Iris out here with the Dissociative Identity Disorder
“Since introductions are in order, please allow me to do so as well,” he began, his tone affable. He kept a respectful distance from Holloway as he sidled up to the counter, not approaching her from behind. “Welcome to our humble hideaway. I am Khalid Alhazred, the resident Shoggoth. As it happens, I am just now launching a program called Shoggoth Therapy. For now I am but an understudy, but it would be my pleasure to chat with each and every member of our colorful community. Which now, of course, includes you. So please stop by room 3-106 any time.”
Location: Building 1: Ground floor, Reception
Interactions: @Lugubrious, @Massasauga, @LupusIntus
“Oh, well, thank you for… letting us know…” she said, keeping her voice calm as she slid the card back, attempting to mask her discomfort with a polite smile.
Just then, Theria felt a small nudge on her shoulder as two of her snakes, Isela and Pippin, started focusing intently on Rebecca’s shoulder. Suddenly, Theria’s worries turned into excitement, as the feelings of two of her snakes overwhelmed her worries. Theria chuckled softly, reaching up to calm her two snakes, who were practically pulling her towards Rebecca.
“Yes, yes, I know…” she murmured to them. “There's a potential new friend.” She smiled at Rebecca. “It seems that Isela and Pippin here are quite interested in meeting your companion.”
“Well, Miss Holloway, This all seems to be in order. Let me then welcome you to the Umbra Rose Condos.”
She smiled and picked up one of the keys from the key rack on the wall behind her before extending it to Rebecca. “Apartment three on the third floor. Just go through these doors and you have both stairs and an elevator should you wish to use it.” She said, gesturing to a double door on the side of the reception area. “There’s a small flier inside your apartment explaining our buildings and where our amenities are located. And as for the restaurant…” She signaled to the right. “It’s right by those doors. And should you need something, just come speak with either me or Max. We’ll do the best we can to help.”
Velvet's excuse was that she was born and raised during the Great Famine in a peasant family, so she was malnourished and as a result her growth was permanently stunted.
Poor, Elli. xD
Don't you worry though! Your assets are plenty sufficient! I mean, it's not like you're Velvet or Suzy, who're dreadfully lacking in that department. ^^
Nooooooooooooooo, but I nhaven't even gotten to fondle know the horse-girl yet! D:EDIT:
I think this is everyone who described their heights thus far? Because I have a fixation.
It really puts into perspective just how diminutive Yumeiko and Velvet are. Shoggoth Therapy is going to be...interesting.
Here's a legit question for all, well most.
How tall is your character?
I've got the heights of a few people from their CS but there are others who didn't mention it and I'd like to know if Iris is going to be looking straight on, down, or up at your character lol
<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>
Eat humans? This isn't the 16th century anymore! They're so bloated with fats and toxins, they're disgusting. Haven't you heard what happened to Nessie? About the only decent ones out there are the true vegetarians. You gotta eat organic if you want to make it to the next millennium.
I'll be posting later today for Khalid in the lobby, interacting with Theria, Max, and Rebecca.