Avatar of Lady Absinthia


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4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

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Most Recent Posts

New day dawning

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 70F
Humidity: High (Around 72%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 18 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: Last post of the day - Next update will be new day. Wrap up what you are doing, hit the sack, etc. If already asleep or passed out (coughHuntercough) then perhaps a dream sequence.

Slowly Bass lowered Nikki back down to the ground, it was the last song of the evening so it was probably best not to have her feet flailing around. Well not exactly the last song but the last fora slow dance. There seemed to be one more coming up but Ray was enjoying the slow dance with Nikki, he had asked her after all. He had to admit he was surprised she cashed in on it but he wasn't going to complain. "After this I gotta get up on stage for one more song," he told her quietly.

Tesla and Shears wandered from the beach and up onto the street, not too far behind Alexander. They had kids in tow, adults were coming up and picking up a few here and there. Ones that weren't being picked up Shears broke off with and headed towards some houses just south of the cluster of school buildings. Tesla had his hands full with left over roman candles and buckets of discarded and used fireworks that needed proper disposing of. "Alright ya rugrats, time to hit the sack. The Professor is waiting on ya," Shears said as he waddled along, picking up one of the younger kids as she started to fall behind yawning.

Cook look over towards Nigel and nodded. "Kind of. Demerits for poor behavior, things to discuss with therapists, additional debt, could be a number of things. Means he'll be taken to speak with the General tomorrow and a report will be filed," she explained as she kept stacking and piling up dishes.

"Yeah, just ain't the best way to start out, especially with y'all being on probation right now, bad first impression," Morales added as he finished scraping some plates into a bin. "Want me to get this down to the gardens?" he asked turning his attention to cook.

"Please, think Sparrow is turning the compost piles in the morning," Cook said, seemingly grateful she wouldn't have to deal with it tonight.

Riley slipped her arm around Amelia's shoulder as they walked, giving her a bit of balance as she needed it while Amelia put her shoes back on. "Starting to understand why Captain Tightpants was so keen to get here," Riley said in passing as they continued, not that Ash would have known what this place was going to be like when Thana told him this was where she was headed but still, things seemed to be working out for those there. "Let's get home," she added after a minute and then paused. "Home, sounds good," she smiled as she gave Amelia a kiss on the cheek as they got to their apartment.

A woman was standing at the door, unlocking it as the couple came up. Blonde hair, average height and build, looking rather wind blown in pink overalls. Tucking her hair behind her ear she looked at them. "I'm Beth, well Chase," she said unlocking the door. "Anyways, will be hot tomorrow, no rain, night," she said as she stepped inside and went straight to her room. The door closing heavy behind her. Riley went to say something but Chase was so quick to get to her room there really wasn't much of a chance. Shaking her head she waited for Amelia before turning in.

Adelaide shook her head. "Nah, Dusty will be down in a bit with the trailer so we can haul most of this and the bands equipment back up to the storage," she said as she started wiping down the counters. Glancing over towards Thalia she nodded. "Yeah, meets twice a week in the evenings. Usually is posted on the bulletin board for times and locations each Sunday night, should check it out," she said as she started putting bottles in a box to hand off to the kitchen staff to wash for her.

Bass leaned back at the song ended. "One more song," he reminded her before giving her a kiss on the head and heading back on stage. It looked like people were wandering off, wrapping up, and the like. The place was going to be pretty empty soon. Thing was, Bass didn't pick up his bass. The other guys were starting to put down their instruments as well. Panama moving things out of the way while Atticus took the last mic on stage and chuckled.

"Last song, forgive us lord, for we know exactly what we do..." he said before handing the mic over to Spots and her holding it up to a CS Player as she hit play. Now, picture if you will - Preacher, Bass, Panama, Volts, and Maddog - in a line on stage and well... Not singing but Lip Syncing a rather choreographed Dance. Bass and Volts were doing great, Panama was a joke but having fun, Preacher was trying his damnedest not to look like the Father With Two Left Feet. Maddog... he was living it up in a way that wasn't usually expected from him. (This caused the General to stare oddly at his son, and Gunny to have to turn away and chew on the inside of his mouth to not laugh.)

Adelaide snorted beer through her nose and nearly choked to death watching this, as did many others. This was not expected. It was a wonder they waited until the end of the night to pull this but it looked like they had been rehearsing it for a while. It was obviously all in good fun but this was some shit they were probably never going to live down. It was a hell of a way to end the day.

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M12 (Beach) -> L11 (Dish Tub)
Skills: N/A

Feeling Ash's arm slid around her waist, Thana leaned into him a bit more. She really didn't have a problem using him as a make-shift lounge chair right then. Feet in the sand, curled up against her man. It wasn't a bad way to enjoy the evening. Especially there looking out over the waves. She had spent many hours while she was recovering just looking out over the water in thought. Thinking about Ash, wondering where he was, if he was still alive. There hadn't been any signs, all she had was a feeling in her gut for the longest time that he was still alive and kicking somewhere. Granted, by the time her and Mizrahi had started heading back to Mexico Beach after weeks on the road, that hope was nearly nonexistent. By the time they rolled in and she was climbing out of the truck, it was gone.

Turning her head she looked at Ash, she doubted she would ever forget what she felt when they were reunited. The way it was like hearing a ghost when she heard him say her name. The way time seemed to slow down as she turned around and pulled down her sunglasses to see him running towards her. They had fallen from her hands. She had been trembling, limping towards him, part of her thinking she had finally snapped and was seeing things. How her knees gave out from under her as she tried to walk closer to him. How she would have hit the ground hadn't he caught her up in his arms and spun her around. How she cried, she never cried, she cried then though. Letting out a slowly breath, Thana leaned in and kissed Ash's cheek. No she would never forget that, nor the countless nights afraid she would never see him again.

Snuggling a bit closer she kept eating. She didn't believe they had all the time in the world but they had now and that was a lot in a world like this. As she finished eating she gathered up her plate and such. Standing up. "Come on, let's get this put up. Then you can carry my ass to bed," she said sticking her tongue out at him. She wanted to walk a little bit at least. Be good to stretch her legs after sitting and eating in the sane for the last bit.

Yet, maybe she should have stayed on the beach a bit longer because as she came up to one of the dish tubs she had to stop from dropping her things as she spotted her uncle lip syncing N'Sync and doing his best Doug'in'fresh impression. Thana's eyed widened. "I might be scarred for life..." she half mumbled, half laughed. Looking over for Ash she dropped her plates off and let out a sharp breath. "Okay, Cinderella has had enough of that," she laughed, motioning towards the stage. "Get me 'da hell outta here."

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Dance Floor -> Stage)
Skills: N/A

Feeling her feet gently hit the dance floor again, Nikki looked up at Bass. "Alright, I can hang around for a few," she said before resting her head back down on his chest. It was about as good as she could do while they danced, the man did stand a solid foot taller than she did. Maybe heels wouldn't be such a bad idea, she could learn to walk in them. Hell she could skateboard without much issue, then again four wheels and a board was a lot more to stand on than two spikes. Okay, maybe heels were out of the question. Oh well at least he was strong enough to pick her up to his height if needed, which partly was insulting but partly hilarious to her. She chuckled to herself to think how silly is looked when he picked her up to dance and her feet were dangling below. Probably a good thing it took a lot to make her embarrassed. Not a lot to piss her off but shame wasn't a problem. She had little.

As the song came to an end she stepped back and blew a large bubble with her gum as she shoved her hands in her back pockets. "Okay," she said as the bubble popped and she sucked the gum back into her mouth. Chewing, she started to tilt her head to the side as Bass didn't pick up his bass. Her head tilted to the other side as the other guys on stage started putting down their instruments. Had she misheard? Was there not another song tonight? One brow started to raise as Spots took the mic, the other joined it as the guys lined up on stage.

Nikki's ass hit the ground laughing as the song started up and the guys started lip syncing and dancing to it. The girl nearly choked to death on her gum as she accidentally swallowed it. It took half way through the song before she could control her laughter long enough to roll over onto all fours and start to actually get back to her feet. By the time the song drew to a close she had tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks, which hurt as much as her sides did. "You... carry... my ass.... What the fuck... my place...holy fuck.... " she laughed and chortled between breaths as she grabbed Bass from the stage once the song was over. It was time to turn in, at her place.
New Cs's done. ^^

Year 5: Part 3

Date: July 22nd, 2012
Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab

Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Temperature: 70F
Humidity: High (Around 72%) - No Rain
Wind Speed: 18 MPH
Cloud Coverage: Clear

Note: Most that are older are heading in or have already headed in. What one would think of as the parents are starting to round up the younger children as well from Tesla and ushering them back towards town. There is a lot of "Aww, do we have to?" "I don't wanna go to bed." and "I'm not tired." coming from them as the adults inform them that the party is over for the youngest of the community.

Adelaide is cutting off booze at this point: Water and Sweet Tea is what remains.

The General looked over at Alexander and shook his head a bit. "I shan't but then again I will have to reprimand him for public drunkenness come the morrow. Not the most prestigious start in a new community. I do hope this isn't a sign of a deeper problem," the General said before giving a small farewell for the two and starting to make his way down to where Tesla and Shears were cleaning up from the sparklers and minor fireworks. His eyes went to Hunter for a moment before looking away. Yes, he would need to give the boy a talk and see where that went but it would wait until tomorrow. Tonight, it would be pointless as the kid was obviously drunk.

Cook nodded towards Nigel as he said thanks. Morales on the other hand chuckled a bit. "Let me know if we need to fetch a wheelbarrow from the greenhouse," he said shaking his head as he smiled. Cook sighed a bit but it was an option. Not so much to make things easier on Hunter but easier on Nigel, who had seemed to make it his responsibility to take care of the kid. "Oh man, seriously?" Morales added a bit shocked and disgusted as the kid decided to eat like yeti, palms only, and then waste half of it. "What a waste..."

"Mark it down Cook," Gunny said as he came over to the scene. He looked at Hunter before shaking his head and walking off. Cook's lips thinned a bit but she nodded.

"That ain't good," Morales said under his voice as he picked up some of the plates and moved them back over to the cart.

"No, it isn't..." Cook added as she pulled a small pad from her pocket and scribbled something down before putting it away and getting back to clean up.

Adelaide went from laughing to gagging as she watched the scene get even worse with Hunter. "Yeah, with every girl in this place," she said as she watched him in horror. "It's like a train wreck... you can't look away... but you really should." Shaking her head she looked over towards Thalia. "Chase? Oh right, she's the weather girl. Blonde, cute, thirties. Former storm chaser, used to actually run after tornadoes. Loner, spends more of her time at the pier reading the equipment."

Gunny made a bee line towards the bar. "Alcohol is shut down now." Gunny's voice was flat but his eyes went to Hunter.

Adelaide nodded. "Yeah, thought he could handle more," she admitted. Gunny just turned and headed back off, this time towards where Tesla was with Shears. Adelaide blew out a breath hard from her lips. "Rotten apple, meet basket," Adelaide said under her breath before downing the rest of her beer and starting to put up the remains of the liquor that was out. "Wait, Fuck Guild? That sounds like something from the DnD group... Weren't they going on about something called Yondar Sex Rock?"

Riley walked with Amelia, just glad to see her relaxing some and enjoying herself. Amelia had been so afraid to her for so long, even in quarantine it made her worry about the woman. Seeing her being able to have a moment of normalcy brought a smile to Riley's face. Strolling down the beach was not a bad way to spend the evening, searching for seashells seemed almost like a fairy tale all things considered. No walkers, no hungry stomachs, no wondering if it was you or the person next to you that stank to high heaven, no trying to remember the last time you were able to brush your teeth. This place was paradise, as close as one could get, from the looks of it.

Stopping she nodded. "Yeah, that's it!" Riley exclaimed as Amelia pulled from the seaweed a round flat shall with a little marking on the top. "And yes, that is perfect to remember tonight by," she added as she held her hand out to Amelia. Looking around, it seemed that many people were packing it in and some of the fires were starting to get put out. "That sounds perfect. They said we start early tomorrow and out assignments will be slipped under the door. I say we turn in."

Thana Martin

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: M12 (Beach)
Skills: N/A

Leaning against Ash some, Thana smirked. "I think by now if people don't know we are together they are blind or in denial," she said frankly before taking another bite of the meal that Ash had brought over to her. It was nice to have this moment with Ash. They had had several moments since she returned to Camp Mexico Beach and found out he was here. Each of them a bit different. Each of them a bit mushy and over the top. Some of them very passionate and behind closed doors where they belonged. Either way, all of those had a common thread running through them.... Showing a lot more affection than she normally would, even before the outbreak.

Then again, they did have a lot of lost time to make up for. And perhaps a lot of time to try to get under their belt before the next thing came along that threatened to rip them apart. Nothing lasted forever. Thana knew this well before the outbreak happened. She knew it even more now. A single day could change everything. It could be the start of something, it could be the end. One could live a life time in a day or waste a life in that same amount of time. It seemed that Ash felt similar to how Thana was feeling right then. Or at least she thought he was considering the way he was talking right then.

A smirk came to Thana's lips as Ash stole a kiss. "Oh well, if yer satisfied then I ain't gotta be worried about winnin' the Fuck Hunt tonight," Thana said in a sassy tone before taking a bite of the crab and grinning mischievously towards him. "Might as well not even eat, as I won't be needin' it fer strength later on." While she said she might as well not eat, she kept eating. A coy look twinkling in her eyes as she leaned in and whispered. "Better eat 'cause I ain't sleepin' until I'm satisfied." Chuckling she leaned back and took another bite as she curled more against Ash right then.

Nikola Warren

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: L11 (Dance Floor)
Skills: N/A

Now over in one corner the Camp was dealing with a drunk in the sand. In another a couple was finding sea-shells down by the sea shore. At the bar, the mighty Fuck Hunt was under way. And elsewhere still a couple was making up for a lot of lost time. Between these points other things were going on. Gunny was patrolling and making sure things were getting closed down, the General was checking on things, many were turning in. Two though, were simply still on the dance floor. Ray wrapped an arm around Nikki's waist and pulled her closer as they swayed together. Nikki closing her eyes and enjoying the dance. It was a bit slow for her, being that she liked to jump and bob around constantly, but it was nice nonetheless. The fact she could just rest her head on Rays chest while they danced was nice, his chin resting on top of her head. Having a foot difference in height made things like that happen.

Thing was though, Nikki didn't like holding still for too long. Not that dancing was holding still, far from it, but slow dancing was closer to holding still than not. At least when it was dancing like someone might at a middle school spring festival. Tilting her head back, Nikki rested her chin on Rays sternum, which caused him to lean back some and looked down at her. "I need to be taller, or you shorter," she said before sticking her tongue out at him.

Ray chuckled. "Really?" he asked as he kept dancing with her.

"Yes really. Or I need to start wearing heels around you." That made Ray laugh hard. "Hey! It wasn't that bad last time!" Ray nodded like he agreed but he was trying his damnedest not to laugh. Thinking about the last time he had seen Nikki in heels and how she had fallen back and folded up like a transformer. "Oh! Oh!" she exclaimed, knowing exactly what he was laughing about. She started to turn but Ray just lifted her up and kept dancing. Her feet kicking for a minute as he brought Nikki up to his eye level, which left her feet dangling below her. "Not fair..." He just shrugged and kept dancing. Nikki rolled her eyes and shrugged, "You're gonna pay for this," she warned but Ray didn't seem concerned.
Lark Rise to Candleford: A Trilogy By Flora Thompson
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