Avatar of Lava Alckon


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Location: Primitus Church of Sorian
Time: Morning of the 25th
Attire: Robes
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Zarai@Rodiak, Olivia@Potter, and Lorenzo@FunnyGuy


Farim jolted awake to the sound of knocking, and the familiar voice of Anastasia calling out to him through the door. He hurried dressed himself - as much as silken morning gowns do - and answered the door enthusiastically. His ears did in fact not betray him, and the darling sight of the Princess graced his view. She invited him to a celebration of the birthday of one “Lord Drake”. He had never met the man but Annie seemed rather excited to go - so he donned a fancy gem-laden sash with some more suitable linen garments embroidered with a fine golden thread.

The pair then journeyed in the assigned carriage - catching up about the days events. Farim could not help but notice a distinct makeshift package with pristine holes poked into it, as if to provide air for something. The princess had stated she found it before she came to fetch him, and after a few jolts and a couple stirs within the container - Farim had a feeling just what she had gotten this stranger for his birthday.

Once they arrived, Farim took in the pleasant views and the grand decorations. It almost reminded him of how extravagant and exuberant his parties were back home. It intrigued him to know that such customs were not lost. The idea of gift giving crossed Farim’s mind, but he had such little time to prepare that he instead would try and have something sent post-party - or perhaps even offer something to be shipped from his home country for the man. With the birthday boy in sight - he and Anastasia approached and delivered some well wishes - including that of a new pet!

Thara reacted rather strongly seeing the feline creature - and instinctively clung to Farim’s shoulder as the creature began assessing its new surroundings. ”Well I suppose introductions are in order. I am Farim Kadir of Alidasht. I hope I find you in pleasant conditions this fine day.” A standard formal greeting from back home - nothing crazy. ”I do apologize for not having anything physical as of the moment - but I tend to want to offer a more personal touch to such things for such special occasions such as this.” Farim approached and offered a bow. ”You see, I run a trading company that spans far and wide across my homeland - should you require anything exotic…silks, pottery, gems, perhaps even another beast-like companion for your new friend?” Farim smiled while motioning towards Jimmy. ”You need all but ask - may this day bless you, my Lord.”

There was a pause for any conversation between the two to continue - the Lord clearly becoming overwhelmed with each passing moment - before Farim casually swept his arm around Anastasia’s. He met eyes with the Duke shortly before he became surrounded by other party-goers. "I agree, good Duke. I think your suit is quite marvelous - ah but it seems you might be a touch busy. We should catch up later!" With the rising commotion, he could swear he heard a distinct shout about someone being a bastard - but at this point he chose to not participate in whatever it is that chaotic man had begun to unravel.

”I can think of a few places that deserve your beautiful self sitting on - but for now I think that table over there might be just the right spot for us.” Farim gestured to the table where it seemed someone had already begun a conversation with another woman. He vaguely recognized the one who was already sitting, and the one standing that seemed to have just arrived he recognized as Olivia from his short visit to the beach. He confidently strode with Annie in toe next to him and proclaimed robustly to the table. ”The party is here! How are you fine ladies doing today?”

Attire: Black/Green Coat, Black Dress Pants, and Black Shoes
Time: Morning of the 25th
Location: Edwards Estate
Mentions: Duchess and Victoria Edwards, Count Calbert


The events of last night from the Cabaret were a bit of a blur. From what Drake could immediately recall as he rose groggily from his bed-sheets, there was a short card game amidst some cheeky banter that lead into a rowdy duel of sorts - the events at other tables were muffled but faded into the background as Drake tried to recall who may have been there. ”Perhaps my mind needs a light breakfast to clear things up…”

Drake spent some time doing some early morning stretches - making sure to ease every ache and pop every joint he could reach until he felt his usual limber self. A quick morning hygienic routine followed by an in-depth application of a few skin and hair products made for a rather dashing young gentleman so early in the morning. In his morning loose shirt and linen pants he strode into the dining room and had the butlers cook up an exemplary breakfast of toast and eggs - which were consumed in posthate. Drake would make sure to stop by and give some last minute instructions to the cooks in charge of the upcoming party preparations and would wish his parents a proper greeting before returning to his chambers.


After some breakfast, and some greetings and happy birthday wishes he would politely return with “Thank yous” and customary bows of gratitude - Drake made his way back to his chambers to prepare for the day. He looked through his closet, thinking of who would attend and what he should wear, and finally decided on a rather ordinary yet stylish green jacket with a black undercoat - paired with black shirt, pants, and shoes to match. A gentle spritz of his favorite scent of cologne, cedarwood, and Drake felt ready to take on the day.

The young lord grabbed a nearby folder, fitted with sheets of music he had been on and off practicing for the past several weeks. He steadied his nervous breath and began making his way to the study, where a replica piano was currently staged in the absence of the normal grand piano that was there. Drake had requested another one specifically so he could practice in seclusion on the day of any events should the need arise - and he definitely feld one last practice run would do him good. He sat himself at the seat and began to perform several quick exercises memorized over countless years of practice, and once his fingers felt warmed up to his liking, he began to play.


What was supposed to be one quick practice run became several. The man’s frantic mistakes here and there were beginning to pile up, and Drake wondered if he was truly ready to perform today. But he steeled his nerves and gave it a few good tries and began to finally nail the performance properly. Once he managed to play his piece from start to finish three times in a row he finally had that surge of confidence to stop practicing into the ground. Drake looked over at the clock and jumped from his seat. ”Good heavens - I better get going!” The man quickly dashed out of his study and made his way towards the courtyard, ready to receive the guests that would be attending his party.

10:00 am

He made his way over to his parents who he spotted almost immediately - he can tell his mother had been fussing with the help, based on how everyone who happened to walk towards her opted to take the very long detour around the visibly stressed woman. ”Good morning to you both, Mother and Father!” He extended his arms out for brief hugs with the two. He briefly whispered to his Father’s ear, ”Please tell me Ari can make it…and that no one forgot about her…” before returning to his regular upright posture in front of the two. ”Everything looks so immaculate! The tables are so well cleaned and the flowers and decorations are perfect.” He let out a satisfied sigh and smiled at his parents from ear to ear. His gaze wandered over to Count Damien whose presence he was surprised he even missed in the first place.

”Count Damien! What a pleasure to see you in good health!” Drake offered a bow to the man followed by an offer of a handshake. ”I thank you so much for your attendance today - and if anything is desired feel free to let myself or the others know. Today is a day I want us all to enjoy as much as myself.” He made sure to exchange proper pleasantries with the Count - giving ample time for interactions before he would take up his post at the entrance to the estate. There, the man would greet any and all party guests enthusiastically - thanking them for their support and wishing them a good time while they see the beautiful home he’s grown up in.

Farim & Riona Part 3

”As for finding her myself, well I have tried.” Farim shifted the conversation. ”Based on my efforts she is somewhere only he could access or somewhere so remote it would take decades of thorough searching to find her. You are not wrong, though. I can only imagine his venomous little face twisting if I tell him I know where she is.” He laughed for a few breaths, then paused as if lost in contemplation before he continued. ”However he must still answer for what he has done. If I must force it - then I will. One day his reign will end.” The serious tone of his voice quickly shifted as he spoke again. But that will be a story for another time. I must ask - why are you so curious about my state of affairs. I daresay you have inquired more about me in this walk more than some of my own family. Not that I mind - but it does seem a touch curious to me.”

Riona considered the question. Was it really so strange to be curious? No way she was the only person he opened up to about all this stuff. “Perhaps I am simply being nosy.” Or was the familiarity drawing her to learn more about this prince from the Motherland—that place her grandmother had dreamed of but never seen. It was in her blood, that connection, no matter how faint.

“If this is a quest that will take decades, more the reason to act as soon as possible, Your Highness.” She adjusted her grip on the box and asked. “What stays your hand?” If he knew that much about where his mother could be, then why did he stop there? Why wait for some nebulous “one day” when he could make it happen? To find his mother. To punish his father. To put an end to his father’s reign.

Farim gave a coy smile at her suggestion. ”And who says I am not doing such things right at this very moment? Maybe I have multiple, maybe even dozens of collaborators who are helping me in many things. Maybe some of them are even watching us at this very moment in case something were to go south.

The Shehzade made a fair point. His status afforded him resources and reach far beyond what she could imagine. Just because he chose to focus his personal attention on courting Anastasia didn’t mean he hadn’t deployed agents to do his bidding in the shadows. “Then I stand corrected.”

He offered a soft wink in her direction with a chuckle. ”Or maybe I am just all talk. It is not like you would suddenly assault me in the midst of this busy street anyway.”

“... And what makes you so certain of that, Shehzade? ” A bold retort to offer a prince of Alidasht, but the spark of humor that danced in the maid’s eyes made it clear she meant no true threat.

There was a brief pause between the two as their journey had made it most of the way to its destination. Another building came into view as Thara continued to glide overhead while occasionally resting on Farim’s shoulder. The pair stopped outside yet another shop on the woman’s list of duties and continued their conversation. ”I like you, Ríoghnach. You seem fun, friendly to those you like, and … a touch mysterious. But I like such qualities. While there is still time we can continue while you deliver these materials your lord wishes to have.”

Riona set the box she carried down by the shop’s entrance and straightened, brushing a stray curl back from her face. “You honor me, Shehzade. But there is no need for flattery. If you are searching for a diversion until the circus begins.” She gestured to the store in front of them. “You are welcome to join me as I finish my shopping.”

Farim returned a light shrug. There was not much else he was doing so he figured seeing more of what these markets have to offer would be a beneficial arrangement. ”There is never a need for flattery. But it sure is nice is it not?” That same cheeky grin adorned his face as he walked into the store with her. ”What style of furniture are we on the hunt for, young lady?”

In a quiet voice, she said, “... Something that a certain type of noble—the kind possessed of an over-inflated sense of self-importance, who sneers down their nose at people of humble origins—would find utterly beneath them, but that would elicit no end of amusement from anyone who sees their chambers?”

Farim tilted his head in mild confusion and curiosity. But seeing her face as she talked clued him in that this was likely someone who had either wronged her or simply pissed her off. At first he assumed a professional stance, talking plainly as they paroused the shop. ”Now Ríoghnach, it would be quite unseemly of someone like myself to suggest such things and cause any … ruffled feathers amongst the other guests present…” He thought about ending it there - but his childish notions got the better of him as he thinly hid a smirk on his face. ”I could not possibly suggest taking a chair such as that one to this persons chambers…”

His finger gestured at an interestingly designed chair, one that seemed to bow up and out and remained painfully thin at the actual “seat” of the chair. It was clearly meant for decoration, but the unassuming would think it a proper seat and quickly realize their mistake. He continued this faux persona of “not recommending” certain furniture while they shopped around..

Riona hadn’t meant to spend so much time picking out furnishings for the Lordling’s quarters, but time flew when you were having fun. She and Shehzade Farim gleefully dug through the store, determined to find the most impractical and garish junk imaginable to torture Smithwood’s delicate sensibilities. By the time they declared their quest complete, they had a pile of the best of the worst. Riona couldn’t wait to see the look on Smithwood’s face when he laid eyes on their masterpiece of awfulness.

Once outside, the Shehzade picked up on their earlier conversation.

”Your cousin sounds like a good person, by the way. I think him and my old friend Malik would have gotten along, had they ever the chance to meet.” Thara made a swooping pass just above his head as they talked, possibly frightening a couple passersby. However Farim did not flinch as the falcon continued forward in its exploratory flight. ”The world could use less أهبل (assholes).” He boldly proclaimed, playing on the curse word she had said prior.

Riona matched his smile. She couldn’t agree more. Maybe in a world with less أهبل she could’ve become someone softer, kinder; a person without so many thorns and rough edges. Her smile clouded.

“I am afraid Malik and my cousin will have to wait until they both cross the great divide to become properly acquainted, Shehzade.” she said. “The cousin I speak of passed on some years ago.” From the way Shehzade Farim spoke of his friend Malik in the past tense, she suspected that he might not be alive either.

Farim sighed. ”Well if he is gone then perhaps they have already met. My friend died many years ago, when we were children. It was a terrible … accident.” He shared, making sure not to spill too much on just what ended his friend. The man’s face was one of concern and regret as he thought about it. Thara, sensing the shift in body language, flew back down to his shoulder and gave his cheek a light and gentle peck. Farim smirked and returned the affection with a soft caress under her beak.

”The Fates have a funny way of working, do they not? It would seem we come from quite similar backgrounds. I know loss is not easy - so I hope you are as strong in mind as you seem in spirit to weather such things. I imagine you would not have made it thus far if you were not - but I offer my condolences all the same.”

“You are most kind, Shehzade,” Riona said and offered her own condolences.

In the lyrical cadence of the Golden Tongue, she continued, “However, <<the brilliant light that emanates from you deceives your eyes, for the strength you perceive is a mirage in the vast desert. What remains here is a broken thing, held together by spite and a naïve hope that lingered beyond the death of innocence.>>”

“Optimism, I have learned, is a double-edged sword. It is a beautiful quality to have… it is also what got my cousin killed.” She shook her head at the thought. Everyone was right to question his belief that they could live peacefully with the Danroses.

“While you are here, I hope you will continue to sharpen your ability to see past illusions, Shehzade. Just as you have seen past your father’s manipulations and deceptions.”

”Spite, you say…while I think such a notion has uses, I find it a little too predictable to be truthfully honest. No offense to your ways, mind you.” Farim paused and began to circle around her as he talked, making quick jumps to the sides as he started this new cadence. ”I like to think that being optimistic in the face of adversity gives a sort of flavor to life that makes it far more enjoyable. Like you are taking the very winds out of their sails.” The man shrugged and returned to her right side, gesturing for Thara to return to him with a wave of his hand. She made a swift dive and flapped her wings as she landed onto his shoulder with grace. ”If my enemies plan to cut me down anyway, a double-edged sword is simply that - a sword. It makes it even more baffling to those who would strike me down if I use such unconventional methods to combat their tricks and shadow games.” He chuckled, reaching up to give his pet bird another stroke along her feathers with his steady hand.

… But then it wouldn’t be a curse if she was happy or if it fed off of positivity, now would it? No. It was a spell born from suffering, designed to inflict misery. The only “blessing” was the power it granted, the chance to turn that suffering outward and make her enemies pay.

“Optimism can be just as predictable as spite, and your enemies—your father—can use it against you just as easily.” The Danroses weaponized hope to get rid of an entire clan they felt threatened by. If the Grand Vizier was as manipulative as the Shehzade said, then he wouldn’t hesitate to exploit his son’s optimism for his own gain.

“Do not underestimate the creativity of a spiteful heart, Your Highness. When revenge is the goal, the most vindictive among us can be endlessly imaginative in our cruelty.” …Maybe Riona and the Grand Vizier had a lot more in common.

Farim nodded, scratching his chin as the woman shared her thoughts on the matter. ”You carry truth in your words. I think the key here then is to be as unpredictable as possible. Like bringing a man some farce furniture when he leasts expects it.” He chuckled at the allusion to their current situation. ”I will make sure to keep that in mind when dealing with him. The man has exploited me plenty and I am sure he is already up to something that will make my innards churn with distaste.” He took a short breath before stopping himself from starting another fit. ”But that shall be for another time. Is there anything else on your mind this fine afternoon?”

“Only the matter of refurbishing the guestroom with the… extraordinary decoration you helped procure.” Riona chuckled a bit. “Would you permit me to mention Your Highness’s hand in curation? I suspect this particular guest may be less inclined to immediately cast them aside if they believe the pieces come with a royal endorsement, as it were.”

”Now now, young lady. I procured nothing - I merely suggested what you should not buy.” He winked. ”As fun as it would be to take credit for such things - I am sure there would be some hot water for me if I were to go around playing pranks on every well-named person who I came across. That honor…” Farim smiled. ”Shall be yours. However if you would like to add some credibility then you may simply mention that a foreign consultant gave you some recommendations.” The man laughed. ”I hope my cooperation has earned myself immunity from your wrath, Ríoghnach. I would not want to find myself wearing slippy shoes or being entirely pink or gods knows what else you may have planned for him.”

The Shehzade’s answer was disappointing, but understable. This was her personal crusade, not his. “So your assistance was a calculated maneuver to gain leverage over me? Well played, Your Highness.” Despite what she said, there was no true bite behind her tone.

“However, I doubt you will find yourself in any real trouble. Even if this particular noble discovers your involvement. They will likely be all too eager to roll over and play nice for a chance to win the favor of royalty.” If Shehzade Farim did land in hot water, she imagined it would be nothing compared to the boiling oil she’d be in.

Farim smirked. ”I like to consider it more like gaining someone’s trust or support. You can never have too many friends.” He paused for a moment. ”And I am sure you would appreciate the word of someone who could hopefully get those troublesome nobles off your back should you find yourself in a…sticky situation.” To which the woman nodded in gratitude.

“Contrary to what you may believe about me, I have responsibilities that consume the majority of my time. I do not ‘go around playing pranks on every well-named person who I come across,’ nor do I desire to.”

So why was she so fixated on Smithwood then? If she was honest with herself, she wasn’t sure why. It didn’t have to be him specifically, did it? He was far from the only privileged ass quick to let the servants take the fall when things went south at the ball, with no thought to the severity of punishments they would face as a result of his accusations.

The prank with the slippery shoes was meant to be a one-off comeuppance. But then the incident with Darryn happened. He bore the brunt of the consequences, suffering vastly disproportionate to that of the nobles. All because Anastasia and Callum valued their wealthy party friend over the stableboy. And Smithwood walked away with a fresh pair of shoes, inconvenience forgotten.

Just like that, it was over.

The actions of the powerless rarely brought about any meaningful change. She’d known that for a long time, she just refused to accept it. And the Lordling, he was right there: a convenient target for her frustrations. Her… helplessness.

Smithwood, for all his faults, had listened when she confronted him. Well, not really listened, listened. But he heard what she had to say and engaged with her grievances rather than smacking her in the mouth for speaking out of turn or ignoring her entirely. It was the barest glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe…

“I believe this person has the potential to change for the better,” Riona said softly, “I simply lack the influence to break through that infuriatingly thick, nobly-bred skull of theirs.”

The man nodded and continued moving the furniture into the guest house with her. Despite his verbal statement to not be thoroughly involved, his actions seemed to contradict it. ”That is quite the noble charge. I wish you the best of luck. There was a time I went on similar pursuits of persuasion. I know better now.” He sighed only to immediately change face to a more optimistic expression. ”But then again, the Winds have a strange way of guiding us. You may prove luckier than I in such things.” Once he had moved a majority of the furniture inside, Farim took a look around the room and couldn’t help but chuckle.

”It is like a work of art….And as joyful as this piece is coming together. I must start getting ready for my nighttime festivities. Many a good food stalls at carnivals, you know! I must try all of what Caessonia has to offer.” His excitement was palpable, and his hand flicked upward and motioned towards his bird that had taken a comfortable perch on a nearby wooden rail leading to the upstairs bedrooms. ”Anything else you need from me before I go?”

“Short of overhauling this country?” Riona’s lips quirked into a wry smile and she shook her head, “No, I think this will be all, Shehzade.” She dropped into a deep curtsy, skirts whispering against the polished floor. “You have been most generous with your time. Please enjoy the remainder of the day.”

As Shehzade Farim made to depart, Riona cleared her throat. “There is one other matter you should be aware of.”

She fixed him with a level stare. “There is one man whose love Princess Anastasia craves above all else. She would move heaven and earth itself to secure his affections.”

The man met her stare with mild befuddlement, followed by a hint of clarity. ”My first instinct is to guess her father. But the nature of your words suggest this is another suitor.” There was a pause - as if mulling over what to say. Farim’s usual smile faltered for a few moments before he spoke.

”My friend, when one goes digging for diamonds. You find many competitors. I am no stranger to this. Yet still I choose to attempt to be with such a highly coveted woman. If the Fates would favor me, then I shall count myself blessed. If this other nameless person should arise and whisk her away from me - then so be it. She is not mine by any means, nor is she property to be tied down and forced to be mine, like some people would do….” The man spat on the ground.

”But this is the way of finding that special someone. You explore, you get hurt, you lick your wounds, and repeat until you die or find that unique little spark to make the hurting stop.” Farim flashed a smile. ”I take your words kindly, but fret not Riona. I would not be where I am if I simply rolled over at the first sign of trouble. Still, you are kind for warning me. Thank you.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and grinned far enough that his eyes squinted as his cheeks rose. ”You have given me plenty to think on, but I hope your day remains peaceful - and hopefully the winds will guide you to a favorable fate.”

For all this talk about optimism, when he spoke, it sounded more like a defensive mechanism to soften the blow rather than a genuine hopeful outlook.

“You should have more faith in yourself, Shehzade Farim Hafiz Kadir. Your first instinct was correct: it is her father who I speak of.” Her gaze went distant, tracing over memories of Anastasia and Edin, the empty spaces between them speaking louder than words ever could. “And a father’s shadow can be a far more formidable foe than any mere suitor.” Blinking away the thought, Riona’s attention returned to the present. “You will need to save her from its reach… and from herself.” Before he could ask what she meant by that, Riona bowed once again.

“<<May the winds blow fair and the sun light your way, Shehzade.>>”
Farim & Riona

As the processions at the table came to a buzzing slow - Farim had taken the time to escort his date home properly, wishing her a good night and that he would hopefully see her in the following morning. He had decided that his time between the afternoon and evening would be spent on another brisk walk through the city of Soriann - seeing what sights he may, and meeting whatever people he would meet. Farim made a quick dash to his room, perching Thara onto his shoulder properly as he planned to let the girl stretch her wings as they made their way into the more common areas of the city.

As he continued his walk through the city, he would raise his hand and let his falcon take off on short glides around the surrounding area as he stopped to peruse various stalls and strike up brief and pleasurable conversations with the locals. As luck would have it, Farim happened to spot a familiar figure in the distance and quickly made his way over - eager to finish their conversation from earlier. The Shehzade approached Riona and offered a gentle greeting as he stepped up to match her pace. ”Hello again, she-who-has-a-name-that-starts-with-H.” He chuckled.

The miniature decor she’d purchased for Lordling Smithwood clinked gently as Riona adjusted her grip on the box. The rest of the furnishings would be delivered directly to the guesthouse.

Riona smiled to herself, satisfied with the day’s haul, already envisioning how she would arrange the space. Just one more stop, and then she could return to the Lordling’s room and set to work.

Lost in thought, she didn’t notice the figure approaching her until he spoke.

That voice—she knew that voice.

Spinning around, Riona found herself face to face with Shehzade Farim. Immediately she dropped into a formal Alidasht bow. “Peace be upon you, Shehzade,” she said and switched to the Golden Tongue, “<<The Gods must surely be smiling upon me today, for what greater blessing could there be than to cross paths with you, Shehzade, your presence as warm and radiant as the sun emerging from behind the clouds?>>”

Farim raised a brow at the use of his native language, but effortlessly swapped all the same as they kept their pace.”And to you as well, Oh Kind One.” He smirked. Clearly the compliment was taken well, and he reached up to pet his falcon and decided to match Riona’s energy. ”And how fortunate that I was graced with the luck to be running into you at such a juncture. You seem to know how to flatter a man - what have I done to earn such radiant praise?” He paused to look at her various belongings in tow. ”And what might you be doing this apparently blessed day?”

A tiny smirk tugged at the more polite smile when the Shehzade returned with his own flowery phrase. “Is that not the very purpose of the Golden Tongue, Shehzade? Grandmother would have my hide if I addressed the Sultan and his kin any other way.” Though, if that’s what it would take to see her again, Riona might just have to butcher the Tongue a thousand times over. “So, I suppose you have earned such radiant praise by... existing?” She chuckled lightheartedly.

Her gaze drifted to the magnificent bird perched on the Shehzade’s shoulder. Sunlight glinted off its feathers, and Riona’s fingers itched to stroke them. Were they as soft as they looked? “Or perhaps,” she added, unable to keep the wonder from her voice, “I hope to ingratiate myself so you will acquaint me with your winged companion.”

Noticing his eyes flick curiously to the box she carried, she said, “Lord Smithwood requested his room to be redecorated, so I have procured… new furnishings.” Riona cleared her throat as she shifted the box’s weight. Debated showing him the contents. If Shehzade Farim liked Princess Anastasia enough to want to woo her, then surely the man could stomach some mischief. Even relish it.

”It is good to know my existence provides radiance for you - and hopefully others.” He leaned down so Thara and Riona could properly interact. The bird tilted its head, and often made quick darting movements with its beak as if to inspect the new person before her. ”I do not blame you. Thara is a beautiful bird. She will not bite - just don’t go plucking her feathers. She would resent that.”

Farim’s gaze fell again to the box she carried. ”New furnishings delivered by hand. Mighty kind of you to do such a thing. It is not too heavy, no?” He moved to let Thara hop onto her arm, and gently moved the bird towards the woman. ”Also, she likes being pet along her back. Try it if you would like.”

Riona’s eyes widened and her hands fumbled with the box as Shehzade Farim moved to transfer Thara to her. She set the box down on the ground before extending her arm for the bird to perch on.

The box wasn’t exactly heavy—Thara could’ve got on top and it wouldn’t have made much of a difference—but even feathers grew weighty after a time and Riona still ached from last night’s scuffle. The Lordling’s furniture could break into pieces if her arms gave out for all she cared. Thara, on the other hand? Riona didn’t want to startle her.

Gingerly, Riona’s fingers brushed against Thara’s feathers. When the bird leaned into her touch, a smile bloomed across her face and she grew bolder, stroking with growing confidence. “Aren’t you just amazing,” she breathed.

But the smile turned wistful as memories of Dan and her older cousin surfaced. “They would’ve of loved to meet you,” she told Thara softly. Dan, always at home with any creature in his care, and her cousin... Well, in another life, he might’ve been a naturalist, or maybe even a veterinarian. “May I ask what breed of bird Thara is?”

A second later, Riona realized she’d left his earlier question hanging. “I beg your pardon, I was completely enamored by Thara.” Riona glanced down at the box. “The weight is nothing I am unaccustomed to. Servants haul far heavier loads daily. But I do appreciate Your Highness’s concern.”

Riona continued to pet Thara as she asked, “If I may be so bold, what occasion brings you to this part of town, Shehzade? Is there something specific you seek?”

”I am simply going where the winds take me - it is something my brother once taught me to do. Sometimes simply wandering and seeing what the fates have in store is an adventure all by itself.” He smiled as he noticed the way she interacted with his favored bird. ”She is a Peregrine. I had found her nest after it had been attacked by a viper - I sadly could not save her mother, but I was able to raise her myself.” Farim gave her beak a light rub with the side of his finger as he retraced the tale. ”She is a very nice bird - so being enamored is only natural.” The man straightened his posture. ”You know you still have not shared your actual name with me, Mysterious One.” He slyly remarked.

Riona briefly considered continuing the game, but abandoned the idea just as quickly—it would be just rude at this point. If he forgets her name, then he forgets her name. “Ríoghnach, Your Highness.” She dipped into a curtsey, keeping her falcon-bearing arm fixed in the air. “My name is Ríoghnach.”

With a gentle touch, she coaxed Thara back to her master’s shoulder. Then, hefting the wooden box, Riona resumed her pace down the street, her steps unhurried. “Am I to understand, then, that you have no pressing engagements this evening, Shehzade?”

Farim shook his head. ”Not at all, Rioghnach.” He took the time to pronounce the name - as if savoring each syllable and nodding approvingly. The man returned her curtsey with a bow at the waist with his arm folding over his chest. ”It has a nice ring to it.|

Riona smiled at his first attempt and the compliment. “Thank you, Shehzade. If my name proves difficult to pronounce, please, call me something more comfortable to you. Most everyone does.”

His hand gave Thara’s side a perfectly gentle rub as he talked. ”I was mildly interested in the circus that I heard about. So if nothing else, there is always that. What about yourself?”

“It will depend on how quickly I can complete my tasks for the day.” Riona said simply, then turned to look at Shehzade Farim, a little surprised. “Will you not invite Princess Anastasia to accompany you? I believe she would find great delight in such an outing.”

Farim wagged his finger playfully, fully aware of the surprise of him going solo to such a place. ”Well, she actually had other plans. Plus I must not suffocate the poor woman with my attention or she may grow sick of me.” It was then Thara let out a soft coo, as if in agreement. The man chuckled lightly and pet his bird once more. ”You are welcome to join me in the festivities if you manage to accomplish your chores fast enough.”

Riona thanked him for the invitation before commenting on what he said earlier. “Are you not concerned that other prospects might tempt Her Highness? As I mentioned during lunch, she has quite the following.”

”Perhaps. It would sadden me quite a bit if she were to seek a romance elsewhere. But she has given me any reason to think she may fancy other men, so I should not worry too much for now.” He crossed his arms and looked at the woman as his eyebrows raised slightly. ”Besides. I hear I have quite the radiant presence - so I would like to see someone beat that.” The man scoffed sarcastically.

Riona couldn’t help but recall the times she saw Anastasia and Wystan together, but she kept those thoughts to herself. “If I may be so bold, Your Highness,” she began, “you might want to broaden your view of the playing field. Men are not your only competition for Her Highness’s heart.” The Shehzade scoffed, and Riona allowed herself a small smile. “The sun’s radiance is undeniable, but, for some, it can be a touch overwhelming. There are those who prefer the softer touch of moonlight.”

Farim smirked. ”You seem awfully eager for me to cast my eyes elsewhere. You would not be trying to coax my attention towards yourself would you?” He spoke in a gentle voice, leaning over and locking eyes for a moment with a grin before returning to his upright position.

If Riona had been eating or drinking in that moment, she would’ve choked on it or spat it out. His conclusion caught her completely off guard. Laughter welled up inside her, fierce and sudden, but she fought it down.

”But you are correct. Putting all of your eggs in a single basket is not a sound strategy. Both in finance and in romance.” Farim sighed. ”It is not lost on me that she could very well choose someone else. But I no longer wish to meander amidst a crowd of beautiful women. Because when one becomes the subject of your desire, well then the other dozen or so end up hurt or abandoned. But maybe I am just feeling particularly romantic this season.” He offered a slight shrug. ”Not to mention, Annie has had plenty a chance to see some more delicate moonlight. But as is the way of nature - moonlight only shines at nighttime.” The man winked at Riona.

And the sun only shines in the day. “... With all due respect, I believe whether Princess Anastasia ‘has had plenty a chance to see some more delicate moonlight’ is for Her Highness to decide.” Not you. As much as she disliked the Princess for toying with people’s hearts to satisfy her own selfish needs, Riona believed that no one had the right to dictate another person’s feelings or experiences.

Before an awkward silence had any chance to fall between them, the maid continued. “It is admirable to devote yourself to one person. Truly. I simply mean to warn that if you intend to court Princess Anastasia, you must be prepared to fight for her with all your heart. There will be many obstacles… and not all of them are romantic or political.”

Farim merely nodded. ”You are right. Forgive me if I sound conceited. I carry an air of confidence to dispel most of my usual worries. And the warning is noted and acknowledged.” He ushered his bird to take flight, allowing the falcon to circle around them overhead with the occasional perching ahead of where they were walking. ”I have fought all my life, madam. I am no stranger to such things. If winning her love requires a challenge then so be it. If I shied away from obstacles then I would not have made it far back home.”

Of that, Riona had no doubt.

“Even if she herself is the obstacle?” she asked softly. Maybe too softly, she wasn’t sure if he heard her.
In Avalia 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass Cottage
Interaction: Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Zeva @Pink Khione, and Bowyn @Helo

Bardulf had begun turning towards the door when Zeva’s apparent rebirth had occurred. With squeals of excitement and gratitude catching his attention, Bardulf turned around to see the flash of blonde and white skin rush at him into a tight hug. Immediately his face turned red, flushing with embarrassment as he tried to brainstorm just how he should react. The man’s arms went up and almost began to flail in confusion for a moment, but in the few brief seconds of contact - there was a peaceful solace in Bardulf’s eyes. He returned the hug gently, his rough arms contrasting against Zeva’s much more fair skin. With that he procured his cloak as she began to whimsically make her snow angels in the yard. A rare smile graced his face as he looked at Bowyn.

”Let’s look for one of them taverns or a hunting board of some kind. We had one back home so it would be nice to see one here.” The man walked out with Bowyn and Rue in tow. The journey took the better part of the next hour, and as they approached the town proper the man took his cloak and shielded himself from sight as best as he could. Bardulf took note of Rue’s encounter with an unseen entity - hoping it was nothing for now. He did not wish to garner more attention.

Once they approached the Notice Board, Bardulf noticed the more dangerous jobs right off the bat. He felt a slight urge to take on the bandits - wanting to remove any unwanted blemishes along this serene countryside. However he opted for the more standard prey for now, pulling the poster for the dire wolves and handing it over to Bowyn. In a hushed voice he asked, ”Good warmup, right?”
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass Cottage
Interaction: Masako @dreamingflowers, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Zeva @Pink Khione, Rue @Potter, and Bowyn @Helo

Bardulf took the ring thrown his direction by Mister Luum and slowly placed it on his finger. A warmth spread through his body that granted him an unexpected comfort despite wearing a loose tunic and tight cloth pants in the middle of a winter cabin. This worlds magic was strange but there was some nifty little artifacts that Bardulf had begun to learn about, this being one of them. His gaze fell on the mountain of cloaks, blankets, and sheets that surrounded the poor Light Elf Zeva and he slowly took his ring back off. The chill that covered his skin caused a wave of goosebumps to linger on his skin as he reached out to her with the ring in his hand.

"I am...used to the cold if you'd like to have this. I am fine with my cloak, so maybe we could make a trade of sorts." His smile was muted as he attempted his first bit of sarcasm in some time.

Whether Zeva would take the ring or if she would cling onto Bardulf's old cloak, Bardulf stood up and crossed his arms. "Could any of you perhaps...show me around? I would like to know where I may look into hunting for game or prize so that we may have plenty of money and food for the harsh winter days to come." He began to make for the door, and turned around to see who would want to join him on a little explorative adventure.
In Avalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Docks on the Coast of Dugmaghord
Mentions: Jun @JJ Doe, Zion @Helo, Arlen @SilverPaw, Amisra @Tae, and Sirena @tpartywithzombi

Tanithil measured the reaction of the gang and nodded. There was at least some progress being made, even if Jun was still as silent as ever. Firstly, he turned to the human and shrugged "I'll take that as a yes to all of the above then. Unless you want to, oh I dunno...elaborate?" His hand waved in a circle in a form of invitation for him to offer anything, but after what felt like an awkwardly long pause Tanithil gave up this endeavor for now.

He crossed his arms and reflected over Zion's skills. "A fella big as you can certainly find 'is place on a boat. If anything to lift the big things while our usual muscle is recovering from her injury." His eyes seemed sad for a moment as he thought of his friends injury - but the business face came back on with a slight scowl as he scanned the immediate horizon for any sign of establishment outside of the docks they stood on. As he spotted Arlen walking off, he noticed a humble tavern smushed amongst what he could only assume were regular living quarters for the fishermen who resided in this unnamed town. He pointed off in the direction the elf was wandering and looked back at Zion and Jun.

"Looks like Arlen is way ahead of me. That building there looks hospitable enough. And if it ain't, well you have my permission to kick the crud out of anyone who looks at ye funny." He pauses for a moment and adds one more thought. "Just don't get caught if you start a fight. Right back on the ship where I can smooth talk our ways outta anythin fishy." He chuckled, highly doubtful anything that crazy could happen.

"I'll be joinin ya lads shortly, but first I'm gonna make one more round of the boat and see if any of the other crew wanna grab a bite with us. First meal of the adventure's on me!" He waved and turned around to walk back up the ship, seeing if there was anything amiss with his ship, checking twice for stowaways, and even checking in on Sirena and Amisra should they need anything in particular.


Location: Primitus Church of Sorian
Time: Morning of the 24th
Attire: Robes
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Nahir@Rodiak, and Kira @Potter


The slight warmth from the normally regal Nahir was certainly refreshing. Just as he would exchange more pleasantries there came a woman with a seemingly kind disposition coming to greet the group. "Perhaps the details can be discussed later." He said in a hushed tone before waving at the new person. He was going to let her down gently, given that he had no authority to decide who or what sits next to the Princess of this fine nation. Just as he was about to share that she would likely be better off finding another seat incase someone else takes offense, Wulfric entered the scene and vehemently expressed disapproval of the notion. Farim let him speak his piece, and observed the expressions on the mans face. It was not written plain as day, but there was a subtle hint that Wulfric had been quite busy this morning. The tone and "direct-to-business" attitude could very well be facets of the mans personality, but it gave him a reminder of his own busier days back home.

He would wait a moment to let the interaction play out, and then addressed the prince. "Prince Wulfric...it is good to be seeing you today." He said calmly. The personable glance from Wulfric told Farim there was more to be said, so Farim gave a subtle nod in understanding. This was another person Farim felt like he would need to convene with at a later date. This was supposed to be a vacation of sorts but I am finding myself with just as work as before. Ah well, such is the life of Farim. He smiled to himself. Once these interactions played out, the organs came a silence. It would seem the ceremonies were just beginning.

Farim respectfully mirrored whatever bodily motions the others would take, but chose to keep his voice silent during the prayer. Not out of refusal to follow their customs, but out of respect. If he were to show any kind of worship to their patron gods, he would rather do it properly. Since he did not know the words, he simply observed and learned what he could. This kind of interaction was something he was familiar with, and often enjoyed. The world was a wide place with many different relgions, rituals, practices, and ideologies. His true allegiance was to that of the Sun God, and the pantheon of Alidasht. But he would not shun others for seeking their own form of comfort, security, or tranquility - it was only fair.

As the initial prayers ended, the choir and orchestra boisterously filled the halls with elegant music that rang through Farim's ears. It was as if his body was resonating with the music itself with how the ceaseless vibrations shook the very pews they sat in. His attention then turned towards the booming sound of the church doors opening. This entire ritual was as grandiose as it gets, and Farim found himself impressed with the showmanship and dedication - even as the more interesting part of the morning mass came to a head.

Farim was no stranger to the exotic and extravagent. He had heard of the way his family had made their entrance into the grand palace so it would behoove him to harshly judge such an erratic display of self-worship. Despite this, Farim could not help but find it strange to see the proceedings before him. Countless dancers, performers, and beautifully clad women all set the stage for the grand appearance of his Royal Majesty - who himself was carried both in body and cape towards the front of the church. Farim kept his external expression neutral, mimicing a pleasant smile. But internally he could not help but question the level of showmanship for a church service.

Nonetheless, after such a display there was an uproar of applause from the crowd, and Farim would offer an enthused slow clap of his hands to measure the excitement in the room. The parade was impressive and fun after all! It was just not quite what Farim was expecting for such a service. This is going to be...interesting to say the least. He thought to himself. He pulled gently on Anastasia's arm and gestured to her father. "That was quite the show, do you think you have a good view of your dad?" His voice would likely be drowned out by the sound of dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of cheers and shouts of adoration.
Drake & Thea

As Drake extended his hand towards her, Thea hesitantly took it and glanced up at him. She placed her hand in his, feeling a warmth spread through her at his touch. With his assistance, she rose from her curtsy, a blush still lingering on her cheeks.

"Thank you," she murmured softly as he pulled out her chair, a grateful smile gracing her lips as she settled into her seat. "You're very kind, milord, and quite perceptive."

Her eyes widened slightly as she watched him fumble, a moment of clumsy grace that only seemed to endear him to her even more. Despite his mishap, he recovered with such ease and composure that she couldn't help but be impressed.

As he spoke, reassuring her with a gentle smile, Thea felt her heart swell with warmth. "Yes, I am Lady Thea Smithwood. And...thank you, Lord Edwards. You've already surpassed my expectations, I must admit. I was half-expecting my date to either flee or judge me harshly when they found out who I was."

She offered him a shy smile, her gaze softening as she met his eyes. "But you've done neither of those things, and for that, I'm truly grateful.”

Drake nodded, but couldn’t help but feel a slight concern enveloping his face. He had certainly heard some rumors and read some tabloids - but truthfully he found them all to be blown out of proportion. ”It wouldn’t be fair of me to cast any form of judgment before I even got to see you face to face.” The thought of it seemed rather extreme in his mindset. There was an etiquette and an expected decorum to these kinds of things after all.

”Plus I don’t like to buy into the alleged words of folks who do nothing but spread gossip. It always seems to do more harm than good to folks. So you needn’t worry - Lady Smithwood. I am here very much for a rather pleasant time and so far, you have done nothing to betray this notion.” He offered a slight bow, with one hand moving to press against his hand while the other lay flat on the table. ”And thank you for the fine compliments. You look…well rather beautiful if I am being honest. Would you perhaps like us to start things off with a beverage of sorts? What do you like to eat at places like these?”

With each word from him, Thea slowly began to feel more at ease. While the nerves were still there and had her worrying over messing things up, she decided to focus on the here and now. This man was willing to give her a chance to show him her true self and she wasn't about to pass that up. ”Your kindness is refreshing, Lord Edwards, and I must say I'm truly appreciative of you giving me the chance to prove who the real Thea is.” Even though I'm not sure who she actually is. She kept that last little bit to herself and simply hoped she'd be able to figure it out while she sat here and conversed with this man.

His next words on her appearance had her blushing once more, but a genuine smile graced Thea's lips as she met his gaze. ”Make me blush any harder, Lord Edwards, and I may look more like a beautiful lobster than woman.” She said with a small giggle before grabbing the menu and looking it over really quick. The thought of indulging in alcohol was enticing, she almost craved it, but she would have to control how much she had.

”You know, I think I might have a mimosa. It sounds refreshing. As for food, I won't lie, I have a bit of a sweet tooth and I think that chocolate fondue French toast may be calling my name.”

Drake chuckled at her adorable reaction. He wouldn’t want to judge her too quickly but she seemed pleasant enough. At the very least she was doing her best to be - and he couldn’t fault someone for simply attempting their best to make a good appearance. ”Hmmm…A mimosa actually sounds rather nice. Perhaps I could couple that with some chicken and waffles - but your choice sounds awfully sweet as well….” He pondered for a moment before nodding. ”I shall enjoy some chicken and avoid the temptation to partake in a nibble of your fine fondue, milady.” Chuckling, he went to wave someone down so they could place their order.

Mingyu had immediately bounced over to the table, her smile as radiant as the morning sun. She tilted her head, taking a brief moment to appreciate the obvious chemistry brewing between Thea and Lord Edwards.
Once they approached, he started with a friendly smile and pointed at the menu as he listed the items. ”Hello! Could I trouble you for … two mimosas, an order of classic chicken and waffles and that lovely looking fondue french toast special you have?”
"Hello, wonderful people! I'm Mingyu, and I'll be taking care of you today at the Morning Blossom Cafe!" She clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with excitement as Drake spoke. "Amazing choices. I’ll be back with your orders in a jiffy."
”Lovely, thank you so very much.” As the waitress left, his attention went back to Thea. ”So, Lady Thea. What sort of things do you often look for in someone else when you’re actively courting?”

Thea sat there quietly and patiently as Drake ordered for them, giving the lovely waitress a kind smile. She did utter a thanks to the woman as well before she left, but then turned back to Drake.

Well…” Thea started enthusiastically, but then paused for a moment as her brows knit together and she considered Drake's question carefully. She had never truly courted someone before, her previous experiences having been fleeting and devoid of any real emotional connection. But now, faced with the prospect of starting something meaningful with Drake, she found herself reflecting on what she truly desired in a partner.

"Well," she began again, her voice tinged with sincerity and embarrassment, "I suppose I'm not entirely sure as this is my first year I'm allowed to court. I believe honesty and sincerity are important to me. Someone who is genuine and open about their feelings and intentions. I also value kindness and compassion, someone who treats others with respect and empathy."

She glanced at Drake, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "And of course, a sense of humor never hurts. I believe laughter is essential in any relationship, don't you?" she added, hoping to lighten the mood with a touch of levity.

”What about you? What is most important to you?”

*He took a moment to gather his thoughts - as strange as it was he never really gave it honest thought outside of his typically surface-level desires. But all the same he had some idea of what he wanted from someone. He took the moment to meet her gaze and answered with a mixture of melancholic reflection and hopefully optimism. ”The biggest things for me that you mentioned would definitely be genuine and open communication about one's own feelings. But I also do find myself quite fond of the personal attention that one can provide. Any kind of quality time is much appreciated to someone like myself.”

It was then he decided to circle back to another statement he said - and with a slight rush of color to his cheeks he spoke in a quieter whisper to her. ”And to be frank, this is also my first year trying to find someone. So I am not quite as adventurous or experienced as some may expect someone of my title to be. So patience would certainly be a virtue in that sense - but I hope I am not asking too much.” He nervously coughed before continuing. ”Sense of humor, huh? I find my humor tends to be a ‘in the moment’ type of humor. Cold open jokes are one of my weak points, admittedly. I find that those kinds of jokes tend to send quite the cringe-worthy shiver down someone's spine.” He mildly laughed at his attempt at a joke - which both proved his point but still showcased his attempt at humor all the same. ”But aside from that. Just being forthcoming and loyal are paramount to me. I think most if not all problems can be resolved through communication.” He paused with a smile to simply take in the scenery of his date before continuing. Drake could feel a flutter in his chest but he did his best to pull back on the initial reactions he had to this gorgeous woman.

”Since I had a chance to ask something - I think it only fair to let you ask something as well.” He sat and patiently awaited her response.

As Drake spoke, Thea listened intently, her heart swelling with a newfound appreciation for his honesty and vulnerability. She couldn't help but smile at his attempt at humor, a soft giggle escaping her lips at his attempt at a joke.

"I think your humor is delightful, Lord Edwards," she reassured him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "And I couldn't agree more about the importance of communication and loyalty in a relationship. It's the foundation upon which everything else is built."

As he offered her the chance to ask a question, Thea's mind raced with possibilities. She was tempted to delve deeper into his past, to learn more about the man behind the title. But then, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes as an idea took root in her mind.

"Well, since you're new to this whole courting thing too, how about we team up to navigate our first season together?" she suggested with a playful smile, her tone light yet tinged with nervousness. "I mean, not in the sense that you'd be courting me, of course! Just, you know, as friends who have each other's backs and all that."

Realizing how her words could be misconstrued, Thea's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she hurriedly backtracked, stumbling over her words in her haste to clarify.

"I-I mean, unless you want to court me, of course! I didn't mean to insinuate anything, I just...I mean, I don't want to get ahead of myself or make you feel pressured or anything like that," she babbled, her words tumbling out in a jumble.

Realizing she was only making things worse, Thea quickly fell silent, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She glanced down at her hands, fidgeting nervously in her lap as she silently cursed herself for her lack of eloquence.

"Sorry, I'll just...shut up now," she mumbled, feeling utterly mortified by her own awkwardness.

Desperate to change the subject and lighten the mood, Thea cleared her throat and looked up at Drake with a sheepish smile.

"So, um, what kind of activities do you enjoy in your free time?" she asked, hoping to shift the focus away from her own blunder and onto something more lighthearted.

Drake took in her idea, and at face value it certainly was a friendly one. As she cracked and folded under the possibility of seeming impolite, he couldn’t help but find a slightly cute charm to the woman. He held out his palm and waved it slightly to reassure her. ”I take no offense if that is what you are suggesting. If by some chance things do not work out then perhaps we very well could counsel one another.” He paused, wondering if this next bit might be a tad strongly worded.

”However I would certainly like to at least try courting you before we resign ourselves to that. And you need not tell yourself to ‘shut up’.” His face became more sincere while he spoke. ”I am sure you may find this surprising but you seem rather cute when you are flustered. I am also flattered that you care so much about what I think of you.”

The bubbly waitress approached the pair’s table, keeping her friendly smile and demeanor as radiant as the sun while she delivered a pair of mimosas to the table. "Hello again! Here are your drinks! Food shall be out shortly. Let me know if you need anything else!" Just as soon as she arrived, she bounced off to a nearby table to fulfill a few more requests.

Drake took a sip from his mimosa before continuing. ”As for my hobbies, I am partial to reading, horseback riding, and shooting from time to time. I’ve partaken in a few other bits and bobs occasionally but those three seem to really grab my attention.” It was here Drake decided to lay it on a little thick to test the waters. He didn’t want to simply have this date be a Q&A - even if that would be beneficial to them both. The young duke wanted to take advantage of this fateful moment and see how much chemistry the two could bubble up in such a short span as one brunch date. ”What does someone as beautiful as yourself occupy their free time with? Aside from batting away the several suitors at your doorstep, that is.” A coy smile made its way across his lips as he sipped again from his mimosa.

Thea's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson at Drake's response, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of him wanting to court her. She couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards him for his kindness and understanding, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she softly muttered her thanks.

"You're too kind to me, milord," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm terribly afraid of messing things up, but I'm willing to give it a try if you are."

Thea's hands trembled slightly as she reached for her mimosa, battling with herself to resist the urge to down it in one gulp. Instead, she took a small sip, savoring the sweet tang of the orange juice as it washed away some of her embarrassment and nerves.

Turning her attention back to Drake, she listened intently as he listed his hobbies, her eyes lighting up with excitement at the mention of horseback riding and shooting. Unable to contain her enthusiasm, she blurted out, "I love horseback riding too! And shooting! I haven't been on a ride since...well, since my father disappeared," she added with a hint of what would appear to be sadness, her smile faltering slightly before she quickly composed herself.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away," she murmured, feeling slightly embarrassed by her own enthusiasm and felt another blush heating her face.

As Drake flattered her once again, Thea couldn't help but giggle, feeling slightly flustered by his words. Trying to reply coyly, she responded, "Well, you certainly know how to charm a lady, Lord Drake. You will certainly have me pining over you by the end of the night if you keep this up."

Taking a moment to collect herself, Thea then answered his question properly, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. "Aside from horseback riding and shooting, I enjoy socializing at parties and events. I haven't had much time for reading, unfortunately, but I do enjoy a good book when I can find the time. My mother didn't think reading was important and instead filled my time with trying to teach me a ‘proper’ skill, in her words, which ended up being piano and singing. Both of which, however, I am still very terrible at." She said with a playful smile before laughing some.

”Being afraid of messing things up only shows how much you care.” His eyes closed as his smile widened and he kept his pleasant demeanor while she spoke about her interests. ”You know I recall hearing about your name in that archery competition a few days ago - You certainly did a splendid job! I say bravo to you. However I would like to clarify that I am a man of flintlocks, not bows. Nothing against them personally, but I was told growing up I needed a way to defend myself from people bigger than me. So there’s my ‘ace in the hole’ one could say.”

”But horseback riding…Ah I do love a good trip through some open fields on a clydesdale. Those big horses simply have the strongest stride - and strangely well kept if you know what you’re doing.” Drake took another sip from his drink. ”I suppose I would have to be the judge of your musical skills. I am fond of good music in general. Even as a child my father wanted me to learn violin. Meanwhile, ‘mother-dearest’ wished for me to learn the piano. I failed at both, so I would bet that you far exceed my skills on the keyboard.” He bashfully admitted his shortcomings, his eyes shifting off to the side in mild embarrassment.

”If you would like I could bring you some books. I am partial towards mysteries and dramas, but I really don’t discriminate when it comes to the written word.” He stopped himself, leaning in towards the table with a smile. ”Perhaps it could be a reason for you to see me on a second date, hmm?” Drake chuckled softly at the statement. But quickly felt a sense of unease building within him. He had only just met her and he was already proposing a second date? That seemed a bit fast for the social norm. Was he being too swift in his excitement? He decided to correct himself slightly. ”That is, if I am not getting too ahead of myself. We still haven’t even had our meals yet…Speaking of…” Drake’s pause and attention moved over the Mingyu as she brought forth platters of delectable and alluring food to their table.

The waitress glided effortlessly around the table as she placed two silver platters with ornate covers on each plate. ”For our two blossoming roses, I have here a Fondue French Toast Special for the beautiful Lady Smithwood. Annnnd a wonderful order of Classic Chicken and Waffles for our dashing gentleman Lord Edwards!” She took the serving trays away, leaving the plates of magically enchanting food for the two to admire and consume at their leisure. ”If either of you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask~!” She skipped away behind the double doors leading into the kitchen, only moments later bringing out some more plates of food for the other diners present.

Thea couldn't help but blush a little at Drake's mention of the archery competition, feeling a swell of pride at the recognition of her skills. However, she couldn't resist teasing him in return, a playful smirk gracing her lips as she leaned forward slightly.

”Well, Lord Edwards, it's bold of you to assume that the bow is my only interest in shooting," she replied, her tone teasing as she raised an eyebrow suggestively. "I happen to have quite the knack for clay pigeon shooting as well. Perhaps we could have a friendly competition sometime and see who comes out on top?"

Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she leaned back in her chair, giggling a little at her boldness yet enjoying herself. She couldn't help but appreciate Drake's easygoing nature and the way he seemed to genuinely enjoy their conversation.

"There's something so magical about the bond between rider and horse, isn't there? Personally, I have a soft spot for Arabian horses. They're so elegant and swift, and their speed is simply exhilarating." She said with a small sigh, not realizing how much she truly missed riding. ”As for the music, I suppose I can play for you at some point, just know that you've been warned.” She said with a genuine laugh before taking another sip of her drink, savoring the crisp taste.

She set the drink back down, listening to him mention bringing books to her and it being an excuse for a second date. Thea's heart skipped a beat at the thought, but the food arrived then, momentarily distracting her from Drake's proposal of a second date. She marveled at the sight and aroma of the delectable dishes placed before them, her mouth watering in anticipation of the flavorful feast laid out on the table.

"Oh, everything looks absolutely divine," she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she surveyed the spread of Fondue French Toast and Classic Chicken and Waffles. "Thank you, Mingyu," she added with a warm smile, expressing her gratitude to the waitress before turning her attention back to Drake.

But as she prepared to dive into the delicious meal, Thea's mind wandered back to Drake's earlier suggestion of a second date. The idea filled her with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, the prospect of spending more time with him both thrilling and intimidating.

"I think your proposal of bringing me books and using it as a second date is a splendid idea." she replied, her voice tinged with genuine enthusiasm. "I'd love to explore more of our shared interests and I'd love to spend some more time reading. So if this continues going as lovely as it has, it sounds like we have our second date." She couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of spending more time with him, eager to see where their budding connection might lead.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Thea reached for her fork, ready to indulge in the tantalizing meal before them. But her mind was already racing with thoughts of future adventures and the possibility of deepening their bond even further. She started with a strawberry, dipped it in the chocolate, and then took a bite. ”Oh my God…” she practically moaned as the flavors exploded in her mouth. ”Okay, I know we each got our own things, but you have to try this.”

The young duke giggled at the reaction to the food. But after looking at it once again he could understand the euphoric reaction she just had. So he took his silverware and gently poked a loose strawberry until it stuck to his fork. Then after a quick dip and bite - the man couldn’t help but release a low hum of appreciation for the sweet creation. ”You were not kidding! These are simply delicious.” He cleaned off any fondue residue from his lips before continuing.

”I’m glad to see I’ve made a good enough impression. I must say I quite like your company myself, Lady Smithwood.” Drake took his knife and cut apart a piece of his chicken, placing it atop the waffle and cutting once more to make a delicate chicken waffle sandwich. With just his fork hand he raised the food as it dripped syrup onto the plate, and quickly consumed it before more of a mess could be made. The salty and sweet flavors of chicken, waffle, syrup, as well as the residual taste of strawberry fondue all collided together onto Drake’s taste buds. He was tempted to let out an audible “Mmmmmm!” But a quick wave of shyness over how that may be received stopped him.

”Forgive me. I’ve never truly found the cleanest way to eat this dish. But it is one of my favorites.” He began to cut another piece. ”Since you offered some of yours, may I interest you in some of mine?” Drake inquired as he placed the chicken and waffle onto the fork and began to lift it up.

Thea couldn't help but giggle at Drake's enthusiastic reaction to the food, finding his genuine enjoyment endearing. She watched with amusement as he expertly assembled his chicken waffle sandwich, admiring his culinary finesse.

"No need to apologize, Lord Edwards," she replied with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I must admit, your method does seem to be quite effective." She chuckled softly before taking a small bite of her own French toast, savoring the decadent combination of flavors.

As Drake offered her a taste of his dish, Thea's smile widened, touched by his gesture of sharing. "I would love to try some," she replied eagerly, reaching out to accept the fork with a piece of chicken and waffle.

With a small nod of thanks, she brought the fork to her lips and took a bite, enjoying the savory-sweet flavors of the chicken and waffle. As she did, a small dribble of syrup escaped the edge of the fork, landing on her chest. She let out a surprised squeal, her eyes widening in amusement as she quickly tried to wipe up the syrup with her finger. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected mishap.

Giggling softly, she licked the syrup off her fingers before she grabbed a nearby napkin and dabbed at the remaining syrup on her chest, making sure to clean up the mess as best as she could. With a playful smile, she glanced up at Drake, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Well, I suppose that's one way to make a memorable first date," she joked, her voice tinged with amusement as she finished cleaning up the syrup. ”That was absolutely delicious, but you weren't kidding with it being a bit messy." She laughed as she dabbed at her mouth with the napkin now. "Thank you for sharing, hopefully I didn't make too much of a fool of myself there."

His eyes widened at the squeal, and noticing the location of the dribbling maple goodness, did his best to avert his eyes from directly staring. A rosy complexion filled his cheekbones as she cleaned herself. It was like reading bits from a romance novel come to life, how candid their reactions were. He chuckled and moved his gaze to Thea again.

”Memorable indeed, milady. Don’t worry, I am fully aware of the risks that come with such covetous toppings like syrup.” He let out a slight snort. ”But fear not, if you desire another bite I shall protect you from the deadly dribbles!” Drake wiggled his fingers up and down as he adopted a more satirical tone. ”That is - if you don’t mind being spoon-fed. Well technically this would be fork-fed.” He nervously laughed as he went to prepare another bite.

”We may both be a little silly. But I don’t think we’ve approached nearly enough tomfoolery levels to be considered a fool. You are a charming woman, Lady Smithwood.”

Thea’s cheeks flushed slightly at the offer, feeling a flutter of excitement at the prospect of Drake feeding her. It was a gesture that felt surprisingly intimate yet playful, and she found herself drawn to the idea of sharing such a moment with him.

"I must say, fork-fed does have a certain appeal to it,” she replied with a playful glint in her eye, "those nefarious syrup dribbles don't stand a chance against you."

She smiled warmly at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she leaned slightly closer, ready for the next bite.

She held his gaze as he prepared another forkful of chicken and waffles, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she waited for him to feed her. There was something undeniably charming about the way they interacted, and she couldn't help but feel a growing fondness for him with each passing moment.

Once the bite was in her mouth, she savored it once more, this bite seeming to be even better than the last somehow. She sat back and licked her lips happily before taking another drink of her mimosa.

"And you, Lord Edwards, are quite the charming gentleman yourself," she remarked, her voice soft with sincerity. "I must confess, I'm thoroughly enjoying our time together."

With a small nod of gratitude, she picked up her fork and took another bite of her French toast, savoring the flavors as she savored the company of the man sitting across from her.

Drake’s expression became far more awe-struck while she brazenly took his offer and took another bite from the fork he held. His jaw hung open for a moment before he cracked a smile at her compliment. ”I would agree. This kind of date was just the start to my day I needed.” He said, taking another bite of his meal. There was a certain inner peace that seemed to come from this meal. Drake merely looked across the table at her as they partook in their various dishes - admiring the view and keeping his charming smile tacked on to make sure she knew he was enjoying every moment of this.

”You know meeting you today was just the pick-me-up I needed after a rather unfortunate sequence of events last night. I shan’t bore you with the details and dirty laundry but…having brunch with you is just so refreshing. I really do pray we can have some more moments like this. With conversation like this, and the way you beam with such kind radiance that could melt any man's heart, I daresay you’re already starting to win me over, milady.” Drake took another sip of his drink, and sat calmly hoping he wasn’t playing too eagerly into their first time meeting one another.

Thea couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her chest at Drake's heartfelt words. It was touching to hear that their time together had brightened his day, and she found herself appreciating his sincerity more and more with each passing moment.

"I'm glad I could bring some brightness to your day," she replied, her voice soft and genuine. "And I must say, meeting you has been the highlight of my day as well. Your company is truly delightful, and I find myself feeling more at ease with you than I have in a long time."

She paused, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips as she met his gaze. "I would be honored to spend more time with you, Drake. Your charm and kindness have already won me over, and I look forward to getting to know you even better."

Her heart fluttered with a newfound sense of excitement and anticipation, eager to see where this budding connection would lead them.

Drake grinned at her array of compliments, clearly smitten by her words. His excitement was getting to him, but he inhaled and exhaled quickly to compose himself before continuing. ”That actually means quite a bit to me. I am thankful to have met such a beautiful woman in such a beautiful place.” He continued working on his meal and drink, pausing once he had made decent progress through it. Drake placed his silverware down and wiped his mouth of any leftover syrup or debris.

”Say, if you are interested, tomorrow does happen to be a special day for me. I am hosting a party of sorts to celebrate my birthday and, if you are perhaps interested, you could come and join the festivities? It could be a fun way to see each other again, and for you to be able to see my book collection and the other things around my estate. What do you think?”

Her eyes widened with surprise and excitement at Drake's invitation. The idea of attending his birthday party filled her with a sense of anticipation, and she couldn't help but feel honored that he had asked her to join him for such a special occasion.

"Oh, I would be delighted to come to your birthday party!" she exclaimed, her smile widening as she finished up the last few bites of her meal. "It sounds like a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with you and get to know you better. Thank you so much for inviting me. And I know it's early, but happy birthday!"

As she set her utensils down, a thought occurred to her, and she looked at Drake with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How about this: I'll gladly attend your birthday party tomorrow, and in return, you can come to mine two days after yours. It'll be a chance for us to exchange birthday wishes and continue our delightful conversations."

She held his gaze, her heart racing with excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him and deepening their connection further.

The man tilted his head for a moment before a wide smile came across his face. ”Well I would truly be a fool to refuse such an offer. And how coincidental that our birthdays are so close together. That truly is interesting.” He placed his hand on his chest in a slight bow. ”Thank you very much for the birthday wish! A happy birthday to you as well, milady!” He immediately began to think of things he could possibly procure for such an occasion. He seemed almost lost in thought before he realized he hadn’t even officially accepted the invitation.

”I would be honored to join you at your birthday party, Lady Smithwood.” He took the time to finish off the last of his drink, a satisfied taste tingling on his lips. ”Speaking of birthday wishes…might there be a chance I could hear what it is you’re looking forward to for your birthday?”

"Thank you, Lord Edwards. I'm truly looking forward to both our birthdays," she replied, her voice tinged with genuine gratitude. As he inquired about her birthday wishes, she paused for a moment, her mind racing with possibilities.

In her heart, she longed for many things: to find true love, to break free from the shackles of her past, and to live a life of her own choosing, free from the expectations of her mother. But as she considered Drake's kind gaze, she found herself drawn to a simpler wish.

"For my birthday, I think I simply wish for happiness and love," she admitted, her voice soft yet resolute. "To be surrounded by good company, to share laughter and joy, and to feel at peace with myself and the world around me. To just truly feel loved. That would be the greatest gift of all."

She met Drake's eyes, her expression earnest as she conveyed her heartfelt desire for a day filled with simple pleasures and genuine connection. ”And, perhaps, share some wonderful cake with a wonderful lord I just met.” She decided to end on a playful, less serious note. "But what about you? I pose the same question to you.

The way she so boldly stated those levels of desires to him certainly had him at a loss for words. Happiness and love…something he truly wanted as well. ”I can…understand just how you feel, milady.” His voice almost seemed somber. ”I think I would like to steal that idea for myself. Happiness and love are gifts we rarely see high volumes of - and I would never want to turn down such tokens. Especially from someone like you.” He offered a smile to counteract his slightly melancholic demeanor just a second ago.

Drake slid his hand across the table, resting it on the table cloth as he locked eyes with Thea. ”It would be an honor to attend your birthday celebration. I shall make sure to clear my calendar just for you!” Drake nervously tapped his fingers on the table while he felt an anxious blush creeping along his facial features. ”And sharing some cake with an enchanting lady like you would be quite the birthday gift.” He paused for a moment. ”It would actually be quite poetic, you know.” Drake brought both of his hands together towards the center of the table, his smile becoming gentler while he spoke. ”I know this is only our first meeting. But there is this indescribable feeling I’m getting. Something about you just seems so comforting and inviting. I’d like to think we’ve been getting along rather well. So I’d like to state it plainly, Lady Smithwood.”

He leaned in to whisper to her, a grin on his face as if containing the anxious excitement beneath his collected facade. ”I fancy you quite a bit Lady Smithwood. If we are already planning second and third dates - I am starting to think our first year courting might be a lot more successful than we had anticipated.” He stopped himself from speaking too bold too soon, but he couldn’t help but shake this feeling within him. Gods I hope she’s the one.


Location: Primitus Church of Sorian
Time: Morning of the 24th
Attire: Robes
Mentions: Anastasia/Count Calbert @princess, and Nahir @Rodiak


The errant gasps and whispers of the ongoers was something Farim wasn't unfamiliar with. But he found himself partially distracted by the revelations behind just what Anastasia had told him. Had he judged the "Good Doctor" wrong? Surely not. There must be some kind of explanation - for someone to flip face so suddenly seemed against his best interests. It all puzzled Farim, but to avoid any further suspicion from Anastasia he placed a smile on his face and chuckled at the thought. "Well if someone were to come after you, it would have to be something like the mafia. I do not think many would like to see harm come to you. I am sure they, me included, will protect you from the big bad mafia." Right after he said this, he noticed his cousin Nahir stroll around nearby. He was rather happy to see someone else from his family nearby, and offered her a pleasant greeting as she passed. "Tahiaati lak (Greetings to you), cousin! If you are free later, we should catch up. I am curious to hear of your exploits here. And it is nice to be seeing you as well, Ece. I sure hope Nahir is treating you well." Farim said the last part with a slightly cheeky tone, and waved as they walked past and began to look for their seats.

Right around here is when Anastasia tugged him forward, talking of chickens and seeing her father. "Yes yes, Annie we will see the....chickens?" He raised a brow and saw the two children playing with toys at the front. The two grown men in front of them were conversing, and Farim recognized one of them as the Count Calbert gentleman from the beach. He resisted the urge to scowl at the man, who reminded him every bit of his own father and whispered to Anastasia. "Okay, but be careful around that one on the right." He said, clearly referring to Count Calbert. "He gave me the worst feeling when he came by the beach yesterday. I do not like him."

But he would follow her all the same, making sure to take a seat near the pair of gentleman as Annie would likely immediately run towards the cute children playing with their toys. Farim turned to the two and offered a bow and a greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet you both. I am Shehzade Farim. I believe you were..Count Calbert yes? It is nice to be seeing you here once again." The latter statement was a total lie, but he had no reason to start trouble where there was none. He turned to look at Count Monet. "What might your name be? Are you another Count or someone of different title? Also I hope you do not mind the Princess socializing with your young ones. She seemed rather excited to meet them." He went to take a seat near Count Monet, leaving a spot for Anastasia.
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