Avatar of Megatron


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Current I AM MEGATRON!!!!!!
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1 mo ago
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Deceptions! Seek and Destroy!
1 mo ago
"Deceptions! Begin our assault!"
1 mo ago
"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"



Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.

You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.

Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.


If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.

My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!

Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.

For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.

My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.

Indulgent Beloved
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
· @Cu Chulainn · @Grey

Indulgent Nakama
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
· @Gerlando · @Sho Minazuki · @BlackMaiden · @JrVader · @Polaris North · @Landaus Five-One
· @Digmata · @Iamme · @Rune_Alchemist · @The Jest · @Petulant · @The Man Emperor · @paingodsson · @Alfhedil · @Aku the Samurai · @Deide · @King Kindred

Indulging Fandoms
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen

Indulging Worrks
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
· Fenix Tear
· Just Another Hero

Most Recent Posts

Hi Team,

There'd be no posts today, like I promised of what we signed up for as advertised and debriefed, I love giving cooldowns.

Use this time however you like and wise enough to read and re-read IC posts so we're all kept up on the flow of things.

I understand we've been going fast & that given our enthusiasm, we either break or make the gravy, I highly reciprocate everyone's feelings and thank everyone for working hard for the past two weeks.

As a handsome reward, we will be having a 2-day break.


Your Keikaku Friend,


@Letter Bee

@Aku the Samurai
@Creative Chaos
@Dragon Arts
Qᴜɪʀᴋ Bʏ Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

ᴳᵉⁿ ¹

First Generation Quirkfuls accidentally gained abilities through radioactive sources that altered their DNA such as experiments that virally gone wrong such as the mice that spread a plague that's called the Q-Virus, 150 years from our timeline.

In America, this became known as the Witch Hunts & the rise of the Creature Rejection Clan in Japan.

Racism against the Quirkful became a reality and soon, against the Quirkless.

ᴳᵉⁿ ²

30-years after the Dawn of Quirks, offsprings of people're born with Quirks, they'd mingle and passed on their genes, which spearheaded the later Generations through hereditary means,
this became the rise of classism of Quirks, historically known as The Great Quirkism, where society supported sinister ideologies of Shigaraki Hisashi aka All For One, who reigned in the shadows under the criminal underworld of Japan.

In the same manner, the origin of Heroes is found in the United States of America. Quirks were exposed to the world due to the glowing baby found in China. In Japan, Yotsubashi Chikara aka Destro preached the Quirk Liberation philosophy, where everyone can use their Quirks freely. His actions brought about a revolution and destroyed the Japanese Royal Family, granting All For One, puppetry over the Japanese Government, donning it as the Republic of Japan.

Besides All For One & Destro, Oji Harima, The Peerless Thief was also considered a Dark Lord/Villain King, making them the Forefathers of the League of Villains.

ᴳᵉⁿ ³
Quirk Singularity

30-Years has past once more, Third Generation Quirkfuls exhibited an evolved Q-Gene known as the Quirk Factor, a chromosome that made Quirks no longer curable. Unlike its predecessors, Third Generation Quirkfuls cannot have their Quirks reverse-engineered, decoded aka regress back to normal. Dr. Ujiko Daruma, a renowned scientist of this era, theorized about the evolution of Quirks and how the human race will embrace the new normal.

He coined the term, The Quirk Doomsday Singularity Theory. Unfortunately, many believed he's nothing more than a Mad Scientist, a Professor who lived by pipe dreams. Ujiko kept his Quirk under the wraps as the first true immortal human to exist, he will never die even if his Quirk is dampen.

The creation of the Nomu was the fruits of speed running the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory.

ᴳᵉⁿ ⁴
Quirk Marriage

Herobiz reached Japan, the founders of the Hero World in Japan were the Todoroki, Yaoyorozu & Ida clans, which All For One intended to be his puppets but the rapid growth of the Founding Hero Dynastic Clans outgrew the influence of All For One.

Quirk Marriages became rampant during the first decade & banned for its inhumane practices.

Within these 30 years, there's a small crack in All For One's Villain Empire, it was the rise of Shimura Nana, who later taught All Might.

Fourth Generation Quirkfuls exhibited superhuman bodies that their predecessors didn't have at all, Quirks became more suited to the body yet at the same time, Quirks would often tear the body apart, leading to a failure of adaptation.

ᴳᵉⁿ ⁵
Quirktastic Era

Fifth Generation Quirkfuls lived the time of their lives, 80% of the World are Quirkfuls, this was the golden age & the rise of All Might, who secretly took down the Demon Lord, All For One.

Fifth Generation Quirkfuls are said to have a body, suitable for two Quirks, in rare cases, multiple.

This is the divergent timeline from the MHA Canon, where the RP interpretation of the MHA Story timeline began.

ᴳᵉⁿ ⁶
Quirktabulous Era

150 years has already past, Sixth Generation Quirkfuls are yet to be discovered.
1B Character Morale & Overall First Semester Scores
Aozaki Aida | Splitsec, 40 [Deceased]
Quirk: Jetspeed

These were the final quarter grades and the entire first semester grades during the First Semester, completed by Ravens in the dying memory of the Speeding Hero, Splitsec, who was reported to have been killed by one of the Sinister Six, Electricgod.

The heartfelt feedback came from their late Professor.

She was said to be MIA but her death was broadcasted a day prior the Sports Festival.

First Place
Mawatari Jun
Quirk: Distance Snap

Her grades are outstanding, she's got a resolute mind but I'm afraid her numbing indifference isn't always going to be a positive stoicism, people may be rubbed the wrong way, she doesn't seem notice how people are willing to get her out of her shell, I had to confiscate a lot of love letters and reconfigure her Hawkpads to filter out those unnecessary love emails from boys and girls, my even the girls?

Learn how to be more flexible, always remember to open your heart to the right people.

Second Place
Yūhi Yusuke
Quirk: Fervent Trigger

His grades are on par with Jun's, Yusuke sees her as a rival but the girl just don't reciprocate, just like a girl who rejected a love confession. Shrugs... Not poggers. Yusuke is a fun gamer in a sense, he's very participative in class and I admire his heroic spirit to win. However, his disastrous quirk control leaves him undesired in character. I hate having favorites but he was like a son to me. Yusuke needs to work on his character and interpersonal relationships. Like Jun, I had to the same thing, the opposite sex, likes him.

Third Place
Suzuki Akira
Quirk: Projection

The Male Class Representative, yes, a discreet troublemaker, fashioned in
a predisposed situation of Eirei's prejudiced classism, he's not a troublemaker but the 1Aers really loved to bully him, Akira kept choosing stand his ground to defend his class.

Fourth Place
Ogawa Yamato
Quirk: Tyrannosaurus
The most misunderstood boy in the Freshman Block, a gentle soul who balances himself internally well amidst the classism and racism. I am glad he's not like those hoodlum Metamorphics who'd abuse the M-word pass. Perhaps what Yamato needs is someone to truly understand him, someone to tell him that it's okay to cry and not hide behind his wounds.

Fifth Place
Kazuma Yui
Quirk: Kinetics

Yui is like the other half of Kujaku, except more devious, I love his straightforward approach for its moderate in itself despite how people claimed its excessiveness. He's like a calmer version of Yusuke, he knows what he wants unlike the other. Yui serves all purpose as a wake up call to the class. A hardworking winner.

Sixth Place
Soragami Kujaku
Quirk: Rainmaker

Kujaku is laid back but just like Yui, his words and actions tend to attract bullies and surprisingly, friends. Professors need to see that he's got a big heart despite his troublemaker tendencies. His grades are average, which I had to keep reprimanding him. Stop skipping class.

Seventh Place
Yamagata Kazuki

Admirable for a Quirkless but I'm heavily perplexed and concern for his mental health, perhaps was it because I've watched too much American School Shooter Documentary? He's unpredictable.

Eighth Place
Seiki Kanako
Quirk: Mind Link

Never underestimate people with special needs, Kanako is like a daughter to me, she helps me scold people with her Mind Link, reprimand those who weren't paying attention in class. I'm still concerned and perplexed, a mute girl in the Hawks Agency? I hate to underestimate but in dark times like these, I wish children choose their agencies properly.

Ninth Place
Mamushi Hebi
Quirk: Hydra

I'm surprised how she became a fellow class representative, nevertheless ,like Akira, she keeps all the notorious delinquents in line but please, tone down the arrogance, it's not gonna help you gain proper public perception, she also quarrels a lot with Yusuke until she's just indifferent.

Tenth Place
Misaki Shiori
Quirk: Castling Point

Just like Kujaku, she causes chaotic and instant trouble by skipping classes and over the top pranks, she's not the brightest.
Second Semester First Quiz Results

Those who stayed to fight against oppression, viewed as dying with your comrades: 100 pts

Those who spoke up against oppression: 95 pts

Those who spoke up but left: 90 points

Those who were against oppression but didn't speak up yet stayed , which would count as wild card: 85 points

Those who forfeited for their own benefit, which has to be a Retake, take note that Retake don't mean Failed: 80 points

Perfect Score

Excellent Score

Minimum Score


1A and 1C virtually took the same quiz.

Soragami ✗ Kazuma

Yamagata ✗ Yajima

Mamushi ✗ Mawatari ✗ Misaki

Asagumo ✗ Yūhi

Mathers ✗ Seiki

Yuzuki ✗ Himura

Taragi ✗ Ogawa
Shibuya Institution District
Eirei Polytechnic Academy — 1B
Shimura Danzo: Origin

A Teacher's role is to hearken the burden of students, so that they may succeeded, teaching methods are limitless figures and failure to accustom oneself with fairness for his students is mediocrity.

A Student's role is to hearken the lessons provided by their Teacher, learning methods are boundless figures that reasons with reality through an inquisitive mind to see through lies & to be fruitful with knowledge that outpour from the fountains of wisdom. In the same manner, the antidote to a perplexed student is the unwavering guidance of their Teacher, for that is like a soothing wind that fans the flames of progress and the right way to put a fire out. The combined efforts of these things, resolves to break the yolk of fear, distrust, disbelief and unworthiness, thus donning truth's comforting embrace to heart.

No matter what the path that the disciple go, the teachings of their master is etched into the very fiber of their whole being that resonates like a vestige.

Once and for all, the culminative journey of these opposing souls, brings forth an eternal cycle of giving & receiving in a causal relationship that echo through time. A bond deeper than the flowing blood rivers of biological kinship, a bond that's respected by intellect, connections that sets the framework of a culture, and of a society. We move forward, we stand and fight for our cause.

History is learned,

History is created,

History is preserved.

Reality is stranger than fiction.

As Mia began breathing her cursed technique, a charade of humored protest against Ravens, the Illusionist, has made the man be in a seemingly questionable position, it was evident that 1B was crying out in subliminal anguish for the pent up losses they suffered, especially for the lack of a lasting Professor.

1B — The notorious Freshmen Block of 2127 was stepping out of their husks, unafraid showing who they truly are, many stepped out of the class due to the intense predicament they perceived themselves to be in. Their reactions determined their future, whether it's for the better or worse, they're like lost sheeps without a shepherd, venturing into the unknown, some may return but others were broken. Ravens knew of the outcome including the repercussions of his actions,and it seemed that there's little room for remorse or was it for the naught?

Is it?

Is it?

Is it....

Danzo sighed and sent an email blast to the faculty and to all of 1B, particular those that left.

Suddenly, the gloomy room changed to break the ice. For once in his life, Danzo genuinely smiled and laughed at the so called lackluster performance of the year, there was no need to hold it back anymore, the man with questionable reputation that many claimed remains a phantom. Who knew that the remaining 1B has shown a heroic spirit, something that Danzo only experienced in rare occasions.

The illusion of a dreamer,
The illusion of a bluff,
The illusion of a classist,
The illusion of a passing wind,

Not a single one of these sheds light on Danzo.

As the man called Ravens, the former Professor of Class 1A, now 1B has revealed his true colors, he couldn't say it, any other way.

"First Graded Quiz of the Second Semester, A Hero's Unyielding Mind Against Deception. Haha! My sincerest apologies for the lackluster performance, hahaha, if I've scared you off your seats, dinner is on me!" His smile and laughter calmed down, perhaps from the abdominal pain, he experienced, he's done holding his misdirections.

Danzo has shown the embodiment of a Hawks Agent.

"Detention? You seriously think, I'd be unjust. Come on now, sheesh. There is no detention, except for you, Ms. Rin Himura." A twist of fate, Danzo has acted upon the matter that first tormented 1B.

Rin went into a crazed state. Irritated that the Professor whom she thought was at her side, has betrayed her. Dark Rin or not, she was hoping to fail this hopeless class in the first place, the red flags were there. Of all people, Shimura Danzo, a descendant of Shimura Nana, coming from an elite family has disproven his loyalties to the hierarchy.

"Madame Todoroki has been watching you, Ms. Himura, your tyranny ends here. You are hereby relieved of your Prefect Duties from the Student Advisor Body. He said with great indignation.

Rin could not say anything, she held back her tears, walked out and knew her fate is sealed.

Ravens thought to himself The Founders and Madame Todoroki entrusted me the impossible, I have to expel guilty students that're murderous Hawks Interns, which made up majority of 1A, they've been proven guilty. 1C has proven themselves innocent while 1B isn't bad at all. Could the League have infiltrated Eirei fully or not? No, this wretched killings of Professors is more than meet the eye, if so, why 1B? Why compromise the education of innocent children? For the past six months, I've been acting out of necessity to fulfill my mission, I've done things I'm not proud of. We all have to be vigilant. Revealing myself as of now, may only drag the enemy closer, I must protect Eirei!

Yes, everyone can sleep well at their dorms, I wish I know there'd be more questions than answers, but for now I must go! Ravens dissipated into air like a mirage, nowhere to be found.

Ravens rushed to the Principal's office.
Those who stayed to fight against oppression, viewed as dying with your comrades: 100 pts

Those who spoke up against oppression: 95 pts

Those who spoke up but left: 90 points

Those who forfeited for their own benefit: 80 points

Next Event: Reelection
Ravens has left an email indicating that his class meet at their Dorms to catch up and unwind, it's also about the structure of student rep positions, it's the second semester, hence the class needs rightful leaders.
Only Mia and Hikari are permitted to leave the classroom, the rest stays until my GM post wraps this up.
@BlackMaiden Go for it! Himura clan represent!

ꜱʜɪʙᴜʏᴀ, ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ɪɴꜱᴛɪᴛᴜᴛɪᴏɴ ᴅɪꜱᴛʀɪᴄᴛ
ᴇɪʀᴇɪ ᴘᴏʟʏᴛᴇᴄʜɴɪᴄ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ
Freshman Building, 1B
@Letter Bee @Thayr @rexgn @Gerlando @Aku the Samurai @Creative Chaos @Lewascan2 @Dragon Arts
An unhealthy ordeal call began with the perceived power abuse of the Student Advisors against the crying justice of the reorganized 1B.

Students displayed meticulous appeal that questioned the superceding authority of the Prefect & demanded restitution to the rightful authorized Professor. Directly quoted from the hero constitutional work ethics alluded to the principalities of the Hero Commission, Mia enforced the Genius Office Code of Conduct & wrestled with Rin's warped mind. Both have dissuaded another's principles despite the rallied majority towards Rin's undoing.

The Himura Heiress let matters ran at its natural course, her Beloved aided the Fanatic with the liabilities to the Infirmary as the tension grew, Akisuji Gendou walked out.

Moreover, nameless students who expressed fear against Rin's oozing bloodlust, left the room as one after another followed to the backdoor, scared off their wits as their beeping IDs prompted the smart door of their departure. All the while Mia ranted, more & more students left & Rin was gazing with sinister eyes of murderous intent & mocking smile as the rant went on and waned, rolling her eyes & shrugging off dirt from her long nails. A moment of silence started & then ceased, the moment Rin replied, Dark Rin or not, there was no difference, her voice in a split moment sounded distorted, as if there were three people in one body.

She muttered. "I have no intentions of humoring a disowned hatchling, Dirtblood."

Dirtblood. One of the foulest racist terms denoting one's genealogy of lesser descendency, either parent having a quirk or not. A word that Nobles, Dynastic Hero & Villain Families alike, loved using to degrade those lesser than them.

Before more prejudice and chaos ensues, suddenly the lights turned off and back on.

"Now, now...Ms. Himura. Do not stoop to the level of your hatchlings." Professor Danzo with his dramatic entrance, Rin remained besides Danzo.

The man dressed in victorian black, looked at Mia and the remaining students and his calming yet deep voice said while he wrote his name on the board and him being 29 years old, who interned at Hawks.

"Shimura Danzo or better yet the Wind Pro Hero, Ravens. I will be your Professor, moving forward." He paused.

The former 1A students knew how strict, Shimura is.

"Ms. Mathers, Ms. Himura, see me at my office after our last agenda." Shimura held back his fuming of how disorganized 1B is actually not only in person but as its new Professor.

"To think Madame Todoroki enlisted me to deal with insufferable & self-righteous Dirtbloods, scheming Nullbloods and entitled Truebloods. This notorious class is going to need more than just an extreme makeover." The insufferable & self-righteous Dirtblood was heavily directed to Mia, which he looked with emphasized intent.

"Until you all learned to behave, starting today, all of you will be in detention, for the rest of the month. Do not test my patience, your Hero Licenses will be suspended. The dorm assignments which Ms. Himura was to deliver is overdue, because of this entitled class's opinionated babbling. The dorm assignments are:
Soragami ✗ Kazuma

Yamagata ✗ Yajima

Mamushi ✗ Mawatari

Asagumo ✗ Yūhi

Mathers ✗ Seiki

Yuzuki ✗ Himura

"And since this entitled class thinks they're better than everyone. Ms. Mawatari, Ms. Mamushi & Ms. Himura Ria and Mr. Yuzuki are exempted from detention. Ms. Seiki, you will need to see me at my office with Ms. Himura Rin & Ms. Mathers, immediately after this class."

He sat down at the Professor's seat and brought his Hawkpad to the table.

"Furthermore, Ms. Himura Rin will continue as your Main Student Advisor. This class's penalty will be sleeping in the House of Hawks Common Room with rollable futons on the floor except for the ones without detention. This is only for tonight."

ꜱʜɪʙᴜʏᴀ, ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ɪɴꜱᴛɪᴛᴜᴛɪᴏɴ
South Building, Infirmary
Overhaul Theme
ᴅʀ. ᴄʜɪꜱᴀᴋɪ ᴋᴀɪ
@Digmata, @JrVader, @Iamme
Reformed Villain — Chisaki Kai

No words are needed to be said but what cannot be ignored was that he was essential to the defeat of the Symbol of Fear, Villain King, Shigaraki Tomura.

He attended to the needs of those within the premises of the clinic, Dr. Chisaki has a strong reputation of getting the job done in an instant, leaving no students even make an excuse to prolong their stay in the Infirmary.

His raspy and manly voice attended to the two students.

"Language. Yuzuki-kun. I will not tolerate filthy language in my zone."

He turned to what seemed to be Yusuke who was shot with Quirk Erasure Bullets, previously known as & now known as Antiquirk Artillery.

"The two of you... Chisaki held back his impending anger.

"Yaoyorozu, Asagumo. You've violated my rules of not wearing facemasks and forgetting to sanitize your hands but since this is an emergency, I will tolerate your eccentricities."

He sighed with even more disappointment & expressed it and reached to Yusuke's body, removing his gloves, feeling every being of Yusuke and put two-and-two.

"I sense Quirk residues around Yūhi's body and you, Asagumo. Use of Quirks without the permission of a Professor is a violation to Eirei's mandates. As the Head Doctor of Eirei Infirmaries and Professor of Medical Technology Courses, Asagumo, you will serve detention for the month, I'm sure that Professor Shimura has already sanctioned your collaborator, you will be serving community service in my zone.

If you've got nothing better to do, I suggest leaving my zone, you've received your overhaul as your bodies rejuvenated, leave my zone, fully clean. Leave before I sanction all of you for truancy. Yaoyorozu, take Asagumo and Yuzuki-kun back to class, I will deal with Yūhi...and Yaoyorozu, Madame Todoroki....have all the Hawks Interns gather two days from now...it's of important disposition, I am sick of their crap, they need a cure.

End of My Introduction Academia! Next Issue; Free Roam Before Internships.
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