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Current But can the Ghost Note see why kids love the great taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
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When you manage to snag post 69 in the IC. Nice.
5 mos ago
When a group of players click and the posts keep roling in, that's what GM dreams are made of.
6 mos ago
We're roleplayers, of course we're going to make a third option the GM didn't present.



Lord Wraith
February 21st | 31 | Caucasian
Married | | Heterosexual
Ontario | Canada

All systems go. Back to writing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Most Recent Posts

Location: The Southern Plateau - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Hope In Hell #2.009: Dark Necessities
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Why You Gotta Kick Me When I'm Down?

“Finch, Friend!” Jim roared as he exited the control room, motioning with two mechanical fingers for the pair to follow him. Waiting until the three faculty members were out of the student body’s earshot, he began talking.

“Baxter’s card triggered the event, that’s about the only thing those eggheads in there can give me.”

“Are you saying that Harper di-”

“No, Friend, that dog don’t hunt.” Jim interrupted Jess before she could finish accusing Harper. “Anything out of the ordinary happen last night with y’all’s teams?”

“Other than everyone’s pheromones ramped up, nothing really odd. Looked like Harper and Haven went out of their way to speak to some of yours.” Tad stated, gesturing towards Jessica.

“Yeah, but they’re just anxious about the Foundation's presence, wanted to pick Alyssa’s brain but I think all of us know how well that went.”

“Didn’t you find her student card on the ground, Jess?” Tad asked, Jim’s eyes swivelling towards Jess as he awaited an answer.

“Right, it was on the grass, wet from the rain. I just assumed she just dropped it, I guess. Didn’t really give it much thought”

“Y’all assumed the most organized, type-A, Valedictorian candidate dropped her student card?”

“Well, when you put it like…” Jess’ voice trailed off while Tad rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“Katja also put her head through a table this morning, tent was obliterated by Amma last night.” Tad interjected, “Uh not sure if it’s relevant though.”

“The pair of you might want to stop playing house during work hours, and get y’alls in order.” Jim cautioned, “Doubt either had much to do with the hijacking, they’re both trapped now, Arkwright’s in the wind.”

“Jess, why didn’t you mention that three of the girls knocked Harper to the ground yesterday?” Miranda’s voice surprised Jess as the Associate Chancellor appeared behind her. She had been the first person that Jim called the second the Trial was hijacked. A former negotiator for H.E.L.P., Miranda was one of the best intelligence agents before she retired herself. Still, she was a powerful Psionic, and if anyone was going to find the truth surrounding Blackjack’s misfortune, it would be here.

In front of Miranda, the young woman’s cheeks turned red as Jessica realized that her former mentor had just read her mind.

“Hey, hey! Boundaries!” Jess protested, turning to face both Jim and Miranda. “Is this how you run the school?”

“If students are in danger, a little invasion of privacy is a cost I’m willing to pay, especially when them being trapped in that Trial could impact everyone if the Foundation uses it against us” Jim growled.

“You used your powers last night, you wanted them distracted.” Miranda continued stepping forward while Jess closed her eyes tightly as if trying to push the telepath out of her mind.

“I’ll have you reported for this!” She protested.

“Chancellor!” Tad chimed in, “C’mon, don’t do it like this.” He pleaded.

“He’s right, James,” Miranda conceded, “We shouldn’t be doing it like this.”

“Damnit!” The Chancellor snapped, “Why are y’all withholding information, Friend?”

"The winds are blowing."

Jim looked at Jessica and then back to Miranda, he exchanged a brief look of surprise with Miranda before his brow hardened and the fire in his eyes returned. Beside them both, Tad squirmed uncomfortably, ignorant of the true meaning behind the words his wife just said.

“He doesn’t know Jim,” Miranda intervened, stopping Jim before he could reply to Jessica.

“I’m sorry, Thaddeus, I truly am.”

“Wha-” Tad looked from Miranda to Jim and back several times, “What don’t I know? What aren’t you telling me?”

“Ms. Rivers, please escort Mr. Finch to my office.” Jim ordered.

“Jessica and I need to have a little chat.”
Location: The Southern Plateau - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Hope In Hell #2.008: Why You Gotta Kick Me When I'm Down?
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Into the Fire

“I can’t believe I was ever that weak.” A voice echoed from a nearby hallway, the temperature in the room dropping rapidly as two long shadows were cast through the dim room. A pair of blonde women entered the room, one standing at par with even Katja, her heavy footsteps shaking the room while the shorter blonde woman turned her lips upwards in a cruel sneer. Any residual heat in the room seemed to evaporate.

“Really? A panic attack right now? Couldn't handle not being the center of attention could you, Princess.” The woman stepped forward into the light, a mist of ice crystals hovered around her open hands as the light illuminated her face.

It was Calliope.

Or at least it was someone’s approximation of her, like a living doll. The features were too smooth, the makeup too heavy, the hair had its blonde tips obnoxiously coloured an icy blue. But on first look, it was Calliope’s face; or at least close enough to be unnerving.

The suit that she wore didn’t look anything like the ones issued by P.R.C.U. This one accented her form more, clearly tailored and supported in areas that the generic A.R. suits simply didn’t have the luxury to be. Primarily white, it was accented with silver and baby blue lines and details. An ‘F’ decorated her belt buckle and was emblazoned on the upper right quadrant of her chest.

The hulking woman beside her was clearly the uncanny version of Katja, her rippling muscles clear as day even through the reinforced suit covering her body. Grease paint covered her eyes and nose giving her the look of a jungle commando while various scars shaped like claws were visible where her skin was still exposed.

“They were trained to be weak,” The Uncanny Katja spat, clearly disgusted by the students before the doppelgängers.

“More pathetic products of Pacific Royal.” She cracked her knuckles before rolling her head from side to side.

“I shall very much enjoy hearing your last breath struggle to escape from your crushed windpipe.”

The behemoth of a woman lunged forward only for ‘Anti-Calliope’ to raise a hand, nearly instantly crafting a thick barrier or ice between ‘Feral Katja’ and the rest of Blackjack.

“Not yet.” She giggled wickedly, “They still need to suffer more.”

Suddenly, Blackjack was plunged into total darkness. An awful scraping noise echoed all around them as each member was pulled in a different direction. The ominous buzzing returned as the lights flickered back to life revealing that Blackjack had been scattered throughout the maze.

Harper found herself with Lorcán and Aurora, now located in a classroom with a locked blast door. On either side of a room was a wall of glass, beyond the thick pane was the blackness of the ocean, schools of fish swimming ignorant of the three observers.

A sickening crack suddenly echoed through the room as a line shot through the middle of the glass. A red beacon flashed in the corner of the room.

Elsewhere, Rory, Haven and Katja had been transported together. The floor beneath their feet was sticky, covered in a tar-like substance as the smell of engine oil overwhelmed their senses. Above their heads was a grated floor situated on evenly spaced I-beams. Mechanical equipment sat supported by the steel, fluids dripping into the pit the three had found themselves in.

“Hey, bro.” A familiar voice called from above them, a pair of boots resting on the grates.

Run.” It added before a spark flew from the figure’s fingertips and ignited against the floor behind the three Blackjack students. Immediately roaring to life, the fire began to advance rapidly.

Banjo’s eyes adjusted to the light, finding himself along with Calliope and Gil. A glass dome circled above them, and all manner of aquatic life was swimming outside the facility while the three found themselves in some athletic arena. The floor of the arena was scattered with broken robots, their parts lying strewn in every direction.

The echo of a servo motor broke the deafening silence as a head turned to look at the trio. Across the field, the robots suddenly came to life, reassembling as their red eyes all turned to look at the three targets.
E P I S O D E O N E A W A R D S:
Best Character:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf
Player's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf

The 'Best Character Award' is given to the character who has had a resounding impact on the IC through interactions, collaborations and general storytelling. They are a character who has seen development and leaves the reader wanting to know both about them and where their journey is going.

Rory was established as a fairly simple character upon his original introduction. A dude's bro, a simple himbo trying to make his way in the universe. But this first episode has really begun to peel the layers off of Rory, exploring his family dynamics, the pressure he lives under from his pre-deceased parents and the complications of being Pacific Royal's most eligible bachelor. A lot of fun in reading webboysurf's posts come from the situations that Rory finds himself in due to putting his mouth before his mind in most circumstances. Rory definitely came in clutch this episode and is deserving of the recognition.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

Amma is a fascinating character that constantly leaves the reader wanting to know more about where she comes from, who she is and what exactly she's doing at P.R.C.U. Each Amma post builds anticipation for the next one and no one ripples through the entire cast, let alone the Discord like Amma does. Rockette has done a fantastic job bringing Amma to life and with only one episode under her belt, I can't wait to see where this character's journey goes from here.
Roman's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

Probably one of our most-debated sheets when we were running through all the applications, and not for any one reason - the emotive, poetic language, the bold answers given for the prompts, the unusual and explicitly-dangerous power set, the ties to the Foundation (especially with our foreknowledge of what the IC narrative would entail, and Alexandria's involvement). Ultimately though we decided to take the gamble and boy howdy has that paid off. Not only is Amma one of the most well-received characters on the roster (winning Player's Choice for Breakout Character and missing Best Character by only a single vote), but Rockette has been a creative, engaging presence across both the game and the discord, and Amma remains the most well-wrapped mystery-box going (that you guys know about, anyway).
Breakout Character:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette
Player's Choice: Amma Cahors - @Rockette

The 'Breakout Character Award' is given to the character who is prominent throughout the majority of posts, discussion outside of the IC and is constantly in demand whether through their own posts or being asked to collaborate. This character is notably popular when compared to the rest of the cast and their posts lead to discussion, speculation and reactions both positive and divisive.

Amma Cahors was a late entry to the game's applications. A sheet where Rockette purposefully and tactfully opted not to complete the optional sections and that strengthened the sheet. Rockette is a master of showing and not telling, she doesn't need to expel details upon details to contextualize her posts, she does a lot with a little and it shows. Amma leaves an impact in every scene, her mannerisms, her choice of words and the mystery surrounding her all add a generous amount of weight to the plot with the Foundation and it ripples into other posts with every character having a firm opinion on Amma. Never before have we seen a character where players line up for their chance at a collaboration due to the magic that Rockette brings through Amma.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter - @Qia

Harper caught me by surprise, an interesting introduction to the character ultimately left an impact and Harper became more and more involved with different characters, adding to them while also playing off them to enhance her own story. The flashbacks with Sierra are often riveting and begin to explain a lot about the burden that Harper seemingly carries. It's still early in the game, but I'll definitely be watching Harper a lot more closely moving forward.
Roman's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf

A returning character and player from the original iteration, webboysurf wasted no time in clarifying and calcifying who Rory is early into this game, providing a pitch-perfect Himbo With A Heart, delivering heartfelt tragedy and comedy in equal measure - and then surprised me further by showing a deep, guarded emotional intelligence that's not just 'I have a crush on half the cast' but extends to 'I feel betrayed when my friends abandon me for some floozy in the woods', which just highlighted how Rory and his relationships are a lot deeper that the aforementioned crushes, misinterpretations, and poorly-planned attempts to help.
Best Character Development:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

@Lord Wraith
GM's Choice: Rory Tyler - @webboysurf
Player's Choice: Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith

The 'Best Character Development Award' is given to the character who has been constantly improving and developing from the moment they first appeared in the IC. This doesn't mean the most improved, nor does it have to be positive changes in the slightest, this is the character journey you're enjoying the most whether it's a slippery slope or an uphill battle.

Rory has seen some rapid development across Episode 1 which has been a lot of fun to watch. From the clueless himbo who fumbled his attempt at helping Lorcán get a date, to being oblivious to Mei's obvious irritation at his flirting with other girls, a near kiss with Katja and ultimately ending up in bed with Haven. All the while battling his insecurities with his friends and his siblings. We are looking forward to seeing Rory continue to battle against the legacy of his parents while forging his path free of the expectations that come with the family name, his siblings and friends and the circumstances of his abilities.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter - @Qia

While not as immediately notable as Rory's development throughout Episode 1, Qia is quite skilled at weaving flashbacks into their posts to enhance Harper's overall story and add other perspectives to her relations with the cast and her own supporting NPCs. Between her branching narratives with Sierra, Haven, Cassander and Gil, Harper is a character to watch moving forward through the rest of the RP.
Roman's Choice: Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith

Lorcán was introduced as the naive-but-well-meaning, heart-of-gold surfer jock, smitten with the campus' most eligible cinnamon bun, and excited to finish his academic career with a starry-eyed mid-air fist-pump before entering the big wide world and making it immediately better. To say Wraith has navigated Lorcán's crash-landing to society outside of PRCU's bubble 'well' would be like saying Stanley Kubrick was 'pretty thorough' when shooting his movies. The blossoming relationship with Amma is the icing on the cake.
Best Ship:

GM's Choice

@webboysurf & @Skai

Player's Choice

@Lord Wraith & @Melissa
GM's Choice: Raven (Rory Tyler x Haven Barnes) - @webboysurf & @Skai
Player's Choice: Lorora (Lorcán Roth x Aurora Mitchell) - @Lord Wraith & @Melissa

The 'Best Ship Award' is given to a pair of characters who display exceptional chemistry, and compatibility. They are who you genuinely sit there and cheer whenever they're on the page together. These two characters are each other's endgame, their ride or die and you can't get enough of their highs, lows and otherwise cutesy antics.

For Episode 1, the 'ship' or relationship that saw the most momentum and cheering we found to be the pairing of Rory Tyler and Haven Barnes affectionately referred to as Raven. Rory and Haven had plenty of little moments throughout this arc culminating in the pair sealing the deal intimately and putting any fears of will they or won't they to rest as both have openly communicated a desire to be together moving forward.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Kory (Katja Kruger x Rory Tyler) - @Zoldyck & @webboysurf

Subtly hinted at through IC, Katja's attraction to Rory and Rory's understated mutual attraction is a fun ship to watch. While Raven might have firmly set sail, I am still rooting for more Kory moments as Rory and Katja continue to interact sharing a common love of athletics and competition. Plenty of time for things to yet change and develop and this is one of the more interesting pairings to watch for. Both are incredibly positive people, I love the emotionally manipulative side of Katja and how she could expertly play Rory like a fiddle if given the confidence or motivation to do so.
Roman's Choice: Lamma (Lorcán Roth x Amma Cahors) - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette

The good-guy puppy-dog jock getting his worldview handed back to him with a big helping of 'go fuck yourself', only for that to turn into pure sexual tension and the big scary troubled girl slowly realizing she maybe could use a little bit of soppy optimism in her life? Yeah, that's crack to me. I can only wonder who wins out - does Lorcán break through Amma's cynicism and soften her heart, or does Amma's vengeance-driven worldview bring Lorcán into the fold as a co-conspirator?
Best Character Dynamic:

GM's Choice

@Rockette & @Zoldyck

Player's Choice

@Rockette & @Zoldyck

@Qia & @Skai

@Lord Wraith & @webboysurf
GM's Choice: Amma Cahors & Katja Kruger - @Rockette & @Zoldyck
Player's Choice: Amma Cahors & Katja Kruger - @Rockette & @Zoldyck
Player's Choice: Harper Baxter & Haven Barnes - @Qia & @Skai
Player's Choice: Lorcán Roth & Rory Tyler - @Lord Wraith & @webboysurf

The 'Best Character Dynamic Award' is given to the characters and players who have presented a well-developed dynamic between two characters outside of romantic which is covered by the 'Best Ship Award'. This dynamic can be friendly, a rivalry or just two or more characters with really great chemistry but no romantic inclination.

That all said, despite Katja having an unrequited crush on Amma, the two have one of the best dynamics in the RP thus far. A near-perfect yin-yang with both having layers that go beyond the stereotypical light and dark casting of the dynamic. Rockette and Zoldyck have produced some of the best content using the strength of this pairing and heading into Episode 2 with the fallout of their last collab will definitely be interesting.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter & Haven Barnes - @Qia & @Skai

These two have been near inseparable the entire first episode and while they haven't necessarily contributed the same level of drama as Katja and Amma, Harper and Haven have navigated a side plot which enhanced the overall narrative and gave added weight and threat to the presence of the Foundation on the P.R.C.U. Campus. Beyond that, the two are genuine friends who have each other's backs and are nothing but supportive. A very solid and wholesome friendship that I have found a breath of fresh air.
Roman's Choice: Andrew 'Banjo' Olyphant & Calliope de Léon - @Hound55 & @PatientBean

Ships aside, there was some flirting and unsteady-romance in the first iteration between this returning pair, and I've really enjoyed seeing how Hound and Bean have flipped that early potential into a solid, foundational long-term relationship, that's shown to have changed both characters, and provided the game with a proper 'Beta Couple' to compliment the multiple burgeoning couples springing up everywhere else.
Best Supporting Cast:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

GM's Choice: Andrew 'Banjo' Olyphant - @Hound55
Player's Choice: Andrew 'Banjo' Olyphant - @Hound55

The 'Best Supporting' is given to the player and character who you feel has the most engaging supporting cast in terms of relevance to the story, their impact to the character and their narrative and in turn to influence to the broader game and other players. These are characters outside of the main POV who have appeared in the IC and need not be limited only to those listed on a character sheet.

Hound55 has fleshed out the world surrounding Banjo with a colourful cast of characters ranging from the enigmatic butler to Banjo's roommates and to the various students Banjo interacts with. These supporting characters leave the reader wanting to know more about them, who they are and where they fit into the world while simultaneously enhancing the story of the character they're supporting.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: Harper Baxter - @Qia

From the first flashback featuring Siera, Harper's sister stole the scene. I often mentally compare their dynamic to that of Koriand'r and Kormand'r from Teen Titans and I love the rivalry-laden love the pair have for each other. I don't know how or when it'll happen, but I am interested to see if Sierra shows up in the IC properly and what trouble she'll bring with her.
Roman's Choice: Lorcán Roth - @Lord Wraith

With Lorcán's life so closely tied to PRCU and Dundas Island it was inevitable that his surrounding family and friends would guest-star alongside him, but between Ripley's delightful introduction in Lorcán's very first post, to his father Aiden's sage advice, to the members of Firebird and even the surprise appearance from our very own timeline-hopping ex-Chancellor, Wraith's utilization of NPCs to flesh out Lorcán's life and the world around him have been brilliant every time.
Best Post:

GM's Choice
1 . 0 5 0


Player's Choice
1 . 0 2 2

GM's Choice: 1.050 immortal - @Rockette
Player's Choice: 1.022 within & without - @Rockette

The 'Best Post' is given to the player and post that was found to be overall the pinnacle of the current episode. Did it break the tension with its humourous antics at the right time? Did it bring the characters closer together? Was it full of insightful reflection or did it extrapolate on previously unknown elements of that character's backstory and how it ties to the greater overarching narrative?

While Rockette's posts are all standouts, 'immortal' truly introduces the dynamic between Amma and the Foundation. The box is the first instance of a mystery object being handed to a character and the post itself does an excellent job of capturing the intrigue and mystery of where Amma's loyalties really lie. Is she a Foundation spy? Or is she merely a girl running from a past that has caught up? All excellent questions we are looking forward to finding out the answers to as the story progresses.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.046 Calm Before the Storm - @Melissa

'Calm Before the Storm' is a great character piece that explores the inner workings of Aurora's mind while enhancing her relationship with Lorcán. It's not a flashy post or one that relies on gimmicks or MacGuffins, but I find it to be a post with a lot of heart that reveals a lot about not only its central POV character but also, those closest to her. Melissa's writing is consistently good, and I could have chosen any of her posts, but this one sits in a special place for me.
Roman's Choice: 1.077 And You're Gone - @webboysurf

I talked about the depth of Rory's character above, but for me this was the post that really brought Rory home for me personally and probably the reason he was my honorable mention for the Breakout Character category in the first place. It's all well and good playing the resident himbo, but to take a character who for the most part is 'well-meaning but ultimately just a bit thick' and to show the inner turmoil, the constant self-doubt and double-guessing, the build-up of micro-embarrassments, painted a deeper picture of Rory than I had given him credit for. The post opened my eyes to Rory's inner vulnerabilities despite his cheery, optimistic facade, and brought him to life as a fully-realized character with emotional depth. Bravo!
Best Post Title:

GM's Choice
1 . 0 6 3


Player's Choice
1 . 0 6 3

GM's Choice: 1.063 ...Gets the Worm? - @Skai
Player's Choice: 1.063 ...Gets the Worm? - @Skai

The 'Best Post Title Award' is given to the player and post whose title elicited the best reaction. Was it a clever title? Funny? Maybe the post title was incredibly insightful or maybe it was just your favourite song. This category is to applaud those whose titles captured your attention or affection.

Skai consistently has titled her posts using bird puns, but this one took the cake due in part to following a post called 'The Early Bird' and the less-than-subtle innuendo of the titular worm given the content of the post itself. It's a clever form of humour that is effortlessly funny rather than a long post title that's trying too hard.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.016 I Could Use A Drink - @Melissa

'I Could Use A Drink' is a snarky title that perfectly captures Aurora's overwhelmed state of mind given the events surrounding the post and her desire to numb and escape the situation. It's dry humour and perfectly on brand for the character making it easily my honorary vote.
Roman's Choice: 1.053 A Matter of a Pionion - @Skai

Post titles come in a range of flavours, from minimalist to referential to profound. Sometimes they're just bird puns, and I enjoyed this one as particularly clever with some homophonic wordplay to boot.
Best Flashback:

GM's Choice
1. 0 4 4


Player's Choice
1 . 0 4 4

GM's Choice: 1.044 Maybe She Likes Her Illusions - @Qia
Player's Choice: 1.044 Maybe She Likes Her Illusions - @Qia

The 'Best Flashback Award' is given to the post and player that contains an insightful or impactful flashback to a previous time outside of the current happenings of the IC. Maybe this flashback shed light on why the character has a deep-rooted fear of rejection, maybe it illuminated why that character has a verbal tic or perhaps it was the meet-cute of two budding lovers. Whatever the contents, this flashback found its way into the hearts or minds of the readers and continues to leave a lasting impact.

Qia's flashback in 'Maybe She Likes Her Illusions' is a very strong entry into the IC and was a real treat to read. The first introduction of Sierra to the narrative proper, the flashback contains both intrigue and heartwarming as the sisters reminisce about a time spent in a closet during a thunderstorm while Sierra also drops the bomb on Harper that their parents didn't die in an accident. We are very much looking forward to seeing the payoff of this flashback in the IC.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.073 The Scenic Route - @Melissa

'The Scenic Route' is a great flashback that shows Aurora's life prior to P.R.C.U. and illuminates why the girl is never without her headphones. It's a terrific insight to the character and a heartbreaking look at her home life before the island that adds perspective to her current relationships and views on life and their future.
Roman's Choice: 1.094 Dreaming While Awake - @Hound55

Banjo in-universe can, has been, and delights in being, a pain in the arse at times, across both iterations of the guy, and has plenty mystery of his own, but it's always a pleasure to visit his history in his homeland and see some of the other lives he's crossed paths with, slowly piecing together his backstory and tracing his movements across the globe. 1.094 was particularly beautiful, with a wondrous aboriginal tale told alongside gorgeous imagery and showing that there are actually kindred spirits out there for Banjo, and when they connect it can be quite charming. We can only hope that Banjo aligns similarly to the rest of Blackjack eventually.
Best Collaboration:

GM's Choice
1 . 1 0 6 / 1 0 7

@Rockette & @Zoldyck

Player's Choice
1 . 1 0 6 / 1 0 7

@Rockette & @Zoldyck
GM's Choice: 1.106 & 1.107 vore - @Rockette & @Zoldyck
Player's Choice: 1.106 & 1.107 vore - @Rockette & @Zoldyck

The 'Best Collaboration Award' is given to the post and players involved in crafting a collaborative narrative that goes beyond the regular back-and-forth posting of forum RPing. A well-crafted collaborative post should read as though it has a single author but artfully capture the interaction between two player characters and enhance both of their direct narratives, developments and the long-term relationships between those involved in the collaboration.

'vore' subverted expectations when it was posted. Following a spree of romance-focused posts, 'vore' instead brought conflict to the IC with Amma's pent-up frustrations boiling over the surface and scalding Katja as the pair share a tent. I am definitely looking forward to the impact this post has on the IC moving forward as both characters walk away from the heavy conversations bearing fresh wounds.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.091 The Lonely Hearts Club - @Melissa & @Qia

'The Lonely Hearts Club' is another great example of the fantastic character work done by Melissa and Qia as Aurora and Harper end up having a little heart-to-heart about their relationship woes set up against the back drop of the very eventful first day of the semester. Both characters walk away from the collaboration with new perspectives on their relationships and it is followed by some interesting interactions spurred on by the words exchanged between the two characters.
Roman's Choice: 1.075 I Want to Reconcile the Violence & 1.076 in your heart - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette

Probably not a surprise, if you take a look at the 'Best Ship' category above. The bones of the relationship were there early on, but this is truly when the fire kicks up for Lamma-stans like myself. Imagery and the debut proper of power-mingling proper aside, it's also a wonderful reflection of both writers and their characters, and while it was far from the first collaborative post in the game, it was certainly a highlight (hence my honorable mention) and since then we've had a chain of equally brilliant collabs, showing off just how much we're really capable of pushing ourselves and each other to bring our A-games.
Most Memorable Moment:

GM's Choice
1 . 0 1 8


Player's Choice
1 . 0 7 5 / 0 7 6

@Lord Wraith & @Rockette
1 . 1 0 6 / 1 0 7

@Rockette & @Zoldyck
GM's Choice: 1.018 My Own Worst Enemy. Rory tries to help, but makes things awkward instead. - @webboysurf
Player's Choice: 1.075 &1.076 Lorcán and Amma's powers mingle. - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette
Player's Choice: 1.106 & 1.107 Katja's heart is broken by Amma's attack. - @Rockette & @Zoldyck

The 'Most Memorable Moment Award' is given to the post and players who set a fire in the social server with conversation, reactions and just generally put the dominos in motion with a post that did something so well, horrific or even just meme-worthy that it inspired numerous posts after it. This is a moment that stood out, when you think of this roleplay, this is the moment you keep coming back to. When share the game with your friends, this is the post you wait eagerly for them to read.

To that end, we have chosen 1.018 'My Own Worst Enemy' where Rory in his best effort to help Lorcán spit it out, asks Aurora to the dance. This action leads to a very humorous scene that is not only enjoyable to watch unfold but establishes several character quirks, tics and other aspects of their personality that carry forward. Rory's fumble with words and not thinking ahead of his mouth cements a very large part of his character and is later repeated, though with much better success, when he asks Haven to 'sleep' with him. The scene also establishes Calliope's obligation to mother the group, Banjo's status as an apathetic outcast, Haven, Mei and Katja's feelings for Rory along with Lorcán's clumsiness and Aurora's fear of change.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: 1.060 We Get By Just Fine. Rory asks Haven to sleep with him. - @webboysurf

Arguably, this moment is just the extension of the above GM selection, but I do think it has enough merit to stand on its own and it has its own share of consequences and ripples that it caused both in the IC and OOC. The best part of this particular moment is that it ultimately led to the cementing of the 'Raven' ship and some great heart-to-hearts with other characters along with some inner and outer conflict for Rory.
Roman's Choice: 1.042 Trapped. Amma and Lorcán's powers mingle for the first time. - @Lord Wraith & @Rockette

Okay, blatant ship favoritism aside, this is my pick because it introduced and provided an early teaser on a Hype-verse concept never-before-seen - the intertwining of two separate people's powers. While a later collab would truly show-off quite what this meant, this early teaser thrilled me. I've watched Wraith work on his opus for nearly my entire Guild career, and we're always chatting about this or that, what can we tweak here, how about trying something there, etc etc; but it's still exciting when something brand new comes out of Wraith's work, especially done so organically through the IC.
Best World Building:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

@Lord Wraith
GM's Choice: @Rockette
Player's Choice: @Lord Wraith

The 'Best World Building Award' is given to the player who has opted to build on the game's existing lore, adding their own spin and perspective to it and creating new ideas that can be adapted to the game and world as a whole.

With Amma coming from the Foundation, Rockette's contributions to the RP have allowed us to explore that angle differently than we might have without a player character in the Foundation. There has been a lot more interaction, planning and expanding to do with the Foundation that ultimately has helped craft them from more than P.R.C.U.'s Evil Twin and I'm excited continuing forward to seeing both how Rockette continues to challenge us and help grow the lore and the world of the game.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: @Roman

Frankly none of this would be possible without Roman and no one has their hands deeper in the lore of P.R.C.U. and the Hyperverse overall than Roman does. But while most of those contributions would be exempt from these awards, Roman also does a fantastic job of building the world with Gil as the focal lens. I probably never would have touched upon Hyperhumans in Hollywood let alone a Hyperhuman version of SAG, but Roman has expanded that world and found a way to also bring in some fun lore from previous attempts at this world.
Roman's Choice: @Zoldyck

With Wraith's rich tapestry (read: 95-page google-doc lore-dump) for PRCU and the world of the Hype-verse, it can be a little daunting to come in and put your own stamp on it. Trying to insert your own character into such a sprawling world is at-times intimidating, but Katja's backstory of anti-Hype riots - neatly allegorical for, if not outright parallel to, South Africa's real-life unpleasant history of Apartheid and racism - puts a unique spin on the girl, as well as embedding her deeply with troubled cultural hang-ups.
Most Valuable Player:

GM's Choice


Player's Choice

@Rockette & @Skai
GM's Choice: @Qia
Player's Choice: @Rockette & @Skai

The 'MVP Award' or the 'Most Valuable Player' award is given to player who has gone above in beyond in their role as both a player and contributor to the roleplay. This person not only regularly posts in the RPs, but incites others to posts, regularly contributes to collaborations, or helps others with their posts, graphics or just brainstorming. They're a constant in the social server and bring a lot of enthusiasm to the game.

As almost everyone here has had the chance to experience, Qia is a highly collaborative player and has been responsible for both helping drive and enhancing several narratives throughout the first episode including the investigation being conducted between Haven and Harper. In addition to their constant, consistent contributions to the IC, Qia is a friendly face in the Discord and almost always starts the day with a cheerful greeting while participating in nearly every conversation. They've been a valuable addition to this roleplay.

Honorable Mentions:
Wraith's Choice: @Rockette

Rockette has been an invaluable member of the P.R.C.U. community, the character of Amma has lent herself naturally to the direction of the overarching narrative while Rockette herself has provided numerous graphics and banners for players and collaborations alike. She has been a proof-reader and a sounding board for me personally and an all-around asset to have in the game.
Roman's Choice: @Skai

Delightful in the discord, highly active in the IC, and collaborative to a fault. Haven is a wonderful character, well-suited to the setting, and her activities both IC and OOC have pushed the RP forwards at quite the pace, with dynamics, relationships, and even sub-plots spawning out of her apparently-endless appetite for creativity.
“I put an extra scoop in after how well you did on that last test,” The woman's voice called as she rounded the corner from the kitchen into the dining room only to discover an abandoned math textbook laying as open on the table as the window beside it.

“Lorcán!” Victoria Roth yelled, peering out the window just in time to catch sight of the young boy tearing across the pavement towards the campus grounds.

“Young man, get back here right now!”

But the words fell on deaf ears as the young boy continued to put distance between his mom and himself.

It was the first week of September and students would soon be arriving on the island. Lorcán was still too young to attend Pacific Royal’s collegiate program and was instead resigned to homeschooling under his parents.

That would have been fine if he had a sibling or a classmate of some kind. More than anything in life, Lorcán desired a friend.



The eleven-year-old boy greeted every prospective student he crossed paths with, smiling and waving while ducking between the taller teenagers. Suddenly he was roughly pushed to the ground, tumbling into the dirt only to look up into the face of a sneering older boy.

“Watch where you’re going runt,”

“Sorry, dude.” Lorcán apologized, dusting himself up before extending a hand, “I’m Lorcán, what’s your name?”

“Whatever,” The older boy retorted, brushing Lorcán off before pushing him down again with a chuckle. “Stay down Lora.”

“It’s Lorcán.” The younger boy repeated, moving to stand again only for the older boy to attempt to push him down for a third time. Lorcán stumbled backwards but managed to defiantly stand. Sweat began to pool on his forehead, his hands shaking as his cheeks flushed.

“You think you’re tough, pipsqueak?” The teen extended spikes from his cheekbones, making a biting motion towards Lorcán. “I told you to stay down.” He raised a fist only for the air around him to suddenly rise and ignite.

The teen screamed in pain as flame engulfed him, sending the older boy to the ground as he tried frantically to extinguish himself. Cries of anguish and fear echoed around the pair as tears welled up in Lorcán’s eyes.

“I just wanted a friend…”
Location: Southern Plateau - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Hope In Hell #2.002: Buddy System
Interaction(s): @Rockette - Amma Cahors, @Melissa - Aurora Mitchell
Previously: Chasing Cars

“Little on the nose, dudes,”

Lorcán muttered aloud, accusation sitting heavy in his voice as the simulation started up, the rumoured sterile hallways of the Foundation appearing before his molton-coloured eyes. The familiar wave of nausea washed over as he touched a hand to the door, he could feel his HZEs being extinguished the second his hand made contact. Pushing on the door, it failed to budge before Lorcán nearly dry-heaved from the prolonged contact. Pulling back, he took a couple of deep breaths while looking into the maze in front of Blackjack.

Based on the facial expression of both Harper and Calliope, it was becoming blatantly obvious this was not by their design. Lorcán's eyes immediately moved from the alleged designers to Amma, who to his surprise seemed just as caught off guard, if not more disturbed than the rest of the team.

Perhaps this was a trap meant for her?

Lorcán suddenly spun around again, cupping his hands together and forcibly launching a fireball from his palms. It fizzled out against the door, not even leaving so much as a scorch mark as the EBI field rendered his HZEs inert.

“I slaggin’ don’t care for being a rat in a cage.” He growled. “Looks like the only way out is through.” He stated to the team, before doing a quick head count to ensure everyone was accounted for. Reaching into his back pocket, Lorcán pulled out his father's old black ballcap, blowing a few wavy strands of sun-bleached hair out of his eyes before putting the cap on backwards.

“Dudes, we need to buddy up, everyone pair off and stay with your person.” His fiery eyes looked towards the fog laden corridor. Lorcán stood up straight, rolling the sleeves of his athletic shirt up before taking charge of the situation. It was the same time most of the team had heard Aiden Roth issue instructions to them during Practical Ability Training.

“Place could change at a moment's notice, we don't know the game we’re playing so we’re just treading water trying not to get dunked by the next swell. Got to get on the board somehow.” Lorcán continued before grabbing Aurora's hand without any hesitation. He gave it a quick squeeze before looking at her.

“Lady Dude, you’re with me.” He left no room for argument before looking back at the other eight students.

“Don’t let go of your buddy in any circumstance and let's try to keep the group together as much as possible.” Lorcán turned his gaze back to Amma.

“Brah, you got any insight here?” He asked, his eyes locked with Amma’s, but what looked back was feral and uncaged.

Amma's eyes were unwavering, rigid, deep, and laden with unbridled fury that lined her gaze in silver. Waves of a storm-ridden sea clashed with molten cores and there, a slow tremor in her hand that barely shimmered with her power slowly being leeched away near the walls infused by the dampening field. Her red sparks struggled to dominate her flesh as was often their want.

"It's a test. This is what they do. I don't -- " Her stare lances down, quick and deliberate as she studies his hand laced with Aurora's. "They make you weak, defenseless." Amma slowly stepped closer, her full mouth rising into that often hellacious smirk she was known for.

"They'll attack you at your lowest when you think you've gotten away far enough. When you think you're safe."

She makes to move around the pair, gazing off into the fog.

"They want to see how long you can last on their terms. In their domain."

Without hesitation, Amma set off down the corridor with a deliberate pace, sparing neither a secondary glance.

“Brah!” Lorcán protested as he watched Amma run off.

“That's not the buddy system!”

Location: The Southern Plateau - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Hope In Hell #2.001: Into the Fire
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Sabotage

“What the hell just happened?”

Jim pushed his way through the throng of graduate students frantically tapping at the non-responsive controls in the operations room while outside the rest of the student body watched in horror as the Homecoming Trial warped from a stone maze in a jungle backdrop to a twisted version of the Foundation’s Institute.

“Something is in the system, we’re locked out.”

“Then y’all best get control back!” Jim roared, “And who ordered the damn dampening field installed.”

“That wasn’t in Robert’s blueprints, Sir.”

“Where the hell is Arkwright?”

“No one has seen him since the inspection last night, none of this code was in the system then. It’s like there was a trigger.” One of the techs stuttered back.

“Can’t y’all ‘un-trigger’ it?”

“Unfortunately, Sir, it seems it needs to run the course. Unless objectives are met inside the Trial, the tampered code won’t release.”

Jim furiously furrowed his eyebrows, locking eyes with the student before realizing he was angry at the wrong person.

“Y’all keep working on this, I’m going to try skinning this pig from another side.”
Observing the completed Trial structure from a small hill amidst the plateau, Robert allowed himself a small smile of pride before turning towards the five-kilometre walk back to the main campus. The large man made a good pace as he left the blowing grass behind and entered the forest that separated the campus and the rolling plains.

His nostrils suddenly flared at a smell foreign to the forest. Subtle through the smell of fir, hemlock and pine but there, beneath the natural aromas of the forest was the distinct pollutant odour of leather and neoprene.

“The winds are blowing.” Robert spoke loudly, listening through the trees. The hoot of a great horned owl in the distance replied before it too was swept away by the whistling winds singing their haunting song along the cliffs of the Southern Plateau.

His keen green eyes danced between the trees. He was likely just being paranoid, perhaps something that Thaddeuas had mentioned about Banjo’s penchant for retaliation had gotten to him. The source of the smells were more than likely a pair of students seeking some privacy from their campsite.

He chuckled to himself while resuming his walk. It wasn’t so long ago that he too had snuck off into these words with a pair of fellow students during his Homecoming Trials. After all, as the kids say, the Eiffel Tower is beautiful this time of year.

A groan suddenly found its ways from between his lips as a sharp prick tickled the back of his neck. Another pierced the thick skin as the dark forest began to spin. The third downed the elephant of a man, his hands barely able to react in time before he hit the forest floor.

His eyes were rapidly closing but not before he saw a pair of heels amidst several pairs of boots. An authoritative voice cut through the haze.

“Get him out of site and prep the table for the procedure. This sub-class will make an excellent test subject.”

And then Robert lost consciousness.

Thunder loomed over the Southern Plateau as rain began to pelt the tents and sheets of lightning illuminated the night sky. All had quieted across the camp sites and fires had long been extinguished as midnight had come and gone bringing about the witching hour that it was now.

A lone zipper was lost in the din of pouring rain as the sole figure stole away in the shadows of the wee hours, hiding between the rows of tents before making a dash for the Trial build site.

There, disguised as a simple hedge maze stood the Homecoming Trial in all its biotechnological glory. A combination of mundane construction and Hyperhuman wizardry enabled the ‘hedge’ to rival even the A.R.C. in simulated environments.

But it was not impervious to tampering.

Like every year prior, Robert and his cohorts had already performed their inspection of the students workmanship and rejiggered any required programming. From both theirs and the faculty’s standpoint, the Trial had been deemed safe to run. A redundant check would be performed in the morning, and another before the trial went live. All the more reason why sabotage needed to be intelligent.

Every student carried their student card, it’s what allowed them to check into training facilities and check out equipment. Creating a sequence triggered by the swipe of a specific student’s card would allow it to remain indistinguishable in the morning checks but activate in time for Blackjack to experience a modified version of the Trial.

One void of safeties.

The shrouded figure smiled as they produced said student card, swiped during Blackjack’s shared campfire with Firebird. Even if they had noticed it missing, the card’s owner would have assumed it was lost within the central processing area of the Trial. They did after all help program this year’s theme.

What no one would anticipate though was the projected power-dampening field that would prevent anyone from getting in and those inside from getting out. The Harbinger had planned out every detail.

Though some had to be left in the dark lest they be compromised, but it was a sacrifice that had to be made and every member of House Orcinus was ready to be towards the glory of Hyperion's inevitable return.

Location: The Southern Plateau - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Welcome Home #1.108: Sabotage
Interaction(s): None
Previously: S'moregasboard

Morning came faster than most of Blackjack appreciated.

The melodic sounds of songbirds and seabirds alike had started at approximately five in the morning and continued well past the time the campus wide trumpet had blown. As each stumbled out of their tents, some better for wear than others, they found Tad waiting for a breakfast consisting of bagels, muffins, fruit, juice, water and coffee or tea as per their preference.

From the neighboring campsite approached Jess waving a student ID card in hand before handing it to Tad who was sitting beside the breakfast spread.

“Hey, Lover, Noah found this in the fire circle, it’s still a little damp from last night’s storm but looks like it’s good otherwise. Might want to ensure Harper has it back. You'll definitely need her to beat Firebird today.”

Tad smiled as he took the student card from Jess’ hand. It was true, for a student's trial run to be counted, they had to swipe their card upon entry.

“I’ll be sure she gets it back, even if I know we could beat you even with a man down.” He retorted only for his wife-to-be to roll her eyes.

“Sure you can, Finch. Try not to make the target time too easy for us.”

As the various members of Blackjack gathered around for breakfast, Tad turned to address the group proper. In his hands he held another piece of paper while the Team’s eyes were drawn to a collapsed tent beside him.

"I, uh, found this note, looks like Mei left in the middle of the night. Something about in the air force you can’t hear Haven scream?."

"Yeah,” Jess interjected with a playful smirk, turning around to tease both Tad and the pair of lovebirds.

”According to my guys, all anyone could hear last night over the rain was Barnes and Tyler.”

“Ahem,” Tad cleared his throat while his ears turned red. Moving his head, he indicated for Jess to leave before turning back to the group.

“Since our girls programmed the Trial, Blackjack has been elected first to run the course. Hopefully, with our insider knowledge, you don’t set too good of a time.” He gave a taunting smirk towards Jess who rolled her eyes at her fiancé before walking away.

“I’ve brought some A.R. Suits over for you all to change into, no need to explain them as you’re all surely used to the suits by now. Don’t forget your neural links.” Tad added tapping his temple to indicate the proper placement of the device.

“For those who have never done this, get some food into you, then suit up. We’ll regroup in front of the Trial before officially entering.” He explained before grabbing an apple along with his bagel and coffee.

“Don’t overeat and I’ll see you over there.”

Tad counted the heads of the ten remaining Blackjack members. He couldn't blame Mei or Pallyx for leaving with the shake up caused by the Foundation, but he was grateful for the remaining members. Most of them he had been mentoring since they came to P.R.C.U.

“Alright, you guys put this together, I know you can set a great time, but also try to have fun. For some of you it’s a first run, but for all of you, it’s the last time you’ll get to do this. Savour it, work together and I know you’ll do great.”

The various members of Blackjack filed into the towering hedge one by one, each swiping their student card as they entered which brought their A.R. suit to life, establishing a connection with the neural link that brought the maze in front of them to life.

Suddenly pulling Harper out of line, Tad moved her to the back of the group before holding out his arm.

“Sorry, I just remembered Jess gave this to me this morning. You must have dropped this yesterday.” He explained handing her student card back to her

“Give ‘em hell, Baxter,” Tad encouraged sending the girl through last.

As the Trial came alive, the programming glimmered to life as the doors shut behind Blackjack with a sharp sibilation. As soon as the doors locked, the visual constructs began to flicker. The entire simulation began to shut down in a flash of scrolling, corrupted red code. The area went black, submerging Blackjack in darkness before flaring back to life in a blinding flash of white. Winding, sterile halls replaced the stone maze and jungle of the previously programmed simulation.


A chorus of hushed whispers echoed around the collective team. A cold fog hung to the room's walls and floor while an indiscernible hissing echoed through the spotless maze of corridors. The exterior walls of the Trial hummed, the familiar nausea of an EBI field washing over those standing too close to the doors.

Empty classrooms lined the corridors, each occupied with abandoned desks. Within several of the rooms were a buzzing, damaged smart board, its screen covered in static beneath the cracked glass. The other rooms were filled with gurneys lined with busted restraints. Vials filled with vibrantly coloured liquids were scattered through the hospital-like rooms, while half-empty syringes lay around the abandoned gurney, their points stained with the familiar rust-tinged vermillion of dried blood.

The chorus of voices returned, words echoing again through the winding labyrinth.

“Welcome home.”

As Episode 1 will now end with the start of the Homecoming Trials, we're getting very near the end of this episode. An epilogue will be posted shortly as the last couple of posts trickle in and Episode 2 'Hope in Hell' will kick off with all characters in the Trial, suited up to run the course. Episode 2 will span the Trial, and then pending on how many posts that takes, it'll either include the first week of classes or segue into a new episode for that first week. The impending Dance will be the start or either Episode 3 or 4 pending the flow of the IC.

For the time being however, as @Roman already brought forth in the Discord, we will be doing Awards at the end of each episode and we GMs will be following this template:

All players are encouraged to participate, please PM/DM us your votes for each category. You need only vote for one person, post etc per category. Players are also more than welcome to create your own version of the awards, or even your own categories if there's something you want to highlight that Roman and I have omitted in ours.

Thank you everyone for a great first episode, and I am looking forward to seeing our characters in brand new situations and circumstances moving forward.

EDIT: We will also be adding a 'Best Character Dynamic' and a'Most Memorable Moment' category.
Seele - Soul
Seelen - Souls

Über - Over

Unter - Under

The Überseele, or oversoul is seated in the brain. It contains the thoughts, memories, and personality of an individual.

the Unterseele or undersoul is seated in the heart. It contains the appetites, emotions and fears of an individual.

Ghosts are thus bodiless überseelen, a spirit containing the thoughts, memories and personality of an individual who had passed on. In comparison, a poltergeist is an unterseele, that is to say, it's a bodiless spirit fueled entirely by appetite, emotion and fear. Not every variation of Seelen lacks a body. The shambling undead known as the zombie is a body lacking an überseele leaving a host completely devoid of thoughts and personality and only fueled by appetite and instinct.

A Jäger could live their entire life without ever becoming activated, in which case they would nearly indiscernible from the average human. However once activated, the Jäger comes into possession of a second überseele. This second überseele is what grants a Jäger their ancestral memories, talents and in more extreme cases, personalities.

A Magni is born in possession of a second unterseele. This second unterseele can physically manifest from a Magni's body, acting as their familiar spirit or animal guide.

Hyperhumans possess an Einseele, the 'One Soul' or the Unified Soul that exists as a balance between the Unter and the Über. This however prevents them from accessing the Vis, but saves them from being able to become members of the Undead.
I just want to give some appreciation to the RPers involved with Commencement - A Pacific Royal Collegiate & University

As of yesterday, we crossed the threshold of 100 posts after just only two months of the IC being active. So with special thanks to the following individuals, you all deserve all the praise for making this RP a success.


Thank you for the time and investment you've put into my little world, I couldn't ask for a better group of players and friends.
Location: Southern Plateau - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Welcome Home #1.101: Chasing Cars
Interaction(s): @Melissa - Aurora Mitchell
Previously: After Hours

It was no secret that Aurora had strong opinions about Amma. In fact, out of all of Team Blackjack, the redhead was by far the most vocal of the bunch about her apprehension surrounding the new girl. She knew trouble when she saw it, understood what followed in its wake, and had no interest getting tangled in whatever she had up her sleeve. She knew that Lorcán was the opposite though, he saw the good in everyone; he never had a reason not to. Aurora wasn’t oblivious to the way he looked at the transfer student, she’d seen how he admired her tattoos and always made the effort to coax her out of her shell.

The redhead put two and two together as the boy explained, and once she realized what had actually occurred when he and Amma had disappeared this afternoon, her heart dropped. She had been suspicious earlier, had heard the whispering, but hoped it wasn’t the case. He apologized but all she could hear was ringing in her ears. She had no right to be upset, react so strongly, and yet she was. Why was she taking this so harshly? They were just friends… nothing more than friends.


And then Lorcán continued, describing what he felt mere moments ago between the two of them.

It felt like I was whole.

The six small words took the breath from her lungs. His candidness captured everything she felt and echoed her innermost thoughts, ones that she’d never shared aloud or even realized until now. It was almost as if he had taken them straight from her mind since that was the way she had always felt about being around him, being near him. So many things about her past made Aurora feel like pieces of her were missing, but it never mattered when she was with him. Lorcán filled those gaps. He always had, long before their powers, their beings, intertwined.

But as close as they were, as close as they had always been, these were still uncharted waters. It scared her, terrified her even. He knew her better than anyone, but at the same time, fully opening up to someone, letting them in, was something she was still not sure she was capable of.

Even for him.

Her eyes drifted from his molten gaze down to his lips and back up again, her nose mere inches from brushing against his. The girl willed herself not to close the distance between the two of them, as tempting as it was in that moment, vaguely sensing her HZE’s reaching outward towards him and consciously reigning them back in.

“Lorcán, I-” Aurora swallowed, taking a deep breath and trying to calm her racing heart, “It’s been an eventful day, and emotions are running a little bit high with everything going on.” She deflected, squeezing his hands before bringing her left palm up to his face, cupping his cheek tenderly, her thumb brushing across his warm skin. “I know there’s a lot happening in that head of yours right now but,” The girl sighed, looking deeply into his eyes and choosing her next words carefully.

“...I think your mind will be a bit clearer once you get some rest.” Aurora paused, the tension between them palpable. “I promise you though, I’m not going anywhere.” She assured him, “Not now, not ever. Okay?”

He pressed his mouth against the base of her palm, Lorcán held it there for only a moment before releasing her.

“I’m not either.” He replied, moving his mouth back. Tracing her arm, he locked eyes with her. It wasn’t quite a rejection, but it wasn’t exactly the reciprocation he had thought he would hear.

“And if I ever do, I want it to be because you’re coming with me.”

Despite her words, Lorcán felt like he was thinking clearly for the first time in a while. At the very least he felt better getting the stuff about Amma off of his chest. Being honest with himself, the experiences had left him feeling guilty and while he knew he didn’t actually owe Aurora an explanation, he had always been honest with her.

“My name’s Lorcán, Lorcán Kendall Roth.” The young boy said, sticking out a lanky arm he had yet to grow into. The small freckled girl in front of him shyly smiled back.

“I like you,” The boy stated without hesitation. “I think you’re totally rad. Want to be my best friend forever?” A wide toothy smile followed the question as the boy led the girl by the hand.

“C’mon, I’ll show you my castle, it’s just an old garage but it’s where I keep all the secrets and if you’re going to be my best friend forever, then you need to know all the secrets.”

His hand moved to his pocket, only to find the smooth, silky material of his crimson boxer briefs, remembering once again that he had been having this heavy talk all while sitting in bright red boxer briefs. It would only have been more comical if they were heart-printed.
His eyes widened as he suddenly scrambled, looking for his shorts.

Fishing them off of the floor, Lorcán dug around in the pocket before producing the small, smooth object that Jonas had gifted him earlier.

“For a second I totally thought I had lost it,” He explained to Aurora before relaxing a bit. “I still have no idea what it is.” He muttered, the object pulsing in his hand again. It brought his thoughts back to earlier in the day, before he met with Jonas.

“Y’know earlier,” Lorcán started, leaning back onto his cot, “Y’know how I said things will never change between us?” He stared at the canvas suspended above them, tossing the black object into the air with one hand before catching it with the other.

“I meant that as in you’ll always be a part of my life, Lady Dude, and you’ll always be my closest friend.” He explained. “But I totally don’t see us as static either, we’re still evolving” He fished a bit.

“Do you like, know what happens when a motorcycle stops moving?” He asked, not waiting for an answer to the rhetorical question. “It falls over, even at slow speeds they sometimes become unsteady. But movement makes the bike balance.”

He tossed the object again.

“I think relationships are similar.” He continued while stifling a yawn, “The journey keeps the relationship growing, even without like, knowing the ultimate destination.” Lorcán rambled before smiling towards Aurora with a wink.

“Even for best friends forever.”

His hand missed the falling object as it caught him square in the face.


The air around Aurora quickly turned cold as Lorcán moved to his side of the tent, the hairs on her arms standing up at the sudden change in temperature, but also because of what he had implied about them being together. Not dwelling on it, she swung her legs up onto the cot and laid back, her red locks fanning out behind her, hands clasped resting on her stomach. The girl turned her head to look at Lorcán as he spoke, holding the object that Jonas had gifted him in his palm. “Maybe you’re not meant to know right now,” She pondered, “Could be important for later, or something.”

This morning had felt like a lifetime ago, but she remembered the boy’s words as he recounted them. A lot was changing right now, and she had thought at the time Lorcán had only meant it that nothing would come between them. But, ever full of surprises tonight, he took a turn she wasn’t expecting. For someone she thought she knew well, this was a side of the sandy haired boy that she hadn’t seen before. Sure, they had practically grown up together on the Island, the both of them having matured significantly since their youth, but what he was implying wasn’t about them individually.

He winked, and Aurora felt a flush grace her fair skin. Things were evolving, alright.

And as Lorcán clumsily inflicted more harm to himself, she tried to stifle her delicate laugh but failed. Sure, things may have been shifting, but there would still be some things that never changed. “You really need to work on your coordination, hot shot.” The redhead teased, turning her head and letting her gaze rest on the canopy of the tent above them. She reflected on his previous words and a small smile appeared at the memory the phrase triggered.

“Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we never met?” The girl asked before continuing her thought, “Like if one thing was different, we wouldn’t be here together. Do you think about that at all?” Aurora took a breath. “I do. I think about it all the time.” She admitted, bringing her hand up to her necklace, and twirling it.

“So sure, we might not know what’s coming next and how the journey may change things, how we may evolve, but what won’t change is how lucky I feel to have met you when I did.”

The tent’s temperature rose again as Aurora’s words reached Lorcán’s flushed ears. It wasn’t quite a mutual admission of affection, but he’d take the words as a win for now. A smile spread across his face before giving way to a tired yawn. The day had been exhausting both emotionally and physically.

It had been a long day.

From the announcement at the ceremony about the loss of degrees and the displayed animosity of the Foundation to his encounter with Jonas and the mysterious object. From there, the day had only been more complicated after he chose to shirk his duties and go off with Amma into the woods. His best friend took that personally and was now unusually upset at him. Dinner had been eventful with the campfire between both teams and the prying into the conspiracies of the Foundation and then his rollercoaster of a heart-to-heart with Aurora.

It had been a very long day indeed.

“I try not to think about my life without you in it,” Lorcán finally replied, “I definitely don’t want any future that you’re not part of.” He smiled softly, rolling the smooth object around in his palm.

“My life kind of sucked before you, and yeah I realize it could have been a lot worse, in many ways I’m spoiled, but it was lonely. It was the lowest low I’ve known and then you came along.” Lorcán sighed wistfully, “And then things got better, and they keep getting better each day you’re still here. No matter what kind of day I have, I know you’re always there, excited to listen,” He stifled another yawn.

“Rory and Gil are both cool, they’re great friends, but they’ll never trump you.”

Aurora shook her head, “I don’t think you’re spoiled. Sure, you had a very different upbringing than most of us, and you’re lucky for that, but that doesn’t mean you’re completely immune to any kind of hardship.” And she meant that. A lot of people looked at Lorcán’s life, herself included, and were envious of the way the boy grew up. Two loving parents and a community who accepted him for exactly who he was seemed like something out of a storybook. But the grass was always greener, and that didn’t mean the boy didn’t have troubles of his own. “I was lonely too, for a long time. And then I had you and I wasn’t lonely anymore.”

The redhead smiled softly, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell them. Your secret’s safe with me.”

Lorcan smiled fondly back, before placing his head on his pillow, his eyes closed as the gentle lull of Aurora’s voice comforted him. His thoughts raced back to earlier, the near kiss, the hands on her hips.

It hadn’t been real, but in that moment, it had been everything.

“‘Rora,” Lorcán mumbled half asleep as he reluctantly laid back on the cot. Rolling onto his shoulder, he turned to look at Aurora. A smitten smile crossed his face as wandering thoughts pictured waking up beside her.

“I really-” He spoke again, his words slurring slightly as sleep began to take hold of the exhausted young man. His eyelids fluttered, as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

“-really want to take...” Lorcán’s eyes were closed at this point, sleep taking a firm grasp over the young man only for one last act of rebellion allowed him to spit out another sentence fragment.

“...to the dance.”

Aurora had been drifting off as well, but was snapped back awake at Lorcán’s words. Her eyes widened, and she sat up quickly, looking over at his now sleeping form. She watched the steady rise and fall of his chest as he peacefully rested as if he didn’t just say something confusing and leave it up to interpretation before dozing off to dreamland.

Take who to the dance? Her?

Based on the evening's events, she assumed he’d meant wanting to bring her, which opened up a can of metaphorical worms. In fact, the entire night had put them in a bit of a predicament if she was being honest. But then again, he had said many things that evening, he could very well have meant someone else…

Lying back on the cot, Aurora tried to quiet the swirling thoughts that had now overtaken her mind. She didn’t sleep that night.

Not a wink.
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