Avatar of Megatron


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Current I AM MEGATRON!!!!!!
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Deceptions! Seek and Destroy!
1 mo ago
"Deceptions! Begin our assault!"
1 mo ago
"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"



Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.

You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.

Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.


If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.

My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!

Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.

For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.

My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.

Indulgent Beloved
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
· @Cu Chulainn · @Grey

Indulgent Nakama
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
· @Gerlando · @Sho Minazuki · @BlackMaiden · @JrVader · @Polaris North · @Landaus Five-One
· @Digmata · @Iamme · @Rune_Alchemist · @The Jest · @Petulant · @The Man Emperor · @paingodsson · @Alfhedil · @Aku the Samurai · @Deide · @King Kindred

Indulging Fandoms
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen

Indulging Worrks
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
· Fenix Tear
· Just Another Hero

Most Recent Posts



Yūgure to semari kuru kaminari
Opacare Tonitrua

Twighlight Upon Looming Thunder

ZαɠɾҽႦαʅ Sαɠα

Where there is too much light, one becomes blind with notions of submissive faith to indulge in blissful delusions that leads to sin. One's reality might just be another's fantasy. Each of us lives, dependent, and bound by our individual knowledge and our awareness. All that is what we call "reality".

You may just find out the sinister deception of your life is grand.

It can make your or it can break you.

This is a countdown until all hell breaks loose that starts with the seventh. For the loss of the divine number is six, as seven minus one becomes the number 6, the number of man without heavenly providence. The fouler's snare is a box of alluring temptations.

As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.

The Gates of Tartaros has paved the gates of hell, although Devils can no longer roam Elentir, by taking control of a human vessel, may they commit sinister acts of sin. Within the cloudy skies that shroud Avalon, lies a cunning Harlot, the Seventh Hellgate before the storm, Zagrebal.

Guildmaster Azuria Rutines is assigned with a divine adventure by King Jellal Pendragon to select spies in preparation against the looming thunder.

For a beloved guild like Fenix Tear whose keen with prized tourism artifacts such as the colossal Rosletta Library, All You Can Eris Diner, A2Z Rutines and Reuel Refinery. Spying on the White Creed is the least of Azuria's worries to sweep under the rug so that no noise can be heard. Word has it that the White Creed and Kulto Kalium Krusade are conspiring to overthrow Pendragon in a time like this.

The Nun, ascended and determined, the recently promoted, Chancellor Elechanel Traumerei aka Elektra, an ally of Fenix Tear can only hope for the best and hopefully a non-aggression solution.

Thank you all, I love the Parliament, I love the Diet, I love Theocracy

For 700 Years, the Pergrande Kingdom stood resolute with its impregnable, beatitude stronghold amidst the demonic fog that plagues the living.

An erected holy fortress for the anguished to take refuge, being the mainland ishgar, Pergrande is an archipelago, surrounded by sinister waters. Every sevens of the month, in the counting calendariumized sequence of 7, 17 & 27; battles are fought for the Kingdom's purity & the souls of its people to a standstill. The adversaries of Pergrande are Devils from the neighboring Kingdom of Sin & its primary dark guild, Tartaros, torment & corrupt the holy lands.

In response to the the cataclysmic event, the Lady of The Lake shall penetratively thrust Excalibur into the capital's lacrimized stoneyard, for every succeeding King that pulls the holy sword from the stone, leads the kingdom under the banquet of Pendragon. In each passing generation, the Pendragon is customarily aided by a Mage from the Order of Merlin, serving the King as its Court Mage, the King is also expected to muster the peerless military might of the Roundtable Magic Knights. Seven Peerless Warriors serving Pendragon with their lives on the line and the fate of Elentir at their destiny shaping hands will do either make or break Pergrande's eternal kingdom like a grain of sand & heaven in a wild flower. To hold infinity in the palm and eternity in an hour, the guild with an unquestionable honor has risen from the slumbering hearth as Pendragon's honorary subjects, the guild, Fenix Tear.

Neither a Dark Guild nor Light Guild but an Independent Guild, the guildies of Fenix Tear share the burden of Pergrande.

Can they continually rise from the ashes or are they already continual because they're ashes already? The battle rages on.

I redefine rules as something we are predisposed by social cues & that's accomplished through having a clear-open mind to know our endeavors justly.

∞. The PlatinumRule

|x|. The Golden Rule

Platinum Articles
0. Articles 0 to 2 talks about our work ethics, work-life balance and state of being.

Golden Articles
These Golden Articles talk about the Gameplay Mechanics of the Roleplay.

3. Articles 3 to 12 talks about the immersive roleplay mechanics when it comes to role and power systems, as know, not all crazy ideas of an Author may translate well to a Roleplay Setting, hence they're reworked.

Silver Articles
Silver Articles refer to character creation guides.
13. Races

Fenix Tear without a doubt is an alternate continuity of Fairy Tail but set in the high fantasy magic world of Elentir and it's also a roleplay that I co-created with @j8cob, @Gittarackur & @Sanguine Rose back in 2020. I Endeavor beyond my limits, the expectations I am here to set for y'all only means that I care and love so much content from Hiro Mashima, let it sink in that his great works share the same verse but in different timelines/realities, the connection is evident and hard to ignore. These are Rave Master, Fairy Tail, Eden's Zero & Dead Rock.

Our Roleplay will be a Fairy Tail-oriented story and I'm expecting Players to at least acknowledge that there would be some form of concept overlap between Mashima's works because not only they share the same verse but also loosely inspired in their magic power systems. Although there'd be references from time to time, the "crossover" vibe is not something to be confused about, especially when the worldbuilding we're embarking is something that's already pre-ordained by Hiro Mashima, there's no shock factor to consider even if Players are to draw ideas for their OCs from RM, FT, EZ & DR magic systems, Ether is Ether and it's still magic/ethernano, call it whatever you want, based on the idea you're drawing from. That being said, also expect reworks of certain forms of magical abilities because of how crazy it can be canonically, this is to suit the roleplay yet not everything can be used and I have the right to ban magic that don't make sense, asspullish and Deus ex machina.

Rolewise, I decree Players to be around B, A or S Rank, given the adventurous and high stakes tone of the RP.

We will still be the fun-loving & lighthearted adventurers like any Fairy Tail character as it should be from the start, the serious parts of the lore is addressed when we're at that phase, encountering said things.

Likewise, I seek dedicated Players, preferably around 7 to 11 members in the recruitment and productive stages, anything after that, the RP will become an Invite-Only.

Universe 7
To cut straight to the point, the multiverse exists in Hiro Mashima's works and that's why there's consistent reference of all his works, primarily Rave Master, Fairy Tail, Eden's Zero & Dead Rock. Our world belongs to & is among the many realities based on probability, the reality within Elentir is called Universe 7, the map is laid for us to ponder and familiarize the different yet similar facets of this reality compared to the Earthland, we know and love. To embrace familiar comfort, Universe 7 of Elentir will be no different from Earthland in terms of geography, the only difference that remains constant is that Elentir being the world we inhabit, is a world of overflowing magic power.

Character Creation
As such, doppelgangers, variants and clones of characters in terms of physical appearance is normal in Hiro Mashima's works. I expect no less of y'all to be reminded that this is another world and that I'm permitting y'all to make not just an original character: OC that you so desire to manifest, I'm encouraging y'all in plain sight that making a variant of a canon character is fine. The canon variants come in many forms, as long as they don't heavily impact the limelight, they aren't the original versions but just copies. You can make a Natsu character only in physical appearance but the characterization is different and has no connection to canon events, said character's story will be mold by you.

NPCs will be strictly managed by the GM Team, y'all have rights to make NPCs but 90% of the time, I'm inclined to strictly review and even reject them. It's better to ask yourself, to what value will my NPC serve the RP? I'd like to set the record straight that NPCs aren't to be made selfishly, when making NPCs, there'll be a 50-50 control between GM and Player. NPCs are not your OCs and will never be developed equally because they aren't the relevant focus of your application.

Think carefully on the bigger picture beyond your wants and needs.
@Dragonfly 9

You don't really need 100%.

I will impart the resources you need to know and you're good to go, just like the rest of the Players.

1. Magic is powered by emotions
2. This world we live in, is similar to Pre-Flood/Antediluvian, so it's normal to see giant animals, dragons, and so on, so imagine of Australia And Florida, even more exaggerated with their animal/plant sizes.

Basically, FT is a adventure story like every fantasy game out there, DND or an MMORPG.
[center]Image Goes Here
[h3]Name at this size[/h3][sub]X-Year-Day-Month-Age | Guild | Rank[/sub]
[url=64.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9… header code[/url] to be used as an image[/center][indent][indent][indent]
Personality goes here.

Backstory goes here.

First or Second
Ether, Mana, Curse, Spiria or Root
Magic Name + Explanation
[hider=Spells]Your spells goes here[/hider]


Image Goes Here
Name at this size
X-Year-Day-Month-Age | Guild | Rank
Personality goes here.

Backstory goes here.

First or Second
Ether, Mana, Curse, Spiria or Root
Magic Name + Explanation

Natsu Vortigern
X-3001601-493 | Fairy Tail | S
Typical Shounen MC.

Natsu Vortigern is the estranged Crown Prince of the Alvarez Empire & the younger brother of Emperor Zeref Vortigern & secondborn son of the Flame Dragon King, Igneel.

Red Dragon King Slayer Magic
This is the magic of this Elentir Natsu.

CS is out, this is how it'd look like, so imagine your version.

For 700 Years, the Pergrande Kingdom stood resolute with its impregnable, beatitude stronghold amidst the demonic fog that plagues the living.

An erected holy fortress for the anguished to take refuge, being the mainland ishgar, Pergrande is an archipelago, surrounded by sinister waters. Every sevens of the month, in the counting calendariumized sequence of 7, 17 & 27; battles are fought for the Kingdom's purity & the souls of its people to a standstill. The adversaries of Pergrande are Devils from the neighboring Kingdom of Sin & its primary dark guild, Tartaros, torment & corrupt the holy lands.

In response to the the cataclysmic event, the Lady of The Lake shall penetratively thrust Excalibur into the capital's lacrimized stoneyard, for every succeeding King that pulls the holy sword from the stone, leads the kingdom under the banquet of Pendragon. In each passing generation, the Pendragon is customarily aided by a Mage from the Order of Merlin, serving the King as its Court Mage, the King is also expected to muster the peerless military might of the Roundtable Magic Knights. Seven Peerless Warriors serving Pendragon with their lives on the line and the fate of Elentir at their destiny shaping hands will do either make or break Pergrande's eternal kingdom like a grain of sand & heaven in a wild flower. To hold infinity in the palm and eternity in an hour, the guild with an unquestionable honor has risen from the slumbering hearth as Pendragon's honorary subjects, the guild, Fenix Tear.

Neither a Dark Guild nor Light Guild but an Independent Guild, the guildies of Fenix Tear share the burden of Pergrande.

Can they continually rise from the ashes or are they already continual because they're ashes already? The battle rages on.

Fenix Tear without a doubt is an alternate continuity of Fairy Tail but set in the high fantasy magic world of Elentir and it's also a roleplay that I co-created with @j8cob, @Gittarackur & @Sanguine Rose back in 2020. I Endeavor beyond my limits, the expectations I am here to set for y'all only means that I care and love so much content from Hiro Mashima, let it sink in that his great works share the same verse but in different timelines/realities, the connection is evident and hard to ignore. These are Rave Master, Fairy Tail, Eden's Zero & Dead Rock.

Our Roleplay will be a Fairy Tail-oriented story and I'm expecting Players to at least acknowledge that there would be some form of concept overlap between Mashima's works because not only they share the same verse but also loosely inspired in their magic power systems. Although there'd be references from time to time, the "crossover" vibe is not something to be confused about, especially when the worldbuilding we're embarking is something that's already pre-ordained by Hiro Mashima, there's no shock factor to consider even if Players are to draw ideas for their OCs from RM, FT, EZ & DR magic systems, Ether is Ether and it's still magic/ethernano, call it whatever you want, based on the idea you're drawing from. That being said, also expect reworks of certain forms of magical abilities because of how crazy it can be canonically, this is to suit the roleplay yet not everything can be used and I have the right to ban magic that don't make sense, asspullish and Deus ex machina.

Rolewise, I decree Players to be around B, A or S Rank, given the adventurous and high stakes tone of the RP.

We will still be the fun-loving & lighthearted adventurers like any Fairy Tail character as it should be from the start, the serious parts of the lore is addressed when we're at that phase, encountering said things.

Likewise, I seek dedicated Players, preferably around 7 to 11 members in the recruitment and productive stages, anything after that, the RP will become an Invite-Only.

Universe 7
To cut straight to the point, the multiverse exists in Hiro Mashima's works and that's why there's consistent reference of all his works, primarily Rave Master, Fairy Tail, Eden's Zero & Dead Rock. Our world belongs to & is among the many realities based on probability, the reality within Elentir is called Universe 7, the map is laid for us to ponder and familiarize the different yet similar facets of this reality compared to the Earthland, we know and love. To embrace familiar comfort, Universe 7 of Elentir will be no different from Earthland in terms of geography, the only difference that remains constant is that Elentir being the world we inhabit, is a world of overflowing magic power.

Character Creation
As such, doppelgangers, variants and clones of characters in terms of physical appearance is normal in Hiro Mashima's works. I expect no less of y'all to be reminded that this is another world and that I'm permitting y'all to make not just an original character: OC that you so desire to manifest, I'm encouraging y'all in plain sight that making a variant of a canon character is fine. The canon variants come in many forms, as long as they don't heavily impact the limelight, they aren't the original versions but just copies. You can make a Natsu character only in physical appearance but the characterization is different and has no connection to canon events, said character's story will be mold by you.

NPCs will be strictly managed by the GM Team, y'all have rights to make NPCs but 90% of the time, I'm inclined to strictly review and even reject them. It's better to ask yourself, to what value will my NPC serve the RP? I'd like to set the record straight that NPCs aren't to be made selfishly, when making NPCs, there'll be a 50-50 control between GM and Player. NPCs are not your OCs and will never be developed equally because they aren't the relevant focus of your application.

Think carefully on the bigger picture beyond your wants and needs.
Happened Earlier, Cut To Present
@Gerlando@Letter Bee
“Birds…You twos …Hawks Heroes…eat you, Nemesis will…nourish my strength!” Nemesis directed towards Hikari, Rin and supposedly Kazuki.

Kazuki had already changed his position, running to another balcony and tipping over a table to act as a shield. His next decision was that Anti-Quirk bullets should not be his only weapon, and so loaded a glob of explosive jelly into his railgun,

When Nemesis opened its mouth again, he shot a glob of blasting jelly into the gaping maw, then another, hoping to blast off the head and brain of this beast… Meanwhile, Hikari had stayed in front of Kazuki, allowing him to snipe the Nomu safely, if it did decide to headlessly charge it would be met with a solid whack.

Now Hikari was glad she did not wear anything too formal, high heels would have been terrible to fight in, though she did not own high heels in the first place.

”Anything we can do about those three more Nomu?” the question was directed towards Rin primarily, seeing as Kazuki was occupied with the main one.

Rin thought that it's already bad as it is, but bad just went bad to worse.

Her Intel was wrong, initially Black Nomus can only spit out White Nomus but this breed, it has a name, it's a High End Nomu yet it's a different breed, its speech patterns are becoming not only clearer but its actions are well thought out.

“I trust our comrades enough to deal with them.” Rin replied, given that among those locations are Spectra, Akira & Yusuke.

Nemesis replied.

“Faith in your f-friends? I see what you're doing, you are stalling Nemesis-”

Rin wasted no time and rushed towards Nemesis and delivered a rush of cold kicks and punches.

“Ice Flare!” Rin took the opportunity Kazuki gave her and she shot ice beams point blank, which landed hits on Nemesis, cutting its flesh, it detached its head from its body, now it's a floating head with wings.

Nemesis' jaw got blown off by Kazuki and tendrils from its body re-attached its head, regenerating from the damages it accumulated from Kazuki & Rin.

“It's that the best you can do?” Nemesis said.

“I don't want to fight a popsicle.” It changed its direction, ignoring Rin and rushed straight towards the vantage point, where Kazuki and Hikari were at, whom Nemesis predicted as evident threats.

It activated its Quirk: Rivet Stab, sending multiple spear-like projectiles towards Kazuki and Hikari.

Kazuki had done well tipping over a table to form a makeshift barrier a while back; that had allowed him enough time to roll away from the spears as they struck the imported wood. Pointing his railgun at Nemesis again, he fired another glob of explosive jelly at its eye then followed it up with an Anti-Quirk bullet, one he hoped would stop it from healing.

Then he cried out to Rin, “Try and freeze the flesh I’m firing at as it heals!”

Hikari dodged Nemesis’s piercing attack to her right, knowing Kazuki was safe behind his cover. And now with the Nomu charging head first it would be her job to stop it, giving Kazuki the distance and time he needs to shoot it again. A strategy from RPG games that can surprisingly work when the right combination of quirks, or in this case quirk and a gun.

While her quirk was not at full power, Hikari was still sure enough of her melee capabilities.

Not happening...

Before they could react, Nemesis howled another screaming wave of EMP blasts, causing debris from the buildings blocks and balance lost as Kazuki, Rin and Hikari had little time to react.
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