Avatar of Megatron


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"Deceptions! Begin our assault!"
1 mo ago
"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"



Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.

You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.

Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.


If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.

My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!

Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.

For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.

My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.

Indulgent Beloved
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
· @Cu Chulainn · @Grey

Indulgent Nakama
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
· @Gerlando · @Sho Minazuki · @BlackMaiden · @JrVader · @Polaris North · @Landaus Five-One
· @Digmata · @Iamme · @Rune_Alchemist · @The Jest · @Petulant · @The Man Emperor · @paingodsson · @Alfhedil · @Aku the Samurai · @Deide · @King Kindred

Indulging Fandoms
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen

Indulging Worrks
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
· Fenix Tear
· Just Another Hero

Most Recent Posts

Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9

@Dragon Arts@JrVader@The Man Emperor@rexgn
Haru shivered for a moment. A Nomu! Not just any Nomu, but one that was behind even the High Ends that could give even seasoned heroes trouble! It spoke, too. It spoke in the characteristic guttural tones that creatures, no, things like it uttered their words. It was a hungry thing, having devoured more than two dozen people in what felt like a blink of an eye. It still wanted more, of that, Haru was sure. It hungered for death, it hungered for blood, it hungered for flesh, and it hungered for destruction! It wants nothing less than total anarchy, like anyone that might be its master.

In ancient times, Haru might have just chosen to run, call for help from an actual hero. But now? He was a hero, too. He must fight this thing… and the other Nomu creatures that it shat out of its ass. Haru figured that annihilating the weaker ones will make it easier in the long run, but if the big one can keep pulling those things out, then this may as well be the hardest battle that Haru had ever fought so far.

“Eating people, how disgusting,” Haru hissed, standing on the sidewalk just outside the Le'Nombril Restau. The others were already engaged, though the trio of additional Nomu were certainly a headache that had to be dealt as fast as possible.

There will be no holding back. The three smaller Nomu had split up, hunting their own prey. One in particular was in Haru’s sights, and well within his range. It was distracted, looking around for people to beat up… or eat, like its parent that it split away from.

Haru activated the Inward Lights, the support item integrated into his costume that poured photons directly into his body. Sunlight was consumed like food in a buffet, and, quickly, Haru was surrounded by utter darkness. The light around him was totally consumed in just about two seconds. In the third second after he began to charge, Haru aimed for one of the smaller Nomu, its head, specifically. He'd seen enough footage of Endeavour engaging with Nomu to know that destroying the head would be a sure takedown.

“May the sun take you to hell, foul creature!” Haru shouted, a pair of beams of piercing light slashing out of the darkness that had surrounded him. Thanks to the thermal vision he used in his helmet, he could see where and what he was aiming at. “Solar Beam Cannon!”

Kanako wandered the Nomu’s mind. At first there was nothing in it’s mind, but as every minute passed and the Nomu devoured more people it’s mind became clearer and more discernible. She was able to make out some of its thoughts. Which she didn’t know whether to count as good or bad, considering the requirements for it to gain these abilities.

She found memories here and there, both from before and after Nomufication. She picked out the useful memories, showing things about the Nomu factory, showing scientists, and other victims. She stored away the memories in the back of her mind. She had what she came for. But…

Find better fight, better quirks. Icy annoyance, not a fun fight. All fight is too boring. Keep going for food, for more power, then the fight will be fun.

She paused, curiosity peaked. It hadn’t been able to put thoughts into words a few minutes before, it had only been able to think in concepts and ideas, intelligent but not very useful to her since they were harder to interrupt or interpret. Something had changed in its mind. This could be useful. She had a theory to test.

Meanwhile… Earlier…

Spectra saw the turn of events and congratulated Matsuru for keeping up with Keyaru but then the sudden burst of panic and chaos happened.

“If you can survive this ordeal, perhaps Rin will care enough to invite you into the Blackhawks & its feud with the Eight Bullets.” Spectra disappeared into nothingness, leaving Matsuru with nothing but cries and despair of civilians running away from the chaos along with the quick move of the Nomu eating humans and splitting into three.

Yusuke used his Hawkpads and told Matsuru of what's happening.

“You really need to get here ASAP.” He texted.

Matsuru never responded to Yusuke. He was practically bounding towards the fight. Leaping over obstacles, dodging fleeing civilians, he was doing all he could to rush to the fight.

‘He’s here, they’re here.’ He thought to himself. Flashes of his last encounter with Keyaru and the massacre that followed flooded his mind. This time it would be different, he wasn’t alone. If the reports were right, these Nomu’s were different… “High-End” nomu’s or whatever Yusuke called them.

On his way to the fight, his mind was overclocking itself trying to formulate a plan. ‘Do I join the ground fight? No, the ground will be oversaturated with hero’s and Nomu's. I have to attack from a different angle… Damnit, I hope Mahago doesn’t see this.”

At the final leg of his journey, Matsuru took to the skies. Using a mixture of a grappling hook he created and his newly-mastered fire manipulation quirk, he was generally able to keep himself airborne. It wasn’t pretty by any means, but it was serviceable.

His Judgement Gaze burned brightly when he finally arrived to the fight. Though his time in the skies was fleeting, he was able to analyze everything that was happening. ‘Yun and Jin are fighting one… Rin is helping with the other… Which means my target is-” A brief glance at Clap told Matsuru everything he needed to know. ‘You.”

Descending from his airborne vantage point, Matsuru decided to try out a new combo. In one fluid motion, he created two javelin’s in each hand. He coated the tips in a super-corrosive material. Once he got a close enough distance from Clap, he launched them at the Nomu with all his might. At the last moment, where the javelins were leaving his hands, he made a small spark of focused flame to help propel the javelins forward at a more rapid speed. “Heaven-pierce.” He mumbled to himself.

As much as the move was spectacular, his landing was less than stellar. Stumbling and crashing into some debris, he groaned in pain. “Ooooooouuuch… Note to self, practice the landing.” He got up slowly and brushed himself off. “Oh… Hello Yusuke. Do you still have my book?”

"I don't have time for your jokes. Please help my friend, Kanako...her mind is stuck inside the Nomu, we've trying to keep it still and it's a battle of attrition on our part, Senpai. Go inside her mind, I'm sure you felt Ladyice's telepathic Quirk too...those apparitions...

Yusuke looked at his Hawkspad and saw the reports from Mei.

"The Nomu is vulnerable to fire and ice, and anything that can scramble its brain. I feel conflicted, if we kill the Nomu now, there's no saying Kanako may survive from its severed link. Please save her-

In a quick reflex, Yusuke sensed the emotions of Clap, the Nomu that they're facing and it headed towards Ueno and Hebi.

"That's too close...my body just moved. He shielded Haru & Hebi from Clap with the burning snakes he got, but Clap broke out from it quicker than Yusuke's reaction time and tendrils spawned and impaled Yusuke, multiple times, echoing the gunshots he took from Rin earlier in class.

It beared its fangs and rushed towards Haru.
Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9

@Digmata@BlackMaiden@Aku the Samurai
Akira, being new to the technological advancements of Hawkspad, briefly struggled before finally summoning a fabricated copy of his spear to his arms. This feature changes a lot of things, to the point that he will need to talk with Hanako-san about important changes to his costume.

They are going to have a lot of fun.

It took the newly emerging Nomu's roar to snap him back to the urgency of the situation.

Mei and Amaya thrive at fighting from afar while Yui needs to gather momentum before doing his thing which means his role is to keep this Nomu in one place!

Charging towards the Nomu he created a path using his slippery barriers to increase his speed, charging head-on is normally a foolish idea but he has a trick on his sleeve.

Golden light began covering him until it slowly formed into a suit of knight’s armor combining his new size with the momentum of his movement to push the Nomu back with his spear that was now shaped like a lance.

Hammerhead in a split second, phased through the spear & sank below the ground, the imagery of this Nomu is like a shark, swimming and the only thing visible was its hardened spiked back as it moved.

Mei sets her Hawkspad into cerebral mode, which will allow her to have a telepathic mental link without hearing deep thoughts but on a surface level. Aim for the brain, the message she told the rest, beheading the Nomu won't do any good but fully destroying its brain. The Hawkspad cerebral mode automatically notifies those with Hawkspad to adjust into cerebral mode.

“Flashfire Iaido · Kaguzuchi!” Mei manifested her Sakabato, a sword that's filled with oil, blitzing the Nomu at blinding speed, the Nomu was set on fire as Mei caused friction by scraping it into the ground as it came in contact with the Nomu’s fatty flesh, burning it.

“Incinerated cells hamper regeneration-”

However, Hammerhead’s regeneration was keeping up from the scalding, she increased the heat level and continuously set it on fire, now Nomu screams like a rabid dog.

Mei keeps Hammerhead at bay, shooting it.


Hammerhead gained the strength to phase through the floor and literally disarmed Mei in the process.

She loses two of her fingers, fourth and pinky from her right and the burning Hammerhead got her locked, squeezing her tight from its hugging grip.

Mei could feel her body being crushed by its weight, but she persisted, increasing the burning flames of setting Hammerhead ablaze continuously with her flames.

“Keep advancing! I made a reckless opening so don't stop!” She said as she coughed blood out.

Akira cursed as he watched the Nomu get past his body with its Permeation quirk leaving him in the dust as Mei intercepted the Nomu. It is due to this panic that he failed to notice Mei’s notification, not that he needed it considering how the schools taught him comprehensively about their anatomy.

All of them, even the most basic ones, had some form of regeneration.

Unfortunately he wasn’t fast enough to save Mei from grievous harm

“Mei!” he shouted, forgetting to call her by hero names.

Fortunately he is just a few steps away to making her painful sacrifice count.

Taking a leap to close the distance, Akira would turn his spear into a halberd and with the increased strength that his armor gave him swing the thing down to chop off Nomu's right arm as Mei’s flames prevent it from regenerating.

He wasn’t done.

Akira’s eyes went cold as he watched Nomu yell in pain. The world felt slow for a few seconds as he immediately let go of his weapon and pulled the Nomu to him.

He made a ‘blade’ in his armor’s gauntlet and made sure to sink it deep into the Nomu’s exposed brain.

Amaya was not expecting her first night back from her extensive break from school life. First was the sudden transfer to having a sudden dinner to now suddenly dealing with a black high-end nomu.

Amaya sighed, closing her eyes as she listened to the link. It was a no brainer to go from the brain. She moved along with Akira and Mei. Seems the hammerhead Nomu was their target and so far she was slacking.

The temperature around them dropped within an instant of a sudden ‘flash freeze’ so to speak. Naturally if it was anything else she would stay in the back but when she watched that Nomu take ahold of Mei. She felt her heart stop. She was pissed, she was livid. Atleast on the inside. Her cold steel bluish gray eyes stroke daggers through the Nomu as she reached into her pocket bringing out a glass vial.

She moved quickly along the ice covered ground, growing colder and colder as she moved to the distracted nomu “How dare you harm one of my own.” She spoke to the hammer head tossing the vial against the nomu spilling the liquid contents over the nomu as it was simply sanitizer with a unique property of freezing and unfreezing with the surface it landed on. Working with and against her quirk for a reason. She swiped up the air in front of her several times forming ice spears, thin but effective. Sending them flying into the nomu’s exposed brain and arm as she focused on exertering her quirk along the temperature to continue to drop even further within those ice spears, overriding it’s regeneration cells as its blood and liquids froze to her will “Freeze…” She breathed in a dead on stare of focus.

The High End Nomu, Hammerhead sensed itself dying from Amaya & Akira's efforts, rather it's already succumbed to its injuries and died.


A Black Winged Nomu spawned from Hammerhead's dying breath, this Nomu: Flying Fish, a humanoid Black Winged Flying Fish Nomu, in a spur of the moment, took advantage of the situation and rushed towards Akira, lacerating him with its wing attack, leaving him a rush of blood loss.

It's small in size like a toddler.

"It can also spawn another of its own? Kazuma-san, please save Akira!" Mei attempted using her wrist mounted flame gauntlets but they were crushed by Hammerhead earlier.

"Aunty Amaya, I can't move..Save Akira... She cried.
Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9
@Gerlando@Letter Bee

Tonight is getting better. Hikari thought ironically, and yet things were going to escalate much more.

For the moment however she was simply annoyed at Rin’s interference, this was supposed to be a fun, chill… date? Right, it was a date. It wasn’t until Kazuki asked about the Nomu that Nightowl remembered that they, at the moment, had a mission to take care of.

She was about to tell Rin to get lost when…


A woman screamed at the sight of the corpse, the businessman that Spectra killed earlier, the man turned into a High End Nomu.

"Ke-Lord..Keyaru...e-eat...humans....Quirk Factors... ascension..."

Le'Nombril spiraled into panic as the alarms sounded.

Rin smirked, it was the perfect timing.

"Mei, send Yusuke the reports, we can't have them be chilling in the Executive Top for so long. This must be our lucky day, Achilles!

In the background, Hawks Agency Heroes are working on the evacuation.

"W-Will eat humans... Quirkfuls, Quirk Factors....Become -

Rin breathes, freezes the Nomu in place... continuously as frosty blizzard turns it into an icy sculpture but not for long.

"Flashfreeze Howl: Icy Breath!

However, the Nomu broke out of the icy stampede and ran outside.

It displayed high intelligence, Rin came to the conclusion that it can talk and think, it is a High End Nomu.

Perfect... Hikari hadn’t said a word and Rin was going to be internally goading already.

Rin caught up quickly that not only the Nomu survived Yui’s assault but its wounds regenerated faster than the blink of an eye could see.

It's not going to be a simple task.

Having worked with Kazuki & Hikari before, she knew well enough that Formation B will be the best here.

Formation B is letting Kazuki & Hikari deal with the upcoming assault against the Nomu.

“I sense that Parakeet Kanako has lost herself in the fog of her thoughtful Quirk…Kazuki, find a high ground, get to the higher levels and assemble abled snipers with you. “ She instructed.

It seems that Sir Knight Eye's team and Yusuke and his team joined too, this isn't good, having too many fighters will just spill our doom.

The Nomu activated its Quirk.

Radio Scream. The scream was so loud that it disrupted any electronic device and communications including appliances, making the place into a mini blackout.

It all happened so suddenly, the Nomu jumped and pounced in the darkened area.

The power generator then turned on and regained electric power.

Nomu is bloodied from his mouth and is seen eating a bunch of people with its grotesque tentacles with mouths.

Rin reacted.

That was close. If not for reducing kinetic energy around my zone, we…no..don't think about death.

One shot; Kazuki had made sure that once the electric components in his railgun and his suit were resistant to EMPs, and had used the time the Nomu fought to get a bead of its actions.

Three Anti-Quirk bullets were aimed at its eyes and mouth, even as his suit was transmitting a message to Ravens - He had made use of the Black Nomu’s appearance and the distraction it presented to ‘press send’ to his Professor while yes, climbing up the stairs to the restaurant’s higher floors and looking for a suitable vantage point.

There was a chance he had been detected anyway while multitasking, but best to take down the Nomu first before dealing with that - After all, he had a girlfriend to fight beside…
Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9

Nomu Debriefing/Collab Post With Dragon Arts/rexgn
@Dragon Arts@rexgn@JrVader

Hebi listened to Yusuke's words while looking through the menu, ordering extra for her snakes. Mr. Moneybags over here, reserving the Executive Top. Though he seemed like he wasn’t trying to be a total pain, she was grateful.

Yusuke smiled, he already knew about Hebi’s Quirk including most of his peers for the past six months. Although he talked to Kanako at times, it was never this close at all, hence lacking her Quirk to his sleeves, he looked at his Hawkspad and skimmed to some news. Finally, he changed its form & reshaped it into a small projector that formed a holographic interface. He tossed it like a dart on the wall.

With a silly smile & chuckle, Yusuke used his Hawks Projector & accessed the form called Cerebral Interface, setting it to a point of only hive mind conversation, not hearing deep thoughts & biased slips.

“We can talk while hearing each other's surface thoughts but not the private ones, Cerebral Inhibitor is a nice feature for the technical literate. Kanako, I respect your privacy and with technology like this, you don't have to exhaust your hands for sign language.” He said while telekinetically suspending the paper on air, reassuring her trust, he took the paper anyway.

He used his thoughts:
[I,]“I can sense kindred emotions and the both of you are genuine yet I sense doubt, empathic resonance is a function that I can't turn off in my Quirk. Have no fear, because I am here, and I'll be sure to take an Anti-Quirk Drug for you to read my mind after this meeting. Telepaths are sure overthinkers.”,,[/I,] He knew very well that he's the strongest 1B student after Jun.

He then turned his attention to Hebi.

“Let's enjoy our time.”

“Now then, while I enjoy my pasta, whatever happened earlier in class, that's water under the bridge and my Quirk out of control.”

“I have information about our talks to come.” Yusuke flashed the screen with footage of Nomu discussions between the Agencies of Endeavor, Best Jeanist and Hawks.

Hebi curiously eyed the footage, her mind racing to piece together whatever the hell was going on. These were…interesting developments, to understate it. Yuksuke’s attitude always pissed her off but she couldn’t say he wasn’t good at what he did.

“Always the bright informant, Yusuke.” She dragged her eyes to his face, narrowing her eyes, her snakes following suit.

“Also about your hissy fit, in class earlier. I’m flattered and offended at the same time at your use of my quirk."

Before Yusuke could reply...

Kanako voiced out with her Quirk to Yusuke.

"You want to know why I’m mute? I shouldn’t tell you, you really really don’t want to hear it. But fine,
I was cowered in the corner of the training room. At that point I’d tried running away twice, both times being caught and brought back to the hell-hole that was a villain group, the Storm Ragers. That person towered above me, dark and looming.

Kanako’s thoughts and memories tangled into one, reliving the events as though they were happening now, into Yusuke's mind.

That day she’d been “training” under Mauve, really it was just Mauve beating the shit out of her and calling it “learning through experience,” then getting mad at her when she tried to fight back. Kanako was already bleeding from five different places, bruised all over, and was pretty sure her wrist was broken in two places.

Her hand that wasn’t broken was shaking, she clenched it into a fist. Indignant passionate fire burned through her. It’d just been one remark, a small comment, albeit it was disrespectful. But why should she respect someone like Mauve? The person who’d literally kidnapped her and forced her to work for a group of villains she wanted nothing to do with. 

She didn’t want anything to do with any villain groups, not anymore.

"Then blood, and sharp pain in my mouth… and well… you can probably guess what happened, just, don’t let yourself imagine the details, you’ll have nightmares for weeks."

Yusuke grinned. He expected people to be heavily on guard to not reveal their feelings and even Quirks by now.

Kanako being one of the fettered people just never gets old, Yusuke surely knew how to get under people's skin.

"My sincerest apologies, I didn't know you had it in you, Kanako. I can feel a sense of abandonment in such degrees of solitude, I'll make an oath to never edge you into such manipulative gains. Your Quirk is something I long wanted but now that I have an inkling of it, I reject the notion of having it.

Yusuke interjected to himself.

The cool sensation earlier in class was Himura-senpai's Quirk, like Kanako, she's a telepath, it seems that Himura-senpai hides a secret.

Petty of the news that Kazuki got a girlfriend first, Yusuke used this opportunity to one-up.

Yusuke intentionally let his thoughts about Kanako afloat, confessing his romantic feelings to her, assuming her Quirk can intercept it,the device however can't detect it.

Whether it's a manipulative gain or not, we can never be sure.

Yusuke then received Mei's report.

Team Operations
Blackhawks Cooperation.

(Part of the Report)

It seems that Night Eye's Agency will be joining us as well.

We don't have time, Nomu is on the loose.

— Mei/Ignia

"Worry about the food later, it's already here, below us.

Yusuke mustered enough energy.

"Hydrafulminate! Let's go!" Yusuke uses both Kaiga and Hebi's Quirk, which mutated into one, Yusuke uses burning snakes and made a hole into ground.

Yusuke also sent an SOS to Kaiga.

Like if you can get Rin and Jun to join the fun, we're partying with a Nomu

Nomu Debriefing/Collab Post with BlackMaiden and Digmata
@Letter Bee@Gerlando@Digmata@BlackMaiden

For a moment, Akira just stood there completely confused by the turn of the events. He never saw Himekishi flustered but seeing that side of hers, reminds her that there's a girl beneath the ever serious knight she strives to be.

Not that he had time to dwell on it, as Mei Kaku immediately called him and Amaya at a dinner at some fancy restaurant. The months of working with Kaku however makes it clear to him that she means business and considering the recent news, he ought to give her his ears.

At the bare minimum, she deserves that much.

“Ok, just let me change my clothes. It sounds like a very high class restaurant after all.”

Mei was relieved when Himekishi bailed, not because of Akira but simply out of Prefect Duties. She can't bear the thought of having to sanction someone directly from her own class, her heart skipped a beat yet know not the full reason. To resist, is to demand and so Mei asserted.

“That won't be necessary, my Auntie just purchased the right fits for the occasion. Rin baa-chan sure was nagging. Please configure your Hawkspads into ‘Wrist Mode’, I will send you the blueprints.”

Mei assumed if 1B Students were even aware about the full potential and other capabilities of their Hawkspads.

Completely puzzled at Mei’s words, Akira decided to follow her. Wrist Mode was that again, oh there it is. Watching the Hawkspad transform suddenly reminds him that this is the Eiruu Academy, they don’t know how to cut corners.

–System On–
| Wrist Mode |

Analyzing components, initializing merger.

Mei already had hers in said mode, with Akira rekindling Wrist Mode, which was a thing taught during the orientation but barely explored.

Demonstration has always been Mei's best expertise.

–System On–
| Palm Mode |

Analyzing components, restructuring.

“This is Palm Mode, as you can see in this spatial computation, I have downloaded the outfit I wanted. 5D Printing & Scanning is coded to your biometrics, manipulating synchronicity…basically, we can control fiber particles in a compressed zone in a flash, like that Sailor Girl Anime.”

Mei showed Akira the transformation.

A flash of light and space distortion took place and in a split second, Mei had changed into her preferred outfit, her black dress.

“It seems that you only have School & PE Uniform in your downloads, I will have to wormdrop what Auntie Rin purchased, Amaya will do the same.”

Akira lets his jaw drop as she finds Mei doing an honest to god in her own words ‘magical girl transformation’, can the Hawkspad do that? How come no one told him that they can do that? How much did they miss after that fiasco of six teachers they suffered.

He looked at the selection then realized one thing.

“That’s my hero costume, did you pay my broke partner to give you the blueprints without my knowledge?”he asked as he clicked on the choice.

“But this should be good enough.” If there is one thing he liked about this costume, it is that he can also use it for formal events.

Mei rolled her eyes.

“I didn't, my Aunt did.”

She also flexed her skill with her usage of the Hawkspad and tapped on vending mode, where she summoned her bottle of water out of thin air.

“There are other features, you'd learn but this will be enough for now. It's also clear to me now that you've missed six months of 5D Spatial Conversion 101, no wonder my class bullied yours, you're all dressing up primitively. I dress to kill.” She teased Akira in a deadpan manner.

Mei changed into her Hero Costume along with her two pistols, summoned. Even her hair changed along with the transformation, it's like she got one of those Salon hairdo.

“Yes, yes tell that to the five stooges. They peeked around and found out.” he parried with his tongue in jest as they began making their way once to the restaurant. Hopefully it won’t be a long night, he just recently got out of the infirmary after all.

[One Journey Later]

Let it be known, rich people need to learn how to productively spend money.

He took a seat on the definitely expensive chair as they made their orders with food he couldn’t recognize (forcing him to just go along with what Mei ordered), as they waited however they had ample time for the conversation.

“So you called us here for a reason, may we now ask it?”

Mei sat in the revolving round table and next to them was a food stream, where food will be sliding down their way.

At the same time, Rin sat next to Mei.

“A banquet of invitation. A collaboration with the big three hero agencies whose embers remain vibrant. Oh, and a High End Nomu is on the loose. Take it as a last minute request from Endeavor, Hawks & Best Jeanist before their retirement, but then again I'm no longer your Prefect, I have no business informing you further, at least that's what I'll say.”

The request seemed skeptical, the former big three wouldn't request students, even if they're adults by right, university students to take on such a task. However, this was no different from the last time, the legendary Midnight Class involving Deku, Dynamite & Icyhot along with their peers, were in high demand and treated as child soldiers during the PLF War. Still, Rin is many things but she isn't a liar, she showed a recording conference as proof.

That's precisely the point.

By rite of passage, they are considered adults and college heroes above all, their job just fits like a glove for their age, so that no underage heroes have to suffer for the burden of adults.

“Now, there as to why you're all here. There had been reports, swept under the rug by the local media, about this new breed of Nomu, Nemesis. A production that's illegally conducted by Shibuya's Crime Boss, Ryukazuki Keyaru.”

For a while there could only be silence in the room, Akira was very familiar with the dangers of dealing with Nomu’s especially when he saw the aftermath at their work with Streetlight Agency. Akira took a deep breath and asked a question.

“So to summarize, there is someone out there mass producing Nomus and a High-End one is on the loose, so what do you want me to do?” he asked, not because he is just a pauper compared to the people around him.

“Because as you can see there are two problems, one is immediate and the other long term problem.”

Rin smirked, it reminded her of the earlier incident, no different from Mia Mathers, one who questioned a lot, which she hated but then again, 1B is behind after all.

“The League of Villains are on the verge of rekindling their divided empires, that is the long term problem and the immediate one is wherever this Nomu is at. This is clearly an Eirei Polytechnic Operative feat. Case with the top three agencies, they're our Founders after all. This has nothing to do with prestige. Have you forgotten Eirei's code?” . Rin threw back the question.

To further elaborate.

“As to why we're here in this fancy place, don't you have decency to pay homage to our heroic ancestors, we're merely emulating the Bushido Code, savor your meal before you die, it might just be your last. We're Hinoan first before Heroes, have some patriotism. Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist didn't retire first without considering quality Heroes, truth be told that there is still incompetence in our saturated celebrity hero society.”

After listening to Rin’s rant, the white haired hero student simply took a sip of the soup, a way to buy time for his words to take shape.

“Himura-senpai, I believe that we have a misunderstanding, one that is probably similar to what happened at the classroom.” he started as he looked at his reflection, there was a small smile on his face. “But let’s answer your questions first.”

“Contrary to your expectations, I do know our school motto. It is the Japanese term ‘Kokoro Moyase’ which directly translates to ‘Set Your Heart Ablaze’ . It was quite amazing how it fits the school like a glove to be honest.”

The white haired man laughed a little before continuing. “Second, I do consider myself a hero before Hinoan, I don’t care about the flag I serve, just the people I can help.”

And thus he stared at Rin, not with eyes of shame or fear but with conviction and impatience.

“So when I asked the words ‘what do you want me to do?’ It is not out of helplessness that there is nothing I can do, it is out of genuine desire to cut all of this ceremony and fancy jargon that serves as red tape to our heroic task. So let me ask again…”

“...in no uncertain terms, what do you want me to do about it?

Do you need my spear for the upcoming battle, do you need me to rally my class as your cavalry or do you need me to charge and hunt that Nomu in a desperate attempt to quell its rampage? Please tell me because there is no way the two of you had no plan after all of this ceremony and talk about a final meal.”
He answered as the ball was returned to Mei’s and Rin’s court.

Mei was quite concerned but so far there was no sign of personality splitting apart, all was well. She's glad that there's no one falling for her Aunt Rin’s manipulation tactics and can tell that she's fuming behind her thick skull. All she could do was watch and wait.

“You really are an idealist much like All Might yet the Blackhawks certainly would indulge with your resolute work ethic.” Rin smiled sarcastically, she hated that in a time like this, there are those that are still rekindling the will of All Might.

Why is there no one willing to embrace the dark side of heroism, why can't they be pragmatic? She wondered.

“We have a common goal. Align your class to the cavalry and you begrudgingly by my side, will further deal with the Eight Bullets. It seems that fear won't be a driving force to a heroic victory, perhaps our beliefs are different but together, I am willing to see your worldview and perhaps, you, mine and wonder about the greater good that could be done.”

Rin didn't want to drag the conversation further with her fear tactics, the kid was clearly incorruptible but in time, he'll break, and she'll take the chance to push her way about heroics, reaping the seed she has sowed.

“I'm sure you've already heard of the Blackhawks, are there any clarifications to come clean?”

“A classmate of mine has an unflattering view of that subsection of the heroes, a bunch of thugs whose legality is ordained by nothing but a paper that says so. How they still exist is a question of mystery to be honest. Is there a particular reason we're talking about this?” Akira answered as he drank the nearby tea, it wasn’t coffee but who cares.

“Oh those guys, they're just lunatic fanatics like those of the Hero Killer Stain, anyone can misjudge a book by its cover without knowing the full context as anyone can cosplay and pretend to be part of such a group.” Rin drank her tea as well.

“Agree to disagree or refute what I'm about to say. You said you care not about the flag and it means you'll be willing to do anything as a Hero. Then welcome to the Blackhawks, I don't ask for your trust and allegiance but as a business partner, allow me to shed light as its leader, you'll know soon enough. “ Once again, Rin is no liar, she made sense of what the state of the nation is currently and is aware that her organization’s name has been tainted all because of happy trigger people.

“Light cannot exist without Darkness, neither cannot stand alone. Goodness can come in different forms. Oh well, what about you Amaya? What do you have to say…”

“Huh, getting the interest of the secretive leader of the Blackhawks is definitely not on my bingo card.” Akira jested as he took a breath of air.

“I agree with your statement about Darkness however.” he said he saw the reflection of his orphan self in Rin’s eyes. “It’s just we need to change the definition of darkness in my opinion, it wasn’t an all consuming void where the light will never escape nor a rampaging beast used as a final resort. It should be a force wielded in discretion and accountability, too much light can after all blind you.” he smiled a little at his words.

“I guess the bottom line is, whatever you do you must be willing to pay the consequences.”

Amaya watched the whirlwind of the scene before her. Of the princess knight herself rushing off in such a hurry within moments of her niece Mei coming into the room. She folded her arms , allowing her hands to hold the opposite elbow as she followed after them without fuss. She hasn’t been around to tend to matters or knowings so this was the best opportunity to get back in the loop.

She adjusted the Hawkspad on her wrist following Mei's instruction as she flipped through the menus will ease allowing her own “transformation” change her clothing to fit the need. “I will let Aunty Rin know when she is in a much better state of being” Amaya spoke in acknowledgement as she followed them out to their sudden dinner reservation.

She followed with silent ease moving to their destination listening to the interaction between Akira and mei. She sat quietly closing her eyes as she rested her hands in her lap taking in all the information between their flirting and teasing. It was more one sided but it was easy to see.

“You cannot have light without shadows as even the purest of intentions have a dark view to those who don’t see the benefits.” She spoke in cold response.

“What is it that I seek from this interaction? Nomus are beings made from disgusting surgeries of the inhumane side with quirks that just can’t correspond with their make up do to incomplete synchronization. Though one being free and not taken out is worrisome given the timing of the top three head’s retiring. You can quit beating around the bush and get to the true intention at hand.“ Amaya spoke in soft but cold acknowledgement.


A woman screamed at the sight of the corpse, the businessman that Spectra killed earlier, the man turned into a High End Nomu.

"Ke-Lord..Keyaru...e-eat...humans....Quirk Factors... ascension..."

Le'Nombril spiraled into panic as the alarms sounded.

Rin smirked, it was the perfect timing.

"Mei, send Yusuke the reports, we can't have them be chilling in the Executive Top for so long. This must be our lucky day, Achilles!

In the background, Hawks Agency Heroes are working on the evacuation.

"W-Will eat humans... Quirkfuls, Quirk Factors....Become -

Rin breathes, freezes the Nomu in place... continuously as frosty blizzard turns it into an icy sculpture but not for long.

"Flashfreeze Howl: Icy Breath!

However, the Nomu broke out of the icy stampede and ran outside.

It displayed high intelligence, Rin came to the conclusion that it can talk and think, it is a High End Nomu.

Eirei Hills, Hawks Dorms

Erza was taken aback from Akira's compassion since she rarely had any meaningful interaction with a boy, she reciprocated by blushing in a flustered manner and tsundere-flick Akira's forehead.

I SAID I'M ALRIGHT! Erza ran off faster than the speed of light, exaggerated by the heat of the moment, now nowhere to be found in the room.

The door was left open and much to Amaya & Akira's notice, a familiar face showed up.

In a soothing voice, she greeted Akira & Amaya.

"Akkun is here, so is my fairly young Aunty." She stood by the door.

"I saw Eruru just a split second ago, you two seemed close?"Mei tried to understand the pieces of what went on but couldn't and just let it go.

Mei sighed. "Eruru sure broke rules but unlike her, I came here for a purpose. No time to waste, Akkun and Aunty must follow me to Le'Nombril Restau, I've made reservations for a sumptuous dinner. Uncle Endeavor requested for you two, walk now, talk later. We'll use my car, Yusuke and the others are coming along."

As always, Mei fails to explain with context and expected that people will just follow her command, with Amaya present, she'd expect her family member to miraculously understand anyway.

-Flashforward to Le'Nombril Restau-

Le'Nombril Restau is a fine dining restaurant, owned by the Aoyama Family.

"I can't help but let Kazuki and Hikari remain in this premises. Now, for Akkun and Aunty, we have plenty to discuss.


Eirei Hills, Hawks Dorms
@Dragon Arts@rexgn

Yusuke's eyebrow raised with the answers he's getting from his peers.

He replied back and made an instant group message holographic interface session with Kanako & Hebi, popping off their Hawkpads.

It's in the house, I've already paid our grand meal in Le'Nombril Restau. Does it not hurt, that a guy like me would like to go on a date with Hebi-chan and Kana-chan. Whether that's romantic or not, that's up to you to ponder. Heck yes, we're part of the three great Hero Agencies after all, just imagine a Nomu on the lose, if word got out, people will panic, we'll have plenty to talk about once we get there, we're meeting with Mei-san's group.

For a moment, Yusuke regretted not asking Jun out directly, he preferred her Quirk and her company with their rivalry but begrudgingly admitted to himself that Kanako and Hebi's Quirks will be useful.

Yusuke was monologuing on what to tell to Jun, he messed up every sentence.

Mawatari, I want you...eww...I want your Quirk...no this is important.... you're my eternal rival...I want..

He also texted Matsuru.

Hey a**hol*, I've deciphered Zealous's transmission, it seemed something to do with a Nomu.

They're at the roofless top floor of Le'Nombril Restau.

Wine and turkey being served.

Unlike Kazuki x Hikari and the rest, Yusuke reserved the most expensive area, the Executive Top.

"Date or not, there's plenty of room to discuss. The three of us above all are part of the top three agencies, I know it's a sudden but tell me, what's on your mind in this sudden yet auspicious night?"

Eirei Hills, Hawks Dorms

Ria enjoyed the small chatter with Jun, t'was finally. Peace and quiet for not having any noisy people at all but then Kaiga showed up.

"Oh it's you. Ria looked at her Hawkpads while doing her best to avoid Kaiga.

It appeared that she also received an invitation to Le'Nombril Restau.

She shortfused.

"Alright I think I can forgive you, cut the honorific crap. My boyfriend does not say such things. Don't you run away from me again, Kaiga. So, how about on a restaurant date? she said.

She turned her attention to Jun.

"Jun" Casually saying her first name.

"The Hawkpads seemed to be calling Best Jeanist Interns to a fancy restaurant, free dinner it says...wanna tag along?

Le'Nombril Restau
@Letter Bee@Gerlando@JrVader
Harpy showed up in the flesh, next to Hikari and Kazuki were Hawks Heroes in Black Suits, gradually there were more Birds lurking around.

"Ara? It seems that we have an awkward dinner. How nice of my niece to gather up fledglings in the nest?

Rin referring to Amaya and Akira along with the soon virtual separate conference with Yusuke's group.


Matsuru is outside of the restaurant, moreover with Spectra, who has served Matsuru, a Chicken Alfredo and cranberry juice.

Harpy wants you out of the way for now, though it seems that imminent danger is upon your friends. There are things to talk about, I'm her ward in this case, and it's for your own good, based on Harpy's orders. The Blackhawks want your reassurance that our existence remains in the shadows, furthermore, I am intrigued that you have survived an encounter with Ryukazuki Keyaru, tell me more...

Freeroam Sequences

Sekoto Peak Range
Tokyopolis, Shibuya
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms

The story thus far...

After the mentally exhausting symposium and the reestablished 1B, students of the same flock mingled like birds with birds of differing feathers who were assimilated to the new flock have lodged at their dorms.

Eirei Hills is a wonderful establishment despite its fashion as a boarding house/dormitory for the students of Eirei, lodging below Sekoto Peak's passages, the iconic wonder has long ceased being called Mt. Fuji since 1947. Sekoto Peak is humid & cold, it serves as the training grounds for the Heroes of Eirei, the most common being mountain top experiences including sky diving and most importantly breath control exercises. The pinnacle of tranquil sanctuary for the troubled, the many passages to Eirei after classes and vice-versa leads to this revitalizing under the mountain experience, meant to be a place of reconciliations.

This was also the place where Endeavor acknowledged his firstborn son, Todoroki Toya in becoming a Hero who has to zealously carved his path of hardships. Likewise, it could also be a poetic analogue to the healing of the Freshman's Block 1B amidst these dark days like the increasing movements of the Blackhawks. Heroic Spirits come in many forms and dwell in places that leave a legacy of mixed baggage.

What are our Heroes in training are about to do to rise above the odds?

Yūhi | Asagumo | Seiki@Iamme@Dragon Arts
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms
Yusuke knew the trauma that Kaiga owned and that being no different from him yet the attempt of comforting people is so abysmal even for an empath.

He let the boy console his feelings with the matter that's been extinguishing him from the inside just as his flames were burning low, drenched in sadness. That heartbreaking experience was a solace to both boys, Yusuke felt the common solitude and hopeful tears for an odd yet unknown future that Kaiga stood with his heroic second wind. Still, he knew what had to be done while there's time to weep and fight, Yusuke tried to separate work from fun yet the fact that he needed Kaiga was something looming.

Both came from Jaku City and are also Endeavor Interns.

This was an opportunity that Yusuke cannot let slip away, he truly wanted to be friends with Kaiga rather than the trauma bonding he had initially thought of.

Yusuke's mind is in the right place, he's clear from corrupted emotions since there's no exposure to the ill will of Kaiga in him.

“I was there too.“He tried to comfort Kaiga.

"I'll get straight to the point, I'm also an Endeavor fanboy and a fellow intern, we go by the same agency but we really don't see eye to eye. You're mostly shadowing with Burnin' while I'm with Matsuru and Mei. Tell you what, I've received Zealous's internship request, it appears that Endeavor's firstborn son will be taking up his mantle."

Yusuke gathered the courage to run the conversation, to which he pointed out to Kaiga about the broken transmission earlier in class.

"Public Safety and Detective Work is the many specialties of the Endeavor Agency, I'll make it obvious, I want you to come with me in Shibuya Crossing, the broken transmission that Zealous left earlier points to that direction, aren't you curious?."

Yusuke texted Kanako too.
Long time no talk. We haven't talked since the Joint Training, although we lost, I do find you useful and not just your Quirk. I was the leader yet I got blindsided by my rivalry with Jun. It should be nice if I get to fight her again.

Mawatari | Himura@Thayr
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms

The room was suddenly turned into a tidy setting in a blink of an eye.

Present Mic's narration
Himura Ria

Quirk: Dead Calm

Ria ceases kinetic energy to herself by constant cooling, entering a state of calmness, allowing her to appear faster than the naked eye could see, though those with spatial awareness can clearly see her movements.

Ria stretched her back.

"Well that's fast. The Indra Mudra Handseal sure is handy, oh I'm sorry...I do Hindu Yoga, do you do Yoga? Omg, it kicked in late, you're Jun...the Jun...I'm a bitch fan I mean big fan...you just slayed the Sports Fest!"A beginning of an awkward conversation.

Himekishi | Yuzuki | Himura@Digmata@BlackMaiden
Eirei Hills, Hawks Common Room, Dorms
Amidst the conversation taking place in said dorm, out of nowhere, the Princess Knight laughed nonchalantly at the Akira and Amaya, she couldn't bear the abdominal pain for she has mastered the art of standing still.

Present Mic Narration
Himekishi Erza — The Princess Knight, Freshman Block 1A's strongest contender, tough on the outside while goofy on the inside.

Many are often intimidated with Erza's disciplinarian approach but that immediately reset as she quickly dive into her eccentric side and love for strawberry cakes. Her actions are fun to watch, especially if she does one thing and goes another way, in this case reaching out to bid farewell to a classmate of hers. Erza also takes every opportunity to bully Akira, mainly out of infatuation.

Her Quirk, Afterburst, allows her to moe at superspeed and conjure functional afterimages, the more she moves, the faster she becomes, lessening wind resistance, unfortunately, she has to consume lots of food, there was one time that Erza gobbled up all the food in the cafeteria!

Erza jest and almost rolled on the floor laughing.

"You still suck at talking to girls, Aki."

Hero Name Only

Day-Month-Year | Age

Endeavor was Japan's Greatest Detective
Hawks was Japan's Greatest Spy, etc

Personality of your Prohero



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Freeroam Sequences

Eirei Hills

Relieved, all sincerely due to the Good Doctor's rejuvenation from the multiple shots fired by the good for nothing Prefect, Yusuke has found himself in a state of disbelief by the sudden dorm reshuffle & sighed off a slight irritation.

Clenching his fist from his dominant hand, his left, he remembered more than just the pain he felt. Yusuke remembered his paradigm shift of personality, realizing too late of the damage he caused in the class, his eyes were teary as it's brushed off quickly, moving forward to his reassignment. Hebi was the first person that came to mind and the rest followed, Yusuke understood his feelings, that while he's condescending towards 1A, he's always been an ally of 1B, hurting them, made him brooding, feeling sentimental remorse of his actions.

Along the massive common room of the House of Hawks, Yusuke heard too much noise in each passing step.

Yusuke breathed to relax, he manifested Quirks relative to the scenery that he's in. A combination of sound-based abilities aided him to recompose his inquiries without asking the number of students all around him, from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Striking a conversation at his own volition would take time to get results, hence his discreet display of espionage.

Empowered Ears, with this I can hear everything in my surroundings even if it's blocked by reinforced glass. Sound Filtration, with this I can omit the things I don't want to hear, such as nonsense, I'll be focused on the things I want to hear. Rhythmic Seer, with this I can reverse engineer sound from secretive verbal cues such as lies, I will know who tells the truth, no one can lie as image sequences through sound is projected into my mind. With the unity of these Quirks and the empathy side of my Quirk, I have synthesized & created a new Quirk: Echo Reverb and with it, I can accurately pinpoint the conversation I will eavesdrop & even understand their emotions.

Stockpiling Quirks relative to each other, in this case sound-based are easier to synergize.

Yusuke eavesdropped, phishing information that serves him well.

The very first thing that resonated was Matsuru & Rin, Yusuke blushed about the things he heard and the sensational breathing patterns, he filtered off quickly out of embarrassment.

Next, he eavesdropped at Kazuki & Hikari.

Huh? Since when are they a thing?

Next, he intentionally conveyed his thoughts aloud to Kanako in a frequency she could pick up.

I know you can hear my thoughts across these sound waves, meet me at the dorm rooftop later tonight, I got more than just an internship to wanna collaborate with you. Only to realize that's not how Kanako's Quirk works, so he texted the exact thought monologue minus about the sound waves to her via Hawkspad.

Take another person with you. We're sneaking out to a French Restaurant. He texted to Kanako.

Next, he deduced that Akira & Himura Amaya of all people are roommates.

Himura Amaya...another rival I acknowledged besides Jun.

Yusuke remembered the Joint Training Exercise between 1A and 1B, two weeks ago, Amaya was a tough opponent, who was also with Kaku Mei, Taragi Katsuo & Himekishi Erza aka Princess Knight and Haku Shū at that time. Yusuke's Teammates were Akira, Kanako, Jun & Yamato, he dreaded their misstep to victory since Amaya's group won that match. Still, Yusuke admitted to himself of his failed teamwork with Jun.

The various sounds Yusuke heard, his blood only boiled.

Yusuke refuses to work with Amaya, Mia, Kaiga & Katsuo, especially Katsuo, whom after the exercise, directly called him a loser, even though they're now 1B, he don't acknowledge them as 1B.

Yusuke entered his dorm, to his unsurprised expression and horror, he tried denying it but Kaiga was his roommate, having recalled what he said earlier, turning off his Echo Reverb.
Flashback: To think that a former 1A has more manners than you, Mamushi-san. In fact, he's the type of guy I like to make 1B great.

I can't believe I just said that.. Yusuke facepalmed.

"Ah? You're my roommate. To think that I have a 1A as my roommate, ehem... welcome to 1B. Asagumo Kaiga. No...I think I saw your name somewhere, it feels very familiar when everyday I look back at the names of the survivors of the Jaku Incident."

The room was already a mess in a split second.

It was all the doing of Shiori, teleporting around the place like there's no tomorrow, unsure on how to make her life interesting, she also texted Kujaku about their internships. Expressing that they both go to Endeavor's, she heard the news of his retirement and that his son, Toya, will be its new leader, rumors also afloat that Toya rejected the offer of being the #3 Hero. Shiori, in fact, is a Zealous Fangirl of Toya and to a small extent, an Endeavor fangirl and would often skip class with Endeavor Fanclub members.

Shiori saw Jun, suddenly her Hawkspad notified her of her reassignment.

"Damn...I'm going to with Kujaku & Yui now I guess? Looks like I gotta go, see you Jun!" Shiori teleported, leaving Jun a messy room.

The annoying Shifter transported into her newly assigned room.

She glanced at her roommates, Yui & Kujaku.

"Nenenene.... Kazuma-chan, Sora-chan. Pleased to work with you, it's getting boring in the Dorms don't you think? You guys wanna have fun? How about a sparring, I can take the both of you with my teleportation all at once."

Shiori talked too fast.

The room is starting to get messy by the second she randomly switched places with items that were decently organized.

"Ayo...what about going to the alleys of Shibuya Crossing, last I heard from Kazuki, he fought a Nomu. There's also been ridiculous sightings of Nomu recently, swept under the rug. Nenenene...let's go out of this damn dorm!"

Ria was at the doorstep of the reassigned dorm too, next to Jun.

"Uhhh... whatever happened. Let's go clean it up? My apologies, Himura Ria. Cool ya, Ig."


A dark haired girl approached the designation she ought to be.

Her aura shines but not sparkle, her teeth are fanged and eyes red.

"Taragi Katsuo, Ogawa Yamato? I'm looking for them, they're supposed to be my roommates, I'd want their blood too.."

Who is this mysterious girl.

In a stroke of fate, all 1B Students Hawkspad received a notification about the class elections on who to vote for the semester.

Amidst the alley of Shibuya...

A Black Nomu feasted on human flesh, what was once cannot talk, now was able to talk.

"Ke-Lord..Keyaru...e-eat...humans....Quirk Factors... ascension..."

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