Avatar of Lava Alckon


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In Avalia 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Helm of the Saltrunner
Mentions: The Entire Pirate Crew

With the approaching threat, and a few of them still lightly wounded from their skirmish, Tanithil thought of taking the evasive route. But an idea popped into his mischievous brain of combining an evasive maneuver with a little bit of battle savvy tactics to hopefully throw off the other pirates. ”Oi! Drew! Come take the wheel ya lazy bones and keep her peelin’ to port.” The young elf jumped up to the wheel and firmly gripped the wheel to hold the ship steady while Tanithil began to make his way below deck.

”Either get below deck with the cargo or get ready for a shock. We’re gonna give em a broadside to scare em off!” He shouted to the crew before practically jumping down the stairs. He gathered a couple nearby hands to ready two cannons along the starboard side of the ship. As they began to approach, a few figures above the ship could be made out to those who had good vision or a spyglass.

At center stage stood a proud looking light elf who sported a black tricorn and a silver stained leather eyepatch. Flanking either side of him were two canine demihumans who seemed to be literally chomping at the bit for some action. The light elf raised his hand and the ship steered towards the Saltrunner, ready to engage in some naval combat.
In Avalia 9 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Aboard the Righteous Tern
Interaction: Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, Zeva @Pink Khione, and Masako @dreamingflowers

The windy breeze of the sea continued brushing both cowl and hair aside as Bardulf fruitlessly tried to maintain a vigil of shroud to his face. After about the 15th time he gave up entirely and let the long brown locks of his flow freely. Still, each pace he took was measured and careful. After what could have easily been dozens of minutes he finally took his razor focus off the feel of the swaying ocean. Bardulf began to appreciate the sound of the wave lapping against the wooden ship, the errant beating of Starfire’s wings, the sounds of conversations above deck, and now the distinct clicking of wood on wood.

Somehow the last noise was louder than the rest and as Bardulf closed his eyes and listened intently to the sound, he realized a presence had unknowingly “snuck” up on him. He pivoted on his foot and swung to face the person with an almost robotic reaction. His purple eyes darted along the figure that stood before him, taking in their features. Bardulf could barely process the idea of a Warforged or the concept of artificial life in the first place. Yet here was living proof walking right into his path, or perhaps Bardulf walked into hers.

He lowered his arms that likely took a defensive stance, like that of a wild animal, and hid them under his winter cloak. With a nod he spoke softly to the Warforged. ”H-hello. Who might you be?”

In Avalia 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The Saltrunner sets Sail!

With the crew settled in and the ship making way along the southern seas of Avalia, all seemed to be at a steady calm. The sails were manned, cargo was accounted for, and deckhands were given various tasks to busy themselves while supper was prepared. There was the usual mixture of thrill, curiosity, and caution that came with any trip on the open seas. Not to mention the crews intrigue that was pointed at their captain. What exactly was his game? What did he have planned for them all? Questions likely buzzed in each of their heads, but ultimately the sight of the water and the need for constant attention would drown out any errant thoughts for the time being. Such was the way of the seas, ever attention-seeking and just as dangerous as it was beautiful.

As Tanithil continued steering the ship, a slight unease began to creep along the back of his neck. Scanning the horizon he found not much in the immediate area, so he called for a report from the Crow's Nest above. A hasty look from the young light elf stationed up there and an immediate shouted report would reveal that there was another ship on the horizon-line heading straight for them. Upon closer inspection, the jolly roger showed two silver-hued eyes that almost seemed to stare back at the young man through his spyglass. With a slightly more timid voice he yelled down to the crew - "It's the Silver Eyes!".

The Silver Eyes, a rogue pirate crew that was known for stalking this tretch of water to plunder what it could from other crews. They hardly looked for their own treasure and simply scouted for those returning from a hunt of their own, which earned them the name Silver Eyes. It was almost as if they had a nose for treasure - and each fight they won bolstered their confidence to the point where they have lately begun starting fights with any and all who sail near them. With a stern grip, Tanithil held onto the steering column and looked to his compatriots.

"Well lads. Feel like stuntin' a treasure swiper today? Cus I ain't plannin' on runnin' back the way we came. No sir-ee! Lest you lot wanna take the easy way out and outmaneuver the muts. That sounds like fun too." The elf said with a chuckle.

Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Location: Damien Estate
Mentions: Wulfric @Silverpaw

With a light tap of his cane, Drake humored the man’s deduction. ”Is the costume so easily taken apart? Or are you perhaps far too good of a detective, Sir Danrose?” He lightheartedly joked. He would sound more chipper than usual to those who know him in passing. If he was to play a character, why not exaggerate his social quirks and make some fun out of it?

”Well, you may call me whatever pleases you most, Sir Raven.” He yet again poked fun at the costumes they both wore. ”I like to keep a smidgen of mystique to the identity. Like a good mystery novel, leaving just enough clues for the reader to piece them together.” He chuckled softly.

”As for Miss Camilia….” He paused for a moment, a slight dip in his voice as he softly lamented at the lost chance of a date with his crush. But it was quickly brushed off as he continued. ”She is unable to make it this evening. So I am but a lone bachelor this fine evening. I take it you share a similar fate as my own? Perhaps we could make the night a little less lonely for one another? At least for a spell.” A friendly smile found its way on Drake’s face, a picture perfect show of perfectly innocent intentions.

Drake wondered how the Queen might react to his casual conversation, and was ready to adjust himself should his demeanor seem out of line. But for now he seemed to be performing rather well. Perhaps this was his chance to better acquaint himself with some more prominent members of higher society, or a chance to make a new friend. The night could only tell, and it had only just begun.

In Avalia 10 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Helm of the Saltrunner
Mentions: The Entire Pirate Crew

The past day was certainly a strange one. Tanithil mulled over the events briefly in his mind as he steered the ship. This newcomer, Sirena, had stowed away on the ship, and normally would’ve been simply thrown overboard. But her aiding Amisra when she did earned major brownie points in Tanithil’s eyes. She could have just as easily harmed her while she was vulnerable, and that certainly scared Tanithil at first. He decided to go along with Amisra’s plan to bring on the crew as well as made sure to stick to their cover story. At some point Arlen had become privy to it all as well, which gave him some slight relief as the man was good at picking apart Tanithil’s tall tales.

The time for reflection came and went, as they began to hit the more aggressive waters of the sea. Tanithil’s hand gripped on the steering column as he let out a list of orders for the crew. He shouted for the deckhands to make sure the remaining supplies were secured to the deck or down below, so that nothing flew overboard. Tanithil yelled up to the crow’s nest for their scout to alert him of anything major. He turned back to the small group of younger pirates the crew dubbed “The Galley Goshers” and told them to start working on meal prep for dinner in the mess hall. Once the majority of the crew began to do their work, he began to address the ‘stars’ of the crew.

”Right then. Let’s see what else needs doin’...Arlen! You think you could watch the sails for me? Try and keep em upwind as best ya can so we can get a fast trip through these waters. Would hate to run into trouble so early on.”

He began to steer in the proper course based on his map, and took a moment to place the steering lock in place so the ship wouldn’t errantly turn while he took a step back from the wheel. ”Ismael. I’d like you to come take a look at this ‘er map. If you’re going to be livin’ amongst us it could do you some good to pick up some navigational skills. Once we land in the desert area we’ll also look into practicing some of your magic since you’ll be in your element. None of your flame shit on board though or so help me I’ll tie ya to the front of the ship and let the waves douse your flames.” Tanithil spoke half-joking and half serious, seeing how he didn’t want a fire on his first major expedition on the Saltrunner.

His attention shifted as he noticed Amisra wincing off to the side. He handed the map and went to the railing, looking over to her and speaking in his usual campy tone. ”And what do you think you’re doin outta bed, missy? You’ve got 3 good reasons to be takin’ it easy these next few days.” He said as his fingers trailed along his ribcage, mimicking the three bruised ribs of hers. His look shifted to that of slight concern but ultimately he knew he could do very little to keep this woman from adventuring. It was in her blood, and that certainly worried him more than it should. ”Stay on deck and try to keep an eye out for anything the scout might miss - but no heavy liftin’!” His eyes narrowed as he went back to make sure the wheel of the ship was still steady.

”And for our newest star of the show, I’d like you to simply observe how we run things ‘round here. Try to get a grip of how things flow and ebb on these Avalian waters. If someone suddenly comes up with some form of injury I’ll ask you for some triage advice, seein’ how we don’t have much of a healer ‘side from the Captain.” He stopped barking orders and resumed navigating with Ismael likely at his side.

The Captain had expressed his interest in letting Tanithil hold the reins for a spell. Something about finding a “proper first mate”. So he shrugged it off and took on the duties that came with it. But it was certainly a strange role to fill, and he had his curiosities for why the Captain suddenly wanted to take a back seat for something that could very well hold the fate of the entire country. He decided it might be best to do some snooping later, and see just what he could be up to. For now he spoke once more to the crew.

”Alllllright you gits! We’ve got about a 5 days travel ahead of us. So don’t be doing anything nutty till we make landfall then please and thank you! This’ll be the last bit of my voice you’ll hear for awhile so enjoy the peace n quiet while it lasts~!” He chuckled as he left the crew to do as they would, and hopefully stay somewhat within his orders.


Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Location: Damien Estate
Mentions: Wulfric @Silverpaw, Ariella @tpartywithzombi, and Queen Alibeth @princess

The night truly had taken a strange turn. Many unexpected events, and many unexpected conclusions. But nonetheless as Drake finished the last bit of his bourbon he let the flaming sensation sit in his throat before bringing his attention back to the matter at hand. He had wanted to go to a nice posh party and enjoy some fine socializing with other folks, and he wouldn’t let things like this ruin his evening.

He re-donned his costume and even found a nice cane amongst his things to add to the flair of his outfit. With a slight wobble, he made his way to the front and requested for a carriage back to the estate. Hopefully my composure returns before I make it back or I might be a sight for sore eyes. He thought to himself. The ride was short and silent, giving Drake plenty of time to think about his interaction with his sister and just what sort of things could be happening in those woods. Before he could make any meaningful progress or decisions about it, the carriage came to a stop, signifying he was back at the party.

With slow steps Drake tested the waters, and sure enough it was like he had never drank at all. He silently thanked his genes for letting him hold his liquor and began to make his way into the ball. The sounds were the first to hit his senses. The serene music did a splendid job of painting the atmosphere of the area, and the several people around with varying levels of mystique to their costumes delighted Drake. Once he had taken in the scenery, his eyes scanned the crowd for potential talking points and approachable party goers.

Amongst the most notable were the duo of women off to the side, one with bronzen skin and the other seeming to struggle with her attire. There was the duo of what appeared to be a fairy and a lion talking, who shortly split off to their respective parties. Then there was the unmistakable visage of Count Calbert and Queen Alibeth herself even. Drake had to do a double take to make sure he caught that last one properly. He also noticed next to the Queen a raven-figure who he could only assume was one of the princes given how close they were to Queen Alibeth in such casual nature. Trotting from them rather triumphantly is a man in a wolf-like attire that Drake could not entirely recognize. He made a mental note of that individual for later, he seemed rather interesting himself. But with such grand events like these passing up a chance to interact with the Queen herself would likely get Drake scolded, reprimanded, or all kinds of things from his Mother so at the very least he wanted to make a good impression on the upper royalty. That and he did find the three princes themselves rather interesting individuals. Even Callum had a form of charm in the way he rebelliously followed his own path.

With his cane lightly clicking on the floor, he made his way across the gala and found himself standing across from who he would soon learn to be Wulfric and Queen Alibeth. Once there he took a substantial bow and in a voice that carried just a tinge of mystique to it he introduced himself.

”Your Royal Highnesses, it is such an honor to meet you both in a public setting such as this. Your decorum and attire are as lovely as ever. Allow me to introduce myself if I may.” He would pause for any sort of rejection from the pair, straightening his posture and placing the cane in front of him with two hands holding its tip.

”I am the Musician this evening. Given my personal interests I find it best suits the theme of my outfit. However….” Drake’s hand grabs at his mask delicately, pulling it to the side so just the two of them may peek at his features. ”You both of course may already know me as Drake Edwards. Allow me to say once again, pleasure to meet you both.”

In Avalia 11 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning -> Evening
Location: Roshmi City -> Roshmi Port, aboard an unnamed ship
Interaction: Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Bardulf took the opportunity to gather some things he knew would be necessary if he were to continue being amongst a group of avid hunters and adventurers in a realm where magic was very much real and the creatures were about ten times as dangerous. With the little amas he had, he garnered a small mental shopping list and with the safety of the group nearby, purchased 30 feet of rope, an animal trap, a fishing net, some winter clothes, and 50 steel ball bearings that were for a little idea he had. Just as he was looking to leave the shop he overheard the clerk talking about a nice pair of night-seeing glasses he had purchased the other day, and Bardulf couldn't help but be curious. Hunting at nighttime was the worst for him considering he had very little vision, and relied heavily on his hearing to find prey. However after taking one look through these night-vision granting glasses, he knew he had to have them.

With his coin purse much later he gathered his gear and joined the others on whatever errands they considered necessary to finish and before long they had made their way to an entire wooden vessel capable of floating on the water. Bardulf had never seen such a thing, being in a landlocked country surrounded by forestlands. One step on the deck proved to strange and wobbly, as if he had poor footing no matter where he stood. The rocking of the waves gave his internal organs their own challenge as he stopped himself from feeling sea sick as best he could. These new sensations were certainly interesting....Bardulf would have preferred simply walking but from what little Mister Luum had told him, they were about to go to a far away winter island. So the man simply bucked up and dealt with the discomfort as he normally would, and simply told himself that it would be worth it when he could step on freshly packed snow again. He truly missed the feeling, having been sent here in the middle of the springtime back home.

Bardulf would currently be near the helm of the ship, still shrouded in his cloak to hide his appearance as best he could, but also taking short paces around the top of the ship to practice his footwork and balance. Once he began to familiarize himself with it, it was no different then hiking on the mountainside in the rain. "A calm foot paves the strongest path" is what his father would always tell him. With great effort, he practiced getting used to the sway of the sea and would be intently focused, hardly noticing if anyone were to come by.

In Avalia 11 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Saltrunner sets Sail!

As the day passed on, the crew of the Saltrunner prepared the ship for its next voyage. The previous day had been eventful, what with the enoucnter of bloodthirsty bandits looking for a quick score, as well as giving their young charge Ismael a chance to experience the more questionable side of Avalia's underbelly. The night would prove to be uneventful compared the early afternoon, and the crew would have a chance to enjoy the solace of a fully belly and whatever entertainment their evenings provided. Because we all know pirates never really sleep.

Captain Drosis was busy as usual with procuring the permits to travel along their destined path as well as gathering information from his network of sources. He had given Tanithil something that he called "opportunity" to show off his capabilities aside from just "flinging shadow magic". Once the elf had called Tanithil into his office, he slid a piece of paper across his desk and gestured to look at it while continuing to look over a peculiar binder of his own that he had crafted with twine and paper. Tanithil picked up the parchment and knew immediately just what it was. A map. Possibly to treasure. Possibly to danger. He was unsure where at first. However the Captain quickly assured him this was a special map he had procured from an old friend back in Port Vanarosa. Said friend had gotten it himself off the back of a myserious cart owned by a mysteriously scrawny orc (compared to other orcs that is).

The map itself promised a great treasure where it was marked, but Tanithil held reservations. False maps and tricks were not far off from other pirates - or even giving a map to a treasure they already plundered to turn double the profit. The sources in this case seemed trustworthy enough, so the dark elf took the map as a serious chance for their crew to earn some more gold - and train their new member. The location was south of the Orc city of Dugmaghord, in the southern reaches of the desert and just along the line of what most considered the "uninhabitable zone" of the desert. They would certainly have to be careful but Tanithil figured it would be a proper challenge for crew of the mighty Saltrunner. With a nod he folded the map up, and walked out of the Captain's quarters. The ship itself had been prepped to launch for some time now, and was only awaiting the orders of Drosis before setting out. Tanithil put his fingers to his lips and whistled sharply for the crew to hear.

"Right then! I gots us a destination from the Captain himself. Says we might find us a good haul if we make it to the desert in the east. South of Dugmaghord. Let's sail out, Saltrunners!" With that proclomation he immediately swung a vine of dark energy up into the raftors to lift himself onto the helm of the ship, and readied himself to steer the ship out of port and into the deep blue Avalian sea. Whatever dangers or trials awaits, he did not know much of, but he took another glance at the crew and smiled, ready to take anything on beside them.


Location: Edge of Lover's Lake
Time: Night of the 23rd
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Roman @reusablesword, Munir @Infinite Cosmos


"They are with the gods now, be happy that they have passed and no longer need to suffer here with us. You will see them again someday."

Farim smile had faded ever so slightly at the remark, an internal monologue began to chime in. ...no longer need to suffer here with us. If only you knew... However the melancholy quickly dissolved as Anastasia had returned his meaningful attention with her own adoration. Thara initially responded by curiously poking her outstretched hand with her beak. With an extremely gentle nature, the falcon opened her beak and nibbled on her finger before pushing her head against the princess' hand. It was mainly a show of affection, as weird as it may seem. But to any bird of prey, it was an endearing gesture.

"Well she certainly has missed you too. I hope you do not mind if I share that sentiment, Annie." He had noticed her careful caress just now, and was already returning such a movement with a subtle rub of his hand against her hip while they talked. He could not help but feel curious about the new friend and her mention of creating a whole new song for this charity event. "You must tell me more about this charity event. Since you speak of your brother, I happened to have a chat with him a little earlier. Would Wulfric happen to be the one hosting or would it be Callum?" If Wulfric was the host, Farim believed it would be very matter-of-fact style of charity. But from what he observed and scarcely knew of Prince Callum, he could not help but feel that him hosting would mean a sleu of ulterior motives. Not just from him, but from other interested parties as well.

Just as the questions came running from him, the ceremony began in full tilt. There were words sung that were full of mystique, dancing motions that carried the weight of a dozen emotions, and various other activities that seemed to have a bittersweet weight to them. This was a ceremony of death, but also reconciling that within death there is life. A beautiful notion, and one Farim would find he agreed with wholeheartedly. "It is certainly going to be an interesting evening. I have seen a few ceremonies like these ones, but every tribe or clan does them so uniquely different it is like experiencing it for the first time."

Farim wrapped his arms around her while she observed the ritual. The memories of his past were certainly weighing on him, as well as the topic of death itself somewhat swaying him into a somber state. However, there was a comforting warmth to Anastasia's presence that balanced all the emotions out, causing the man to be more clingy than he intended. All the same, to her it might just seem like an affectionate hug as she gasped in awe at the surrounding ceremony.

"It certainly is, Annie. They are purely devoted to passing on the writs of their kin in the most honorable way possible. I bet they practiced this for many weeks leading up to this. Much like how you may practice your cello for a performance of your own. They are both forms of art - and I would be excited to see more of your art at this event you were speaking of you know. What day will it be?"

In Avalia 12 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interaction: Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

So there Bardulf stood in the cafe, food in hand looking to sit with his ragtag group of newly made friends he had been travelling with for the past few weeks, except for their newly acquired light elf friend. It was moments like these where they got to pause and look at their surroundings that Bardulf had time to reflect on just all that had happened. It all still proved to be alot, but each time it was a little less...overwhelming. He took a moment to scan the immediate area, not noticing any suspicious bodies from underneath the shade provided by his hood, and then turned to look at each of his compatriots. Bardulf began to chew on his honeyed toast that seemed to be raved over so very much, and immediately found out why. The sweet taste filled his mouth and brought him a great amount of nostalgia for how his mom would bake some bread, toast it, and sprinkle it with cinnamon and honey after a long days work in the woods. A rare smile adorned Bardulf's expression before he continued analyzing the area around him.

Bowyn and Zeva seemed content enough with their meals, but there seemed to be a kind of thousand yard stare to Rue for a few fleeting moments. As a trio of patrons made their exit, she seemed to snap out of it. Maybe she knew them, or maybe she was simply daydreaming and that would break her out of her trance - but Bardulf could sense a slightly uneasy feeling - ever so faint - coming from Rue. He chose to let it pass, since if it was the latter it would just bring up past wounds. If it was the former, then he'd just look plain weird.

Of course, that left Mister Luum, who was rarely one to simply eat and enjoy a meal without a show of chicanery and boldly stated plans or opinions. This time around he wanted what he presumed was the man's idea of a proper introduction between everyone. After travelling together for as long as they have, it seemed a bit late on the track to start with such things. However with new blood in the group, it could serve as a chance for them to be up to speed on their antics. Bardulf raised an eyebrow at the choice of "fun facts" he had listed out for himself - and the fact that he forgot to list things like sexual preferences, and was equally thankful he wouldn't be forced to share such details to everyone.

In an even rarer show of initiative, Bardulf finished the last of his toast and raised his hand. "Uh, name's Bardulf. But you can refer to me as whatever fits. Given that I might need to hide my identity maybe using my real name is not the best idea...but oh well." He paused to think about the next topics he would share. "My favorite color is blue, like the sky on a clear summer day. I can't say I have a religious belief of some kind. The closest I would say is that I think nature should run its course, and that we should always use everything we have at our disposal. No wasting of food or kill alike. My days as a hunter taught me those kind of things." Bardulf took a small bite of his Toffee Apple and enjoyed another wave of sweet tastse before listing off some more things about himself.

"No debts. Hard to do that when all you do is hunt game and make coin. My life goal was to raise a family, but it seems I was not meant for such a thing. Now it's to find a purpose in this new world I was thrust into." The statement seemed rather melancholy in nature, but Bardulf did not show much in the form of outward emotion. He was simply stating the facts as they were. This was his new home and he soon would have to learn to live with that. In his mind, there was no returning home. Back home, he was sure as dead - moments away from getting struck by lightning. Here, he at least had a chance to live on. That's what Kristine would have wanted, at least.
Realizing how much he had talked, Bardulf quickly trailed off as he said his next bit. "So, yeah. I hope that was good. I don't talk much so don't worry about me. Okay now someone else can go."
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