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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: 2:05 pm
Location: Outside Odds and Ends
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Bron @Gingerboi123
Mentions: Eris @Tae, Kaleb @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, halberd, and

Bardulf stood on the freshly packed snow, his footprints marking his path towards the Odds and Ends store, with its homely appearance inviting him in to enjoy some warmth. However, he knew he had to wait for his companions or they may well not find him. It was the rushing footsteps of an all too familiar elf that lightened his mood as he knew that at least one person would come.

"Bardulf! I got your letter!" The small built elf made her way, kicking through mounds of snow until she reached him, offering "ideas and treats" as she said.

"Ideas? Treats? Color me intrigued. I am glad you could make it, Annya. I...may I?" He paused for a moment before slowly grabbing one of the steaming buns from her basket. His stomach was suddenly alive with energy as it growled and turned at the prospect of the delicious snack in front of his. He took a bite of the warm and fresh snack, a cascade of flavor and warmth spilling into his throat as he chewed and swallowed. His face lit at up the contrasting temperature of the meal versus the colder conditions around him. He hardly noticed Ismael approaching as he devoured the rest of the meat-bun.

"Oh rice balls. Don't mind if I do~" Bardulf's face rushed slightly with some color, both from the warmth of the buns but the slight embarrassment of how he had devoured his snack so ravenously in front of others. He swallowed and cleared his throat before looking towards Ismael, his brain finally catching those initial greetings he had initially given. He returned the patting on his back with a slight pat on Ismael's shoulder. "Ismael it's good to see you. How is...Billy?..is that his name?...How is he doing?" He would let Ismael speak for a moment before proceeding, and out of the corner of his eye, noticed Bron approaching. His nervousness rose as more people came, but it was met with an equal sense of relief as he found that the people he'd come to train and learn with were becoming his genuine friends.

"Bardulf, thank you for recommending this. Will... we be the only ones attending?" Bardulf gave a slight shrug and spoke with a slightly unsure tone. "Well I mean even if it's just us four, I would be happy with the turnout. Eris and Kaleb will likely be together wherever they are, same goes for Rue and Bowyn. I'm sure they might have other ideas for their day off. Kharne himself might even be training off in the woods for all I know. But, I do have some shopping to do, if you all would like to partake? Whoever is here when we are all done can come along for the hunting trip!" He spoke with some excitement as his words flowed, feeling oddly happy to have so many people near him for the first time in what felt like a decade. He turned to open the door to the shop, warmly greeting everyone as he opened the door and ushered them inside. "After you, my friends."


Mentions: Sultan Raif Kadir @Tae, Mayet @13org

Farim for the most part stayed quiet for the initial tongue-lashing of sorts. He was thankful the queen was rather forgiving towards them. Unfortunately this was less so for those under her own wing. He watched as she gave them a stern yet somewhat loving gesture of parental guidance. He shot a glance at his "father", thinking to himself That's how you practice 'tough love' you dolt. His attention snapped back as he heard the sound of someone being dragged, he watched the beaten and bruised servant pulled into the courtroom and he felt a sense of worry building in his chest.

He heard the complaints of his cousin, and the general unrest that came from the others. There was a dark-haired man attempting to take the blame for himself. As Farim preened his mind he simply could not remember who this man was or if there was anything surrounding him. He thought over and over....He arrived at the estate, met Saiya, and took their own private carriage over. Then he went to some warehouse and from then on it was fuzzy. He was hardly sure if a warehouse was even the place he was at. But he felt a tinge of regret forming as he heard another innocent man being put to death over the mishandlings of noble activities. He debated for a short moment on if he even wanted to say anything. If he drew attention, it would draw attention to Saiya as well, and he felt that he couldn't risk it. But this...this isn't what the Sultan's wife would want. Innocent blood spilled for what? An apology? We weren't 'poisoned'. We just got too drunk and likely just had some ill effects... He felt the need to say something, even if it meant throwing himself into the spotlight for a moment.

"Mayet...please. I know you are tempered but this is still the Queen and King we are talking to. We must show some respect even if you feel that respect was not given. And if someone truly wanted to poison us, we would be a pile of corpses. Someone just wanted to have some fun, and it came with some violent after-effects, either intentional or accidental." He had a feeling his cousin would spit venom back at him, and he would normally avoid her ire rather than taunt her into barraging him with her fury, but this situation called for some tact. He paused once more, taking a few steps forward with a courteous bow before the royal family of Caesonia. "Greetings, Your Highness. I do not believe we have met as of yet. I am Farim Ibn Hafiz Kadir. I apologize for the late arrival, as I had gotten hung up with some prior business on the far eastern shores of my homeland. As a member of the Shehzadi, I do appreciate the hospitality, and the offer to better things in both sides eyes, however..." He turns to look towards the Sultan, kneeling down before him in a greater show of etiquette towards his own nations royalty. "Sultan, I apologize for speaking out of turn, but I must ask you one question. Is this what Esrin would've wanted? That stable boy had no part in this social outing, and has likely suffered enough. There is enough death in the world as it is, do we really need to add another name to the pile?" He stood up, addressing the royal families together. "I am but a noble, and you are all the ones with the final say, but I beseech that we find a more peaceful option. Perhaps the stable boy remembers where this party was? From there we can perhaps find eyewitnesses. Surely someone saw somebody enter that place before us?" He takes a few steps back as he finished his piece, hoping that he could smooth things over somewhat.


As soon as Farim had arrived in Caessonia, he had found himself in quite the situation. The last thing on his mind was seemingly falling through an empty black void of despair and hopelessness before feeling his body tugged along, as if being dragged along by the scruff of his clothing. It was in this same empty black space that his consciousness would sit, thinking and ruminating on his life, his choices, and the many things he had done to come here. Just as he felt that unyielding wave of depression hit once more, his eyes fluttered open, finally giving color as he looked around and found himself in what he assumed was his living quarters.

He noticed his things put together exactly as he had requested, his pet bird Thara sat perched by the windowsill, still napping as peacefully as he could. He thought to himself for a moment, feeling the memories from the other night already fading, and only having a sinking feeling in his chest that something was wrong. What had he forgotten…who had he forgotten? He thought about the events leading up to the party. He had gotten to the guest house, walking into the main room he met Saiya, who had taken him to the party where the Shehzadi were. Then it hit him. Oh god. Saiya! I hope she made it home…I have to- All thoughts stopped dead in his tracks as he finally saw just who was in the room with him. He realized that maybe that sinking dread wasn’t because of the party or the events of it, but rather who he could sense was staring daggers into him as he stirred from bed. His blood both froze and boiled as he looked up and saw the Grand Vizier staring him down while he was halfway out of bed. ”So, I seem to have garnered your attention for once…” He said with a slight disdain, now realizing the slight headache that was ringing in the back of his skull as he leaned on the edge of the bed.

“Pity you only catch my attention when you act like a damn fool.” Hafiz said with a click of his tongue, watching his son with disdain. He’d witnessed the group of nobles being brought in by the guards when he was on his way back from relationship building in the form of eavesdropping on other royals. To see them in such a state was humorous and humiliating, especially seeing his son who had to be carried inside. What a disgrace this boy was to the Kadir family name. “Care to explain what happened last night so I can attempt to save Saiya from the wrath of your uncle? Do remember, she is not truly family and the Sultan could have her beheaded with the snap of his fingers.” He threatened, knowing that was an unlikely scenario, yet he’d use his son’s fondness of the young woman against him if he could.

He let out a groan, his fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose as he stood up. ”You sure do love to throw such harsh insults, but remind me…whose blood did I inherit again? I imagine you must’ve looked twice as foolish falling off your high chair, Hafiz.” He spoke that last word with absolute venom, and would try taking every sweet moment to stall answering his father. This was to both give him time to remember, and time to piss the man off, which he simply loved to do. However, as he stood there looking off to the various things he had laid out in his room, he couldn’t recall a single thing. He racked his mind, visibly frustrated that a little after party was enough to send him into a fit of amnesia. He looked to his father with a serious expression as he bargained for the truth. If his throat wasn’t drier than the dunes, he’d spit at the man's feet.

”I don’t….remember. As believable as that sounds. All I remember is me coming here, finding a note with an address. My curiosity got the better of me, I walked into a warehouse of sorts and then I woke up here.” He omitted the key detail of Saiya being the one to bring him there, the only thing he could remember. But he wouldn’t dare implicate her. ”My best guess is Saiya caught wind of me arriving and leaving so suddenly, and made sure nothing suspicious was going on. She is the one who dragged myself and the others home, no?” He rubbed his head, that slight throbbing persistently hitting his mind. He began to rummage through clothing as he picked some form of outfit as he was sure his father had more cutting words for him. He’d grown used to the tongue-lashings, and only hoped to keep his dear friend out of any trouble.

Hafiz’s face darkened as Farim mentioned his embarrassment from the day before. It was rather clear that his son had struck a nerve. “You best watch your tone, boy. I can take far more from you than you realize.” The Grand Vizier threatened as he took a few steps towards his son. “I do find it quite interesting that you were able to find out about where to go before Saiya had been able to, especially with her skills of discovering things. Are you positive that’s what happened?” He questioned, but it was rather clear that Hafiz knew better than to believe the tale his son was spinning.

“I’d suggest thinking up a good, convincing story that’ll match Saiya’s and the others if you wish for the over-glorified servant girl to keep her pretty little head on her shoulders.” He said as he turned towards the door to walk out, pausing as he grabbed the door handle. “Unfortunately, you have no time to get your story straight with the others as everyone that was brought back last night is to come to the main hall…immediately.” He said as he glanced over his shoulder at his son.

Farim would stop meandering through his wardrobe to display a feigned look of shock at his father’s statement. ”You say this to the man who has to find his way around a market for a living, thinking he can’t find a simple warehouse? You insult me, yet again. And I would certainly hope the Grand Vizier could take a quip or two. If your knees buckled the moment someone talked back to you then I would feel ashamed for you.” He let out his last little flurry of words at his father, knowing that Hafiz’s tone did indeed carry some serious undertones. He reached into the stand-in dresser that held his outfits, knowing just which one to pick.

He picked up a particular suit that caught his eye, something lined with golden threads, yet still with beige and white undertones that hinted to the dunes of his homeland. The crown jewel, literally, would be the fancy golden feather that lined the front of his shirt with an emerald the size of his palm etched within it. Normally such an outfit came with earrings, however with time of the essence he decided against it, quickly changing into his new attire despite his father’s presence. He looked towards him and would straight his clothes and hair out, making it seem less like he just rolled out of bed. ”Why would I need to get my story straight with people I was never with? Would it not make more sense for my story to be off if only for the reason that I was alone in my travels?” He would speak how he really felt, still weaving a slight web of carefully placed falsehoods to try and remove any suspicion off of his friend. He finished getting ready and followed his father’s lead, walking with as much dignity as he could put together, knowing his ever so-loving father would likely try at every chance to rip that out from under him.

He stepped into the carriage laid out front, unfortunately owned by his father. He would take any other ride on any other day, but today he was afforded no such liberties. He simply kept quiet once he was outdoors and followed his father’s steps. As they rode in silence towards the carriage he could feel the disappointment and general dissatisfaction emanating from his father. He decided not to spurr the man on anymore, and would simply step out of the carriage after him once they arrived at the hall. His head and face remained neutral, but he could feel a sinking feeling in his chest. He had only hoped that his story would hold water, and that his poker face could hopefully bring about Saiya’s safety. As he walked into the main hall, he would see an already growing group of nobles, and decided to walk with an even pace, keeping his composure as best he can for when he would see the Sultan arrive.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass
Interactions: @princessAnnya, @Th3King0fChaos Ismael, @FunnyGuy Kaleb, @Potter Rue, @Helo Bowyn, @Tae Eris, @Gingerboi123 Bron, @Kazemitsu Kharne
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, halberd, and

Just as soon as Bardulf had entered this strange new world, he found himself shoved onto a ship to travel to who knows where. The early morning rise did not bother him much, as he typically woke up at first light anyway. The journey across the sea was new, he had never seen ocean waters before, nor felt the rocky waves against the hull of a ship. His feet would wobble on occasion, and his stomach would lurch at the uneven territory he had found himself in. He would soon grow accustomed to it, as best as he could, while also learning and meeting so many new faces from several different backgrounds. He found himself practically overwhelmed from all the interactions, every day he chose to only speak or meet one or two people a day to best acclimate himself to this very close and social-heavy environment.

An elf princess, whose actions somewhat reminded him of his mother back in his teenage years, the way she would scold him into being more outgoing and talking to more folks within his village. Another human, Ismael he believed was his name, stood about half a foot taller than Bardulf. He seemed to have a rather nice disposition, always taking on most issues with a level head and working with the others in such a natural way. Then there was a half-dragon creature, that Bardulf noticed seemed to be a rather nice friend to Ismael. His name is Kharne, and at first glance Bardulf found him to be similar to himself, keeping to themselves and mostly leaving socializing to the others. The final human to complete the trio of them in their group was Kaleb, someone Bardulf had met in Riverport. He had a rather fiery and upfront personality, something to match the powers he had seen displayed if only for a moment.

Further down the list of group members were Eris, Rue, Bowyn and Bron. Bowyn proved to be the most unsettling to Bardulf of the previously mentioned 4. Bardulf learned early on of his distrust for the dark elves, their atrocities, and all he planned to do in recompense. Bardulf did not like to confront this notion of thinking, as he didn't even know the whole story. It did not, however, stop him from shrinking away once his own opinions were called upon. Eris, an elf he hadn't even noticed around, definitely caught his attention when she did finally show up. He was rather envious of that otherworldly level of stealth, and would see if he could somehow mimic that same level of shadow-skulking during his hunts. Bron was an interesting person to Bardulf, consisting of very similar backgrounds albeit a few twists and turns here and there. He found that they enjoyed similar hobbies and still had something to show one another. Rue, a rather petit female fairy as he had learned to address her as, whose social anxiety rivaled his own. He would find quite some amusement in how he would notice them both shy away from topics they'd rather not speak on, or how they would stick to the edge of crowds during gathering, a small common factor that would become a particularly wholesome way for them to relate with each other.

After reaching the settlement of North Pass, Bardulf immediately noticed the biting cold weather, to which he found some winter clothes to help fight back the white-tinged weather that he remembered from the more harsh winters from his homeland. The next few weeks would prove to be a little taxing, putting him back into the more physical lifestyle he was used to. But it was honestly exactly what he needed, something to take his mind off of all this change and the hardships he had faced last month. He worked hard to hone his skills with his halberd, and just as hard to improve his electrokinesis, which he found to be quite the power. It was something that stroked his more creative side as he found himself brainstorming various ways for him to use this newfound elemental magic. He would also do just as Annya instructed, practicing meditations in the morning and keeping a journal to express his emotions, which he found rather therapeutic. All the feelings he usually kept to himself he found himself pouring over the page. With all this new routine, Bardulf found a new surge of enthusiasm, and went to make a few more close friends during his stay.

Firstly was Annya, who upon reading his journal entries about the death of his late wife and the pain of losing his father still weighing on his mind, found it imperative for her to talk with him about how he felt. He learned about the factor of emotional control and how it played into his magic. He took her lessons to heart, seeing that she did in fact care, and was genuine in her concern for her new...friends? Soldiers? Family? It was still up in the air to him, but he would take these interactions one step at a time, not wanting to make her worry anymore about him. He would let her know he could handle the emotions he felt, not letting them simply take over, but controlling them, much like the magic powers he had acquired.

Then there was Bron, a much more stout figure he learned to be a dwarf that still carried as much power as someone twice their size. While he had moments of aggression and boldness, which Bardulf could find rather intimidating, Bron carried a lot of similar passions to himself. They shared stories of hunting from their homeland, Bron being from a snowy mountain and Bardulf from a forestland. They were able to share some interesting hobbies and skills of theirs, with Bron showing Bardulf some more physical training and even showed him the art of throwing axes, something Bardulf found very amusing. Bardulf on the other hand, would show Bron a few agility exercises and stretches he would do back home, and even showed off some of his woodcarving skills to Bron, giving him a look at what his downtime is usually filled with when he isn't making money for his family.

Rue proved to be a pleasant surprise amongst the group. In the midst of several go-getters and Type-A personalities, it was certainly nice to see another shy one in the group. He often found them both skulking towards the back of any group huddle or training session, sometimes sharing a coincidental shrug when conversations proved too much for them in the moment. It would be her creativity and ways with magic that Bardulf would begin to also stem out with different ways of bending his electrokinesis. They would even start to form their own combination moves as a form of learning together, which he rather enjoyed. From coating ice arrows to electricity, to creating a lightning shield around himself or her, Bardulf found his magical prowess really flourish during their training sessions.

The most curious of the bunch to Bardulf was definitely Eris. He wasn’t even aware she was around until she decided to show herself, which was an interesting trick that Bardulf wished he could repeat. She couldn’t show him that trick, but she did help him hone the strength of his magic to where he could make more potent versions of things he already had practiced. Not just this, but her knowledge of the war and state of affairs in the land of Avalia is what helped him gain some extra perspective and knowledge on both sides. During one particular night, she shared with him a story about the first ever dark and light elf couple that she believed sparked the start of the war and set the twins on their dark and twisted path. It was talks like this that Bardulf typically enjoyed, with the other person talking much more as exposition was dumped onto him, answering the several questions buzzing in his head, and creating several more. In return, he would share his own stories with her, something he hadn’t really had a chance to do. He would tell her of his own loss, and the hardships he faced and why exactly he enjoys staying “hidden” more than most.

The training and routine had grown to be rather ordinary to Bardulf. Ordinary didn’t mean he wasn’t a fan, just that he had grown used to the physical and mental strain of his newfound combat training. It was a bizarre feeling, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. It had been such a long time since they had started to get to know each other, Bardulf had a sudden idea creep into his head one night. They had been going at the same regular routine, that he felt some changing up would be in order, so he took the time to get some parchment and ink, and wrote a special note to each of his new friends in North Pass. He rarely did such social gatherings like this, but he felt it would be a true testament to the less physical aspect of his teachings. For each person staying in The North Pass Inn, a hand-written note addressed to each of the group was given, likely slipped under their door in the night, that reads as follows:

Dear Friends

I think we’ve come to enjoy our time here, and I would like to have us all have a fun day tomorrow. If you would like to come, please meet me and whoever else is attending outside the Odds and Ends shortly after 2pm. I know it’s our day off but I think this will be fun. We can go shopping for some new gear, and then I was thinking of having us all go on a little hunting trip outside of town. We could even make it a friendly competition! Whoever brings back the biggest kill wins! Or we can just do it for fun, really whatever everyone fancies. I look forward to seeing you all!


In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: Nighttime
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya @princess, Kaleb @FunnyGuy, and Bron @Gingerboi123
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, halberd, and

Bardulf paused as he felt the slight tension growing between the two men. He almost backpedaled as he began to think twice about approaching such a group late at night. Goodness, maybe I shouldn't have approached so eagerly. Luckily for him, their aggressive outbursts seemed to be targeted at each other rather than him, so he calmed himself. It was the approach of the female that brought him to stiffen a little, watching as she circled him like he was some exotic animal. He could tell by her body language and manner of speaking that she didn't mean harm, but watching her suddenly bring her hand close to his face definitely warranted a reaction as he furrowed his brows ever so slightly. He kept calm however as he put it back and spoke to him.

"You are a human? If you are, please remain at my side. I can give you shelter and protect you with my life."

His eyes would widen slightly while his brows returned to their resting state. He took a moment to make sure he had heard that right before speaking up again.

"I...yes I am human. Something I am learning is rare around these parts. You seem to be an...elf? If I have that right? I do not know what these other two are, so my apologies. That being said, protect me with your life? We've only just met after all, I hope I didn't bring danger here just by walking into town..."

He looked around once more, seeing if he could perceive any threats by chance. A single moving shadow, a scuffle of dirt, even the sound of cloth rustling as if to move out of sight. Once he ascertained that he wasn't followed, he turned back towards the group.

"It seems I have a lot to learn. Please, at the very least some shelter would be nice. I have many questions."

He stood there, almost shrinking into his cloak a moment as he moved it to cover his upper body with it. He proceeded to cover the top of his head with his cloak as he realized his appearance seemed to draw attention, looking to the trio and nodding before speaking up in a much more hushed tone.

"If you'll have me, then I shall follow. Just uhh, don't shout at me please."

Farim & Saiya

The sun had already begun to set on the horizon as Farim made his journey across the grasslands of Caesonia. His ship had already taken a detour on its journey across the sea, but thankfully he was left with a caravan to hasten his trip to Sorian Castle. He gazed out the window, hearing the pittering of the hooves of the horses that drew the carriage he was residing in while thinking about the previous events. He hoped that his dealings in the sprouting bud of a city known as Saru wouldn’t be too much of a blow to his social standing with these nobles that sought so eagerly to earn favor with the Sultanate.

He could only imagine how the night had progressed, wondering what kind of mischief his cousins would get into. This idle thought would keep him plenty occupied while he watched the sun begin to set, finally making his way into Sorian. The caravan came to a stop outside the castle, and it was very clear by the lack of activity that festivities, at least for tonight, had come to an end. He quickly made his way out of his carriage, and addressed a few servants about what he would like done with his luggage, ending with a satisfied clap of his hands before moving onward himself towards the guesthouse they had driven him up to.

He eyed up the housing, not quite used to the style of his Caesonian neighbors, but not looking to judge too harshly. He was under their care after all, and he resolved himself to not show much disapproval towards any lack of luxuries he may be used to. He walked up to the front door of the guest house, opening the door with ease and stepping into the main room, where he happened to see a familiar face sitting on the couch facing a low lit fireplace. The flames danced and the light seemed to hug along every surface in the immediate area. He smiled softly, happy that he was able to see a familiar face so soon after arriving so late.

”Ah, Saiya. It is so good to see you. How has the night gone? Anything fun I should know about?”

Saiya had chosen to stay behind while the other Alidasht kids went on to the secret afterparty that they insisted she come to as well, but she knew Farim was supposed to be there any time now. It wouldn’t do if he arrived and no one was there to greet him, especially when he’d likely seek out his uncle or father and ask where everyone was. No, they needed someone to stay behind if they didn’t wish the secret party to be discovered. She promised to try and convince him to go once he was there so the Kadir sisters made sure Saiya was dressed appropriately for the party.

The outfit they put her in was quite different from her normal everyday dress, but wasn’t much different from the outfits she wore when she danced. She always quickly changed after her dances, however, so the fact that she would be wearing this for the remainder of the night had her feeling a little uncomfortable. Thankfully she was currently wrapped in a cloak so as to not raise suspicion as she sat by the fire and read her book.

A familiar voice reached her and she turned to look at the man who had just entered the guest house. ”Farim!” Her face lit up as she sat the book down and stood. On silent, bare feet, she almost seemed to glide over to him as she threw her arms around him in a hug. ”How was your travels? Hopefully you had no major issues?” She asked in her soft, melodic voice as she took a step back and looked up at him.

He smiled as she approached, having known Saiya since she was brought under his father’s wing, he was always happy to see her. His father would often spend most of his free time with her, leaving Farim to read, study, or do whatever he would like in peace. Whatever few moments he wasn’t badgering her about her behavior, her dress, where she would walk, what she would say, and a list of other things, he would often find her in more secluded areas of the palace, hidden away from the pressures of noble life and singing her heart out. That same voice rang out so melodically as she spoke to him, he smiled ear to ear, his eyelids coming together as he returned the boisterous hug she gave him.

”Woah! It is nice to see you too, my friend. My travels were rather dull, sitting in the back of a carriage, but I am here now. I was able to finish off the startup for the trade post and I rushed back here as quick as the ships could carry me. I hope I did not miss much.” He spoke with a hint of regret in his voice for not being there for the grand entrance he had seen everyone planning for. He looked around, noticing it was just the two of them and raised an eyebrow.

”I doubt everyone went off to bed this early…least of all Nahir or Munir…So where is the party?” He spoke with a sly smile, his eyes slowly moving down and then back up, noticing the interesting garb she was likely asked to wear. ”I see you’re certainly dressed for one. How kind of you to wait on me before heading out for a night of fun~. He spoke in a teasing manner, but there was genuine joy behind his voice as he spoke. He gave himself a look over, making sure there were no wrinkles or creases in his clothes before giving a nod and another smile to Saiya.

Saiya glanced down at herself briefly and felt her cheeks heat a little as she quickly pulled the cloak back around her, glancing around quickly to make sure there were no spying eyes. ”Your cousins thought my typical dress wasn’t appropriate for…well, come. I’ll fill you in on the way.” She said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. She led him to a small carriage, climbing into it and beckoning him to follow. ”You missed quite the entertaining entrance, unfortunately. Your father was knocked off his palanquin thanks to an unfortunately clumsy man. Your uncle, too, but he was far more merciful. Thankfully no one lost their head, despite your father demanding it.” She said once he was in the carriage with her. ”Also we’re heading to a secret after party. That’s another reason I waited for you, I couldn’t have you giving away that people weren’t in their rooms.” She smirked at him.

He felt his hand grabbed and pulled, his feet and head lagging a moment behind his torso as he was pulled by her towards the smaller carriage. He ducked his head so that his nearby entourage would not spy him leaving the guest house, and climbed into the carriage with Saiya. His eyes began to widen and he could barely contain the smirk sliding from the corner of his mouth at the mention of his father being embarrassed. ”Oh what a sight that must have been. I can only imagine his temper, and I’m somewhat glad I didn’t have to see it now that you tell me. But thankfully they didn’t just let Hafiz just run amuk.” He chuckled at the mention of the party, leaning over to give her a slight nudge with his elbow as he looked at her with a grin. ”Well how kind of you to be looking out for me. I am always one to enjoy a little sneaking off into the night. Let us enjoy ourselves!” Farim was glad to finally be done with business. He could take some time to enjoy himself, and relax the rest of the night away with his family who he was sure were up to no good.

The carriage continued silently into the night, the two having a rather bubbly conversation about their most recent events. He would smile as they talked, taking occasional glances out of the window to see a little more of the new country they had traveled so far to visit. He noticed the carriage coming to a stop, not seeing much of a noticeable club or entrance at first glance. He initially raised an eyebrow and looked at Saiya, as if questioning ”Is this the right place?” without uttering a word. He would open the door and hold his hand for her, beckoning her to step down and show him where this “secret party” was being held, as his curiosity was growing by the minute.

She glanced at the building as well, eyes narrowing a bit as she was a little unsure and pulled out the invitation that was in her cloak pocket. She read it over again briefly and then nodded. ”According to the invitation this is correct. I’m now concerned, however, because I let your cousins come to this strange place alone.” She said, feeling a twinge of fear that she made a mistake in doing so. While she had no doubt they could easily take care of themselves, Saiya had always felt a need to protect all of them to the best of her ability. Perhaps it was her love for Sultana Esrin that caused her to wish to keep them all safe or maybe it was the loss of Kahrem that had her a bit paranoid.

She took hold of his hand as she stepped out of the carriage, feet still bare as she despised wearing shoes, and glanced up at Farim. ”I guess we go inside and find out and pray it’s not a trap where everyone is dead.” She said it partially jokingly, but there was real concern in her voice as she started to head for the door, invitation still in her hand.

His gaze hardened as he looked around, scanning the darker corners for anything suspicious. He placed a single hand on Saiya’s shoulder and gave her a reassuring nod. ”Come now, Saiya. These are our cousins we are talking about. I think Mayet and Layla alone could probably level a capital. They would have returned to the guest house if there was trouble.” He followed her towards the door, opening it first to see what exactly is in store for them. He took the lead, and her hand, as they walked slowly down the stairs and through the fog until they reached the strange man holding white masks in either hand. Farim politely declined the offer with a quick raise of his palm, still keeping Saiya close while he wandered into the main room. Immediately his vision seemed to clear, and the spectacle before his eyes unfolded. He witnessed several of his family members, intermingling with others that he could only assume were of nobility as well, engaging in an array of exaggerated and intense behaviors. He smirked, looking back towards Saiya and nodding his head towards the bar. ”Well it seems the party has started, perhaps we should start with a drink?”

Saiya made sure she kept very close to him, holding onto his hand tighter than she probably should have as they entered the warehouse. Her other hand hovered over where her daggers were hidden in her cloak, ready for the worst. Thankfully the worst didn’t happen. There did seem to be a strange man passing out masks and, while Farim denied the mask, she did take one. She figured it would be better to blend in if need be. She was fiddling with the mask with her one hand and initially didn’t take note of the unusualness of the afterparty in front of them.

When she finally looked up, she paused and stared in shock. It was Farim’s voice that pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked over at him. It took her a moment to register what he was saying, but then she grinned. ”You go ahead, I might grab one later. For now I think I’ll stick with water and maybe dance some.”

Farim would shrug and make his way over to the bar, still insistently pulling Saiya along as they made it past the party guests, noticing their bizarre reactions, but paying not much mind. Surely it is just the alcohol. Everyone relieving stresses. Yes yes that must be it. This is all Farim would tell himself as he practically rushed to the bar, eager to just enjoy the night. Looking towards the bar, he would take note of all the various drinks available for picking. So many unique and colorful choices, each one catching his eye and raising more and more curiosities. That’s when he spied a particularly alluring drink, one colored blue that seemed to contain clouds in the glass, and a faint scent of sweet flowers hit Farim’s nostrils. His curiosity finally won over as he decided what his first drink of the night would be.

”Wonderful barkeep! This blue drink is simply…alluring. Might I trouble you for a glass? And before I get too ahead of myself…my name is Farim, and it’s a lovely place you have here. I’d also love to get a glass of water for my friend, she is rather parched you see.” He watched as the bartender nodded, their cool demeanor remaining constant as they wordlessly prepared a “Conquer the Mountain” and a glass of water, just as Farim had requested. With a nod, she pushed both drinks their way, and Farim, in his excitement, handed the water to Saiya before giving a slight bow. ”Let’s have us a toast for a safe journey, and hopefully a riveting party!” He raised his glass towards Saiya, tilting it forward as he went for the toast.

She followed him to the bar, but her eyes scanned the crowd as she located where each of the Kadir children were. Despite being told to relax, she couldn’t help but look out for those she considered her family. In doing so she began noticing the odd behaviors of others. Perhaps they were all just drunk already. Definitely would be best if she stuck to drinking water. Her attention was then pulled back to Farim and the glass of water now in front of her. She grabbed the glass and grinned up at her friend as she raised her own glass in a toast. ”Yes, let’s make it a fun night and see if these Caesonian’s truly know how to party.” She said in reply before taking a sip of the water.

Farim brought the glass to his lips, a chill running down his jaw as he felt the liquid hit his throat. The drink had such a sweet aroma, with a hint of raspberries to its taste that made Farim smack his lips a few times to really savor that flavor. His eyebrows would raise up as he felt a swelling in his chest. That same chill on his jaw traveled throughout his body as he felt his body begin to feel like it was floating already. Is this the drink? Surely it wasn’t strong enough to send me reeling already. But gods it is good! That floating joyous feeling bubbling in his chest prompted him to drink more. Sip after sip, he took the drink to his lips, not realizing he was practically chugging the drink before placing the drink down on the counter.

It was then that his body felt simply amazing, almost the best he had felt in a long time. His entire body felt light, and every little action felt so positively stimulating. He took in a deep breath, feeling like he was breathing the cleanest air he ever breathed. His eyes opened once more as he shook his arms slightly, giving his body a few hops as he felt just how limber and amazing this new feeling that was spreading throughout him, almost even more so once he finished his drink. He went to speak, but couldn’t even stifle his voice as he looked at Saiya. ”SAIYA! THIS PLACE IS AMAZING! WHAT A LOVELY ATMOSPHERE! WHAT LOVELY GUESTS! OH THESE DRINKS! GOODNESS I WANT ANOTHER BUT I CAN’T EVEN STOP MYSELF FROM MOVING! SAIYA! DANCE WITH ME WILL YOU?” Before she could even respond he would wrap his arm around her, bringing her to the floor and clearing a spot, giving her one final look as he stepped a few paces from her. ”OH LET’S DO THAT ONE DANCE WE SAW AT OUR LAST COURT! THE ONE WHOSE DRESS YOU LOVED AND WHERE THE GUY TRIPPED AT THE END! HOO WHAT A GLORIOUS DANCE IT WAS!”” His nodding grew almost too enthusiastic as he eagerly awaited for her to start this dance he had been referencing.

The complete shift in mood had caught Saiya off guard and she was rather concerned as she watched Farim. Had he been drinking on his way to the castle? Surely he wasn’t drunk after one drink, right? ”I…Farim, why are you shouting? I’m right here, I can hear you just fine.” The music was loud, but it wasn’t loud enough that she felt like he needed to shout in such a way. It seemed like her words didn’t really reach him, however, as he pulled her to the dance floor. ”Of course I won’t deny you a dance, but are you sure you’re feeling okay?” She questioned, her brows furrowing as she glanced around to see if anyone else was noticing the odd behavior. It seemed, however, that they all were acting odd as well and so no one was looking. That was a relief, at least.

His next words hit her and she turned her attention back to him, blinking in confusion. Dance? With a dress she loved and the guy tripped at the end? She really had to dig deep into her memory to even remotely realize what he was talking about. She vaguely remembered a dance that she thought was nice, but she couldn’t recall any of the steps. ”Why don’t you start the dance out? I can’t remember all the steps, you’ll have to guide me!” She said, not wanting to discourage his enthusiasm.

His movements were still coordinated, as he nodded some more at her suggestion. His hand almost seemed to have a mind of its own as he seemingly tapped the air to the beat of the music. His eyes closed and he took in a breath, not wasting a moment before he began his performance. He kicked his foot outwards, his arms swinging back gracefully as he began to twirl his hips in a firm and single sweeping motion, following through yet again with his foot before switching off to the other, bouncing back and forth between each side as his body got into the rhythm of the music pounding throughout the club. His arms swung around, one behind him, one in front, and his knees bent and buckled, bringing him to a kneeling position on the floor. The hand in front of him pointed towards the dance floor, not quite touching as even Farim wasn’t bold enough to touch the floors. After all, who knows what happens on these floors? His hand traced a single line across the air above the ground just inches away from Saiya’s feet. He looked up towards her as he bounced back up with a surge of energy, brushing imaginary dirt off his shoulder as he felt rather proud of his little dance. ”WELL? RING ANY BELLS?”

Slowly, while watching him, she remembered parts of the dance and she began nodding some. ”Um, yes. I think I remember now.” She said as she went on to pick up the next part of the dance, as she shimmied her hips from one side to the other, continuing the dance he’d started while grinning at him. ”This one, right?” Little did she know they were starting to draw the attention of some who weren’t used to Alidasht dancing.

His smile somehow grew wider, if it could be considered possible. His teeth showed as he saw her joining him. He had all this energy, all this optimism, practically bursting forth as every step seemed much more exaggerated than the last. He approached her for the next part of the dance, moving his arms opposite of hers in quick but fluid motions as they lifted and raised them in unison. He noticed a few wandering gazes, but he only saw them as more witnesses to the exotic, and fun, ways of his nation and his people. As they began to separate for the next part of the dance, his eagerness overtook him and he felt as if his body began to move on its own. His feet simply seemed to glide across the floor, moving in a large circle as his upper body would twist and turn to the music. Soon he would plant himself lower to the ground, only tapping on the floor for mere moments before sending his body into several circles while laying lower to the ground with each passing moment. He planted his knee to ground himself and turned his head to face Saiya, almost completely losing himself in the dance and seeing if she was still dancing.

The stares that the enthusiastic dance drew was causing Saiya to become uncomfortable as she glanced at the cheering and clapping people. She felt her face heating some as she slowly and silently backed up. Any time he’d glance at her she’d force a smile onto her face. Eventually she couldn’t take the spotlight any longer and she slipped into the crowd, calling upon her skills of disappearing into the shadows. She still kept an eye on Farim and the others, but she needed a minute to calm her anxious heart.

He met her gaze, albeit through a mask, and noticed the smile. WELL AT LEAST SHE’S SMILING. SHE’S HAVING FUN! THAT’S LOVELY! He thought to himself, even his thoughts were loud and boisterous. He stood back up, spinning around on foot and then looking around with a confused smile as he noticed she had disappeared. He scanned the crowd for a moment before shrugging. He figured that she must be looking for their cousins, perhaps she had wanted to check on them before dancing! Surely that could be it! He resumed his high-spirited dancing, letting out a loud shout beforehand. ”LET ME SHOW YOU HOW WE DO THINGS IN ALIDASHT!”

Over the next hour, Saiya kept herself in the shadows as she watched over her family. Nahir seemed to have found a toy to play with and Munir seemed to be with a group, including the Ceasonian prince and princess. Farim had continued dancing after she’d slipped away. Things were beginning to drastically change, however, as she watched Callum become acquainted with the floor. Munir also seemed to be losing it, as he began sobbing onto Anastasia. She felt alarmed as she watched all these people go from a high to a low. Was a similar fate about to befall Farim soon? She needed to get them out of here soon. She began shoving her way through the crowd, heading for Farim.

Farim was simply feeling amazing. All these beautiful women, all these lovely drinks, so many good drinks. Maybe he would have another? Maybe not, I’m a little full on my drinks. He thought to himself, suddenly feeling a strange shift. He did not suddenly feel like shouting every word he spoke or thought. He barely even noticed it until now, but he really had been extremely animated. He finished his dance, breathing heavily, suddenly feeling the fatigue of his actions for the past hour. He fanned his robes against his chest and wandered over to the bar once more, simply needing to sit for a moment…just a moment…Why am I so tired already? The night has barely begun…Has it been that long? When was the last time I danced like that? He continued thinking as he leaned against the bar, feeling his energy begin to almost fall off of him.

”Farim? Are you doing okay? It seems everyone here is beginning to crash. Maybe we should get the cousins and head home?” Saiya asked as she made it to Farim finally, gently touching his arm. She tilted her head around to look at him, concern showing on her face. Something definitely wasn’t right here.

Farim heard a voice. It was familiar, but his mind was starting to buzz more and more. Still, he would think it rude to not respond…What did they say again?”I..why am…I’m just really tired. I think…oh…it is you Saiya. Maybe heading home is good. I can…maybe…I… His voice was so much more muted, compared to his shouting from earlier at least. His head barely moved to look at her, this fatigue beginning to hit fast and hard. He could barely focus on standing, opting instead to lean against the bar even more as he tried to speak to her. His eyes slowly began to gloss over as his attention waned and wandered. ”Maybe…I…um….uh…go home…yeah…”

”Yeah that sounds like a good idea then.” She said, a gentleness to her voice as she put his arm over her shoulder. ”Come on, let’s get you to the carriage and then I’ll gather the others. Can you walk?” She then began trying to lead him out of the club.

His attention was rapidly fading, his body barely able to stand as is. Her arm around his shoulder felt so warm…why? He was feeling colder by the second. ”Perhaps…it’s…time…let’s…go….” Each word was harder to speak, his voice growing soft and almost saddening. His eyes hurt, his legs were like lead, and he could barely turn as he moved to follow the voice of his friend while maintaining that selfsame 1000 yard stare towards the ground.

To say Saiya was struggling would have been an understatement. Something was very wrong as her friend could barely move. She was practically dragging him towards the door and as she finally got through it she almost screamed in frustration as she remembered the stairs. If she was struggling so hard to just get him to the door, how in the world was she to get him up the stairs? After a few failed attempts to get him up the first step, she gave up and helped him sit down on the bottom step. ”Farim, stay here. I can’t get you up the stairs right now. I’m going to go get the others and hope someone can help get you up the stairs. I’ll be right back, okay?” She said as she knelt in front of him, trying to look in his eyes to make sure he understood her. After a moment, she turned and rushed back into the party to find the other Kadir children and get them out of there.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: Nighttime
Location: River Port
Interactions: Annya @princess, Kaleb @FunnyGuy, and Bron @Gingerboi123
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, halberd, and

Bardulf wandered from the forests edge into town, still bewildered by the sudden change of pace. He had just been on the way to visit his late wife's grave and now he found himself in some magical world. It was simply a lot for him to take in. He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and kept to the side of the road as he entered town. He gazed at whatever signs he could, seeing a weird language that he somehow understood perfectly. Must be more of that magic those robed people were talking about... He thought to himself, still sticking to the darker edge of the street to avoid any unwanted attention. After hanging a left and walking a few more blocks however, he would find that he wasn't the only one on the streets this late at night.

A younger boy with a lighter hair color stood in front of an incredibly well-dressed woman. Ignoring the seemingly perfect features and the very innocuous point and length to her ears before turning his eyes towards the much smaller figure who stood across from them both. Their red hair stood out the most to Bardulf, who had seen a few people with such hairstyles back home from the north. Perhaps they too, were from his homeland? He had several questions, and his nerves were winning the best of him, telling him to just keep moving along. He stopped walking, staring at their growing confrontation for several moments too long, bordering on awkward levels of time as he just stood frozen with anxiety. Just...say...hi...You're overthinking this. He finally took one step forward and approached the trio.

"He...Hello there. You wouldn't happen to know much about this town would you? I am...new around here. I'm just looking for a place to stay and any kind of information you're willing to share. I hope I am not interrupting anything?" He spoke somewhat meekly, his bass-filled voice contrast to his volume and overall tone of voice as he tried to speak as politely as he could to the folks who he gathered must be having a moment. But he was more or less out of options at this moment so against his better judgement he decided to risk any altercation just to figure out anything he could.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Nighttime
Location: German countryside ---> River Fairy Kingdom - West of River Port
Interactions: None other than NPCs
Mentions: None
Equipment: Bouquet of yellow daises, common smallclothes w/ Leather Armor layered over, tooth-laden necklace, and a halberd.

Bardulf had been walking for a short while, the walk to his cabin wasn't really that far, but with all that had happened he could feel his paces growing longer and slower. His eyes were in a haze, staring at the ground as he watched each foot heavily plop onto the ground. His mind was clearly elsewhere, not even noticing a shimmering yellow light begin to glow in front of him. Two lines slowly but surely connecting into an oval shape that seemed to fit his slouching stature perfectly. His hand lifted the bouquet in front of his hazy eyes, not even bothering to put in the effort to turn his head. As his focus shifted, he noticed the grass had turned much more vibrant than he was used to, and the sun that had been setting had suddenly fully hidden behind the landscape. Something was certainly off, and Bardulf finally broke out of his stupor to realize the shimmering doorway he had just walked through had already begun to close. His feet broke into a cold sprint, trying to catch the portal as it closed, but he had been just a hair too slow. He looked around in a panic when a calming voice rang out behind him.

"Well now, we almost lost you as soon as we had you. Don't be afraid, sir. We have summoned you with a purpose."

Bardulf shot around, his hand moving to grab for his halberd. He stopped, however, once he saw who had been speaking. A group of six white-robed figures gathered in a semi-circle faced the man. His eyes began to dart to each one, trying to take in their features and differences. Their heights were about the same, but their bodies and faces were hidden well behind the baggy robes and hoods that hid behind their faces. The figure in the middle spoke, his voice containing a calming base that vibrated in the air, as if trying to sing to Bardulf as he spoke.

"Your weapon is not needed on us, friend. But you may have need of it later on. Allow us to explain ourselves, give us a few mere minutes."

Another figure spoke, a female, speaking octaves above the previous person with a voice that seemed to ring even after she finished speaking. "This is a strange land to you I'm sure. But we have need of your help, sir. Your kind are very special here. Capable of weaving great elemental magics that our kind are not readily able to defend against."

Yet another voice spoke from the rightmost figure, containing a much deeper rumbling sound from his throat as he spoke. "A Great War is upon us. Each side will need warriors. That is why we called you here. Once all is said and done, we can easily send you back."

Bardulf raised his hand from grabbing the spear so that his palm faced them, ushering them to pause for the moment. "Just a moment...please. I-What the hell is wrong with my voice?" He spoke in a tongue not his own, very much confused at how he knew and understood what everyone, even himself had been saying.

The female spoke once more. "As part of the summoning, you've been...taught how to speak our tongue, but fret not. Once you return, your speaking will be entirely normal." She pauses, and in a faint whisper she lets out a few words, barely audible except to those immediately next to her. "...I hope..."

Bardulf lowers his hand, his stance remaining neutral. He had no real reason to trust these folks, but no reason to doubt them either. He looked back at the now empty space that once had the portal, and shook his head. "Well, I'm going to need some time before I can just....leap into some "Great War". But...I know that what you say contains some truth. I don't know what it is but there is a heavy tension in this air. I won't ask much, but I do feel some questions are in order." He walked a few more paces forward to approach the group, still unable to discern anything distinguishing about any of them, and began to ask an array of questions. How the land was, what are the people like. The species of animals, plants, people. His "powers" that he had no idea how to bring forth just yet. Many many questions over the next hour were spilled forth, and the group of robed people answered with due diligence.

They told Bardulf of the land of Avalia, the events of the first Great War, as well as the executions of the beloved leaders. They explained the basic principles of his magic, and a basic idea of what the general races and kingdoms that populated Avalia. They spoke of the plan of the Sun Elves to summon humans to aid their side, and how they were specifically sent by the Royal Court in order to sprinkle the presence of humans across the land to further confuse the Dark Elves. After they had imparted as much general knowledge as they felt necessary, the middle figure took out a backpack, tossing it towards Bardulf with a heavy thud as it slapped against the ground.

"Take that rucksack, head eastward to the trade city of River Port. You will certainly find some friends there...and potentially enemies. But our time is up, the Royal Court has need of us elsewhere. For now, we wish you farewell." With a motion from the middle figure, all the robed mages began to walk deeper into the woods, their robes still hiding their feet as if they were gliding across the ground.

Bardulf could only watch as they left, still having so many questions. But he had grown tired of all the talking from them, already feeling drained from the days work back home, on top of the grieving he had been feeling. He looked again to the bouquet he had planned to lay at his late wife's grave. He sighed and placed the flowers at the base of a nearby tree, kneeling by the tree and speaking softly to himself.

"Oh my sweet Kristine...What have I gotten myself into now. Please, watch over me. I know you'd want to see me come out of this old shell. And I think it's about I....'Lived a little for once' as you would always tell me." He let out a soft chuckle, and stood up, oddly finding a compelling sense of wonder as he gazed about the new lands before him. "I'll bring you back the most beautiful flower, just you watch."

He picked up the bag and checked its contents. One bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, a waterskin, and several strange coins he believe were called "amas". An assortment of silver, gold, and even a single platinum pieces amongst the midst, he counted around 300 amas in total. He secured the bag and slung it over his shoulder, giving the daisies he left by the tree one last look and nodding before heading eastward towards this "River Port" he had heard about, ready to explore the land of Avalia like a proper huntsman.
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