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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 18 min ago

Wulfric & Ryn Part 2

“There’s no need to fight them all.” His voice carried a note of weariness. They swayed to the music wordlessly until Ryn gasped. “Today or tomorrow? Adel, I’m happy you’re enthusiastic about our little outing, but we haven’t even settled on a destination yet!” Prince Wulfric regarded him with a blank stare. “You
 are talking about my offer this morning? In the kitchen?” No response. “‘Then we should do this again, next time I’ll take you outside’?”

outing,” Wulfric repeated. Hendrix was quite masterful in pretending nothing unusual had occurred. Well, the moment had passed, though it lingered heavily at the back of his mind. “I suppose. I will notify you when I am available, and I can act as a guard while you go about your business.” He had no preference for location, but given the usual constraints
 “Unless we find ourselves with unlikely bouts of free time on our hands, it will have to be within the city.”

The prince’s words drew a playful smile across Ryn’s face, “So if we did find ourselves with bouts of free time on our hands, you’d consider venturing outside the city?” With a man he suspected to be an assassin?

“Why not?” he shrugged, confidently nonchalant.

He studied Prince Wulfric, as best as one could study another covered from head to toe, and moved on to another question, “Where have you never stepped foot in?”

“In Caesonia?” He found it strange the count was asking where he hadn’t been. “Some minor villages aside, I’ve been more or less everywhere.” Really, it was easier to answer in terms of where he had traveled. “I’ve been to Varian often, though the visits were usually to the major cities. I haven’t been to Alidasht much, but one of those times was a year-long stay.” In conclusion? “I have never been anywhere outside these three kingdoms.”

“... minor villages...” It ruffled in response.

That town was no different than countless others strewn across the kingdom; it boasted nothing to make it stand apart. A place of little consequence, bereft of resources and strategic value, just a humble place tucked within the folds of the kingdom. The soil was stingy, the view unremarkable. It was a place you passed through on your way to somewhere more important. But oh, the people! They danced when they felt like dancing, fought when the fight was worth it, and loved their neighbors as themselves. They had little but gave much, sharing whatever they could. So though the town was poor in coin and influence, it held the most coveted treasure: a home.

A home that had fallen to rubble and dust, its beating heart forever silenced. Bodies were heaped together in a charred, tangled mass in the square. She, the centerpiece.

He never visited, did he? That minor place of little consequence.

“Apologies, I meant where within Sorian have you never set foot in.” But if the prince did go everywhere in the capital
 “If you have walked every corner of the city, where have you spent the least time in?”

‘Every corner’ might have been an overstatement. “The slums, low-end establishments, the mines
” he shrugged. “I do not go out of my way to mingle with commoners.” He was sure that was self-evident, and yet


Wulfric sighed at the question. Nonverbally, he indicated for them to move off the dancefloor. If this was to become an involved conversation, he’d rather have it in a more appropriate setting. “I am aware that you are a proponent of personally involving yourself in every little thing, and acquainting whomever you come across. Yet why would I? I do not deem it necessary nor efficient.” Neither did he hold that kind of interest in most others. “You and I operate in very different ways, Hendrix,” he shook his head. “However, I take it that you are set on proving me wrong, or some such.”

What would have normally received a quip or two was met with sobriety. “Noblesse oblige.” The count let a moment pass to note the response the phrase elicited before pressing on. “Despite what you may think of them, they’re still your people.” Ryn’s mien was as unruffled as his mask, betraying nothing. “A kingdom is only as strong as its most marginalized. If you want to make a stronger kingdom, you must start from its foundation... or risk your castle toppling.” His gaze never strayed from the prince’s eyes, pinned into place. “Everything starts from understanding.”

Once again, the count sought to meet his gaze, even through the heavily obscuring mask. Wulfric acquiesced by staring him down. “Yes, it does,” he agreed with the literal meaning of ‘nobility obliges’. “I know my duties,” he stated coolly, a touch offended at the implication that he did not, or that he wasn’t performing them. “The poor are the foundation? That’s a bit of a stretch.” The ‘castle toppling’ bit was
an interesting threat, to say the least.

“Understanding,” he scoffed, disdainfully tossing his head aside before he turned a haughty look on Hendrix. “What you mean is that I should rule based on sympathies,” he sneered. “But it is exactly that which so often leads to favoritism.” That wasn’t his only grievance; someone trying to dictate how he ought to care or for whom and for what was not appreciated. That aside, there were advances he had in mind for the kingdom. “I will harness potential where it exists,” he proclaimed resolutely. “And there are certainly improvements to be made, that we can agree on.”

A guffaw erupted from Ryn, sudden and loud enough to turn the heads of those within earshot. As his laughter continued unchecked, however, their curiosity waned and they relegated the sound to the status of background noise. Soon, they all returned to their own affairs.

Eventually, his laughter subsided to sporadic bursts. “So,” he said between gulps of air, “you’re no different from him.”

With a last chuckle out of his system, Ryn sucked in a deep breath. “You know Adel, for someone who complains a lot about favoritism, you do tend to disregard ‘the poor’ and focus on very specific groups of people...” Instead of pointing out the obvious implication, he rubbed his chin and voiced another thought. “It’s like you use that as an excuse to avoid due diligence.”

Ryn frowned slightly, “I also hadn’t realized you’re the sort to rely on chance to find individuals with potential. Would you not rather nurture it so anyone can harness it?” His eyes fell onto Prince Wulfric’s neck, to where the scar was. “There’s no shame in admitting you’re intimidated because you don’t know how to handle them.”

“Not to worry,” Ryn reassured, patting the prince’s shoulders with both hands, “that’s what our excursion is for. Once you’ve witnessed the lives of your people—really seen them—you’ll be able to come up with the best way to improve things for everyone.”

“People are the foundation of a country. It doesn’t matter if they’re poor or rich.” His hands slid off Prince Wulfric’s shoulders. “If you can’t take care of the foundation
 what’s your purpose?”

Ah, that laughter. Such a pointed, hysterical thing. So familiar. Was it an echo of the time when he himself had first wondered how similar he’d become? The prince experienced a rare feeling of contriteness. “Perhaps not so different after all
” His father did hate the destitute, the infirm, and all such ilk. Was indifference an improvement? Wulfric sighed. “I would ask why you bother,” with me, he didn’t explicitly say, “yet I can guess well enough.”

Underneath the calm exterior, Ryn’s heart stopped. “Oh?”

Wulfric merely hummed in answer, however, and moved on. “Bias and hypocrisy,” he lifted a hand, not seeking to defend himself. “I am aware I prioritize those in power,” he twitched his shoulder in a small shrug. Truthfully, it did bother him, the idea that he was overlooking an important problem. “An excuse
” He fell into thought.

It gnawed on him, at times, that it may be because of excuses that he hadn’t killed his father. The risks it would carry for him, to commit regicide and patricide. The risk of opening forth a path to more bloodshed; how such an act may wreak havoc upon the nation. The question of how it would all affect his siblings. Excuses aside, would it not be by becoming king, even if by force, that he could once and for all truly affect the changes he wished?

Then again, hadn’t a large part of him, too, genuinely believed in internal change?

was the notion that he didn’t have enough power in and of itself an excuse?

“Hm.” He’d adopted quite the stereotypical thinking pose, elbow perched upon a folded arm, balled fist set against his chin.

He reached no particular conclusion on that line of thought. Instead, he glanced back at Hendrix, shaking it off for now.

“Oh, I am all for education. Unfortunately, attempts to improve it have been limited at best.” He wasn’t a fan of the conclusion that he was ‘intimidated’, and found it a tad dubious that an excursion with the count would make such a striking difference to his plans. “We shall see,” he hedged.

He tilted his head at the question about his purpose. “My aim is to take care of them.” He could have expounded on their different views of caring, or regale him with his goals for the nation and its people. But that’s not what the count was saying, here.

However, those words seemed to be enough. Hendrix visibly relaxed, and his expression softened.

“You know,” Wulfric continued, a tone of revelation in his voice. “Since you are so heavily invested in the prosperity of this county, and appear to possess a desire to act as my arbiter

He stared down at Hendrix with more intensity than at any other prior point during their conversation.

“Take my advice to heart,” he intoned solemnly. “If you conclude that I am incapable,” he lifted an arm, and set a clawed finger against his own neck in a very telling manner.

“Do. Not. Hesitate.”

Ryn blinked a few times. “Is that a request?”

Wulfric straightened up, hand waving dismissively. “An advice,” he reiterated casually. “Make of it what you will.”

But he could not leave it at that. “No.” Ryn stepped closer. “What is it that you want?” His eyes desperately searched the prince’s, looking for that silver thread he thought he saw the glint of behind those words.

Wulfric considered the other man. “Would it not be a grand thing,” he began softly, “to have someone you could trust with both your life and with your death?” He paused, the question lingering unanswered. “I have a few people for the former
but the latter?” A wry smile formed. “It might be better to pick someone I mistrust, than to have no one at all. Why not you?” he prompted.

“You’re putting your complete trust
 into someone you mistrust?”

Slowly, his shoulders lifted up, then dropped after a moment. “Well, it isn’t as if I would let you, but
you strike me as sensible and capable enough.”

“You wouldn’t let me, but you still ask me to
 Is this, not-a-request, for insurance?”

Ryn stared up at Prince Wulfric for a long time. “Thank you for the compliments,” he finally said, “but I fear I may disappoint you.” He lifted up his open palms. “I’d make a terrible assassin.” He then shrugged. “So, you have no choice but to live up to my very, very, very lofty expectations, and be ‘capable.’”

Dark eyes twinkled behind the mask. For reasons he couldn’t explain, Wulfric felt as though he’d seen the count before, many years ago.

As he started wondering if he should be disappointed, Hendrix offered
an alternate offer?

Wulfric was vividly reminded, how not so long ago, he had been fiercely telling himself he wouldn’t live by someone else’s standards. Yet, had he not unwittingly fallen into the trap of listening to his parents far too much? Maybe, a counterweight was just what he needed.

“I know a thing or two about lofty expectations,” he quipped. Without the faintest clue of what exactly he was agreeing to – and frankly, why he was – the prince raised his right hand. “Shall we shake on it?”

Ryn eyed Prince Wulfric’s offered hand while his remained suspended. “Be careful, Adelard. Promises can be soul-bindingly powerful. If you want to shake on it, shake with intent to fulfill it.”

“Of course,” Wulfric said calmly, despite Hendrix’s outlandish manner of phrasing that. “I fully intend to use you to fashion this country into a better kingdom.” A note of amusement crept into his tone at his next words. “We could also term it
cooperation.” He studied the count for a beat. “I will do what I can to realize that goal,” he stated seriously. “And you?”

“Yes.” The answer came out without hesitation. “I am with you in this endeavor. We always have been and always will be.” For it was in their nature. The oath.

Ryn reached for Prince Wulfric’s outstretched hand, but stopped a breath away from it, waiting for the prince to bridge the gap—a chance to back out. “For a realm not just ruled, but truly served.”

“So be it.”

Wulfric bridged those last few millimeters with ease. Smoothly, he took ahold of Hendrix’s hand. It was a firm, solid grasp. Silent now by way of agreement to a common purpose, the two men shook on it.

The polished stone floor of the grand throne room ran slick with splattered blood as the figure stumbled forward. Before the other could retreat, crimson-stained fingers closed tight around fine robes and drew their faces close. The crown tumbled from its place by the sudden motion, somersaulting and caroming across the floor in glints and gleams.

Eyes, darker still than the night’s reign, supped deep of betrayal writ plain. With the last laborious breaths questions and curses might have passed drained lips, but only a gasp emerged—“Noblesse oblige.” A wretched cough sent flecks of scarlet flying. “Swear
 you’ll care for them all.”

If they were going to take it all, let it come with the duty owed.

“I beg of you.”

Or someday face the consequences of one’s hubris.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 22 days ago


Location: Deep within the Forest by Lover's Lake -> Sorian Castle
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Mentions: Torvi@Tae, Roman @Reusablesword, John/Frederick @Conscripts, Anastasia @princess, and Munir @Infinite Cosmos


There was a lot that was happening in such a short time. As Torvi tiraded against those present, a giant wolf appeared and walked next to Farim. It was clear the woman and the wolf were companions. As a fellow animal tamer himself, Farim could tell the bond the two shared. As her chastising ended, she offered a solution to his problem, something he was truly grateful for. But he could not help but blush at her casually branding him as Anastasia’s lover. ”I - well. Perhaps that is bold to say. I have only just met her. But I do care for Annie all the same.” He was not sure why he was explaining himself like this, but the conversation thankfully shifted to Fenrys being directed to guide the young Shehzade.

I am simply making sure a good business partner and acquaintance is not kidnapped by some random forest hermit. I see you are more than that.” He turned the direction Fenrys had began to trot and noticed her walking across the clearing in a hurry. ”And if you plan to take the jewels, may as well take the entire package.” He shrugged at the threat, but also fully accepted the consequences if he did hurt the Princess somehow. He did not wish to dwell on the ifs, but the notion formed a pit in his stomach.

Farim walked to the edge of the clearing with Fenrys, slowly searching for the Princess. He half expected her to jump out and scare him - but when he saw her crumpled on the ground, he instantly shot down to her aid. ”ANASTASIA!” He firmly shouted. The man checked her for injuries and found the early markings of a bruise on her head, likely from when she tumbled. Farim gently picked Anastasia up, hands and arms supporting her body, and her head propped against his shoulder in case it was badly injured.

When he emerged from the clearing, he yet again saw the two cloaked figures and made a distinct connection. This was about where the pair of men had emerged in the midst of the fight. Farim wanted to believe they would not be responsible for harming such a high member of royalty, but his suspicions got the better of him. He would rather an uninvolved third party examine her. ”I am sure you both are busy. This is not just some woman. She is a princess of this nation. She has more than just me as her allies. I like to think the best in people, so I will not accuse you both. But if either of you were the cause of this
.” He took a measured breath to temper this growing fury inside him - he did not wish to condemn a man who had not yet spoken. So he simply spoke two curt words while staring daggers at the pair of men who stood across the clearing. Tread lightly.

Up until now his demeanor and tone has been pleasant. But it was through those two words that a more sinister connotation bubbled forth. The frown and furrowed brows coupled with eyes that were brimming with calculated frustration. As if in that moment he was making a silent promise of what was to come. But just as quickly as it came, it vanished. ”Forgive me. The night has been taxing. I will be taking my leave, and I shall bring Annie home.” With that he followed Fenrys, who seemed to be sniffing the ground in a rather impressive show of tracking. Before long they happened upon a carriage, one that Farim recognized as one of Hakim’s personal carriage for Muni. With minimal effort Farim flagged them down and hitched a ride to the castle.

”What a situation we find ourselves in. Clutching the one we are interested in while they peacefully slumber away. Seeing you dash off like that had me concerned for a moment, cousin. But I am glad you and your
..moon and stars are both well~.” He said entirely bent on teasing his cousin’s fervant love. But there was still a kindness behind his eyes. Deep down he knew Munir needed a true love to break that poor shell of his. For the rest of the carriage ride there was likely banter and mild laughter amidst retelling of the two’s evening as they approached the castle.

It was then the pairs parted ways, with Farim making his way to Anastasia’s room. There was some mild concern from the guards, but a few quick dirty glances from Farim was enough to silence them. He did however make sure to reassure three things. One, the princess is okay. Two, he did not do this to her. And three, he would look after her until she was better, but if they so wished they could send a nurse to check in on her. Farim carefully opened the door, stepping in with Annie’s unconscious body and closing the door behind her. He breathed a sigh of relief as he finally felt the safest he had been in several hours.

And then everything went dark.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by PapaOso
Avatar of PapaOso


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Cassius & Fritz

“Hello there,” the whisper sounded so close to him, but when Cassius turned around, the raven-haired man was a good few feet away. “I’ve come to take you up on that offer.”

Cassius had been in his own world at the wine table, but he immediately recognized the voice. A curious smile curled across his devilishly handsome face as he turned to the man, ever so slightly perplexed as to why he sounded much closer than he actually was. The introspective demeanor he found himself in after his dance with Charlotte shifted into his usual, enchanting disposition with simple flip of a switch. “I knew you would come
” He confessed, his words coated with a sultry layer of charm. He closed the distance between them with a poised stride. “How could you possibly resist?”

“And risk losing the opportunity to better know you?” Leaning closer, he breathed the words, “Perish the thought.” As the count pulled away, he gave the lord a coquettish smile. “I am but a moth to a flame. And you shine ever so bright, my lord.”

Ryn chuckled, before asking, “So! What shall it be?” One hand rose, poised, ready to receive a partner’s hand for a dance. “May I have the honor of being swept from my feet by the dazzling Lord Damien himself? Or
” A bottle of deep red materialized in his other hand, called forth by a dexterous flourish. “Can I tempt Mr. Vael into sharing this lovely vintage with me?”

The smile, the subtle differences in demeanor
these things proved fascinating to Cassius; fascinating and enticing both. As he looked at Fritz with ardent eyes, he began to slowly circle the man with graceful steps. He considered the two options before him for a moment as he slowly moved closer to the one seeking his company.

Cas had already experienced the dance for the evening, so it was the impressive way in which Fritz presented the bottle out of nowhere that truly won his interest.
”It takes quite the adventurous moth to seek out light this bright
but we all know what happens to such a creature when it touches the flames.” Cassius spoke with angelic resonance, his practiced tongue as alluring and dangerous as ever. "Let's see how close we can get without you getting burned." His hand wrapped around the bottle in Fritz’s grasp, seemingly giving the handsome man his answer.

The count drew nearer to Lord Damien, close enough that the heat of his breath brushed against skin. “Very.” Then he withdrew, wine glasses now glimmering in each hand. Ryn asked cheerfully, “Would you like to drink here or take a seat somewhere?”

He met Fritz’s move with an impressed smile. It was fun to watch them weave their charm in a way that mirrored his own. There was something about the man that made it challenging to get a proper read on him, but that only made the prospect of spending a little bit of time with him one on one all the more enticing to Cassius.

“Would you prefer if I take a drink of you here or somewhere else, hmm?” Cassius’s eyes sparkled with mischief as a playful smirk tugged at his lips, “ I must say, indulging in such a public display might spark a scandal, don’t you think?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively. After a theatrical pause, his eyes widened with feigned innocence. “Oh of course
 You meant the wine. Well.” A devilish grin painted his features as he spoke with some debonair flair. “I suppose the balcony will do in any case.”

Cassius then drew in just as close as Fritz had. “Never know where the night may take us.”

The lord’s feigned innocence, however, was met with an authentic one.

Ryn canted his head, perplexed by why drinking in the ballroom might “spark a scandal” until Lord Damien murmured the words “Never know where the night may take us.”

A surprised peal of laughter burst from him, as bright and effervescent as the bubbles in a glass of champagne. “Obviously I have much to learn from the master of seduction.”

Threading his arm through the lord’s, he steered them towards the doors leading to the balcony. “Quick, before everyone discovers I’m not nearly as suave as I pretend to be!”

Once they stepped into the night air, Ryn disentangled himself. “Now that I have you all to myself
” He put a careful distance between their bodies so that Lord Damien would not feel obligated to keep up with his flirtations. “You can relax now.”

Cas found himself grinning with fascination as Fritz dropped his little charade. Was he right in his previous assessment? Was his new acquaintance simply mirroring his own personality back to him? It didn’t matter to be honest, this little twist only made Cassius more curious than before. He walked to the railing at the edge of the balcony, leaning against it and looking out into the night. After another of his wonderfully dramatic pauses, he spoke.

“Oh, my dear Fritz
there is no need to play games with my humble, innocent heart like this.” The words came out impishly, with a hint of mischief behind them. “I am a man of business just as much as I am one of pleasure
If you wished to speak with me all you needed to do
was ask.” Giving the man a playful wink, he took the wine glasses from him and poured the two of them a drink before speaking once more. “Brilliant deception, though. I must say, it almost felt like I was talking to myself. But
what is it that you actually desire from a man like me?”

“Trick you? I thought I was straightforward about wanting to get to know you better
 I apologize if I misled you in some way.”

Ryn accepted the drink with a thank you. “I wasn’t sure how comfortable you actually were in there.” He turned his head to the doors that separated the two from the fanciful life of high society. “A drastic change in lifestyle can be overwhelming to some people. How are you holding up Mr. Vael?... Or do you prefer Lord Damien?”

Cassius simply nodded in response to Fritz's explanation, still a bit unsure of the man’s tactics. Taking a long sip of the wine, he let the liquid dance across his palate, unraveling a symphony of flavors on his tongue. The rich, velvety texture enveloped his senses like a warm embrace, while notes of dark berries and hints of oak whispered tales of distant vineyards. With closed eyes, he savored the intricate balance between sweetness and tannins, feeling the wine's essence linger on his tongue like a memory.

“You have good taste in wine.” He stated as a playful deflection before responding to the man’s final query first. “As for what to call me, that’s a good question
Cassius always has the perfect ring to it, but I can’t deny that I’m growing quite fond of the title Lord.” His words were still coated with the same flirtatious charm as before. “Call me whatever you wish, and deception or not
I can assure you that very few people in this world have what it takes to make me feel uncomfortable. Regardless, now you have me here on my lonesome. It’s just you and I, lover boy. My undivided attention is yours.”

“Then let’s go with the best of both worlds, Lord Cassius.”

Ryn swirled the deep crimson wine in his glass, watching the liquid catch the light as he leaned against the ornate balustrade. “You’ve got a hardier constitution than I, it seems. High society can be
” He paused, his lips quirking wryly, “brutally unwelcoming at times.”

Cassius raised a glass in agreement, an accordant smile teasing the edges of his mouth

Black eyes glanced sidelong at Lord Damien, studying the other man’s profile intently before drifting down to linger on the other man’s hands. A person’s hands could often reveal the stories of their life. “What was your life like before all of this?” he asked simply.

Letting the man’s question linger in the air in a similar fashion to how the wine’s resonance remained on his tongue, Cas mulled over the array of possible answers. He turned to bring his eyes up to meet Fritz once more as he spoke ”That depends entirely on how much time we have and the tone of conversation you’re in the mood to explore, friend.” There was a facetious nature to his words though his eyes held nothing but authenticity.

“I’ll leave the choice to you.” Whatever Lord Damien was willing to offer, Ryn would accept.

”As arrogant as it sounds, the truth is I’ve lived more life in my twenty seven years than most of the men and women that surrounded us in that ballroom could ever dream of
I could go on for hours about the things I’ve seen, the things I’ve done. But to narrow it down to its most pragmatic state, I have chased beauty and conflict all across Eromora. I have found glory, praise, infamy, and unfathomable pleasures along the way.”

Stopping for a moment, Cassius stared into the beautiful black voids that were the eyes of his new acquaintance as he pondered his next words carefully. And now
now I find myself engaged in a brand new hunt. One where perhaps I don’t even know what it is I’m looking for.” He raised his glass once more, this time with a wink. ”Or, perhaps I know exactly what it is I’m chasing
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?”

“I guess we’ll have to.” Ryn’s lips curved in a faint, contemplative smile. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

“In the meantime
 Let’s entertain a game of sorts—a trade of questions, an exchange of stories.”

“Sounds like fun
” Cassius remarked eagerly. “But allow me to add a little twist to make things even more interesting. Everything, and I mean everything, is on the table. If you answer, you must be one hundred percent honest. If the question is too much, or if you’re not comfortable answering
you simply take a drink.” He raised his glass to his lips and sipped before beginning.

“Since you just asked, I’ll do the honor of starting us off properly. First question
Why did you come here to Sorian? Question two
What do you dream about at night when there’s no one around to influence your thoughts and it’s just you and the deep recesses of your mind?”

“Oh my,” The count’s teasing held the same flirtatious undertone Lord Damien had moments ago. “Going in hard without build-up, no turn-taking, and you only have two questions for me? Lord Cassius
” He tsked and shook his head in mock disapproval. “But, if that’s how you prefer to play

With a satirical roll of the eyes, Cassius shook his head proudly at Fritz’s clever little jest, his smile only growing as the man continued.

He upended his untouched glass into Lord Damien’s cup. A brazen breach of etiquette, but he did not want to waste perfectly good wine by pouring it off the balcony, and it carried a pointed message: he would not need to drink for this game.

Though Lord Damien must have been aware of the loophole in the rules he proposed. “I came here for many reasons. As a newly titled noble, I was invited to the annual gathering.” True. “Since there was no reason not to attend, and I wanted to make connections, I came.” Also true. Ryn leaned in conspiratorially, as if he was revealing a dark secret, “I’m hoping to make lots of friends.” Another truth.

All individually true, one hundred percent honest answers. But none revealed the whole truth.

“I’m also looking for the answer to a question,” he added nonchalantly at the end.

Cassius acknowledged his new confidant’s clever little statement with the wine by emptying the contents of his glass with one long drink as Fritz spoke, showing that he was not going to need the generously strategic reprieve from potentially difficult questions either. His eyes never broke from the man’s face as Fritz addressed his first question.

The answer to Lord Damien’s second question was quite dull. “This is going to sound boring, but
 Nothing. I don’t dream. I haven’t had a dream in a very long time.”

Fritz’s statement knocked free an old quote from the recesses of Cas’s mind. ’A man who cannot dream is a slave to his own reality’. Cas wondered if Fritz had forgotten how to dream, or if he was actually evading the specters and dreads of nightmares. Either way, the thought intrigued him to no end.

“Let’s see, so two deep, hard-hitting questions.” Ryn mulled over some potential questions to ask. “What have you done in the past that haunts you to this very day?”

my dear, handsome man. And you have the audacity to suggest that I was skipping the foreplay?” Cassius prodded with a playful level of tongue-in-cheek. “Here you are building straight for a proper crescendo. It’s a bold move and I must admit
I absolutely love it.” His amused smile soon turned slightly more dreary as his mind turned to addressing the man’s question. He leaned on the balcony himself, looking out over the night as he contemplated his truth.

“Where do I even begin?” He asked, partially in jest yet more honest than he would like to admit. “I was a mercenary for almost half my life, Fritz. To live by the sword, chasing gold and glory
There is an abundance of skeletons in my closet that come to haunt my moments of peace.” Cas pondered something more specific, wishing to honor the spirit of the game they were playing.

“For instance
the very first man I killed. I never even got his name, but the look on his face as he succumbed to my blade, and the sanguine warmth of his blood on my hands are sensations burned into my very being.” His eyes shifted to meet Fritz’s, a look of absolute stoicism displayed on his face. “By my count, you have another question. I am an open book
simply pick a chapter.”

Even with the mask obscuring his features, Ryn could sense how Lord Damien’s countenance hardened into one of stoicism. It was a mask not meant to conceal so much as to compartmentalize and shield oneself from feeling the weight of the truth.

Just as Ryn had learned to do himself.

From the bleakest depths of human depravity to nature’s most savage, uncaring devastation, Ryn had witnessed and endured more than enough to intimately know the myriad ways in which a person could be broken.

Through it all, he had learned the art of disassociation, to erect walls around his psyche, fortifying his mind against the horrors and desolation that sought to invade and corrupt. It was a necessary defense, a survival mechanism, lest his soul be lost forever.

Tempted as he was to ask a follow-up question, if there were to only be two questions, Ryn wanted to end on a more positive one. “What brings you happiness?”

Cassius paused, his eyes wandering over Fritz's face for a moment. The question seemed to hang in the air, mingling with the faint breeze rustling the leaves overhead.

"What makes me happy?" Cassius repeated, his voice low and thoughtful. His lips curved into a faint smile as he searched for an answer. A moment passed before his gaze drifted to the skyline, drawn to a distant point in the cityscape. A faint green light blinked on the horizon, barely visible against the backdrop of the evening. It was something that was almost inconspicuous enough to just blend into the night, except to Cassius
to any Iron Wolf, it was anything but subtle.

His mind raced with questions that felt all too soon to be asking. Were they here for him? Should he answer the call? Who could possibly be on the other side of the distress beacon? There was only one way to find out.

The realization that he had left Fritz unanswered hit suddenly as he turned to face him. “It’s not my style to leave before a good climax
but I admit, something has come up. I’ll give you a much better answer next time, handsome. I do expect there to be a next time, yes?” He asked with thirsty eyes.

“But until then
I’ll give you just a little tease. What could possibly make a man like me happy? Perhaps everything
perhaps not a damned thing at all.” Cas said slyly, giving Fritz a playful bow and one last signature smile before making his leave.

Ryn met the farewell with a curtsy, then turned to face the distant sky. The soft flutter of wings and the clicking of talons reached his ears before he shifted his attention to the nightjar that had alighted on the top rail of the balustrade. They exchanged a silent, weighted look, and then the nightjar took to the skies, vanishing into the horizon. Ryn remained alone on the balcony save for the silent, watchful presence of an owl perched in a nearby tree. The bird of prey’s unblinking stare fixed upon the window of the estate.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 18 min ago

Riona & Wulfric Part 1

“I beg your pardon, My Lord.” Riona approached the crow man as soon as she spotted him. “The man you were dancing with, are you acquainted with him?”

“Hmm?” Wulfric turned towards the stranger. He had been on the lookout for Zarai, who had apparently got entangled in a drinking contest. But now that his attention was on this woman bearing an orange dress, a cat mask concealing her features, he was struck by a strange sensation of familiarity. “Count Hendrix and I have recently become acquainted, yes,” he answered, tilting his head as he studied her. “But if you are interested in him, you need only approach him,” he suggested, amusement colouring his tone.

The appellation “Count Hendrix” surfaced again, affirming that it was the name he was known by within this circle. “He is a foreigner?” Riona asked. The crow man had a point, but if the stag man had any relation to the people she was thinking of, then she’d prefer to approach him in a less public space.

“A foreigner?” That was a good question. Given how the count concerned himself with Caesonia, the prince suspected his family might have been one of those ‘political exiles’. Here, the woman acted as if she knew him, or should know him, yet didn’t recognize his name. Curious. “You could say. He is from Varian.” At the very least, Hendrix was a citizen there.

Varian. Her heartbeat picked up speed. “I see, thank you.” Echoes of memories rippled through her—those days when Ríoghnach had waited with bated breath, impatient for the carriage to emerge from the horizon, carrying people, gifts, and stories from faraway lands.

“Why all the questions?” he couldn’t help but wonder.

She opened her mouth, paused, and then said. “Because it is courting season, My Lord. If one must seek prospective matches, the least one can do is ask questions.”

“If one must, yes, but you were not inquiring for the purposes of courting,” he stated as firmly as he would a fact. “There were no signs of romantic, sexual and/or political interest, nor any indications that you were trying to hide such,” he noted. “No, it was more so,” he fluidly waved a clawed hand, “a weaving of the known and unknown, locating something familiar in the unfamiliar, connecting points of information new and old.”

He cocked his head at her again, his fixed gaze briefly revealing the intensity of his intrigue. “Since it is evident you have your reasons for secrecy, how about an exchange? Whatever you believe, hm, shall we say safe to reveal? Your information related to the count, and in return, I will offer the same. I would not mind even mundane matters, if you are seeking the same.”

Riona’s dark eyes narrowed as she tilted her chin upward to look down at the taller man. While the stag man brought feelings of nostalgia, this crow man also felt
 familiar. Infuriatingly so. “Rather presumptuous of you. Who are you to dictate what I do or do not feel?” Even if his claim about her interest in the stag man was on point.

The woman’s reaction stirred the edges of faint memories of a time long past, but not quite to the point of recall. “I was not dictating your feelings, merely making an observation based on your behaviour,” he noted. “Of course, I may have been mistaken, in which case, I apologize,” he shrugged easily. “Though, your reaction does lead me to believe I was right on the mark.” He chuckled lightly, entertained. “Or is it that you let others’ words dictate your thoughts and emotions?” he pondered, almost half to himself. “Oh, but these are merely bothersome assumptions again, are they not?” he added rhetorically.

“More to the point, is my offer appealing to you or not? If not, it strikes me as rather pointless to exchange pleasantries. Especially given that it is rather presumptuous of you to demand my name without bothering to introduce yourself first.” Though he’d thrown her words right back at her, his tone was a contrast to hers; mild and light - almost bored, in fact. A hidden smirk belied his apparent disinterest, however.

The crow man sure did like the sound of his voice. Or maybe he was just bored senseless after no one wanted to chat with the oh-so-charming fellow, so he picked Riona to be his plaything. “Others’ words and attitude do shape my thoughts and emotions about them. And I’ve decided I’ve already wasted too much of my time and energy on you.” Her gaze fixed onto his. “I respect myself too much to keep this conversation going.” Without another word or gesture of farewell, Riona turned heel. At least she now knew Count Hendrix was a Varian noble. It should be easier to find out more about him from there.

That tone of her voice - even if now much older - combined with her fiercely oppositional words, and the number of mannerisms which reminded him of someone from the past
It all clicked together with sudden clarity. “Lady Dantùs.” He hadn’t intended to call out to her, and was clearly surprised that this particular name found its way to his lips. Had found its way out to the world after years of silence. Years of being consigned to oblivion; to the belief that the whole family had met a most unfortunate end.

The dead name, reanimated by a too-familiar voice, seized Riona where she stood, rooting her feet to the polished ballroom floor. Slowly, she turned to face the crow man, studying him through narrowed eyes to discern which ghost precisely had found its way back to haunt her. For better and for worse, there weren’t that many options. “Fake Prince?” she asked at last.

TLDR for the flashback: Wulfric visits Javaria in Montague, attending Jonathan Bernard’s birthday party as the young lord celebrates reaching 8 years of age. One of the invitees is the mysterious Lady Dantùs, a ward of the Lord Desmond Dantùs. During the event, Wulfric dances with her once, but the two clash, as the 6-year old girl accuses him of being ‘mean’ and ‘fake’ despite also being clearly terrified of him.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 9 days ago

Riona & Wulfric Part 2

TLDR for the flashback: Jonathan’s birthday party goes on, and the children end up playing football. Lacking a referee, the game devolves into a free-for-all brawl towards the end. As the adults are informed, the fight is broken up. However, Wulfric happens upon the parents arguing soon after. Then, Lord Desmond Dantùs speaks to him. The prince is impressed, but unfortunately has to leave. On the way home he saw Lord Dantùs holding hands with the castle’s royal gardener, Gardner Haywood. Lady Dantùs was holding hands with two other adults he didn’t recognize.

“Fake?” Wulfric mused half-absentmindedly as mostly forgotten memories had been partially reawakened, and now sluggishly gathered at the forefront of his mind. “I resent that,” he noted, though he sounded almost– tickled, if meriness could ever be ascribed to the crown prince. “However, yes. It is I, Prince Wulfric. What a
thoroughly unexpected surprise.” It was largely a pleasant one, he thought, even if he and the Lady Dantùs had never got along the one time they’d met. Recalling her name had also reminded him of the - sadly - deceased Lord Desmond Dantùs. Yet another man who had been too good to die so early, to have been slain so horrendously.

“Quite.” Riona said, her tone brazen though her heart thundered in her chest. “No wonder I found you so irritating.” Truth be told, half of her wanted nothing more than to turn on her heel and flee, putting as much distance between herself and the Heir Apparent as possible. Why in the hells was Prince Wulfric here? Did he recognize the maidservant she had become too? No. After all these years working in that castle, he never so much as spared her a glance (not that she gave him a chance to, either). So he couldn’t have. Then why now? With a gods damn mask on no less? Was it the expensive dress? “It’s
 been a while.” No, it hasn’t. “What are you doing here being a creepy crow when you should be
 socializing with your prospective wives?”

“An evocative costume, is it not?” he agreed. To demonstrate, he swept an arm to the side in a dramatic gesture, feathers rustling in a riotous swirl of black, chains rattling against each other. “Hmm, well,” he smirked as she questioned him on his prospects. Notably, Lady Dantùs had rescinded her decision to depart. Was it nostalgia, or was she trying to find out something specific now that she knew who he was? “It would be in bad taste if, immediately after Shehzadi Mayet’s departure, I would begin pursuing her sister.”

So his sights were set on Shehzadi Nahir or Shehzadi Layla? Interesting. Either would make a very powerful alliance if it came to fruition. All the more reason to find the evidence as soon as possible and expose them.

 Or else there’d only be one thing left to do.

“Besides,” a hint of slyness crept into his tone, “who is to say I am not socializing with a prospective wife at this very moment?” He laughed at the absurdity of the idea, longer than was strictly polite. After a moment, he cut off with a sigh.

Her body reacted—feet stepping a few steps back, arms wrapping around her to shield herself from the Prince’s very presence—before the familiar triad flared hot and bright. Anger. Repulsion. Hate. They seared through her veins.

She pierced him with eyes flint cold while he laughed at a joke that only he found funny. “You’d gain little from such an arrangement,” she said, “I have nothing left for you to take from me.”

‘Nothing left for you to take’ was a peculiar manner of phrasing on the lady’s part. Her reaction, too, had been worrying. It gave him pause, frankly. It was a reflexive loathing on her part - but what had caused it, exactly? While he chose not to comment on it, he had certainly noticed. “And yourself? What have you been up to?” he asked eventually.

“Do you care?” she repeated the question little Lady Dantùs asked years back.

“Yes.” It was a simple assurance, but truthful. He wanted to know the cause of her abhorrence, of her hatred. He had to know. If his family had been involved in any way - if his past suspicions were more than just that - he ought to know.

A handful of breaths slipped by before Riona finally shaped the words. “What have I been up to? For fourteen years, I’ve endured a waking nightmare. One where the man and woman who slaughtered my home go unchallenged, unpunished.” Her fingers knotted in the fabric of her dress. “Did you know there’s no record left of the town or House Dantùs? They’ve erased it all. Redacted from history. Convenient, right? It’s only a matter of time before we’ll be forgotten altogether as if we never existed at all
” Her knuckles become pale against the orange color. “Those monsters grow fat on the spoils of their atrocities.” She hissed, “Just as you reap the rewards sown at the expense of others, False Prince.”

“I see
” Well, he did in part. “I have noticed the suspicious lack of records,” he affirmed. In fact, it was that which had led him to believe that something other than ‘a bandit attack’ had been at play. But how could he have confirmed, when the king and queen never acknowledged such inconsistencies? There were several other instances where a lack of evidence was the only evidence. “I remember,” he informed her. “If only the two of you.”

She rolled her eyes. Not enough to recognize her as a maid. “How much of that memory surfaced only because we bumped into each other?”

“A fair amount,” he acknowledged, tone even. But the memories he spoke of were not merely the result of this happenstance. Why did she think he’d noticed the erasure of her family from official records in the first place? “However, Lord Desmond Dantùs is not the sort of man I would simply forget about.”

The way Lady Dantùs spoke of her family members’ deaths, it was as if the Danroses had had something to gain by killing them. He had always thought his parents’ reasons to be preventative in nature; to eliminate danger - or rather, suspected danger, or political inconveniences, as the case may be. “Do you know what happened there, exactly?”

Revulsion clawed its way up her throat. “You want the details of how everyone was butchered? Gods
” Riona shook her head. “No, why am I surprised? You were always like this...”

Wulfric blinked at her slowly, once, twice. “No, of course not.” That had been certainly unusually careless phrasing on his part. “I meant, why were they killed?”

“Why? You should know better than anyone why those monsters do the things they do.”

She wasn’t far off the mark; he knew his parents well. And yet
 “I do not see what we could have gained by killing your family.” He said ‘we’ rather than ‘they’; he wasn’t that naive. “Were they – what, determined to be dissidents?” he questioned, highly doubtful. Even if they had been, that would never merit slaughtering a whole town, like she’d implied had been done.

“‘Determined to be dissidents’?” she half spat, half scoffed, the sentence out. “Perhaps you don’t remember much of Lord Dantùs as you claim.” Of everyone, he had fought hardest against any whisper of conflict with the Danroses.

The Lord accepted every insult, every cutting barb from the preening Caesonian aristocrats, believing this self-abasement would keep their town safe, preserve the peace across the country. The naive fool even dreamed that one day, their kind might exist without living in fear. How disastrously wrong he had been. He underestimated the bottomless greed of those monsters and what fear could do to them.

“Then what?” Wulfric bit out, finally showing some of his own frustration.

“I’m ‘just some stupid lying girl.’ You won’t believe a thing I say because it’ll tarnish your family’s reputation and shatter every illusion you’ve had of yourself.”

“Have I not demonstrated that I am inclined to believe, or at the very least, to listen to your assertions?” he pointed out. “I am not someone who would cling to illusions, no matter how fanciful or entrenched.” He knew very well that reputation was a construct of lies, hopeful beliefs, and the occasional sprinkle of truth to tie it all in.

Riona’s defensive posture relaxed slightly. “If you do care
 swear to me.”

“Swear what?” He inquired a tad cautiously. “I can swear that I care, because I do not wish to mistake convenience for necessity.” The difference between the two was something he had been mulling over lately. But he had no idea what Lady Dantùs actually wanted or expected. All that was clear was that she hated him.

“If you actually care, find out for yourself.” She straightened up and faced Prince Wulfric properly. “And when you do, swear to me you’d publicly reveal what your family has done in order to stay in power. Every last one.”

“Oh, I shall most certainly find out.” He shook his head though he did not immediately deny the second part of her request. “In order to stay in power
” he ruminated on her words. How much of it was ruling through fear, how much a force of habit? Did she mean any and all executed criminals as well? He could believe there had been unjust killings, but equally, he was convinced that some deaths were necessary.

However, seeking out and rectifying those which had not been necessary, those which had been unjust was agreeable. Yet, it was very much a matter of finesse in how such a thing was to be done. “Total transparency with the hope that it would bring about appropriate accountability?” He had to wonder what results she wished for. Given her hostility, vengeance was easily believable. Perhaps she plotted for his family’s downfall, or for another to take the Danroses’ place. “You have a surprisingly naive and optimistic outlook of humanity. We are prone to excusing the unforgivable, and to turning a blind eye to the unjust.”

There were two ‘worst case’ scenarios he could foresee coming from her request. One, the complete disintegration of trust in the government followed by years of unquenchable rebellions and violent social unrest. Two, he or other parties could present all that had been done as if it had been inevitable - as regrettable yet crucial sacrifices. If the latter happened, then nothing would change, or worse yet, ever greater atrocities could be committed.

Personally, he wished for neither of those; it was a matter of finding a third path, then. “Very well. You ought to keep in mind, however, that I shall do it on my own terms.” Even if it was doing ‘the right thing’, he would certainly do it in a manner that would benefit him, if not necessarily his parents. “Too, if I ever come across something too dangerous to reveal,” such as magic, “it will be my prerogative whether I do, in fact, reveal it. Believe it or not, there are truths the general public is not ready for – not at the present time, and perhaps, not until many years in the future.”

Riona stood motionless, catching every syllable, reading between each carefully crafted line. It was a roundabout way of saying things, but clearly the answer was no. Never, to be exact. Because in the end, all of Danroses’ crimes were exactly that, “too dangerous to reveal.” The truth was a threat to their reign. And a Danrose would never act against their own interests. Nothing would change. Not under this “Prince.”

When the abomination’s spawn finished mimicking human speech, there was silence. Strangely, the lack of a face made it easier to see the thing for what it really was. “Greed and fear,” she murmured.

“Good to know you intend to follow in your parents’ footsteps, Edin the Second.” She would’ve used a different name that suited it better, but she knew that its sire’s name would cut deepest. “They must be proud. How many of your own people will you kill to ‘maintain order’? Was tormenting that servant at age seven ‘for the greater good’ too? Ah! But of course!” She threw her hands up. Her words dripped with caustic sarcasm. “You’re protecting the people from the monstrosities that are yourselves. How very noble! 
 Too bad you’re doing a gods awful job at it.”

Her hands dropped to her sides. “Is that ‘the truth the general public is not ready for?’... Huh. I wonder why anyone would find any of that upsetting.”

Despite the anger, she was surprisingly composed. Maybe because the thing confirmed what she’d already known, strengthening her resolve. “We have nothing more to discuss. Thank you for reaffirming that talking to you is and always will be a colossal waste of time.”

Rather than turn on her heel, Riona stepped into the thing’s space, thrusting the stupid crow mask up high enough to meet its gaze directly. “I pray your reign shall never come. But if it must, may we be fortunate that it is mercifully brief.” Her eyes blazed with a hatred that could choke the breath out of anyone. She held that smoldering look a beat longer before shoving the mask back into place.
Even as she raged and stormed, however, he stood there still and silent, as unaffected as a cliffside weathering a tempest, as calm as the proverbial eye of a hurricane he happened to find himself in the middle of. Even as she ever so rudely removed his mask, he faced her unflinchingly, his lack of expression only reinforcing the impression of featureless, insensate stone. Their gazes met, and if hers was an inextinguishable wildfire, then his was as inexorably, hauntingly serene and inscrutable as an ocean whose surface was wrapped in heavily lingering mists.

“How unfortunate.” It was a flat, toneless utterance, as uncaring to her pain as the universe was to them all.

Brimming with all that barely contained wrath, overfilled with it to the point of bursting, Lady Dantùs was incapable of nuance. She wanted an immediate resolution, she expected a clear-cut outcome. Her desire for justice – for vengeance - would not be satisfied until he and his family were all six feet under. Her volatile nature would not stop at mere prayers and wishes for his death, would it?

How unfortunate then, that the last DantĂšs would have to be slain at the hands of yet another Danrose.

Just or unjust, good or evil, fair or not – what did it matter in the face of pure survival?

He watched her leave without another word. If you must be an enemy, then so be it.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Good morning! It's now 11am!
It's a little rainy and cloudy today, so you may want to keep an umbrella on hand.
However, no need to worry about the humidity as it is pleasantly warm in Sorian this morning.

Regarding any unfinished business for Sola 23rd, please be clear that you are writing in for the night prior still or mark it as a flashback.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Welcome to the Morning Blossom Cafe

As you step into the Morning Blossom Cafe, you are greeted by the soft melodies of a piano. The clinking of fine china and the murmur of conversation reach your ears as you take in the view. Tables are draped in crisp white linen, their surfaces gleaming under the soft light of elegant overhead chandeliers. Sunlight pours through the grand arched windows, casting a golden hue over the guests. Each table is adorned with bouquets of fresh, fragrant blossoms, and the gentle smell wafts through the room. Above each table, lush floral arrangements burst with color—peonies, roses, and lilacs intermingle with sprigs of greenery, casting delicate scents that weave through the air. The chairs, with their carved wooden frames and plush seating, invite guests to sink into comfort.

Today, the cafe is abuzz with the excitement of the Courting Mixer. During the courting season, events are hosted by royal staff as ordered by the King and Queen. These events often revolve around mingling to give opportunities to young nobles of marriage age. The Morning Blossom Cafe is always chosen for an event each year, renown for its wonderful hospitality and serene atmosphere. Attendees who are on the list are invited to savor unlimited mimosas or bloody marys, complementing a brunch menu that promises culinary delights crafted with the freshest ingredients at 11:00 AM.

Welcome to a brunch experience where every moment is infused with possibility, and every encounter could bloom into something more.
The following specials will be available for this event only.

Morning Romance Breakfast Platter
Enjoy bacon-wrapped dates, miniature breakfast tacos, savory croissant sandwiches, Caprese skewers, deviled egg halves, savory breakfast sliders, and crispy potato hash bites all served on a platter to share between you and your date.

Chocolate Fondue French Toast
Thick slices of brioche French toast served alongside a bubbling pot of rich, velvety chocolate fondue. Surrounding the fondue pot are an assortment of fresh strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, and bite-sized pieces of pound cake for dipping.

Arranged Dates

As you walk in, a brunette woman in waitress attire greets you, introducing herself as Mingyu. She presents a basket of small pieces of paper to you with a smile. She seems very excited for you and carries an enthusiastic demeanor. Each paper has a number that will guide you to your table. And as tradition...Ladies are seated first!

"Welcome to the Morning Blossom Cafe! My name is Mingyu and I am so pleased that you have decided to come here today. I will be your guide for the courting event. I hope you love the food and enjoy the chance to meet a wonderful new person! Please take a number from the basket. There will be a table with a big sign that matches your number! Please let me know if you have any questions or even if you simply need someone to talk to!"

Please open the hider with your character's name to find out who your date is.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Welcome to the Royal Worship Event at

The Primitus Church of Sorian!

We are honoring King Edin today.

As you enter the Sorian Church, you are immediately enveloped in a beautiful atmosphere of intricate architecture and the sound of an enchanting hymn. The light, filtered through the stained glass windows, casts a kaleidoscope of colors across the polished stone floor, leading your gaze to the ornately carved altar where candles flicker.

Rows of wooden pews are filled with guests, each one adorned with a single gold-leafed hymn book. At the heart of this space, a large poster of King Edin is hung today for the event to honor King Edin.

Caesonian people believe that their country is a holy country created by Zivitas. It was said that the Danrose family, the ruling family for generations, were hand-chosen by the gods themselves as the perfect souls to lead the kingdom. Each eldest son is born with the most perfect traits due to Zivitas' influence. The people of Caesonia looked up to the Danroses as the embodiment of perfection, and they were considered to be the closest thing to gods on earth. King Edin Danrose puts great effort into keeping this belief alive.

Today we are taking a moment to honor King Edin Danrose, who plans to grace us with his presence. Please join us in this sacred ceremony.

Following the worship service, guests are invited to continue the Grand Opening of The Royal Curd, a prestigious cheese restaurant concept requested King Edin himself. Here, attendees will have the opportunity to dine in the presence of their beloved ruler, who graciously offers to pay for the meals of all in attendance. Enjoy a sumptuous feast fit for royalty, as we give thanks for King Edin's benevolence and leadership.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lord Leo Smithwood

Time: Morning
Location: Sorian Palace: Guest House

The night had been a dreadful and sleepless affair. His stolen pocket watch and the thief, a person he’d spoken with, who he’d taken at their word simply due to her proximity to Nahir at the time, replayed in his mind. He fixated on every word of their conversation, noting every strange thing the woman had said, how she’d seem to have been trying to goad a reaction out of him the whole time. He wondered if Nahir was also in it and then immediately felt guilt for suspecting royalty of such a petty act. His thoughts were occasionally interrupted by giggle fits that began to wane in frequency. As the sun began to break he noticed his voice had finally returned to normal. At least the strange illness had gone.

Leo had decided to start his day off early, sending one of his own servants out to fetch shoes the moment the shops opened and headed off to wash yesterday’s troubles away with a nice bath. He lounged in the tub of hot water until it grew cold, reminding himself that everything involving his voice was back to normal, his shoe situation would soon be fixed, and that he would find that watch even if he had to tear Caesonia apart brick by brick himself. It was a new day, yesterday’s problems were in the past. He breathed easier.

But as he exited the tub he noted a new disturbance. He looked at his hands, his arms, then he checked the mirror. He stood there frozen in a state of shock. What the fuck?

His skin, his hair, all of him was now hot pink. Several baths later he finally realized this was not washing off. In fact, the incessant scrubbing seemed to have only made it brighter.

And he was supposed to go to King Edin’s Royal Worship today! While sporting the plumage of a flamingo? It has to be the water here. He convinced himself, hoping that he was not the only one who’d soaked in water that was clearly contaminated with something. He dawned a robe and returned to his room, avoiding looking to see if anyone noticed the flamingo man walking through the halls. He continued pacing around his room, repeatedly checking the mirror there and noting that he was in fact, still very, very pink.

He wondered if he should seek out a doctor, what if whatever was in the water was toxic? Eventually, he decided against that, mostly because he hated seeing doctors and did not want to miss the grand opening of The Royal Curd. So he got dressed, several times, trying to find something that didn’t clash with his new shading. It was a fruitless effort, no matter what he put on he was still ridiculously pink. Leo left his room in a gray linen suit and headed to church. Almost fitting to look this ridiculous while attending an event that he guessed would be equally ridiculous.

Daily Misfortune: Leo's hair and skin are now hot pink. Seriously, what's in Sorian's water???
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Farim & Thea

Night of Sola 23rd

In the dimly lit chamber, Thea paced restlessly, the minutes dragging like weights upon her shoulders. For days, she had found solace within the confines of Anastasia's sanctuary, but now, boredom gnawed at her insides like a relentless beast. She had tried on dresses, sampled the remnants of Anastasia's feast that her friend had left for her, but the walls of solitude pressed in upon her, suffocating her with their silent vigil.

As midnight loomed on the horizon, a soft shuffling outside the door drew Thea's attention, her heart quickening with anticipation. Could it be Anastasia returning from the ritual at last? With practiced ease, she slipped behind the tapestry by the fireplace, a habitual gesture born of caution in the face of uncertainty.

But when the door swung open to reveal a towering figure carrying an unconscious Anastasia, fear gripped Thea's heart like icy talons. Panic surged through her veins, her mind racing with wild thoughts of danger and betrayal. Without hesitation, she seized a nearby little shovel used for cleaning out the fireplace, her hands trembling with adrenaline-fueled urgency.

With a silent prayer on her lips, Thea struck the intruder with a swift, decisive blow, the sound of impact echoing in the stillness of the chamber. The man crumpled to the ground, still clutching Anastasia in his arms, and Thea's heart plummeted as she recognized his face— one of the Alidashti princes.

A wave of self-recrimination washed over her as she frantically scanned the room, her mind reeling with the consequences of her impulsive actions. How could she have been so careless, so reckless? “Stupid, stupid, STUPID!” She cursed herself for her folly, for allowing fear to cloud her judgment in the heat of the moment. “You’re such an idiot, Thea! Why can’t you think before you act?!”

But there was no time for regrets, no room for hesitation. With trembling hands, Thea knelt beside the fallen prince, her fingers tentatively probing for signs of injury. She winced as she felt a tender bump on his head, her heart heavy with guilt for the harm she had inflicted.

Gently, she reached out and gave him a tentative poke, her breath catching in her throat as she waited for a response. When he remained unresponsive, panic surged anew within her, driving her to shake him with increasing desperation.

"Come on, wake up," she murmured, her voice trembling with urgency and tears began to form in her eyes. "Please, you have to wake up."

Farim’s vision was a blur. All in one moment he went from relief, to blacking out, and then immediately into a panicked mess as he jerked his head up. He had luckily landed so that his arms took the impact, bracing Anastasia from receiving another head bump. Farim lifted his head from the princess’ mid-section, a fate he would normally bless himself for having. But right now he quickly shifted his arms out from under her and turned to match his assailant.

”Abn aleahira! (Son of a bitch!) Explain yourself! Now!” His voice was stern, and he shot up quickly, despite the general dizzying sensation from getting smacked on the back of his head. He stared down at Thea with a building intensity that suggested he was ready to fight tooth and nail in that very moment.

Thea's heart raced in her chest as Farim's stern voice pierced the air, his gaze ablaze with righteous fury. Tears welled in her eyes, a sob escaping her lips as she met his gaze with a mixture of fear and relief that he was okay. A brief, sickening memory flashed in her mind of when she did something similar to someone else and her stomach lurched. But Farim seemed to be alright and she latched onto that fact, forcing the memories out.

"I-I'm so sorry," she stammered, her voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to... I thought... I thought you were... I thought you meant harm to Annie."

Her words tumbled out in a rush, a torrent of apologies and explanations as she struggled to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded as she sat there crumpled on her knees and wiping at her tears. The sight of someone carrying Anastasia's unconscious form had filled her with primal fear.

"It scared me," she admitted, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "I didn't know what to do, and... and I acted without thinking. I'm so stupid! Please, I beg your forgiveness. I'll do anything to make it right, anything at all."

Tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked as she pleaded for forgiveness, her heart heavy with the weight of her actions. She briefly thought of dear Charlotte in a similar situation in front of the Alidashti royalty, then the newspaper claiming her to be throwing herself at them as a whore. Perhaps she should do the same. Her arms nervously wrapped around herself as she stared at the ground. “I-I’ll even serve you, i-if you so desire. You can u-use me as you please.” She felt so small and her offer had panic threatening to grip her, but she swallowed her fears and held firm to her offer.

Farim’s eyes softened as the reality came forth. This was no assassin or cold-blooded killer. Her body language and sheer panic seemed to be genuine, and Farim spoke once more calmly to the woman, but still held a hint of frustration in his tone. ”Look no one will be doing any serving! I am not that kind of Shehzade.” He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, feeling the bump that already formed from the blow. ”By the gods, any harder and I would have been far worse off. But who even are you?! And why are you hiding in this woman’s room?!

He knew he technically should not be there. If any of Anastasia’s family caught him he would likely be in some trouble. But he still needed to know why someone who was not a Danrose was hiding in his friends room. ”Look, I have had a long day. So please just tell me what is going on and we can perhaps come to an understanding. I do not wish to cause anymore trouble today either.”

Thea flinched at the reminder of the potential severity of her actions, a flash of memory searing through her mind like a bolt of lightning. The image of a bloodied skull flashed before her eyes, a stark reminder of the consequences of her impulsive behavior in the past. She shuddered, pushing the memory aside with a shaky breath as she focused on Farim's questions.

"I-I'm Lady Thea Smithwood," she began, her voice trembling slightly as she struggled to maintain her composure. "Daughter of the Duchess of Stravy and sister to Lord Leo Smithwood, future Duke of Stravy."

She paused, her breath catching in her throat as she recounted the events that had led her to seek refuge in Anastasia's chambers.

"Annie is my best friend," she continued, her voice growing steadier with each word. "She offered me sanctuary when my mother deemed me a disgrace and too much of a risk to stay for the courting season. She ordered me to go home, but I couldn't... I couldn't bear to face the scrutiny and judgment of my family any longer."

A wave of nausea washed over her, threatening to overwhelm her senses, but she fought to keep it at bay. With a determined breath, she met Farim's gaze with a newfound resolve.

"Annie has been helping me stay hidden, away from my family's prying eyes," she explained, her voice tinged with gratitude and affection. "They currently think I'm on my way back home. Annie's the only one who understands, the only one who sees beyond the facade of propriety to the person I truly am."

She paused, her gaze flickering with uncertainty as she awaited Farim's response, hoping against hope that he would understand her plight and offer her the mercy she so desperately sought.

Farim listened intently as she explained herself. He turned towards Anastasia and leaned down to lift her up. After placing her on the bed, Farim placed both hands on hips and shook his head as he sighed. ”That certainly sounds like her. She is a kind woman.” He could not help himself and gently caressed her arm before finally turning around to Thea.

He looked at her up and down, and examined the expressions she had while sharing her story. ”You have earned my trust for now. Family troubles are plenty with people like us - so you have my sympathies. But surely you cannot plan to just live in her chambers forever? What if someone else found you?”

He held his hand up and stopped himself from going on another judgemental rant. ”Just
do not hit me on the head if I visit. And try not to share that I have been to her room - especially tonight given her state. I shall not share any tale of your presence here - so long as you do the same for me. Deal?” He held his hand out in the form of a handshake.

Thea watched with a mix of emotions as Farim gently placed Anastasia on the bed, a twinge of jealousy flickering within her as he tenderly caressed her arm. Suppressing the pang of envy, she focused on Farim as he turned back to her, his gaze scrutinizing her every expression.

As he spoke, Thea nodded in understanding, her heart heavy with the weight of his words. "You have my sympathies too," she replied softly, her voice tinged with gratitude for his understanding. "And you're right, I can't hide forever. I plan to reveal myself soon and take control of my own life, even if it means being disowned by my family."

With a determined breath, she pulled herself up from the ground, a small laugh escaping her lips as she met Farim's gaze with a newfound resolve. "I suppose I would have no right to rat you out, considering my own clandestine activities," she admitted, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips. “And I promise not to hit you over the head again if you come to visit unless you ask nicely.” She said with a playful wink.

Reaching out, she clasped Farim's hand in agreement to his deal, sealing their pact with a silent handshake. Then, moving to sit beside Anastasia on the bed, she cast a worried glance at her friend's unconscious form.

"I promise to take care of Annie," she vowed, her voice filled with sincerity. "But... what happened? Why did you find her like this?”

Farim pointed his index finger upwards and gave an approving wag of his finger. ”Toxic family is not worth being so worried over. Everyone shall judge. I simply choose to tune them out.” He then raised his eyebrows at the notion of “asking someone nicely” to hit their head - but he let out a brief exhale in amusement and addressed her primary concern.

”Not sure. I was dealing with something dangerous, told her to stay safe, and naturally she did anything but. I can tell she was knocked out either by tripping and hitting her head or being struck hard. I have my suspicions, but I can hardly use it as proof.” Farim crossed his arms. ”It would seem Dr. John and his compatriot were nearby when this all happened. I do not liken the man to assaulting women but I know nothing of his friend. But if you see either of them approach her - keep a close eye.”

Thea's brows furrowed in concern as Farim mentioned the possibility of Dr. John's involvement, her mind racing with anxious thoughts. The idea that John or his companion could have been responsible for Anastasia's condition sent a shiver of dread down her spine, but she forced herself to remain composed as Farim continued speaking.

"That's... concerning," she admitted, her voice tinged with apprehension. "I've known John for a long time and I can't imagine him harming Annie. But his companion... that's another story entirely as I don't know them. If they were nearby when this happened, it's certainly worth keeping an eye on them."

She nodded in agreement as Farim instructed her to keep watch over Anastasia, her resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I'll make sure she's safe," she vowed, her voice firm with determination as she brushed a lock of hair out of Anastasia's face.

Then, a thought occurred to her, and she turned to Farim with a suggestion. "Why don't you have Dr. John take a look at your head in the morning?" she offered, her tone softening with concern. "I know he may not be your favorite person right now, but he's treated me for head injuries before, so he knows what he's doing. I'm quite clumsy, you see.” She said with a small laugh, but there was clearly more hidden behind her words. Something dark was hidden behind her eyes, there was a secret there that she was keeping pertaining to that statement. “Tell him I was the cause as well, he'll understand. It's the least I can do after... well, you know.” She said as she quickly looked away, once again trying to shut off her memories. What she would do for a drink right now.

The man looked at Thea with a slightly calculating glance. He took in her mannerisms and speech patterns with a grain of salt - he had only just met this woman but he could not help but feel like there was more than meets the eye to her. He rubbed his head once more and gave a slight shrug. ”I should be fine, truthfully. If it gets worse I shall contact a doctor soon. But I may have to talk to the doctor either way at some point. For now I just want to get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow.” The fatigue was clear on his eyes, and he was feeling his body sag slightly at the thought of a nice and comfortable bed.

”I would rather not leave her like this, but I also feel that I may be overstaying my welcome if I were to commit to staying the night.” Farim took a second to correct his posture and locked eyes with Thea. ”I suppose for now I shall head home, unless you have any better ideas or concerns yourself?” Farim felt conflicted. He wondered if it was smart to leave a vulnerable and defenseless Anastasia with some woman he had never met who bludgeoned him on sight. For all he knew she could just be waiting for Farim to leave and then make her actual move of taking out the Princess. But what he said was true - if word spread of some random foreigner spending the night in her room during the first week of the courting season, his whole country might get some backlash from the King and Queen of Caessonia. He simply waited to hear her thoughts, wondering if how Thea might respond to the notion of him leaving.

Thea met Farim's gaze with a reassuring smile, her eyes earnest as she addressed his concerns. "Go," she said gently, her voice soft but resolute. "If I wished to harm her then I would have done so while you were unconscious and pinned it on you, Shehzade. Annie will be safe, I swear it on my life. I'll make sure she finds you in the morning."

She could see the fatigue weighing heavily on Farim, the weariness etched into the lines of his face. The thought of a warm bed and much-needed rest was written plainly in his eyes, and Thea couldn't blame him for wanting to seek refuge in the comforts of home. She could feel her own fatigue settling in and she was also beginning to wish for rest.

She made a strong point - he was vulnerable for quite some time, and she had ample time to hurt either of them while he had backed out. So he decided to take his leave. He once more looked longfully at the Princess, and then turned to Thea. ”Well, despite the initial
.rough introduction. It is a pleasure to meet one of her friends. Perhaps we can meet in better conditions another time.”

Farim turned to leave, but a moment of hesitation stopped him as he thought about the story she shared - of shedding familial burden. ”And I hope you can find your real family. One that will not shun you for who you are. Goodnight to you, and tell Annie I said the same. The Shehzade opened the door and sauntered out of the room, leaving the two woman alone in that room.

Thea watched as Farim took his leave, a sense of relief washing over her as the tension in the room eased. Despite their rocky introduction, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of gratitude towards the man for his understanding and compassion.

"Thank you," she called after him, her voice tinged with sincerity. "And goodnight to you too."

As the door closed behind him, Thea was left alone with her thoughts, the weight of Farim's parting words lingering in the air. The notion of finding a real family, one that accepted her for who she was, struck a chord deep within her soul. For so long, she had been taught that blood and lineage were paramount, but now, for the first time, she dared to entertain the possibility of a different path. What would Leo think if she pursued this path? Would she become a disappointment to him as well?

With a heavy sigh, she rose from her seat and crossed the room, her movements deliberate as she sought out one of Annie's nightgowns. Carefully, she changed her friend into it, tucking her in with gentle hands before attending to her own preparations for bed.

As she lay down beside Anastasia, the soft embrace of sleep beckoning her into its comforting embrace, Thea couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was another way—a path illuminated by the promise of acceptance, understanding, and love. Love, something she believed she didn't deserve, but was now something she was realizing she desperately craved. Could someone truly love her? Could she actually pursue finding that for herself? It was a beautiful thought. And as she drifted off to sleep, she allowed herself to dream of a world where she could truly belong.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: before noon
Location: the Morning Blossom Cafe
Interactions: Olivia @Potter
Mentions in order: Dr. John @Conscripts
outfit: white long sleeve shirt with dark green vest, silver pocket watch, brown comfortable pants, leather boots. right arm in a white sling, dark brown leather duster and wide brim black hat for wet weather.

The night before,

Erik and the Ravenwood entourage, with the assistance of Dr.’s John and Fredrick, were successful in getting roman and the rest of the party members heading back to the city safely. Through their care the Dr.’s was able to determine the extent of Romans injuries which included a dislocated right shoulder, several bruised or cracked ribs, and several bruises covering his body. Roman slept through all of it.

The next day,

Morning came early and with significantly more pain than he was used to for the Ravenwood lord. He tried to adjust, tried to move but only found pain and resistance, soon coming to the realization that he had several bandages that wrapped his right shoulder. Roman rested back down on the bed trying to remember the night before, a splitting headache was all he got in return.

“So, your awake.” A gruff voice spoke near the bed in the native language of the northern people. Erik was diligently working on several correspondences by the light coming through a high window. He took his time to complete the document he was working on setting the pin down and walking over to his friend. “I did tell you that rushing that ceremony was a bad idea. We could have been more prepared for it.” Erik took a deep breath and leaned up against a near by wooden beam, “do you remember what happened?”

The last thing Roman wanted was to be scolded but if Erik was doing it then it was for a good reason. “The last thing I remember is setting the circle with Astri. Everything else is strange.” He replied in kind in their native tongue. The look Erik gave him told him to elaborate, with a casual roll of his eyes Roman continued, “I remember the battlefield, the villagers... him
 and my grandfather. Who basically said that I need to stop acting like a child and take things seriously.”

Roman started to sit up with the help of his friend slowly and steadily, “I agree with him you haven’t been taking this seriously, playing too much into this big oaf role. You do have to find a wife at some point here at the very least to keep up appearances.” Erik walked away for a moment and came back with some light pain killers and a glass of water, handing it off to the bear. “Back to the event, you still should have been careful. We all knew this place was unstable and out of everyone you are the most susceptible to possession. Which you were.” Gesturing to the bandages. “Just be glad he didn’t take over and it was just some pissed off spirits.”

A pang of guilt sat in his stomach for a moment, the thought that he might have hurt someone or worse lost control to him only made his anxiety worse. Losing control of that demon was something that held a near inescapable fear. He would not let that thing take control again. Even now he could feel it smiling at him. “Was that all?” It was all he could ask of events he could scarcely remember himself. Even now the very act of trying to remember the ritual only brought pain. He downed the glass of water and the pills then looked for the time.

“You still have plenty of time to get dressed for your next event. Come on ill help you.” The man offered his hand to help the lord up and began helping him get dressed around his bandaging. “Im sure by the end of the day these bandages will bother you more than the injuries themselves, try to keep them on for at least a couple days.”

“Worried about me already?” roman asked with a slight laugh that immediately made him wince from the pain in his ribs.

“We don’t need you to draw more attention to yourself. You’ve made enough enemies here as it is, expect to be watched.”

Roman simply replied with a nod of agreement, “it was bound to happen who did I piss off this time?” At least this way he could still feign the injuries and look weaker than he really is.

“probly whichever dobber sent the interruption..." Erik grumbled. "Remember, Any fool can judge strength just by looking at someone, we need them to keep seeing you as just another man and you can not underestimate them either.” Erik continued to assist Roman with his undershirt and pants opting for a neutral color pallet with lighter brown colored pants a white shirt with long sleeves and a dark green vest with a silver pocket watch covered with a long dark brown leather duster. His wallet placed carefully in an inside pocket of the green jacket.

Erik snapped his fingers at a couple of their men who were sorting through and organizing gear at the other end of the building. Both men turned to look, without seeing if they are paying attention Erik made a fist. In short notice the two began shouting and arguing with each other about a girl the other stole from them the night before. Roman looked at his friend for a moment, "This bloody place has ears everywhere." the older man replied.

“What is our mission?” Erik asked as he fashioned the hidden reinforced bracers under romans sleeves.

“To protect the Varian nobility and citizens in Sorian.” Roman recited this as if he had said it a hundred times.

“What is our primary objective?” Erik again asked while placing the hidden blade inside Roman’s boot.

“To maintain our intelligence network and not to reveal our true identities unless the safety of our people has been compromised and immediate evacuation is absolutely necessary.”

“What is your goal?” Erik arranged Romans rings on his right hand with his signet ring and a few of his favorites. They were not flashy in any sense other than the signet ring they didn’t look particularly interesting other than their odd shape. A shape that made it when rotated just right connects together to make a form of brass knuckles.

“To make allies and find a wife
 someone I can trust. Someone we can trust.”

“Good, try not to be so much of an oaf. It might make you look cute but not strong, show them how strong you are, not just in presence but wit and resources.” Erik sinched a leather belt around romans waist with a small dagger attached to his hip.

Roman looked like he belonged on the western frontier but still nice enough to fit in to most but the classiest of events. The long duster was just to help with the rain after all. The last thing he wore to really tie in the look was a wide brimmed black hat. The right sleeve of the duster lay limp at his side with his right arm held in a sling.

Erik placed his arms on Romans’ shoulders and gripped hard for just a moment, enough to get the lord to flinch in his grasp. “You’re going to be fine lad, now get going your going to be late since you’re walking.”

“Im guessing its some sort of punishment?” roman asked Erik just nodded, “a couple of the boys will walk with you on their way to run an errand. Most of the others, including Astri are out in the forest cleaning up today. I could throw you out there to help but something tells me you would enjoy that more.” The two shared a quiet laugh and a hug, roman tipped his hat to his friend and headed out Erik just shook his head and sat back down at his desk signaling for the others to stop fighting, "would you wankers stop yer squabbling before I put you back on ship duty."

The café,

The walk was wet but uneventful, most people preferred the carriages over a little rain if they could afford it. Still even though he had a bit of a limp with the pain in his right leg where he likely received some kind of blow the night before, he enjoyed the walk. The sound of rain on the cobblestone was soothing to his aching head. Before he knew it, they had arrived at the café a little later than he hoped but not by much.

He was greeted by a lovely hostess introducing herself as Mingyu that explained the event to him and even helped him take off his coat and hat, a small act that he thanked her for. His arm resting in its sling was clear to see. He reached into the basket and retrieved his number. With a smile he headed in the direction of the table that was numbered.

The lovely face he found when he came upon his table was one he recognized, one that brought a genuine smile to his face as he formally greeted Charlotte’s friend that he met at the beach. “Hello again Olivia im glad to see you’re doing well. I must say you are looking absolutely stunning this morning.” His words were sincere, from her clothes to her copper red hair. He always liked that hair color. With only the slightest amount of pain he sat across from her, his smile never faltering. “am I safe to assume that you and Charlotte had a wonderful evening last night. I haven’t heard much from the masquerade.”

((italicized words are spoken in a their language.))
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

As Mina slowly blinked her eyes open, she was greeted by the soft gray light filtering through the window and a soft pattering of rain hitting said window. For a moment, she lay there, allowing her senses to adjust to her surroundings, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. The memories came flooding back in fragments, the chaotic ritual, Torvi's unexpected intervention and kidnapping of her, the assault from the spirits, and the comforting presence of Munir.

Taking a deep breath, Mina sat up slowly, her movements careful as she glanced around the room, taking in the familiar furnishings and the crackling fire in the hearth. She glanced down at herself to see she was now dressed in a linen tunic that held the familiar scent of Munir. A sense of calm washed over her as she realized where she was, a sense of safety enveloping her like a warm embrace.

Her gaze drifted to the figure sleeping peacefully on the floor, his features softened in slumber. Her heart swelled with affection as she watched him, a rush of gratitude washing over her for his unwavering devotion and care.

But as she studied him further, a furrow formed between her brows. Why was he sleeping on the floor? Shouldn't he be in the bed with her? Concern tinged her thoughts, but she pushed it aside for the moment, focusing instead on the overwhelming feeling of affection she felt for him.

Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, Mina carefully made her way down to the floor, her steps quiet as she approached Munir's side. She knelt down next to him and gently brushed a lock of hair from his forehead, her touch feather-light as she leaned down to press a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Munir," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath as she watched him, a fond smile gracing her lips. "Thank you... for everything."

Curling up next to him, Mina nestled into his side, her head resting against his chest as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. In that moment, surrounded by warmth and love, she felt at peace, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Morning Blossom Cafe
Interactions: @JJ Doe Count Fritz “Run” Hendrix
Attire: Dress

As the sounds of rain pitter-pattered on the windows of her chamber, Torvi stirred from her slumber, her mind already buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead. Today would be different from what she was used to, for it marked the beginning of the Courting Mixer, an event she had been both dreading and secretly looking forward to. She'd decided to attend as it was a good opportunity to meet new people and continue her investigations of those here in Caesonia.

With purposeful movements, she rose from her bed, her bare feet padding softly against the polished floor. The air was cool against her skin, a welcome contrast to the warmth that had settled in her bones.

Today called for attire unlike any other, and Torvi wasted no time in selecting her ensemble. She bypassed her usual leather armor and instead reached for a gown that shimmered like molten gold in the dim light of her chamber. The fabric flowed like liquid around her frame, accentuating her curves and lending an air of regal elegance to her form.

Her hair, usually bound in practical braids, cascaded down her back in loose waves, each strand catching the light and reflecting a thousand hues of silver and moonlight. She adorned herself with delicate jewelry, each piece glinting softly in the morning light.

As she made her way through the halls of the castle and eventually put into the world, Fenrys padded silently at her side, his large form a comforting presence in the quiet solitude of the corridors. His amber eyes glinted with amusement as he regarded her attire, a scoff echoing through the air. Torvi shot him a playful glare, urging him to silence with a gentle pat on his sleek fur.

Arriving at the Morning Blossom Cafe, Torvi felt a sense of calm settle over her. The soft melodies of the piano and the gentle murmur of conversation enveloped her like a warm embrace, soothing the odd nerves that had been fluttering in her stomach since dawn.

She had told Fenrys to stay outside, observe those passing by, and so that's what he did. He found himself a comfortable spot outside of the entrance out of the way, yet still under some cover from the rain. He looked almost regal and a bit frightening as he sat there gazing at those who walked in.

As Mingyu greeted her with a smile, Torvi returned the gesture as best as she knew how. She reached into the basket and plucked a small piece of paper, glancing at the number scrawled upon it. With a nod of thanks to Mingyu, she made her way further into the cafe, her steps light and purposeful.

As Torvi awaited her date, a sense of possibility hung in the air, mingling with the scent of fresh blossoms and the promise of new beginnings. But she wasn't here for the same reasons many others were. No, instead she was scanning the room and observing everyone there.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Morning Blossom Cafe
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Lord Drake
Mentions: @princess Anastasia
Outfit: Dress

In the quiet sanctuary of Princess Anastasia's chamber, Thea stood before the ornate vanity, the soft morning light filtering through the gossamer curtains. She traced the delicate contours of her reflection, the mask of indifference concealing the tumultuous storm raging within.

Anastasia, her dearest friend and confidante, had offered sanctuary in the labyrinthine halls of the palace, shielding her from the prying eyes of society and the suffocating expectations of her family. But even within the cocoon of safety, Thea couldn't escape the weight of her mother's disappointment, the cold disdain that chilled her to the bone.

Her mother's words echoed in the recesses of her mind, a haunting refrain of duty and obligation that threatened to suffocate her. "You are a Smithwood, Thea," she had admonished, the weight of their tarnished legacy heavy upon her shoulders. "It is time you stopped making a mockery of our family."

But Thea refused to be bound by the shackles of tradition anymore, to be a pawn in the game of societal expectations. She had tasted freedom, felt its intoxicating embrace, and she would not relinquish it without a fight.

And so, with a defiant spark in her eyes, she hatched a plan, a daring gambit to seize control of her own destiny. Swapping places with a willing servant, paying the girl well, she slipped away into the night, leaving behind the confines of her gilded cage in search of true liberation.

But amidst the chaos of her escape, a newfound determination took root within her, a resolve to chart her own course and find love on her own terms. For too long, she had allowed others to dictate her fate, to mold her into the dutiful daughter society demanded. The end of her engagement with Felix had felt devastating at first, but now she felt like it was a godsend.

Two days had passed since then, as she prepared for the mix and match mixer, Thea embraced the uncertainty of the unknown, the thrill of possibility coursing through her veins. For in the dance of chance and destiny, she would find the freedom she so desperately craved, and perhaps, just perhaps, the love she had longed for all along.

As Thea stepped into the Morning Blossom Cafe, the elegant ambiance enveloped her like a warm embrace, soothing her nerves with its serene beauty. She couldn't help but marvel at the opulence of the surroundings, the soft melodies of the piano mingling with the gentle hum of conversation, creating a symphony of elegance. She handed her borrowed coat and umbrella to the coat check, revealing a beautiful mint green dress that seemed to embody spring. She was oh so thankful to the fact that her and Annie were of similar sizes. She also hoped that Annie would find Farim to assure him that she was okay as Thea had instructed her to do this morning before bidding her farewell.

Taking a deep breath to steady her racing heart, she approached Mingyu, who greeted her with infectious enthusiasm. Thea couldn't help but smile at Mingyu's warmth, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest as she reached for a piece of paper from the basket.

"Thank you, Mingyu," she murmured, her voice tinged with anticipation as she glanced at the number on the paper. With a quick nod of gratitude, she followed Mingyu's guidance, her pulse quickening with each step as she scanned the room for her designated table.

As Thea settled into her seat, her gaze wandered across the elegant surroundings of the Morning Blossom Cafe, taking in the beauty of the floral arrangements and the soft glow of the chandeliers above. Her heart danced with excitement as she eagerly awaited the arrival of her date, her mind buzzing with anticipation.

And then, like a vision from a dream, he entered the room—a man whose mere presence seemed to cast a spell over the atmosphere. He had to be Prince Charming.

Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him move with effortless grace, his commanding stature drawing the attention of everyone in the room, or so she thought. Her pulse quickened with each step he took, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from his captivating form.

As he drew closer, Thea felt a rush of nervous energy coursing through her veins. She smoothed her hands over the fabric of her dress, suddenly acutely aware of every detail of her appearance. Was she dressed appropriately? Did she look presentable enough for someone as distinguished as Prince Charming?

But as he finally reached her table, her worries faded ever so slightly into the background, replaced by a sense of exhilaration at the prospect of getting to know him. She greeted him with a warm smile, her heart fluttering with excitement as she prepared to embark on this new adventure. Quickly, she decided to stand up, smashing her knee against the table and feeling the utter humiliation begin to take hold. She dipped her head, trying to hide the deep blush and she dropped into a curtsy.

"Hello," she said, her voice tinged with anticipation. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lady Th-.” She suddenly cut herself off as a thought occurred to her and her stomach soured. ”I
.Forgive me, but I fear that revealing my name to you may scare you away as it is known in a negative connotation.” She began to shuffle from side to side, her nervousness and fear palpable now.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Her Bedroom --> Outside of Farim's bedroom in the Guesthouse Hallway.
Attire:Dress, Flats, Crown and Earrings
Mention: @Tae Thea
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim

Anastasia slowly blinked her eyes open to the familiar sight of her ornate ceiling. As her vision gradually adjusted, the grand architecture came into focus, each detail sharpening under her gaze as a deep throb pulsed at the base of her skull. The room spun slightly as she cautiously tried to sit up, each movement sending a sharp jolt through the back of her head. With a low groan, she reached up to gingerly touch the tender spot where she had been struck, the pain vivid and startling.

The memories of the previous night flooded back to her in disjointed flashes—the sudden blow, the sensation of tumbling into darkness, the chaos of the forest. She furrowed her brows, trying to piece together the fragmented events, but the effort only seemed to exacerbate her headache.

Drawing a shaky breath, Anastasia forced herself to focus on the present. Slowly, she took in the familiar surroundings of her bedroom - the opulent furnishings, the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the curtains, and then the plush pink bedding that enveloped her legs in silken warmth. She could hear the distant sound of servants moving about in the castle, their footsteps echoing down the corridor.

She glanced around the room, her gaze falling on her reflection in the mirror across the chamber. Her ashen blonde hair was tousled and tangled from sleep, strands falling haphazardly around her shoulders. Then she looked to her side and there, amidst the sea of silk and down, lay Thea, her chest rising and falling with the peaceful rhythm of sleep.

Annie couldn’t help but smile softly at the sight. Moving closer to the bed, she brushed a loose strand of hair from Thea's forehead, waking her friend gently. Lying down beside her, she embraced her friend, their whispered conversation protected by their private cocoon.

Thea, with a hopeful spark in her eye, confided her desire to attend the courting event at the cafe. Anastasia had immediately agreed it would be a wonderful opportunity to help Thea mend her heart after the Felix ordeal. Together, they perused the royal wardrobe, selecting a gown that not only flattered Thea but seemed to reflect the fresh start she so yearned for. Anastasia then assisted with her friend’s hair and make-up, lending her expertise to ensure every detail was perfect.

With a final, heartening squeeze of hands, Thea departed, leaving behind a recommendation to go see Farim.

A short while later, swaying slightly with a trace of dizziness, Anastasia stood before Farim’s door. She was dressed in a peach gown that embraced her figure, adorned with off-shoulder sleeves. Without hesitation, she knocked with a playful lightness in her heart despite the dull ache in her head.

"Farim! Guess what! I'm not dead!"

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak đ”Ș𝔩 đ”Șđ”žĂ±đ”žđ”«đ”ž, đ”Ș𝔩 đ”„đ”Źđ”¶, đ”Ș𝔩 đ”žđ”¶đ”ąđ”Ż

Member Seen 1 mo ago

D A M I E N E S T A T E | E V E N I N G
I n t e r a c t i o n s :
John, @Conscripts
M e n t i o n s :

“Mama, you are making a fuzz out of nothing.”

“Nonsense! I wish for you to look perfect today, who knows? You might find a husband this morning.”

“You think so? Oh, I really do hope so! It’d be wonderful to run my own estate. I would finally be able to host on own dinner parties and balls!”

“Oh honey, I am sure you will do great. Now, let me fix your hair. You’ve got some a cowlick.”

Zarai watched the two women laugh and smile at one another. The older woman gently smoothed out her daughter’s hair, ensuring no hair was out of place. The daughter smiled and laughed when her mother said something else only the two could hear—perhaps an inside joke or a playful tease about her hair. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention to her own mother.

Duchess Francesca watched her with blue icy eyes that made her feel as if she were standing under a waterfall. “Don’t speak too loud, smile, and nod. Do not mention anything unseemly, and keep your opinions to yourself. No respectable man wishes to hear a woman speak of politics,” her mother said. She reached out to fix Zarai’s sleeve, but her daughter pulled back and fixed it herself.

“Yes, mother.” Zarai nodded politely, eyes down. "Shall I not speak at all, then? Perhaps some Duke or Count fancies mute girls—” She winced when sharp nails dug into her underarms as her mother pretended to fix her sleeve. “Fine!” she hissed.

“This is exactly what I am referring to,” Francesca huffed, pulling her arm back and putting on that sweet smile again. “Don’t embarrass me; Gods know you’ve done that so many times already. And for your sake, do not stuff your face with food. Any more of it and your dress will burst at the seams.”

『 °*‱ ❀ ‱*°』

Zarai stared down at the number 5 scribbled on the small piece of paper. She shot Mingyu one last smile as she walked past and toward her designated table. Despite her initial reservations about the event, Zarai couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill at finally being at Blossom Caffe. It was her first time setting foot in the place, and for as long as she could remember, she had dreamed of visiting. The exterior of the building was a sight to behold, its beautiful facade promising an evening of elegance and sophistication. Every time Zarai had peeked inside, she had caught glimpses of graceful ladies sipping from dainty cups and indulging in culinary delights that could be described as art. She had often imagined herself among them, adorned in a fancy hat and delicate lace gloves, exuding an air of refinement and charm that she did not possess.

Now, she was finally here, not by choice but to fulfill her social obligations. Determined not to let that bring her spirits down, Zarai was to make the most of the morning, even if it meant entertaining a randomly selected date. It was another opportunity to meet potential suitors, something she had been considering more seriously lately, despite her very limited list of prospects.

As she sniffed the air, the aroma of the pastries and delicious food drew a growl from her empty stomach. She did not care if her Sir Barrios was outside watching her from the windows; he wouldn’t barge in if she dared to eat. It would be impolite not to indulge, considering the effort the cafe and the royal family had put into the event. With a playful smile, she decided to fully appreciate any of the culinary delights that would be presented before her.

Zarai only hoped not to see him here. She had avoided talking to him for days, and by some stroke of luck, she had managed to keep her distance. She wished to continue this for a few more days, at least until she felt more prepared to face him.

Lost in her thoughts, she almost forgot her surroundings until an unfamiliar figure caught her eye. Her heart skipped a beat as she watched him approach. Handsome and well-groomed, he seemed different from the typical snobby nobles she was accustomed to encountering. It was a welcome sight, and she felt a glimmer of hope that this evening might not be as tedious as she had anticipated.

Zarai put on a smile and waited to greet her date.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 18 min ago

Wulfric & Zarai Part 1

The 23rd of Sola, at night: After the masquerade

Wulfric nodded as he noticed Zarai signaling him from the distance, acknowledging her nonverbal gesture, and subtly motioned for her to go ahead. After he and Lord Drake Edwards had drifted apart, the royal idled by the buffet. Perplexingly, he was soon drawn into a rather
intense interaction with Fritz, of all people.

When he and Zarai met up, it was later at night. Wulfric found her lounging on a couch in one of the guesthouse’s drawing rooms. He was still in his full costume; he must have just returned from the masquerade. “Zarai,” he greeted her. His tone was a notch warmer than usual.

However, as he examined her closely, his eyes narrowed. Her black sleeves were sheer enough for him to notice something off. Suddenly, he stepped closer. First, he removed his gloves, storing them into an inner pocket. Then, with gentle motions and a featherlight touch, he pushed the sleeve of her dress up her arm, revealing the bruise forming beneath. “Who.” His voice took on a deeply frigid quality.

He was asking because given its size and shape, the handprint must be a man’s. Had it been a woman’s, he’d have assumed the culprit to be her mother. In which case, he would have said nothing. Zarai wasn’t the only one with a hands-on parent. A shared commonality of theirs they had noticed years ago, and had decided not to speak of by way of silent agreement.

But because the mark was left by someone he didn’t know about, Wulfric reiterated, “Who needs to die.”

As she contemplated the bruise, Zarai's mind raced with thoughts and emotions. She knew she should be furious at Monet for even daring to lay his nasty, grubby hands on her, but the lingering dread and fear outweighed her anger. The realization that she had finally stood up to face Lord Monet's aggression left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Feelings she did not wish to linger on.

“Lord Marcus Monet,” Zarai spoke his name with disdain, her lip curling in distaste. Uttering his name felt like expelling venom with every syllable and left a bad taste in her mouth. She knew Wulfric’s options against him were limited due to Monet’s strong ties with the Varian crown. Despite this, the idea of his death brought some satisfaction. “He is my mother’s top choice for my hand.” And only one, so far. She sniffed her arm, “He didn’t leave his stench on me, did he? Ugh, I ought to burn this dress, but that would be a waste of perfectly good fabric.”

At the mention of that name, Wulfric clicked his tongue, as if dismissing the off-handed notion of assassination once he learned who the man was. But he didn’t.

Oh, no, indeed he did not. He merely shelved it for the moment.

Gently, he rolled Zarai’s sleeve back down, once again concealing the bruise. “And for once in your life, you are listening to her?” he questioned. He could surmise that the lord was her last option, what with her reputation in Varian. “Is that why you spoke to Auguste?” he suddenly recalled. Her question led to an amused huff. “A moment,” he drawled. He removed his mask, and put it on the nearest surface. The silver metal gleamed brightly, its curved, menacing shape set against the marble end table.

Wulfric shook his hair loose, and carded a hand through it. Because it was rather warm, he removed his feathered cloak, and threw it onto the couch where it landed with a soft clanking of chains. Underneath, he wore a simple if elegant black tunic lined with silver. Taking off the cloak revealed his weapons; a shortsword belted at his hip, and a revolver holstered at the small of his back.

"Yes," Zarai sighed. There was no point in lying to Wulfric; he’d just see right through her anyway. “Although, I fear my proposition may have been a touch too bold for dear Auguste,” she admitted, leaning back on the couch, her gaze fixed on Wulfric. She couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over him, taking in his every movement. He was undeniably attractive– and pretty, too– but she would never admit to it aloud. Zarai refused to stroke his ego.

Freed from his costume, Wulfric settled in next to Zarai. “Allow me
” he offered his hand palm up, waiting for her to set hers into his. When she did, he delicately scented the air around her. Immediately, his nose wrinkled, and he pushed her arm away - largely in jest. “It’s faint. I’m sure you’ll be fine,” he waved a hand dismissively. “So, are you now seriously considering courting?” he gave her a look, eyebrow quirked.

She appeared momentarily offended before realizing he was only playing with her. "What? Is it truly so difficult to imagine?" she retorted, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Mother left me with no choice; it's either I find someone else—someone who meets her demanding standards—or be shackled to that," she added, a shudder of disgust running through her at the thought. There was only herself to blame; had she fought against the rumors of her tainted reputation, the search might have been different.

“No choice?” Wulfric repeated. “No eloping, absconding, relinquishing your status and becoming a commoner?” he wondered. “Were those not the choices you had had in mind once upon a time?” A hint of that sharp criticism she despised so much crept into his tone. Yet, he genuinely was curious, and at least attempted to curb the sarcasm.

Zarai scoffed at the suggestion. “No, I won’t run away.” She glanced down at her hands. “Got any suggestions for me?” Zarai returned the quirked brow, “Any handsome, ridiculously rich gentlemen looking for an experienced wife?”

With a sigh, the prince leaned back against the backrest, observing his - as much as it pained him to admit it - friend. He seriously contemplated her question, sensing it was far more important than Zarai’s joking tone might lead one to believe. “Well, despite what you’ve said about Auguste, he isn’t one to balk easily. As I recall, you were the one to run away.” His gaze narrowed, and his chin raised haughtily as he gave her a warning look. “Yet, even if he were to permit it, I would not allow you to continue your openly promiscuous ways if you were to marry my brother.”

Yes, he too, was demanding; as Zarai liked to say, just as much if not worse than her mother.

But when the tense seconds passed, he eased up. “Then, in recent memory
Cassius Vael, now Damien. A bastard, but Calbert’s, and one he clearly intends to treat as a legitimate son.” Despite his personal distaste for Cassius, there was no indication of it, his tone entirely factual. “Shahzade Munir has a reputation similar to yours, I believe.” He did not know much else about the man, unfortunately.

“If rich is enough, even a merchant would do.” He was sure Duchess Lesdeman had in mind a landed noble, however. By way of association, something occurred to him, and he snapped his fingers. “Ah. How close are you to Count Fritz Hendrix, exactly?” He recalled having seen them together at the ball his family had hosted. “And before you say, yes, I am aware your mother would disapprove.” The mild grimace indicated he had experienced the duchess’ vitriol against anyone bearing the name Hendrix.

Zarai's fingers played with the edge of her sleeve as she considered the suggestions laid out before her. Among them, Shahzade Munir stood out as a viable option. However, she was much more drawn to his sister, Layla, who exuded a commanding presence that could persuade Zarai to do almost anything. Yet, she knew her mother would never entertain such a union, regardless of Layla's wealth or potential future role as a Sultana.

A memory surfaced, accompanied by a voice that made her stomach clench, and her heart flutter. “Your hands are beautiful
 You are beautiful, Zarai.” She pushed the memory aside as shame overtook her. "Count Hendrix is a friend," she said firmly. And if he were to be safe, he’d remain so.

At her assertion, Wulfric gave her a look – the kind that made it clear to her he thought she was being silly. “Zarai
A friend is exactly who you should consider. Marriage with someone you can get along with— It is a valuable thing.”

“Tch.” Zarai slumped against the back of the couch, grateful for the tightness of her corset that provided some cushioning for her still-bruised ribs. “I could marry Monet,” she mused, her voice laced with bitterness. “Endure for a night or two, then kill him in his sleep. A nice soft pillow over his head for a few minutes.” She didn’t meet Wulfric’s gaze as she continued. “Or poison. They say poison is a woman’s weapon, don’t they? A bit of it in his morning tea or porridge would do the trick.” She was unsure if she said it in jest or was seriously considering it. Though, it would be her last resort.

While Zarai was averting her gaze, Wulfric studied her, free of judgment. “If you could endure it,” he pointed out, tone serious. “It might have to be for longer than you are thinking. Weeks. Months. Years,” he warned. He knew from his mother just how difficult it was to get rid of an unwanted but well-positioned husband. He told her as much: “It wouldn’t be difficult for him to guess at your designs. He could blackmail you. Threaten you. Manipulate and pressure you until you feel you have no choice, again.” He waited as long as it took for her to absorb that. When she did, he moved closer, within whispering distance. “If we are to arrange an accident, it will have to be very, very thorough,” he relayed quietly, the smirk audible in his tone. Then he leaned back, as satisfied as a cat who got the cream.

She considered his words for a moment, reluctantly acknowledging their truth. As much as she hated to admit it, Wulfric was right. Despite Monet's repulsiveness, he was a man of power who could indeed make good on his threats. How else did such a man turn a crumbling House into what it is today? However, Wulfric’s last sentence echoed in her mind like ripples in a lake of red. Yet, the fact he was saying those words to her felt somewhat comforting.

"And what about you?" Zarai inquired, suddenly intrigued by Wulfric's marital status. "I mean to say, not with me—gods, no—but has anyone caught Your Highness's eye?"

Immediately, the inquiry had him raising his brows. For a moment, he thought Zarai had taken his advice to marry a friend far too liberally. As she clarified, however, he grew visibly relieved. “Oh, good. You had me worried you had gone insane,” he flashed her a knowing smile and she returned the same smile, rolling her eyes. Wulfric was sure both of them would sooner see the world end than entertain marrying each other. He hummed and stretched as he mulled over the question.

There was Mayet, but she proved too immature, and had to return home. Before we could duel, even,” he sighed, evidently disappointed. “The dinner!” he suddenly exclaimed, as something occurred to him. “Had I been at that damned dinner, I could have demanded an honour duel.” He stood up, agitated, and paced across the room. He stopped at the alcohol cabinet, and collected glasses and a drink. “Oh, look, there’s one of your favourites.” He poured himself a shot, downed it, and followed it with another. He brought the drinks over, poured for the both of them, and handed a glass to Zarai as he retook his seat.

Zarai snorted at his reaction, unsurprised over his very obvious disappointment. “I did hear that the dinner was a complete shitshow, plates thrown and all. I would have paid to be there.” She took the glass and sipped from it as Wulfric continued. At least now their future dinners with the Alidasht would be more peaceful with Mayet gone.

“A shitshow indeed,” he confirmed. After a pause to ruminate on the event, he went down the list of the candidates for marriage.

“Of the Alidastht, there was that cousin of theirs,” he referenced Saiya, “but the Grand Vizier is her adoptive father,” he shook his head. “Then there is Layla,” he smirked at Zarai, “who is more your type, I believe?” Frankly, the woman’s age was an issue too; with her being almost 30, they would need to get to the whole procreating matter very quickly. “I have yet to acquaint myself with Shehzadi Nahir, but I would like to.” From his assessment, they were both manipulative, diplomatic, and secretive. Given their similarities, perhaps they would be compatible - or perhaps, they would clash.

“From Varian, I would consider only Princess Beatrice, but I do not believe she or her parents would be inclined to the union. In Caesonia, there are a few more choices
” he trailed off, unenthused. “I suppose if I had to pick someone, it would be Priscilla Edwards.” He did not mean the reluctance as a slight against her. If anything, it was a sign of his esteem that he considered her an acceptable option.

“The Edwardses are incredibly wealthy,” Zarai nodded, contemplating his choices. “What of the Damien girls; what was it? Violet and Crystina?” She tapped her fingers over her glass, humming in thought, “Doesn’t Duke Vikena have a daughter too?” She paused, recalling the rumors she had heard about Charlotte. She didn’t think the rumors about her were true; she found them stupid and unfounded. And still, they mirrored her own predicament back in Varian and she couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity for her.

“Although, if you are seeking a strong union, I'd suggest considering the Ganasea princess. It's unfortunate that Mayet couldn’t be here, you two would have made quite a cute couple.” She flashed him a teasing smile before taking another sip from her glass.

“I do not wish to allow Calbert of all people to marry into my family,” he told her. “As for the ladies themselves
There is something off about Violet - have you seen her lately?” he commented. “And Crystal is like a rabbit,” he waved a dismissive hand. A sheltered, naive, fearful woman was difficult to see as anything but a child.

He grimaced at the mention of Duke Vikena. “Good Gods, to have Lorenzo as an in-law,” he mock-shuddered. “Charlotte is fine, though, I suppose. But I am expecting her to take the reins of her duchy as soon as possible.” In which case, she couldn’t exactly double up as a queen.

There was also the matter of his general lack of interest, but that wasn’t something Zarai needed to know.

“Believe me, I am considering all options,” he sighed lightly. He raised a nonchalant shoulder at her attempt at teasing; he frankly only regretted not having been able to duel Mayet. “She was far too volatile. Throwing a knife, and holding a foreign dignitary at blade-point in a fit of rage?” he shook his head.

"I found her arrogance rather charming," Zarai hummed as she not-so-gracefully rose from her seat. Almost instantly, the room began to spin in a pleasantly numbing manner, just the way she liked. With a carefree attitude, she kicked off her heels; they were just an accident waiting to happen. She sauntered over to the bookcases that lined one of the walls.

“Of course you did,” he snorted. “Yet, I distinctly recall you saying in the past that, and I quote, my arrogance was one of my most unfortunate traits,” he paraphrased with an eye roll. It’s not as if it offended or upset him, but it was a mystery why she favoured women the more insolent they were. Granted, he too, had found Mayet’s haughtiness intriguing, so he wasn’t in much of a position to criticize Zarai for the same.

“And still is,” Zarai shot him a pointed look before returning to her search.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Rodiak
Avatar of Rodiak

Rodiak đ”Ș𝔩 đ”Șđ”žĂ±đ”žđ”«đ”ž, đ”Ș𝔩 đ”„đ”Źđ”¶, đ”Ș𝔩 đ”žđ”¶đ”ąđ”Ż

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Wulfric & Zarai Part 2

The 23rd of Sola, at night: After the masquerade

The following segment involves Wulfric and Zarai reading a terrible erotica. You have been warned.

"Did you happen to catch a glimpse of Shehzadi Layla this evening? She looked absolutely stunning. It sucks– a shame I couldn't spend more time in her company," she sighed with a wistful shake of her head. Zarai imagined how nice it would have been to dance with Layla, perhaps even making the entire dancing thing enjoyable. Her fingers lightly grazed the spines of the books as she casually perused the shelves, in search of nothing in particular.

However, as she neared the end of the row and glanced toward the bottom, her eyes caught sight of a familiar-looking spine. "Aha!" she exclaimed, extracting it with an exaggerated and theatrical flourish, nearly causing her wine glass to spill over. "Well, would you look at this? It still has the bookmark we left! I thought one of the maids might have snatched it up by now." As she neared the coach again she tossed the book to Wulfric’s lap.

“I have noticed you together. Matching costumes?” he remarked, curious. He hummed at Zarai’s expression of disappointment. “Was there running away involved again?” he questioned, eyebrow arching at her back. Zarai shrugged, unsure herself. The prospect of running away dwindled by the day.

He lazily watched Zarai browse the shelves, reclining on the couch. As he noticed the book she grabbed, however, he instinctively grimaced at it in distaste. “You do have a way of picking them,” he complained. Even so, he curled his fingers at her, and she threw the book at him. The way Wulfric was looking at it, it might as well have been a bucket-full of vomit which had landed in his lap. “Let’s see
” Carefully, he picked it up, and paged through the first few chapters, seeking where they’d left off.

‘The Master’ was embossed upon the book’s cover in an overly flamboyant golden script. There was a stylized black-and-white sketch within the first few pages. A dashing if generic looking noble, and a woman of presumably Alidasht descent staring at the noble, starstruck.

Indeed, it was a romance novel. Its summary promised vague hints of tantalizing erotica as well. Yet, so far the book had been
Exceedingly dull and worrying at the same time. In their past readings, they’ve discovered that the male lead - Maximilian ‘Max’ Trevis Le Velin - was a hedonistic, womanizing, irresponsible layabout with a penchant for drugs. “Almost as if I were reading about Callum,” Wulfric had succinctly noted in their first reading session.

The fellow, Maximilian had inherited his family’s county after the unexpected death of his older brother. He had whinged and complained about his ‘unfair’ fate in equal measure as he had expressed resentment and an inferiority complex towards his now deceased brother. The brother whose funeral was approaching, and whose widowed wife the lead was arranged to meet with.

“Fuck. I woke hungover, with the knowledge that Karoline was arriving today. ‘Fuck’, I swore out loud,” Wulfric began to narrate. Uncomfortably, the book was written from the first person perspective of the sleazy lead. The main character had a propensity for swearing. Presumably, it was meant to be liberating, yet Wulfric found it thoroughly dull due to the sheer repetition. Too, it made the man sound like a neanderthal.

“My stumbling steps carried me across the cool wooden paneling. I clutched a hand to my head, wincing in pain at the sharp headache. My string of sotto voiced curses was interrupted by a loud yell, startled from me as I hit my toe against a desk corner. ‘Fuck!’ I glared at the dim surroundings through half-opened lids, yet I didn’t dare risk lighting a lamp. I didn’t want my pain to get any worse
” he forged on. The text was chock-full of everyday minutiae, at times described in exceeding, exhausting detail.

After a chapter, the widow, Karoline, was introduced. “I met her on the doorstep. I wanted to be the one leading the conversation, but I gave myself away the moment I saw her. I gasped, my breath stolen away by the sight of her. I had nearly forgotten what a stunning woman she was. A perfect face framed by riotous blonde curls. Full lips slightly opened, pouting at me invitingly. Even with tears brimming on her lids, dried tracks of past sorrow visible under her red-rimmed gaze, she was beautiful. Made even more beautiful in mourning, I speculated. Her bright hazel eyes blinked at me, long lashes granting wet kisses upon her cheeks with each feather-light flutter. She heaved an anguished breath, ripe breasts the size of melons bouncing into my view. I was aroused.”

He had read all of that smoothly, his skills of rhetoric arguably the one thing that made the book somewhat bearable. But at that last bit he paused. “Aroused,” he repeated, incredulous as he was aghast.

He put the book down, picked up his previously abandoned glass, and drank from it deeply.

Laughter erupted from Zarai, unable to contain herself from Wulfric’s reaction. “Aroused,” she drawled as she took the wine bottle and traded it with the book.

“Why is it always melons? Why can’t they be
 I don’t know, coconuts, pineapples, or watermelons? Gods, why is it always fruits anyway
 at least they didn’t write ‘mountains’ or ‘mounds’.” She shifted in her seat, reclined against the back of the couch, and cleared her throat, ready to continue reading.

Wulfric shrugged. “Because women are made of ‘sugar, spice, and everything nice’?” he quoted. He snorted at her suggestions. “At least it wasn’t ‘fearful virginal breasts’ or ‘shy peaks rising to greet me’ or ‘perky peaches anointed in the holy redolence of our lustful exertions’,” he drawled, reminiscing on some of the more
memorable pieces of texts they’d read in the past.

“‘Karoline,’ I said softly, stepping ever so closely to her. The temptation to press myself against her soft curves clawed at me from the inside, so much so I could have given into desire at any moment. ‘I am so sorry for your loss.’ She looked up at me, her eyes now brimming with tears that made them glisten in the sunlight. So captivatingly stunning. In that instant, our gazes locked, and I saw a flicker of something in her eyes, a spark of longing that mirrored my own. I wanted nothing more but to comfort her, to hold her in my arms and make her forget all of the pain.” Zarai scrunched her nose and continued.

“‘Max,’ she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of her tears–’ Huh? How does one ever hear tears?” She re-read the same line two more times but trying to figure it out would be a wasted effort and decided to go along with it, “Without thinking, I reached out and brushed a tear from her cheek, my fingertips lingering on her hot soft skin. I could feel the heat between us, the unspoken desire that hung in the air like a tangible thing, swirling around us in a heady mix of grief and passion 
 This guy might be delusional.”

“Hmm,” he agreed with a hum, and accepted the book as she passed it over. “Her amber orbs caught the light, shining with a familiar lust. She’d always known how to attract a man, and had played around with more than I care to know, the little slut.” Wulfric gave the book, then Zarai a look. “Now that’s a tone shift,” he commented, then went back to reading. “I could give her what she wanted, but I had to stay strong. It was too painful, being reminded of my brother, of how she’d left me for him - for his money.” He paused. “Huh.” He poured himself another glass to sip at, but didn’t comment further.

What followed were several pages describing how oh so holier-than-thou Maximillian was for not succumbing to ‘the wiles of a devil woman’. It was mind-numbingly boring, but there was finally another scene to break up the monotony.

“She strolled out of the bathroom, only my thin, oversized, silken bathrobe hugging her body. She was all wet,” Wulfric snorted lightly, “so I could see more than I should have. Fuck! I was sure she had to know, though, so maybe I was seeing exactly as much as she wanted me to. Her hair was dripping water onto the floor, enticing–” he tilted his head, bemused.

“Water puddles on the floor are enticing?” he interjected. With a shake of his head, he read on. “–enticing me to go over to her. I reached out, brushing her sopping hair. ‘You’re wet,’ I rumbled. I was eager to explore down there, to check if her lower parts were the same. But I had to show restraint,” there was another eyeroll. “‘I’ll fetch a towel for you.’ She stopped me with a hand on my arm. ‘Max, please,’ she whimpered, pressing herself against me. She was breathy, damp, and warm. It was like I was lost in a tropical marsh.” He couldn’t believe that was an actual line he’d read. “Lost. I was lost. Fuck! It was my loss. I gave in to her.

We spent the night together.”

He turned the page. There was a mark for a new chapter. That was it for the ‘sex scene’. “Is this a joke? Where is the eros in this so-called erotica?” He closed the book, and discarded it onto the couch. He glanced at his glass, but left it alone where he’d last put it. He had had enough alcohol for today. “Can we please burn the damn book now?” he turned to Zarai. However, he already knew that she’d want to read the trainwreck to the end. But they’d have to postpone the rest until the next reading session.

“No way we are burning it without getting to the end! It’s already so bad, it can’t possibly get any worse.” But it most likely would; most, if not all, of the books they’ve read of that genre usually did. Zarai simply had to know how bad it could get.

“Do you think the writer hasn’t loved before? Is that why there is no actual love in their book? Probably some ugly-looking man in his fifties writing out his fantasies. Oh! What if it’s a nun writing the books? Someone bound to the life of celibacy?” Zarai suddenly sat up, gasping at her revelation. “It would make sense; they’d be super pent up if that were the case, and no one that pent up would care if there was some actual eros in their erotica.”

Wulfric slowly nodded as he thought about it. “I bet it’s a woman. Men don’t usually value male abstinence.” He gave in, and allowed himself one final drink. Though, he mostly nursed the glass without drinking much from it. “A nun would make sense,” he agreed with a smirk. From somewhere within his coat, he withdrew a pocket watch. “It’s late,” he remarked. “Can you stand up and walk on your own?” he asked, because Zarai had drunk far, far more than he had.

Zarai hummed, looked at Wulfric, and nodded. “I can stand, don’t you worry about me.” She stood, just to prove to him she was fine. How could she not be? Zarai could hold her alcohol as well as any sailor could. She easily stood up, but took a second to orient herself before walking a small circle around the room. “What I told you, huh?” She grinned and began to wave off the prince.

The royal stood up slowly, ready to leave, but then Zarai practically collapsed onto the sofa.

Her world began spinning like she'd just gotten off a merry-go-round that had been spinning for an hour. “I take that back,” Zarai took a few seconds to swallow back the nausea that threatened to bring back all the crab legs she had managed to eat with Layla. “Just give me a second. I can do it. Or you know what, you can leave me here. Yes, this couch is very comfortable.” Zarai laid back, draping one arm over her eyes and the other over her stomach. “You don’t need me to walk you back to the castle, right? The prince is all good, yes? Yes. Wulfy is always all good. Oh fuu– I’m going to be sick.” She swallowed again, trying to steady herself. “No, no. I’m fine. You go.” She waved him off. “Go on, I’ll see you tomorrow. Or the next day, or the next next one.” In truth, she wanted Wulfric gone so she could enjoy a nice long cry by herself.

“I am not the one who requires an escort,” Wulfric pointed out. He gathered the glasses and bottle and deposited them near the alcohol cabinet. “I cannot possibly leave you in the drawing room,” he stated. He felt languid, relaxed, and overly warm. He was in no rush to leave either. However, as soon as she mentioned being sick, he jumped into action. “Whoa, whoa! Just — hang in there, Zarai,” he spoke in a rush. He nearly dashed out into the hallway, called on a servant, and ordered “whatever’s useful for someone who’s about to be sick”. While they were both waiting, he paced around the room, keeping a careful eye on her. Then there was a knock.

Relieved Zarai hadn’t vomited onto the floor yet, he opened the doors and retrieved the items from a servant. He first carried in the empty bucket, placing it next to Zarai. “Vomit there if you must,” he told her. Then he brought in the rest; a tray which bore a bowl of hot water, a towel, a tea cup and a pot of chamomile tea, and some powdered medicine. Once done, he promptly dismissed the servant and closed the door.
“...Are you going to vomit?” he questioned cautiously. “If not, there’s some tea you could drink,” he offered.

“No. Yes? 
 I don’t know.” Zarai remained in place, a mix of nausea and regret swirling within her. She didn’t want to ruin her dress with the remnants of the crab legs and alcohol. The regret over the drinking game was growing with every passing moment as she found herself blaming Peter. Zarai knew it wasn’t his fault, but shifting the blame to him momentarily gave her a sense of control in her drunken state.

As Wulfric ignored her and offered his assistance, she lowered her arm to watch him with a mixture of amusement and gratitude. “Look at you being all sweet,” she couldn’t help but tease, though she knew his actions probably stemmed from a sense of responsibility. When the tea was offered, she sniffed it, and when no wave of nausea hit her, she sipped from it. Alongside chamomile tea, the prince fed her anti-nausea medicine too.

After she had finished her tea, she looked up to Wulfric, offering a small smile. “Thank you.” She stared back down at the floor, fighting the stinging in her nose. Zarai would not cry in front of Wulfric. “I should get going; I wouldn’t want Mother to barge in and—” She shook her head, standing up—this time a lot slower.

Wulfric stood up as well, having crouched down next to the couch to help Zarai drink the tea. He set the tea cup aside, and approached her, holding out an arm for her. “Let me escort you to your room.” Speaking of escorts
 “Where is that knight of yours, anyhow?” he questioned. “Do you have a lady-in-waiting? Maids? Or do I have to assign you some of ours?” In the state she was in, she’d need the help.

“I escaped Sir Barrios after he kidnapped me from a very lovely lady.” Zarai took the offered arm, very much grateful for the added support. The floor felt like it would give out under her with one wrong step. “He must be looking for me if we haven’t heard my mother stomping around the halls screaming,” she joked weakly, trying to lighten the mood. Her room wasn’t too far, and for that she was glad. Zarai would rather spare Wulfric another panic of seeing her cry. He’d think of her as considerate if he only knew. “It’s all good, one set of eyes keeping track of me is enough. Besides, it would be harder to slip away with another set.”

The prince sighed as he opened the doors leading to her room. “Don’t make his work harder than it needs to be,” he chastised lightly. Wulfric helped her to her bed, but for propriety’s sake, he did not linger in her room once she was safely seated. “Someone will come check in on you in about an hour, and once in the morning,” he informed her from the doorway. “Have a good night.” Before she could protest at the idea of servants being ordered to look after her, Wulfric closed the door, leaving her to her solitude.

"Thank you," she whispered, though she doubted he heard her. Now, finally, alone in her chambers, Zarai sought solace in the confines of her room. She climbed into one of the large, ornate wooden wardrobes, surrounded by skirts, dresses, and blouses. Nestled among the fabrics, she allowed her tears to flow freely, the clothes muffling every one of her sobs.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 10 days ago

Location: The woods
Interactions: @TaeMina.

In Munir's dreams, all of his anxiety and uncertainness came to a head. The fear he felt when he first saw the hulking creature carrying Mina. The uncertainty he felt when Mina disappeared from his sights. The sadness he felt when he saw his mama. The loneliness he felt when his mother left him once more. All of it replayed over and over in his head. In his dream world, he was tortured. In the real world, his body remained motionless, sat by the side of his bed, caused by overexertion.

In the hours that passed, it felt like minutes to Munir. When Mina approached Munir, he made no motions to acknowledge her, at least not initially. This is very unlike Munir, who is usually a light sleeper. When Munir blinked his eyes open, he noticed that Mina was nestled against him, still wearing the shirt that he had slipped on her the night before. He made a small, soft, groaning sound as he leaned down to plant a small kiss through her hair on her forehead. In one swift motion, he scooped her into his arms and patted over to his bed where he set her down gently before climbing in himself. His arms were wrapped around her whenever anatomically possible. He groaned slightly once again as he snuggled up to her in a spooning position.

"Good morning, Lady Blackwood... or should I call you my wife?..." Munir said sleepily while planting small kisses on whatever exposed parts of Mina's neck and collar that he could find.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Count Calbert Damien & Countess Liliane Damien

Location: Damien Estate --> Calbert leaves for the church and Lily goes to Cassius's room
Time: 10am
Mentions: @Tpartywithzombi Violet @PapaOso Cassius

The morning sun peeked intermittently through the parting clouds, offering a muted light that filtered through the large windows of the Damien estate's dining room, setting the polished silverware on the table aglow. The room was painted a gentle shade of lilac. At the center stood a long, dark wooden table surrounded by chairs with tall, ornate backs.

Above, a chandelier with dangling crystals scattered light all over the room. A fireplace with a detailed mantelpiece housed a quietly crackling fire that provided a warm contrast to the cool, rainy morning. Occasional raindrops pattered against the windowpanes, adding a rhythmic counterpoint to the room’s silence.

This serene backdrop was all a juxtaposition to the family's current unease.

Calbert sat at the head of the table, his impeccably tailored suit and neatly combed long hair a testament to his outward control, but the tight set of his jaw and the occasional clenching of his fists betrayed the storm raging within him.

As he glanced across the table at Liliane, his expression softened momentarily. She appeared fragile this morning, the worry for their missing daughter Violet etching deeper lines into her face. Her hands trembled slightly as she held her teacup, her gaze lost in the swirling steam.

"I simply cannot fathom this," Calbert's voice cut through the quiet, a restrained growl of frustration. "An entire night has passed, and there’s still no word on Violet. " The sigh that followed was heavy with the weight of accumulated woes, "...Haven't we been through enough?"

Liliane looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and resolve. "We will find her, Calbert."

Calbert rose, his movements resonant with pent-up energy. "When? And what then of tonight? Will she vanish again? ...We need action, decisive action. I will not have our family threatened constantly."

A glance from Liliane towards their daughter Crystal, silently observing the scene, seemed to bring him back to the moment.

His voice softened, tempered with a tenderness that underscored his words. "Lily, please rouse Cassius and bring some of our guards, scour the town. Visit her frequented spots... The city guard continues their search, but I cannot abide idleness." Approaching her, he lifted her hand to his lips. "Cassius will protect you, my love... I must attend the church event, as appearances must be upheld for the time being, otherwise, I'd come with you. I will request further assistance from King Edin whilst I am there."

Setting her teacup aside, Liliane stood decisively. "I’ll see it done, Calbert. But remain steady; our endeavors from the shadows will come to fruition. Your actions last night have set things in motion for the better, you'll see."

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