Avatar of Lady Absinthia


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4 yrs ago
Current Happy International Women's Day to all the fabulous female Gm's and Rpers out there
4 yrs ago
Bond, James Bond, 007. You can never be replaced and will be deeply missed sir. RIP Connery 😭
4 yrs ago
Major Congrats to all my peeps in The Walking Dead - We have reached the 5 year strong milestone!!! HOLY SHIT!
5 yrs ago
If things get real bad and you have to resort to cannibalism remember: Vegans first, they are the closest thing to grass fed.
5 yrs ago
March didn't come in like a lion... It came in like a T-Rex with PMS, and hemorrhoids, wearing barbed wire undies....


✾ 𝙻𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝙰𝚋𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚊
Keep moving forward ۩
⚘ A Brief History
I've been at this a long time and when I say a long time I mean a long long damn time. I started out with table top, ADnD, back in the 80's, then dived into others: Nightlife, Mage the Ascension, Shadow Run, HoL, etc. Moved onto Online in the 90's. I've been running various incarnations of a single RP group for twenty years now. Worked helping setting up, building, and/or admining/modding various RP forums over the years: Adventure Quest, Priston Tales, War Gods, etc. It's been a long road filled with ups and downs. I'm an evil GM, you've been warned.

Outside of RP, I am a mom. Yup, I've reproduced and there are little Lady A's running around plotting their own take over of the world. I am a published author and once upon a time an award winning poet. I've done a lot in my life. I haven't done as much as I would like. I've grown a lot. I have a lot more growing to do. I love to cook, baker by trade currently. I went to university and majored in Mathematics. I've programmed websites, worked as a model, worked as a 3d modeler. Shit, I even used to dance. And have been known to sing a bit. Jack of all trades. Master of like 3, lol.

⚘ Looking Inside
This is where I go into my personality. In the past I would normally make some self deprecating remark about how I am a bitch of a GM, pushing my rpers as hard as I push myself and so forth. Not anymore. People change, or perhaps they just come into their own. This can happen at any age. More than that it can happen several times over the course of your life as you discover and rediscover yourself. Everything happens for a reason, usually that reason is ones owns actions. Or inaction's. Right now, I am in a better place than I can remember being in the longest time. I am happy and at peace. I have no regrets. Maybe I should but I don't. I plan on keeping this peace I have found, I went far too long without it.

Currently I am enjoying several things. Some are things I have enjoyed most of my life: Coffee, chocolate, bacon, M*A*S*H. One isn't something I have enjoyed since I was seventeen: being clean and free of poisons in my system. It is beyond description and I love it: One-hundred and twenty days and counting. Music taste is shifting to more mood oriented than anything, strange I am finding a lot of newer Country I am enjoying and I have NEVER liked country. Watching things like Lark Rise to Candleford and being hooked to the point of reading the trilogy. Recently added yoga to my workouts and all I can say is, "Fuckmaste: the fucked up in me accepts the fucked up in you."


The first step is scary.
Take it anyway.

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This song is worth the google.
I don't know about strange - think we all have those really odd searches. I've learned more about world history and odd facts while researching for an RP than in school or watching jeopardy that's for sure. Think the most out there thing I have ever done for Rp is the fact I have updated Rp's from a hospital bed. >.> Wouldn't do it again but 15 years ago seemed perfectly normal to me, O.o
The Secret Language Of Flowers By Samantha Gray
Rolling along smoothly
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: Remember that your lunch schedules and shifts are below. Refer to them to know when your characters are supposed to be where.

Lunch is in full swing now as the second lunch began at the end of last round. Lunch is going to take a few rounds of posting to get through, keep track of when bells toll and when your characters should be leaving for lunch and leaving to get back to work.

With characters now mixing it up I recommend making some notes somewhere on what each of your characters personally learns about the characters they are around. That way you can keep track of what your character knows separate from what you know. (This will cut down on metagaming in the future.)

Date: July 23rd, 2012
The town itself is buzzing now that lunch is in full swing. The first lunch bell rang to start things off and a half an hour later the second rang. During that half hour it takes about ten to fifteen of those minutes to get everyone through the lunch line. Same goes for second lunch. It was about ten to fifteen minutes after the second lunch bell rang for everyone to get through the line and seated.

By the time the second lunch shift is seated and eating fully the first lunch shift will be looking to wrap up and heading out. Some that have are already back on the streets and heading back to either work, or school, or wherever they should be after lunch. By the time the first lunch people have cleared the mess hall one can hear the crackling in the speakers and the lunch bell rings again, signaling that it is now 1200 hours and third lunch has begun.

Medical (B): The centrifuge is still working and it will continue to do so until S.B. returns. Lisa will know that Mary doesn't take her lunch until 1330 hours, so far after them. Knowing this, Mary probably won't check back on the samples until Lisa and Manny head up to lunch themselves. Mary prefers to be alone while running tests and getting results as to keep private things as private as one can in such a small community.

The cleaning down in basement of medical is going well despite Manny having some issues with being underground in a closed room the way they are. As Lisa checks up on things, it seems like they have done the room well, they have others to do but those can wait until after lunch as they won't take as long and aren't as critical as the lab itself it. There are other people to take care of the main and second floor, so this will be the only floor they tend to today unless things change. Which is probably good if Manny will be attending the funeral shuffle over to the grave site later in the day. For now, the speaker up in the corner of the room crackles as it comes to life before it rings again. 1200 hours: First lunch has ended, second lunch is half way through, third lunch is beginning.

Mechanics (K): Guy came rushing over to where Hunter and Ash were standing. The closer he got the more apparent it became that Guy was a hell of tall man. Probably the tallest they had seen in the community so far and most likely the tallest there was there, he stood over six foot six in height. His curly hair and the pageboy cap on his head only seemed to add to the height. "Boss! Holy shit! I heard ya were here, had to see it fer myself!" he said as he came closer and then stopped dead in his tracks and started waving in front of his face. "Will shake yer hand later, whoo hoo, you musta got stuck with Rivets bathroom duty..." he said with a laugh slash gag as he took a step back. "Hell of a mechanic but the woman .... well you've obviously seen...pray you get transferred out fast, I was stuck there for six weeks before getting rotated out, it don't ever stay clean..." Guy visibly shuddered thinking about it.

Guy cast a glance towards Hunter and eyed the kid for a minute before holding a hand up in a slight wave. "Hey, names Guy, welcome to the Camp," he said introducing himself really quick before turning his attention back to Ash. "Might wanna get hosed down, they ain't gonna let you within fifty feet of the mess hall smelling like that," he added as he took a step back and rested on the top of the picnic table. "Damn it's good to see ya Boss, was startin' to wonder if ya were ev'r gonna get here. Who else came in with ya? Heard more did but didn't get all the names? Medic cames in with me, he's checkin' in over in medical. Oh shit, heard T made it back while I was out, bet yer ass was glad to see her, damn did she drill me when she found out I was here wondering where ya were," he said trying to fill in Ash on somethings quickly and get some information as well, hoping to hear some familiar names.

It was a little bit after all that when the static started up in the speaker and the bell rang. It was now 1200 hours: first lunch was over, second lunch was half way through, third lunch had begun. Standing up Guy gave a head jerk towards the Mess Hall. Mizrahi walked out of the shop about that time. "Lunch," was all he said as he motioned in the direction he was walking. "Goliath," he called out. Guy stopped and grinned slightly holding out a hand, the two shook.

"Franken man, good to see yer back. You and Commander have any problems out on the road?" he asked as they finished their hand shake. Mizrahi nodded but didn't say anything else. "Sucks, so they're on lunch?" he asked, Mizrahi nodded again. "Sweet! Come on Boss, come eat some of the fish we just brought in," he said as he started walking backwards, motioning for all of them to come along before spinning around on his heels and shoving his hands into his pockets. Strolling towards the Mess Hall he started whistling some as Mizrahi walked after him.

Pier (D): Chase was still standing there with her mouth just enough agape to make the pen between her lips started to teeter as if it was going to fall out. It was about half a tick after that, of just pure staring at Nikki and Amelia that Chase seemed to fully snap out of it. About the same time that Nikki asked her about the request sheets. "Um, haven't checked, give me a minute," she finally said. Turning around she started looking through her things there on the pier. It seemed rather unlikely she would need something from supply. Everything she had out there seemed to be an instrument of sorts instead of a place that might need garbage bags or paper towels.

Chase's head turned towards Amelia as she spoke. "Oh yeah, everything's fine, see those stratocumulus?" she said pointing to the clouds in the sky. The sky was mostly clear today but there was some clouds, lower ones, dark and fluffy, but only dotting the sky. "Rain, light, but only a little tonight, other than that clear sailing," she said before going back through her things. It was about the time that the static from the speaker kicked in and the bell rang out signalling that first lunch was over, second lunch was half way through, and third lunch was beginning that she finally looked back to Nikki and shook her head. "Nope, all good here," she said before turning and going directly back to her work.

Mess Hall (C): The General, Maddog, and Daytona sit there eating their meal. Maddoc and Daytona seeming to have a bit more to say than the General did, he seemed to be listening more as he enjoyed his helping of Tuna casserole. "No, I'm telling you we should get the run over with. The Mill has been wanting to make a trade for the last two weeks," Daytona said before taking a bite of her food.

"How are we on toilet paper?" Maddoc asked, causing Daytona to nearly choke on her food.

"You can't gauge this trade off if you have triple ply or not," Daytona growled under her breath, causing Maddoc to chuckle. The General shook his head as he let out a small laugh. "Oh go salute yourself," she snapped as she stood up and grabbed her tray. Walking over she sat down with Rivets, Doc, and Atticus to finish her meal.

"I do believe you ruffled her feathers son," Aeron pointed out before going back to his meal. More came in with the second bell. The Major and Roy came in, both quiet, and grabbing their food before sitting down with the General and Maddoc. A few nods exchanged but mostly it was quiet eating.

Volts and Tesla came in, having some heavy discussion about which was a better movie: The King and I or Swiss Family Robinson. Behind them in line was stuck Sheers, Dusty, and Panama. All seeming to have a bit of a chuckle over the debate. "I don't care if Yul Brynner did play the roll on stage for decades, the actors had to actually build that damn tree house!" Volts said as he grabbed his food.

"It was prefabricated!" Tesla argued as he grabbed a tray for himself.

"Oh kiss my black ass," Volts said before turning and finding a spot. Volts following on his heels. This debate wasn't over. The three behind them followed, this was as close to a new episode of Friends as one could get in this day and age. It was about that time that the people from the 1100 hours first lunch started clearing out. The Professor rounding up the kids and having them put their trays up. Most of the higher ups that had come in helped and started to leave as well. The General gave a nod towards people as he walked passed. Maddoc giving a wave towards the table where Thana and the others were sitting.

There is a few minutes of calm after the first lunch fully files out of the place and things seem to settle. That is until the speakers crackle and the bell rings again signalling the time is now 1200 hours: first lunch is officially over, second lunch is half way through, and third lunch has now began. After a few minutes more people start to file in. Gunny and Cheers come in, Cheers rolling a cart into the kitchen as Gunny holds the door for her before both of them go grab some lunch and then sit down with the Major and Roy. Bass come in after them, holding the door open as Spots comes in and pulls her sun glasses off her face. "Dude, just go," she says but not to Bass, it seems she was cutting off a rather flamboyantly styled man with dark hair. "Look, isn't that your sister?" she said before grabbing Bass and darting towards the lunch line.

A crooked grin came to his lips."Doth, I see an angel and I shall make for her as soon as I do retrieve my meal!" he says with a bit of flair and twist of his wrist before heading to the lunch line himself. It wasn't long before he was striding towards the table, tray in hand, his choice Tuna Salad. "Among friends I have found you, does my heart glad to see such things for alone my Angel should never be," he said as he sat down across from Angel with a grin. While the dark haired man was making a bit of noise, two others walked in behind him. One tall, Mizrahi. One even taller, Guy. Guy glanced around as they made their way to the lunch line. Spotting Thana sitting there he waved a bit. He didn't know the other new comers with her and didn't want to impose. Him and Mizrahi going and taking a seat over with Roy and the others that were more quiet.

Lunch Choices: Slab of tuna casserole (Hot): tuna baked with handmade thick noodles, mixed with mushrooms and peas with cream and a hint of sherry ~*~ Sushi (Multiple Variations): Spicy Tuna w/rice and seaweed, tuna alone, tuna and rice with roe on top, tuna with rice/seaweed/cucumber, and plain tuna and rice ~*~ Tuna Salad (Chilled): Tuna with peas/carrots/pasta with olives and a zesty dressing over it.


Thana Martin
Location: Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

"Of course," Thana said to Nigel as he took a moment to get his food and catch his breath. She couldn't blame him. There were a lot of jobs in the camp, some worse than others. The Greenhouse wasn't a bad gig but it was one of the more physically taxing ones just because of the amount of physical labor needed to get it done and in the heat. General heat was bad enough, Greenhouse heat was a whole different monster. She was glad the second half of the day would be spent with the underwater greenhouse, not all of it but most of it.

Sitting down, Thana picked up a piece of the sushi and popped it in her mouth about the time that Thalia came over and sat down. She smirked a bit and waved instead of talking with her mouth full. Chewing she added a nod towards Alexander as he came over to the table and sat down as well. It was good to see him getting around better than how he was outside of the walls. Thana still blamed herself for that. The thought reminded her she needed to put in extra hours tonight and work late. Debts had to be paid.

Swallowing she eyed Thalia as she started to make a bit of a scene eating. "Seems like it," she chuckled to Alexanders assessment that Thalia was having a foodgasm. At his question though she gave Thalia the moment she needed to get a hold of herself. "Basically just pick it up and put the whole piece in your mouth at once. More of a finger food since we ain't got chopsticks about," she said before motioning towards Nigel to have a seat as he came over. She had learned a bit about him during their talking while they worked, hopefully she would learn more. He seemed like an okay guy.

Looking back to Thalia she shrugged a bit. "Good mostly, working. How goes the settling into the job?" she asked Thalia but also gave a motion towards Alexander, denoting she wanted to know how he was doing as well. Looking up she spotted her grandfather and uncle leaving, giving a small wave towards them as they left. Taking another bite of her meal she savored the taste nearly as much as she was savoring having people around and eating a decent meal.

"I was thinking..." she started but stopped as the bell rang again. "Third lunch," she said quietly to herself with a small smile on her lips. Whatever she had been saying seemed to get derailed. It seemed like she was going to get back on track when others started to walk in now that third lunch had begun. Her eyes going to the door. She was looking for one person in particular. Yet, it was hard not to pay attention to the one drawing attention to himself. Especially when he came over to the table and sat down across from Thalia. "Here we go..." she said under her breath chuckling a bit. Her eyes going towards the door and nodding towards Guy and Mizrahi as they came in. Hopefully Ash would be there soon.


Nikola Warren
Location: Pier (D) -> Supply (R)
Skills: N/A

Nikki couldn't help but roll her eyes towards Chase. Granted she figured this was going to happen. It usually did. The Weather part of the pier wasn't the main place for supply needs. Every once in a while Chase put in some request for something like a new wind sock or even some paper towels but for the most part if she needed something she had to go to fabrication to get a part replaced. So the fact she didn't have a list together yet and Chase was lost in her own little weather world again wasn't surprising.

"Nah, if she ain't listenin' now she'll just get pissy if I press it," Nikki said to Amelia about getting her attention. Chewing her gum, popping a bubble, and then the bell rang. Thank god, Chase was responding now and of course she hadn't even bothered to check yet. "One day girl, just one day, list or no list when I show up. Birthday present maybe? Post it note by the piers entranace? Something..." she started. It wasn't that she really minded coming down this way today. Amelia hadn't seen the end of the pier yet that she knew of but every day, same deal, it was tiring... Oh well, could be worse, she could be stuck on Rivets duty... Nikki shuddered at the thought.

About to continue she stopped and sighed as Chase started talking about the weather to Amelia. "Oh god, please don't encourage her..." she muttered to Amelia under her breath. Once Chase had told she didn't need anything, Chase grabbed Amelia's hand. "Awesome, good! See ya tomorrow! Or post it note it!" she said before jerking her head towards the town again. It was clear she wanted to get out of there before Chase started in about the weather again.

Rushing down the pier, Nikki went from a jog to a walk about half way back. "Sorry, once she gets started you usually can't stop her. Used to chase tornado's out in the midwest with Dusty. Sitting here checking the thermometer makes her bored, so soon as someone will listen she will go on for hours... I know more about clouds than I do about gum..." she said as they got back to the golf cart and climbed in.

It was a few more stops on the way back to Supply. Quick hand offs between stops or finding notes pinned to doors. The bell rang signalling the end of first lunch and the start of third on their way back to the supply building. "Oh, 30 minutes until lunch, come on, we can get these dropped off and logged real fast," Nikki said as she parked and turned off the golf cart. Climbing out she handed half the paper work to Amelia and took half for herself.

Once inside she set up at the counter. Setting her papers down and pulling out another clip board. "Okay, basically we go down each list and write it down here by divisions - electrical, basic, housekeeping, medical, special, etc.," Nikki started. It was pretty simple. They filled everything from the request in by where they were located in supply, would make it easier to grab a hold of as they had to collect and distribute things. "We should get done writtin' it all down right before our lunch break."
☠ 𝚃𝚆𝙳: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝟻 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟺


Location: Camp Mexico Beach

Weather Forecast: Dawn at 5:57 A.M. - Dusk at 7:41 P.M. - High: 87F, Low: 72F - Winds SW at 4mph - Gusting to 10mph - No rain - Cloud Cover: 26% - Visibility: 9miles.

Notes: The tables that will be reused in the future are in the original OOC currently. Others will be added over time as they are needed and make appearances. Once they are moved there if there is a check needed I will simply tell you which table to refer to instead of posting it in the IC again. You are free to call for a check in chat at anytime and then roll on said tables. (Once you call for a check, you are locked into it.)

Lunch is starting this round, make sure your characters don't leave for lunch until their time. Read carefully for when your characters should leave, check your characters information for their lunch times.

Date: July 23rd, 2012
The morning is progressing within the walls of Camp Mexico Beach. The temperatures have climbed from the seventies into the low eighties. It is humid but as some may have learned by now, pretty much any day within the south is humid and it just makes things that much worse. Those outside you are sweating and anything more than a few minutes outside equal drenched in sweat, hair sticking to head, and really wishing you could deal with what's rolling down your back and lower without people noticing.

Lunch is hitting and at 1100 hours the crackle kicks in from the speakers the announcements came over earlier, its just a simple series of beeps. Long term characters within CMB will know what this is. It is the lunch bell for first lunch. Half an hour later another one happens with one more ding behind it.

Administration (A): Thankfully for you two nothing else comes a tumbling down. The cut, once blood is wiped away, isn't horrible bad but it will probably bruise the next day. Your boxes and bags are going to start filling up not long before 1100 hours, which is about the time Gunny heads back down.

Walking into the room, Gunny looks around and gives a simple nod. He doesn't seem pleased with the way things are progressing but he doesn't seem upset either. Spotting the mark on Thalia's face his brow goes up just slightly. "Medical if needed." Simple statement, as to be expected from the man at this point.

The crackle goes off in the speaker and Gunny looks at his watch. "1100 hours, first lunch, will toll every half hour until 1330. Next toll if your lunch," he adds as he grabs two bags of straight up trash to haul up. Gripping one bag in each hand he heads back up to the main floor to dispose of said trash. A little less than a half hour later the bell tolls again, signalling the second shift of lunch has begun.

Medical (B): Things are going well. Manny will continue to have the same level of discomfort this round as he rolled last round, which is apparently some as he didn't respond to Lisa when she asked about the plaster. This level of discomfort will not go away as long as he is down there. The plaster does still need to be dealt with, if not it will harden and cause more issues down the line. Other than that things seem to be going smoothly as they can for now.

The first bell will ding through the speakers. Lisa will know what it means. About five minutes after it does, Mary will come down with several vials of blood and place them in the centrifuge. Smacking her lips she cocks a brow and motions towards a few spots of plaster. "Oh those have got to go," she says in passing with a rather frank voice before heading out and leaving the samples to separate. A little bit later the second ding will echo through the speakers noting the time is now 1130 hours and the second shift of lunch has started.

Mechanics (K): While the room is no less disgusting the wonderful thing about human is that humans get used to things, especially disgusting ones. So as the minutes tick by it will get easier and easier for both of you to deal with the smell and the basic just yuck of the room. It won't go away completely but it drops substantially. Thank god to because even though you are technically inside this is a garage type set up, there isn't air conditioning. It's hot, and humid, and sticky, and go by an hour into it you really want to take a swim in a vat of bleach.

Yet, work to be done and it seems like this job is never ending. The first ding comes through the speakers and one can hear Rivets. "Hey, make sure they don't leave before their lunch round," she says before lighting up a cigarette and walking off towards the Mess Hall. Mizrahi nods as he slips out from under the truck he is working on. Standing up he wipes his hands off on a rag hanging out of his pocket as he steps over to the bathroom you two are working on and glances around. Giving a slight nod he motions for you to follow him. "This way," he says before leading you out of the shop and around the corner. There is a picnic table with a large umbrella giving some shade, and a hose. "For rinsing off," he says before having a seat.

There are several large reusable water bottles on the table. "One for each." Unscrewing the top of one he downs it slowly. "Bell after next you go to lunch, not before. Return before second bell after, don't be late," he explains as he stands up and heads back into the shop. It's about ten minutes later that the bell rings for the start of the second shift lunch, still one to go.

It's about at that time the sound of someone yelling "BOSS!" off in he distance can be heard. It doesn't sound like a panicked yelled but a trying to get your attention yell, in a distinct accent. If one turns their head they will see a man, running towards the shop waving his hands in the air, one hand holding a page boy style cap. It's hard to make out his features at first but they start to come into focus: dark hair, probably close to six and a half feet tall, strong build, dark curly hair cut short, dark eyes. "BOSS!" he yells again as he gets closer. It's just a Guy that Ash hasn't seen since they got separated back on the road to Zebulon.

Pier (D): The pier itself juts out from the sand dunes and far over into the water itself past the sandbar. It is a good thing no one heading out on the pier currently has a fear of deep water because this would surely trigger it. The pier itself is wood with signs, wood benches going down the center here and there. Major was standing there, checking or nodding as people came by. There are a few people, older dotting the pier. They are fishing off it. They have little orange badges pinned to their shirts or pants, if one looks close it says 'pier access'. Looks like they have their ducks in a row.

There are speakers set up along the pier and one can easily hear the fist bell toll through them. Out there it is a bit more muddled and more static. Seems to reason it should considering they are out in the elements. The end of the dock of marked off to the end being for restricted personnel. Past the markers is a lot of devices set up, flags, and even a kite up in the air. Chase is standing there with a pen in her mouth as she checks a few things and then writes down things on the logs. She's in a bit of a trance and ignores anything happening around her. That is until the second bell tolls nearly a half an hour later. That breaks her trance and she looks over to Amelia and Nikki. "Oh hey."

Hydroponic Gardens (T): If anywhere in Camp Mexico Beach was hot it was the Gardens. Sure the rest of the town was hot and humid but it didn't hold a candle to the inferno that was the greenhouse. Even with the slats pulled up and a breeze blowing through didn't really help. It was like putting a fan on in an oven and then turning on the mister. It wouldn't take long for both of them to be drenched and their clothing stuck to them needing a good wringing out.

Thankfully despite the heat things are calm in the gardens without problems. Cook stops by about mid morning. "Mornin' you two," she says brightly before taking a cart and starting to wheel it through the green house and the gardens outside. "Sparrow, we could use some honey," she says with a bit of smile. If she gets her honey great, if she doesn't she doesn't fret it too much and heads out.

The bell clangs through the speakers at 1100 as they have with the rest of the community and then again at 1130 to signal the start of the second lunch shift. It is about that time Atlas showed up to do guard duty so they wouldn't have to pull all the slats right back down.

Mess Hall (C): When the sound of the first lunch shift echos through Camp Mexico Beach movement other than work starts to happen through the community. Thing is, it takes a few minutes for people to get underway. It seems that people don't even start making their way towards the Mess Hall until the bell tolls, there is no early dismissal. The first half an hour is filled with children coming out of the Education Center with the Professor in tow.

Other higher end people are also headed in. The General, Maddog, Daytona, Rivets, Doc, and Atticus are the main figureheads outside of the Professor heading in for the first lunch shift. By the time the 1130 hours bell is tolling everyone that came in on the first shift is sitting down for their meal. Lunch is as was promised plus some. There are three choices. You can either have a slab of tuna casserole, which this isn't your mothers tuna casserole. This is lovely fresh tuna baked with handmade thick noodles, they are mixed with mushrooms and peas with cream and is that a hint of sherry? Thank god for Cheers. The other choice is Sushi - several different ones made with Tuna. Some are just rice and seaweed, others are just slices of tuna alone, chilled and raw, others have roe on top, cucumber, some just straight up rice and tuna. Either choice is nice and fresh. The third choice wasn't promised but it is there. It is salad - chilled - cold with peas and carrots and pasta with olives and a zesty dressing over it.


Thana Martin
Location: Hydroponic Gardens (T) -> Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A

While Nigel might not have been expecting an answer, especially about another group, Thana did answer him. "Yes, the ones that came in with Holloway, all of them I believe if I remember right from my time in Newnan," she said honestly. This wasn't exactly top secret information and she wasn't giving personal information. This was just who was where at a certain time. She was part of Newnan back then, even if it had only been for a day when Newnan fell. The day it fell was eventful, the day before one could say was even more so. It all depended on how one looked at it. Thana knew a lot about Newnan but most of it wasn't from first hand experience anymore, it was from records that had been brought back. There was a vast difference between living in a community and reading about it.

Letting out a slow breath Thana wiped her brow with a rag and listened to Nigel as he told her a bit about his past. He asked for some information in return and she found it fair enough. "I'm Navy but worked mostly with the U.N. doing relief work," she said as she reached into a fridge and pulled out a couple of bottles of water. Holding one out to Nigel she continued. "I'm a botanist, masters is in Agronomy but my PHD is in Plant Pathology. This is what I did for the U.N. in places like Africa and Southeast Asia. Place was wiped out by flood or war or famine, we would come in and help them rebuild, it was all I knew for years before becoming a recruiter."

Thana shrugged a bit before taking a nice long swig of her water. Pouring some on her rag she tied it to her neck. It was nice to help cool down. Turning her head as Cook came in she quirked a brow at the request for honey. Blowing out her lips she nodded. "Will have to wait until dusk when the bees are calmer," she said setting down her water and looking over at Nigel. "I'll show you the hives later," she told Nigel before giving Cook a little wave as she left.

The work would continue, Thana was drenched and ended up taking off her shirt twice and wringing it out on the ground outside, thankfully she wore a tank under it. When the first bell went off she looked up before glancing at Nigel. "Lunch bell, eleven hundred hours, it'll ring ev'ry half hour until the last lunch shift, ours is next," she explained before getting back to work. Replanting starters into larger pots. "So what got you into the Roman re-enacting?" she asked as the second bell went off.

Waiting for Nigel to follow her out of the green house Atlas walked over armed. "Thanks John," she said pulling the rag off her neck and wiping her face and hands down again before ringing it out and draping it over her shoulders.

The moment she walked into the Mess Hall the cool air hit her and she shivered. It was a hell of a change that quickly but she wasn't complaining. "Sushi plate please," she asked as she went through the line. The plate was nice and a fair sized serving. "Sea Team did good," she said to no one in particular as she looked around for a seat. "Welcome to join me if ya want." The invitation was to Nigel as she gave him a shrug. Finding a sea she sat down and started eating. Having regular food was nice, having the added protein was better. Especially with her still healing. Her thigh was throbbing and her limp was getting more pronounced as the day went along.


Nikola Warren
Location: Pier (D)
Skills: N/A

Nikki grabbed her clipboard and climbed out, heading towards the pier. Blowing a big bubble, it caught in the wind slightly and busted. Sucking it back in she chewed loudly for a few times before looking at Major. "Just checkin' supply lists. Auntie has me showin' Amelia the ropes," she said flipping up the back page of the clipboard to show a green card that said Supply Access on it. She knew Major would nod her through. This was just part of the job and they were supposed to be there. Granted they didn't need two people to get lists but Amelia was new and when you were the new person you went where they put you. Nikki knew that as well as anyone. She started in supply. She was still in supply. Sure she had a round in security and would probably have one or two more but over all, it was still supply.

Glancing over towards Amelia she bounced around before hopping up on one of the benches just as the first bell came through the speakers above them. It was rougher sounding than ones in the buildings but salt water and elements did that. Her head looked over at one of the speakers before looking at Amelia. "Oh that's the lunch bell. Well first lunch, 11 Am one." Hopping down she skipped over to Amelia and kept walking. "We leave at the 4th bell, reminds me of school. Hey, gonna sit at my table at lunch? All the popular kids want to," she said in a bit of a joking voice, especially at the end. The invitation was real though.

As they got to the end of the point where the end of the pier was quartered off, Nikki opened the small gate and stepped through, holding it for Amelia. "Chase," she said but the woman didn't respond. "Chase." Still no response. "CHASE!" Still nothing. The woman was there but no response. "Uuuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhhh........." she groaned as she drug her hands down her face before looking over towards Amelia. "A bomb could go off and she wouldn't hear me when she's in lalaweather land..."

Standing there, Nikki tapped her foot, popped her gum, rambled on and on and on about her never ending quest to keep finding gum. That was until the bell went off the for the second lunch and Chase finally snapped out of things. "Yeah, hey, list, need anything?" Nikki asked as she held up her clipboard and waved it around a bit with a rather exaggerated face.
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