Avatar of Megatron


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Deceptions! Seek and Destroy!
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"Deceptions! Begin our assault!"
1 mo ago
"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"



Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.

You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.

Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.


If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.

My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!

Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.

For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.

My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.

Indulgent Beloved
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
· @Cu Chulainn · @Grey

Indulgent Nakama
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
· @Gerlando · @Sho Minazuki · @BlackMaiden · @JrVader · @Polaris North · @Landaus Five-One
· @Digmata · @Iamme · @Rune_Alchemist · @The Jest · @Petulant · @The Man Emperor · @paingodsson · @Alfhedil · @Aku the Samurai · @Deide · @King Kindred

Indulging Fandoms
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen

Indulging Worrks
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
· Fenix Tear
· Just Another Hero

Most Recent Posts

I burned the chicken.

Before Jericho could react, his magic power was already sealed with solid script and a boyish girl nodded to the presence of her peers.

The solid script rune seal resembled that of a crescent moon that's like bite-marks upon Jericho's neck, in a blink of an eye, the naked eye could barely see her blinding dexterity and un-requipping of her Spear.

"Respect the rules of the Rosletta Library, any unsound behavior is insubordination to hierarchal relationship of the Ranks. Never make me repeat myself because if I do, Jericho...Jericho...Jericho. This matter of enlisting yourself to the Grand Magic Games will be discussed with Azuria & the S-Classes in council form." She immediately respawned in a flash where she was originally stationed, reading in a patio stop, the very place Zeire so yearned to set foot, the Restricted Section.

Not to be confused with the actual depth of the Restricted Section. The Restricted Section is a spatial labyrinth of 333 floors gone deep. What is seen is only the surface, Level 1 in plain sight to behold.

The 14y.o S-Class slipped a classical children's folklore storybook: Humpty Dumpty in Ceri's grasp, it's got some markings of looming reckoning, at least some pages were marked, whether Izuki knows, it's another story to tell, short answer, she's unaware of the highlights.

In hindsight, she also slipped a book in a flash at Lucas' grasp, it's a classical children's folklore storybook, Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs. However, the book was written in ancient text, Mildian to be exact, a text relative to the dark ages.

For Amaya, Izuki left her a book from the restricted section, resembling Red Riding Hood.

Finally, before Jericho even knew, in his pocket was also another one of the drops Izuki did, this time the book was Beauty and The Beast.

In the Restricted Section, Izuki is casually reading and cross referencing the children storybook that's awfully resemblance of Peter Pan with a similar demonic book that says, the lost boys of Iceberg.

Izuki idly minded her own business and expects the Librarians to comprehend her actions.

Come what may? What is Izuki's intentions of the sudden shoving of books...

She broke silence.

"Eris has cooked, breakfast is ready."

Back to the drawing board, Gwen barely keep up with Jericho's stealthy hi/bye appearing & disappearing act, she hates it when he does that all the time, with little embarrassment, Gwen struggled putting back her clothes on.

"We're heading to Iceberg, I'm a noble after all. I'm just needed for that foreigner passage, we're gonna fix that 100 year old broken bridge. She elaborated to Zeire and Ayuna.

"Too bad, I know better than to force you, Zei. You got any of those invisibility potions? Healing ones even." She asked Zeire.

She snarked at Ayuna. "Canvas? Ya think. If red is the only color then that's too bleak, I probably don't understand you at the moment. By the way, did we have this conversation before? My head is a little fuzzy. I can see the Maidservants serving what Eris has cooked. Why don't we talk about it as we grab a bite? Your canvases and all.."

@Polaris North@JrVader@Sho Minazuki

"I will handle the demonic fog personally when it recalls itself once more." Azuria gave Eris the comforting assurance that the job won't be about handling an impending demonic fog right off the bat, if the mission finishes too soon.

"We've lost good people along the way as some relationships are bounded by bondage like chains. Reminiscing on a lost lenore she held dear, a distant memory that was fond.

"Avalon divided won't stand united. Pergrande has been struggling since seven years ago after Droma Anim, the government has been discreetly disorganized. There's not much to discuss as it's only the end of a beginning like a Phoenix. Azuria being cringe with her choice of words.

"Demonic Forces cloud our country, as impressive as Ayuna took down a KKK Unit, who would've thought the KKK were that big of a deal. Something isn't right for a brute of a cult to be that smart, and staged multiple assassination attempts at Chancellor Elektra, which is why I'm letting you probe, Reuel. Azuria implied knowing the true expertise of Reuel.

Azuria coughed blood out, which dropped on the floor and fell to her knees. Demonic marks spread throughout her body, as she coughed more blood out. She's having a difficult time breathing, her breathing rhythm was erratic.

She couldn't say it properly but she signaled her S-Classes to get her back to her feet, the flames of her Phoenix don't seem to spawn at the moment.

Luckily, it did spawn at the proper moment, rejuvenating her gradually.

She catched her breath.

"Reuel, Ifrit, Eris...my successors. I'm comforted to know that when I die, one of you will lead and though two may follow and lead the rest, funny isn't it, a Phoenix speaking of death casually...you three are dismissed, any questions?"

Port Camlann, 8-Island
@Aku the Samurai@Letter Bee

Food for the soul at 8-Island, Shinra bursted out of gravity speed, in which he held Jaina & Regina along the way. Having caught up with the breathtaking gravity defying leaping catastrophe earlier, the group settled in the Hargeon Business Franchised Restaurant at 8-Island. Served with the finest seafood dining feast within the VIP Rooms, consecrated from the rest, Regina smiled towards her awkward friends.

Only because she ended up paying for them to the brim as one would expect from an archetypical shounen protagonist like Shinra from a manga perspective, such a thing would apply to her & Jaina as heroines. Having sighed from the monstrous appetite of Shinra and the leading chatterbox conversation of Jaina, Regina just so wanted just to finish this Quest & stream at her crib, overwhelmed by her sudden changes in lifestyle and the expectations stemming from it. At the very least, Regina's at the transitioning stage, no, not that kind but rather the difficulties of adjusting to a full-time employee in contrast to her B-Cuber gig, where she had total control on the things she wanted to do so. Anxious about the way things are, Regina can only put up a facade to keep her co-guildmates from prying over her personal matters yet she didn't leap this farther just to snob.

Regina started spacing out with her thoughts on Cat Leaper Reality.

I wasn't breaking the fourth wall to spoil the nightmares and daydreams, of course, just like some of them in the guild who resonated with such phenomenon, I felt them too as if it's a strange dejavu on repeat. Maybe I am really spoiling the storyline as Cat Leaper is triggered , tingling nonstop with anyone part of Fenix Tear, Time Magic pierces the fourth dimension as they said or am I just spouting nonsense. Any intelligent audience can tell what Mashima's Ghost Writer is trying to do here, Regina this and Regina that, why can't I just be called by my nickname, Rena. It's easier!

It's not because RPer watched Deadpool & Wolverine but then again, any intelligent audience would cringe about this top tier shit posting of a post, that's right, it's Keikaku basis. We can reassure you as RPers playing characters are better treated by Mashima-sensei's successor; Urizen and his horni writing rather than your shitfucks of RP Bosses in the past.

Perspective? This is Rena, Regina Cyanpile's inner monologue okay! As Rebecca Bluegarden's exaggerated variant, I concur and you concur! You Dead like Dark Souls. Majority of you are either recycled, typecasted characters because let's face the harsh reality, sorry not sorry, most RPs just die! Rerun like every gacha game, where's the new story? It's always the same Players and their characters, but well, I say it's self fulfilment. and Urizen loves you all. In case you didn't know, Fenix Tear 2024 is a remake of Fenixtear 2020, 7 years Keikaku my butt, well, 3 more years to go then! But in a way it's still 7 years Keikaku since he planned this from the start.

After you're done reading my monologue, I demand all of you to like this post!

Rena was spacing out with her thoughts on Cat Leaper Reality.

She broke the silence and get straight to the point.

"Bruh, enjoying Boujee meal? That's fine Shinra, keep enjoying. She blamed Jaina for getting sidetracked on the objective.

Cuz I ain't , Sis is such a big yikes salty of not knowing my dank magic. Intentions clear but TFW you take several seats to ask someone like Reuel and Jericho. Simply because Stealth Squad, makes me a Stealth Mage, it's a matter of Iykyk, I live rent free in your head, uh-huh, I'm dead because of your drag. Ngl, no cap, you appalled me ever since yesterday, call me an evil schemer but I hate royalties."Rena expressed her apparent and seemingly irrational dislike against Jaina Dalton, whether it's something to do with yesterday or perhaps an anticipation, Rena just can't stand her personality.

However, before it could escalate any further, Regina realized it was wrong of her to pick on the wrong timeline. Instead she rewinded the same exact scene except for Jaina, so that Shinra wouldn't know the time altering changes. It's as petty as a day that she hates Jaina in plain sight.

As it was, the Hargeon Business Franchised Restaurant at 8-Island is a rendezvous point that Jaina knew to meet the envoy for the mission.

Name: Weisz Schneider
Rank: A
Role: Informant

Weisz is among Azuria Rutines' Stealth Squad, they're specialized in surveying matters around Camelot to keep track of vital information, members of the Stealth Squad involve Reuel Ashcroft, Jericho Nightingale and Ayuna.

Weisz is Eris Carios discipline in cooking.

"Ladies, Shinra. Easy now, lest you have upset stomachs. There's plenty of food here, crabs everywhere and seafood. He sighed.

He used his telepathy on Jaina and Rena.

Jaina my girlfriend, pardon me for the intrusion, but we got a Time Mage here. Then again, I'd prefer if Lucas were here instead of you but since you're easier to entrust secrets as a Librarian, I suggest you pay attention on what I'm about to tell you of our Quest's true nature. Rena, don't use Cat Leaper like that, who knows what consequences may it bring.

He noticed the presence of a fellow Guildmate, he spoke with telepathically.

"Reuel? A thought projection I see. I take it you spoke with Master? Then again she probably left vague details, I'll explain it to you and the rest."

Fenix Tear Main Guild Base, Camelot, Pergrande

Was it truly a dream that time could be store up in a bottle.

If you could really save time inside a bottle, what would you do?

As eternity passes, how'd you spend the first times as an immortal?

Let us look back when we were at during our glory days, a time where it was all civilized.

@Polaris North@JrVader@Sho Minazuki
Azuria awoken at the meeting's end between the Submagic Council White Creed, Crime Sorcière & King Jellal Pendragon in which they crucially discussed of the things to come, it's been an hour since she fell asleep, reborn like a Phoenix, the dreams were bad but she pressed on.

"How long was I asleep?"

Whatever will be, will be as it comes, the final curtain will soon reach its twilight before the waterfall's climax. One could only hope to live without wars but suffering as unfair it may seem, is factually serving every individual as a lifelong teacher. Avalon is bussin' with multiple breakthroughs while suffering casualties in their eternal war against the Sin Kingdom for over 300 years as the Holy Pergrande Kingdom remains as its champion. The continent itself has torn apart itself for too long.

It matters not on what caused as how the war began, Avalon is crying more than blood out to Ankhseram from Elentir across the Heavens, so that the 300 Year war could end.

People flocked to the Holy Pergrande Kingdom because it's one of the accepting sanctuaries with little racism.

    The focused group discussions that was done through the Super Archive Magic that Azuria performed involved long distance communication between the parties. Each item was with quick elaborated precautions especially the imminent Demonic Fog recurring thrice a month, all Guildmates were present during this eventful discussion at the Guildmaster Floating Fortress.

  • Trade Exchange - There lies a broken bridge that hasn't been repaired for 100 Years, it was called the Great Glacia Bridge, built by the Bifrost People in reverence to the Blue Dragon God Glacia. Despite the long war between Pergrande and Sin, the bridge itself served as the best route for Merchants to travel with their horses from Iceberg to Pergrande. Ideally, Jellal wanted Fairy Tail's Gray Sparda & Lamia Scale's Guildmaster, Lyon Sparda, but they're too busy to be involved. Azuria has decided that Gwen, Jericho, Eris and two willing to tag Guildmates to take on this S-Class Quest. This mission is of importance, they have 7 hours to prepare.

  • Grand Magic Games - For the first time in 8 Years, Pergrande has decided to join the Grand Magic Games, this is all due to Lucas nearly committing international terrorism by stealing books from Sabertooth at Ghanzania, Fiore. Both Fenix Tear & Sabertooth wanted nothing more than to settle their rivalry, fair and square but only seven members may participate in the tournament. This is because of the raids that Pergrande suffers, Azuria Rutines is annoyed by the childish cries of her Guildmates who kept pestering her on who and why should they participate. At the same time, she has chosen among all members that Amaya will definitely be participating to ensure a clear victory. Azuria has only seven weeks to choose.

  • Looming Thunder - Azuria has chosen Eris & Reuel to lead their assault against the KKK - Kulto Kalium Krusade. It's of crucial importance that both S-Classes are to pick two tag along members to do the undercover mission. They have a week to prepare.

Afterwards, everyone went their separate ways, doing their day-to-day jobs inside the Guild.
Camelot is the city where Fenix Tear Main Guild Base resides.

Azu's Angels is a faction within the Guild, the girlpower A-Class Trinity between Ayuna, Gwen & Zeire for their common interests in Alchemy. In this case, Ayuna is the go-to leader of this all girl band, Gwen is the most popular member in the public, for many reasons, self-explanatory. On the other hand, Zei is the brains of the group.

"I learned all about liquidizing Lacrima in an hour, thanks much Zei. Oh, Ayuna...wouldn't it be cool if your Dojo could use more style? It certainly looks creepy, who the heck picks black walls and white matting! You're gonna scare a lot of people, or is it because the mats are white because you wanna see them bleed? Heh. Which reminds me, I'm going on am S-Class Mission with Eris. Wanna come along?"
@King Kindred
Gwen strips.

Shinra is tasked to retrieve Subject Pino, a mechanical artifact that's in the wrong hands of the Kulto Kalium Krusade.

In the same vein, Jaina is paired with Shinra for backup. E.M Pino is a miniature anti-bot machine created by Ziggy, one of the Hellgates of Tartaros. Port Camlann is the battleground where the Demonic Fogs could happen any moment.

Regina Cyanpile is the newest member of Fenix Tear, who joined yesterday, she's taken aback on how friendly Shinra is, somehow she feels like they've met before.
Books, Books, Books! Like the many bells to ring.
(Digmata facilitates on what Books to read, y'all freestyle in this)

Zҽιɾҽ σɾ Aȥυɾια


Coffin By The Skies, Ravines Of Time

Pergrande under attacked, besieged by the Absolute Demon as if he's ready to pack two girls in one cup. He who fights bonds deeper than blood for it's thicker than the soul whether it's whole or broken, like the waterfalls at its climax, this is the final curtain foreshadowing of what's to come. When time is frozen, the bad man sets himself afloat.

She decayed even the concept of time even at its stillness? Perhaps in a distant future, I could've...no there's no point. Regret and failure wasnt an option, the Absolute Demon refused to back down.

The Demon King regenerated from the burns he received earlier from Jaina, Lucas, Gwen, Amaya and Azuria. Along with the ruptured vessels that was inflicted by Ayuna, Jaina, Gwen and Lucas, the entire Guild are against the odds of pushing him to his limits, almost none. In a fast fashion, the macabre dance of the Time Mage Ifrit, accelerated and decerated time to trade blows with the Demon King.

"Your moves are inferior to Racer's, begone, Mildianite!" Not even a second, Ifrit was sent down flying, he lost one of his eyes and both of his legs with the cleaving winds of the Demon King. The man could barely breathe but luckily, Ayuna's there to stop the bleeding and Shinra, who mitigated Ifrit's fall. Had it not been for Regina's Cat Leaper Ether Gear, Ifrit would've died.

It was an adrenaline rush of blood for everyone as the fight go on.

Signaling the end of this charade, the Demon King used his cursed technique: Memento Mori.

"I have given enough time for the both of you to rule the world by my side yet all you can give as my children is heartful disappointments." As Memento Mori activated, the Demon King has brought Nothingness into Eternity, the void consumes time, making it timeless.

Azuria worries that if he gets out of the Ravines of Time, there's no stopping him.

Azuria and Zeire tackled the Demon King.

A wave of mass decay miasma, corroded whatever magic beam the Demon King launched while Azuria used her Enchantments to induce Rot Alchemy with Devil Slayer Magic properties to make sure the hit counts.

Both Azuria and Zeire landed a punch on the Demon King's face, it seemed but no.

He wasted no time to land a killing blow.

In that instant, the sisters could only protect each other but as they looked at each other side by side, their heads afloat, they were decapitated as life flashed before their eyes.

What a wrong turn.

Was this just a dream that time could erase?

It appears that the Demon King has destroyed the foundations of Fenix Tear, at some point in this timeline, he reached out with his hand to a man that was imprisoned.

"How far you've fallen from grace? Why regret? Why not accept who you are. I'm putting an end to this Demonic Fog Raids, this battle matters not. Your abilities could be of some use, for I have declared the Eighth Dragon King Festival.

Only through me will your desires be fulfilled."

Moments before all this declaration of war.

Pergrande lived to fight another day but half of its fortress was destroyed.

Eris cried, holding the Phoenix Stone and at odds with Lucas.

"Oi...give me the other half. We can only save one of them. The rest of the battered Guildmates who's present on this said moment are also conflicted on whom should live or die.

The Kingdom of Pergrande

A superpower country on the rise with a population of 700, 000.

Formerly Northern Fiore, Pergrande gained sovereign independence fourteen years ago. Erected as the hallowed lance of Elentir that the Heavens conceived from the absolute threesome collaboration with the Three Eden Gods. Avalon is a consecrated continent with the set Holy Kingdom Pergrande as its fortress for those who long suffered demonic tragedies and to those who seek justice.

It's those whose cries has penetrated the firmament to punish the evil acts of Devils by busting them with the holy empyrean lance of Ankhseram.

That is Pergrande by Avalon.

This is their heavenly campaign.

Deep within one's throat of utterance, words foaming from the sheer brilliance of the transcendent magic world of Elentir.

A magic world, no different from Earthland, it's as if Earthland has increased their magic power seven thousandfold.

A Universe among so many alternative realities. That's not so different. It's based in the quantified quality of the reverberating constitutions of magic power & events. This is its unique pathways.

The rim of events that climaxed & defined in the world we live in, Universe 7 and although there's similarities, Elentir still has its facial tales to express.

A Tale unknown to the vast Multiverse.

A Tale known to its Universe.

A Tale not set in stone but forged.

Independent Wizarding Guild, Fenix Tear,

Avalon's strongest guild without the brandishing light seal of legality by its localized Submagic Council, White Creed.

Beyond the veil of Avalon, Elentir acknowledged Fenix Tear in the same shade to that of a Light Guild. In the same vein, it is judged by the World Magic Council for its propensity in becoming a Dark Guild due to its independent nature. Like a harlot switching from and to a partner, they suspect that Fenix Tear may as well be unfaithful to the legality despite their fair efforts.

Guildmaster Azuria Rutines disagree, she redefines the meaning of independence. Fenix Tear will respect the laws of the nation but will sever ties if tyranny is found. This is a guild that bizarrely maintains their inner-child in a matured way. Be not surprised for we all were children and Azuria Rutines was only twelve when she found the best of us.
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9

𝓐nd so amidst the roaring see of flames, it seemed that their justful fanboy has triumphed against his adversary, devoid of his peers like the Snow Maiden that beared her fangs coldly to her fiend.

Steam chugging like an old fashioned train, straight out from being rejuvenated with charcoal.

An Ignited Arrow,

Set ablaze like no other,

The Ablazing One,

Asagumo Kaiga

Ria helped with the evacuation of civilians with the assistance of other Heroes.

Footsteps heard, half as long yet twice as bright, a man clad in business attire gave the Shounen a round of applause. His aura is enough to rein terror towards Ria, to whom nearly passed out from his unadulterated presence, rather than being awed to compliment the boy, he gets down to business. The enemy of Kaiga was neither Human nor Nomu, if one were to think like an anime character, this is the final boss.

"I expect nonetheless from Endeavor's successor. Project Nemesis has shown near-successful results. Unfortunately, not everything is according to plan, for their firepower, their regeneration is glaringly underwhelming. I commend you hero brats for getting this far." The man used his Search Quirk prior, and noticed that Nemesis has indeed miscalculated, the more he splits, the weaker his super regeneration and his goons become.

Behind the man, portals opened as Eight Men were wearing plague doctor masks and business attire.

"Remember, no evidence must be found." They all obeyed his command & scattered across Shibuya.

As their leader, he judged that it's his responsibility to clean his own mess.

"Care to dance? The man wasted no time and went straight blitzing Kaiga with his sheer inhumane agility, finessing him with nine punches in a blink of an eye.

He proceeded to break the dimensional fragments of space, opening a portal to where Matsuru, Yusuke, Hebi, Haru and Kanako were stationed.

𝓣he fight was over, at least for Amaya, Yui, Mei and Akira as they barely had any fight left in them from all the present stress and rush of adrenaline all throughout the battle.

Gauss, rather as one would say in Eirei technical disclosure, Kazuma Yui has defeated the dark-winged high-end Nomu.

Mei showed a bit of emotion, moreso comfort?

Comfort directed towards Akira,

To whom she's relieved to be safe & sound,

She nodded to his jest that indeed, Rin has medkits pre-installed in his hero costume.

She pouted. "You think? Akira. You do know the Todoroki & Himura have a long standing relationship and history of shaping our hero world, insurmountably! Don't ever doubt it, idiot."

Mei's not her usual self, she felt her pent up emotions, surfacing, in which afterward of this event has scarred her.

"For the record I have two Aunties. You've already met them. Mei used this as a coping mechanism to whatever trauma she's felt. She looked at Amaya with a childish pout. "Aunty Ama, once this is over, please cook some curry! Pamper me in your room in Hokkaido, let's get out of-

Before any tender moment could be felt, Mei was frozen solid and so was everyone else except for Amaya.

The way they're frozen is only 90% of their bodies excluding their heads, except for Mei, who was literally frozen solid.

A bespectacled white-haired lady in a killer black business attire stood above them, she's majestically floating stop her ice platform.

"Akira? You must be Noboru's...

Where Haru, Hebi, Yusuke and Kanako rested, things only took turn for the worse.

A redhead lady that's also in a business attire, appeared before them. Her voice sounded seductive as she commended Haru for his genuine performance with Matsuru. Her face showed light as well but of images of death, imprinted to Haru alone, hinting that she's taken interest of the young hero. Yusuke who was unconscious, has gotten up, he has copied the Nomu's super regeneration to heal himself.

"Oh? Noruma's bastard child and his failure of a son in the same place. Rest assured, no one will know your father's secret, Yaomatsu." The redhead took of her mask, among all implications, sharing a twisted yet comforting relationship with Matsuru.

Keyaru arrived at the same time and threw Kaiga and Ria towards Matsuru.

"Yaoyorozu Matsuru, an amusing surprise. Keyaru glared at Matsuru.

Don't you think Himura Rin, Yamagata Kazuki and Yajima Hikari are about to die from Nemesis's final curtain?" His subordinate intentionally taunted Matsuru.

Nemesis lost control of his human form, he felt the deaths of his Nomu subordinates as they all returned to himself, bleaching his black skin to platinum.

"Kazuki, Hikari...Rin. Have no fear, because I am here!

Ravens has arrived!

In the same vein, Ravens arrived with reinforcements.

Jun & the transfer student, Chinmoku along with the Proheroes.

The Flaming Sidekickers with Icyhot arrived were the Hero Agency on duty to deal with said matter.

Icyhot waltz into where Amaya, Yui, Mei and Akira were, using the Heavenly Piercing Ice Wall, freezing the entire area.

"Jun, Chinmoku. Do you think you two can defeat Nemesis? I have to go where Matsuru and the rest are."

We're eating!
@Dragon Arts@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai
Oh....we eating!

Ayt I'll review y'all with my Covenant.

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