Avatar of Lady Absinthia


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

Current Roleplays
Resources and Tutorials
My Main RP Peeps
Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

Ludwig Zimmer

Location: The In-Between: Plains between River and Cave
Skills: N/A

There is a flash of a smile from Ludwig as he cradled his journal to his chest as if it was a precious baby, patting it on its back and bouncing it lovingly as he spun around with loose joints. The man was like a walking weeble-wobble. "Know things? So many things! I love things! And people! And places! And things! Many things! Knick-knacks, patty wacks! Get that dog a bone," he said pointing towards the tiger but giggling instead. "Tiger, a bone. Might steed, not as mighty as Dieter. My ferret not my brother, but good steed. I think, maybe. If let me ride?" he seemed to ask. The tiger seemed to growl. "Maybe? Yes! Maybe, for things!" The tiger seemed content around Virginia.

Whatever attention that Ludwig had been paying towards Gilbert was quickly side trekked at Virginia spoke to him. "Well..." he started but then seemed to snap out of it as he opened his journal and quickly starting thumbing through the pages. "Well, well, well, well," he said over and over and over again. Flipping page after page after page. Stopping he shoved his finger into his book and exclaimed, "WELL!" before turning the book around so Virginia could see it. It was a page and a drawing of a well, with flowers like the one Elizaveta had drawn in the dirt surrounding and climbing up it. There were words written but they weren't in a language that Virginia knew. Gothic was a trained language.

Pushing his glasses up from the tip of his nose. "One man trash is another's treasure. One's life is one's death. One's mad is anothers glad. One heaven is another hell. Just flip a coin," he said with a grin as stood there, his finger still tapping on the image of the well that he was showing Virginia.

Now the objects that Virginia picks up, the dirt starts rubbing off of them as she examines them. It is a set of dice. Very old, very worn. As far as she can remember through the stories there is no mention of dice with Belladonna but then again there is probably a lot the family doesn't know about the woman. Though, those from PE will instantly recognize the dice that Virginia is holding: they are Eve's.

Kyra Altham

Location: PE Fade Between
Skills: Animal Control (Wolf)

Bart introducing himself received a tad of a head bob from Kyra, it seemed to be about as much as she gave towards any real movement as far as facial expressions went. That was until he started asking specifics. She hadn't considered it. Her eyes went up for a moment, as if she was in thought. She noticed a lot of things, taking in her surroundings and such but she really didn't pay attention to them if they weren't a danger to her. Her hand came up, leveling her palm off at her own head. Slowly she rose it a few inches above herself. "Taller," she said in a monotone fashion before lowering her her hand. (Quick reference, Nancy is shorter than Kyra. Evelina is taller is Kyra.)

The man who called himself a fire walker seemed to be going on about death. She snapped her finger and Ash looked at her. Licking his own nose he started sniffing around, mostly at the feet of those that were there before looking back to her. Her brow lifted. "Says you're not dead," she said looking at Constantin. "Blights, Soul-eaters," she said as he mentioned some creatures and described them.

Then he kept talking and telling of where he was before the snap. Her eyes went back up again, as if she was trying to remember something that hadn't been of interest to her in a very long time if ever. She had a look on her face like she was trying to get together a bibliography for a book report. After a minute something seemed to click. Lifting her hand she pointed her finger in a direction. "Typlyon's Ruins. Six days journey," she said dryly before lowering her hand.

More talking but Kyra wasn't putting more in right then, other than to repeat herself about the Blights and Soul-eaters as the Destruere were mentioned. Mahendra is trying to figure out just what is going on by looking at the dirt. Guess this is what a soothsayer would call a dry tea reading, lol. Anyways. Talk of end times seems to actually be avoided much in Egyptian Myth from what he can remember. That they try not to give details on end times because they felt it would bring it about. The whole creating the whole thing you are trying to avoid by trying to avoid it. There are whispers about Coffin Texts and that after many cycles it will finally end though - maybe that is why there is so much in one place that shouldn't be. Renewing.

Elizaveta Romanova

Location: DttS Fade Between

The Baron seemed to be pushing for them to keep moving with him and following him. This did not sit well with Elizaveta. Yet there seemed to be nothing she could do right then if the woman wanted to go with him. She didn't seem to be under a spell or anything. Maybe she was up to something as well? Women had to do what they had to do to survive usually and if the woman had an idea she wasn't going to get in the way but then again the other woman with her didn't seem to like this Baron person anymore than she did.

Sighing a bit, this was one of those times that Elizaveta wished her Tretiy Glaz would kick in but that wasn't how it worked. It usually came at the oddest times with the oddest of messages that didn't make sense until after everything unfolded. Her people were missing, she was in a strange land, and the closest thing she had to a friend was a man she had met on the road just hours before. Keeping her hand on the hilt of her blade she looked up at the sky. Dark, no stars from what she could see. Not that if she could see them it would help but it would have been nice to see a star or two.

All things considered she nearly cast Vyzov, a flock of birds could be useful but then again, this thing, this Baron, she didn't know what he was but she knew there was something dark that didn't sit right with her. Perhaps she should just bide her time. It was the best she could do for now. Looking towards William she asked him, "follov or go alone?" Should they go with this Baron and the other women or strike out alone and try to find the people they had shown up in this place with.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

L5 (Mess Hall): Shelved Characters are heading back to their homes for now. Other wise, holding pattern since there is no movement outside of what I need to respond to for my own two characters.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Thana really didn't want to go back to the conversation about King of the Hill and the people at one table in particular. She was starting to regret bringing it up with certain thoughts coming to mind she wished she had never thought and was seriously thinking of raiding supply for bleach to drink at this point to try to get rid of some of those mental images. Wayne, in a set of leopard print Speedos should be in no one's mind. Ever. In the history of man kind. She half gagged at the thought and shook her head. "We ain't ever speakin' of that again. Ever." Thana cringed and shook off the hee-bee's and gee-bee's as a shiver ran down her back. She still really wanted to bleach her brain.

Taking a gulp of her water she moved on from that very uncomfortable topic onto the next one at hand. Ash was mentioning something. It took her a moment to swim out of the shit storm of leopard print speedos swimming around in her mind to realize what he had said. Yeah, she deserved a damn Medal of Honor for not vomiting at the mental image in her head that was soaking through her like a plague. "Thanks," was all she could manage to say. She was about to take another bite of food but she just lowered her fork and pushed the tray away.

"Get the hell out of here and find a way to get that image out of my brain," she said snatching up her tray. "I feel like I gotta either bleach my brain or take a shower, somethang," she added before she started limping over to bus her tray and wash her hands of the meal. Left over would get composted or used in other ways. Thankfully she hadn't gotten much at all. Heading towards the door she glanced over towards Ash to see if he would 1) be joining her and 2) giving her a lift (Akapiggy back ride)

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Just outside the Mess Hall) -> M6
Skills: N/A

There was a slight nod as Nikki chewed her bubble gum and bopped about as Hunter explained that he probably needed her to go over things again. "Yeah, better safe than sorry ya know," she said as she started heading east out side of the Mess hall, and a little south. She didn't seem to watch where she was going so much besides a casual glance up every so often as she bopped, skipped, and twirled about. "Well it isn't a lot. Pick up food fer the dog once a week from supply. Vet will have papers on how much is her rationing a day, along with a map where she can go outside of your home each day with hours she can go there."

Nikki stopped and finger gunned towards Hunter. "Other than that, clean it up when she craps and dispose it where your supposed to, and keep her indoors otherwise. Oh and clean dog hair out of your home once a week - like fully. And de-dog hair your clothing before turning it in for a wash if ya want to save yourself a headache lecture. If Auntie starts getting stuff with too much dog hair on it, she'll go nuts. And trust me, few things worse than getting stuck listening to her go on for five hours about just what dog dander does to her nasal cavities," Nikki said with a bit of a laugh and a very exaggerated expression as she held her hands up. "Rather be forced to watch Morales model a Speedo," she said as she gestured towards The Goat as he pushed another cart down towards where the beach was.
@Sigil @Morose @Dragoknighte @Nallore @FantasyChic @Rivaan @ONL @Natsu @Romero

Okay, while I'm not posting the map yet, under the map key locations that have been visited so far are there now - along with image links for quick reference to general appearance of the area. They are not exact of course, so checking details in posts is still top reference, but for general purpose they are there. NPC grid has also been updated.

@Sigil @Morose @Dragoknighte @Nallore @FantasyChic @Rivaan @ONL @Natsu @Romero

As some know, I use music to drop clues and give meaning. Not to mention some of the videos I have personally made in the past are actually full layouts of a chapter or what has happened in an Rp. Now, taking that into mind, yes the music or videos posted thus far, while not mine personally, do play a roll beyond just setting a mood. So I have added below 'Things of Note' in the original OOC post 'Music of Note'. Never know what might be locked away in there, what might make things more clear, or what could be a foreshadowing of things to come.
@Sigil @Morose @Dragoknighte @Nallore @FantasyChic @Rivaan @ONL @Natsu @Romero

  • On Deck Information under Character Sheet Section.
  • Links to important posts so far updated.
  • Map Keys and specifically named locations updated. (Map will become available later in play)
  • Character listing in original OOC and Zeroth IC post updated.
  • NPC Grid up to date.
  • Skill listing up to date.
@Sigil @Morose @Dragoknighte @Nallore @FantasyChic @Rivaan @ONL @Natsu @Romero

Alright, the information about the ~On Deck~ Characters is now in the Original OOC post for quick reference. ^^

Ludwig Zimmer

Location: The In-Between: Plains between River and Cave
Skills: N/A

The tiger shook out its head before moving towards Virginia slowly, sniffing her skirt before he started to walk around her, pressing against her hand. He seemed to know her or at least be alright with her presence. Or maybe she just seemed like a better companion than the man that was standing there bouncing on the balls of his feet with weak knees. "Yes, coil, snapped but bounce, can bounce. I don't need a coil if I can bounce." He gave her a tight lipped goofy grin and nodded knowingly, a bit too much and a bit too enthusiastically. "Partially dead, partially alive. Yes, many half and half. Not like curds and whey, maybe like curds and whey. Yes! Exactly like curds and whey. One thing, another thing, from same thing. Yes! Brilliant!" he said with a triumphant hand gesturing towards the air before writing back in his journal.

The mans head was nodding up and down as he wrote. "Yes, divine. Not good but other divine. Not devil but god, god like. Divine. Yes, Whisglemangers perfectly divine. Bottomless and they are black and they are eternal." Looking up from his book he pushed his glasses back up from the tip of his nose. "And smell, like flobbottom gas."

Ludwigs head snapped like on a swivel towards Andromeda when she proclaimed he was not mad and was in fact very glad. He smiled towards her and nodded. "Yes, yes, very glad," he chortled. His knees swaying left and right and right and left, around and around, to and fro, as if it was to a beat as he sung off key. "Faith and eve, eve and faith. Faith for tomorrow, yesterday was eve."

At Faith's question he slammed his book closed and shoved it in his bag. Then he jumped up and over, landing a few feet over. "Ta-da!" he said rather proudly of himself. "Jumping!" He did it again. "Was here." Again. "Now here." Again. "Holler, Holler, Holler. Was with Miss Holler." Again. "Now, you. So glad. New people. Always new people. Not always, sometimes same, sometimes old ones, but many new. Glad of new and glad of old, not glad when alone." He jumped again. "Jump like jacks, and marbles, until marbles are gone, when gone then get new. Here and there, there and here. Wolf and tiger, judgement and eve, hog to cat, holler and faith." One last jump, hopefully. "And Virginia to Ludwig!" he said pointing to Virginia and then to himself before he took a bow that looked like he was trying very badly to copy a rather boisterous Russian he had once met.

With all his jumping around, he seemed to be kicking up some dirt in the process. Two little items rolled across the ground and stopped between the group without him noticing. Covered with dust, it was hard to say what they were but they didn't seem to be just rocks. They had definite edges to them and seemed symmetrical.

Kyra Altham

Location: PE Fade Between
Skills: Animal Control (Wolf)

Kyra cast a glance towards Constantin as her wolf stayed close to her and rested back on his rear legs. Reaching out she rested her hand on the back of his head and gave just the slightest of nods. "Death has no boundaries." It was a rather vague statement and didn't explain much, or maybe it did. She didn't think on whether it did or not. She looked at Mahendra when he proclaimed that he indeed did not reek of fear. A brow barely rose for he did in fact smell of fear. Perhaps it was one of those things she had long forgotten to worry about. What others thought. Fear was fear.

It seemed introductions were once again in order and she nodded towards Gio. "Kyra, The Wanderer," she said. She hadn't used that title before with the other group but then again, they hadn't introduced themselves with a title either. "Ash," she added as she pointed to the wolf that was sitting at her side as calmly as if he were some pet instead of a wolf the size of a tiger.

"Collapse?" Her head tilted to the side slightly at that word. Looking up she gave this look of 'well that makes sense' before looking back at Gio. "Dead," she said pointing towards herself and then Ash. She hadn't gotten there it seemed the same ways the others did. She was in fact dead. It was one of the few things that still made her eye twitch when she thought about her last moments before everything went dark. She would had answered about this Egypt place but it seemed The Watch had an idea. Mahendra picking up some dirt and looking at it didn't seem to get her attention. Mahendra though would learn something interesting: in all his years, while this was dirt, he had never seen such a composition. It seemed to be compiled of grains and chips of rocks from places he was familiar with because of study. The thing was, they were no where near each other. It was like a compounded dirt that had been mixed together by some accident in a lab. (As if someone had taken samples from different continents and accidentally dropped them and they all mixed together.)

Ash got up and walked over towards Gio. It wasn't aggressive, more inquisitive. Sniffing the man slightly before his head turned and he looked towards Kyra and gave a muffled whimper-bark before shaking his fur out. Kyra tilted her head to the other side. "I see," she said before the wolf padded back over to her. "He says you smell like woman we met once." Ash nudged Kyra's thigh gently and she sighed. "Dark hair, light eyes, smelled faintly of time."

Elizaveta Romanova

Location: DttS Fade Between
Skills: Chteniye Dushi

The Baron gave a toothy grin as he pulled Josephine a bit closer as Faye and Elizaveta spoke. "Now Chers', we are all friends here just looking for a good time. As she has said, I am the Baron and no, I did not bring you here though I am very fond of the lovely company, from all of you." he said with a rough dark chuckle as he spoke. "Witchery? I would be careful who is throwing stones Bebe'. Del'ataunt is but a child in the ways," he seemed to warn. "I could not let this one go. I would hate to disappoint her," he added as the snake slithered down and started trailing from Josephine's shoulder down to her waist. "And since the promise of a smoke and a drink have flown away, I will have to find another way for you all to pay for services desired."

Taking half a step back, Elizaveta looked at the man with the serpent slithering over him. Her eyes slowly going over towards William as he asked if this thing or any of them had brought them there. She too wanted an answer to that question. Yet it seemed that neither of them had an answer to that question. Elizaveta stood there, still looking as if she would strike the man if he tried anything but she nodded respectfully towards the two women that were there. "Grand Duchess Elizaveta Romanova," she said in a bird like voice that was laced with a thick Russian accent as she introduced herself. Romanova, now there was a story. There was a slight shake of her head. "Vas in Scotland. Then ruins. Nov here. No knov hov."

As they seemed not to know she did have more questions but she didn't like the mention about making a possible deal with the man they were calling the Baron. He reminded her far too much of a woman she had dealt with in the past. It didn't sit right with her. None of it did. Taking a step tentatively forward she looked directly at the Baron. Her hand gripping her sword tighter the closer she got to him. He didn't seem to mind. His grin growing as she locked eyes with him. "Careful little doll," he warned.

Elizaveta stopped for a second before steeling herself and stepping closer still. She stood there for a moment before stepping back sharply. "Vhat delivery are you?!? she demanded to know as she stared at him.

"Nothing you want to toy with," he said in a stern voice before looking back at Josephine and his face softening, if only in the slightest. "Shall we my dear?" he said gesturing in a direction.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 87F
Humidity: High (Around 83%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 15 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Overcast

L5 (Mess Hall): Everyone is either eating, or heading out. Milling about and talking a bit to each other. No big changes here this round within the mess hall other than what is in posts. "Band" group has left, Atticus reaction to Hunter is in Nikki's portion of the post.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Thana let off a little bit of a smirk as she sat there eating and listening to Ash try to act like a normal human being just having a normal lunch. She understood but it wasn't like this was the first time he had been quiet. Even back in Newnan, the little she had been there, it had taken a bit to get him to actually talk. At least normally. He was fine if asked direct questions but over all, he was not a come out and say things kind of person. Poking and proding had seemed to be needed with or without needing to process things. "Uh-huh, well you've been processing since I met ya," she said poking a bit of fun at him as she nudged him in the shoulder with her own.

Glancing at her dad she nodded. "Wouldn't surprise me if he was," she said before taking another bite of her dinner. Thing was, she didn't sound like she was joking at all. "Long as I can remember dad just seemed to know what people were thinking." There was a bit of a shrug. When she had met up with her dad after she returned, and Ash was standing there, she had barely said anything to him, they just seemed to look at each other and have a conversation. "Dad's a human lie detector. And where Grandpapi and Uncle Maddy are talkers, Dad never found it needed."

"Out of that group? God, I don't even want to know who is the promiscuous one. That is just a damn unsettlin' thought." Thana shuttered visibly at the thought. It was damn unnerving. Shifting her leg slightly under the table, she grunted. It was sore that was for sure but she had two steel pins removed from her leg yesterday. It was going to be a bit of a pain for a few weeks. There was nothing to be done about it and unless it really started to hurt pain meds were not something that were an option. CMB was well supplied to a point but one still had to only use what was needed, plus she didn't want to get used to a pain killer and then not be able to deal.

Thana thought for a moment before looking over to Ash. "Hey, at least yer processin' comin' in here is better than mine was," she said thinking back to her coming into Newnan. Being shuffled away to a house, informed her sister was dead, paraded out in front of everyone, the entire Richard thing, then being taken as a plus 1 to a wedding, thrown into a job she hadn't agreed to because he got ahead of himself, the gas leak, the hallucinations, Newnan falling, invading Eden, watching Gavin die in front of her. Her first two days with the people of Newnan hadn't exactly been smooth. He was already a week in without shit hitting the fan here. Hell her first week in CMB she was in a coma, and many weeks after that. Her first week after waking was spent using morse code to communicate. Yeah, as much as she understood she wasn't exactly sympathetic right then.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall -> Just outside the Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Walking back to where her cart was, Nikki checked it for supplies just to make sure. Not that petty theft was a problem in the town but people could think part of what she had on the cart were things that needed to be put up instead of things she was taking from the kitchen to the beach. Simple mix ups did happen. While she was doing that, Atticus was busing his tray. He was about to walk out the door when Hunter came over and seemed to be having a hard time getting out what he needed to say. "Just take a breath," the Padre told him before waving the others off. "Be there in a minute guys," he told them before looking back at Hunter.

After going over everything, Nikki, took ahold of the cart and started pushing it out into the main Mess Hall area. Atticus seemed to be thinking when he spotted her and waved her over. "Yeah but hold on," Atticus told Hunter. "Nikki, can you come here?" he asked her.

Nikki quirked a brow but shrugged and pushed her cart over to the two guys. "What's up Padre?" she asked before blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Hunter needs to get his dog and I need to get down to the beach for sound checks. Can you take him?" he asked her.

"I gotta get this shit down there before Auntie has my ass in a sling," she said gesturing at her cart.

"Make you a deal, I'll take the cart down to the folks setting up since I am going that way and then you can take Hunter," the Padre offered.

Nikki thought on it for a moment and nodded. Padre was in charge of the Chaplin Department, which was in charge of tonight. So any request or order he gave her, well if something went wrong she could blame Padre. "Deal but Auntie yells at you, not me," she said as she pushed the cart towards Atticus.

He smirked and nodded, taking the cart and then looking at Hunter. "You're all hers, she'll take you over," he said before pushing the cart out of the mess hall and down towards the beach to catch up with the others.

Nikki rested her hands on her hips and watched the Padre leave before looking over towards Hunter. "Alright, let's go cutie. They go over the pet rules yet or ya need me to go over them with you?" she asked before she started to head for the door and headed outside.

*Note, for future reference - Meals are only in the Mess Hall unless special circumstances (Quarantine, people in the hospital, Event). So Hunter will not be allowed to have food elsewhere and cannot take his meal elsewhere. Food isn't allowed elsewhere. Was explained/in paper work already. Just reminding as he was thinking to find elsewhere to eat.
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