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Very well, where do I begin?

My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.

My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard, really. At the age of twelve, I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking. I highly suggest you try it.

Most Recent Posts

I liked RDR a lot better the first time I played it, back when it was on the PS2 and called GUN.

(And yes, I know the original Red Dead Revolver was on the PS2, but GUN was significantly better)

Speaking of my lack of posting.

The Weekly Post Check

@Master Bruce - Posted 8 Days Ago - 6 Days Left
@Star Lord - Posted 8 Days Ago - 6 Days Left
@DocTachyon - Posted 8 Days Ago - 6 Days Left
@webboysurf - Posted 9 Days Ago - 5 Days Left
@Inkarnate - Posted 11 Days Ago - 3 Days Left
@Superboy - Posted 11 Days Ago - 3 Days Left
@Bounce - Posted 13 Days Ago - 1 Day Left
@Hillan - Posted 16 Days Ago - Late (Deadline will be Friday.)

@Roman, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to be removed for not producing a post in the allotted time. You can re-apply for Daredevil if you want, but I recommend having at least two or three posts pre-written to ensure you'll stick around.
@Master Bruce as off Sunday I'm going to be moving on whether you've posted or not. Just to keep my story going.

I... completely understand that, honestly, and will loan you Mr. Freeze in order to neatly tie up that loose end.

My apologies for not getting my ass in gear. I just haven't been in a mood to write lately, and even when I did, I didn't feel like I was putting much of anything into it - or at least anything I couldn't do better. Hoping that I'll get back into it once October's over and done with.
I too am dressing up this year, but since Batman costumes are expensive as shit if you want them done right, I had to resort to picking someone else. Pics coming Halloween day.
You already know, baby.

It was the Star Wars prequels.

Frank suddenly exclaiming "That's totally wizard!" finally makes sense.
What creator or piece of media directly influences your stories and characterizations for this game?

Alot of my Batman is drawn from Jeph Loeb's inner-monologue for Bruce in The Long Halloween, Dark Victory, and Hush. Something about his Batman's train of thought and the style that it's written in, intelligent and yet somewhat stuck in a childhood mentality, just really sank in and made sense for Bruce. He's one step out of reality, and Loeb went for that for dramatic purposes.

As far as my writing goes, it also depends on the media I'm busy absorbing at the time of writing. For instance, in my last Batman post, I had Bruce silently take out one of the thugs and then stuff his unconscious body in a crate. This is because I've been playing Hitman for Xbox One, where that's a go-to move. The crime stuff from last season was largely influenced by, oddly enough, a combination of Daredevil Season 1, seeing some mob movies for the first time, listening to a true crime podcast, and - not to completely kiss ass - my jealousy of your ability to write noir and wanting to ape you a bit. You talented bastard.

Also, since this seems like a good space to talk about it, I finished Daredevil Season 3 over the weekend. Very, very good stuff. I was a little disappointed with the latter episodes because after sticking the landing as far as pacing with the first 7-9 episodes, 10-13 started to feel a bit repetitive. But it finishes strong, and should Netflix not cancel it as they did Luke Cage and Iron Fist, it sets up a cool new status quo.

By contrast, I also got around to watching the first two episodes of Titans. Surprisingly, I really liked the pilot, "Fuck Batman." aside. The characters actually came across fairly true to form in personality, the ugly Starfire look honestly didn't look so bad in the show itself, and I really liked the handling of Raven's storyline. Episode 2... was not as good, as it immediately seemed to fall into television tropes that streaming shows are usually void of, such as bottom barrel acting and plotlines that barely tie into the overall narrative.

But I'm more optimistic after having gotten a taste for it. If they can just stick to doing more of the superhero stuff and nix the "We're mature! We can say fuck alot!" grim-dark crap, we'll be good. High hopes for the Doom Patrol's appearance.

*restores "St-ony Homoerotic Beach Volleyball scene" from Recycle Bin*

Immediately following this comment, Witryso PM'ed me to say that he was re-rescinding his Iron Man application because, quote, "Nope."
@Roman, I missed you whenever I wrote up the Weekly Post Check. Due to my oversight, you have until Sunday to post as opposed to Friday.
Because it totally didn!t slip my mind and I was just being the generous GM that I am by alotting extra time to those who'd stumbled, without further ado... it's become that time once again.

The Weekly Post Check: The Sequel

@Hound55 - No Posts - Late
@Simple Unicycle - Posted 14 Days Ago - Late

You guys know the drill by now. You got until Friday to get something up, otherwise you're off the roster.

Given the game is now two weeks old, the Checks will be weekly once again every Monday starting next week. So as a wise Man of Byrd once said...

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