Avatar of Lava Alckon


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Location: Guesthouse -> Primitus Church of Sorian
Time: Morning of the 24th
Attire: Robes
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, and Thea@Tae


The night was rather quick for Farim. He wandered into his guest room rubbing his head to an excited Thara, who coo'd noisily at his entrance. Once the falcon was calmed and put to rest within her cage, Farim disrobed and didn't bother to put on his night gown. He was simply too tired to care about any appearances of servants or guests that may see him in nothing but his undergarments. The sweet allure of the bedsheets claimed him too quickly to rethink the decision, too. While he dreamt, Farim tossed and turned, even muttering a few phrases in his mother tongue that poor Thara would wake up startled from.

In his dream, flashes of the specter he saw at the ritual filled his mind. The anguish he felt from the thought of losing his mother, whether this was real or not, plagued his dreamscape with parasitic thoughts and theories. But just as quickly as the night had come and claimed his tired soul for rest, the morning drew its first breath to awake the restless Farim from his slumber. The Shehzade shot up in his bed, cold beads of sweat dripping along his face as he drew shallow breaths. Once he calmed himself, Farim stood up and walked over to Thara's cage, letting her roam the room as he prepared for the day.

He took some time to wash his face in his private washroom, and followed it with a warm and comforting shower. A plate had already been left by his door of some of his favorite breakfast sausage, with a glass of refreshing spring water to start the day on the right foot. He spared some of his breakfast for his trusted falcon before getting ready for the day. He picked out a particular set of robes he wanted to show off to Anastasia and the citizens of the fine city. The robes of course were embroidered with gold, but the green tones of it might present a more calming disposition to the passing bystander - and then the rather liberal depth of the "v-neck" was something that he was simply used to having on his clothing. Back home it wouldn't be much of a deal, but he chuckled to think how those of Sorian would think of such a thing.

It was then that Anastasia knocked on his door, surprising the man and causing him to jump slightly. He waltz to the door before he could think and opened it despite his robes still hanging on either side of his torso, not yet fully wrapped around him. "Princess! I am happy to be seeing youuuuuuhhhhh...Wow!" Whatever sentence Farim had in mind was lost once he saw the dress Anastasia wore. The folds of the dress tightly wrapped around her hourglass figure, with her shoulders and neck laid plainly in sight for whomever would look. Farim was, for a brief moment, speechless. "You certainly know how to greet a man in the morning."

Farim finally noticed his robe had not yet been fully tied, and moved to wrap himself up properly in front of her. He didn't mind her seeing his bare chest, but based on his initial reaction to her, any longer and she might notice a bit more of him than she bargained for that morning. But he was quick, and used to tying his clothing in record time. "I am almost finished. But in the mean time, you can always say hi to your favorite bird~." Farim gave a light whistle and Thara came over with a burst of flapping of her wings. She rested on Farim's shoulder and tilted her head before letting out a soft caw towards Anastasia. "Looks like she missed you! Come in, once I am prepared we can grab a carriage together perhaps?" He smiled and invited the woman into his chambers, letting her socialize with his treasured pet and friend while he donned his jewelry and fixed his hair. That same blue crystal necklace hung loose on his chest as he turned around and picked up Anastasia for a big hug.

"I am thankful you are okay. Seeing you hurt like that put quite the scare on me." He moved her hand to feel the slight bump on the back of his head, earned courtesy of Thea from the other night. "At least we share a fun little head injury. But do you remember what may have happened?" His face filled with concern, he still kept her close until Thara would walk over to the pair and flap her wings in protest - as if to say "I want a hug too!" Farim reached out instinctively and pet the top of the falcon's head, and gestured towards the door. "Actually, perhaps we should get a carriage first, and talk on the way?"

Anastasia gave a cheerful nod and led Farim by the hand towards the entrance of the Guest House and into a carriage she had prepared for the both. On the way Farim would ask Anastasia about what she remembers from last night, and how she is feeling this morning. All while his hand would rest on her knee in a comforting gesture. He would position himself close to her as the carriage made its way to the church, all while doing his best to make sure the bump wasn't as nasty as he let on. "Next time you decide to go running around at least let me be there so you do not bonk your pretty head - I am still sorry I was not around to stop it." He said as the carriage came to a stop.

Once out, he helped Anastasia down and offered his arm for her to take before guiding the pair into the main building of the church. Farim took in the magnificent architecture, the craftsmanship of the marble walls and wooden pews. The fantastical music had brought him to a stop as he looked on the fast numbers of folks already gathered and still gathering in the main hall. There were sure to be some glances given their brave choices of attire - but if anything it made Farim all the more glad her date to such an event. "Where would you like to sit beautiful?" He coyly asked.

Attire: Black/White Coat
Time: Morning of the 24th
Location: Edwards Estate -> Morning Blossom Cafe
Mentions: Thea @Tae, and Stratya @CitrusArms

The morning came, and the beams of sunlight dancing along Drake's bed roused him from his slumber. He took a moment to stir, and sat up with his hand resting on his head. He was surprised that with how much he drank, that he wasn't hung over. I have to thank that one foreign woman if I ever see her again. That bread and water was precisely what I needed. Drake stood up and a few moments to stretch at the end of his bed. There was a knock at his door, which he knew was the morning breakfast call. He answered through the closed door as he worked off his night-clothes, and walked over to his wardrobe to find what he wanted to wear.

Today was going to be an interesting day, so he wanted an interesting outfit. He had a reservation at the Morning Blossom Cafe, after all. If he was to attend this mixer, he would need to impress. Drake thumbed through his clothes until he came across an ensemble that seemed to speak out to him. A black and blue coat, with a white undershirt that had fancy fluffs of cloth along the front and the cuffs. He smiled and hung the top part of his outfit on the side of the wardrobe, looking next for a pair of dark blue pants to match his attire. Once he had his outfit arranged, he made sure to clean himself properly, taking care to shower with some of his nicer soaps, and giving his hair a proper brush before donning his hand-picked outfit. Once all that effort had been made, he had a light breakfast of toast and apple juice before making his way to the carriage out front and onward to the Morning Blossom Cafe.

Once inside, he was greeted by a lovely woman by the name of Mingyu who presented him with his card. On which, a fancy number "4" was written in brilliant calligraphy. Drake admired the handiwork of the note before placing it in his coat pocket. He walked around the room, scanning for who his mystery date might be, and stood still for a moment as he saw her. It would be no exaggeration to say he was enamored by her outward appearance. Drake continued his slow walk towards the table but kept his gaze locked onto the woman before him, unable to stop himself from staring and admiring the natural and enchanting look of her. The way her hair framed her face was like taking a picture from a fairy tale. Drake calmed himself and approached the table, seeing the lady ready to introduce herself and causing a few slight snafus that to some would seem unsightly. To him it only made him think her all the more adorable.

"Oh not to worry, my dear lady. Based on those first two syllables, I would say you must be Lady Thea Smithwood?" He smiled and offered his hand towards her, and would help her back up from her curtesy if she wanted. He then walked around to pull out her chair and push it in once she was situated. "But I won't force a name you would rather not share. You need only ask. Oh, and the pleasure is entirely mine, milady." Drake walked around the table to take his own seat, but in a moment of equal parts boldness and dexterity, he sat slightly off center to the seat and began to fall towards the ground - only to quickly snatch the table with his hand. It was entirely purposeful, but to the unassuming eye it would seem like the young Lord was also a klutz. Once he adjusted himself, he placed his arms on the edge of the table and intertwined his fingers. Drake smiled, totally unfazed by the slight mishap he just had. He spoke just enough for her to hear in an attempt to reassure her. "Now we're one for one on embarrassing stunts, if that was a concern. But I also promise that I am not quick to judge. I am Lord Drake Edwards. I hope I can meet your expectations today."


Location: Deep within the Forest by Lover's Lake -> Sorian Castle
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Mentions: Torvi@Tae, Roman @Reusablesword, John/Frederick @Conscripts, Anastasia @princess, and Munir @Infinite Cosmos


There was a lot that was happening in such a short time. As Torvi tiraded against those present, a giant wolf appeared and walked next to Farim. It was clear the woman and the wolf were companions. As a fellow animal tamer himself, Farim could tell the bond the two shared. As her chastising ended, she offered a solution to his problem, something he was truly grateful for. But he could not help but blush at her casually branding him as Anastasia’s lover. ”I - well. Perhaps that is bold to say. I have only just met her. But I do care for Annie all the same.” He was not sure why he was explaining himself like this, but the conversation thankfully shifted to Fenrys being directed to guide the young Shehzade.

I am simply making sure a good business partner and acquaintance is not kidnapped by some random forest hermit. I see you are more than that.” He turned the direction Fenrys had began to trot and noticed her walking across the clearing in a hurry. ”And if you plan to take the jewels, may as well take the entire package.” He shrugged at the threat, but also fully accepted the consequences if he did hurt the Princess somehow. He did not wish to dwell on the ifs, but the notion formed a pit in his stomach.

Farim walked to the edge of the clearing with Fenrys, slowly searching for the Princess. He half expected her to jump out and scare him - but when he saw her crumpled on the ground, he instantly shot down to her aid. ”ANASTASIA!” He firmly shouted. The man checked her for injuries and found the early markings of a bruise on her head, likely from when she tumbled. Farim gently picked Anastasia up, hands and arms supporting her body, and her head propped against his shoulder in case it was badly injured.

When he emerged from the clearing, he yet again saw the two cloaked figures and made a distinct connection. This was about where the pair of men had emerged in the midst of the fight. Farim wanted to believe they would not be responsible for harming such a high member of royalty, but his suspicions got the better of him. He would rather an uninvolved third party examine her. ”I am sure you both are busy. This is not just some woman. She is a princess of this nation. She has more than just me as her allies. I like to think the best in people, so I will not accuse you both. But if either of you were the cause of this….” He took a measured breath to temper this growing fury inside him - he did not wish to condemn a man who had not yet spoken. So he simply spoke two curt words while staring daggers at the pair of men who stood across the clearing. Tread lightly.

Up until now his demeanor and tone has been pleasant. But it was through those two words that a more sinister connotation bubbled forth. The frown and furrowed brows coupled with eyes that were brimming with calculated frustration. As if in that moment he was making a silent promise of what was to come. But just as quickly as it came, it vanished. ”Forgive me. The night has been taxing. I will be taking my leave, and I shall bring Annie home.” With that he followed Fenrys, who seemed to be sniffing the ground in a rather impressive show of tracking. Before long they happened upon a carriage, one that Farim recognized as one of Hakim’s personal carriage for Muni. With minimal effort Farim flagged them down and hitched a ride to the castle.

”What a situation we find ourselves in. Clutching the one we are interested in while they peacefully slumber away. Seeing you dash off like that had me concerned for a moment, cousin. But I am glad you and your…..moon and stars are both well~.” He said entirely bent on teasing his cousin’s fervant love. But there was still a kindness behind his eyes. Deep down he knew Munir needed a true love to break that poor shell of his. For the rest of the carriage ride there was likely banter and mild laughter amidst retelling of the two’s evening as they approached the castle.

It was then the pairs parted ways, with Farim making his way to Anastasia’s room. There was some mild concern from the guards, but a few quick dirty glances from Farim was enough to silence them. He did however make sure to reassure three things. One, the princess is okay. Two, he did not do this to her. And three, he would look after her until she was better, but if they so wished they could send a nurse to check in on her. Farim carefully opened the door, stepping in with Annie’s unconscious body and closing the door behind her. He breathed a sigh of relief as he finally felt the safest he had been in several hours.

And then everything went dark.

Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Location: Damien Estate -> Edwards Estate
Mentions: Zarai @Rodiak and Stratya @CitrusArms

The smirk on Drake's face was plain as day. This fun social game of this woman's design was rather alleviating and refreshing. Everyone present seemed to be getting on well, and for a short time the young duke forgot about the somber situation back home. He chuckled at Zarai's forbiddance from him entering her kitchens. "Well I suppose that is only fair!" He then turned to Stratya, whose banter about burnt food yet again caused the man to chuckle. "Burnt food is a smell that will ruin any kitchen for the week. I would know - considering my head of kitchen staff did not let it down for the rest of the month!"

Drake then raised his glass and began sipping the second glass of bourbon he had acquired since joining this group of nobles. "What a sly trick you played there, madam. You are quite the clever one~!" He spoke with a slight slur - the liquor finally hitting his system on more than just a surface level. Drake took a moment to ponder the question Stratya posed, but then found himself realizing just how late it had become. He saw people leave - and even a few faces hurrying out as if under duress or panic. It was an odd sight to say the least, but Drake figured that as much as he would love to continue on here for the night; he must eventually call an end to his fun little game.

Drake raised his glass and spoke to those present. "I know my arrival was abrupt, and my departure just as much so. But I am afraid your reminder of the morrow does make me recall just how late it is! Not that I wish to depart but I have to attend to some things in the morning. So as a parting gift for such a lovely experience with you all, I shall leave you with a new fun game to play, should you be interested." Drake paused for dramatic effect, stifling a little laughter as he gathered the confidence to brazenly speak his piece.

"I am a fan of a good mystery. Tis why I attended such an event in the first place. For those that share the same sentiment, I offer a challenge! If you would like to unmask the man behind The Musician, if you haven't already, one must simply ask me 'What time does the Angel's Trumpet bloom?' If the person you approach is indeed me, I shall be honor-bound to respond with 'Midnight.' No more words, and certainly no less! A fairly simple task. But the trick here lies in the execution, for you may go about asking just any other nobleman of such a thing and be deemed silly or mental. However therein lies the fun, no? But if no one is interested, I shall take no offense. Like I said, it is merely my attempt at a gift to you all for such a lovely night. For now, I bid you all adieu~!"

Drake took a long bow and finished his bourbon before turning to walk along the dance floor, cane clacking obnoxiously until he hit the cobblestone path that led out from the Damien Estate. The carriage he had left at the end of the road had arrived not too long ago and was patiently awaiting him. With no hesitation he gestured to his driver. "Straight home please. No shortcuts." The driver nodded, and off the young man went to return to his humble abode. He would arrive far before any of his immediate family, and with a disturbingly empty house, all Drake would do is meagerly walk its halls until he finally found his room. His sanctuary. He asked the nearby butler for a glass of water and some bread to be left outside his door, and for no one else to bother him for the evening.

With the nights events behind him, Drake slid behind the door to his quarters and leaned against it, locking it behind him as he finally let his body relax. He hadn't realized how tensed up he had been, and how much the alcohol had been impairing his coordination. Perhaps he was just lucky and only just now noticing his drunken stupor - or perhaps the thrill of the party made him act more coherent then he truly felt. None of it really mattered, however, as his hand shakingly gripped his mask and slowly pulled it off. Drake slowly and clumsily undid every last part of his ensemble, carefully draping it over a nearby chair to be properly sorted in the morning. Once he finally made it into his night clothes, he heard the distinct clink of a platter outside his door and a gentle knock, signalling his request had been met.

He took the water and bread with gratitude and nodded towards the kitchen-maid who brought it to him. "Thank you." was all his parched and tired throat could muster. Finally he stood by his window, the view of Sorian blessed with the dim moonlight adding a serene vibrance to his feelings as he sadly munched on the bread. The water was like a blessing to his throat, and he hadn't realized just how thirsty he was. Once the food and drink were consumed, and his needs sated. Drake would stare silently at the gardens that surrounded his home. The only other words he muttered were barely a whisper. "Why must I lose everything I love?" He had no answers. Only more contemplation as he reflected over the past few days, scanning and calculating how he could have done better. But it didn't matter anymore. For all intents and purposes, he was once again, alone in the world. With naught but his own thoughts to guide him. He shook off the intrusive thoughts that threatened to consume him, and shuffled into his bed. For tomorrow was another day, yet filled with opportunities...hopefully.


Location: Deep within the Forest by Lover's Lake
Time: Evening
Mentions: Torvi@Tae, Roman @Reusablesword, and John/Frederick @Conscripts


In the midst of the fight, there had been quite a few developments. Torvi latched onto Roman and gave him a fervent kiss, which at first puzzled Farim. "What in the-" He began to say out loud, but then he noticed the flicks of magical influence that began to work between the two. "So that is your game..." He finished his thought just as he saw the two men in black coats charging from the forest edge and began what could only be described as a dogpile on the man. The magic had already begun its influence on Roman - working to calm the raging man down from his frenzy. But once Farim saw the syringe, he sprung forward, calmly yet firmly gripping John's wrist before speaking to the man.

"Hello again, Doctor. It is fancy to be meeting you here. But I highly suggest we leave the artificial chemicals out of the equation here. Roman has drank something and we do not know how that might interact with it. I think that woman and her fancy little trick might be plenty - if not, your friend bludgeoning him on the back of the head might push it over the edge." He stood there and turned, waiting for the rampaging bear-man to cease his fight, but something felt wrong. Roman was calming down, but it was almost as if something was building in intensity. Something was growing in influence, the calm they experienced was merely before the storm that was about to erupt before their eyes.

As the strength and ferocity visibly left Roman's eyes and body, there were new forms that seemed to take shape. They were translucent, barely discernable to those that might not have partaken in the ritual prior, but still noticeable. Especially once they began their chorus of anguished screams and chastising. "Interlopers! Deceivers! Thieves! You are all standing upon stolen and soiled ground!" The specters swirled around the group, as if to address each and everyone present - including Roman who was merely a conduit for their emotional turmoil.

"You do not BELONG HERE! Mankind, who steal our homes, desecrate our sacred rites, and corrupt the very lands with your pig-filled notions of GREED AND GLUTTONY! The ancestors SHAME you all for your abhorrence. Leave this place! The ancestors wish to never see your kind again! REFLECT on your SORRY SELVES that you may learn the torment and anguish you inflict upon us all!"
It was then that those who are more attuned to the spirits of the dead would notice a figure standing before Farim - the shape of a lone man with arms outstretched as if to shield Farim from the unknown threat. Farim looked concerned at this figure, but kept his mouth shut in front of the oncoming tirade of the displeased souls.

Just then, the spirits began to writhe and swirl around in the clearing, prompting some more supernatural events to occur in the physical realm. Trees groaned as if being pushed by strong wind. The earth shook slightly from the fury of the dead. The wails of those past filled the ears of those who could hear. Then as their wrathful tempest reached its climax, they returned to the source of their increased hold on the living world - Roman - and returned through him back to the "other side". The man, now kneeling, would only stare agape at Torvi as the spirits flew into him, and as if they were taking his ferocious bear-like form with them, he began to return to his normal state before collapsing in a heap on the ground.

There was a palpable and almost gut-wrenching silence that followed as things began to finally settle. The apparition near Farim had vanished, and he walked over to Torvi and Frederick and sighed, his words that came next mainly directed to the woman. "Look. I am sorry to be rushing things. But I originally came looking for my cousin, if you know where he is, please tell me. Otherwise, I will go look for him so I can return to our lodging with our friends. I think we have had quite the night already." He looked at Dr. John, finally letting go of his hand and asking him a brief question as well. "And good doctor. Did you happen to see the state of things back at the ritual site? Annie and her friends were dealing with some guards - has everything settled? I would like to find her too and bring her back home if possible."
In Avalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: North Pass Cottage
Interaction: Masako @dreamingflowers, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Zeva @Pink Khione, Rue @Potter, and Bowyn @Helo

Quite a bit had happened in the time from Bardulf's ship journey until their landfall in North Pass. He spent some time getting to know his new warforged friend - ideally finding out more about her curious story and sharing minute details of his own. He offered a slight of comfort if he could provide such a thing, because he knew the pain of losing ones children. Or rather, being forcibly separated from them. The sommber news continued, as they reached the snowy north and immediately there was a loud broadcast showcasing the corpse of a recently felled human. Bardulf's expression remained stoic, but internally he found himself despising this harsh regime that encouraged harsh killing. Not only that, they paraded it as if it was an accomplishment; the entire notion left a pit in the man's stomach.

He would only raise the cowl on his cloak and slink into the back of the group as they traveled - hoping to avoid any detection and gain a similar fate as the water-based human. He could only find solace in the cold snow that reminded him of home - which even then brought its own melancholy feeling of nostalgia. However, as his thoughts waivered and his attention dissociated, the group arrived at their new temporary home. Bardulf's attention snapped forward and he took in the sight - yet again feeling a reminiscent feeling within his chest. For the first time in awhile - it felt like he was back home. He would walk in front of the group and gently brush his fingers along the wooden railing of the porch. "Just like home." He would say as he made his way inside.

The following night was restless, and Bardulf did his best to stay in the corner but the night terrors would make him stir and murmur. Sights of twisted bears attacking the group, or dark elves assailing their new sanctuary, or even the sight of King Zanithel's twisted smile seemed to haunt Bardulf until he finally drifted into a blank and dreamless sleep. Then came Mister Luum's speech.

He looked around and decided that if anyone were to be the ones he would make "happy", it would be this new group of his. Starting with Zeva, who made for quite the eccentric shivering popsicle in her current state. Bardulf stood up and draped his thick cloak over the elf, and with a sheepish tone he uttered out an offer. "Perhaps...I could lend you this? For now. I could hunt some deer for a few pelts if you'd like." Bardulf stepped back quickly and gave her space to accept or reject either offer, and then addressed Mister Luum.

"I can also hunt game for profit. Already know how because of my time back home - and this environment would be fairly standard during our winters." Standing out in the open, Bardulf couldn't help but feel slightly naked without his cloak. The night clothes he chose to wore hung loosely around the mans surprisingly chisled physique. Despite his age, the years of hunting and physical labor did wonders for his body - giving the man a slender yet powerful muscular build. His hair hung down to his shoulders, and the facial hair around his face had begun to grow into a small beard. All these details had been very hidden up to this point due to Bardulf's reclusive nature, but the stark difference in appearance made the man begin to nervously rub his arm as if he felt the group looking at him.
In Avalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Docks on the Coast of Dugmaghord
Mentions: Jun @JJ Doe, Zion @Helo, and Arlen @SilverPaw

The silence from their new charge followed by the loud and boisterous cry of the lion-man prompted Tanithil to sport a confused expression. He nervously rubbed the back of his head wondering if he possibly offended the new guy but he also couldn't help but think there was some extra information he was lacking. "Well, if you lot are hungry, you are welcome to what we have. As Arlen put it, we typically just eat either on the deck or out on the dock. Gives us a chance to stretch our legs an' enjoy some fresh air. Oh, right - excuse me a moment lads."

Tanithil sauntered on over to the Port Master - making short work of organizing the logistics of their stay and giving the trio plenty of time to interact further as they would like. With a quick exchange of some papers and a nod from the dark elf, Tanithil came back to the group and spoke aloud.

"So, I figured I'd clear the elephants in the room iffin you lot are fine with it." He turned to Zion and Jun. "Think you fellers can tell me your experience with sea-faring? Have ya swam before? Been on a ship? Dug up treasure? Any sort of anything you'd like to share with me?" His eyes fell onto Jun once more, with a slightly inquisitive look as if to see if the man would speak up - or continue his silent protest.


Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Location: Damien Estate
Mentions: Zarai @Rodiak and Stratya @CitrusArms

The night following his meeting with Wulfric was proving to be somewhat of a humdrum event. Everything seemed rather typical for these high society parties that Drake was finding himself somewhat bored of the proceedings. He had barely seen his parents, and given some passing conversations to a few interesting guests, but overall he found himself wanting a little more something tonight. Something to keep the edge away - to forget about his fight with his sister, and the way he felt his heartfelt crush on Princess Camilia slipping away with each day. He silently cursed himself for being so melancholy at what was supposed to be a chipper event. But after a few minutes of roaming around - finally there seemed to be something that caught his eyes.

A small gathering around some drinks with a riveting little party game that he had heard of in times past. As the questions were rifled off, he took a few gracious steps with his cane clacking against the marble floors. He stopped just on the outer ring of people and held an already filled glass of bourbon he had recently acquired from a waiter in his hand. "Pardon the intrusion. I hope you do not mind if The Musician joins you all for this musical number." He jokingly said aloud in his gawdy caricature of a voice. Swirling the glass in his hand he pondered each of the statements aloud.

"Have I ever...swung a sword?" He raised the glass to his lips, teasing the notion of a sip before pulling back and wiggling his finger. "I'm afraid not."

"Have I ever...sparred with someone?" He once again raised the glass, this time taking a proper gulp of the smooth bourbon as he recalled a few memories that might fit the bill. "Once when I was a young lad I got into a proper scrap, and I have been known to duel a few of my compatriots with target dummies and flintlocks." He smirked.

"Have I ever...kissed a pretty lady?" His head shook, a slightly somber sound to his voice as he responded. "Non non non. I have not I am afraid. Perhaps time shall tell?" He chuckled before pondering the next question, this one from the young lady with a particularly interesting accent.

"Have I ever...lost a spar?" He nodded and took a concise sip of his glass, one third of its contents now gone to the reaches of his gullet. "I am afraid so. I am certainly not the best shot in Sorian - so I take a loss here and there at target practice."

It was then that the shattering of the glass put the party into a momentary stop - all eyes shot to the one girl who seemed to be frozen with fear. Drake's outward character dropped for a moment at the thought of someone being so perturbed they would cause such a distressful reaction. But before he could think much of it, the woman dashed off. "I can't say that I have broken a glass in recent memory no." His voice switched back his normal calm and bass-filled thrum before he resumed the goofy character once more.

"Ah right. Have I ever cooked something to a crisp? Why yes in fact!" He took an enthusiastic drink this time, and just as a servant made a passing glance, requested for a refill of his particular brand of bourbon that he was enjoying. There was a slight wiggle in the way he placed the empty glass on the serving tray and retrieved a new one - but he kept his composure all the same. "Sadly that piece of bread had no idea what fate it would serve with me at the wheel. I left it on the burner for a few minutes too long and suddenly the house smelt awful." He chuckled as he thought of what he could add to this fun little game that he was enjoying.

"Now with that I believe I am all caught up. I hope I am not intruding, by the way. Speak the word and I shall return to my musings!" He paused for dramatic effect as he phrased a question to ask. "But before you say your answer - let me say this! Never have I ever...drank until I became sick." He crossed his arms and awaited the reponse of those present.


Location: Deep within the Forest by Lover's Lake
Time: Evening
Mentions: Torvi@Tae and Roman @Reusablesword


Farim raised an eyebrow at this mysterious woman referring to her as a "boy". But if anything that simply showed him how despite her vitality - she may have some years to back up her wisdom. Just as their exchange ended a cold stare like the visage of death came from Roman. It was as if a warning was being sent straight into his very being - to the core of his soul. For a brief moment he felt that shocking chill run along his back, before a wild fire burned behind his eyes. As if he dared this amalgamation to be the thing that would kill Farim Kadir.

Then the two mighty warriors clashed in the clearing - Farim's little distraction had done just as much as he had hoped. With dexterous reflexes Farim broke into a full on sprint to follow the duo as Roman moved to smash the woman onto a nearby tree. "Believe me mysterious woman..." He shouted as he moved to catch up to the pair. Farim's goal here was to wait for that crucial moment that Roman shifted his body weight into the slamming motion against the tree - that is when he would strike. A simple leg sweep at one of the man's legs would do. Anything to shift the weight of his charge so he would stumble or fall and not slam this mysterious assailant against the harsh bark.

Farim ducked and rolled, placing himself below the pair as he kicked his leg out in a swift kick to the back of Roman's calf. "I count on this man's strength!" He chuckled as he would make the connecting hit - and immediately push backwards to gain some distance regardless of its success. Standing up, rope still in hand, Farim smirked. "Because back home the biggest ones always fell the hardest."


Location: Edge of Lover's Lake -> Deep within the Forest
Time: Evening
Mentions: Ariella[@tpartywithzombie], Anastasia@princess, Munir[@InfiniteCosmos], Mina/Torvi@Tae and Roman @Reusablesword


Farim felt the progression of events speed along in his perception. First this supposed kidnapping, then the rampaging of Roman, and now the guards were being demanded to take off their shoes by his newly made friends. Sorian was certainly an interesting place, with interesting events and even more interesting customs Farim began to surmise mentally. The lingering effects of his "fancy potion" began to fade away as the adrenaline began to course through his body at the realization of his cousin chasing off after such a ferocious beast. Sure he might handle himself but Munir was already distracted with this Lady Mina individual - plus they both seemed to be going through interesting visions with morbid implications.

The thoughts ran amok in Farim's mental before he shook his head. He walked up to Anastasia and placed his hand on her back, his palm pushing lightly on the back of his shirt with his fingers resting just along the base of her neck. He spoke calmly and firmly as he continued looking at the gaping hole in the treeline where Roman had just ran through. "Annie. I need to go make sure my cousin does not go get himself killed. If I am not back soon - please look after Thara for me!" Farim turned his head to look at the princess and meet her eyesight if she would do the same, and offer a pleasant smile.

Then he dashed madly across the field, feet bounding along the dirt and grass as he attempted to make up the distance the group had already traveled. On his way out, Farim saw and reached for a spool of rope that happened to be among some random objects, feeling that it might be of use for what he had in mind to hopefully stop the rampaging wildsman.

As the minutes passed, Farim would switch between running, jogging, and sprinting just to make up for any lost time. His mind raced with thoughts of what to expect and who to look out for. Firstly, his cousin, who seemed just about as reckless as he was in this moment. Secondly, this Mina person that his cousin fawned over so dearly. Thirdly, Roman, his frequent business partner that he would prefer to see alive and well. And finally the mysterious woman who orchestrated this entire little getaway. His concern mainly lied with her, but if she had wanted to do harm he felt that she would have simply snatched Mina in the chaos rather than taunt the party-goers. Farim reasoned he could simply subdue first, ask questions later. For now, his query was rapidly approaching.

The man broke through the treeline, beads of sweat falling off his forehead as he panted wildly. The only thing really keeping him going at this point was raw endorphines from the heat of the action - something Farim found rather addicting. He put two fingers together and whistled sharply; attempting to draw the attention of the pair that seemed to be approaching in the clearing. "You there! I do not know where my cousin and his friend may be - but I wish to make sure they are alright. But first, I hope you do not mind if I help secure this big fellow here!" He shouted to Torvi.

Farim then paced his steps, making sure to thud them firmly into the ground before stomping twice in place as if to declare this area "his territory". It was all mainly a show - perhaps to get Roman to charge at him hopefully. He then slid the rope off his shoulder, wrapping it around his hand a few times and tightening it with a satisfying crack "As for you big guy. How about you try and show me just how wild these spirits of yours get, eh?"
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