Hidden 6 mos ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Time: Morning
Location: Campsite outside Roshmi City
Interactions: Scathael @Apex Sunburn
Mentions: Aerilyn @Alivefalling, Mari @princess, and Thraash @funnyguy

A new morning had come, and the mood within the campsite had yet to shift for the better. Most of the camp's occupants had become less inclined to spark any real casual small talk, and the more extensive discussions were far and few between. To Five, it was evident that everyone was still dealing with the shocking news - and the disturbing sight - of Scathael's village and its population being put to the flame. The Warforged that morning simply kept silent, only having a single optic monitoring the camp's perimeter and casually regarding the still-wakening group. At the same time, his remaining eyes were attenuated to the chemistry set before him.

When Mari and Thraash departed to acquire Scathael's services a few nights prior, Five remained at camp to attend to his attempted repairs. Aerilyn would've tried to generate a discussion or two to pass the time, but the Warforged, whether out of lingering wariness and distrust or having simply put all of his focus into his arm, had either ignored these social advances or grunted in response. Safe to say, it had been a relatively quiet evening after the loud-mouthing duo departed. Eventually, they would arrive a couple of hours later with Scathael in tow. Five would pry his eyes to meet the three, only to find that this, 'Scathael,' was, in fact, a Dark Elf. Five made no attempt to respond to Mari's introductions of the newcomer, and the Warforged stared at the individual who would be repairing him. <<REALLY?>> was the single word that finally escaped him, confusing everyone in attendance.

Though his disdain for Dark Elves remained undisclosed, Five begrudgingly cooperated with the grey-skinned Elf, allowing Scathael to peer into his unarmored limbs to take in the framework construction and note the damages present. For the most part, all Five did was comply and watch the Dark Elf plan about the repair work the following morning. Of course, it would be that following morning, and the unfortunate events that came with it infected everyone with gloomy frowns that persisted to the present day. Five understood this, perhaps more so, as both witness and perpetrator. Five had made it a point for himself not to relive the past or to recollect memories; there was no reason to dwell on maybes or what-ifs. Events that transpired were historical benchmarks to regard and nothing more. Such narrow lines of coded thinking derived from a prior state of simple programmed mentality. The Dwarves, however, gifted him with sapient and independent thought and the chaotic and unreasonable emotions that rebelled against instructions and execution. And so, the memories weren't as easy to suppress as he would have hoped.

The destruction of Scathael's village was described as a massacre. The various reports and descriptors divulged in the group discussion had ferried Five's troubled mind to a place he wanted to forget: the conflict between the dwarves and the dark elves. Namely, an operation where he and his Warforged squad struck out against an outpost lying behind enemy lines. The underlying stratagem: to pull the Dark Elves' attention away from the front. A distraction. His brethren began their assault at nightfall, and resistance was unexpectedly light. It was presumed that the encampment they attacked would host a reserve company of soldiers. Instead, its occupants were but a token force of troops, should it be called that, and a far more significant number of laborers. Civilians. The mechanical force had been programmed to determine if an individual was to be considered hostile by several telling factors. The mission, however, demanded total destruction, and in the ensuing chaos, what algorithms dictated specific actions had become garbled when the garrison mixed with the fleeing colonial citizenry. A bloodbath quickly ensued within minutes of the assault.

Five recalled himself cutting down a Dark Elf defender before turning the corner from a row of dwellings, coming to a firey scene of devastation. He had arrived at a main street where housing and other facilities were ablaze. People were running, screaming, trying to evade the murderous rampage brought forth by his unit. He began walking forward, attempting to identify anyone or anything that could be deemed a military target. A mother and their child had abruptly fallen into his path, likely fleeing the carnage, prompting him to halt. Five glared at the vulnerable and helpless pair as they looked back at him, no doubt scared beyond imagination. His ebony armor melded with the shadows cast by the arrangement of buildings, and the only elements of his presence were his glowing red eyes and his still blood-soaked sword, having been illuminated by the nearby inferno. The mother seemed paralyzed in fear, unable to move, while her young daughter cried relentlessly. Five remained motionless, simply judging the two dark elves until the words ((NO THREAT)) bloomed into his mind. He moved forward once more, causing the mother to embrace her child, fearing their manifested doom was about to strike them down. Five ignored them, and his only regard was stepping around the two non-combatants and resuming his mission. Afterward, the operation was considered a failure, primarily due to faulty intelligence. The massacre of a colonial settlement had indeed drawn attention away from the front lines. Yet, it had also given the dark elves a vengeful purpose. The tactical and strategic gains obtained from the attack were temporary at best, and pressure on the front escalated within a matter of days, bringing several intense assaults.

Whatever became of the two dark elves he spared that night was beyond him. What was perceivable to Five was their frightened expressions, laced with fear and uncertainty. The same expressions that painted the faces of Scathael and his plus-one, Vallana, the only survivor from their village. Five had little to say after the news came to him. As blunt as he was when speaking his mind, he even knew when to keep his metaphorical tongue in check, annoying as that was. At the very least, his repairs would continue regardless of the transpired revelations, something Five was somewhat surprised about. The Warforged would not expect the Scathael to continue their commission in light of the massacre of his and Vallana's village, yet the Dark Elf did so regardless. Five was skeptical if the obligation to his work compelled Scathael to carry out the repairs or if it was a matter of keeping his mind from dwelling on the current tragedy. Whatever it was that drove the dark Elf forward, Five wouldn't question.

However, what concerned him was the apparent fatigueless befalling Scathael and Vallana's presence in general. The appearance of the fox girl had certainly taken Five aback. The assembled party was nearing the appointed hour of hunting a Manticore, only to take in a child whom they would struggle to properly care for, much less even protect, should they insist on bringing with them. From a soldier's perspective, Vallana was a liability. Five, were he not restraining himself, would have demanded Vallana to leave, both for the benefit of the group's effectiveness and for her own good. Circumstances, however, complicated this notion since she had no family to return to besides her relationship with the Dark Elf. In essence, there was nowhere for her to go. Scathael's health was also a complication that Five became more concerned about. While the continuation of his repairs was appreciated, Five could see the dark Elf's ability to manage his personal time was declining. As Five observed closely, his tasks were solely set on his repairs and Vallana's care, with rest becoming a secondary task undertaken only after the first two were satisfied for the day. Five concluded that sleep deprivation was becoming a risk factor for the dark Elf, a fact that he would not suffer from should Scathael lose his edge as a result.

((HOW TROUBLESOME...)) he noted.

It was the following evenings Five found himself to be the most active. Not needing any sleep, there was no questioning him taking the first - and only - watch every night. During his vigil, Five took the time to test the repairs to his right arm. Admittedly, Scathael's efforts to rejoin his arm and maintain it were impressive. Five was almost sure the amputation of the damaged segments of clockwork was the only solution. Yet, to his annoyance, the Dark Elf had proved him wrong. Scathael had managed to repair many of the components Five had nearly written off and even fabricated patches to several crucial parts, guiding the complex locomotion to his afflicted limb. Five was sure to take note of every little detail as he purposely stressed each gear, piston, and crank through their paces. Thus far, everything appeared to hold together; it was all he could ask for at this juncture.

The remaining time not fiddling with his arm was spent fabricating new concoctions for his fogger device. The nerve agent he used on Thraash during their bout was nothing short of a success, especially since it had afflicted the Dragonborn within seconds of deployment. He had used the substance only a few times prior, with such proceedings being validation tests to prove its effectiveness. Yet it could still be improved upon, as Five noticed how the concoction, in its vapor form, could not spread as quickly as he would have liked, which no doubt enabled Mari and Aerilyn to take proper action against it. While he strove to improve that aspect, a thought came to mind when he recalled his observations of Scathael and Vallana. Neither of them, for their own reasons, had been able to rest well in light of recent events.

And he aimed to change that.

Five briefly humored the idea of a sleeping gas, which was undoubtedly plausible when considering the nerve compound would've shared several similar ingredients. Yet a vapor form for the new proposed agent wasn't his outcome. Instead, he sought a consumable method. With a few of the herbs he had on hand and harvesting some of the native flowers for their alchemic properties, it was a simple venture in developing a blend that could induce a relaxation effect, which the Dark Elf and the fox demihuman very much needed. Ironically, his efforts in helping the two were partially out of genuine concern for their state of mind. He figured that if Vallana could attain better rest, it would enable Scathael to do the same and reduce the likelihood of him making an error or two through the final stages of Five's repair. Simple practicality is all that it was for Five's part.

As he was wrapping up his little project, Mari broke the silence, proclaiming how upset she was, without explanation. Five paid no mind to the angsty Light Elf as he poured his work into a small satchel. Scathael would retort and demand quiet so Vallana could rest. At the same time, Thraash elaborated on the futility of such a request, given Mari's apparent agitation.

<<A REMEDY FOR YOUR CONCERN, SCATHAEL,>> came Five's dimmed voice as he produced the satchel and presented it to the dark Elf, <<SHOULD YOU AND YOUR KIN BEFALL TO TENSION, ADD THIS MIXTURE TO YOUR NEXT TEA. IT WILL CALM YOU TO SLUMBER.>>

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aerilyn Nalani

Time: Morning
Location: Camp outsite Roshmi
Interactions: @princess Mari, @Apex Sunburn Scathael, @FunnyGuy Thraash, @ShiningSector FIVE
Current Equipment:
, mithril breastplate with Deflection enchantment, Strength enchantment gloves, adventuring clothes, large survival backpack, two large red potions, three pink potions, two black potions, cooking pot, portable fira, teeth cleanser, body cleanser, time teller, darksight glasses, travel shelter, portable bed, small pillow, lantern, flask, rope, wayfinder, fire starter kit.

“Hurry it up, Ears.”

"I’m goin, I’m goin! Y’all need to be in tip top shape, a great meal takes a little time." Aerilyn announced as she added the final touches of spice to the Joverine Boar, a trophy from her morning hunt. Surveying the group, she saw a mix of anger and sorrow, understanding their emotions after what they'd been through or heard.

"I get it, things are a shit show. But we got a job to do and a bounty to collect. These aren't your run-of-the-mill goblins, and that manticore? It's a beast of its own league. We can't afford distractions when we're out there."

Her ears twitched as she considered their surroundings. "We're still not out of the woods yet. There's a chance we'll be ambushed by a patrol, hungry for turf or their own quarry." Aerilyn's tone turned serious. "Stay sharp. Once we've eaten and packed camp, we're hitting the road." She stated with a thump her foot. “Well, food is ready come get your butts over here.” Aerilyn looked towards everyone smiling in hopes to atleast lighten the air.

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Mole
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Mole ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

Member Seen 38 min ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Seaside Park, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe, @Conscripts
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Rowan nodded to Barrock. He was thankful the orc was consistent with his understanding. He felt he should not be surprised that the ogre had not simply left them yet, but it appeared, he still was.

Rowan had lived a long time, longer than most creatures in Avalia. While something’s did change, he saw other patterns that remained constant. The orcs’ characters were part of the stable flow. However, as Aurora often reminded him, even when they were young, to never underestimate the goodness of any creature.

Of course, he wanted to honor what Aurora had told him, but he was a soldier. There were things — ruthless, horrid things — he had seen. When murder meant victory, as is true for any creature, wise or unwise, it is with great difficulty to have such a pure and clean perspective about the world. For this reason, he felt even more hindered by his protective nature for his dear sister. She would never truly know what Barrock and he had seen. In some ways, it was a blessing, but in others, it was a curse.

His frown settled deeply on his mouth. He kept his hand on his sister’s back. Gingerly, his fingers appreciated themselves against her arch. “Hmm. I see,” a sigh emitted from him. He was trying to hide his despondency, and it came with a heavy breath of self-restrained wrath.

Elven eyes slanted towards Vasco. The human body made a small stir. “We have already lost one. Losing another would be inevitably even more of a setback.” He closed his eyes. His hand stopped rubbing Aurora’s back and touched his temple. “Tempting fate is never a wise decision.”

“Love…” Aurora said almost inaudibly. “… is watching someone die.” These words had changed meaning to her, now. In some ways, they had grown richer, but in other ways, they had become more impossible to grasp. The dark mystery that taunted her endlessly, had grown into a greater abyss.

Rowan was about to reply to his sister, when Vasco interjected. “We were wondering when you would awaken.” His silver eyes pierced at Vasco’s smugness. The Light Elf despised Vasco’s wanton nature. He believed that Zara would have respected their state of affairs. Humans were difficult creatures, and he could not help but despise them. “So, tell us. Where were you last night?”

Aurora bit her bottom lip and took a glimpse at Vasco. They had found him a dreadful state. Maybe this was too strenuous of a task for him. As tough as he wanted to present himself, he was just as fragile as Zara. “We are so relieved you are well, Vasco.” She forced a smile through the tears. His light was different than Zara’s, but it was still just as bright. In the midst of the darkness, at least, there was one more star of hope. “We were worried about you.”

A small twitch flicked on Rowan’s eyebrow as his sister spoke. He could feel the same tension on his frown, lingering into a disdainful smile.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Docks of Roshmi City → Riverport Square, Riverport
Mention: Cyrene
Equipment: Backpack, fishing net, fishing pole, 3 medium red potions, 3 small blue potions, 1 green potion, fire starting kit, poncho, rope, frogfly named “Beebee,” cooking pot, hygiene pouch, water purifier, wooden spear, handcrafted bow and arrows, knife, wool blanket, big fish

Night before the skip

“Good riddance, you murderous siren!” Eros’ exclaim was followed by a hearty chuckle as he tightly gripped the large heavy sack of amas as black market traders carried away the unconscious Cyrene.

“Didn’t I tell you to keep quiet? It’s bad enough that you just willy-nilly fuckin’ carried an unconscious woman through Roshmi,” the well-dressed dark elf trader voiced in a hushed tone. Rather than appearing as the stereotypical rogue on the Roshmi docks, Dresnik ensured he looked like any legitimate businessman in Roshmi. He sported fine dark-colored silken clothes and was always accompanied by two or three muscleheads for protection.

“Siren. Murderer. Drowner… That’s what I carried through Roshmi. What woman fetches this much amas? Hmm?”

Following morning

After his successful trade and some bickering with the black market trader, Eros felt ‘the richest Avalian on this side of the river should secure himself and his funds at an inn. Paying a full night’s price for a few hours was the least of his worries since it was a light expense and beat the chance of running into trouble on the road. Amusingly, Eros was the least worried about fighting anyone or anything on his way back to his humble tent. It was the measly sack he was concerned with due to its patchwork appearance and its size. No doubt he’d mistakenly use it as a weapon in the heat of the moment and lose it all.

When morning came around, Eros fetched him and Beebee some much-needed breakfast, the latter enjoying a dab of honey squirt onto the side of Eros’ plate. It was while eating that Eros heard the announcement made by King Zanithel. Curiosity drew Eros outside to watch in no time at all!

“...creatures also possess destructive magic over the elements of water, fire, earth, air, and lightning! They harness these elements with unnatural ease and will possess power that would even…

“Dangerous… Formidable…” Eros murmured.

“...we as a kingdom shall snuff them and their rebellious conspirators out! They may harness dangerous magic power but I show you now that they can be slain! We may not be facing an army but consider us to be at war… there will be bounty posters for these humans and these terrorists offering a great sum of amas! Offers of freedom…”

“COUNT ME IN!” Eros roared up to the visage of King Zanithel as if it would answer back. “One amas, two amas, three amas, four? Doesn’t matter because Eros wants more! Right, Beebee? I may not like the King or his way of things but if we make enough amas off his desires… Yes! We will do this! Let’s find the humans! Let’s find these tourists helping them!”

Current Morning

“Beebee, do you know why we chose Riverport?” Eros asked his tiny companion who let loose one of his signature chirps. “Wrong. Hm, and I thought you’d become more clever.” Eros shook his head while awkwardly talking to the puny pink frogfly. The two were leisurely passing through the Riverport town square. “It’s not because it is close to Roshmi. I’m not so simple. The reason we find ourselves here is because… because… Hmm… It’s not something I can state in public. We’re not the only ones looking for the humans… But we will be the ones to find them!” Eros grinned as he made his way to the Riverport bank.

Eros really had no idea what he was doing or what leads to follow. He had simply chosen to travel to Riverport only because he did not want to endure the presence of so many elves in Illuminata or Myriamor as he figured no one with a bounty would dare set foot into the home of the Bounty Hunter Guild. The monkey man was doomed. Wealthy, yes, but doomed. However, little did Eros know, he was fortunately much closer to his aims than he knew at the moment.

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Northpass
Interactions: @Helo Bowyn @Lava Alckon Bardulf @FunnyGuy Mister Luum @Tae Brigette @Pink Khione Zeva
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, bow and arrow, rations, water flask, hygiene products, polearm, new outfit

Rue listened to everyone speak and stayed near Bowyn. She observed the room and shuffled her feet. Other than Bowyn, everyone looked like they were freezing. Her gaze kept sliding over to Zeva who was wrapped suffocating tight in her blanket. Rue nodded in agreement with Bowyn’s statements; she wanted to train. Being in Northpass caused her to feel more at ease, despite the high number of dark elves roaming. It bothered her that such a peaceful place was becoming hostile and uncomfortable, and drove her further towards her goal of freeing Avalia. Starfire, who also was not too fond of the cold, was laying by the fireplace and pretending to be asleep so she could ignore everyone.

She shuffled her feet and folded her hands neatly together and glanced around at the others, and then glanced again at Zeva when he mentioned shopping. ”I’d be happy to help buy you some clothes,” Rue told her quietly, “”And anyone else who is not able to tolerate the colder climate. It’s easiest for Bowyn and I to get around, and our ice-magic is more powerful here, too, for hunting.” Rue glanced toward the window. Her eyes twitched as she envisioned all the dark elves patrolling and shuddered. She held onto her polearm and glanced up at Bowyn.

”I won’t take Starfire, because she’ll stand out. I can manage on my own here,” Rue patted her prosthetic-wooden leg hidden under the dark cloak she wore and smiled at him, then glanced at the others.

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Time: Morning Meeting Time
Location: Lumineer Cottage, North Pass
Interaction: Zeva @Pink Khione Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, Brigitte, Masako @dreamingflowers
Equipment:Fancy Ring, Cold Ring, Oak Wood Staff, Brown Leather Fingerless Channeling Gloves (not worn), Transmission Bracelet, 659 Amas.

“Good ideas all around.” The elf voiced, though it was more of a scripted reply. Bowyn could have said he was going to start up a new brothel in town to help make amas and Mister Luum might have said the same. Brigitte returned to his side with a notebook and paper, already diligently jotting down what she could since Mister Luum started before she was ready.

“Thicker clothes would be nice for the Luumineers who need them… but why not think bigger than that, Rue Bear! As an elf who hates the cold almost as much as I hate illusion magic, I think we need to invest in enchanted rings to keep us warm.” Mister Luum raised his left hand to show off two rings. “Not cheap but definitely worth it. And also a good call from the brains of our group. Hunting beasties checks off all three blocks. Amas from the bounties, power from the experience, and respect from the locals in need. Take notes Lumineers, Bowyn is the one who earned himself a ring of levitation from yours truly.” Mister Luum clapped his hands together. “Lastly, Brigitte can you accompany the group going to the markets? I think it'd be best if I stayed here to ‘hold down the fort’. Also…Bardulf!” Mister Luum swiftly removed his Cold Ring and tossed it Bardulf's way. “Ugh. Halastra’s cunt… I had forgotten how this felt.” Mister Luum's tone was night and day from his usual as he rubbed his arms for warmth. He sounded… normal. As if the cold was bothersome enough to keep him distracted from being himself…

“De’ cold never bothered me much and I would love to go.” Brigitte was not just happy to get a chance to go out and shop but Mister Luum was far less strict since undertaking responsibility for Bardulf. In fact, it almost seemed like there was a distance being created between the two. Her eyes scanned the group, her only insecurity growing before she looked down into her notebook so she could pretend to read what she had written down in regards to the meeting.

He spoke to Zeva fer a long time last night… Der both elves so maybe… An’ den, “Rue Bear”? What's dattabout? An’ Bowyn bein' de brains??? And I know Bardulf is special an’ all but…

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Morning
Location: Desert Port
Interaction(s): Tanithil @Lava Alckon, Amisra @Tae, Zion @Helo, Jun @JJ Doe
While Tanithil took care of the business talk, Arlen studied the two new guests, a warm smile on his face as he bounced on his toes in relentless excitement. The human showed a slight hint of intrigue at the mention of treasure hunting, and had seemed impressed by his jumping stunt. Maybe he’s not so bad. Arlen waved at him where the guy was hiding behind Zion, waggling his fingers at the youth playfully. Maybe he was just shy or something? He didn’t answer Tanithil either – well, not with words.

He grinned at the demi-human’s cheer, finding it infectious. “Yeah, nice to meet you too!” he bounced closer. Not as close as he usually would, just in case the human got too spooked. “Well, you don’t have’ta worry about swimming right now.” He laughed at the joke; it started almost as a hiccup, feeling like the sound had to pass some boulders in his throat, but it went easier and smoother with each laugh. “No need for catfishin’ either,” he smirked. “Those are wonderful skills to have – do you have any experiences with deserts?” he wondered curiously. The man’s question was a good one; he didn’t know this place either, so Arlen just shrugged. “Why don’t we go and find out?” Smiling, he went on, eager to explore this town, and find a decent place for breakfast.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Time: One Week After Human Arrival
Location: Seaside Park
Interactions: Aurora/Rowan @mole Vasco @JJ Doe
Mentions: None
Equipment: Longsword and Plate Armor

Why did he put up with this? After Zora's death, he could have just eloped. He owed them nothing really, and their survival record hadn't had the best of impressions. But part of him had pledged to come around with them, and he was going to keep that promise. And another part of him wanted to see that dark elf suffer for the crime he did towards the poor girl. Either way, he is now here, having to deal with this...guy...the more annoying version of Zora, a lot less obedient and disinterested in the group's goal.

"None of this alien slang, please." The polite demeanor was more veil for certain 'preferences' for this human. He had been talking weird words all night long, and Barrock was at the very end of the ropes trying to understand what he means.

When it comes to Rowan and Aurora, he was softer on considering what just happened, but he too thought that the milling about crying about Zora artistically wouldn't solve their current situation. They still had a mission to do, whatever that this rebellion gave them.

"What do we do now?" Barrock asked, mainly towards Rowan, as he was more the group leader. Barrock remembered that Zora was supposed to be trained under them before she got axed off, so he assumed Vasco was meant to be the same. "Going into the woods somewhere and train him, or what?"
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Darius by@FunnyGuy and Dante by @Alivefalling

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Phia, Cyrus, Menzai
Equipment: 2 shot glasses, 1036 Amas total, Flowers from Phia, Dante’s cellphone, Dante’s knife, Cobalt splint-armor, Cobalt Half-plate-armor (Weightless)

Phia questioning about the Garden of Eden gave Darius a slight grin before biting into his pear once more. It was his subtle way of leaving the explanation to Dante. “It’s just some old story from Earth but with all that’s happened I don’t think it’s true.” Dante replied to Phia quickly glancing over at Darius as he caught the apple rolling towards him taking a bite.

“I can share it with you on our way to the city.” Darius stoked her embers of interest while creating yet another social distraction for himself.

Both Dante and Darius leaned slightly in when Menzai mentioned tensions being heightened outside of the village. And just as he was going to elaborate… he choked on his words.

Darius raised a brow at the sudden awkward pause before Menzai looked away from the group and to the window closest to him. Even a blind person could have detected the wolf’s unease.

“The recent incidents seem to have affected me more deeply than I realized. We can discuss this further, but for now, I need to excuse myself.”

Something's up.
Kinda sus…

As tempted as they were, the brothers refrained from making any comments concerning Menzai. One brother hoped Menzai could bounce back from whatever was ailing him, while the other wished he'd be the first person to break the ice in laying their troubles out on the table.

Cyrus answering Phia cut through the brief silence at the table. He revealed details about his family while letting the group know why the distribution of flyers was a sensitive matter.

“Then I guess we should leave the determination on who to trust to you then.” Dante nodded in Cyrus' direction.

“Ehhh, sure but if someone who was trustworthy has flipped in the time you've been away…” Darius shrugged his shoulders as he let what he said sink in. “Besides, it isn't that simple when Cyrus is a member of the family the enemies consider criminals.”

“Negative much?” Dante grimaced causing Darius' eyes to narrow back.

“Yeah. I am.” Darius snapped back, nodding several times for emphasis. “We can't sit here and act like what happened two days ago didn't happen. Phia almost got eaten! Menzai lost his fucking arm! And YOU had a mental breakdown that could have killed everyone sitting here! So yeah, sometimes I'm gonna criticize shit you think seems simple.”

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: A.M.
Location: River Port
Interactions/Mentions: @mole@Conscripts
Equipment: Knife, drugs, and wallet looted from dope peddler

“So, tell us. Where were you last night?”

Vasco patted Rowan’s cheek with blatant condensation. “Rowan, sugar plum, honey bun!” he drawled. “You know you ain’t going to like the answer. So why bother asking?”

He savored the way Rowan’s frown deepened, the wrinkles on his pretty face multiplying like rabbits in a hutch. “Or maybe,” he mused, “this is your way of adding to that laundry list of reasons to get a shiny new human, huh?” Vasco clicked his tongue. “Last one musta been a real piece of work for you to be so keen on ‘trading her in’ for a stand-up guy like yours truly.” He tapped a finger against his temple. Clever play, if that was their game - using incompetence to give the bum’s rush to the heel. Didn’t seem their style, but hey, you never know.

Barrock grunted, “None of this alien slang, please.” Vasco made like he was chewing it over real thoughtful-like before laying it straight. “No can do, pally.” This was who he was, right down to the marrow. A leopard can’t change his spots, and neither could Vasco. “Tell ya what though. You stop being an orc, and maybe I’ll consider it.” Even if the green hulk somehow pulled off that miracle, Vasco had no intention of playing ball. And they all damn well knew it. Barrock was just going to have to get cozy with the lingo, same as the rest of these birds.

“We are so relieved you are well, Vasco.” Aurora’s tear-choked voice drew his attention. “We were worried about you.”

Vasco slid up next to her, slung an arm around her shoulder, and tugged her close. “Nah, toots, you’re the only one who gives a hoot. Rest of them look like they’d be doing the world a favor finishing what the Family couldn’t.” His thumb wiped away the tears ruining her face. “No surprises there. Can’t have the gutter trash sullying a sweet little angel like you, now can they?”

He shot Rowan and Barrock a sidelong glance, a wicked grin across his mug. Tough break for them. Folks like Vasco got a real tickle out of defiling the pure and innocent. Like stomping fresh footprints through a field of virgin snow.

When Barrock parroted the same question Vasco had asked earlier, only for it to be ignored, Vasco spoke first. “For starters, you all need to quit feeling sorry for yourselves. It’s getting real stale, and with everything you’ve pulled off during it, I’m starting to think you’re just dragging your heels. Bellyache all you want about how you screwed the pooch, but it ain’t gonna bring your human back or change that you mucked up the one job you had. Time to put on your big boy pants and move on.”

He aimed a chilly look at Aurora. “If you can’t handle that, then you got no business being out here, Ingénue. The real world’s too much for you to handle.” Vasco tilted her chin up, stared hard into those doe eyes. “You’re a real looker, doll, but what good are you like this? Scram before you get someone else bumped off.”

Releasing the elf, Vasco addressed the group. “But if you’re meaning to even the score, next step oughta be clear as day, yeah?” He flashed them a smile, all teeth. “Find the bastard who killed your gal and put them six feet under.” Now that would be a helluva lot more entertaining than watching this sorry bunch mope around all day, that was for damn sure.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Camp outside Roshmi
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Scathael, @FunnyGuy Thraash @ShiningSector FIVE
Equipment: Repeating crossbow, a bag, sword, two daggers, 3 small red potions, 1 large red potion, 1 large blue potion, hoverboard, portable solar box, eye protectors, fire starter kit, channeling gloves that turn her light magic orange, makeup, perfume, a skull she wears as a mask and a disguise ring

"Yeah I am. " Mari responded to the dark elf immediately, though surprisingly she kept her tone low, respecting his wishes. "I feel like we should be looking for whoever did that to that town so I can shove this up their ass." She gestured with the sword at her side before letting it drop. "That was so fucked up... And I guess I have no right to be bitching since that was your home." Her eyes slid to Vallana, her expression softening. "And hers.'

A surprised expression followed that included a slight grimace as FIVE offered something to Scathael to put in his tea. That thing better not be trying to poison them. Can warforged even demonstrate sympathy or even a desire to help others? What's the game here?

Meanwhile, Aerilyn seemed entirely nonchalant, focused on returning to the goblins and manticore hunting. Mari gritted her teeth and shook her leg anxiously, her gaze locked on Vallana as thoughts raced in her head. The urge to confront Aerilyn was strong, to tell her this wasn't something they should just move on from. But the bunny demihuman carried on with further reasoning that was annoyingly logical. It made no sense to linger in one place too long given the circumstances.

What do you care, Mari? This is what you want. You and Thraash are here to make some amas and move on.

Rising from her seat, she moved with a restless energy to serve herself some boar, tearing into it with a ferocity that bordered on aggression. Each rip of meat from bone seemed to release a bit of her pent-up tension. Returning to her seat, she devoured the meal within minutes.

Once finished, she armed and prepared herself. "You'll lead the way, Aerilyn?" Mari asked as she fastened her hair up.

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Guavav Village - Menzai's home
Interactions: @Funnyguy Darius @Alivefalling Dante @Samreaper Menzai @Helo Cyrus
Equipment: Staff with unbreaking and shift enchantment(shifts into dagger), Her bag, Water Purifier, Flask, some shiny pebbles
Attire:Outfit, amulet with Millinia Crest, wooden butterfly earrings, various bracelets

"I'd love to hear it. I adore stories," Phia said to Darius with a smile.

Menzai seemed unsettled as when he spoke. Phia watched him, frowning, as his claws scratched audibly against the table. She placed her hand over his comfortingly. He seemed lost in thought for a while, and she remained silent, observing him with a sad expression until he abruptly rose and excused himself. Though tempted to follow him, she sensed he needed space.

After a prolonged silence, Cyrus spoke. Her eyes turned to the fairy, her expression brightening as he continued. She waited until he finished speaking before rising to give a polite bow, bending to her knees. "Your highness, Prince of the Fairy Kingdom, I had no idea I was in the presence of royalty. I am as fortunate to be in your presence as I am to be among these brave human warriors. It is truly an honor!"

She then shifted her gaze to Dante and Darius. "The fairy kingdom was once Prince Cyrus's kingdom. I am sure he can identify some familiar and trustworthy faces. It is honorable that his family tried to protect their people, and I am certain Cyrus is an admirable person."

Phia stepped over to stand before Darius, gently taking his hand in both of hers. "You're right, Darius. It's been a heavy few days, and we can't pretend all that stuff didn't happen... However, we can't move forward with such heavy hearts. It might be a good opportunity to lighten them with the uplifting joy of fun... And to fill ourselves with love from time spent with our comrades." She tapped his hand affectionately. "Then, we will all work to become stronger so we can protect each other better."

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Docks on the Coast of Dugmaghord
Mentions: Jun @JJ Doe, Zion @Helo, Arlen @SilverPaw, Amisra @Tae, and Sirena @tpartywithzombi

Tanithil measured the reaction of the gang and nodded. There was at least some progress being made, even if Jun was still as silent as ever. Firstly, he turned to the human and shrugged "I'll take that as a yes to all of the above then. Unless you want to, oh I dunno...elaborate?" His hand waved in a circle in a form of invitation for him to offer anything, but after what felt like an awkwardly long pause Tanithil gave up this endeavor for now.

He crossed his arms and reflected over Zion's skills. "A fella big as you can certainly find 'is place on a boat. If anything to lift the big things while our usual muscle is recovering from her injury." His eyes seemed sad for a moment as he thought of his friends injury - but the business face came back on with a slight scowl as he scanned the immediate horizon for any sign of establishment outside of the docks they stood on. As he spotted Arlen walking off, he noticed a humble tavern smushed amongst what he could only assume were regular living quarters for the fishermen who resided in this unnamed town. He pointed off in the direction the elf was wandering and looked back at Zion and Jun.

"Looks like Arlen is way ahead of me. That building there looks hospitable enough. And if it ain't, well you have my permission to kick the crud out of anyone who looks at ye funny." He pauses for a moment and adds one more thought. "Just don't get caught if you start a fight. Right back on the ship where I can smooth talk our ways outta anythin fishy." He chuckled, highly doubtful anything that crazy could happen.

"I'll be joinin ya lads shortly, but first I'm gonna make one more round of the boat and see if any of the other crew wanna grab a bite with us. First meal of the adventure's on me!" He waved and turned around to walk back up the ship, seeing if there was anything amiss with his ship, checking twice for stowaways, and even checking in on Sirena and Amisra should they need anything in particular.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

Member Seen 15 days ago

ᴛɪᴍᴇ | Morning
ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ | Cabin, North Pass
ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ | Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Bardulf @Lava Alckon, Masako @dreamingflowers, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo,
ᴇQᴜɪᴘᴍᴇɴᴛ | Travel bag with essentials (money, rations, first aid, etc), sapphire pendant, twin daggers.

Zeva gratefully accepted the offer of Bardulf’s weighty outer coat, pulling the edges of the fabric closer together after he draped it across her shoulders. In addition to the duvet that she was already wrapped with, Zeva looked even more like a ball of tangled laundry than anything remotely like a living creature. Perhaps she had become a new sort of textile-based lifeform instead.

She sunk further into the crevasses of the fabrics, enjoying the sweet escape from the cold within its folds. Part of the duvet had been wrapped over her head, creating a hood that protected her ears and cheeks from the elements. Only her eyes and a peek of her nose were exposed to the outside, which allowed her to continue observing the group as they prattled on. Her attention was immediately captured by Bowyn’s idea of hunting beasts for amas; it would serve as great practice too. Zeva hesitated to say much in the moment, still paralyzed by the lingering embarrassment of her current state. A bashful smile stretched across her cheeks when Bowyn and Rue offered to find more suitable clothing for her, though the expression was barely visible past the blanket shield, save for the subtle squint of her eyes as she smiled.

“Thanks for the help, everyone. I think an enchanted ring would be super helpful! The less layers I have to wear the more I can maximize my agility, despite the cold. I still have some amas after buying my new daggers…would it be enough?” Zeva wiggled the coin pouch that had been attached to her hip out from the blankets, her hand and coin pouch draping out of the small window below her eyes. “I trust you guys to get me a good deal. As soon as I’m warm again I’ll be right back to action! I’m all for hunting some beasties!”
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Campsite outside Roshmi
Interactions: Mari @princess; FIVE @shiningsector; Thraash @funnyguy

Scathael accepted the Warforged’s gift with some hesitation. Not out of any sort of suspicion, however; the Dark Elf had a strong feeling that if the mago-mechanical being truly wanted him dead, such a roundabout method of killing him wouldn’t be their first choice of action. The handful of Warforgeds Scathael had dealt with weren’t the easiest individuals to handle – he had to admit that much – but neither were they prone to irrationality like creatures of flesh-and-blood. Logic guided their actions; logic that could be discerned with a bit of thought on Scathael’s part.

And based on his brief observations, this particular Warforged wasn’t the sort for subterfuge. Anyone who chose to storm a bar in Roshmi’s slums – by great force, Scathael would add – for a mere two individuals was unlikely to consider poison as a first resort.

If anything, Scathael had every confidence that the Warforged’s concoction would do exactly as he said, to the letter. His hesitation came from just how well it would do so. The differences between an elf such as he and a beastkin such as Vallana were vast, nevermind that she was a mere child, and he was well over the halfway mark to his third century. Even if he adjusted the dosage, or diluted the mixture, or made it weaker in some other way, what would put him to sleep might very well bring Vallana to an eternal slumber.

But that was unlikely the Warforged’s intention. There was no reason for them to harm a child.

“Thank you,” Scathael said and chucked the satchel into his bag. He would examine its contents in closer detail later. Perhaps he might even make a visit to a chemist’s shop to borrow their tools. Either way, there was no way he was going to feed any of it to Vallana before he made certain it was adequately safe. “Your arm,” he continued and nodded to the Warforged’s shoulder. “How is it? You should have the same range of movement as before. I don’t think the patching plates are interfering with anything.” He cast a glance at the Dragonborn. “And I don’t think he damaged your magical circuits either. Not that I can fix it, not without a proper, actual forge and magework equipment.”

The Dark Elf turned his attention back to the block of wood in his hands, shaving off a few more layers and carving out the start of a long, elegant curve along its length. “It wasn’t home,” he said in response to Mari, almost reflexively. That was the truth, wasn’t it? He hadn’t even been there for that long. It didn't make any sense for him to form any sort of connection with the place. Not a deep one, at least.

He chewed on his lip, then looked at Vallana. “Not mine, at least,” he added. The girl was beginning to stir, but she wasn’t quite awake yet. Soon, Scathael knew, he would have to rouse her, and that was easily the worst part of his day. In her dreams, Vallana was still living a peaceful life. She still had her family, she still had her home, she still had her life. In her dreams, she was safe. She was happy. But here, in this waking nightmare? There was nought but sadness and pain for her. Just the sting of sweet memories turning into painful recollections of a lost past. Scathael knew exactly what it was like. He had lived it before.

“Anyway,” he muttered with a quick shake of his head. He nodded to Vallana. “What are we doing with her, if we’re going after a manticore?” He asked pointedly and looked at Mari. “Bringing a child with us to deal with something like that is bloody insane.” It had crossed his mind that he had the option of simply waiting for them at camp – it wasn’t as if the manticore was his problem. But the more he thought about it, the less it sounded like a good idea. For one, he was likely stuck with this group for a good long while, and helping them now might get him into their good graces. And secondly, a manticore’s hide was too good of a prize to let slip.

As if on cue, Vallana’s eyes slowly fluttered open. A quiet yawn left his mouth, and she looked at Scathael with a dazed smile on her face. It didn’t last, however, and quickly turned into a dejected smile as she was reminded of the reality of her situation. “G…Good morning,” she squeaked and sat up. Her eyes went from the Warforged, to the Dragonborn, then the Rabbit Girl, before at least settling on the Light Elf. “Did…Did I oversleep? I’m sorry…” She pressed herself close to Scathael, as if she were trying to hide behind him.

"No, you didn't," Scathael quickly replied, and went on with his work. "You woke up just in time, I think," he added and gave everyone else a quick glance.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Mole
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Mole ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

Member Seen 38 min ago

T I M E : One Week After Human Arrival
L O C A T I O N : Seaside Park, Port10
I N T E R A C T I O N S : @JJ Doe, @Conscripts
T A G S : @JJ Doe , @Conscripts

E Q U I P M E N T :

Where was the stillness she once knew? The calm had been crumpled, and a dark scratching feeling was clawing at her chest. And yet... Vasco's arms dripped around her and melted as quickly as they came, leaving her in a small spell.

"Keep your dirty paws to yourself, Vasco!" Rowan snapped at the human. The silver in his eyes was piercing. "My sister is very susceptible. Allow her a moment, at least. " He let out one of his heavy breaths. He wanted to strike Vasco and give him a warning for daring to get so close to Aurora. "And one more thing: have some empathy. Zara was our friend." He felt himself squeezing the word friend from his mouth, but it fell out nonetheless.

Rowan wanted to add more to the verbal combat, but he resisted. He opted to ignore some of the self-deprecating side commentary, as true as it was. Vasco was far more unhealthy mentally than Zara. How his sister kept up such a decent facade was beyond him. He feared that she was too weak to be here.

The light elf stood up and held out a hand to Aurora. "Here, sister. He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Aurora looked up at him. Her eyes seemed to have stopped crying for a moment, but her lips were still gently trembling. Rowan helped her onto her feet and shot Vasco a side glare. "Touch her again like that, and we will be replacing you." As his sister stood up, Rowan hugged her against his chest for several seconds.

"Yes, Barrock. We will need to go into the woods to begin training, but first, we should find a place to stay for the night -- a place that is safe and not out in the open. Also, Vasco is right. We should try to find and kill the dark elf who did this." His silver eyes were digging into the unknown, now. "An eye for an eye... Barrock, my good friend, what do you know about hunting another being?"

"No one can replace Zara," Aurora whispered into her brother.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Gaurav Village
Interactions: Phia@princess, Darius@FunnyGuy, Dante@Alivefalling, Menzai@samreaper
Equipment: A pack with some supplies, seeds (in his pockets), a small knife, a mask that hangs from his belt, a weapon with a shifting charm that is either a sickle or a glaive, and a shield/drum with an unbreakable charm.

Cyrus gave Phia a strange look, alone in seeing the irony of her bowing when her title was no different than his. “It is an honor we share; to be in the presence of incredible people.” He replied, bowing his head in return.

“Is it negative? Or cautious?” Cyrus replied to Dante’s comment in a tone that made it clear he didn’t know the answer. As much as he’d like to believe he could trust the people he’d grown up trusting, his people, Darius’s point stood. Allegiance could change, especially when his people lived in fear of their harsh oppressors. “It would be a lot to ask, for anyone, to risk their safety for someone who abandoned them long ago. But I know my people, many are like Phia, willing to risk everything for what matters. Fairies do not take well to being conquered.” He paused, and thought about the different dynamics within the group, with so many different outlooks he felt confident they could work out who to trust. “Either way, Phia is right, River Fairy Kingdom is a place of joy, maybe even enough to life Menzai’s spirit, and we will look out for each other.”
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 1 day ago


Time: Morning
Location: North Pass Cottage
Interaction: Masako @dreamingflowers, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Zeva @Pink Khione, Rue @Potter, and Bowyn @Helo

Bardulf took the ring thrown his direction by Mister Luum and slowly placed it on his finger. A warmth spread through his body that granted him an unexpected comfort despite wearing a loose tunic and tight cloth pants in the middle of a winter cabin. This worlds magic was strange but there was some nifty little artifacts that Bardulf had begun to learn about, this being one of them. His gaze fell on the mountain of cloaks, blankets, and sheets that surrounded the poor Light Elf Zeva and he slowly took his ring back off. The chill that covered his skin caused a wave of goosebumps to linger on his skin as he reached out to her with the ring in his hand.

"I am...used to the cold if you'd like to have this. I am fine with my cloak, so maybe we could make a trade of sorts." His smile was muted as he attempted his first bit of sarcasm in some time.

Whether Zeva would take the ring or if she would cling onto Bardulf's old cloak, Bardulf stood up and crossed his arms. "Could any of you perhaps...show me around? I would like to know where I may look into hunting for game or prize so that we may have plenty of money and food for the harsh winter days to come." He began to make for the door, and turned around to see who would want to join him on a little explorative adventure.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions/Mentions: Guy affiliated with The New Dawn @Lava Alckon; Another guy affiliated with The New Dawn @SilverPaw; Zion @Helo

"I'll take that as a yes to all of the above then. Unless you want to, oh I dunno...elaborate?" Jun frowned at Tanithil's response. He was absolutely, positively, one-hundred-percent certain he had shaken his head. Last time he checked, a side-to-side head wobble meant no in every country except Bulgaria… and Sri Lanka… and maybe India. Turkey. Okay, maybe there were a lot more regions than Jun initially thought. That wasn't the point. The point was, he was pretty sure the Captain was just trying to get him to speak.

When both Tanithil and Arlen strode off in different directions. Jun realized that they made the mistake of taking their eyes off of him. Time to make a break for it!

As Arlen, Zion, and Jun wandered toward the tavern Tanithil had pointed at, Jun tried to oh-so-casually drift off course, edging towards sweet, sweet freedom. But every time he steered himself in any other direction than the one Arlen was heading, Zion would either pull him back or block his path with his hulking frame. It was like the lion-man gained mind-reading abilities or something. After several failed attempts, Jun reluctantly shelved Plan A.

Plan B then: excuse himself to the bathroom and make his escape through a back door or window. Classic.

They plopped themselves down at one of the larger tables inside the tavern, and Jun claimed the seat at the far end. Perusing the menu, he jabbed his finger at his breakfast order, then tacked on a few extra provisions for good measure. Since Tanithil was treating them to breakfast, he might as well stock up for his soon-to-be life on the run.

Jun sat quietly, biding his time and waiting for the moment to set his plan into motion.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Camp of the misfits
Interaction: @princess Mari, @Apex Sunburn Scathael, FIVE @shiningsector

Count me shocked… She didn’t fuckin’ yell. Thraash thought, finding the feat rather impressive. He might have asked how she managed it but Aerlyn was right there to remind the group about the infamous manticore and his ruthless band of goblins. The dragonborn found her priorities a tad off considering breakfast was announced as ready AFTER the reminder of the bounty. Regardless, he got himself a single serving seeing as there were two more mouths to feed this time around. Taking food from Aerilyn and Mari was one thing, but hoarding food from a kid was crossing a line.

“Listen, I’m game to hit the scum that attacked the village or the band of monsters in these woods but not including his ears, Scathael has a point about the kid.” Thraash poured the contents of his bowl into his raised maw, indulging in just his meal for a moment. “Gobs’ll kill anything, so the squirt ain’t gonna be safe unless she’s close to someone trailing the group.” Thraash took one good look at each person at camp. “I have an ax and Ears got a hammer. We’ll be in close and personal. Tincan.. He’s solid but I don’t trust him with the kid.” He shrugged at Five. “No offense bud, but we can all probably agree you’re far better at killing than protecting. So that just leaves the two elves, huh? Unless you got a better idea.”

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