Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Eirei Dorms, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

Yusuke had sent Kaiga an SOS they were in the same region, but he couldn't detect a problem until...just out of his view a NOMU appeared. This was a scouting mission to see what Zealous was talking about, right? Now they were face to face with a NOMU. Kaiga clicked his tounge before pulling out his hawk pad and transforming.

He didn't understand the technical know-how of how the hawk pad transformer them just that it could, but considering he was fighting a NOMU he didn't need to know.

Thankfully Kaiga wasn't alone in facing the NOMU he had Mawatari and Ria with him, from the little he had seen Mawatari's quirk in the sports festival(when he wasn't fanboying Endeavor.) She would be perfect in saving the civilians. "Mawatari-San," Kaiga called out. "Can you teleport the citizens out of the way of the NOMU?" Kaiga started funneling air into his palm forming a small flame that kept growing as he funneled air into it.

"Ria" Kaiga gave her a small smile "You should probably run away considering I'm going to attract the NOMU's attention." Ria didn't have time to question what Kaiga meant abefore he got into throwing position "IGNITED ARROW." The small flame that had been building had become a soaring fire arrow striking the NOMU hard. If the NOMU at least had a sliver of intelligence it would come after Kaiga.

His flames were a direct counter to NOMU's, they couldn't heal burnt flesh. Kaiga release some of the small steam buildup before creating two more ignited arrows. (Ignited Arrow was his favorite move,) "Come and get me." a boast he couldn't live up to.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 days ago

Earlier that day

"Yes, as you can see my son is going to rise up in the ranks of Eirei Academy easily, and he will soon be able to handle his very own Hero business!" his father said as he pointed toward Chin who simply stood there and bowed to the men in suits across the table from him. His father would put his hand on the table a ring with the Kanji: 弾 on his right hand's ring finger would make the sound of metal tapping against wood.

"I promise you, you don't want to miss this, you don't want to lose out to a competitor and be sitting there and saying to yourself "We could have had Heartbeat the next great hero!" The men across from them would speak to each other for a moment before one of them smiled and stood up.

"Mr.Akatsuki we like your pitch and your son's quirk is quite interesting. His scores aren't bad either... We will agree with a small investment in order to save our place. We would like to See how your son does at the Academy before making any decisions. Now Eirei Academy usually doesn't fully display the lives of their students... so we should expect a consistent progress report from you, eh? Heartbeat?"

Chin smiled and nodded before bowing. "I will do my best to keep my father up to date on my current academic advances as well as my hero journey."

"That's good enough for us!" The men and Chin's dad would shake hands as they laughed about something,

Chin wasn't paying attention he was bored out of his mind. He looked out the window at some trees as he thought about his home and all the friends he left behind. "It'll be just fine son, this is the perfect opportunity to make a name for our family." his dad had said to him.

Little did Chin know at that time that his dad would be showing him off almost like a prize pig to businessmen and different toy stores all trying to make him the next big thing. It was a lot of pressure, but that wasn't the reason Chin wanted to go through with it.

Current time, Eirei Polytechnic Academy

Chin stood in front of the massive buildings with his stuff in his hands. His father had helped him unpack and was on the phone with another person who Chin wasn't sure if his dad wanted this company to make a cereal in his name or a drink. Regardless he was focused on making sure that he was able to change this world. Someone had to be the voice of reason, the voice of justice in this chaotic world. He had really enjoyed his time if there was anything that Best Jeanist had taught him was that a proactive hero was one who expected the danger before it even happened.

"This isn't the first time you've dropped me off at school father. Remember Shiketsu?"

His father would grin as he looked at his ring. "Ah yes. We will talk later!" He said into his phone before looking at Chin and smiling. "Of course I remember my boy. Just like I remember how well you developed and how great you became there. But what we are wanting here, is to show everyone, from UA, to Shiketsu to any other business that has turned you down that you are the next great hero! You are going to save lives son, and you are going to change this world. BUT it won't happen if you don't have an image! You could do more with talking a bit more son!"

"Apologies father, I will be sure to do my best to talk more and make friends while I am here." he said as his father nodded.

His father would put down the last of his bags as Chin picked it up and threw it over his shoulder. "I know you will son, make me proud and we will make the Akastuki name famous throughout the world. We may even become the next Dynasty! But all that will come with time, for now learn, and become the greatest. Remember, discipline and training make the gifted...." his dad paused as Chin smiled gently and spoke.

"Discipline and training make the gifted suffer, but if gifted already you become the better" Chin said as his dad patted him on his back.

"That's my boy! Now go do your best! Which is to say, go and become the best!" his father said before he began walking away. "I will call you later son!"

Chin would bow to his father and speak "Good bye father, I love you." He would say before quietly picking his things up and moving. As he began to move anyone close by would notice he almost didn't make any sound as he walked and each step was like him gliding over the land. He moved slightly strangely, in a way that had him moving just barely side to side as he walked. Well here we go. Eirei Polytechnic Academy, what do you have in store? he thought to himself.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9
@Gerlando@Letter Bee

Tonight is getting better. Hikari thought ironically, and yet things were going to escalate much more.

For the moment however she was simply annoyed at Rin’s interference, this was supposed to be a fun, chill… date? Right, it was a date. It wasn’t until Kazuki asked about the Nomu that Nightowl remembered that they, at the moment, had a mission to take care of.

She was about to tell Rin to get lost when…


A woman screamed at the sight of the corpse, the businessman that Spectra killed earlier, the man turned into a High End Nomu.

"Ke-Lord..Keyaru...e-eat...humans....Quirk Factors... ascension..."

Le'Nombril spiraled into panic as the alarms sounded.

Rin smirked, it was the perfect timing.

"Mei, send Yusuke the reports, we can't have them be chilling in the Executive Top for so long. This must be our lucky day, Achilles!

In the background, Hawks Agency Heroes are working on the evacuation.

"W-Will eat humans... Quirkfuls, Quirk Factors....Become -

Rin breathes, freezes the Nomu in place... continuously as frosty blizzard turns it into an icy sculpture but not for long.

"Flashfreeze Howl: Icy Breath!

However, the Nomu broke out of the icy stampede and ran outside.

It displayed high intelligence, Rin came to the conclusion that it can talk and think, it is a High End Nomu.

Perfect... Hikari hadn’t said a word and Rin was going to be internally goading already.

Rin caught up quickly that not only the Nomu survived Yui’s assault but its wounds regenerated faster than the blink of an eye could see.

It's not going to be a simple task.

Having worked with Kazuki & Hikari before, she knew well enough that Formation B will be the best here.

Formation B is letting Kazuki & Hikari deal with the upcoming assault against the Nomu.

“I sense that Parakeet Kanako has lost herself in the fog of her thoughtful Quirk…Kazuki, find a high ground, get to the higher levels and assemble abled snipers with you. “ She instructed.

It seems that Sir Knight Eye's team and Yusuke and his team joined too, this isn't good, having too many fighters will just spill our doom.

The Nomu activated its Quirk.

Radio Scream. The scream was so loud that it disrupted any electronic device and communications including appliances, making the place into a mini blackout.

It all happened so suddenly, the Nomu jumped and pounced in the darkened area.

The power generator then turned on and regained electric power.

Nomu is bloodied from his mouth and is seen eating a bunch of people with its grotesque tentacles with mouths.

Rin reacted.

That was close. If not for reducing kinetic energy around my zone, we…no..don't think about death.

One shot; Kazuki had made sure that once the electric components in his railgun and his suit were resistant to EMPs, and had used the time the Nomu fought to get a bead of its actions.

Three Anti-Quirk bullets were aimed at its eyes and mouth, even as his suit was transmitting a message to Ravens - He had made use of the Black Nomu’s appearance and the distraction it presented to ‘press send’ to his Professor while yes, climbing up the stairs to the restaurant’s higher floors and looking for a suitable vantage point.

There was a chance he had been detected anyway while multitasking, but best to take down the Nomu first before dealing with that - After all, he had a girlfriend to fight beside…
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9

@Digmata@BlackMaiden@Aku the Samurai
Akira, being new to the technological advancements of Hawkspad, briefly struggled before finally summoning a fabricated copy of his spear to his arms. This feature changes a lot of things, to the point that he will need to talk with Hanako-san about important changes to his costume.

They are going to have a lot of fun.

It took the newly emerging Nomu's roar to snap him back to the urgency of the situation.

Mei and Amaya thrive at fighting from afar while Yui needs to gather momentum before doing his thing which means his role is to keep this Nomu in one place!

Charging towards the Nomu he created a path using his slippery barriers to increase his speed, charging head-on is normally a foolish idea but he has a trick on his sleeve.

Golden light began covering him until it slowly formed into a suit of knight’s armor combining his new size with the momentum of his movement to push the Nomu back with his spear that was now shaped like a lance.

Hammerhead in a split second, phased through the spear & sank below the ground, the imagery of this Nomu is like a shark, swimming and the only thing visible was its hardened spiked back as it moved.

Mei sets her Hawkspad into cerebral mode, which will allow her to have a telepathic mental link without hearing deep thoughts but on a surface level. Aim for the brain, the message she told the rest, beheading the Nomu won't do any good but fully destroying its brain. The Hawkspad cerebral mode automatically notifies those with Hawkspad to adjust into cerebral mode.

“Flashfire Iaido · Kaguzuchi!” Mei manifested her Sakabato, a sword that's filled with oil, blitzing the Nomu at blinding speed, the Nomu was set on fire as Mei caused friction by scraping it into the ground as it came in contact with the Nomu’s fatty flesh, burning it.

“Incinerated cells hamper regeneration-”

However, Hammerhead’s regeneration was keeping up from the scalding, she increased the heat level and continuously set it on fire, now Nomu screams like a rabid dog.

Mei keeps Hammerhead at bay, shooting it.


Hammerhead gained the strength to phase through the floor and literally disarmed Mei in the process.

She loses two of her fingers, fourth and pinky from her right and the burning Hammerhead got her locked, squeezing her tight from its hugging grip.

Mei could feel her body being crushed by its weight, but she persisted, increasing the burning flames of setting Hammerhead ablaze continuously with her flames.

“Keep advancing! I made a reckless opening so don't stop!” She said as she coughed blood out.

Akira cursed as he watched the Nomu get past his body with its Permeation quirk leaving him in the dust as Mei intercepted the Nomu. It is due to this panic that he failed to notice Mei’s notification, not that he needed it considering how the schools taught him comprehensively about their anatomy.

All of them, even the most basic ones, had some form of regeneration.

Unfortunately he wasn’t fast enough to save Mei from grievous harm

“Mei!” he shouted, forgetting to call her by hero names.

Fortunately he is just a few steps away to making her painful sacrifice count.

Taking a leap to close the distance, Akira would turn his spear into a halberd and with the increased strength that his armor gave him swing the thing down to chop off Nomu's right arm as Mei’s flames prevent it from regenerating.

He wasn’t done.

Akira’s eyes went cold as he watched Nomu yell in pain. The world felt slow for a few seconds as he immediately let go of his weapon and pulled the Nomu to him.

He made a ‘blade’ in his armor’s gauntlet and made sure to sink it deep into the Nomu’s exposed brain.

Amaya was not expecting her first night back from her extensive break from school life. First was the sudden transfer to having a sudden dinner to now suddenly dealing with a black high-end nomu.

Amaya sighed, closing her eyes as she listened to the link. It was a no brainer to go from the brain. She moved along with Akira and Mei. Seems the hammerhead Nomu was their target and so far she was slacking.

The temperature around them dropped within an instant of a sudden ‘flash freeze’ so to speak. Naturally if it was anything else she would stay in the back but when she watched that Nomu take ahold of Mei. She felt her heart stop. She was pissed, she was livid. Atleast on the inside. Her cold steel bluish gray eyes stroke daggers through the Nomu as she reached into her pocket bringing out a glass vial.

She moved quickly along the ice covered ground, growing colder and colder as she moved to the distracted nomu “How dare you harm one of my own.” She spoke to the hammer head tossing the vial against the nomu spilling the liquid contents over the nomu as it was simply sanitizer with a unique property of freezing and unfreezing with the surface it landed on. Working with and against her quirk for a reason. She swiped up the air in front of her several times forming ice spears, thin but effective. Sending them flying into the nomu’s exposed brain and arm as she focused on exertering her quirk along the temperature to continue to drop even further within those ice spears, overriding it’s regeneration cells as its blood and liquids froze to her will “Freeze…” She breathed in a dead on stare of focus.

The High End Nomu, Hammerhead sensed itself dying from Amaya & Akira's efforts, rather it's already succumbed to its injuries and died.


A Black Winged Nomu spawned from Hammerhead's dying breath, this Nomu: Flying Fish, a humanoid Black Winged Flying Fish Nomu, in a spur of the moment, took advantage of the situation and rushed towards Akira, lacerating him with its wing attack, leaving him a rush of blood loss.

It's small in size like a toddler.

"It can also spawn another of its own? Kazuma-san, please save Akira!" Mei attempted using her wrist mounted flame gauntlets but they were crushed by Hammerhead earlier.

"Aunty Amaya, I can't move..Save Akira... She cried.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Battle Against Nemesis
Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9

@Dragon Arts@JrVader@The Man Emperor@rexgn
Haru shivered for a moment. A Nomu! Not just any Nomu, but one that was behind even the High Ends that could give even seasoned heroes trouble! It spoke, too. It spoke in the characteristic guttural tones that creatures, no, things like it uttered their words. It was a hungry thing, having devoured more than two dozen people in what felt like a blink of an eye. It still wanted more, of that, Haru was sure. It hungered for death, it hungered for blood, it hungered for flesh, and it hungered for destruction! It wants nothing less than total anarchy, like anyone that might be its master.

In ancient times, Haru might have just chosen to run, call for help from an actual hero. But now? He was a hero, too. He must fight this thing… and the other Nomu creatures that it shat out of its ass. Haru figured that annihilating the weaker ones will make it easier in the long run, but if the big one can keep pulling those things out, then this may as well be the hardest battle that Haru had ever fought so far.

“Eating people, how disgusting,” Haru hissed, standing on the sidewalk just outside the Le'Nombril Restau. The others were already engaged, though the trio of additional Nomu were certainly a headache that had to be dealt as fast as possible.

There will be no holding back. The three smaller Nomu had split up, hunting their own prey. One in particular was in Haru’s sights, and well within his range. It was distracted, looking around for people to beat up… or eat, like its parent that it split away from.

Haru activated the Inward Lights, the support item integrated into his costume that poured photons directly into his body. Sunlight was consumed like food in a buffet, and, quickly, Haru was surrounded by utter darkness. The light around him was totally consumed in just about two seconds. In the third second after he began to charge, Haru aimed for one of the smaller Nomu, its head, specifically. He'd seen enough footage of Endeavour engaging with Nomu to know that destroying the head would be a sure takedown.

“May the sun take you to hell, foul creature!” Haru shouted, a pair of beams of piercing light slashing out of the darkness that had surrounded him. Thanks to the thermal vision he used in his helmet, he could see where and what he was aiming at. “Solar Beam Cannon!”

Kanako wandered the Nomu’s mind. At first there was nothing in it’s mind, but as every minute passed and the Nomu devoured more people it’s mind became clearer and more discernible. She was able to make out some of its thoughts. Which she didn’t know whether to count as good or bad, considering the requirements for it to gain these abilities.

She found memories here and there, both from before and after Nomufication. She picked out the useful memories, showing things about the Nomu factory, showing scientists, and other victims. She stored away the memories in the back of her mind. She had what she came for. But…

Find better fight, better quirks. Icy annoyance, not a fun fight. All fight is too boring. Keep going for food, for more power, then the fight will be fun.

She paused, curiosity peaked. It hadn’t been able to put thoughts into words a few minutes before, it had only been able to think in concepts and ideas, intelligent but not very useful to her since they were harder to interrupt or interpret. Something had changed in its mind. This could be useful. She had a theory to test.

Meanwhile… Earlier…

Spectra saw the turn of events and congratulated Matsuru for keeping up with Keyaru but then the sudden burst of panic and chaos happened.

“If you can survive this ordeal, perhaps Rin will care enough to invite you into the Blackhawks & its feud with the Eight Bullets.” Spectra disappeared into nothingness, leaving Matsuru with nothing but cries and despair of civilians running away from the chaos along with the quick move of the Nomu eating humans and splitting into three.

Yusuke used his Hawkpads and told Matsuru of what's happening.

“You really need to get here ASAP.” He texted.

Matsuru never responded to Yusuke. He was practically bounding towards the fight. Leaping over obstacles, dodging fleeing civilians, he was doing all he could to rush to the fight.

‘He’s here, they’re here.’ He thought to himself. Flashes of his last encounter with Keyaru and the massacre that followed flooded his mind. This time it would be different, he wasn’t alone. If the reports were right, these Nomu’s were different… “High-End” nomu’s or whatever Yusuke called them.

On his way to the fight, his mind was overclocking itself trying to formulate a plan. ‘Do I join the ground fight? No, the ground will be oversaturated with hero’s and Nomu's. I have to attack from a different angle… Damnit, I hope Mahago doesn’t see this.”

At the final leg of his journey, Matsuru took to the skies. Using a mixture of a grappling hook he created and his newly-mastered fire manipulation quirk, he was generally able to keep himself airborne. It wasn’t pretty by any means, but it was serviceable.

His Judgement Gaze burned brightly when he finally arrived to the fight. Though his time in the skies was fleeting, he was able to analyze everything that was happening. ‘Yun and Jin are fighting one… Rin is helping with the other… Which means my target is-” A brief glance at Clap told Matsuru everything he needed to know. ‘You.”

Descending from his airborne vantage point, Matsuru decided to try out a new combo. In one fluid motion, he created two javelin’s in each hand. He coated the tips in a super-corrosive material. Once he got a close enough distance from Clap, he launched them at the Nomu with all his might. At the last moment, where the javelins were leaving his hands, he made a small spark of focused flame to help propel the javelins forward at a more rapid speed. “Heaven-pierce.” He mumbled to himself.

As much as the move was spectacular, his landing was less than stellar. Stumbling and crashing into some debris, he groaned in pain. “Ooooooouuuch… Note to self, practice the landing.” He got up slowly and brushed himself off. “Oh… Hello Yusuke. Do you still have my book?”

"I don't have time for your jokes. Please help my friend, Kanako...her mind is stuck inside the Nomu, we've trying to keep it still and it's a battle of attrition on our part, Senpai. Go inside her mind, I'm sure you felt Ladyice's telepathic Quirk too...those apparitions...

Yusuke looked at his Hawkspad and saw the reports from Mei.

"The Nomu is vulnerable to fire and ice, and anything that can scramble its brain. I feel conflicted, if we kill the Nomu now, there's no saying Kanako may survive from its severed link. Please save her-

In a quick reflex, Yusuke sensed the emotions of Clap, the Nomu that they're facing and it headed towards Ueno and Hebi.

"That's too close...my body just moved. He shielded Haru & Hebi from Clap with the burning snakes he got, but Clap broke out from it quicker than Yusuke's reaction time and tendrils spawned and impaled Yusuke, multiple times, echoing the gunshots he took from Rin earlier in class.

It beared its fangs and rushed towards Haru.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Happened Earlier, Cut To Present
@Gerlando@Letter Bee
“Birds…You twos …Hawks Heroes…eat you, Nemesis will…nourish my strength!” Nemesis directed towards Hikari, Rin and supposedly Kazuki.

Kazuki had already changed his position, running to another balcony and tipping over a table to act as a shield. His next decision was that Anti-Quirk bullets should not be his only weapon, and so loaded a glob of explosive jelly into his railgun,

When Nemesis opened its mouth again, he shot a glob of blasting jelly into the gaping maw, then another, hoping to blast off the head and brain of this beast… Meanwhile, Hikari had stayed in front of Kazuki, allowing him to snipe the Nomu safely, if it did decide to headlessly charge it would be met with a solid whack.

Now Hikari was glad she did not wear anything too formal, high heels would have been terrible to fight in, though she did not own high heels in the first place.

”Anything we can do about those three more Nomu?” the question was directed towards Rin primarily, seeing as Kazuki was occupied with the main one.

Rin thought that it's already bad as it is, but bad just went bad to worse.

Her Intel was wrong, initially Black Nomus can only spit out White Nomus but this breed, it has a name, it's a High End Nomu yet it's a different breed, its speech patterns are becoming not only clearer but its actions are well thought out.

“I trust our comrades enough to deal with them.” Rin replied, given that among those locations are Spectra, Akira & Yusuke.

Nemesis replied.

“Faith in your f-friends? I see what you're doing, you are stalling Nemesis-”

Rin wasted no time and rushed towards Nemesis and delivered a rush of cold kicks and punches.

“Ice Flare!” Rin took the opportunity Kazuki gave her and she shot ice beams point blank, which landed hits on Nemesis, cutting its flesh, it detached its head from its body, now it's a floating head with wings.

Nemesis' jaw got blown off by Kazuki and tendrils from its body re-attached its head, regenerating from the damages it accumulated from Kazuki & Rin.

“It's that the best you can do?” Nemesis said.

“I don't want to fight a popsicle.” It changed its direction, ignoring Rin and rushed straight towards the vantage point, where Kazuki and Hikari were at, whom Nemesis predicted as evident threats.

It activated its Quirk: Rivet Stab, sending multiple spear-like projectiles towards Kazuki and Hikari.

Kazuki had done well tipping over a table to form a makeshift barrier a while back; that had allowed him enough time to roll away from the spears as they struck the imported wood. Pointing his railgun at Nemesis again, he fired another glob of explosive jelly at its eye then followed it up with an Anti-Quirk bullet, one he hoped would stop it from healing.

Then he cried out to Rin, “Try and freeze the flesh I’m firing at as it heals!”

Hikari dodged Nemesis’s piercing attack to her right, knowing Kazuki was safe behind his cover. And now with the Nomu charging head first it would be her job to stop it, giving Kazuki the distance and time he needs to shoot it again. A strategy from RPG games that can surprisingly work when the right combination of quirks, or in this case quirk and a gun.

While her quirk was not at full power, Hikari was still sure enough of her melee capabilities.

Not happening...

Before they could react, Nemesis howled another screaming wave of EMP blasts, causing debris from the buildings blocks and balance lost as Kazuki, Rin and Hikari had little time to react.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Le'Nombril Restau, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

After Gauss's interference, the battle proceeded quickly. A guy wielding a spear—Akira, his mind supplied—launched himself at the Nomu, only for it to slip right through his attack and then through the ground. That was going to be annoying to fight. A permeation Quirk was troublesome to deal with on its own, and the fact that it could also regenerate made it all the more difficult. The best strategy in this case was to target its brain, which was easier said than done.

He barely gave any indication that he received Mei’s message. It was the obvious solution, and everyone present already knew that.

As much as he would have liked to keep going, the others seemed to have it under control. Burning and freezing its body were good choices since they damaged cells and slowed regeneration. The heroes fighting the Nomu were well-suited to deal damage and if the way the battle was currently going was any indication, they were well on their way to winning. His intervention wasn’t needed yet.

Still, even as he watched the fight, he remained ready. It was going well so far, but he knew all too well that the tides could turn at any moment.

And turn the tides did.

It was a surprise, but only barely.

The Nomu had been killed, with only a single casualty, which wasn’t too bad, all things considered. Unfortunately, it wasn’t over quite yet. Faster than most people could react, something else emerged from the Nomu’s dying body. It was small, no larger than a toddler, but its speed caught everyone off-guard and Akira paid the price. Its razor-sharp wings sliced through him like butter and the ground was dyed red.

Time seemed to slow for a moment.

Too injured to do anything herself, Mei could only yell desperately for someone to save him.

But her words were unnecessary.

Gauss was already moving.

Quick as a flash, a siphon sphere was between his fingers, charged and ready. It shot from his hand like a bullet, aimed at the flying Nomu as he grabbed Akira’s fallen body. In an instant, his momentum was reversed and he was back to where he started in short order.

He glanced down at the boy in his arms as he guided his energy throughout his classmate’s body, stemming the blood loss and mending his wounds somewhat. It wasn’t perfect but it would have to do for now. That was going to take a while to get back. Gauss sighed ruefully as he cracked a grin underneath his helmet.

“And here I thought you were supposed to be invincible, Achilles.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Man Emperor
Avatar of The Man Emperor

The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 25 min ago

Ueno Haru

Of course the beam didn’t have much of an effect, Haru thought as the beam of searing light simply scalded part of the Nomu’s pale skin, but not much else. These creatures that were once men that walked the Earth had always been resilient, and Haru intended to test the waters, so to speak, before committing to a more powerful attack. As he took mental note of the situation with that particular Nomu, photons rushed into the void that had been created around him, revealing that he was standing in a combat stance, proper legwork ensuring that he can quickly dodge anything that might come his way.

That would be when that Nomu, Clap, yes, that was the monster’s name, finally turned its attention to him and Hebi. Haru readied to get out of the way while charging another blast of solar energy. Photons began streaming back in. He determined to try to blind it this time, sear away its eyes with the most atrocious light show he could conjure without expending too much energy. It would have been a kaleidoscopic explosion of colors as bright as ten suns put together, all shining in a small, concentrated spot. Nomu, for one reason or another, usually lacked eyelids.

That was something Haru wished to take advantage of. He didn’t know if it had sensory quirks to ignore getting blinded, but ripping away the foul creature’s eyesight was something he was willing to bet on.

That is, until it moved blindingly fast, catching him by surprise. “It is coming!...” Haru managed, before Yusuku moved in and became a shield, quite literally. The burning snakes that were his hair became one barrier, preventing Clap from turning the two heroes into red stains, but then Haru saw tendrils of… was that flesh? Tendrils of flesh penetrated Yusuke’s body. Haru imagined the pain must be unbearable.

He had nothing to say to the Nomu. This was no villain with a sympathetic backstory or small-time thief that could be reasoned with, somehow. A Nomu was simply that: a Nomu. A creature of simple thoughts and simple motivations, one that has shed all humanity to become the perfect killing machine. This world does not require the existence of such creatures!

“Close your eyes,” Haru said to Yusuke and Hebi as he made two glimmering suns in front of himself. Photons were once again consumed and redirected. The suns quickly crashed towards the Nomu, exploding into strange, scintillating patterns of kaleidoscopic light as soon as they met its face. Haru would then jump out of its way, not trusting that simply trying to blind the Nomu might be enough, and begin charging another, stronger beam of light.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 1 day ago

Akira Yuzuki

There was a moment of quiet for Akira as he turned the gauntlets into motes of light, he thought that landing a ‘killing blow’ would be more difficult experience than this, perhaps it is simply the adrenaline getting to him or the fact he’s fighting a Nomu and not a real person.

Regardless the fight was finally o-

Time felt slow

His eyes turned into shards while his eyes looked down.

A monster much smaller than the one they have slain charged at him and left his arms and stomach cut, he can even see his leaking out from his body.

His vision blurred, he cannot hear Mei and yet he held himself for one last attack.

A spear was manifested, thrown as he fell but he didn’t fall into the ground. Arms catched his body, he felt the sudden displacement of his body.

He felt his body slowly regain its strength as his senses slowly return to normal, so he was saved by Kazuma-san. His quirk was a life saver for these situations.

“Me invincible? You’re getting the wrong class rep.” he jested as he covered his stomach and arm with barriers for pressure and stopping the bleeding.

“Nomu, is the new one dead?" he asked his tone being clear that he can still fight.

If he get confirmation that it is dead however he will immediately rush to Mei and look at his injuries. His face will contort in frustration.

"I got complacent." he spoke as he called an ambulance using the Hawkspad. Afterwards he will kneel to her and remove her gauntlets.

"I hope your auntie added a med kit on this." he asked as she scrolled the list clothes he recently got.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Matsuru always thought he had a rather quick reaction time. With his quirk, Judgement Gaze, he's able to quickly discern any minute movements with his opponent. Whether it be a quickened heart rate, a short inhale, or the tiniest handshake. Usually, using these observations with his heightened cognitive state, he can make an estimation on what his opponent will do and quickly act on it within fractions of a second. This, of course, has its share of downsides. Namely, he has to be focused on the enemy. If they are a skilled opponent, any subtle movement can be the meaning between life and death.

He always knew he had a quick reaction time. But he also knew believing yourself to be the best at anything is a surefire way to have your hubris be the end of you. He always knew others around him were better, or more skilled, at many things than he was. It was upsetting to him, but it was reality.

Matsuru always held a rivalry towards Yusuke. He disagrees with many things he does, and holds contempt towards him when he comes ahead of him. But, there is one fundamental truth Matsuru learned from their early years of sparring against each other.

Yusuke always had a quicker reaction time. He could read their emotions, something Matsuru could never do. Matsuru always saw this as an undeniable truth, that his "unbearable rival" had the quickest reactions he had ever seen.

Matsuru never saw Clap attack Hebi and Haru. He barely registered Yusuke stepping in to defend the two students. What he did see was his cousin get skewered by a dozen tentacles and fall onto the floor a bloodied body.

He froze for what felt like an eternity. His muscles clamped up, his eyes shaking, his mind screamed at him to run for help but his legs refused to cooperate. Images kept flashing through his mind of that night he encountered Keyaru. The first, and what he hoped to be the last, night he fought against a Nomu.

The mangled corpses of all the poor bystanders flashed through his eyes. Some of their faces were contorted in screams, some in shock, and others into indescribable emotions. That sinister laugh echoed as well, Keyaru’s ominous words ringing.

““Know this, Sherlock… Our little dance won’t end tonight. Soon, when the time comes, we will see eachother again. And when we do, let’s finish our danse macabre!”

Is that what he meant? Another massacre? Is this vengeance? A sick play? Nothing more than the whims of a careless madman acting as God? More and more thoughts and what-if’s kept circulating. And in those few moments where the Observant Hero, Sherlock stood still, he felt truly hopeless.

As he was just about ready to snap, a sudden silence filled his mind. It was loud, soft, peaceful, and pure nothingness at the same time. He could have sworn he felt the presence of another person, or being, near him. He looked around, and he didn’t see anyone. Just a neverending landscape illuminated by the soft blue hue of a snowstorm.
Wait a moment… This mindscape… He’s been here before, and recently. He knows where he is.

Matsuru let himself to giggle a bit. “Snow Resplendence… Is this what you meant, Harpy?” He called out to the empty snowscape, only to be met with his echoes. Last night, he went to visit Rin in her dorm. They were both sucked into this place. One of her… lets just call them *personalities* approached him, spoke to him, warned him. Were it not Ravens making an unexpected appearance (and nearly getting her head lobbed off) to deliver an ominous threat, he would say that his meeting with Harpy was the weirdest thing that happened that night.

Unsatisfied with his lack of answers, he settled with a status quo. He was locked in a dreamscape. Outside of here, his class and peers are being attacked by Nomu’s. Yusuke is down, but certainly not dead… “Wait, didn’t Yusuke tell me something beforehand?”

"I don't have time for your jokes. Please help my friend, Kanako...her mind is stuck inside the Nomu, we've trying to keep it still and it's a battle of attrition on our part, Senpai. Go inside her mind, I'm sure you felt Ladyice's telepathic Quirk too...those apparitions…

“Ok… I have so many questions… You better live through this Yusuke.” Matsuru muttered to himself. So, that presence he felt, it has to be Kanako… Who was Kanako? “Fuuuuck, not now brain.” He said in frustration. “Concentrate, Sherlock. Find that presence, make a tether… AND PULL!”

He felt some sort of link form between him and that presence. WIth a small prayer, Matsuru forces this link to pull his direction. In truth, he doesn’t know if this will bring Kanako back… He’s just hoping.

That mental tug was excruciatingly painful. It felt like someone hooked a rope onto his brain and tugged with all their might. As bad as it was, Matsuru held firm. Yelling out in a mixture of pain, defiance, and determination, he kept pulling at the “connection”. After what felt like an eternity, he felt the other end go slack… He did it.

Panting & recovering from that whole ordeal, Matsuru allowed himself a moment to think. Sitting down on the ethereal blue floor, he rested his hand on his fist and opened his mind. Activating his quirk, his brain started processing information at the rate of a super computer. Within mere moments, he had a plan. “These Nomu’s regenerate at a rapid rate. Their skin is near impenetrable, and they have no obvious weak spots… I have to kill it in one blow, and I will only have one shot.” He thought to himself.

Matsuru’s mind went again to his first encounter with a Nomu, but this time when Rin came to his aid. “When she used her quirk, a strong enough blast of ice seemed to stop its regeneration, if not slow it down… I know what to do.”

As if the dreamscape was responding to his wishes, he found himself returned to reality. Just in time to see Haru smite Clap with a ray of iridescent, radiating sunlight. Averting his eyes, Matsuru knew this would be his chance. He took a deep breath in, drowning out the noise and chaos. Soon, he couldn’t even hear the shrilling scream of Clap. The only thing he heard was his heartbeat, and the memories of his scolding father. The same speech that came to him when he was on the verge of defeat all those nights ago surfaced again.


“You are a Yaoyorozu, and that surname is everything to you.”


"It is your life, your light, your sacred duty."


"Above all, above everything and everyone else, above being a perfect hero. You will make sure to not abscond that name! Am I understood?”


“Yeah, fuck you dad.”

Matsuru sprung forward, accelerating himself with a bit of flame manipulation at his feet. As soon as Haru’s display of power ceded, Clap was met with a corrosive-tipped spear lodged into its abdomen. Matsuru, holding onto the shaft, capitalized on Calp’s disorientated state and rushed the Nomu. He hoisted himself from the ground to the Nomu’s head. Matsuru saw up close and personal what Clap looked like. Or, at least, what was left. It’s face was singed and seared from the photon beam.

Matsuru clasped the Nomu’s head in a vice-like grip. Pushing down with all his might. Clap panicked, thrashing like a beached fish in an attempt to get Matsuru off of him. It was a struggle, but he stayed on. “May you be born away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance.” He muttered to the Nomu. His words were like bile, laced with venom and spite.

He focused all of his willpower into his two hands. His left, a frigid cold. And his right, a hellfire. He grunted in pain, but he kept the temperature lowering and rising. After a brief moment, a flash and boom knocked Matsuru away, sending him a couple feet back.

He spat out blood, he heard ringing in his ears, he couldn’t feel his hands… But the headless corpse of the Nomu was splayed out five feet from him. Motionless. Lifeless.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tokyopolis, Shibuya, City Block Crossing District 9

𝓐nd so amidst the roaring see of flames, it seemed that their justful fanboy has triumphed against his adversary, devoid of his peers like the Snow Maiden that beared her fangs coldly to her fiend.

Steam chugging like an old fashioned train, straight out from being rejuvenated with charcoal.

An Ignited Arrow,

Set ablaze like no other,

The Ablazing One,

Asagumo Kaiga

Ria helped with the evacuation of civilians with the assistance of other Heroes.

Footsteps heard, half as long yet twice as bright, a man clad in business attire gave the Shounen a round of applause. His aura is enough to rein terror towards Ria, to whom nearly passed out from his unadulterated presence, rather than being awed to compliment the boy, he gets down to business. The enemy of Kaiga was neither Human nor Nomu, if one were to think like an anime character, this is the final boss.

"I expect nonetheless from Endeavor's successor. Project Nemesis has shown near-successful results. Unfortunately, not everything is according to plan, for their firepower, their regeneration is glaringly underwhelming. I commend you hero brats for getting this far." The man used his Search Quirk prior, and noticed that Nemesis has indeed miscalculated, the more he splits, the weaker his super regeneration and his goons become.

Behind the man, portals opened as Eight Men were wearing plague doctor masks and business attire.

"Remember, no evidence must be found." They all obeyed his command & scattered across Shibuya.

As their leader, he judged that it's his responsibility to clean his own mess.

"Care to dance? The man wasted no time and went straight blitzing Kaiga with his sheer inhumane agility, finessing him with nine punches in a blink of an eye.

He proceeded to break the dimensional fragments of space, opening a portal to where Matsuru, Yusuke, Hebi, Haru and Kanako were stationed.

𝓣he fight was over, at least for Amaya, Yui, Mei and Akira as they barely had any fight left in them from all the present stress and rush of adrenaline all throughout the battle.

Gauss, rather as one would say in Eirei technical disclosure, Kazuma Yui has defeated the dark-winged high-end Nomu.

Mei showed a bit of emotion, moreso comfort?

Comfort directed towards Akira,

To whom she's relieved to be safe & sound,

She nodded to his jest that indeed, Rin has medkits pre-installed in his hero costume.

She pouted. "You think? Akira. You do know the Todoroki & Himura have a long standing relationship and history of shaping our hero world, insurmountably! Don't ever doubt it, idiot."

Mei's not her usual self, she felt her pent up emotions, surfacing, in which afterward of this event has scarred her.

"For the record I have two Aunties. You've already met them. Mei used this as a coping mechanism to whatever trauma she's felt. She looked at Amaya with a childish pout. "Aunty Ama, once this is over, please cook some curry! Pamper me in your room in Hokkaido, let's get out of-

Before any tender moment could be felt, Mei was frozen solid and so was everyone else except for Amaya.

The way they're frozen is only 90% of their bodies excluding their heads, except for Mei, who was literally frozen solid.

A bespectacled white-haired lady in a killer black business attire stood above them, she's majestically floating stop her ice platform.

"Akira? You must be Noboru's...

Where Haru, Hebi, Yusuke and Kanako rested, things only took turn for the worse.

A redhead lady that's also in a business attire, appeared before them. Her voice sounded seductive as she commended Haru for his genuine performance with Matsuru. Her face showed light as well but of images of death, imprinted to Haru alone, hinting that she's taken interest of the young hero. Yusuke who was unconscious, has gotten up, he has copied the Nomu's super regeneration to heal himself.

"Oh? Noruma's bastard child and his failure of a son in the same place. Rest assured, no one will know your father's secret, Yaomatsu." The redhead took of her mask, among all implications, sharing a twisted yet comforting relationship with Matsuru.

Keyaru arrived at the same time and threw Kaiga and Ria towards Matsuru.

"Yaoyorozu Matsuru, an amusing surprise. Keyaru glared at Matsuru.

Don't you think Himura Rin, Yamagata Kazuki and Yajima Hikari are about to die from Nemesis's final curtain?" His subordinate intentionally taunted Matsuru.

Nemesis lost control of his human form, he felt the deaths of his Nomu subordinates as they all returned to himself, bleaching his black skin to platinum.

"Kazuki, Hikari...Rin. Have no fear, because I am here!

Ravens has arrived!

In the same vein, Ravens arrived with reinforcements.

Jun & the transfer student, Chinmoku along with the Proheroes.

The Flaming Sidekickers with Icyhot arrived were the Hero Agency on duty to deal with said matter.

Icyhot waltz into where Amaya, Yui, Mei and Akira were, using the Heavenly Piercing Ice Wall, freezing the entire area.

"Jun, Chinmoku. Do you think you two can defeat Nemesis? I have to go where Matsuru and the rest are."

We're eating!
@Dragon Arts@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 1 day ago

Akira Yuzuki

Akira could only do nothing but stare as Mei suddenly acts like his little sister. She was always serious and to the point during their meetings and the rare times the two of them talk. He felt that he was out of depth, like he was threading unexplored waters.

It was very confusing and a bit, he cannot really find the words that will encapsulate what he means. For now he would resort to relief, nobody died and time is what’s needed to resolve this ailment.

“Let’s get that arm treated.” he announced as he opened the med kit.

Before any tender moment could be felt, Mei was frozen solid and so was everyone else except for Amaya.

The way they're frozen is only 90% of their bodies excluding their heads, except for Mei, who was literally frozen solid.

A bespectacled white-haired lady in a killer black business attire stood above them, she's majestically floating stop her ice platform.

"Akira? You must be Noboru's...

Before he could even take a step, he found his body and medkit trapped in a shell of ice. He quickly looked around to see everyone except Amaya trapped. While Mei, suffice to say that the indescribable feeling suddenly turned into panic.

He turned his head to the woman responsible for this incident.

She was looking at him, specifically him not Amaya who has a similar quirk and currently unfrozen.

Noburu, why does that name sound familiar? Like he heard that name before.

Icyhot waltz into where Amaya, Yui, Mei and Akira were, using the Heavenly Piercing Ice Wall, freezing the entire area.

"Jun, Chinmoku. Do you think you two can defeat Nemesis? I have to go where Matsuru and the rest are."

Akira snapped back to reality as he watched a pillar of ice approach him and feel the temperature of the place suddenly drop. Taking advantage of Icyhot’s entrance distracting the mysterious woman, he summoned his armor in his full form, easily breaking the scarlet ice and replacing it with crimson light.

It was not from his quirk, the color came from a reopened wound.

“Ready to help sir, just give me the orders.”

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Kaiga Asagumo

Location: Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

The fight...was over Kaiga knew he was strong and that fire was the weakness of Nomu's but he didn't expect it to end this fast, oh well that didn't quite matter did it the fight was "Guess I was just overreacting." Kaiga said walking over to Ria before he felt it...absolute terror from something no someone Kaiga quickly jumped over to Ria and stared at the man.

A business suit? He had seen weirder costumes, especially from that stupid Spiderman hero.

Kaiga could tell he was the bad guy from a single glance he gave off the aura of evil, but he doubted he could beat him by himself looking over at Ria to make a plan to run before he noticed she was barely standing, yeah this guy...was bad news. Kaiga put his hand around Ria's shoulder to help her stand she wouldn't be able to fight like this he himself was feeling the overwhelming terror of the man's aura but...he couldn't give up.

Endeavor had inspired him to continue standing after all.

Gently placing Ria down while ignoring whatever the guy was saying (probably basic villain spill) Kaiga prepared to fight, he opened up with a fire arrow before rushing the guy with a blast of steam, but by the time he was charging he was already falling to the floor to fast...

He couldn't comprehend what had just happened that man had just blitzed him the fight was over before it began the man had turned his back on him and he couldn't blame him he was weak...but he couldn't just give up he could get one attack out before passing out one chance to at least do some type of damage. Forcing fire into his palms he started shaping it before.

"FIRE ARROW" Kaiga screamed out throwing the arrow with all his might before he passed out...
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by The Man Emperor
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The Man Emperor Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 25 min ago

Ueno Haru

Rather unexpectedly, the Nomu were handily obliterated. They were weak to fire of all things, and their weakness to it extended to the hot, piercing beams of concentrated photons that Haru so liked to use... which translated to the now Nomu that had a burning hole in its head. Uttering a prayer for whoever were the poor chaps and gals that got turned into the Nomu, the Luminous Hero looked around to see Yusuke no longer on the ground, regenerating the impalement wound with what he assumed to be a copied version of the Nomu's self-healing quirk. Hebi was not harmed, thank God. Meanwhile, Kanako looked like she had one hell of a headache. Haru would have taken that moment to reassess the situation and start cleanup operations. Matsuru had burned a Nomu's head straight off, something that Haru viewed to be a liberation of the tortured souls that might still reside in the creature-thing's mutilated consciousness. He wouldn't voice that, however, when Matsuru had blood coming out of his mouth.

"You should evacuate, stat," Haru called out to Matsuru from across the street. "I'll... ah, what now?!"

Portals. And villains stepping out of portals. What else was new?

Where Haru, Hebi, Yusuke and Kanako rested, things only took turn for the worse.

A redhead lady that's also in a business attire, appeared before them. Her voice sounded seductive as she commended Haru for his genuine performance with Matsuru. Her face showed light as well but of images of death, imprinted to Haru alone, hinting that she's taken interest of the young hero. Yusuke who was unconscious, has gotten up, he has copied the Nomu's super regeneration to heal himself.

Haru was immediately ready for a fight when the suited people arrived through portals of all things. What he expected from the apparent villains were words of hatred for wider society, perhaps a monologue of how they had it so bad when they were younger. It could have been anything. Instead, one of them, the red-headed lady, turned her attention to Haru, and Haru alone. She spoke in seductive tones, like a yandere of popular culture. Haru's face creased with cringe with every additional word that came pouring out of the lady's mouth. No, that wasn't a lady! What kind of lady would utter such crass things? It was unbecoming... and expected, for a villain. For what are villains, but deviants that vent out their frustrations unto the rest of society through acts of violence and general mayhem?

"First of all," Haru raised a finger, his whole body quivering in shock at the... things she said to him. It was equal parts a compliment and a twisted attempt at flirting. That, and the projected images of death on her face, which he tried to ignore as much as he could. "I suppose that I should thank you for the compliment for beating these creatures... And second..."

The area around him immediately darkened as he once started eating photons. "Don't call me daddy, damn it! I'm Sol Invictus, the Luminous Hero, not your 'baby'!" With that last word, a beam of light came shooting out of the sphere of darkness, heading straight for the red-headed lady. It would be enough to knock her back and hopefully daze her, perhaps cause some light burns, but it wasn't as strong as the beams Haru tried to blast the Nomus with. Even if she was... insane, the goal first and foremost was to capture and contain.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dragon Arts
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Dragon Arts TheodosiaCentury

Member Seen 4 days ago

Kanako Seiki

Kanako had had more than her fair share of headaches in her life. Sure, she'd inflicted them on herself and used them as weapons more often than not. Sure, she could take more mental pain then the average person. But this headache was like hell itself had climbed out of the ground and clasped her head in a smothering grip. She was barely standing, and any movement caused the pain to flare wildly.

She was out of the Nomu's mind, thanks to Matsuru. Aware of what was happening around her once more. Aware of the bloodshed and the aftermath of the battle she'd missed. If she'd been fighting alongside the other Heroes instead of fishing for information would this many people have died? Maybe... but maybe not.

It was enough to make her question whether the information she'd gained was enough to justify the damage obtaining it had caused. In the end she decided that no, it hadn't been worth it, but the damage was done and nothing could be changed now besides moving on. Although that wouldn't stop her from fully believing these deaths were her fault.

The pain in her head was ebbing slightly, like a wave being drawn out to sea, when the Villains began appearing. The redheaded flirt had singled out Haru, ignoring the others. Kanako just wanted this stupid fight to be over. She memorized the voice of the redhead and linked their minds just as Haru's attack landed. The effort of establishing the link was much harder than maintaining it. Once the link was established it'd be simple to keep it active. With all the willpower she had left she took hold of every bit of power over the redhead that she could. Rigth then the wave of the headache came crashing back with more power than before.

Freeze. And shut the hell up. She commanded firmly, forcing the Villain's muscles to lock in place and clamping her jaw shut. The headache Kanako felt was shared by the redhead. Her eyes were glowing a bright gold, almost white, instead of the usual orange gold. The mental effort it took to maintain full control over someone was lessened slightly by the shock caused by the first use of her quirk on a person. The redhead was unprepared and dazed. An advantage that Kanako wouldn't pass up. Once Kanako had control she would make it an uphill battle of will for her opponent to gain back anything.

She utilized the control factor of her quirk combined with the telepathy aspect to nearly double her own control over the redhead. The headache she felt being shared also helped her now, although she still felt it's pain, so did the redhead. Her hindrance had become her weapon. The use of her quirk on another person and not a Nomu was the difference that let Kanako still be aware of everything around her, as well as staying in control of herself.

If she was being entirely honest Kanako wanted to shatter the mind of this Villain, she wanted to make someone suffer, wanted to take out her anger at herself for not helping enough in the fight on someone, it almost didn't matter who. But she held back from breaking the mind of the redhead entirely, or, well, more than it was already broken. She could find another way to take out her anger later, after this Villain was safely in custody.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location: Outside Le'Nombril Restau, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture

The battle was over. The Nomu was dead, and his classmates and the civilians were safe and sound.

Yet, despite those facts, Gauss didn’t feel like he could relax just yet. Briefly, he checked his bracer once again and tsked in annoyance at what he saw. That last move took a lot more energy than he would have liked to expend. Healing people always did, he’d found, and that’s why he preferred to leave that part to others more suited to it. However, desperate times called for desperate measures, and he didn’t exactly have the luxury of choice. Letting Akira die due to inaction would have been foolish on his part. Not to mention rather unheroic of him.

Moving past that, he needed to–

It happened almost faster than he could react to it. The sudden flash of cold blindsided him—that didn’t happen to him very often, and that wasn’t about to change now. The ice crept over his armour at a blisteringly fast pace, spreading over its entire surface in a fraction of a second.

But he was faster.

With a burst of electricity, the ice shattered and Gauss took a few steps back, shaking the frost from his armour. He took a quick glance at the others, finding them in similar states to the one he’d just narrowly avoided, though his gaze lingered on Mei for a moment longer. She was completely encased in ice, her face frozen in an expression of surprise. Nothing he could do about that now that he was nearly running on empty. She still had a few minutes more before permanent damage settled in, so they had to make this quick.

Easier said than done....

His eyes settled on the woman standing on a platform of ice in midair.

An unknown villain with an ice Quirk who appeared nearly the moment the Nomu had been defeated? Gauss knew well that coincidences were oftentimes strange, to say the least, but this was not that. It was all a bit too convenient for his taste, and it made him curious.

This was going to be a pain.

No sooner had the thought manifested in his mind did reinforcements finally arrive on the scene. He sighed, half-relieved and half humorously, though he didn’t relax.

“Took you long enough. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a battery to charge.”

With his piece said, Gauss walked away from the gathered group, his charge already starting to build. In just a few seconds, he’d be topped up and ready to rejoin the fight, if it was still ongoing. It wasn’t his typical style, but he had to play the hand he’d been dealt, especially since it was a result of his own failing.

More than anything, he didn’t want to tap into his core reserve if he could help it.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 4 days ago

As Chin landed onto the battlefield he looked across from them at the troubled Nomu, "Sure. It's a pleasure to meet you all, you can call me Heartbeat." He eyed up and down who he assumed was Nemesis as he began to walk forward assessing the situation. His eyes darting every way around him before he took a deep breath and locked eyes on this being that seemed already struggling. "You've chosen the wrong day to be on the other side of fate, my friend." Chin said as he began to move quickly almost seeming to glide across the ground as each footstep got louder and louder and louder.

Chin unleashed a sudden shockwave from his right foot as he slammed it into the ground. This shockwave propelled him at a much faster speed and the sound of shoes slapping against cement could be heard echoing in the area. His eyes furrowed as he closed in on the nomu who swung wildly at him. Chin went for a casual block only to find himself overpowered as he punched at the arm that was swinging at him. The punch would land but it wasn't enough to stop the incoming attack. Chin would slide across the ground before slapping the ground with his hands sending another shockwave from his hands to propel himself forward. The next attack was a wild left. Hit the joint, there's no finesse in his moves Chin thought to himself as he pushed both his fists towards the cubital fossa. Both of Chin's fists collided as a loud sound of skin on skin contact echoed as he sent shockwaves into the arm, it was just enough to keep it from overpowering Chin.

Chin quickly ducked another wild attack before releasing a flurry of blows, each one echoing and sending a shockwave into Nemesis' body. Left jab, to the gut, right elbow to the sternum, right chop to the chest, left palm to the sternum, and straight punch to the chest once more. Chin ducked another attack before slamming a fist into the side of the Nomu's knee. Chin felt like he had everything under control, until he found himself being lifted up by his shirt, the Nomu had managed to grab his shirt without him realizing, and before he knew it he was being slammed into the ground. Dust would come up and Chin felt the pain surging through his body but he could feel the nomu lean over his body. Chin released a whistle, amplifying the sound and sending a shockwave from it as it would slam into the Nomu's head while the sound of a high pitched whistle would be able to carry for quite some distance. Chin followed it up with slapping his hands on the side of the Nomu's head sending more shockwaves and noise to carry. Chin would roll away as he repositioned himself and got into his fighting stance, ready to see what this thing would do next, or what his allies were going to do next.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


"This is it... We're dead..."
"This is where I die..."
"Keyaru... Dad... How does he know-"

He was here. Standing in front of him. That same sickening power, that sinister glare, that gaunt born of pure malice. Keyaru was here. Was this his dance macabre?

Matsuru thought he would be ready for their next encounter. He trained like there was no tomorrow. The voice of Matsuru's sickening father practically willed the young hero forward. There were days he would snap bones back in place to continue training. There were others Rin had to force Matsuru to stop training, Usually through ahem dubious methods.

But now, Matsuru realizes how futile all that training was. A fanciful tale born from the mind of a vindictive young man. There was no beating this man. There was no beating his eight bullets. He thinks he could hear Haru and Kanako yelling obscenities at Keyaru and his new companion.

"Don't... You'll die as well. Run. Just run. Run and don't look back."

He can't stand, he can't even activate his Judgement Gaze. His throat feels caked, he chokes on his own breath.

"Am I drowning? No... That's just my blood. My blood?"

It was all around him. Doused in his cloths, pooled on the floor around him, coming from his left arm... Wait, his arm?

"Wait... isn't there supposed to be a hand ther-"
He looked down, and only saw bone, sinew, and loose flesh hanging from below his left elbow.

Matsuru screamed. He yelled death, but nothing came out. His own blood pooling out of his mouth like a fountain. What was meant to be a shrill of terror came out as a pitiful whimper. He couldn't stand, he didn't know why. Was his leg blown off as well? Did he still have legs? He doesn't know.

All Matsuru could focus on was Keyaru. The man who he almost captured a few months back, the one that caused all of this. Matsuru didn't feel malice, nor anger, nor spite, nor hatred. There was only one thing he felt in that moment.


He was going to die. He could feel it. He wanted to yell at the others to run, but he couldn't even form the words in his mind. All that Matsuru Yaoyorozu, the Observant Hero Sherlock, could do was crawl towards Keyaru. He didn't get far, a stream of red followed him like a brush of paint on a canvas. His mind was gone, his vision blurred. All that was in his world right now was Keyaru and him.

A small brush of hold pricked his right hand. From the ground, he could see a brilliant flash of white hair in the distance.

"Please, Rin."
"Help them."
"I'm sorry."

The last thing Matsuru saw before delving into unconsciousness were those wicked yellow eyes peering into him like a serpent.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Amaya Himura

Amaya watched the scene fly by as she stood ready to continue her strike. her drive, however she was frozen in her own acknowledgement. What the hell was wrong with her? She watched everything seem like slow Mo infront of her as her mind was trying to comprehend the sight. Her niece was there, harmed, hurt, calling out to her to save akira. Akira....Her newest roommate. The lad she had only met hours ago personally. She didn't know what was going on with her and why she stopped. she was pissed, she was mad at the nomu that harmed Her niece. She set forth her plan, having defeated the first for another to take its place. She was ready to send a single strike to take this new one out. However just then another hero came in to steal the kill.

She snapped her head into reality shaking herself back to reality as she heard Mei's pout. it seemed they were fine.. " Yes Meimei... I-" Amaya was going to confirm to mei's wishes. her niece was hurt. one of her kin was harmed...it was her fault as the head of the himura main branch, as the one all sees. She allowed harm to befall one of her own. It was then a flash freeze coated the area engulfing mei, akira was smart enough to move from it, using his quirk in time to escape. She looked around to the figure as she flipped her bow staff around her hands feeling it transform into a sword. "What the hell did you do to my niece..."She asked coldly to the woman finding herself unaffected as she swipped a hand out exterting her quirk and control of the freeze to hopefully overtake command and free mei. She was injuried. she couldnt survive this freeze. She needed to ensure mei and akira got out of there.

It was then the ravens came as a heavenly ice wall came to freeze the area as she watched Icyhot narrowing her eyes "Akira...you need to get mei and yourself out of here."She spoke watching them both out of the corner of her eye as she readied her blade just in case. ready to fight
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