Maxwell Erickson
Location: URC 1: Reception —> Cafeteria
Time of Day:Late Afternooon
Relevant Cast:@dragonydas@BunniesOfDoom@Morgannis@Lemons@Expendable[@Lugrubrious]
“Of course. Why wouldn’t the fridge break, too? Thanks Max.” she muttered.
“Glad I could… help?” Max said with his most apologetic smile. Before he could suggest calling the utility company or a fridge technician or a priest who specialized in exorcisms (Could demons possess an industrial fridge?) The phone rang and he listened to Guz explain the situation. His face paled slightly at the mention of Gremlins, he knew what they could do if left to their own devices. They’d made THREE whole movies about them, for goodness sake! Though he thought the last one might have gone straight to video… He cursed himself for not asking Gus if they were still in their cute fuzzy state, though he figured the mischief and disturbance they were causing gave him his answer.
“All right. Max, could you tell Borkus what’s happening? Maybe also warn the residents in the restaurant. I’m going to check the manual for what to do in these cases.”
“Right! Borkus! On it!” He gave a proper salute and turned towards the cafeteria but stopped to check his watch.
“And don’t worry, Theria, we still have a long while till midnight so we have time to hide all the food and block off the pool.”With that he power-walked back to the cafeteria which had become even more crowded since his earlier visit. Residents stood impatiantly, grumbling as Borkus and his staff ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, desperately trying to salvage what food they could.
“Uh… Borkus?” Max said as he approached the counter, far too softly to be heard over the general din.
“Borkus?” Lasting fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas were laid out along with half a dozen types of bread, cheese, and non-perishable spreads which seemed to quiet a few of the less-picky eaters but even more were residents were heading out for food, heads shaking in disappointment just as others streamed in.
“Hey Borkus?” Max was really not the best person to send in to command this situation.