Avatar of Lady Absinthia


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

Current Roleplays
Resources and Tutorials
My Main RP Peeps
Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

☠ Information Update - 1/02/2020: All grids are completed and posted now at the top of 5th page of the CS Tab

  • Master Shelved Characters List: This list is for living characters and NPC's that have either been shelved for Rpers to come back and RP later or where removed from the RP itself.
  • Master Death List: Listing for all characters that have died in the RP so far.
  • CMB - Information on the town and map
  • Master NPC List CMB: All named NPC's a person could run into at CMB currently.

Lists and such will be updated as needed. Usually between time jumps or during major moments. Timeline for the RP will remain at the 0th post of IC for quick reference.
Nikola Rose Warren
"I'm a blonde, I'm not stupid!"
- Nikki to Auntie about doing her job

⚘ Looking Inside
Nikola is just a kid trying to survive the end of the world. She is rather immature about a lot of things: chores, regular duties, and the like. She has a bit of an attitude and tends to write checks her ass can't cash. Her mouth tends to run before thinking and she isn't exactly one to hold back. In fact, she tends to let unfiltered anything come out of her mouth with thinking it might not be the best thing to say right then. This combined with her immaturity can make her a bit quick to pop the cork on her temper. Mouthing off or lashing out. While she still has a lot of growing up to do, she has come a long way from the girl who had just entered high school and was pick pocketing people for shits and giggles. She's sweet but a little bit psycho.

Nikki a pretty down to earth person. She likes to crack a joke and laugh. She'll be goofy and jump from one topic to another. Even though she was only just barely in high school when all this started, she is a bright girl and street smart. When she is in a good mood she can even be called bubbly. Known to dance or mutter songs to herself as she bobs around. The young woman is curious and when something new is around, or more than that these days, someone new, she wants to know about it. There isn't a lot to fill a young persons mind these days that partially grew up in an age with the internet, apps, and the like. It's not she can spend her day setting up her top eight places on MySpace anymore. Watching and listening, even as she gabs or chews gum.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 20 Caucasian-American
5'4" 128lbs Average
Olive-Green Blonde Light Beige






Character Trivia

Commander Thana Jewell Martin
"If you aren't goin' to let yourself live, you might as well be outside them walls just survivin'."
- Thana to Ash about him needing a break

⚘ Looking Inside
Thana is a mentally strong woman who is often distant and dry but her loyalty and dedication to those she cares about or has a leadership role over are second-to-none. Despite her cooler personality she is not without feelings and harbors a deep compassion for those with whom she have shared similar experiences. A level headed woman, even under extreme pressure or duress, Thana manages to keep her emotions in check during most circumstances. Logic and facts far out weigh emotions in situations. A quick wit, Thana can be considered as charming but her sense of humor can be taken as just an odd character quirk by some, disturbingly strange by others.

There is a strange level of detachment that Thana has when it comes to people and situations, disturbingly so, which was made evident when she was informed her sister was dead and later when she watched her first love die. Both instances it was apparent it bothered her no more than if she had stepped on an ant. Emotional detachment, loyalty, integrity, and an unwavering dedication to those around her makes Thana a good leader. Single-minded drive and lack of consideration for her own life makes Thana her own worst enemy; something that has nearly gotten her killed more than once and which she will carry the physical scars for the rest of her life. Thana is a doer and not one to wait for someone to talk/make plans/plot. Thinking outside the box and on the spot, she adapts to the situation. She lives by her own set of Rules and believe the world owes no one anything; you are to earn every breath and pay debt for every heartbeat.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 35 Caucasian-American
5'7" 135lbs Athletic Lean
Blue-Green Brown Light Tan






Character Trivia


Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 70F
Humidity: High (Around 72%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 18 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: The way things are going we will probably wrap up the next in the next few rounds. That is unless you all wish to continue with it. (This is more and more looking line up with the finishing of the new Cs's - which would be awesome.)

Adelaide has stopped serving Moonshine and Whiskey at this point. Drinks are as follows:
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)

The General looked towards Alexander and nods. "Oh yes, of course. Tomorrow after morning duties are complete Alpha Team has it on their schedule to take which of you wishes to go to the Graveyard to pay your respects. Sparrow put it on the request list and filled out the paper work on it already," he said as he sat there. "Terrible place I am told, this Eden in which you all raided." Aeron shook his head. Thana had told him of what she saw, what she was told. When they went back, one could see more and those reports came in as well. Aeron wasn't one for killing for the sake of killing but he agreed with the plan his granddaughter and others took part in to rid the world of people like this Addam fella.

Tesla and kids worked at picking up the fireworks remains and such, getting them put in the pails. Nodding towards Nigel, Cook smiled to him as she finished serving people. "You're welcome and good of you to take care of the kid. Seems he needs some teaching of how to be a person again," she said sympathetically. "Don't we all after so long out there."

Morales came back with a bowl of plain oatmeal and some dry toast, to which he handed over to Nigel. "Here ya are, should be just right. Might want to make sure he has a garbage can near where ever he rests his head tonight, unless you want his first job in town cleaning up his own regrets," Morales chuckled before heading back to Cook and helping her and Mizrahi start to get the kettles cooled down. They had a lot of work to do to wrap up before they could turn in for the evening and then Cook had to be back in the kitchen long before dawn to start breakfast for the camp.

Riley held Amelia close as they kissed. It was a rather perfect setting. There on the beach, the stars in the sky, the sounds of people laughing and music off in the distance, the sounds of waves rolling onto the shore right by them, a few smaller fireworks lighting up the sky near enough to them. Yes, it was perfect. Leaning back she grinned. "Much better than seashells," she agreed as she gazed into Amelia's eyes. "But maybe we can find one to remember tonight by?" she asked. Sliding an arm around her she started looking around. Sure they had lost their hair but they had each other, the hair would grow back. Anyways with this heat, it wasn't all bad.

Adelaide laughed and shook her head. "I'm good, I'm good," she giggled before she started up laughing again. She had no idea why this whole thing was tickling her the way it was but it just was the funniest thing she had thought about for a while. Adelaide was usually dry, harsh, brash, like a shot of whiskey but everyone had something that just made them laugh from time to time. Other far more stoic people had busted a gut laughing, granted probably not over the Wild Fuck (Available on Pokemon: NSFW Edition this spring) but cracked up nonetheless. Everyone needed a good laugh and Adelaide found hers.

Waving Ash's thanks off, she tried to get up but at Thalia's comments she snorted and started cracking up again. "I'm good Manny," she said giggling before taking a sip of her drink. Taking a deep calming breath she looked at Thalia she grinned. "Depends on your tastes. Younger, older, girl, guy," she said before taking another sip. "Though I think Nikki has her eyes on a target already," she said motioning towards Bass on stage. Looking around she narrowed her eyes. "Roy, maybe. Chase, if she gets off the dock and stops checking the tides," she said as she kept looking around.

"I am usually within the administration building. Um yes but as you come in, just ask the front desk. If I not there they will direct you to me," The General finally added as he came out of his thoughts about Eden. Rising he held his hand out to Alexander and shook it. "Of course, rather long day indeed but a long day above ground is far better than a short day below it," he said with a grin. Seeing Manny walked over he nodded towards the man as he addressed Alexander. "It does sound like you both have the same idea. Yes, get some rest. Tomorrow is the first real day in your new home."

The General stopped for a moment as his eyes went to the kettles. Sighing, the kid wasn't exactly being quiet. "Hopefully he will turn into bed, will have to give him a talk about drunkenness and loud cursing around the younger children later..." Aeron sighed. Usually Adelaide was rather good at gauging how much someone could handle but it seemed she was a bit off on this one. He have to talk to her about better assessing the drinks. But that was for tomorrow.

Up on stage, Bass spotted Nikki starting to head that way and handed off so he could go cash in on that dance, at least he hoped. Panama nodded and the band went into their cover of Keith Whitley's When You Say Nothing At All

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M12 (Beach)
Skills: N/A

It hadn't exactly taken Ash too terribly long to get them food and drinks all things considered. This was a beach party going on, people were milling around. Even if some had cleared out because they were turning in there was still over a hundred people on the beach right now. Though, every second that ticked by seemed much longer than it actually was. She wanted Ash back over to her. Okay she was being a bit impatient but logically she knew it was simply because they had spent so long apart and looking for each other that now any time apart was going to seem far more than it really was. Maybe that would change in time, it surely would wouldn't it? Or maybe it would forever leave this little bit gnawing at the back of her mind that when he was out of sight he might never come back into sight again. Depressing thought... It had to go.

Thankfully it was about that time that Ash started coming back over to her. It brought a small smile to her lips. Reaching out she took the plate that was hers and one of the drinks. Her brow quirking a bit at his words. "Must have run into Nikki," she mused out as she popped the top to the drink that Ash had brought her. Seemed this wasn't the first time Nikki had mentioned Wild Fuck, though it was the first time she had heard it put in such a way that it sounded like one of the teams was about to get rounded up and they would go on an actual hunt like they did for deer or pig or turkey every so often to try to get more meat in the place that wasn't from the sea. "Sounds like you got away just in time," Thana chuckled before a smirk came to her lips. "Cause I already did my hunt, caught yer ass fair and square."

Looking out over the ocean, Thana nodded. "Yeah it is," she said looking up at the stars. She felt something, someone, staring at her. Turning her head slowly she noted that Ash was looking right at her and had been this whole time. Well, it seemed like he wasn't talking about the same thing she was. "Keep starin' at me like that and people are gonna think you have a thing fer me," she said, poking a bit of fun as she leaned in. Stealing a quick kiss she scooted over closer to him and let out a content breath. "Torn between sitting here and enjoyin' the moment and tellin' ya to carry me back to our place," she admitted as she started picking at her food a bit.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar -> Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Nikki took a long drink from her beer as she started towards the dance floor. She had her Wild Fuck in sight for the evening. Bass would do just fine. He looked good enough, was sweet, didn't talk too much. Which was more than she could say about another guy at the party. One that got her attention as she heard something about Nuggets and Fuck. Lifting a brow she looked over to where it was coming from and spotted the guy laying down in the sand. Seemed the guy people called Sportacus was dealing with him, as well as Cook. Or at least Cook was close by, she couldn't hear what the others were saying but Hunter, that was clear as day. Drunk whisper was about as quiet as a toddle pitching a tantrum with a microphone hooked up to a stadium speaker. In other words if the Walkers hadn't heard the music from the party they would hear Hunter, most likely in Leavenworth.

Shaking her head, Nikki downed the rest of her beer. Yeah, she wasn't drunk enough to even touch that one. Dropping her bottle off on one of the bins she kept walking and headed around the edge of the dance floor to get closer to the stage. Seemed Bass had caught sight of her and was already heading down to meet her. "Tag, yer it tonight," she said rather matter of factly as she took his hands and put them around her waist. Bass tilted his head to the side. "Not repeating myself," she said as she started dancing.

Bass wasn't one to argue, at least not with Nikki. No one was, Nikki, well she didn't listen once she had her mind made up. You either went along or got ready for a fight. Bass wanted to dance but not a bloody one. Pulling her close, he swayed with her. Nikki leaned into his arms as they danced and enjoyed the moment. Glad they were closer to the speakers now, less chances of her listening to things about Nuggets Fucking, and Fucks Wild, or was it Fuck Nuggets and Wild Fucks? Either way, didn't matter. A dance or two, and then hit the bed and not alone, hopefully.
☠ Information Update - 12/31/2019: The timeline is now completed. It is located in the 0th post of the IC. I will update it periodically as needed.
☠ The Walking Dead Timeline ☠
  • May 11th, 2010: (Part 1A)
    • Pages: 1 - 3
      • Newnan
        • Leann, Vivian, Alicia, Ash, James, Caesar, Megna, Siddarth, & Maria enter RP
        • Leann orders Ash, Caesar, and James to form parties to scout for supplies and people
        • Scouting Parties Form - James/Alicia:LaGrange, Ash/Maria:Carrollton, Caesar/Meg:Franklin
        • Caesar gives Alicia sat phone
        • Groups pair up, get supplies
        • James and Alicia 'borrow' the Hordebuster
        • Vivian hands out supplies needed lists (Page 2)
        • Three groups head out of Newnan
        • Leann deals with supplies and security, Vivian and Sid work in Medical Garden
        • Someone starts killing off residents of Newnan: storms moving in
        • Vivian is shot: Leann sounds alarm
        • Vivian kills man, is moved to infirmary by Sid (Page 3)
        • Leann radios for backup - storm worsens - tornado develops - Zomnado
        • Zomnado takes out several invades, drops nearly 2 dozen still moving Walkers in town, takes down wall
      • Hoganville (Group 1)
        • Dexter, Richard, & Jamie enter RP
        • Wake up in swank house, medium sized hoard is coming
        • Group tries to move upstairs and block walkers path
        • Walkers breach house
        • Dexter get caught in slip, Walker attacks: kills it moves upstairs
        • Jamie sets trap for walkers - works for a few then fails (Page 2)
        • Group deals with walkers, makes break for it, ducks into bedroom
        • Alicia and James come across mass hoard headed that way
        • Guys climb out second story window: climb down outside
        • Guys make break for Hordebuster
        • Alicia covers them, gets grabbed from behind, eaten by walkers
        • Guys make it to Hordebuster
        • Hordebuster moves out (Page 3)
        • Starts heading back for Newnan
        • Zoie and Victor enter RP
        • Zoie meets guys - makes impression - knows James
      • Lumpkin Creek (Group 2)
        • Lorna & Kristina enter RP
        • Taken surprise by nearly a dozen walkers in the woods
        • Walker grabs Kris, Lorna cuts its arm off, two start running
        • Noise brings more walkers (Page 2)
        • Two climb up on top of RV to hide
        • Caesar and Meg come across RV
        • Girls are rescued: Sister reunite
        • Group gets to Franklin (Page 3)
        • Group turns around to head back to Newnan
        • Caesar finds out Alicia is dead
        • Arrive in Newnan
      • Whitesburg (Group 3)
        • Jonas & Victoria enter RP
        • Pair is caught in cemetery with large hoard
        • Jonas tries to divert walkers - pair makes break for it
        • Victoria gets caught in roots (Page 2)
        • Caesar and Meg show up, rescue couple (Page 3)
        • Megs turns car around, heads for Newnan
        • Arrive in Newnan
  • May 11th, 2010: (Part 1B)
    • Pages: 4 - 8
      • Hordebuster
        • Zoie introduces self, brings in Victor
        • James is dubbed Chocolate Thunder
        • Mini fight and threatening between Victor, Dick, and Zoie
        • James thinks about food
      • Newnan
        • Leann briefs Ash and group
        • Meg and group arrive in Newnan
        • Hordebuster arrives in Newnan
        • Sid tries to patch Vivian up
        • Caesar goes to dark place, starts slaughtering (Walkers thankfully)
        • Zoie goes country on walkers
        • Groups start making it for Courthouse - taking out walkers as they go
        • Ash finds out Alicia is dead
        • Jamie is killed by walkers
        • Victor takes over as Doc with Vivian
        • Smith sisters secure things
        • Dick and Zoie tag team getting people inside (Page 5)
        • Ash, Caesar, and James get to work clearing and making their way to the Infirmary inside the courthouse
        • Vivian passes out from wounds
        • Leann is killed - sniper shot to brain - Dick and Zoie get her body inside
        • Rest get inside, James head to tower to snipe problems, Ash has place locked up
        • Richard gets his ass kicked by 3 girls (Kris, Maria, Lorna)
        • Zoie breaks it up
        • Zoie informs Newnan of the existence of Eden - Eden finds out about Zoie
        • Group decides to start clearing the town
        • Caesar becomes nurse, Victor tries to save Vivian
        • Sid handles weapons supplies
        • Zoie hands Richard over to Victor to fix up
        • Jonas and Victoria moves to background, are NPC'ed, leave RP
        • Zoie goes walker surfing on gurney (Page 6)
        • Path is cleared - clean up team moves out (Lorna, Ash, Dexter, Meg, Zoie)
        • Vivian dies, Victor becomes Doctor of Newnan, Caesar leaves to team up with group
        • Maria and James provide cover, Kris tries to clear courthouse (Sid tries to help)
        • Victor patches up Richard
        • Lorna killed by shot
        • Caesar kills man attacking Kris, heads out
        • Victor and Dick play eye spy - line of children's books coming out this fall
        • Zoie corners and takes out Edenite
        • Dexter slips, hammers himself to death....
        • Caesar gets outside, starts clearing path to armory
        • Meg is nearly bit, Caesar stops it (Page 7)
        • Caesar it bit... clears path, gets rest to safety, Zoie puts him down
        • Zoie makes distraction (Zoie-Mama Bomb)
        • Town starts rallying to clear house and drive out Eden
        • Victor and Richard are given prisoner to watch
        • Maria is bit while kissing a corpse >.>, the stuff of legends!
        • Zoie ties off Maria's arm, moves her to infirmary
        • Victor amputates Maria's arm
        • Zoie gets Richard out of Infirmary and cleaned up (Page 8)
        • Maria is passed out, Victor/Sid/Kris watch over her
        • Miss Sally becomes known NPC
        • Town is cleared out of Walkers and Edenites
        • Ash offers Zoie job, Zoie tells Ash more about Eden
        • Victor starts typing blood
        • James spots live cow in tree
      • Westside Baptist Church
        • Niesha and Sophia enter RP (Page 7)
        • Bridgette and Astrid enter RP
        • Bryn enters RP (Page 8)
        • Bryn meets Bridgette and Astrid
        • Horde coming, Astrid and Bridgette are keeping ahead of it, come across others
        • Niesha and Sophia use fire to distract walkers, try to anyways
        • Girls decide to travel together, start heading for Newnan
        • Walker bites Sophia's left hand
        • Astrid cuts off Sophia's hand with an Ax
        • Group makes a break for Newnan with Hoard on their heels
  • May 11th, 2010: (Part 1C)
    • Pages: 8 - 12
      • Newnan
        • Girls arrive at gates of Newnan - Zoie calls for backup
        • Victor tries to save Maria, demands blood from Richard
        • Niesha pleads for entrance
        • Bryn and Bridgette keep walkers clear of Wagon (Page 9)
        • Ash is dubbed Walldick - Will allow girls in for blood and handing over guns
        • Zoie and James spot Mega horde headed towards Newnan
        • Girls are let in
        • Meg and Sid deal with inner turmoil
        • Richard caves, gives blood
        • Maria passes away from injuries
        • Sophia hangs on as best she can
        • Zoie develops plan for Zoie-Mama Sling-Shot
        • James, Zoie, Byrn work on plan to divert walkers - towards Peachtree City (Eden)
        • Victor and Richard play cards
        • Zoie borrows Bridgette's spears
        • Astrid takes Sophia to infirmary, fills Victor in
        • Maria's body is moved out of infirmary (Page 10)
        • Over all people are try to clean up, prepare for more, stay out of the way
        • Walker Alicia shows up with hoard
        • James, Zoie, and Byrn start working on distracting the walkers away from Newnan
        • Ash hears voice, puts Alicia down, contemplates suicide
        • Astrid tries to get answers
        • Richard knocks Niesha out, Astrid secures her
        • James sings I played Chicken With a Train as they continue
        • Zoie, Bryn, and James lure Walkers away from Newnan and towards Peachtree City
        • People start to get to know each other
        • Miss Sally starts passing out food and water (Page 11)
        • Niesha wakes up and freaks out
        • Victor sedates Niesha - Richard moves her out of infirmary
        • Tense moments - most groups don't like each other
        • Ash snaps on Guy, reminds him of who's town Newnan is and who is in charge
        • Guy returns to post, snaps on Kris, sends her to Ash
        • Astrid refuses to cut restraints or relinquish post
        • Zoie, James, and Bryn return to Newnan
        • James reminds Ash of cow - details is sent to get cow for meat
        • Zoie accepts position, becomes 2nd in Newnan
        • Niesha keeps pleading, Astrid does not give in (Page 12)
        • Ash goes home and breaks down over Alicia
        • Many people have moments of breaking down
        • Cow is retrieved, smoker is started
        • Day winds down, people start drinking or going to bed
      • Carrollton
        • Tatiana and Davina enter RP (Page 9)
        • Girls try to find gas and supplies
        • Head for DMV and arrive, make a break for the door
        • Girls split up to clear DMV (Page 10)
        • Davina goes missing: exits RP
        • Jack enters RP
        • Keeps walkers off Tatiana
        • Tatiana offers to let Jack drive to safe house
        • Jack drives, Tatiana navigates (Page 11)
        • Pair reach safe house and get inside
        • Two exchange food, share meal, get to know each other
        • Two decide to stick together for now - turn in for night
  • May 12th - June 12th, 2010: (Time Skip)
    • Page: 12
      • Newnan
        • Town starts to rebuild
        • Dead are laid to rest
        • Ash and Zoie interview new comers, place people in new roles within the community
        • Runs are made to Whitesburg and location of the former Ga Ren Fair
        • New entrances to inner wall are added
        • New security put in place
        • Ash and James start writing papers on how to fix things in town and plant crops
        • Ash pens his Last Will and Testament
        • Victor puts together medical
        • Zoie gets back from run to find Richard slept with Astrid - kicks him out of her house
      • Peachtree City
        • Hoard James, Zoie, and Byrn diverted runs through Eden
        • Nathaniel and Addam discuss Newnan (Page 13)
        • Ryan enters RP
        • Tears place apart
        • Half people die within
        • Ryan escapes Eden
        • Starts rebuilding
      • Carrollton
        • Jack and Tatiana scout shops - find Rainbow Brite Backpack
        • Tatiana attempts to teach Jack to Dance
        • Jack teaches Tatiana how to play Monopoly
        • Two start to get to know about each others past
        • Tatiana opens up about life in Russia
        • Scout for supplies - Tatiana thinks she sees Davina, isn't her
        • Tatiana goes catatonic rest of evening
  • June 13th, 2010: (Part 1A)
    • Pages: 12 - 17
      • Carrollton
        • Tatiana and Jack decide to leave Carrollton Safehouse
        • Leave Map for Davina
        • Leave Carrollton
        • Tatiana tries to drive, fails, a lot
        • Hit roadblock, move cars, fight walkers
        • Jack gets hurt, Tatiana patches him up
        • Tatiana keeps driving, badly
        • Tatiana hits Bambi, kills it
        • Jack moves deer to truck bed
        • Jack takes over driving
        • Tatiana starts teaching Jack Russian
      • Newnan
        • Sophia leaves infirmary finally
        • Zoie runs down morning announcements
        • Jack and Tatiana reach Newnan
        • Everyone starts daily duty's
        • Zoie greets Jack and Tatiana, brings pair within the walls
        • Zoie takes pair to meet Ash (Page 13)
        • James brings truck inside, gets hands on Bambi
        • Ryan shows up looking for Zoie
        • Ryan offers information in exchange for protection
        • Sophia and Niesha catch up in their apartment
        • Kris covers morning chores for James while he cooks Bambi
        • Victor joins Jack and Tatiana interview
        • Miss Sally gets breakfast served
        • Byrn hunts outside of walls, nearly shoots Richard by mistake
        • Richard raid Church's for relics to try to make things right
        • Astrid studies medical journals, Bridgette starts perimeter check, Kristina tends to animals
        • Zoie brings Ryan into Newnan, takes him to Ash
        • Bryn and Richard return to Newnan, Bridgette nearly accidentally kills Richard (Page 14)
        • Niesha and Sophia deal with a Raccoon
        • Zoie takes Ryan to cell, locks him up
        • Miss Sally gets Jack and Tatiana settled into a house
        • Kristina deals with upset horses
        • Bridgette heads to stables, orders Richard to hose off walker guts
        • Raccoon keeps causing problems
        • Victor suddenly collapses
        • Zoie start interrogating Ryan
        • Jack and Tatiana start settling in
        • Bridgette carries Victor to infirmary on horse
        • Niesha and Sophia handle hungry little girl (Page 15)
        • Kristina and Guy are having problems with the horses
        • Astrid tries to save Victors life in the infirmary
        • Zoie starts to break, seeks support from Richard
        • Tatiana cleans up, Jacks turn - Jack hides ring is he making
        • James keeps cooking and singing
        • Niesha and Sophia take girl back to class, Meg is relieved
        • Kristina is flung from her horse, ankle twisted
        • Tatiana flips out a bit about having 1 bed for both her and Jack
        • Sophia stays to help class
        • Niesha goes to help Kristina
        • Bryn clears people out of Infirmary
        • Zoie tells Richard about Victor, Richard drags Zoie to infirmary to see
        • Richard flips out, Zoie flips out in return - decks him
        • Byrn watches over things as Richard and Zoie take it outside
        • Astrid gets Victor stabilized
        • Miss Lilly comes out of nowhere, is a walker, tries to bite Zoie
        • Jack and Tatiana play Monopoly - Tatiana spots mouse, freaks out: Jack chases it out of the house
        • Byrn uses arrow to kill walker attacking Zoie, Richard pulls body off her
        • Niesha and Kristina work on getting Kris cleaned up
        • Sophia watches kids play
        • Jack and Tatiana directed to Rec Center, Sophia joins them with Megna's help (Page 16)
        • Niesha starts wrapping up Kristina's ankle
        • Victor starts coming too
        • James makes his own gravy
        • Bryn informs Ash about Miss Lilly
        • Great Bazhooli and Schrodinger enter RP
        • Tatiana hears Jim's radio request for Russian Speaker, thinks it is Davina, goes to check
        • Bryn and Bridgette get Miss Lilly buried
        • Victor teaches Astrid more medical as he recovers
      • Arnco Mills
        • Edouard The Cabbage enters RP (Page 13)
        • Raymond enters RP
        • Raymond tries scavenging in church
        • Gregory enters and leaves RP
        • Edouard sees man hang himself
        • Lawrence enters RP (Posts are hidden)
        • Raymond kills fox in church (Page 14)
        • Lawrence and Ray cross paths
        • Edouard kills hangman walker, gets nasty
        • Tiffany enters RP
        • Svetlana enters RP
        • Svetlana stop car as Edouard jumps out screaming for help
        • Svetlana and Edouard try to talk despite her speaking Russian and him French
        • Svetlana and Edouard try to drive off, wreck, Lana is hurt, Ed is hurt bad
        • Tiffany finds supplies, gears up
        • Ray and Lawrence part ways: Ray tries to scavenge
        • Amelia enters RP
        • Amelia tries to help Edouard and Svetlana
        • Svetlana, Amelia, and Edouard deal with wreck (Page 15)
        • Walker kills itself O.o Ray finds Doritos
        • Tiffany sets out to scavenge elsewhere
        • Lawrence's Death by Love Bear
        • Amelia patches them up as best she can
        • Ray ponders Lawrence's running off, keeps moving
        • Svetlana, Amelia, and Edouard start moving
        • Ray and Tiffany meet up, start running from walkers
        • Svetlana finds car battery
        • Ray and Tiffany get caught up fighting walker
        • Svetlana, Amelia and Edouard get a truck running
        • Edouard wants to drive (Page 16)
        • Ray falls into well, gets caught, gets bit by walker
        • Edouard drives
        • Tiffany amputates Raymond's leg
        • Edouard runs over spikes in road, all tires go flat, nearly wrecks as he stops
  • June 13th, 2010: (Part 1B)
    • Pages: 17 - 19
      • Newnan
        • Niesha wraps Kristina's ankle, Kris tries to get Niesha to deal with her feelings
        • Sophia stick with Tatiana and Jack as they head to the front gate
        • Niesha takes Kristina to the infirmary
        • Shovel breaks while burying Miss Lilly, Bryn nearly knocks herself out
        • Tatiana translates, Ash lets in Bazhooli and Schrodinger
        • Richard and Zoie start reconciling
        • Astrid starts tending to Kris
        • Victors plays off cardiac event as nothing
        • Tatiana mentions Bazhooli's accent is off
        • Bryn and Bridgette finish burying Miss Lilly
        • James is still cooking
        • Astrid finishes with Kris, Kris heads out
        • 3 Newnan folk are shot out of no where (Page 18)
        • Zoie and Richard go talk to Ryan
        • Zoie is shot leaving courthouse
        • Richard rushes Zoie to Infirmary. Victor and Astrid rush Zoie to OR
        • Newnan goes on the defensive
        • Tatiana reveals she isn't just a scared little bird, goes on offensive
        • Niesha checks on girl that was shot, sees she is dead
        • People take cover, start moving for weapons
        • Bridgette gets younger kids of Newnan to Safety, arms herself
        • James stops cooking, gets to Niesha, gets her and older kids to Courthouse
        • Tatiana starts pushing Sophia's wheelchair to safety, grabs Jack, pulls him with her
        • Niesha handles the kids, others arm up, others take cover in mess hall
        • Ash is informed what went down inside the walls, finds out about Zoie
        • Tatiana breaks down
        • Victor keeps trying to save Zoie, she flat-lines
        • Niesha sings and tells stories to kids to keep them calm
        • James and Bridgette gear up - Bridgette is sent to round up strays, James is sent to tower to provide cover
        • Russians camp out in Mess Hall
        • Another body found dead, not accounted for
        • Kristina helps Niesha (Page 19)
        • Sophia fills Jack, Tatiana, and Bazhooli in on the previous months attack
      • Arnco Mills Woods
        • Tiffany keeps cutting through Rays leg
        • Amelia and Svetlana survive Edouard's driving
        • Ray passes out, Tiffany abandons him in the woods
        • Tiffany nearly falls into similar hole as Ray had, Ray wakes up
        • Edouard, Amelia, and Svetlana are confronted by 12 haggard looking men on the road
        • Svetlana offers up Edouard to the men
        • Men can understand Svetlana and Edouard, Beni introduces himself
        • Beni's people bring truck out, inform them about Eden
        • Tiffany goes back to Ray to help him
        • Rays leg stops bleeding (Page 18)
        • Peaches is introduced. Beni offers group to come with them
        • Ray and Tiffany try to stay ahead of horde
        • Beni loads up men and others, head into woods by Truck
        • Truck passes Tiffany and Ray, Medic is introduced, gets out of truck
        • Medic puts Ray in truck
        • Edouard asks if Beni's men are his slaves...
        • Lyon wonders why the girls put up with Edouard (As does everyone else lol)
        • Edouard the Cabbage quickly becomes most hates character in RP: OOC he is loved (Page 19)
        • Edouard threatens to kill Amelia over French Language
  • June 13th, 2010: (Part 1C)
    • Pages: 19 - 23
      • Newnan
        • Victor finishes up surgery
        • Astrid informs Ash that Zoie is stable
        • Tatiana goes with Miss Sally to start cooking for town
        • Ash tries to keep it together
        • Others start easing up as it looks as things are calming, Richard breaks down
        • Mouse appears in kitchen, Tatiana looses her shit (Page 20)
        • People start sweeping the town for Edenites
        • Zoie wakes up
        • Bridgette finds Miss Lilly's grave is empty
        • James finds Miss Lilly's body crucified outside of town
        • Ryan is found having escaped the cell
        • Schrodinger catches the mouse
        • Ryan starts bringing Ash up to speed about Addam
        • Astrid agree with Niesha, tends to other wounded
        • Tatiana rewards Schrodinger
        • Jack, Sophia, and Bazhooli try to help Miss Sally
        • Astrid hands over list to Niesha, needs medications made from Garden
        • Talk about Show being put on to help morale begins in Mess Hall
        • Ryan proves himself able to read people and has knowledge of Newnan
        • Bridgette takes Ryan back to lockup
        • Guy is finally relieved of Shit Duty put back on the tower (Page 21)
        • Ash hands out orders, people start getting back to duties as Security and Leads take care of remains of attack
        • Astrid has Niesha and Kristina take kids over to Mess Hall
        • Astrid sends Zoie home to avoid a fight
        • Megs brings kids from school to Mess Hall (Nallore takes over character)
        • Astrid fills Ash in on patients, asks Ash how he is doing
        • Russians plan show, people start getting a bite to eat, clean up continues, Niesha starts brewing medications
        • People relax a little, start to talk, a few minutes breather
        • Jack proposes to Tatiana (Page 22)
        • James gets back to cooking Bambi
        • Ryan reveals there are other Safe-zones like Newnan
        • Niesha makes medications in kitchen, adds flavor for kids (Page 23)
        • Ryan tells Ash he better break Addam before he kills him or his followers will keep coming
      • Franklin
        • Beni and crew get Amelia, Tiffany, Ray, Edouard, and Svetlana to Franklin Safe Zone
        • Medic rushes Ray inside to be tended to
        • Others bring in the rest of the new people
        • Edouard keeps pressing his luck
        • Ray is semi stable but no pain medications and no antibiotics (Page 20)
        • Others are given food and water
        • Tiffany is brought up to speed about Ray, told to wait
        • Medic comes out, tells Tiffany she can go in
        • Edouard pushes Lyon too far, is offered a choice of Education or Death
        • Amelia slips, falls, nails Edouard in the nuts with her bat - the people rejoice
        • Svetlana starts slapping the hell out of Edouard before spitting at his feet an walking off
        • Ray wakes up
        • Lyon starts cutting into Edouard
        • Edouard finally chooses an education over death (Page 21)
        • Medic says Franklin needs to reveal themselves to Newnan, they need supplies
        • People relax a little, start to talk, a few minutes breather
        • Edouard, he's put to work (Page 22)
        • Amelia meets Rodger and Mike, snuggles with Peaches (Page 23)
  • June 13th, 2010: (Part 1D)
    • Pages: 23 - 28
      • Newnan
        • Tatiana joins up with Meg and Bazhooli in Rec Hall
        • Beni and crew show up at Gates
        • Kristina helps Miss Sally, meets up with James and Schrodinger
        • Sophia and Niesha stick to making medications in Mess Hall
        • Ash meets new group at Gate (Page 24)
        • Schrodinger steals meat
        • Beni introduces himself, offers trade
        • Jack and Bridgette get on repairs
        • Miss Sally makes rounds
        • Kristina gets some rest
        • Meg, Bazhooli, and Tatiana try to get show together for Morale
        • Beni enters Newnan alone (Page 25)
        • James take Zoie food, Richard goes to work on vehicles
        • Beni informs Ash and Astrid what he needs and what he has (Page 26)
        • Astrid informs Ash they need one of the meds Beni has for Victors heart problem
        • Meg goes to visit Zoie and catch her up on things
        • Astrid proposes trade, offers to get man, they keep Beni until she returns
        • Sophia offers to help fix some kitchen problems (Page 27)
        • Meg finishes up visit with Zoie, heads back to Rec Center with Boombox
        • Ash agrees, Astrid starts gearing up to leave, Bridgette decides she is going as well
        • Meg pushes too far by releasing detail on new people, Ash brings the hammer down
        • Kristina, Sophia, and Niesha keep trying to fix problems in kitchen (Page 28)
        • Jack ask Bazhooli to be his best man, Tatiana asks about planning wedding to Meg
        • Girls in kitchen still having problems, seek out Meg for supplies
        • Astrid, Bridgette, Beni, and group start to head out
      • Franklin
        • Rodger fills Amelia in on Eden
        • Lyon leans into Edouard
        • Ray is holding stable, Tiffany watches over him (Page 24)
        • Lyon scalps, well shaves, Edouard's head, badly
        • Rodgers offers to teach Amelia how to use a gun
        • Kid is brought in, fell into a Sink Hole outside
        • Ciel enters RP (Page 25)
        • Edouard actually cleans! Christmas Miracle!
        • Tiffany helps Lyon set kids broken leg
        • Sana enters RP, lets Ciel in, sends word to Lyon
        • Lyon leaves kid with Tiffany, takes Edouard with him to gate
        • Sana takes Ciel to eat and get cleaned up, Lyon takes Edouard for a walk (Page 26)
        • Edouard gets manners
        • Tiffany watches over kid, Sana patches Ciel up
        • Mike shows Amelia around, gets her food, finds her work
        • Ciel looses lunch, Sana needs help (Page 27)
        • Raymond is bleeding, Ciel gets dramatic
        • Lyon gets to work on stabilizing Raymond (Page 28)
        • Sana gets supplies, Tiffany helps where she can
  • June 13th, 2010: (Part 1E)
    • Pages: 28 - 32
      • Newnan
        • Jack and Bazhooli plan Bachelor Party
        • Beni and Ash go to speak with Victor about supplies
        • Niesha and Sophia keep dealing with the kitchen problems
        • Kristina heads out
        • No one wants to deal with smell in Mess Hall
        • Meg runs point between Mess Hall and Rec Center
        • Victor and Beni work out trade (Page 29)
        • Work in kitchen finally wraps up
        • Jack and Bazhooli keep working on show, Tatiana as well
        • Tatiana and Bazhooli pair up for act
        • Ash directs Sophia to Fabrication
        • Beni mentions his group can help with fabrication of hand for Sophia (Page 30)
        • Niesha keeps to herself and her thoughts
        • Sophia is directed to Fabrication, Beni is open to her help
        • People start cleaning up, getting ready for evening
        • Ash gets Meg and Miss Sally to start preparing food for more people coming in (Page 31)
        • Tatiana might start teaching dance, Jack helps in Rec Center
        • Miss Sally fixes food
        • Niesha is sent to help in Infirmary
        • Jack become Casey Kasem
        • Much of Newnan starts preparing for incoming injured
        • Victor fills Niesha in on what's going on and what they need
        • OR is prepped for incoming (Page 32)
      • Franklin
        • Lyon sets up IV on Ciel
        • Tiffany helps move everyone to one room to watch over that is hurt
        • Lyon, Sana, and Edouard continue to work on Raymond
        • Tiffany and Amelia go with Mike to get fluids for those hurt
        • Lyon tells story, Marx enters the RP (Page 29)
        • Lyon gets to cleaning up, ignores Edouard (Page 30)
        • Mike, Tiffany, and Amelia get what they need and head back to the infirmary
        • Astrid is shown to the wounded, makes a call to Newnan
        • Astrid asks to bring kids back as well - things don't sit well with most
        • Ray asks to bring Tiffany
        • Amelia rats Edouard out as he tries to leave
        • Lyon nearly shoots Edouard, Sana stops him (Page 31)
        • Lyon and Beni talk, as does Ash
        • Deal is struck, Astrid gets phone back
        • Sana decks Edouard, Edouard debates choices
        • Group starts packing up and reading to move the injured from Franklin to Newnan
        • Edouard has to deal with learning Sana isn't trying to seduce him
        • Ciel and Raymond are main two being moved
        • Tiffany is joining them
        • People are loaded up into the truck
        • People say goodbye, gate opens (Page 32)
      • The Road
        • Medic, Astrid, and Bridgette come across girl hanging from the trees
        • Tryke enters RP
        • Bridgette cuts Tryke down (Page 29)
        • Group heads back to the road and towards Franklin
        • Arrive in Franklin (Page 30)
        • Marx, Tryke, and Bridgette remain at the gate
        • Bridgette gets impatient - Crumpets and tea (Page 31)
        • Truck is brought around - Tasty
        • Tryke learns Marx was burned, why he wears glove
        • Marx reveals he has prosthetic, rather advanced one
        • Marx is told he is going with the group to Newnan
  • June 13th, 2010: (Part 1F)
    • Pages: 32 - 39
      • Road To Newnan
        • Astrid informs Raymond about Sophia and how she is doing
        • Cross paths with large hoard and have to change routes
        • More walkers - Bridgette and Marx are thrown from horses
        • Marx is impaled by steel left over from wreck
        • Bridgette is bit by walkers numerous times
        • Astrid puts Bridgette down so she can't change
        • Marx start shooting at walkers to drive them back
        • Franklin folks get Marx into the back of the truck
        • Astrid is bit
        • Ciel passes out, Ray is trying to stay awake (Page 33)
        • Tryke and Tiffany are fighting a path as best they can
        • Ciel vomits: what we have no idea
        • Raymond and Ciel are stabilized, Astrid phones home
        • Tryke and Tiffany keep fighting walkers off, Ciel is dramatic
        • Marx loses too much blood and dies (Page 34)
        • Tryke can't control her bike, dies in crash
        • Chloe enters RP
        • Ciel sits there
        • Chloe offers to help
        • Astrid allows it, hands her sword over to Tiffany
        • Ray asks if they're there yet
        • Chloe becomes travel Medic and get to work
        • Truck is too damaged to move (Page 35)
        • Astrid calls into Newnan to inform them
        • Ash, Jack, Meg, Bazhooli, and others arrive on scene
        • Astrid is close to dying from bite
        • Meg is sent to divert walkers, Jack and Bazhooli get to work
        • Bazhooli slips on Tryke's blood, impales himself in the eye socket, dies
        • People start getting moved to Hordebuster, Ash barely keeps it together
        • Meg gets walkers to change direction (Page 36)
        • Everyone is loaded, Ash drives back towards Newnan
      • Franklin
        • Sana goes to fix Edouard's hair (Page 33)
        • Franklin is under attack
        • Sana is grabbed and someone tries to drag her under a car
        • Rodger is shot and killed
        • Mike and Amelia fall back
        • Edouard tries to save Sana
        • Mike and Amelia head to roof
        • Edouard is shot through the chest and dies (Page 34)
        • Amelia is shot in the arm
        • Mike and Amelia get pinned down
        • Riley enters RP
        • Lyon finds Mike and Amelia
        • Amelia takes Sana to infirmary for Medic
        • Mike and Lyon start clean up
        • Riley lays low
        • Attack on Franklin ends
        • Riley keeps an eye out
        • Amelia helps tend to Sana (Page 35)
        • Riley announces herself at the gate
        • Sana walks Amelia through stitching her up
        • Lyon lets Riley into Franklin, takes her to infirmary
        • Amelia finishes stitching up Sana's leg (Page 36)
        • Riley, Amelia, and Sana get to know each other
        • Amelia takes Riley for food
        • Beni returns with his people to Franklin (Page 37)
        • Scream sets people off running to the front
        • Sana is seen crying over her brothers dead body
        • Riley and Amelia go check on what the scream was
        • Riley and Amelia are asked to make grave marker for Marx
        • Riley is informed of a red head the group ran across (Page 38)
        • Riley and Amelia make grave marker
        • People turn in for the evening (Page 39)
      • Newnan
        • Edgar and Cadence arrive in Newnan without their riders
        • Ash calls for volunteers to retrieve their people, demands routes from Beni
        • James leaves Zoie, gears up
        • Victor has Niesha scrub up and get ready for incoming wounded
        • Richard get Zoie to armory to make Zoie Specials for James to take
        • Jack, Meg and Bazhooli volunteer to go (Page 33)
        • Water heater blows up
        • Tom, Richard, and Zoie get out of Armory. Richard rushes back in to try to cut the lines
        • Tom suffers flash burns, Sophia & Meg gets him to infirmary
        • Tatiana and Kristina head for Infirmary
        • Sid joins Megna
        • Zoie goes to radio Ash from Infirmary, has aneurysm, dies (Page 34)
        • Froggy moves her out of room and hides body for time being
        • Explosion goes off, hits Sophia and Richard: Sophia dies
        • Newnan scrambles to deal with everything
        • Richards tries to cut off gas lines, Victor hits street to find wounded
        • Niesha takes over in Infirmary
        • Beatrice enters RP
        • Walker Sophia tries to eat Schrodinger
        • Kristina helps Tatiana get patched up
        • Niesha tries to handle influx in infirmary
        • Beatrice cautiously approaches Newnan
        • Team heads out to find Astrid and others
        • Jim locks the gates, Richard gets gas turned off, Guy and others are putting out the fire
        • Victor puts down Walker Sophia
        • Tom dies from burn injuries - Kristina makes sure he can't turn
        • Megna drives the team in search of Astrid and others
        • Beatrice calls out at North wall of Newnan
        • Guns are trained on Beatrice (Page 35)
        • Richard finds out about Zoie after Victor patches him up
        • Town tries to clean up and lick their wounds
        • Beatrice is let in town
        • Victor has Kristina help move Sophia's body through backdoor
        • Tatiana helps Niesha with wounded
        • James welcome Beatrice
        • Niesha gets people patched up (Page 36)
        • Kristina comes to help Niesha
        • Tatiana goes to help Victor
        • Megna returns with Sid to Newnan
        • Hordebuster pulls up to Newnan, Ash radios for teams
        • Astrid jumps down, leaves her shield with Ash, walks off into the woods
        • Gates are opened
        • Ash pulls in, stops at courthouse
        • Wounded are unloaded
        • Newnan locks down
        • Victor assesses injuries, OR is prepped (Page 37)
        • Miss Sally deals with uninjured, gets people fed
        • Ray comes out of surgery fine
        • Things calm down, people eat or go rest
        • Niesha finds out about Sophia from Kristina
        • Ash gets a check up
        • Jack helps Tatiana in the infirmary
        • Megna gets people settled
        • Ray wakes up from surgery
        • Miss Sally starts getting people settled for the evening
        • Ash addresses the new comers (Page 38)
        • Jack gets the stuffing hugged out of him by Tatiana
        • Tatiana tends to Ciel
        • Beatrice and Chloe take note of things
        • Kristina takes Niesha to Sophia's body
        • Ash and James conduct interviews (Page 39)
        • Town wraps up for the evening
  • June 14th, 2010 - February 13th, 2011: (Time Skip)
    • Page: 39
      • Newnan and Franklin folks merge together
      • Secondary Wall is constructed for Franklin folks
      • Eden attacks again
      • Eden finds out Zoie is dead
      • Eden attacks seem to stop
      • Plans start for Tatiana and Jacks wedding
      • Freak snow storm nearly buries Newnan
      • Miss Sally makes sure Wedding plans keep moving forward
  • February 14th, 2011:
    • Pages: 39 - 50
      • Newnan
        • Jack and Tatiana's Wedding Day! (Page 39)
        • Newnan is spending most of the morning getting ready
        • Snow storm early is making things difficult
        • Thana enters RP and is hidden away by Ash and James
        • Ryan tries to keep green house going - Miss Sally gets people clothing - Victor, Tiffany and Niesha handle the Infirmary
        • Riley tries to borrow the boombox from Richard - is refused (Page 40)
        • Meg coordinates the wedding
        • Victor handles job assignments for the day - James handles his smoker
        • Ash orders those long term members of the community to report out front of his house for announcement
        • Thana is introduced to the community and revealed to be Zoie's twin sister (Page 41)
        • People are shocked - Bryn actually uses words - Richard does no react well - goes on tantrum - trashes boombox (Page 42)
        • People are dismissed - wedding plans continue - Miss Sally organizes welcome
        • Jack is might impressed with his look - Bond, James Bond
        • Victor finds old pregnancy test results in Astrid's old stuff (Page 43)
        • Richard tries to leave - Sana talks him into staying the night, wants to leave with him
        • Franklin people start getting filled in on what happened during announcement
        • Meg tries to get Beni to fix boombox
        • Ceil has to watch over Peaches
        • Ash invites Thana as his plus 1 to keep an eye on her
        • People get back to getting ready - Victor goes to check up on Tatiana - Ryan finishes flowers
        • Thana disarms explosives under her vehicle
        • Schrodinger is periodically seen
        • Everyone finishes getting ready
        • Everyone that can in Newnan heads to ceremony site
        • James shows up in Camo tux (Page 44)
        • Ash marries Jack and Tatiana, Victor gives Tatiana away
        • People head to reception
        • Tatiana and Jack decide to be called Mr. and Mrs. Newnan (Page 45)
        • Riley is in charge of music, Beni fixed boombox, Guy found CD's - Riley sings
        • Ryan hits on Chloe, as per usual
        • Sana sulks and snaps at anyone that talks to her
        • Tatiana runs off
        • People start getting food
        • Bryn is caught steeling
        • Tatiana comes back with bag
        • Ash busts Bryn, has her escorted back to quarters (Page 46)
        • Ray falls, isn't hurt
        • Jack opens bag from Tatiana, finds out she is pregnant
        • Thana and Ash leave reception
        • Ceil gets sick, goes to infirmary, Victor takes care of him
        • People start talking, speculating, gossiping, reminiscing, or heading out for the night
        • Guard informs Ash at his house that Bryn is in quarters (Page 47)
        • Niesha leaves reception, finds herself missing Sophia
        • Kris stumbles across Niesha as she leaves, Niesha is harboring secret of results found in Astrid's old office
        • Ray and Tiffany start talking marriage
        • Victor brings Ravi and Gavin into Newnan (Page 48)
          • Gavin enters RP (Page 42)
          • Gavin tortures member of Eden in cabin for information
          • Ravi enters RP at Cabin outside of Newnan (Page 43)
          • Gavin kills man
          • Gavin and Ravi start trekking through the snow - Gavin sings
          • Gavin and Ravi do duet in the woods - The Last Duet (Ravi has to play the Nazi)
          • Gavin and Ravi arrive at the gates of Newnan (page 48)
        • Raymond and Tiffany basically decide to get married - sometime in the future
        • Mike brings cake!
        • Ravi and Gavin are introduced to people at the reception
        • Jack and Tatiana do the Chicken Dance as their first dance
        • James leaves reception, blames himself for Alicia's death
      • Piedmont Hospital, Newnan, 2 miles north of Safe Zone
        • Alexander enters RP (Page 49)
        • Sam enters RP (Page 49)
      • Everyone turns in for the night - something is wrong (Page 50)
  • February 15th, 2011: (Part 1A)
    • Pages: 50 - 55
      • Inside Newnan
        • James has dream, wakes up, goes on walk
        • Finds note, runs to Sana's house, finds Sana committed suicide during the night, turned
        • James finds Walker Sana eating Bryn - James has to put both of them down
        • Ash wakes up, heads out with Thana, sees James dragging Richards body across the road
        • James turns himself in, informs Ash what happened, admits to killing Richard
        • Ash fires shot, hits dead Richard in the skull, Ash exiles James from Newnan
        • Shot alerts town - things start going south fast (Tatiana cuts foot on broken cup)
        • Gavin spots Thana - two reunite - revealed to be former couple
        • Ash informs town James is exiled - Meg and rest of domestic team get to work on clean up - Tatiana demands exit interview (Page 51)
        • People no on clean up or security report to breakfast
        • James is allowed to gather supplies - truck is brought around, weapons are loaded at gate
        • Gavin decides to go with James
        • Ash has jealousy issue - Thana puts him in his place (Page 52)
        • Niesha patches up Tatiana
        • Ryan decides to go with James (Page 53)
        • Beatrice decides to go with James
        • Chloe and others get together Goodbye gifts for James
        • Ravi enjoys tea
        • Thana is offered Agricultural Lead
        • Tiffany starts informing Franklin folks what happened
        • Niesha preps medical pack for James
        • People head for Front Gate
        • Chloe and Ryan say goodbye: with fists and hair pulling and cross (Page 54)
        • Ravi hands Gavin his Green card
        • Kris gives James necklace and Jack tells him baby will be named after him
        • Ash carries out James exile sentence
        • Tatiana goes with them outside of gate for exit interview (Page 55)
        • Tatiana comes back inside, Victor is put in-charge of medical, Jack is promoted to 2nd, Thana takes over Agriculture
        • Meg assembles a team and they get to work on clean up and burying Sana, Bryn, and Richard.
      • Outside Newnan (North)
        • Sam and Alexander start scavenging different areas of the hospital, are not aware of each other
        • Alexander spots smoke coming from direction of Newnan Safe Zone (Page 51)
        • Sam exits RP (Page 51)
        • Lola and Thalia enter RP (Page 53)
        • Alexander meets Thalia, Lola, and The Tank
        • Girls share food with Alexander (Page 54)
        • Alexander is sent for teacups! (Page 55)
  • February 15th, 2011: (Part 1B)
    • Pages: 55 - 62
      • Inside Newnan
        • Miss Sally suffers heart-attack
        • Victor, Ash, Jack, Niesha, Ravi, & Chloe scramble to save Miss Sally
        • Thana and Kris go start on Agriculture
        • Meg, Amelia, and Tiffany go bury bodies
        • Tatiana starts counseling sessions, Ray and Riley go with her
        • Victor, Niesha, Ravi, Chloe keep working on Miss Sally (Page 56)
        • Ash and Jack step back and leave the team to work
        • Miss Sally passes away: T.O.D. 10:42 A.M. - Victor makes sure she doesn't turn
        • Thana appoints Kris Lead of Live Stock and Agriculture Second
        • Kris heads to duties - Thana goes to find Ash
        • Victor lets Ash, Jack, and Thana know Miss Sally is dead
        • People start hallucinating (Page 57)
        • Megs crew finishes up
        • Niesha suggests a real funeral for Miss Sally
        • Ravi needs supplies for embalming, Victor says he'll talk to Ash
        • Thana keeps Ash close - thinks he losing his mind
        • Hallucinations get worse - people think they are going crazy - Jack and Ray seek out Tatiana to talk
        • Victor starts making plans for run to Funeral Home (Page 58)
        • People start figuring the hallucinations and voices are stress from the day
        • Ash keeps following Thana around as she starts on plants (Page 59)
        • Niesha starts gearing up group for Funeral Home run
        • Word spreads that Miss Sally is dead
        • Hallucinations start getting a lot worse (Page 60)
        • Thana and Ash decide to take Hordebuster on a run
        • Niesha, Chloe, Ravi, Riley leave for Funeral Home Run (Page 61)
        • Funeral Run groups arrives at Funeral Home (Page 62)
        • Ash and Thana leave Newnan in Hordebuster - Find Tank Tracks - Decide to follow
        • Amelia's hallucinations reach all time high
        • Thana and Ash roll up on the Tank and Exile meeting
        • Rest of towns hallucinations become overwhelming - Chloe puts gun to her head
      • Outside Newnan - Tank
        • Alexander goes hunting for teacups
        • Alexander finds world greatest lover Mug (Page 56)
        • Three head out
        • Lola gives mother of burps (Page 57)
        • Phone actually starts ringing (Page 58)
        • Agrees to meet up with James
        • Heads to meet up with Exile group (Page 59)
        • Arrives at meeting with Exile group (Page 60)
        • Thalia finds out about Alicia and Caesar's death (Page 61)
        • Thalia puts down Walker Astrid and takes her shield
      • Outside Newnan - Exile
        • Gavin joins James in cab of truck - Beatrice and Ryan stick to truck-bed
        • Crew heads for Newnan's back up resources at Newnan Utilities Warehouse (Page 56)
        • Ryan picks lock so they can get in
        • Group starts hallucinating (Page 57)
        • Group starts gearing up (Page 58)
        • Phone rings, James answers- Agrees to meet up with Thalia
        • Gavin informs Bea and Ryan that him and James plan on hitting Eden next
        • Group gears up (Page 59)
        • Hallucinations are getting better (Page 60)
        • Group heads to meeting with Tank people
        • Gavin hides in the woods
        • Ryan spots Walker Astrid coming out of woods (Page 61)
        • Gavin comes out of the woods and introduces himself (Page 62)
  • February 15th, 2011: (Part 2A)
    • Pages: 62 - 66
      • Newnan
        • Schrödinger starts acting stranger than normal. Peaches starts freaking out
        • Victor and Sid try to calm Jack during his hallucination - hallucinations in town reach peak trauma
        • Growl starts and leads up to Earthquake like proportions that shake everything within a 1 mile radius of Newnan
        • Victor tries to throw Jack and Sid out of the courthouse as it collapses
        • Victor is trapped inside - Sid dies under the debris
        • Southwest corner of Newnan is swallows as the ground opens up and is splinters the ground for a mile
        • Tatiana chases Schrödinger into the Distillery
        • Distillery explodes and sends mushroom cloud up that can be seen for miles
        • Mike and Kris die as floor in Mess Hall collapses - Tiffany barely makes it out
        • Beni, Jim, and Peaches are killed underneath rubble as the Secondary Armory collapses
        • Guy jumped off the wall, no one knew what happened after
        • Walls break and fall all around Newnan, roads are cut off
        • Meg, Amelia, and Ray are cut off from rest of Newnan
        • Tiffany and Jack join up, try to get to Jacks house to search for Tatiana
        • Newnan starts fully collapsing and burning to the ground (Page 63)
        • Radios stop working
        • Amelia finds 3 bug out bags
        • Jack and Tiffany move to get out of the city
        • Aftershocks hit (Page 64)
        • Meg is killed by hoe through the chest
        • Amelia and Ray start heading Southeast to try to get out of town
        • Jack and Tiffany get north of town (Page 65)
        • Amelia and Ray head for Church outside of town - church collapses
        • Samira enters RP - joins up with Ray and Amelia
        • Samira has tummy troubles (Page 66)
        • Jack and Tiffany decide to hit the Mills bugout location
        • Jack performs Eye Of The Tiger to lure Walkers from Tiffany
        • Ray vomits - a lot
        • Ray and Samira trip and fall and slide off - Amelia chases after them
        • Jack and Tiffany book ass away from a horde
      • Newnan Utilities Access Road
        • People head low growl from off in the distance
        • Thana and James know it is a Lime Sink giving way
        • Lola grabs Thalia and dives for cover
        • Ryan and James are swallowed up as ground collapses under their feet
        • Gavin tackles Thana out of the way and into the ditch
        • Thana comes to, Gavin stops her from nearly running into the ravine
        • Ash comes to, realizes he is alone on one side of the ravine
        • Ash gives meet up location - Mexico Beach is last option
        • Thana decides to go with Gavin to Eden to finish the plans him and James made (Page 63)
        • Ash leaves scene and heads back towards Newnan in the Hordebuster
        • Thalia, Lola, and Alexander decide to go with Thana and Gavin
        • Beatrice decides to go and round out the group
        • Aftershocks hit
        • Group starts making plans on hitting Newnan
        • Alexander becomes Mugsy!
        • Thana body checks Gavin
        • Gavin and Beatrice ride in Tank with Lola (Page 64)
        • Thalia and Alexander ride in truck with Thana
        • Both groups start heading towards Eden
        • Welcome to Thunderdome (Page 65)
        • Break off to hit from two different directions (Page 66)
        • Thana, Thalia, and Alexander stop and start prepping to attack
        • Lola plays Walker Baseball with the tank as they keep moving
      • Funeral Home
        • Shaking causes Chloe to pull the trigger and kill herself
        • Riley, Niesha, and Ravi survive initial shake
        • Riley takes Ryan's cross from Chloe's body to keep
        • Riley calls of run, starts getting survivors out of the Funeral Home (Page 63)
        • Ravi gets group to head to bugout safe point instead of trying to get back into Newnan proper
        • Aftershocks
        • Group gets outside of Funeral Home
        • Group spots Hordebuster (Page 64)
        • Debris kills Ravi
        • Niesha and Riley get in Hordebuster with Ash
        • Riley, Niesha, and Ash start heading north away from Newnan (Page 65)
        • Ash hallucinates running over Thana (Page 66)
        • Niesha slaps Ash
        • Ash demonstrates major problems driving - a lot - Riley and Niesha laugh, a lot
      • Braelinn Village Shopping Center
        • Faith Enters RP
        • Alena and Nathanial from Eden start hunting Faith
        • Nathanial orders Alena to kill Faith (Page 63)
        • Alena stabs Faith to death after long fight
        • Scene ends
  • February 15th, 2011: (Part 2B)
    • Pages: 66 - 71
      • Eden
        • Thana and crew start full equipment check
        • Gavin starts scouting through scope
        • Radio silence starts
        • Thana takes lead, gets ahead of others (Page 67)
        • Gavin, Lola, and Beatrice sit and wait for signal
        • Lola teaches Beatrice how to use the tank gun
        • Gavin goes huntin'
        • Thalia and Alexander have some problems with ice
        • Eden notices the tank - Finally lol
        • Man mistakes Thana for Zoie - Gavin kills him
        • Beatrice opens tank fire on Eden- Blows hole in wall on bridge
        • Thana, Thalia, and Alexander breach grounds - start killing (Page 68)
        • Lola pushes the tank forward into Eden territory - holds at Main Eden Building (Page 69)
        • Thalia and Alexander catch up to Thana
        • Gavin slips behind tank, keeps taking out strays
        • Thana, Alexander, and Thalia move to circle around to front (Page 70)
        • Alexander starts taking out Edenites
        • Beatrice fires a shot at the main building of Eden
        • Radio silence is lifted (Page 71)
        • Lola, Beatrice, and Gavin abandon tank, breach back entrance to Eden main building
        • Thana, Thalia, and Alexander breach front entrance to Eden main building
      • Hordebuster
        • Ash continues to have issues driving (Page 67)
        • Come across roadblock
        • Group kills some walkers, deals with road block (Page 68)
        • Roadblock turns out to be snow drift, group starts moving again (Page 69)
        • Maps out route towards Arnco Mills
        • Group talks about pasts (Page 70)
        • Ash's driving skills improve (Page 71)
        • Reach Arnco Mills
      • South Of Newnan
        • Amelia finds THE Bat (Page 67)
        • Group finds grill - grill breaks - Ray lands on feet, Samira does not
        • Group keeps moving, killing walkers as they go
        • Group starts trying to find place to hunker down for the night (Page 68)
        • Group starts cutting through yards
        • Group is quickly running out of steam (Page 70)
        • They find a car
        • Samira drives, gets them moving (page 71)
        • Meet up with Guy and Medic in Sharpsburg
      • North of Newnan
        • Jack and Tiffany continue towards Arnco Mills (Page 67)
        • Tiffany gets foot lodged in walker chest - Jack helps - Newnan/Walker/Newnan sandwich formed
        • Group gets back on feet, keeps moving (Page 68)
        • Tiffany remembers some cars have keys hidden with them for Newnan bugout
        • Tiffany finds car keys (Page 70)
        • Jack and Tiffany get car working
        • Tiffany starts driving them north towards Arnco Mills (Page 71)
        • Two start talking about the hallucinations they were having
        • Reach Arnco Mills
  • February 15th, 2011: (Part 2C)
    • Pages: 72 - 79
      • Eden
        • Tank peeps move forward, killing as they go - Lola sings
        • Truck peeps move forward, killing as they go - No one sings
        • Groups keep clearing first floor - Lola keeps singing
        • Thana imitates Zoie into Edenites walkie
        • Manny enters the RP
        • Manny manages to get gun from guard
        • Main group keeps clearing rooms (Page 73)
        • Manny starts moving slowly
        • Tank and Truck group converge - start moving upstairs
        • Lola is killed on the stairs
        • Group starts taking out Edenites on second floor (Page 74)
        • Group meets Manny
        • Thana has Alexander watch over Manny until they can trust him
        • Thana and Gavin are shot
        • Gavin dies (Page 75)
        • Thana coughs
        • Manny starts patching up Thana
        • Thalia and Beatrice push forward
        • Thana improvises flash bomb (Page 76)
        • Thalia get shot - is pissed about her jacket
        • Beatrice is shot - pushes through
        • Group arms Manny - presses forward
        • Thalia finds supply closet (Page 77)
        • The O Wars Begin (Page 78)
        • Eden Main Building starts giving away
        • Thana finds Addam
        • Thalia kills Addam
        • Group stocks up and moves out (Page 79)
      • Arnco Mills Safehouse
        • Ash, Riley, and Niesha are reunited with Jack and Tiffany
        • Group starts securing safe house
        • Jack and Niesha check supplies
        • House is clear of walkers
        • Hears something through the radio (Page 73)
        • Ash hears Guy - updates Sharpsburg group
        • Group decides to meet up with others in Zebulon the next day
        • Group takes turns talking to each other through radio
        • Ash thinks he hears Tatiana on the radio, wakes Jack to inform him (Page 75)
        • Jack cries and kisses Ash on the lips
        • Group starts taking turns on watch and sleeping (Page 76)
        • Something knocks over trash can outside
        • Huge horde is spotted (Page 77)
        • Group abandons safe house, bugs out
        • Heads for Moreland Safehouse
        • Can't get through to anyone on radio (Page 78)
        • Radio catches on fire (Page 79)
      • Sharpsburg Safe House
        • Matt enters RP
        • Newnan peeps debate letting him get close
        • Group decides to get into safe house
        • Matt leaves RP
        • Medic starts patching people up
        • Jim hears Victor through radio (Page 73)
        • Jim hears Ash - relays update to Arnco Mills
        • Group decides to meet up with others in Zebulon the next day
        • Group takes turns talking to each other through radio
        • Medic finishes patching up Ray (Page 75)
        • Radios go silent for the night
        • Group starts trading out between sleep and watches (Page 76)
        • Men start burning building outside of Safehouse (Page 78)
        • Men move on not noticing group in safe house (Page 79)
        • Sam exits RP
  • February 16th, 2011 - March 31st, 2012: (Time Skip)
    • Page 79
      • Team Newnan fully forms (Ash, Riley, Amelia, Tiffany, Ray, Jack)
      • Team Eden fully forms (Alexander, Thana, Thalia, Beatrice, Manny)
      • Team Eden and Team Newnan start the long trek in search of survivors and Mexico Beach
      • Tiffany and Ray die trying to save who they thought was Tatiana
      • Team Newnan follows signs left in mud and blood by Tatiana
      • Alexander steps in bear trap
      • Manny has to amputate Alexanders leg
      • Sign saying James Sally Newnan, born Sept 17th is found by Team Newnan
  • April 1st, 2012:
    • Pages: 79 - 87
      • Okefenokee Swamps, Georgia
        • Preslee, Robert, Erica, And Nigel enter RP (Page 77-78 - prestart for Swamp)
        • Nigel and Robert meet up
        • Erica and Preslee head out of Fishing Camp
        • Wayne and Hank enter RP (Page 79)
        • Team Swamp forms
        • Wayne and Hanks truck runs out of gas
        • Preslee is killed by walker (Page 80)
        • Nigel and Robert meet Wayne and Hank
        • Guys take out walkers
        • Nigel is renamed Sportacus
        • Erica meets up with others
        • Robert has stroke and dies
        • Group takes out walkers
        • Erica leads Team Swamp to Fishing Camp
        • Team Swamp gets to Fishing Camp
        • Nigel finds photos of Martin Family hidden
      • Headland, Alabama
        • Sister Genevieve enters RP
        • Hordebuster Dies...
        • Sister Genevieve meets up with Team Newnan
        • Tatiana is found, fight with captors ensues (Page 81)
        • Ash is shot
        • Group takes out part of group that kidnapped Tatiana and Jamie
        • Jack meets Jamie for the first time (Page 82)
        • Sister Genevieve leaves RP
        • Group piles up in station wagon
        • Tatiana leads girls to captor's house
        • Amelia kills one in house
        • Riley kills two in house
        • Tatiana leads Ash, Jack, and Jamie to house
        • Ash's bullet is removed by Riley
      • Quincy, Florida
        • Team Eden find house
        • Group searches house
        • Thana finds O's
        • Thalia is bit (Page 80)
        • Group finishes off walker
        • Thalia lays claim to the O's
        • Thana red-neck rigs power saw (Page 81)
        • Manny removes Thalia's arm (Page 82)
        • Thana leaves to find supplies (Page 82)
        • Group holds up and scavenges supplies in the house
  • April 2nd - July 14th, 2012: (Time Skip)
    • Page: 87
      • Team Swamp leaves the Swamp: heads west and south. Passes close to Leesburg and Albany, bypasses because of horde. Enters Florida. Keeps moving.
      • Team Newnan holds up in Headland House for several months due to infection setting in with Ash's gunshot wound. Leaves Headland and heads south. Enters Florida. Searches for Mexico Beach.
      • Team Eden holds up for one month in Quincy. Leaves after assuming Thana is either dead or deserted them. Keeps traveling though things are slow. Heads south west searching for Mexico Beach.
  • July 15th, 2012:
    • Pages: 87 - 96
      • Entrance of Team Alpha in Wewahitchka, Florida
      • Hunter Monroe Enters RP
      • Team Eden, Team Newnan, Team Swamp Come together in Wewahitchka, Florida (Page 88)
      • Groups leave Wewahitchka on a bus for Camp Mexico Beach (Page 89)
      • Groups are brought into CMB (Page 89)
      • Groups taken to Quarantine (Page 90)
      • Quarantine procedures: check up, delousing, tick removal, blood work, fed, showers, bed assignments, etc.: (Pages 90-94)
      • Victor Re-Enters RP (Page 92)
      • Alexander and Thalia fitted for prosthetic
      • Group informed Thana was there but isn't anymore (Page 92)
      • Tatiana decks Ash (Page 93)
      • Victor arrives in CMB (Page 93)
      • Beatrice body checks Hunter (Page 94)
      • Group is introduced to The General
  • July 19th, 2012:
    • Pages: 96-97
      • Alexander and Thalia get their prosthetic
      • Interviews for Wayne, Hank, Erica, Nigel, Manny, Beatrice
  • July 20th, 2012:
    • Pages: 97
      • Interview for Tatiana, Victor, Jack, Alexander, Amelia, Hunter
  • July 21st, 2012:
    • Pages: 97 - 101
      • Interview for Ash, Thalia, Riley
      • Thana and Mizrahi return to CMB
      • Thana is reunited with others in quarantine
      • Debriefing on what happened to Thana (Page 99)
      • Debriefing on Newnan's Collapse (Page 99)
  • July 22nd, 2012:
    • Pages: 101 - 109
      • End of Quarantine for Team Eden/Swamp/Newnan/Hunter
      • Shelving of Jack/Tatiana/Wayne/Hank/Erica/Riley
      • Beatrice and Victor leave CMB
      • Room assignments made
      • Nikki enters as full character (Page 103)
      • Lisa enters RP (Page 104)
      • Beach Party Starts (Page 106)
      • The Great Fuck Hunt Begins (Page 108)
      • Party Ends (Page 109)
  • July 23rd, 2012:
    • Pages: 109 - Current
      • First Day of Probation For New Recruits
      • First Day On The Job For New Recruits
Bettina Mae Martin
"You'll see thangs muh'way er you won't see straight at'all."
- When her siblings argue with her.

⚘ Looking Inside
A force of nature, Bettina has an over-all positive attitude that seeks out fun and wishes to enjoy everything life has to offer. A woman who is full of energy and new ideas, she is energetic and spirited, and has a zest for life. High-spirited, the woman has a well-spring of vitality. Absolutely so, she is enthusiastic about most everything: spunky and vibrant. The woman is bubbly and bright with a pep that seems never ending. Carefree and lighthearted she is the picture of bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Wearing her heart on her shoulder, Bettina is genuine, sincere and eager: showing strong feelings and beliefs in a burning and uncontrollably animated manner. She has an intense enthusiasm and an overflowing desire to enjoy things she is interested in. Undaunted she is willing to try most things at least once, or even twice when it goes wrong but was still exciting. A lust for life, she rides the natural high of adrenaline.

While having a love for life, Bettina shows a fondness for causing trouble in playful and not so playful ways. A bit naughty she can be vexatious, tending to cause irritation and frustration, even worry because of her annoying tendency for trouble making or pranking: revenge needed or not. Ardent, she has a quick-tempered nature. Aggressive and explosive, she is likely to blow up violently and erupt in anger if crossed. She is vehement and intense when she makes her mind up and has a reckless and tempestuous streak against those that have done wrong in her eyes. The young woman has shown a strong and unreasoning desire for revenge. Catty and venomous, she holds onto grudges and is spiteful in an unrelenting way that can border on maleficent at times.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 19 Welsh-American
5'2" 132lbs Ample
Mint Honey Peach






Character Trivia


Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 70F
Humidity: High (Around 72%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 18 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: The night is getting closer to wrapping up. More are starting to turn in, some are starting to clean up bit and pieces here and there. The fireworks are wrapping up and Tesla is starting to get the kids together to head back to find their parents or their guardians.

Adelaide has stopped serving Moonshine and Whiskey at this point. Drinks are as follows:
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)

Riley looked over to where the fireworks were being set off. It was pretty. Not something they had had in Newnan, or if they had had fireworks they never used them. Closest thing she could remember to them having to fireworks was the day Newnan fell and the way things were blowing up. That wasn't a good memory. None of that day was. She was separated from Amelia, didn't know if she was alive or not. More than even that was watching her sister break, seeing things like others of them had been that day, and watching her sister pull the trigger when the ground shifted..... No, she wasn't going to think on that right then. She had a full stomach, a place to live, she had some friends left in this world, and she had Amelia.

Turning her head she smiled and nodded. "Where ever you want to go," she said as she slipped her arm around Amelia's shoulders and started walking in the direction. Tesla seemed to be wrapping up with the kids and the fireworks were going to be ending if that was any indication. After getting a ways down the beach, Riley stopped. The music was still playing, further off but clear. Roman candles were still being shot off, the waves were crashing along the beach. "Perfect... well nearly," Riley said as she looked around before looking at Amelia, taking her into her arms and began to dance with her there in the sand, music in the distance, lights above them. Resting her brow against Amelia's as she held her close, protective even within the walls of CMB, gazing into her girls eyes. Leaning in slowly, Riley went to kiss her softly and thought to herself, "perfect."

Cook looked over to Lisa and chuckled a bit. "Down to food theft are we? Well, it isn't like Dusty couldn't miss a meal or two," she said with a bit of a laugh. Then there was a head shake. "Lord no, it won't ever go away most likely. Small community and no soap operas most of us haven't watched a thousand times, so tales or each other to poke with are what we have," she laughed. "Next time Padre has slipped into the whiskey, ask him about Shakespeare, you'll hear some funny stories," she added with a little twinkle in her eye. Seemed Cook could be just as mischievous as the rest of them. Glancing over at Hunter she sighed. "Yeah, he won't live this down, night one?" Resting her hands on her hips she shook her head before looking back at Lisa and nodding. "Of course sweetie, let me know if y'all need anything else, will be packin' it up soon," she said before Lisa went back over to the bar.

Adelaide nearly shot beer through her nose at Nikki's mention of finding a fuck. "Find a fuck?" That set a whole line of thoughts spinning through Adelaide's mind, which were only made worse when Lisa came over and added to it by mentioning the word hunt. The beer was gone that time as Adelaide doubled over behind the bar and had to wipe her nose. "Oh my god, find a fuck? Hunt?" she stuttered from behind the bar as she righted herself. She was laughing so hard her face was turning red and tears were rolling down her eyes. "Wait, hold on... So do fucks like grow wild? I mean, they gotta be an animal and not a vegetable though, if there is a hunt. Or is this like huntin' truffles and you gotta get something to sniff out a wild fuck? Was there a pokemon I missed when I was younger? A Wild Fuck has appeared! How does one take down a Wild Fuck? Is there a special pokeball for this? And does it evolve?" Adelaide was rambling but laughing her ass off at the thought of a wild fuck.

She could barely stop herself long enough to say, "thank you," to Lisa about the food. And as Ash came over her laughter got more vigorous as she nodded. "Yeah... hold on," she said between her snorting and snickering. Pulling out two bottles of beer and setting them on the bar top. "Bottles, bring back, here, or, Cook," she said between laughs. Why this was tickling her funny bone so much she didn't know but it was damn hilarious to her. "Oh we are just talking about the Great Fuck Hunt," she said towards Thalia as she started to pour a glass of sweet tea for Thalia. She had to stop as a new thought came to mind. Then she started speaking, in the worst fake Australian accent possible. "Now what we have here is a Wild Fuck! Wooo-weee, ain't she a beaut! A bit feisty, oh girl, don't ya worry, I ain't gonna hurt you. Yer a beauty." Finally filling a glass for Thalia and for Manny she pushed each glass towards the two and lost her legs, falling to the ground behind the bar and kept laughing. "Ah! The Wild Fuck! It's got me!" she giggled as she sat up slowly and rested her back against the shelves, still giggling.

Looking towards Alexander the General nodded and there was an understanding smile playing on his lips as he sat there. He would sway a little bit against his cane from time to time in time with the music but other than that he just kept the main of his attention towards the man sitting with him. "Yes, I would suspect they would. My granddaughter is not one to speak highly of people but considering what I have heard from her about her time with you, and how adamant she was to bring several fallen back here to have a proper burial, I believe I can paint the picture well enough." There was a long breath from the man. "In a way we are all soldiers now, fighting an unending army and just trying to hold our ground." It was a sobering thought. He though did like the idea of them being soldiers now instead of what the Major had told him that Tatiana referred to all of them as: refugees. Refugees sounded like there was no hope and no connection. Soldiers fought, found ways to live, forged families in battle. Yes, soldiers was better than refugees. Neither was particularly energizing.

Now the question was a good one and it was one that made a small smile grow on the Generals lips. "Ah, yes, well I have many things. I haven't had a chance to go through them all. Perhaps we could get together and start sorting. See what we could find. One such as you, a new set of eyes that have seen the world some might be able to help me organize better than others have. There are boxes and boxes from many, even runs that were successful in bringing back from houses or libraries." Nodding he leaned back a bit. "Yes, find me after your work tomorrow, I have an idea, should be very enlightening."

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M12 (Beach)
Skills: N/A

Nodding knowingly, Thana agreed with Ash. A flip of the finger, be it flesh or metal, from Thalia was getting off easy. Thana remembered the first day her and Thalia had met, what they did together, what they went through. The bird was most definitely getting off easy. The fact no one died was getting off easy. Then again, Thalia might say the same about Thana if she was thinking back to only that first day. Thana knew there was more to Thalia than a lot of people got to see. The two had bonded over taking down Eden, they had a friendship grew traveling together. Then she remembered the hug Thalia gave her when she showed up in Quarantine. For as much anger and fire Thana had seen come out of Thalia, the woman was capable of very deep feelings and she expressed them, from time to time.

Taking herself from memory lane, Thana glanced over towards Ash. "It'll keep, she's on a quest," Thana said and smirked a little as she looked off into the distance. Keeping her arms around his neck, Thana let Ash carry her. This was something new to her and while she knew she wasn't going to be able to tolerate being carried around for long she was sure going to take advantage of it right now. Perhaps it was a bit selfish to want to be held close to Ash, carried off, ignoring the others. She had people she needed to catch up with, family. After so much time searching though, Thana was hard pressed to actually feel guilty as Ash carried her off to a more secluded spot on the beach.

Thana's hands slipped from around his neck and cupped his cheek as she returned his kiss, holding it just a bit longer. Thana had learned first hand that any kiss could be the last one and every one of them should be treated as such. As her lips peeled from his she nodded. "Alright." Yes, drinks, some food, then back to enjoying each others company. Thana sat there, watching him walk away and quirked a brow as he stopped jogging back towards the party and came directly back. She nearly asked what was wrong but was stopped as Ash's lips found hers again. Shaking her head she giggled as he spoke and watched him run off again. He was being adorable right then, she hadn't seen that side of him since that morning when he was following her around moving tomato plants, he acted like a schoolboy then. He was acting like one now. It was sweet.

Turning her attention towards the water, Thana watched the waves break and push up onto the sand. How many nights had she sat on this beach growing up? Watching the waves, being alone while the rest of her family was up at the rental house or hotel, or even Papi's once he bought a place down here? It was an odd way of feeling right then, like relief streaked through her. Glad it was now instead of then. Then would have been ruined by one person. Tonight wouldn't be. Even if it was ruined it wouldn't ever be ruined by one person in particular again. That brought Thana a sense of peace she hadn't felt before, especially not expected that evening but she would take it. In this world, one took peace when they could find it and savored it, because it never lasted long. Casting a glance over her shoulder, Thana looked back towards where the party was going on and waited for Ash to return.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar)
Skills: N/A

Taking the beer, Nikki took a long drink and nodded. "Yeah, well he's out for the night. Dog boy can go play with his own bone," she said as she swallowed. Glancing around, she eyed the stage a bit and smirked. "Bass could be fun, he did ask to save him a dance," she added before taking another drink. It wouldn't be the first time they had hooked up. Nikki hadn't ever been serious about anyone in camp. She was young and didn't see a point considering how the world was. Bass was fun and hot. No reason no to in her mind.

Glancing over at Thalia she looked at the womans arm, not hiding the fact she was staring. "Finding fucks for the evening," she said bluntly towards Thalia but she was still looking at the arm. "That's fucking badass. Didn't think it was going to turn out that sweet," she said as tilted her head to the other side and taking a long pull from her drink.

Looking over at Manny, Nikki was about to say something when Adelaide went into her entire thing about wild fucks. Her eyes widening as the woman went on and on and on. "Someone spike the 'shine?" she asked as she looked over towards Lisa. She couldn't ever remember seeing Adelaide laugh before, maybe a smirk. Maybe, just maybe a chuckle. This? Was like watching someone on laughing gas. Though she had to admit the idea of fucks being an actual thing that grew in the wild was pretty damn funny. Shaking her head she slipped off her barstool, giving a quick glance towards Ash. "You found one didn't ya?" she said flatly before laughing as she glance back to where he had come from down the beach. Snorting she took her beer and started to head towards the stage. She had a wild fuck in her sights.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 70F
Humidity: High (Around 72%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 18 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: Evening is starting to wrap up, a few people are starting to head in for the evening.

Adelaide has stopped serving Moonshine and Whiskey at this point. Drinks are as follows:
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)

Looking over from where he sat, the General turned his attention to Alexander. He had mostly been watching his grand daughter but still tried to keep an eye out on other things. Gunny just kept watching his daughter intently as his father and one of the newer members of the community conversed. "Oh yes, well you are most welcome, and thank you for enjoying it." The man motioned towards the seat next to him as Macsen got up and went to check on the yelling that was happening from a rather loud Nikki. "It's not a nightly thing but yes, very enjoyable," he said as he watched his son go to check on other matters. His eyes trailed back to Alexander. "Oh yes, work and service. Most important. It gives a chance for life outside of survival if done right. More mouths only make things tougher if those hands don't contribute but looking at yourself and the group, overall, I hope I am correct in thinking this community will be stronger for having you all here."

"Oh yer welcome, enjoy it," Cook said before watching the scene go down between Nikki and Hunter. Her brows shot up. "Haven't seen her react like that since Ray cracked a wheel on her skateboard two years ago," Cook said and Morales nodded in agreement before whistling out a breath. Looking back towards Nigel, Cook inhaled and shook her head. "He's already drunk, this stuff is just gonna make him throw up faster." Looking over towards the Goat he already seemed to know what was going through her head.

"On it, just keep him still until I get back," he said before he started to head up the beach and back to the road that lead into the main part of the town.

"Oatmeal or crackers, something bland to soak up the booze," Cook said as she looked back at Nigel.

While Dog Boy was being tended to on one part of the beach, Riley was paying far more attention to her girl Amelia. Riley heard the yelling but as it wasn't followed by gun shots she figured it was alright. Tatiana had blown up far louder than that and no one was shot over it. The sparkler was starting to burn out, it was nice while it lasted. That was how things were now, enjoy them while, they last. Maybe that was how it always was but because things were easier people didn't think about it much. "It will be wonderful and when it's not anymore we'll do what we did when Newnan ended, we will survive, keep moving, and live," Riley said giving Amelia squeeze as she wrapped an arm around her.

Nodding as her own sparkler finally died out. "Yeah, sounds good," she said as she slipped her arm from around Amelia and laced her fingers with hers. Heading down the beach she smiled lightly towards Tesla as he waved before getting back to the kids. He and Shears were now setting off some roman candles. Nothing loud but pretty and bright over the waters. Riley dropped her sparkler remains in the bucket of water like Tesla had asked them to before glancing around. "Pick a direction and we can search," she said motioning down both ends of the beach in turn.

Adelaide wasn't so sure about giving the boy the right amount to drink. "Maybe I should have made him pass out," she breathed out with a huff. "What the hell was that?" she pondered more to herself than actually looking for an answer. "Oh he's gonna wish he was still drunk in the morning considering the hangover he is gearing up for," Adelaide added with a chuckle. Turning her head she nodded. "Yeah, food for me sounds good. Thanks."

Cook looked over at Lisa as she came over. "That's nice of you," Cook said as she fixed up two plates. "Granted I shouldn't be surprised she refuses to step away from the bar. Not after Nikki's last attempt on the spirits," she giggled lightly. "That girl likes being a hand full," she added as she handed over the two plates and wiped her hands off on the apron she wore. Cook looked oddly at Hunter during his next vocal vomiting. "If we shot everyone for a drunken rant everyone but maybe Gunny would be dead," she said with a laugh.

As Nikki came over to sit, Adelaide popped open a beer and slid it over to her. "You know, normally I'd say you were writing checks your ass couldn't cash again but think you got this one covered," Adelaide said with a smirk before glancing towards Manny as he came over. "Exactly, boys are idiots," she said agreeing with the man. "Want something to drink?" she asked. "Got beer, tea, and water still available tonight."

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Dance Floor) -> M12 (Beach)
Skills: N/A

Thana was glad that Ash had enjoyed her small part of the show. It had only been two songs but it was fun. As fun as it was she was glad it was over. She was more wanting to just spend some time with Ash. She still needed to catch up Thalia but that could wait. No one was dying right now, there was no raid to plan. Things could take a bit of time. Right now things could wait and the only thing Thana refused to wait on was time with Ash. As he kissed her nose she quirked a brow before letting out a little laugh. It was hard to tell if the laugh was because of the kiss or the metal one fingered salute from who was essentially her best female friend.

Looking over at Thalia she gave a too wide grin before turning her attention back to Ash and shrugging a bit. "I have a feelin' we're gonna be seein' that pretty often knowin' Angel," Thana said with a small chuckle. The woman wasn't exactly knowing for holding her tongue or her gestures for anyone. And from the sounds of it, Nikki was like that. Thana's eyes going back to the girl during the outburst and cocked a brow. Seemed Hunter had royally pissed Nikki off. From the reports she had read, Hunter hadn't exactly been doing well on the dealing with people front. Hopefully the therapist could help the kid.

Yet that wasn't something for Thana to deal with. She had a job in the camp already. She wasn't a leader anymore, which was fine with her. And for the same reason she was glad Ash wasn't a leader here. Not leading gave them time to live together, not just being two ships passing in the night once again. Maybe Ash was thinking on the same matter when he lifted her into his arms. Sliding her arms over his shoulders she nodded. "Sounds perfect," she said to the suggestion. Beach, food, stars. Yes, perfect. She gave a quick whisper in his ear, she wanted to go further down the beach, away from the others, closer to the pier, back side of the stage. She just wanted some quiet.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar)
Skills: N/A

Nikki grumbled to herself. Had she been older, wiser, more experienced she would have realized that Hunter wasn't trying to be an ass, he was drunk, and his natural default was just as it was. Okay, she was probably sure of such things and she didn't need to be older, wiser, or more experienced to realize these things. Yet, being her age did keep that little switch in her brain from triggering. The one that kept people from saying or doing things they might wish they hadn't the next day. Then again maybe with Nikki she wouldn't ever calm down, maybe she would always be hot headed and pop off when someone pissed her off. At least it was with words and not a fist or a bullet though going back what she had said before if he pulled that again she was going to slap the shit out of him: pimp hand final attack!

Taking the beer, she turned it up and downed half of it as Adelaide spoke. Lowering the bottled she belched, long and loud. "I can handle Scarecrow," she snarked, then she grinned. "Scarecrow... Oh I'm gonna make that one stick," she mused. Rarely were call signs picked by the person, they were usually something the person got stuck with because of how they looked or acted. Scarecrow sounded just right to her for Hunter.

It seemed like Adelaide wasn't the only one that had advice for Nikki. Her eyes going over towards the older man. "Yeah, well can't fix stupid," she said before downing another quarter of the bottle. "Yeah, saw yer name on work sheets before I went in for guard duty." Spinning around on her stool she looked as Ash was carrying Thana towards the Beach, then looked over to Hunter in the sand, then to Thalia taking a seat and eating like it was her last meal. "I'm Nikki, that Adelaide, and I need to find a fuck for the evening," she said rather bluntly as she started scanning the people that were still about.

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 70F
Humidity: High (Around 72%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 18 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: Things are continuing and going smooth right now, ^^

Drinks are as follows:
  • Heavy: Moonshine (Clear)
  • Moderate: Whiskey (Brown)
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL

"Eat up and enjoy," Cook said brightly towards Manny as he got himself some food. She liked seeing people enjoying the food, nearly as much as she enjoyed just seeing people eat in general. Too many days had gone by in days past where there wasn't enough food, and far too many where was there was none at all. Turning her attention to Nigel she smiled. "Ain't that the truth, you are very welcome," she added with a slight chuckle.

Adelaide looked over at Hunter and nodded slightly. "Sure thing," she said as she watched him. She was listening to what Lisa had to say but her eyes were on Hunter. "Huh?" she finally said as her eyes went over to Lisa. "Oh yeah, food, please! Sorry, watching the show," she said before pointing not over to the stage but the now Drunken Confessions of Dog Boy. (Available in print next spring, talk has been made of the community theater turning it into a musical.)

Tesla gave a nod with a bit of a wave towards Amelia and Riley as he darted back over to the kids, making sure to keep a close eye on them. Doc was strolling up about that time and heading over to Tesla to check and make sure no one had been burned or needed medical attention right now. Doc had his bag on him just in case something happened. S.B. was just making it to the beach party as well. She wasn't drinking or eating or even there in a medical capacity. She had an older film style camera on her with a large lens. She was moving around slowly and taking pictures of what was going on.

Riley smiled over at Amelia as she held the sparkler. "That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we will find some stuff in the seaweed that is washed up along the shore," Riley said before holding out her own sparkler and waving it about a bit. "After Newnan, never thought we would have a night like tonight," Riley said in a wistful voice. They had all thought they were safe enough in Newnan. Sure they had been attacked but they recovered from each attack. The day Newnan fell was different. It wasn't an attack, it was just mother nature, that was something you couldn't defend again. Sliding an arm around Amelia she pulled her a little closer, feeling a bit more protective of her right then.

As the song drew to a close, Thana was helped off the stage and the band went back to playing, doing a cover of Have You Ever Seen The Rain with Panama taking the lead vocals as the others played along. Seemed 70's and 80's music was the general standard fare for them to play but perhaps that was to be expected considering most of the area was older folks and they probably had records or tapes of the songs to listen to or practice against.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Stage -> Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Thana kept singing. It was nice to sing again. It wasn't something she had done in years, not since the start of the outbreak. She had always enjoyed it. Sure she was no rockstar but dive bars here and there had been more than enough for her. She had never wanted to be a singer, she just enjoyed it. As the song drew to a close, she didn't stick around on stage for long. Just fast enough to limp over to the edge of the stage. Bass and Maddoc gave her a hand to help her get started down. They would help her all the way down if needed. If Ash took over from the dance floor, then they would relinquish their hold under her arms. Either way, Thana was back at the stage end of the dance floor now and the band was back to playing and providing background music for those further down the beach and something to dance to for those on the floor.

Catching sight of Alexander and Manny eating she gave Mugsy a bit of a wave, her eyes drifting about and spotting Thalia, that brought a smirk to her lips. Then she opted to turn her attention to Ash, both to mess with Thalia and any questions she might have about the little note and to well pay attention to Ash. "Hope ya enjoyed the show," she commented with a little wiggle of her nose.

Thana found that her leg was starting to ache. That was to be expected. She had had two steel pins removed in the Quarantine's locker room the day before. The bone was healed but the muscles and tissue still had a way to go: like her face, which still itched from time to time. It would take time to get used to standing and walking on it for extended periods of time without the pins. Leaning into him she slipped an arm around to his back and rested her hand there. "Think we can find a seat somewhere?" she asked as she leaned against him. "Tomorrow mornin's run is gonna suck," she chuckled thinking out loud before looking up at Ash and shrugging. "Alright, come on, get my ass seated." She tugged on his shirt a bit. She was open to leaning against him, him carrying her, or even a piggy back ride. She didn't care.

Then Thana stopped as she heard Nikki exclaim something about fuck and sugar free. Her brows shooting up as her head turned in the direction of the sound and spotting Nikki with Hunter between the kettles and the other side of the dance floor.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Kettles -> Near Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Slowly Nikki's caught movement that wasn't exactly steady out of the corner of her eye. Stopping her intended trek to the dance floor she tilted her head to the side as Hunter started to slur his words to her. Okay, he was drunk but he was being sweet it seemed. "Oh, thanks, you're pretty cute yerself," she said to his ramble about her being nice and pretty. Maybe that was going to be it. The way he was walking the guy might face plant in the sand and take a nap. Okay, maybe he wasn't done. "Oh... sorry to hear it..." she said about this Lucy person being dead. That sucked, but everyone did have someone they had lost so far she figured. She lost her dad, granted it wasn't to walkers, it was just to life was all.

Then things started getting weird. Maybe she should have figured it would. The guy was weird and he was drunk, those two things probably were going to clash at one point. She hadn't expected them to clash in such a way that she was told about a girl he was close to loving, how she reminded him of her, and how the whole thing had been a set up, and then him asking her, accusing her of being deceitful towards him for Maddoc or The General. "What in the sugar free fuck?!?" she said as she stood there, her fists opening and closing in anger. Nikki disliked liars, to be accused of being one really pissed her off.

Now, this is about the time a woman of age and experience would realize that talking to a drunk was pointless. The man wouldn't remember it in the morning and it wouldn't sink in fully if she said anything tonight. Thing was, Nikki was hardly a woman or age and what experience she had in life was not dealing with drunk guys who she wasn't sure if he was hitting on her or accusing her, it felt like both. So Nikki did what she did... Nikki unloaded.... Truthfully, bluntly, without sugar, no cherry on top.

"Like you? I don't even fucking know you," she started flatly. "I said I thought you were cute. That I fucking meant, even if you are a bean pole but fuck looks. I ain't ever pretended to like anyone. And fuck you thinking I would pretend anything, much less them putting me up to anything. You really think I'm gonna waltz around throwing my tits at every young fuck that comes in this place just to what? For what fucking purpose? Sorry if yer life ain't been full of nothing but liars and twats that used you but that ain't any reason to drink up and vomit your bullshit all over the place," she hissed with a guttural growl. "You ain't no psychopath, your just a man child who sounds like he is lying about shit so he projects his issues on girls. Boo-fucking-hoo. Tell you this much, I don't know you enough to like you or not but accuse me of lying in the future and I'll hit ya like a bitch fer acting like a bitch!"

Oh Nikki was fuming, turning on heel she stormed over to the bar and huffed down on a stool. "Fucker..." she grumbled under her breath. "Beer...." she added as she tapped the bar top towards Adelaide, she needed a drink.
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