"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"
Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.
You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.
Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.
If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.
My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!
Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.
For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.
My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.
Indulgent Beloved This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo. · @Cu Chulainn · @Grey
Yūdōboshi Star Guide 誘 導 星 Guiding Star Type: White Arts, Shaman Exorcism, Organic Link Magic, Ancient Spell, Enchantment, Law Range: AoE Target: Yōkai Exclusive The venerated reijutsu of Hizuru no Senko-Tai that's bequeathed to Kotaro by the highest honor of discipleship as a coming of age rites upon the culmination of the Raigetsu Magics.
An ablazingly enchanted radiant blueflame-solacing starbeads illuminated mirage, Guiding Star glistens wayward with the unresting souls, emotionally entangled and pacifying to its mechanism. A wordysome series of prayerful sacraments divised to encroach yet quell the unresting souls from their earthly strongholds, flickering set ablazing them to resoluting rest by sevenfold. An Ancient Spell requiring heartfelt sincerity to cast, therefore ineffective if the heart is at the wrong road.
Those without remorse of their actions, cancels this Ancient Spell immediately.
Poetically built to precise in Kitsune aesthetic, Hizuru no Senko-Tai is established handling nine spirits at once and at a time in a bustling 99-meter radius likened to the Mythical Nine Tailed Fox. Kotaro by virtue of high magic potency is established with three tails, making him a Sanbigitsune whose range is 33-meters radius true to his moniker; Tenko no Kotaro, Heavenly Fox Kotaro. Neophyte in his skill grasp, Kotaro earnestly trains to master Guiding Star.
Likewise, the penalty of improper execution is likened to abusing and finding a cheating loophole for kicks will warrant users to be cursed by Ankhseram.
Yūdōboshi Star Guide 誘 導 星 Guiding Star Type: White Arts, Shaman Exorcism, Organic Link Magic, Ancient Spell, Enchantment, Law Range: AoE Target: Yōkai Exclusive The venerated reijutsu of Hizuru no Senko-Tai that's bequeathed to Kotaro by the highest honor of discipleship as a coming of age rites upon the culmination of the Raigetsu Magics.
An ablazingly enchanted radiant blueflame-solacing starbeads illuminated mirage, Guiding Star glistens wayward with the unresting souls, emotionally entangled and pacifying to its mechanism. A wordysome series of prayerful sacraments divised to encroach yet quell the unresting souls from their earthly strongholds, flickering set ablazing them to resoluting rest by sevenfold. An Ancient Spell requiring heartfelt sincerity to cast, therefore ineffective if the heart is at the wrong road.
Those without remorse of their actions, cancels this Ancient Spell immediately.
Poetically built to precise in Kitsune aesthetic, Hizuru no Senko-Tai is established handling nine spirits at once and at a time in a bustling 99-meter radius likened to the Mythical Nine Tailed Fox. Kotaro by virtue of high magic potency is established with three tails, making him a Sanbigitsune whose range is 33-meters radius true to his moniker; Tenko no Kotaro, Heavenly Fox Kotaro. Neophyte in his skill grasp, Kotaro earnestly trains to master Guiding Star.
Likewise, the penalty of improper execution is likened to abusing and finding a cheating loophole for kicks will warrant users to be cursed by Ankhseram.
ℑ𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔱𝔶 All Jaina Dalton wanted was to study and be the best Sorceress in the land. Burying herself in books, sailing to far lands to explore ancient libraries and temples, and eventually, becoming an Archmage who would closely advise her father, mother, and brother in the proper management of Magic. But with the presumed deaths of her father and brother in a freak storm, she is now the heir to the throne of her small coastal country and she has mixed feelings about that, especially as the existence of her God Slayer Magic means that she would have her people demand that she use it as a weapon when again, she just wanted to study, drink coffee and eat a sweet pastry before readying herself for a dinner of eel stew.
Then again, being royalty has its perks, and being a member of Fenix Tear, the neighboring Kingdom's most powerful Independent Guild, brought opportunities to use those perks. With her comrades at her side, she would make it as the Lady Admiral of Snaerverold or find out if her father and brother were really dead and bring them back!
𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔶𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔢 Jaina was born in the Kingdom of Snaerverold, a land whose people relied on the sea and magic to survive whenever the farmlands were devastated by stronger nations. Thus, she was fascinated by the study of Magic from an early age, bugging the Court Wizard to teach her all the time. Eventually, she showed talent and was able to receive formal training in Magic, eventually becoming known as one of the most promising young Magicians in the land, always seeking out new lore to decipher, learn, and master.
One day, she received a mysterious clay tablet that was inscribed with an ancient script, one that was eventually revealed to contain the secrets of Memory God Slayer Magic, which allowed her near-perfect memory and the ability to extract and rewrite others' memories. Of course, she was not interested in the latter except when it allowed her to learn more magic and cram it into her head. And so her life passed uneventfully until one day, her father and brother went sailing with a squadron of Snaerverold's best warships to intercept some Pirates.
They instead ran into a storm of abnormal, potentially cursed, power, which destroyed most of the flotilla and caused the disappearance of the father and brother... Who were also the King/Lord Admiral of Snaerverold and his heir, the Lord Admiral-in-Waiting.
She now had to cease her magical studies and learn administration, economics, and warfare instead. Her mother, now the Lady Admiral of Snaerverold until she grew up, was busy rebuilding the naval strength of her nation to keep away invaders. The worst part of all was that the strongest neighboring nation, Pergrande, just got invaded by Devils, who in turn would invade her nation eventually. Oh, and she was invited by Pergrande's most powerful Independent Guild, Fenix Tear, to join their ranks, with a couple of promises; one, she would find out whether the storm that killed her father and brother was natural and if it wasn't, who cast it, and two, if her father and brother were actually dead.
Wait, if they weren't dead, can she return the heirship to the throne?
𝔐𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔞𝔣𝔱 Magic Memory God Slayer Magic Rooted from the Ankhseramic Pantheon, Alexandria is the primordial Goddess of Knowledge & Wisdom, who've aligned within Jaina as its many Heralds.
Jaina takes after the Wisdom half of Goddess Alexandria instead of the Knowledge halves that most her contenders tend to be. The Wisdom Bearers are attuned with an anemoia phenomenon, an empathic inkling of unknowing resonation to feel the emotions around them. By extension of emotions, intentions are unveiled as a day in a manner that makes Jaina, an empathic seer who separates the truth from lies.
Knowing lies means that Jaina gets headaches, she don't compel to tell the truths but detects that people are lying to such extent, getting the person to come clean is the most difficult thing to do.
By virtue of being Goddess Alexandria's Herald, Memory God Slayer Magic allows Jaina to amplify her memory power to wisdom, memorizing Magic by feel instead of logic. Jaina may store Magic that strongly resonated in her memories while the distant ones are forgotten or simply stored deep inside the super archivers of her memories, that she'd need to resonate once more. Abilities The functions of Jaina's Memory God Slayer Magic abilities are divided and summarized into: – Mimic: Jaina mimics Magic that's within the Panhuman History, she can't mimic anything from the Age of Gods such as Slayer Magic, Lost Magic & Ancient Spells.
Jaina cannot copy Enchanters, Take-Over Mages because of the uniqueness of their Souls, the rule of being an Enchanter and T.O is that each individual soul is different including those with Holder Magic & Celestial Magic.
Jaina mimics in empathy level, once she resonates with someone, she makes a full replica of their Magic & Spells.
She gets both pros and cons, hence her carefulness.
– Super Archive is accessed by Jaina's Eye Magic, she gets to keep an internal database of the things she came across, worth 11 Terrabytes of memory that's based on her Magic Power.
– Memory Control amplified Jaina's E.Q, making her more emotionally intelligent, befitting an Empath. All she needs is her charming voice to compel, alter, extract or enhance Memories of herself and others, lest one is in the higher spectrum of magic or muscle, this illusive hypnosis won't work.
This also works as Psychometric, by touching an inanimate object that has been used by a person, or a location occupied by a person or people, for a long time, Jaina can see the powerful memories of those who have used the object or been in that location, and in some cases, can turn the memories into holograms that other people can see.
"Hate Reaction" - Causes a monster or otherwise nonsapient beast to hate her, pursuing her even to the point where it ignores everyone else trying to attack it.
"Calm Reaction" - Can tame a monster or otherwise nonsapient beast, this would still take effort because many of them are berserkers/predeators.
Memory Manipulation Beam - Jaina emits a golden, but black-tinted beam from her hands that can erase, enhance, alter, or extract the memories of those it hits. Other PCs are resistant or even immune to this due to heroic willpower.
Memory Manipulation Vortex - Jaina creates a black-tinted vortex of golden light from her hands and arms that can erase, enhance, alter, or extract the memories of those it hits. Other PCs are resistant or even immune to this due to heroic willpower.
ℑ𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔱𝔶 Eris became widely known as someone who is reliable due to her bullheaded stubbornness regarding completing a contract by any means necessary, even if it comes with great personal harm. Many believe it is because she doesn't take well to failure. To an extent, that would be correct. She fears that any personal failure of hers would be tacked alongside the guild's name and that doesn't sit well with her. She feels a sense of protectiveness for the guild and its members, a feeling that stems from seeing it grow into what it is today.
To those who know her personally, Eris is a go-getter who has a particular thirst for getting stronger. She has kept the reason a secret this entire time, hidden under lock and key for only the Fenix Tear founders to have heard. It wouldn't be rare to see Eris practically perk up at the mere mention of a beast problem. She would be front and center for these kinds of problems, often letting any other interested guild members tag along so they get to have the experience of being in scenarios that should be above their pay grade.
𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔶𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔢 Eris was born in the islands of Enca. She doesn't speak much of her childhood there but she often referred to them as the darker times of her life, forced to survive under duress. Her life truly began when she escaped to Bellum as a stowaway and promptly had to use her underdeveloped magic to earn some form of money. She found herself at the steps of a treasure hunter guild. In her desperation and naivety, she joined the guild despite how sketchy their policies were regarding membership.
She would end up getting taken advantage of by her team as they paid her marginally less. This had reached the point where Eris lacked the funds to pay for the ever-increasing membership fee of the guild. Frustrated by the circumstances, Eris ended up leaving the guild without a word to continue her journey on the continent, finding herself in Pergrande to escape her past. She ended up becoming a mercenary, being hired to do menial tasks for those who didn't want to pay a local guild or were too far away to request it. At times, she would be hired to help protect towns if need be due to the conflict of the civil war.
While within the confines of Pergrande, shortly after the end of the civil war, Eris found herself hearing about Fenix Tear. Rumors about how it was founded and run by children. Interested in this startup guild, she made her journey to where it was. Though she was initially caught off-guard that the rumors were true, Eris still joined the guild. This was where she was allowed to flourish without the predatory attitude of greedy guilds.
Eris would go on to be one of their most hardworking members as if she had something to prove, a sort of desperation to be able to stay. She was eventually reassured of her spot in the guild when she had reached A-Rank. Still, her stalwart determination to get stronger continued. She began to go for stronger and stronger beasts to add to her records, challenging herself continuously. There were undoubtedly many times where she would have kicked the bucket had it not been for her guildmates covering for her mistakes but she only learned how to be better, how to be smarter, and how to tackle stronger opponents.
This knowledge would all be useful in one fight— a fight against a dragon. Joining Azuria and a couple of other mages to an emergency situation regarding a dark guild, it was supposed to be a pretty routine fight. It was until a dragon came from the earth, enraged, and began its destructive warpath through all the guilds present. Anything that moved was an enemy and no one was safe. Eris was tasked with keeping the dragon temporarily stalled while they cleaned up the dark guild.
It had taken all of Eris's recorded beasts and her magic power to stall it for even a few more minutes. However, it was all the others needed to wrap up their previous fights and join in incapacitating the enraged dragon. With their help, the dragon had been defeated and Eris reveled in their win and took the risk. She attempted to use her Take Over magic on the dragon to record it. To her surprise, it had been successful and she could access the dragon without losing control over her own body.
Shortly after that, Eris was visited to have her take the S-Class exam. The process had been marginally different from how she rose from the other classes but she had passed both of the exams. Then, the responsibilities of having a high rank came swinging almost immediately as she began joining the demon fog raids whenever she was called. Nowadays, most of her time was spent either on guild quests, government-sanctioned missions, or cooking in the guild during her downtime to decompress.
𝔓ath: White | 𝔒rigin: Third | 𝔚orth: S-Rank | 𝔈thos: Mana | ℜite: M³
Affinities Sky | Darkness | Wood
Advancery High Speed | Spatial | Telekinesis| Sensor
𝔐𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔞𝔣𝔱 Magic Beast Take Over Magic A subset of Take Over magic, it allows the user to transform themselves into beasts that they have defeated and recorded into their repertoire. This allows the user to enhance their own physical capabilities as well as use the beast's abilities.
Currently, Eris has access to common beasts and most high-ranking beasts. Her strongest Take Over is currently a Cavern Dragon.
Spell List
Beast Soul: Partial Transformation The user only transforms part of their body into a beast's. Often used for quick responses to danger.
Beast Soul: Full Transformation The user transforms entirely into the beast in question. This allows the user full access to all of the beast's abilities.
Beast Soul: Amalgamation An offshoot of Partial Transformation, this spell allows the user to transform into various beasts all at the same time to access certain abilities of each beast to combine in tandem with others.
Bestial Command The user can command beasts that are weaker than them to follow their command. This often doesn't work with beasts of higher intelligence.
Hunting: Eris is excellent in this field, finding it easy to track enemies and guess their behavior based on the few variables in an environment. While once it was used to simply hunt down beasts, she has since been able to track down more intelligent beings if need be.
Combat Analysis: Even in the thick of combat, Eris has the ability to study her opponent to seek for their weaknesses and strengths, to find openings wherever and whenever it was available.
Cooking: She has a wide repertoire of recipes gathered from lands far and wide. If there is a dish she doesn't know, she would do her best to acquire the knowledge to cook it.
I d e n t i t y Azuria's the Guildmaster of Fenix Tear, the Ms. Celebrity honored one across the sacred continent of Avalon and Court Mage of the 2nd ranked Seven Star Wizard Saint, King Jellal.
P e r s o n a l i t y
Azuria's the wisecracking trickster, in these fairytales of today, though it may not show, she acts disciplined as she can.
Don't be fooled by her childlike nature, coming in many shapes and sizes.
I d e n t i t y Next to Kaiga Agniyastra, Izuki Exoluna is among the disciples of Azuria Rutines, she's known as Guardian of the Restricted Section because she's born without magic but rather unburdened physical prowess.
P e r s o n a l i t y
Izuki is driven to put an end to the farce that's called the Demonic Fog, as the day pass by, she's consumed by hatred and vengeance, she means business and has little need for friends. M a g i c I t e m s Moon Devil Slayer Magic Seal • Magic Spear, Decalogue
Under imminent disposition of looming black seas, Dior gazed upon the presence of his fellow contenders in a sublime manner on this based caucus, indifferent yet objective in each cryptic look he gives to each member.
Most have already heard of the recent yet questionable allegiance of the Dangal to the alliance & as the clanhead or better addressed as the young Hunnid Mafiaboss of the Malayan turfs. Dior has a lot of expectations to exceed that's summarized to be the walking sacrifice for the atonements of his clansmen in these uneasy roads of justice, forgiveness wasn't something he relates nor wish. Hells is something for service & Dior is the atoning reaper that will drag the unjust for their dues, packing the right blend of souls.
Violence is the question and the answer is yes.
"I jest the fact that you're putting up questions, after everything that's said and done, this portrays your failure of credibility to address basic information, implying hidden information that may be vital and supposed we play right through it, then what?" Dior willingly mocked the addressor, after all he's not used working in the open and back in the day, under his father's tutelage and battlefield, there wasn't much talking because all they do is fulfill the mission and that's by killing anyone that is a liability and threat.
He was just nitpicking pettily or just outright skeptical but then again these people aren't Assassins
"As long as you lot don't get in my way, I won't kill you." Dior said so with a casual tone yet innocent smile like an angel, he is baby-faced after all, often mistaken as a middleschool kid, that includes the way he sounds, a kid yet he's factually an adult.
Rank: B Type: AoE, Long Distance Sniping, Melee, Defense, Copy Theme: Mirror Element: Water
PWR: B (S) | RNG: B (S) | SPD: C | PER: B | PRE: C | PTN: D
Mirrorwater (A Mirror Locket) Mirrorwater bring 6, 2-way mirrors with sharp ethereal blue rose-borders as the visual appeal of the mirrors, taking after rippling waters. The 7th mirror being the locket is the core, not only can it be worn by its heirloom but also ascertain its functions with no hindrance even when conveniently hidden in pockets, sleeves and wallet, etc. When the mirrors are shattered, they dissipate like blue dust and can be resummoned as long as the locket isn't stolen or exhausted from cooldowns.
Mirrorweave, Age of Kafagway Dior reshapes any of his mirrors into weapon constructs, if not, he'll stand stationary and shoot a volley of cold beams, which at minimum has the output of a machine gun and the maximum output of multiple six barrelled shotguns in each mirror with explosive effects, enough to puncture defenses like metals, his maximum range is 60 meters.
Refraction, Baguio Mirrors Refraction allows Dior to redirect incoming attacks from any Noble Arms at the cost of a mirror(s). If the attack is weak, no mirror is lost, if the attack is intermediate, the mirror cracks while multiple attacks in succession destroys a mirror or two. However, powerful attacks can destroy three mirrors at once and even immobilize Dior's Noble Arm.
Emulation, Made in China Dior can store different ability themes of a Noble Arm, six at a time, exceeding said count, resets all of the themes he copied, every time. The ability themes he copied would be used in tandem to attribute to his Noble Arms temporarily, lasting for as long as his Noble Arm is active until disabled. Usually, he makes his own version of the fancied abilities he have into his arsenal. On the other hand, Dior has no control on which ability themes he comes across, the first six people his mirror shines upon are always the ones he mirrors.
Dior cannot copy what he don't understand.
Dior ain't having additional elements.
If he has to copy, he has to see it first.
He cannot copy NAs that also Copies.
He must copy from the Direct Owner.
He cannot outright copy, he has to reinvent it as his own.
Mystic Eyes of Dangal De La Dios These are surgically modified eyes bestowed to the finest Assassins of Dangal, its ocular prowess boast dynamic visual acuity of 20/5.
Seeing movements in fluid motion, scoping 20-feet at default and adapting quickly to low-light, dimmed & dark environments including resistance to UV radiation. It's said that Dangals with these eyes, per hyperbole are capable of looking Gods at their eyes without fear. Bringing death with style against those who cross paths with them.
Dangal Assassination Techniques Dior is versed in the assassination arts, this ranges from espionage to subterfuge, guerrilla tactics and even knowing the human anatomy to kill including falsifying of evidence and resistance to the common poison.
Dancing Specifically in downtimes, Dior takes the chances to one-up his dance rival and friend, Noel, admittedly, Noel lasts longer and has the better stamina while Dior is the equivalent of the stereotypical Asian Kung-Fu reflexes guy who incorporate it with dancing moves.
Marksmanship Dior's skill is cut to precise, he's even trained in Shuriken, Kunai and Needles.
Dior is someone plunged into critical decision making regardless of character disposition, reflecting characteristics of people accordingly that are sound to a fault. He commits to objectives with unwavering impartiality yet what his heart reflects is to read between the lines and embrace the inevitably of the situation to discreetly find options. Most of the time, Dior is emotive and cheerful while he withholds his true intentions and may only disclose to those he trusts.
Dior is the firstborn of Lakan. Jion De Dangal, an esteemed awardee stemming from the Order of Sikatuna for outstanding diplomatic relations between Spain, Philippines, America & Japan. By the extension and shadow of his father, the Lakan (Commanding Officer), Jion De Danggal, Dior and the rest of his family members are Maginoo aka Maharlikans, Nobleborns sorted into Politics and Medicine. This is just a distraction and a facade to the masses in the Philippines, the Dangal are actually a family of Assassins, hitmen for hire, with enough clout and fear in the Philippine Criminal Underworld across Baguio, Makati & Taguig.
Dior himself don't exactly have a nice childhood, he's sheltered by the confines of homeschooling that of a Prince with stationed Mentors. He was always compared to his more gifted younger sister yet as the eldest, he's expected to lead the clan one day. At age 11, he was trained in the ways of the assassin and manifested his Noble Arm, 4 years later, in which he continuously polish.
By the age of 13, he participated in Assassination Missions, and assumed many fake identities that gained connections such as Franchising Owner of a Pizza Hut for vantage point missions and meetings with his Assassination Squads, he also traveled to Norway and gained sponsorship with Geir Ness Perfume, a fellow assassin ally, he loves Norway due to its Aurora View.
He partake the same program with an esteemed friend, Noel Alonso during the coup at Mindanao as a Second Lieutenant.
With the recent revolt of the Dangal clan, Dior is plunged into an Unwanted Situation as the pipeline and leader of said revolt while his father is actually the man behind the scenes, though clearly
ℑ𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔱𝔶 What does it mean to be cheerful? If you want to answer that question look no further than Kaiga the very name that introverts, dread. Kaiga brings a cheery demeanor no matter where he goes, he keeps a smile plastered on his face as to say everything will be fine.
However he treats everyone the same with his cheerful demeanor which can at often times cause others to get the wrong idea leading to Kaiga being one the more popular members of Fenix Tear while also being completely oblivious about it.
This causes Kaiga to get a buttload of love letters much to the chagrin of a certain “ice lady” in the guild. Kaiga rejects most love letters he gets due to a feeling of low self esteem and abandonment issues created by being abandoned in his childhood.
Kaiga’s favorite past time after hanging out with friends is training his martial arts skills he practices weapons and hand-to-hand but favors hand to hand more than weapons.
Kaiga however while extroverted keeps a big secret the devil in his head. It caused him to be labeled an evil child by his village and thrown out he holds absolute hatred for the voice in his head while “it” constantly enjoys annoying him but isn’t actually evil to Kaiga’s knowledge.
𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔶𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔢 Kaiga was born in a small quiet village full of smiles in Camelot City until when he started talking to the “voice” in his head causing him to grew suspicoun from the villagers and bullying from the other children.
This would ultimately culminate in Kaiga being abandoned in the Du Lac Forest at three Kaiga only survived as long as he did in the forest thanks to that “voice” in his head taking over.
He was once a Magic Knight and served as Sir Kaiga upon Knighthood, dealing with the demonic fog raids.
At some point, Kaiga found himself on the verge of death he was saved by Azuria and Zeire. Out of gratitude Kaiga joined the guild and made many friends and has been there ever since. Kaiga joined three years after Fenix Tear's founding.
𝔐𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔞𝔣𝔱 Caster Saintflame Devil Slayer Magic Unsungly blessed by the Aluhim-endowed Archangel, Zarathos by his kindred connection to Azuria Rutines borne from causal mutual respect, Kaiga exhibit enchanting blueflames that're cut above brighter than normal fire.
His Firepower's unknowing potential is confirmed by Azuria, to be hotter than her own during its earlier stages. Kaiga Agniyastra demonstrates a unique power that his mentor lack: the ability to cleave & dismantle by conceptual fire enchantment that's synergized by mudric handsigns. This mean Kaiga's reinforced with finessing cut to precise brute force.
Kaiga is unaware of being a Devil Slayer and is under the impression that his flames bolstered through training with Azuria.
Cleave (Bullet) Kaiga attacks the soul aspect of living things that takes a domino effect, feeling their magic power and physical body, slashed to burn seven times at once.
It feels like getting whipped by a whip, seven times and hurt by boiling water as a DPS character.
This is the premise of Kaiga's devilsaying enchantment spells and general spell weaving.
Unfortunately, Cleave is most effective if the opponent's fighting spirit is tough. The tougher, the opponent, the more chances of Kaiga delivering ablazing slashes of guaranteed hits but against the regular Mage, it's practically just a normal soul attack.
This is ineffective if Kaiga's unaware of their fighting spirit.
Subspells Ignited Arrow — Manipulating his fire into an arrow shaped form Kaiga can utilize it as both a range attack as well as a close range spear attack, hits that land follow Cleave's effect of seven times the hurt. By forcing immense pressure in the arrows, Kaiga can launch a high powered straight blast of flames at his enemy or whatever stands in-front of him. Upon forcing his body beyond its natural limits and putting as much pressure onto a fire arrow as he can Kaiga creates a fire arrow spear pact full with energy that burns seven times hotter, enough to burn steel. This can only be used once and when he's got his Devil Slayer Tattooed Markings active, which ironically he's unaware of surging because it's in his back, covered by clothing.
Converging Supernova — By forcing fire to converge into tiny little balls of power Kaiga can create ticking time bomb that explodes massive damage to the person hit by them, the more energy packed into it the stronger it is.
Secret Art: Hinokagutsuchi — Named after the fire god Kaiga’s body takes on the roll of becoming the very monster of legends capable of making blast of flames that incinerate the nearby area able to use his maximum technique easier and able to condense more power into javelin and supernova more easily. However great power comes with great draw back as this form burns anything around it foe and ally a like and most of the time create extreme property damage Kaiga can only go into this form for one minute with even the voice only able to use it for five minutes. Dismantle (High Speed + Sensor) Dismantle is the second premise of Kaiga's devilsaying enchantment spell weaving. This is borne of intuition and fine martial arts skill, Kaiga's hand-to-hand combat prowess, the longer he fights, the more he sees the "heat patterns" by instinct, coming together, therefore understanding to dismantle or deduce one's fighting patterns, delivered at sonic speeds.
Kaiga calls this as the "Ryomen Gaeshi", meaning two-faced return, a martial arts discipline that's both calm and raging.
IRL this is Soryu and Northern Shaolin Kung Fu based.
Holder Re-equip gauntlets - Kaiga can quickly equip specialized gauntlets made to amplify his fire magic power, in terms of punching harder.
Re-equip black sword - using re-equip Kaiga can quickly pull out a black sword made to increase the effectiveness of his fire powers however he doesn’t use it much as they can be destroyed easily.
𝔗𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔰 Martial arts: one of Kaiga’s favorite part times is learning how to do martial arts of any type and kind.
Cooking: Surprisingly one of Kaiga’s favorite things to do is cook a meal. He’s been a fan of cooking ever since he was small.
By virtue of Keikaku and goodwill, you're approved, post it in the tab.
No good deed goes unpunished regardless of the directions you take including the intentions behind your actions because whenever there's a cause, there's an effect that ripples like a domino.
Fenix Tear Team A is a powerful lineup way before Rena joined, it's true that power finesses most battles but whatever they severely lack is bound to be their undoing in time. As the legend surfed in this timeline, Jaina & Shinra were proclaimed to be uninvited guests in the Adalborg Cathedral because of Weisz' petty prank that put them in this situation. There's no one to blame as there's no time for blame games as the clock was erratically like a ticking time bomb, Rena watched Reuel ditch the Group, has he always been this dodgy just to finish the job? To all of us Players out there, who had brain cells to read up to this point of the post, this is Rena speaking to gently tap the fourth wall.
I'm spitting sacred texts right here, taking the reins for the time being, if you disagree with my methods, that's your fucking problem.
I hope you're cringing, reading this post because it's clear that I'm a time traveler and unlike you, I know most of the Keikaku, narratively speaking ya but I'm not like the bad side of the fandom who spoils the plot. Don't think for an instance that Ver ran out of ideas to keep this RolePlay ongoing, if your country by summer heat has been killing you slowly, you fucking deserve it trolol, it means you need to chill and lose more brain cells, I am attacking you on purpose so that you'd be entertained by Urizen. Enough talk, I hope this brain rot refilled your brain cells to fasten your motivations, both in that realm and posting-wise!
God Bless You!
So there was Rena, who watched things unfold & how a supposedly recon quest go offraills. Azuria didn't die for this in X797. She cringed at the offset of Reuel and her current situation with Amaya, Jaina & Shinra, about to be jumped by Strigduar Vampire Demons. This is when Rena realized that if there's anyone else to blame, it'd be herself, she wanted things to be smooth but because she messed with time during the events of Port Camlann in 8-Island Restaurant, with mypermalink here with another permalink.
I ought to make this right. Faster than the speed of light, Rena used Cat Leaper, her Ether Gear's spell with her invitation to Adalborg Cathedral as the catalyst, a Time Rift opens somewhere:
< Clairsentien > Rena can leap her mind through time, as if she's there in said time and place by touching an object, such as pictures to know its history, anything older than 7 hours, she can't see.
Universe 7, the reality of the timeline we live but not quite, the ratio indicates 7 as it means Universe 7 and 3 means the amount of time travel Rena committed and by rewriting the aforesaid permalinks, time has began to run at a different course, like Jaina never mentioned Zan-Weset because Rena kept her mouth shut this in timeline then one thing led to another.
Jaina never learned of Rena's Magic because by keeping her mouth shut, Weisz didn't spill the tea in the first place, before leaving, Rena demanded Weisz to give them the passes to the Adalborg Cathedral, she knew that he liked bullying Shinra in the future, oops spoilers. Fenix Tear Team A seemed to be the same setup in a longshot. Huh! What the Ankhseram is this, in the similar shade, even in this verse Reuel went ahead of Fenix Tear Team A, Weisz told Rena in this flashback part for one, Reuel is headed to Iceberg, their purpose: Rena, Jaina & Shinra with Amaya's guidance was to cover any loose-ends for Reuel. Suddenly, Rena's got a headache as she felt the remnants of the previous Timeline, erased!
Another different thing in this timeline, Amaya didn't request Azuria to be part of the Recon at the last minute, so instead, she's already part of the lineup to begin with in this 7:3 timeline.
Reuel went earlier and achieved the same result in Fortuna.
Finally, the timeline has stabilized.
However, Rena did not see it coming, even with the passes, the Strigduar still had it in them to suck their blood for dinner. Shinra & Jaina may not been handcuffed in this timeline but Rena couldn't fathom at first as to why Reul's informant, Duke Lestat de Drualac betray them. This is when she realized Weisz's words of loose-ends.
However, to her surprise, after the beating Shinra and Jaina gave, the Vampire Duke, Lest, apologized. Was it because of Jaina's Calm Reaction in effect? Who knows, but whatever is happening now, is favorable for Fenix Tear Team A.
An uncuffed Shinra made things a lot easier.
Rena amidst all this, was still hiding with her invisibility stealth mode spell, her class being Assassin is no joke after all.
Cut to the cue to the chase... Lestat not only apologized but also dismissed his Vampires from the seen, Team A then formally meets Jun Tao, their prime suspect of this Quest, the sun can be seen rising from the windows, it's 3am in the morning, why is the sun rising?
Suddenly, magic missiles were heard outside, the people at the Cathedral's Ballroom, were unfazed of the situation. I'm deadass not poking fun of the nukes of Israel-Palestine but you get the point, that's exactly this scene.
"It seems that the Vanisis has shut down a Blimp." Jun Tao looks Oriental.
He's in a private room with Amaya, Jaina and Shinra.
The Time Rift that Rena opened caused a crack in the previous Timeline is a fixed point because it's in fact the cause of the thunderous snowstorm, coming in fast at them.
Before they know it, they've entered the wormhole as their ship is sucked and blowed by the Time Rift's blackhole into the Ravines of Time fully that gripped them into the 7:3 Timeline. Not that they'd remember any of it because no one is immune to timeline changes unless you're an Angel/God/Dragon God. This also extends to Immortals like Zeref and Mildianites like Ifrit in this case.
As things converged into the 7:3 Timeline, the group was not safe for the time being, the Thunderous Snowstorm that they're headed towards is no ordinary storm.
They were being anticipated by a Collosus Thundersnow Bifrost.
"Ayuna, you bloody idiot, I don't think it's a Thunderous Snowstorm. We're all gonna die by that fucking Giant! Gwen saw the magnitude of magic power that said Bifrost was emitting.
Elektra is not amused by the fact that Jericho was at odds with her.
"Don't you have better things to do?" Elektra's Thought Projection disappeared due to the sheet magnitude of magic power that's on them.
"Tch... the Blimp isn't gonna hold this long, I hate to say this but it's not like I like you lot. Judging from the brainwaves I'm getting from my Take Over Magic, Isenfeur hasn't been friendly since then. Gwen stated the name of the Bifrost Giant.
"Weird isn't it, Eris. Do you feel that nostalgia, this magic pressure is that of Lady Hisui's Zirconia Jade Dragon Form, and yeah, I recall spiting your ability to understand Beasts like this.
Ifrit, guys, what do we do?" Gwen asked the veteran for guidance, her panic emotion waned and returned to being calm to assess the situation.
Deep in her art, she's afraid that Jericho might pull a Natsu and fight the Bifrost.
[color=deepskyblue]Danyel[/color] from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.
You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.
Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.
If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.
My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!
Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.
For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.
My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.
[color=deepskyblue]Indulgent Beloved[/color]
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
[sup] · [@Cu Chulainn] · [@Grey][/sup]
[color=deepskyblue]Indulgent Nakama[/color]
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
[sup]· [@Gerlando] · [@Sho Minazuki] · [@BlackMaiden] · [@JrVader] · [@Polaris North] · [@Landaus Five-One]
· [@Digmata] · [@Iamme] · [@Rune_Alchemist] · [@The Jest] · [@Petulant] · [@The Man Emperor] · [@paingodsson] · [@Alfhedil] · [@Aku the Samurai] · [@Deide] · [@King Kindred][/sup]
[color=deepskyblue]Indulging Fandoms[/color]
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen
[color=deepskyblue]Indulging Worrks[/color]
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192886-fenix-tear-invite-ask-only/ooc]· Fenix Tear[/url]
· [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192563-just-another-hero-invite-only/ooc]Just Another Hero[/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="gainsboro"><font color="deepskyblue">Shalom!</font><br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Danyel</font> from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.<br><br>You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.<br><br>Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.<br><br>Amen.<br><br>If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.<br><br>My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!<br><br>Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.<br><br>For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.<br><br>My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.<br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulgent Beloved</font><br>This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.<br><sup> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/cu-chulainn">@Cu Chulainn</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/grey">@Grey</a></sup><br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulgent Nakama</font><br>If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:<br><sup>· <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/gerlando">@Gerlando</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/sho-minazuki">@Sho Minazuki</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/blackmaiden">@BlackMaiden</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/jrvader">@JrVader</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/polaris-north">@Polaris North</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/landaus-five-one">@Landaus Five-One</a> <br>· <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/digmata">@Digmata</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/iamme">@Iamme</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/rune_alchemist">@Rune_Alchemist</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/the-jest">@The Jest</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/petulant">@Petulant</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/the-man-emperor">@The Man Emperor</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/paingodsson">@paingodsson</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/alfhedil">@Alfhedil</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/aku-the-samurai">@Aku the Samurai</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/deide">@Deide</a> · <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/king-kindred">@King Kindred</a></sup><br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulging Fandoms</font><br>· Naruto<br>· Fairy Tail<br>· Jujutsu Kaisen<br><br><font color="deepskyblue">Indulging Worrks</font><br>I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.<br><a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192886-fenix-tear-invite-ask-only/ooc">· Fenix Tear</a><br>· <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192563-just-another-hero-invite-only/ooc">Just Another Hero</a></font></div>