, squeezing it gently in the process. Looking over towards Constantin she still held the simple smile. "Stand guard, as alvays," she said with a soft nod. Turning her head she took Vlads hand as well. Now, what Veta was going for was hoping that bridging together the families that Vlad would be able to show her and Virginia what he had seen. Maybe between that, and other skills they would be able to find out some valuable information and more importantly a destination to go to from here.

Thing was... It didn't work. But it backfired so horribly that while the two women got a glimpse of what Vlad had seen when he attempted this before, so did Constantine and William. The five of them got more than a glance. They felt it, they saw it first hand, and the world around them started to fade away. It was like closing ones eyes and going straight into a dream. They weren't the only ones affected either. Millicent, Colette, Maeve, and Ny didn't see anything that the others were but they did see something. As they looked at each other, they started to fade away. Starting slowly at the hands and the edges of their bodies and quickly worked inwards until they were gone. Millicents eyes widened, she seemed to try to say something but her body was gone before she could utter a word. Ny just kept writing as his body faded away.

For the five, they saw rolling fields of dust and desolation, rivers of darkness, and then a building. A lone standing barren structure. And then they were in it.

At this point, DttS is now fully merged over to T.S. - please make your next posts there. I will be updating the lists shortly. ^_^ Colette, and Maeve have 1 last post in this RP - their fade out. Up to you two to wrap it up. ^^

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

L5 (Mess Hall): Joaquin perked up when Thalia came over, standing from his seat and grinning at his sister. "Then let us talk, do not run from me and my friends in camp. Let us sit and converse about the past, the present and a future, my little sister," he said with a cheeky grin.

Shears chuckled. "Always a damn mouth full with this one. Like he's Shakespear in the park or something," Sheers laughed.

Roy just rolled his eyes. "At least he isn't drunk," Roy muttered before shoving a bite of food into his mouth.

Snickering Sheers clapped a few times as he laughed before looking back at Thalia. "Happy to but yeah, like the windbag said. Why not have a seat with us?" he offered before Roy pointed out that some else was already waiving Thalia over to him. "Oh looks like you got a dinner invite, hit me up if you want another. No needing to be waiting a year between cuts anymore."

"Yeah, just make sure your loud when you go into the barber shop, he's usually asleep," Roy quipped.

"Oh she does, well then, off to your friends and we will share a drink and a talk tonight my sweet sister," Joaquin added as he sat back down.

The table with Bass, Maddog, Panama, Volts, Atticus, and Auntie seemed to be done eating and were cleaning up their dishes before rushing them over to bus their trays. Maddog broke off from them and headed over towards where Nikki was sitting with Riley and Amelia. "Checkbook, need the supplies down at the beach now," he said before tapping his watch and walking off. The small group left the Mess Hall together.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Thana nodded slightly as she reached over and rested her hand over Ash's, giving him a gentle squeeze. "Hey, he understands. Usually it's a monthly thing to go out there but special times they let others go out there. You got people out there, give ya a chance to say goodbye. Ain't something we get a lot of these days, so when you actually can you need to. He gets that," she said quietly as she leaned her shoulder against his. The people buried in the graveyard weren't people she needed to or even wanted to visit but what she needed for closure and what others needed were two different things. If Ash wanted to go out there, she'd put in the paperwork and talk to her grandfather about it. She'd go with him if he wanted. But they could talk about that more later.

Taking a bite of her food she looked around the room as people were grouping off. "Good to see some of them tryin' to get to know the others," she said motioning with her fork towards the different pairings off of people that had just gotten out of Quarantine. "I think dad made some friends from Quarantine," she added pointing over towards Gunny with Hank and Wayne. "It's going to be the CMB version of King Of The Kill," she chuckled quietly thinking on it. She could imagine them standing at the party tonight holding drinks and every so often just saying 'yup' or 'mmhmm' as they stood in a line watching everything going on. It was a pretty soothing thought to her, it was something normal in this world of chaos.

"Oh, over there, with Edna, that's Rosie," she said pointing towards the heavily tattooed and greased woman. "Her and Mizrahi built the truck I came in on, off your plans." It was a little bit of information. "The younger girl with them is Ada, she runs the distillation division in camp," she added pointing to the brunette woman sitting with Edna and Rosie that wore black coveralls.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Nikki took a bite of her food as she waited to see if Riley and Amelia were going to join her. Chewing slowly as they came over and sat down. She invited them over, and they said... nothing. Okay, that was weird. But hey they joined her. That was something? No not really. Swallowing the bite she had taken her brow lifted when Amelia mumbled something about there being a lot of people. Picking up her glass of water she looked around and shrugged as she took a sip. "Well, it is dinner," she said before taking a sip. Shrugging she set the glass back down and looked at them. "Damn how long has it been since you like sat down with people?" she asked before shoveling another bite in her mouth.

The girl half chewed it before swallowing it down. "Cause this is the part we're supposed to make small talk. You know, hey, how are you, excited about the party tonight type of stuff. Or hey, thanks for asking, loved to join ya. It's easy, really. Try it," she said before shoveling another bite into her mouth and grinning at them. Her cheeks puffing slightly from the size of the bite she took. Nikki tilted her head to the side and crossed her eyes before giggling and swallowing the bite. "That is unless you're like the Seniors table over there and have developed old man telepathy," she said motioning with her fork over towards where Gunny and Wayne and some of the older men were sitting just exchanging glances.

Nikki had just shoved another bite full in her mouth when Maddog came over and told her they needed the stuff down at the beach. "Shit, right, two more bites and I'll be down there," she said as he started to walk off. Swallowing her food she stuck out her tongue towards the man's back before taking another bite and looking back at the girls she was sitting with.

Evelina Lucas

Location: The In-Between: Evelina's Cave
Skills: N/A

Sitting there staring at the fire, the tip of the blade being turned over slowly, Evelina seemed lost in thought. She wasn't thinking on what was happening, or the words that had been spoken. She was thinking on that last life. That last choice made. What had drawn her away in the first place. While Evelina had been stuck in what she was calling the In-Between for hundreds and hundreds of years, for Faith it had actually been less than a week since the last time she saw Evelina. Less time than Evelina had instructed them to just rest and think on the lessons. Evelina had not even been gone twenty-four hours when people had decided, against her instructions, to look for her. For the rest of those she left behind, it had only been two days. Things Evelina didn't know or there perhaps would have been a long speech about people listening. Though now that she felt what she felt, pulling at her, she knew it didn't matter. They all would have wound up here eventually.

Yet, one wasn't. More than one. Why was that? Still it was not something that Evelina was thinking on. She was thinking on that walk in the woods. When the rain came down. The woman who had drawn her there. The talk they had had. It had been a different experience for her than others she had dealt with in the past. This felt like the last time and like the first, woven together. She had to give the woman this, she made a hell of a choice. When given two choices she found a third. That was unexpected. What happened to her? Did she find what she was searching for? Evelina was not sure but she hoped she did. Just to know that perhaps for some there were more than two options changed everything. If it only changed the path of one, it was something new and different. Something she had not had in centuries. She didn't question the how's. Usually when those questions were answered it either took away from something or didn't change anything. Though, she would have to thank another eventually, if she ever saw her again, for the favor granted, if she was able.

Time passed and Evelina was still lost in thought, or at least it seemed that way. Until she finally blinked and looked over towards Faith, giving her a small smile before putting her knife away. "If you were given the choice, would you not have died? Continued living where you were?" she asked as she draped her arms over her knees. "Or would you have still chosen to be what you are? If there had been another way?" Whether or not the question had a purpose was up for debate but it seemed that Evelina was genuinely interested in whether or not Faith would have chosen to go back to a life of fighting Walkers or if she would have still chosen to be caught in-between life and death. And now, caught in-between life and death in a space she called the In-Between.

Kyra Altham

Location: DtB Fade Between
Skills: Alertness

Walking, it was what she did. From one place to another, but usually with no destination in mind. One place did not become another place until she reached it. Only then did she know that was where she was going and even then it wasn't the destination. There was no destination. There never was. At least there hadn't been in a very long time. She couldn't be bothered to think about just how long it had been. It really didn't matter. Kyra had learned a long time ago that most things, in the end, didn't matter. Yet right then she did have a destination, if only a temporary one, and only because they seemed to feel the need for cover. Sure she could have said something to counter their reasoning but why bother. People asked questions, and much of the time argued the answer because it wasn't what they wanted to hear.

Yet she kept a eye out and an ear on her surroundings. One would be foolish not to out there, granted one would be a fool to ever let their guard down. Turning her head slightly at Roberts mentioning of Ash. "Not really," she commented before looking back ahead. She didn't expand on it. The woman didn't seem to possess the gift of gab and if she did, she wasn't feeling like using it right then. Now while Ceasar might want to find out about the lands around him, tracking won't do that. Tracking if for following people or animals, it doesn't tell you about land or flora or fauna more than a person or this animal passed this way. Now, as far as anything being around or passing, no Caesar isn't seeing anything with his tracking. Either nothing had passed by recently or at least nothing that walked. There were no tracks to follow.

At the offering of the tequila, whatever that was, Kyra took the container and unscrewed the top of it. Bringing it to her nose she sniffed. Making a face she held it down to Ash, who in turn sniffed and drew back as well. "Smells like a tavern," she said. Taking the cap she screwed it back on. Turning it over to look at it before holding it back out. "Stay sharp." It was decent advice, probably rather obvious. The walking continued until they got closer to the cliff face. It didn't look like there was anywhere to go into, like a cave or anything. Walking over to the wall face of the cliff, Kyra turned and sat down with her back to the wall. "Best for three days." Ash jogged over to Kyra and sat down next to her panting slightly.
@Rivaan has clearance to put his new character in the CS tab and bring in the new character.
March 24th, 1823
*Roll requests can be made in chat or can be left at the bottom of your post for results in the next update. You can get a roll during your post and add another in the update at the bottom of your post! Ever in doubt of what to post, just drop me a message and we can talk.

Special Note: That Haze will remain until further notice, so make sure to keep to it. ^_^


Gretna Green (Church): Millicent still wasn't buying what the Grand Duchess was saying. It just didn't make logical sense. That thing died on the altar and beneath the remaining ashes was this person. Like a moth in a cocoon. The look of obvious doubt played on Millicents features as she looked at Elizaveta. Sighing, took another drink of the water before speaking again. "Ludwig died before Church. Brought here to severe soul. Keep from changing. Soul was freed before creature showed." Millicents brows shot up at the explanation. Her head turning and looking back at the door. Thinking back to when she entered here. She had been distracted by Rutherfords face, by seeing Virginia again, by Colette and Maeve showing up; she had completely forgotten others were in the church before her. That she had come across the others just before, that Ludwig was indeed dead, thrown over a horse, before everything started going down the way it was. If face palming had been a thing, she might just have done that right then.

"Apparently I was mistaken. Thank you for the clarification," she said before she walked over to a pew bench and sat herself down, rubbing her throat slightly. At Williams offering she shook her head. "No, I believe I shall be fine in due course," she added as she sat there. Something in her felt a sense of relief knowing that thing hadn't come from one of them. To think to turn into a beast like that, it seemed so much worse than becoming a Soulless.

Now, during all of this we seemed to have lost sight of a little friend. Dieter, the ferret not the brother. Worry not! Animals are smart creatures, especially ferrets. They like to hide and sneak, they are very tricksy they are. Especially Dieter, the ferret not the brother. There was a slight whimper from behind one of the tapestries that hung along the walls and a head poked out. A little nose at first before the rest of him emerged and scurried over towards Constantin, running up his leg and body until he perched on the mans shoulder. Apparently Dieter, the ferret not the brother, was just fine. He had just been hiding until everything calmed down.

Things though were not going to calm down, they were going to in-fact calm up. Elizaveta slowly staggered to her feet. Her eyes focusing on the altar as Ny brushed some of the ash aside. Something popped up from beneath a mound of the ash. At first it was simply a green stem, then leaves started to fold out from it. A single stem kept climbing until a bloom started to form. It was the color of dark lilac, and gradually paled as its bell like blossom opened and a light came from within it. The flower cast off a scent, that of turned up soil and dank caves. "Only to grow in darkness but my how it blossoms," Ny commented to himself as he stepped around watching the flower.

Millicent watched the flower but gripped her dagger. This couldn't be normal. Elizaveta on the other hand watched in wonderment. "Seek life elsewhere." A haunting voice, so chilling and yet familiar to some within the group. Some by chance meeting, some by message before, some just by a feeling. "Seek life elsewhere." Eilizaveta's head tilted to the side. Thinking on the words and then thinking on other words. Vlad's words. "Seek life elsewhere." The flower faded and three petals fell to the ash.

Elizaveta looked at her own hands and then she started to pace. Mumbling under her breath. "Three." Her fingers counting off. "Three." Pointing at the air. "Three." Pointing at Vlad, then Virginia, then herself. "Three." Then to herself again, to Vlad, to Constantin. "Three." Then to groups as they came in. "Three." Her fingers seeming to count off something in her mind. "Three.". Dropping her knees she began to draw an old symbol in the dust and ash. A symbol of a flower that looked almost of flame. Petals, leaves, heart. Looking back over her shoulder. "Three."

Breathing out she nodded. "Again, must again," she said as she glanced towards Vlad, holding her hand out to him. Then her head turned towards Virginia and she held her other hand out towards the woman, hoping against hope she understood. "Three..."
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