Avatar of Lady Absinthia


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

Current Roleplays
Resources and Tutorials
My Main RP Peeps
Everything Else

Most Recent Posts

Camp Mexico Beach
"Welcome to Camp Mexico Beach"
- Padre to each group that enters
⚘ Background
Along the panhandle of Florida is a town that was once a vacation haven for people. Not a large tourist town like Panama City Beach had once been but a smaller town where people went if they wanted more quiet than elsewhere along the coast line. A place for retirees and families to go without the crowds. Where most days, even if the place was in the middle of a perfect summer, you could walk along the beach and be left alone with plenty of space. That was before the outbreak and the dead started rising once again. That kind of changes shit.

At least for many places. Mexico Beach is very much the same as it was before the outbreak. Still a lot of people in their autumn years, still rather quiet. Anything but a retirement community or vacation spot anymore. It is now what one might think of as a military type outpost. Nearly everyone there is a survivor of the outbreak and has been there since the beginning. Former Military took the lead and got things in order post haste when the world started going to shit. Being filled with generations of people that grew up before the internet, cable, or even color TV had it's advantages and the place has seemed to thrive. Sure there are younger folk as well but here the mantle of experience is in charge.

⚘ The Camp Itself
Laid out below is a basic over look map of the town as it is now. The walls are twenty foot high and seven foot wide with a constant patrol built sand, stone and Roman-like concrete. There are only two gates, one at the east side and one at the west. Each gate is a set of two gates you must pass through to get into the man area itself. Out in the water is a patrol and nets designed to catch food and the walking dead that can wash up on shore. The town is very set in their ways and while open to new comers are not open to change. What they have their they have worked for and built. It works for them, has kept them alive and safe. Military Law rules and The General is in charge.

Click <- For Full-Sized Map


Location: Bay County, Florida, USA
C.O.: The General X.O.: Gunny
The People: Military Style Law
Population: 301 Ages: 2 - 87 yrs.
Under 18: 12% Over 50: 52%
Male: 64% Female: 35%
Map Key


Job Assignments

Sleeping Assignments

Therapy Requirements

Apparently, depending on the character I am posting for, I write like either Anne Rice or Leo Tolstoy.
Tatiana Lobov Newnan
"Protection comes in many forms."
- Strength isn't always about muscle.

⚘ Looking Inside
A cunning woman, Tatiana can act in a rather scheming and ruthlessly determined way. She is crafty and shrewd: being rather astute and having rather keen powers of judgement when it comes to people. She is clever and sharp-witted: perceptive and observant about her surroundings in both location and the people around her. Alert and ever crafty. Steady and resolute she is resolved in her determination and unrelenting in her perception. A persistent woman, she is steadfast and unyielding about matters. Capable of much, she is concerned about the safety of those around her and safeguards them as much as possible in her actions and plans. Mindful and vigilant she is wary and careful.

Tatiana can be cautious and has many reservations. Vague about details and reluctant to share. Noncommittal and discreet is perhaps not an obvious choice to describe her ways but they are more than accurate. She is leery: wary due to realistic suspicions. Skeptical and not easily convinced she is ever questioning. She is unpredictable and temperamental, having drastic changes in her mood and actions that come on suddenly and without warning. Volatile: she is liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. Strained by events, she is tense and uncomfortable around most. Suspicious, she is obsessively anxious and mistrustful, having an appalling dread in her that makes her overly cautious around people to an extreme.

Update: Tatiana has done well in therapy and has been able to deal with many of the issues that were plaguing her when she entered Camp Mexico Beach. That being said, it does not mean she is the bubbly girl she once was. She has hardened a lot and that cannot be undone. The world took its tole and somethings cannot be healed, only managed. She is still suspicious about new people but she isn't obsessively anxious anymore or cautious to an extreme. In fact she is more willing to take chances these days.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 30 Russian-American
5'4" 120lbs Curvy
Hazel Auburn Porcelain






Character Trivia


Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 70F
Humidity: High (Around 72%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 18 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: Dancing, singing, booze, sparklers, food - times are good, things are going smooth, people are enjoying the time out. Some people are leaving while new ones are coming in. Looks like a shift change for security.

Drinks are as follows:
  • Heavy: Moonshine (Clear)
  • Moderate: Whiskey (Brown)
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL

Roy and Atlas made their way down from the street towards the water, each of them with large flashlights. Passing people Roy would give a nod, Atlas mostly avoided looking at people. As they reached the waters edge, the split off. Atlas heading down towards the west end of the beach, Roy heading towards the pier itself. Seemed they were checking the waves and the water for something.

The members of the band that hadn't been playing were starting to make their way back to the stage as Thana sang. Adelaide poured a shot of whiskey for Hunter and slipped it over. "Don't go to fast, your body probably can't handle it like it used to and you are like skin and bones," she warned. She had seen it countless times with new comers to the town. Empty stomachs, no body fat, whatever tolerance they had had years ago was gone, their bodies were like virgins once again and the morning following the first drink after so long usually all ended the same: Hangover hell from 1 shot. She warned but she still laughed the next day when people over drank. Adelaide had little sympathy.

Gunny and the General were joined for about all of two minutes by Maddog. The three seemed to all be enjoying hearing Thana sing. Maddoc and the General seeming to have a more in-depth conversation and a finger or two being motioned in Ash's direction before Maddoc started to make his way back to the stage as Bass passed him.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. "Confusing my ass, he's just a pig who would rather have a buttered roll in his hand than a boob, which is fine by me. I don't feel like getting felt up by greasy fingers there," she snarked before taking another drink of her beer.

Riley was enjoying the time with Amelia down at the beach. Giving a slight nod to Roy as he passed them and then looking down at Amelia. "Sounds great. And look, seems they check the water regularly," she said pointing to Roy and then spotting Atlas down the way a bit. "We'll ask tomorrow, for now," she said with a giggle as she took Amelias hand and sat down on the beach just above the waters edge. "I say we sit here and have fun," she said pulling at Amelia's hand to pull her down to sit next to them.

Tesla came waltzing over to Riley and Amelia and held out two lit sparklers towards them. "Hey, here, have some fun. Drop them off in the bucket when they are spent," he said pointing down to where the kids were.

"Thanks," Riley said, taking both for her and Amelia and holding out one to her girlfriend. "I like the idea of seashells. Wonder if we can find any of those sand dollars," she mused as Tesla nodded and headed back down the beach to meet back up with the kids and Shears who was spinning around like a fool swirling a sparkler in the air.

When Thalia came over, Cook smiled. "Oh I have been waiting on ya. Sparrow said I was to give you something," she said as she started looking through one of the carts. Pulling out an envelope she handed it over and then a plate of food to go with it. "There ya go," she said with a smile before looking over at the next person, who was Alexander. "Sure thing, enjoy it. Sea foods pretty much a staple around here," she said with a shrug as she fixed a plate for the next person. "We weren't always but we got good people who want to live, the human spirit is the strongest thing our world has," she said to Nigel as she handed over a plate.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Stage)
Skills: N/A

As the song came to an end, Thana smiled a little. It was nice to be back on stage. She had never made singing anything more than a passing thing she enjoyed doing from time to time. Gavin had really enjoyed singing and the man was damn good when he was alive. Gavin could have been a hell of a country singing star if he had wanted to pursue it. Thing was he had enjoyed being a Texas Ranger and kept singing on the side. Thana remembered him joking about becoming the next Gene Autry and bringing back the singing cowboy. Yet he wasn't there now, he was gone. Dead, buried. She wasn't. She was alive and her man seemed to enjoy her little song. She was glad of it.

Sliding off the stool she was about to climb down when Maddog and Bass hooked her under each armpit and lifted her up as they passed her. Taking her right back to the mic. Thana's brow rose, Maddocs hand went over the mic, and the three of them seemed to get into a hushed but heated conversation. After about a minute it looked like whatever was going on, Thana finally agreed to. Bass smiled, Maddog seemed to chuckle a bit evily, Thana just rolled her eyes and looked down at Ash. "One more," she mouthed quietly as the rest of the band made their way back up onto the stage. The rest of the group was talking, getting set up as Thana waited. Panama pulling the stool Thana had been sitting on out of the way.

After a few minutes Thana leaned against the mic some and huffed her hair out of her face, showing her scars a bit more clearly but it was obvious she didn't care if they were seen or not. "A'right, one more and since Holloway there threatened to sing this one if he got drunk enough gonna save your ears from what I can only imagine would be the Virginian version of a cats death wails," she said in a sarcastic voice. She smirked towards Ash and gave him a little wink. She was joking, she had no idea how he sounded when he sang.

Looking back at the band, Thana gave a little nod before speaking into the microphone again. "Mugsy, this ones fer ya," said with a smile. Wetting her lips, Maddoc started in with a very familiar riff before the rest of the band joined in doing their southern rock cover of a rather well known classic. "I see a red door and I want it painted black," Thana began to sing: it was time for the Stones.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Kettles)
Skills: N/A

Nikki stood there munching on her corn as she listened to Thana sing. It was sweet, it was cute, it wasn't her style but she had to give the woman props. The fact she could speak was big enough, singing was another matter. Looking around, Nikki took note of the changing of the guard and checked her watch. She wasn't due for a watch tonight but she did like watching people. Which was exactly what she was doing right then. Her eyes scanning as Bass went back to the stage, spotting Maddoc leaving Gunny and the General to follow. Roy and Atlas walking passed her and heading towards the shoreline with flashlights, the couple down there already, the kids down the beach a bit.

The biggest thing that got her attention was the numerous people that mulled about, got food, walked right passed her and didn't nod or glance towards her. She always found it interesting that one could easily hide in plain sight. It was amazing what you could get away with just because people were in their own minds instead of what was going on around them. A few walls up around and more walls came down than people wanted to admit. Spinning the corn over she kept looking around. People coming and getting food, Hunter at the bar getting another drink, her plate empyting as she finished her corn.

Dropping the cob on it she sucked on her fingers one at a time to get the salt and butter and remaining juices from them before dropping the shells and the cob in the compost bin and the plate in the bucket on one of the carts. Rubbing her hands down her jeans she started to walk towards the dance floor as the song changed over. "Sweet," she muttered to herself. This wasn't exactly her type of music either but it was better than the first one was in her book. Okay, she wasn't exactly a Stones fan but she didn't dislike them either. She liked most any music, it was a rare thing to get these days.
Wayne Roberts Maldonado
"My life is an ever swirling toilet that just won't flush"
- Shit doesn't stop

⚘ Looking Inside
Wayne is intelligent, driven, a force to be reckoned with. He sees the details where others might miss them and is ever the little helper. He is kind and loving, there for the common man as a protector. He is the hero we deserve. Okay, he was. A life time ago. Maybe two or three life times ago. He was once a great detective with the NYPD, but the harsh nature of the job got to him and he gradually slid into addiction and cynicism. Part of that good man who was a detective is still there, deep down. Deep DEEP down, somewhere in the cockles, maybe the sub-cockles, maybe even the colon. Today, Wayne is broken, down-and-out survivor who if he can finds it will live off a steady intake of drugs, booze, and sleaze. A sarcastic man with really no regard for his own life. The man goes through severe moments of trying to off himself only to have it back fire in his face. He says he is "Blessed with Suck." He believes he has pretty much seen it all, the worst that humanity has to offer and is genuinely surprised when he sees kindness. Every the cynic, he is skeptical of all around him.

Happy doesn't think that at all. (Yeah you heard me. Happy!) Oh, did I forget to mention that the man hallucinates a little blue unicorn with white wings, a pink horn, and buck teeth? Yeah, there is that. What type of mental disorder the man has now is anyones guess. On the outside when you strip away the addiction, the self-loathing, the suicidal tendencies, the cynicism, and the sarcasm the man is actually very well adjusted. Except for Happy, Happy is something else.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Male 52 Italian-American
6'0" 198lbs Athletic Dad-Bod
Steel Blue Salt & Pepper Sallow






Character Trivia


Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 72F
Humidity: High (Around 74%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 16 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: The night is going on, people are milling about, food is being handed out at the kettles. Day will close in a few rounds.

Drinks are as follows:
  • Heavy: Moonshine (Clear)
  • Moderate: Whiskey (Brown)
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL

Bass gave Thana a nod. "Sure thang Miss T," he said before turning and heading off, not back to the stage, but looking like he was heading towards the kettles. It was made more than clear that if the Commander needed a hand that the man that she had been dancing with the last half an hour or more would tend to her. He wasn't about to get in the middle of that.

Adelaide looked at Lisa like she had lost her damn mind. Her hand coming over to cover her own lips as she looked like she was gagging. "I think I just threw up in my mouth a little," she gasped before grabbing her beer and taking several long gulps. The thought of Dusty and her was obviously enough to make her skin crawl. Watching as Bass walked passed the bar and over towards Nikki her eyes went back to Lisa and she chuckled. Sighing she looked at Hunter. "Need another?"

Riley smiled and nodded towards Lisa before heading with Amelia down to the beach. "Good idea," she said as she slipped her shoes and socks off. Tucking the socks into her shoes before letting the water rush over her toes. "Oh this is nice," she said as she slipped a hand around Amelia's waist. "It's no Newnan but hey, this could be a good home. Wonder if we can swim? Not now but like tomorrow?" she said as she looked over to Amelia.

Adelaide looked at Nigel and smirked. "In vino veritas," she said as the smirk held on her lips. Leaning over the bar some the smirk grew. "I am Italian, so yes, I know what I celebrate," she added before chuckling.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Thana laughed. She had no idea why she liked the sound of Ash saying her name like that. Maybe it was because it was a novelty. Something different. Very different. Sure Gavin had a hell of an accent but his was a Texan accent. Virginian was very different from that. Maybe it was because it was said in a way that perhaps there was no other living soul on the planet could say without pretending anymore. Last of a dying dialect. Or maybe it was just because it was Ash saying it and if his accent was coming out it meant he was relaxing some, relaxing a lot. Like he wasn't the Captain or leader of Newnan right then; he was just Ash, her man. On thinking about it, Thana was pretty sure it was that made it sound so sweet to her ears. (That and it was something she could poke fun at him about later.)

Taking Ash's hand, Thana let him help her over to the stage. Panama held a hand out and helped with the transition from dance floor to stage so she had leverage in front of her in case she lost her balance. "Thanks Eric," she said before looking down at Ash as she turned around. "Stick close," she added with a smile before Panama helped Thana over to bar stool that was set up behind one of the microphones on stage. The band was only a few left on stage for this song. Spots was over on the keyboard and Atticus had his fiddle but other than those two and Panama the others were taking five as it were.

Clearing her throat Thana rested a hand over the mic. "Well, um, yeah. It's been a while since I did this, so sorry for being rusty. Just gonna do a small duet, so if you wanna grab a partner might as well. It's a slow one," she said into the mic. There was a little motion of her hand to Spots and she began playing. Letting out a slow breath, Thana began to sing. "I set out on a narrow way many years ago hoping I would find true love along the broken road, but I got lost a time or two. Wiped my brow and kept pushing through, I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you."

It was about then Panama joined in singing with her as Atticus pulled his bow across his fiddle. The four of them did a slow cover of Bless The Broken Road: Spots and Atticus providing the backdrop for Panama and Sparrow's voices. It wasn't anything grand but it had soul. Every so often Thana's eyes would go to Ash. The song seemed so fitting considering everything so many of them had been through.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Kettles)
Skills: N/A

Nikki pulled her knees up and balanced her plate between her thighs and her lap. Picking at the crab and shrimp on her plate. Picking up a small cut piece of corn and nibbling on the nibblets on the cob one at a time. Taking far too much time to eat a row of corn but not giving a damn how long it took. Each little bit she bit off she bounced and bobbed. Nikki just enjoyed the food she was eating and watching the fire lap up under the kettle. It was a nice little sight. Sure it was probably still a little too hot out to enjoy the fire for its warmth but it was nice enough to enjoy for the colors. That and it made a great place to take an empty bit of shell and toss it into the fire.

Popping one of the legs off the crab she bent it,twisted and snapped the shell into two. Pulling it apart she revealed the white meat in it and popped one half into her mouth, sucking on the shell to get the meat out. Her lips puckered around the shell when she heard a clearing of the throat. Turning she looked up with bright eyes to see Bass standing there. "Evenin' Nikola," he said as he slipped his hat off his head.

Pulling the empty shell out of her mouth she swallowed. "Yo Ray, you gotten in on this?" she asked as she picked up a shrimp from her plate and offered it up to him.

"Not yet but thanks," he said as he reached down and took the shrimp. Pulling the shell off he popped it into his mouth.

"What ya doing over here? Aren't ya supposed to be with the band?" she asked as she picked up a small potato and chewed on it.

"Miss T is about to sing, her song don't need me. Was wondering if ya do me the honor of a dance?" he asked, hat in hand. Nikki grinned and shook her head. "Um.. alright," he said before he started to turn away.

"Hey, I meant not now you goof," Nikki said as she reached out and grabbed his hand. She gave it a silly shake before letting go and going back to eating. "I just wanna finish my plate," she added as she looked up from where she sat on the ground. Sticking her tongue out at him before popping another shrimp into her mouth. Hearing Thana's voice come over the mic Nikki stood up and dusted her butt free of sand. Plate in one hand, corn cob in the other she watched the scarred up woman singing with Panama.

"Catch ya next break?" Bass asked and Nikki nodded. Setting his hat back on his head, Bass started to head back towards the stage area.
Genève Nannerl Perry
"Being drafted is one thing, volunteering is unforgivable."
- Thoughts on serving.

⚘ Looking Inside
A person who is tried and true, Genève is exceptionally devoted; giving and showing firm and constant support and allegiance to those convictions or persons she is latched on. Steadfast in direction, she is resolute. Dutifully firm and unwavering to her committed tasks: dependable and reliable. Showing determination and fearlessness she is spirited and unflinching at what is put before her: situation or person. Bold in her actions and feisty, she is lively and spirited. She has strong feelings and strong beliefs to which she holds onto fervently in a zealous manner. She is ardent with an inner glow.

More than once showing a desire to resist authority, Genève is defiant. An internal conflict rising, she is not calm. Obstinate, she stubbornly refuses to change her opinion or desired course of action despite others attempts to persuade her otherwise. Headstrong and willful she is governed by her own ideals. There is an unwillingness to share things or persons in her life. She can be mercenary and grasping to keep them her own. She is given to expressing her opposing views and quarreling. Being debatable and controversial in her views, she expresses them in a heated, fierce, and even vehement manner. One that is impassioned and intense: filled with and showing great depths of emotion.

⚘ A Brief History

⚘ Relations


Female 24 French-American
5' 6" 130lbs Slender
Cerulean Flaxen Ivory





Character Trivia


Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 72F
Humidity: High (Around 74%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 16 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: It is officially night now. The moon is up, the sky is clear, stars can be seen. The temperature has dropped as had the humidity some. (Granted the humidity is still high enough to feel that is for sure.) The wind has picked up a little. The weather will hold about at this pattern with a few gusts here and there for the rest of the evening.

Drinks are as follows:
  • Heavy: Moonshine (Clear)
  • Moderate: Whiskey (Brown)
  • Light: Beer (Pale Ales)
  • Sweet Tea (Brown)
  • Water (Clear)
Seriously, if you want to get drinks mixed up, go for it LOL

Adelaide looked over to Lisa and laughed. "Shit, I have to keep tabs on that one. If I don't who knows what booze will go missing next," she said with an eye roll before taking another sip of her drink.

"That was years ago Adelaide," Dusty said as he waddled by with a large plate of crab and shrimp. "Let the girl be, not every one can have a stirring stick up their butt 24-7," he said waiving a shrimp at her face. Adelaide smirked, snatching it out of his hand and popping it in her mouth. "My scrimp! THIEF!"

"Eat me Dusty," Adelaide said chomping her newly acquired treat.

"Can I?"

"Eww! Get, go!" she said before shoving the beer she knew he wanted towards him. Dusty grinned and waddle off, pulling up his pants that threatened to slip down. Looking back at Lisa, Adelaide smirked. "Don't go encouraging the girl, I already got my hands full," she said before taking another pull from her beer. Looking at Hunter she nodded. "Yeah, if you are still standing," she said looking the guy over, he was really on the thin side. With his weight three beers were most likely to put him on his ass.

Sheers grinned at Alexander and nodded before paying more attention to where he was going. Grabbing a plate of food from Cook as he passed the kettles. As he got over to the kids and Tesla he offered Tesla some and then just stood there watching the kids play while he ate. Tesla and him talking a bit laughing at the kids as they ran around.

There was a bit of a nod from Adelaide towards Nigel. "You're welcome," she said before taking another drink. Adelaide was just lowering her beer when she finally noticed Amelia standing there with Riley and asking for a beer. "Oh sure," she said. Stopping midgrab she looked at Riley. "You want one too?" she asked.

"Yeah, please," Riley answered, staying close to Amelia and noticing that her girl friend looked a little tense. She was pretty sure she knew why. Hunter had a dog and Amelia was scared to death of them. Wrapping an arm around her waist she whispered against Amelia's ear. "And a walk sounds perfect," she said quietly. A walk did sound nice but it would also get Amelia away from Hunter.

"Here ya go, I'm Adelaide," Adelaide said as she slid two beers over for them. She gave half a glance towards Thalia but the one handed girl seemed to be already trying to pick a fight with someone, even if it was only for training. Girl had some spunk, but then again she figured she had to, to survive loosing a limb.

"Riley, and thanks," Riley said taking the beer and waiting for Amelia to be ready to go for their walk.

Looking back at Hunter Adelaide poured him a whiskey in a small glass and slid it over to him. "That single and then let's see how well you are talking in ten minutes," she said eying the guy. Like hell she was going to risk him hurling over everything if she could prevent it. Granted she wasn't on clean up duty but no one liked that duty.

The band seemed to be winding down another song. "Gonna switch things up a bit, give us a few," Atticus said into the mic before bending over and picking up his drink to take a sip. It was brown so it was hard to tell if it was whiskey or tea.

Bass hopped off the stage and wandered through the crowd, walking over and tapping Thana on the shoulder. "Miss Thana? Hey, you's about ready?" he asked as the rest of the band was taking a few minutes to change out a few things and wet their whistles.

Adelaide looked back towards Nigel. "I don't make it, but we've ran across a lot of stores and such. Since it isn't used for fuel or to sterilize anything, it mostly gets kept for Communion."

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Hearing Ash sing Paint It Black might well been something she would have paid to see but the way he put it, it was probably better if she didn't. Not that there was really anything she had to trade even if she was willing. Not to mention she already had a large debt with the community she would be spending a far amount of overtime work doing to pay off. As she danced there, in Ash's arms though, looking around here and there and seeing the rest of the new people starting to relax and have a good time, she knew it was worth it. Even if they hadn't made it here, it would have been well worth it: to at least try was the only thing one could do anymore. Try and hope for the best but always be prepared for the worst.

Pushing the more depressing thoughts out of her mind though, Thana had a little idea trickle through her mind and it made her smile. She would wait though, right then, just dance. Thankfully leaning against Ash as they danced was as much pragmatic as it was enjoyable; keeping as much weight as she could off her leg that was still healing. Everything stopped as she heard Ash say her name oddly. Her head snapped up and she leaned back some, bracing her hands against his shoulders as she stood there wide eyed. "Beats the hell outta me," she said quickly. She had never heard her name said that way and it took her by surprise.

Seemed he was back to talking normally again and she liked what he had to say. "I like the sound of that," she said as she leaned back in. Brushing her lips against his before resting her head on his shoulder once again. Letting out a slow breath she went back to just swaying with him. She couldn't remember ever dancing this long before without at least going and grabbing a drink but she didn't care. This was nice and she was going to enjoy it. Pulling herself a tad closer. "Ya know, I think I like the way you said my name," she said softly. It wasn't something to be used every day but the way he said it was rather becoming to her, set it apart from how others said her name or addressed her.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, she finally realized that the music had stopped. She was still wrapped up in the moment. Swallowing slightly she lifted her head and looked over. "Oh yeah, just a second," she said before looking back to Ash. "Stay close?" she asked as she slipped her arms from around his shoulders, trailing them down until her fingers laced with his. "Could use a hand to get up the steps," she added in case he needed an excuse, but then again she doubted he cared about an excuse to stay close.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Bar -> Kettles)
Skills: N/A

Nikki skipped over to the area where the kettles were. The General and Gunny were walking away with a plate to go have a seat around the edge of the dance floor. The two seemed to be keeping a close eye on Thana. Nikki couldn't blame them, she had been keeping a bit of an eye on the woman herself since she returned. Taking a plate from Mizrahi, Nikki flopped down in the sand and shoved her beer into the ground next to her. Yanking off a leg from one of the crabs on her plate she snapped it in half, twisting it and revealing plump steaming white meat. Shoving it into her mouth she giggled and chewed, bopping up and down as she sat there. Eating and licking her fingers.

Then Nikki stopped and spotted Alexander staring out over the water. Seemed Manny was with him but there was something about the way the man just stood there that reminded her of another person she had watched just standing in that spot, thinking on things. A lot of people did that. She wondered why. Sitting there, Nikki sat watching Alexander but thinking back to a previous time....

The sun began to rise, Thana wrapped her arms around herself. The woman had been running for a while and Nikki found it hard to keep up and not be seen. It was probably a good thing Thana was still recovering, otherwise she might not have been able to keep up. Ducking behind one of the piers pillars she stood there and watched the woman. Nikki liked watching people, always had, and Thana was someone new in town. First new person in a while and the first months had been spent in the hospital. This was the first real chance she had had to spy on her.

Resting her hands on her hips Thana took a deep breath. "How long are you going to follow me and think I don't know you're there?" she asked with the slightest bit of Georgia drawl in her voice. There was the most minor of smirks on her lips as she glanced back over her shoulder.

"You fucking knew?" Nikki asked as she came out. Tucking her hair behind her ear and shrugging as she walked over towards Thana. Thana nodded and looked back out over the water. "What the fuck are you doing?" she asked.

"Remindin' myself why I chose to do the things I do," Thana said in a military voice.

"Riiight, of course. Makes perfect sense," Nikki said with a roll of her eyes and a voice laced with sarcasm. Blowing a bubble with her gum and popping it loud. Thana took a parade rest and turned to look at the girl, giving her the once over. "What? I got something on my face?"

Thana gave a quiet chuckle. "Why are you here?" she asked as a brow rose over her left eye.

"Watching you, duh."


"Something to do." The girl shrugged and blew another bubble. Thana shook her head. "What?"

"There are plenty of things to do, watchin' me means more than just somethin' to do." Looking back over the water for a moment before she looked down at her feet now deeper in the sand. "You're curious. Dead woman walkin'."

Nikki's eyes widened a bit but she nodded. "How'd the fuck you know that? What, you some kind of psychic?" Thana laughed at that one.

"No, I just take in information and come to a logical conclusion. I didn't exactly inherit the family people trait," she said as she stood there and took a few steps forward. The water coming up to her calves now and washing against her skin. "You saw a battered body come in out of the sky, people rushing to save a person you had never seen before. No pulse, no breath. Surely dead and gone, only thing left to do was to put a blade into the base of my skull. Yet, time goes by and I walk out of the hospital and am running down the beach. I would be curious as well, you have a similar mind to mine and a penchant of getting in trouble I hear. Col. Martin was right when he said you were like me."

Nikki laughed and shook her head. "Right, Miss Rod up her ass. Probably never got in trouble for even having an unmade bed growing up," she taunted.

"No, you're right. I never did get in trouble for not making my bed. I made her it was made each and every morning. I did however nearly get thrown in prison for Grand Theft Auto when I was 18," Thana said in a flat tone.

Nikki's gum spat out of her mouth in disbelief as Thana looked over to her and gave her a small smile. "No shit?"

"No shit," Thana said and waved the girl over closer. Nikki and her talked for hours and many times after that.

Chuckling a bit to herself, Nikki still found it hard to believe a lot of what Thana had told her over the weeks before she left. Then again, turning and looking over at the woman with Ash, maybe it wasn't so far fetched. The woman was human after all. Shrugging her eyes landed on Bass who was talking with Thana. She stuck her tongue out at him before going back to her food and beer.
Aʟʟ Gᴀᴠᴇ Sᴏᴍᴇ
"Only the dead have seen the end of war"
- Plato
In a divided America, war rages on. Yet, this war isn't like the ones before it. There are no ticket tape parades with hundreds and thousands of grateful citizens praising the valiant efforts of the American Soldier. There are no songs singing of valor and victory. No Rosie with her sleeves rolled up ready to do her duty while the boys are over there. No, this war is brutal, wavering on the edge of a blade. A tug of war between two sides and being suspended over the pit is the soldier. Cursed by one side, barely acknowledged by the other, and wanting just to be left alone by both.

Over in Vietnam the war seems never ending. More and more troops are drafted and sent over each day. The Tet Offensive has just ended and Operation Rolling Thunder is coming to an end. More and more soldiers are giving their all overseas but for what purpose? Many of them don't even know. What they do know is while some of them will give everything, including their very lives: all of them will give something. Sometimes death is better than the hell of memory and having to rebuild once you are sent home. Can you even do that? Who knows. Where you do start even if you wanted to try?

To start rebuilding one has to go home. Yet how can you when you are sent to one of the worst and most horrid VA hospitals in the country? When it is wall to wall over crowding, lack of funding, lack of resources. When everyone around you if still fighting the war but now the war isn't all around, it is inside. You are fighting it still within your mind and in your body; both racked and wrecked by what you saw and what you lived through over there. You are left wondering what the hell they were singing about. Not only do you have a war within you it seems the war is outside the door. Protests nonstop, calling you a killer. Are they wrong? Do you even know where you stand anymore? Could it get any worse? Of course it could and you find out just how worse when you are assigned a healthcare worker that is only there by court order. Punishment for disturbing the peace and various other charges received when your nurse was protesting the very war you were injured in. Opposite sides of the war, caught in a single place neither wants to be.

Status: Closed

Time Frame: 1968
Main Location: Bronx VA Hospital, New York
Rp Tags:
Casual 1x1 Romance
Modern Slice-Of-Life Military
Horror Character Driven Co-Gmed
@PapaOso We are in the middle of a CS switch out and update coming - it wouldn't be until after that and end of year in RP. Currently I have no idea when that would be.
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