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Location: Outside of Chimera’s Lair - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.059: Life Preserver
Interaction(s): Lorcán @Lord Wraith
Previously: Calm Before the Storm

As Lorcán spun around, Aurora studied him, really taking him in. His wide orange eyes, the way his brows were furrowed and forehead creased, the beads of sweat that had collected on his temples and the subtle tremor of his hand as he grasped hers. Even his discarded blazer on the grass and the buttons of his dress shirt that he had popped open to reveal the top of his tanned chest.

The redhead was no stranger to panic attacks, so it was clear to her in that moment he was in the midst of one. As far as she knew, he’d never had one before, or at least wouldn’t be able to recognize it himself. Sure, the pair had their own secrets they kept, but more often than not they told eachother everything. She knew what he needed most in that moment was an anchor, someone to ground him back in reality. A life preserver in an endless sea of dread. So as he squeezed her hand and looked it over, checking for burns from his scorching skin, Aurora squeezed back. She kept eye contact and listened as he rattled off what was on his mind.

“I-” He started, “I don’t even know where my head is at dude, I just can’t help but feel it’s no coincidence that Amma was so spot on last night. I don’t like feelin’ trapped, that ain’t my vibe, y’know. I thought we had one more year and then we were out, free to pursue our lives.” He took a shaky breath, and Aurora’s heart broke just a little bit. In the time that she’d known him, he was always so dependable, so sturdy, which made it especially tough to see him in such a vulnerable state. “Don’t get me wrong, working for H.E.L.P. and on an Albatross would be sweet, sick even but like, if the Foundation takes the school, how much longer until the Foundation takes over H.E.L.P. entirely and wipes it out.”

He squeezed her hand. She squeezed back before he released his grasp.

“I’m glad I didn’t hurt you, I don’t think I could have forgiven myself if I had.” He added solemnly, and Aurora shook her head. She brought her now free hand back to his arm, not hesitating to place it there. Although he was still quite warm, it seemed that he was cooling down, both physically and mentally.

“Don’t worry about that, I’m okay.” Her thumb stroked his arm soothingly, attempting to calm him further. “I know you’d never hurt me.”

“I just hate the idea that we’re all being used as pawns in someone else’s game. I know to most people Jonas is a villain, but I knew the real dude and he was like the grandpa I never had. Neither of my ‘rents’ parents wanted anything to do with them, let alone me. Jonas always had time for me, even when, or if he had been Hyperion along the way.”

The redhead watched the column of Lorcán’s throat bob as he swallowed. It was evident that Torres' senseless words struck a chord with him and further complicated the dilemma that he and his family had found themselves in over the past few years. Not only were they faced with the reality of Hyperion’s impact, but the Roths mourned for another reason entirely that very few understood. The role that Jonas played in their lives, as practically part of their family, could never be minimized.

“Five years ago, everything went crazy. The worst part is, I don’t hate him for what he was trying to accomplish, I hate him for leaving us in the state we are now-” He turned away, looking back towards the stadium, no doubt recounting every detail of that ceremony over and over again. “Vulnerable.”

Lorcán sighed heavily and then returned his gaze to her own, his lips curling up into a smile. Even though Aurora knew his mind was still reeling- and it would be for a while- she breathed a little easier knowing that he was returning to himself.

“Sometimes, I hate my abilities, dude. I feel like they’re just meant for destruction and harm.”

“No they’re not, don’t say that-” She quickly tried to interject, but he continued with what she inevitably knew was coming next.

“But your abilities just seem so… freeing. Anytime you want to be somewhere else, you can be there. You’re as free as the sea. Gone, in an instant.” Lorcán’s tone softened, and as he reached out his hand, nimbly tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, Aurora audibly exhaled.

It was always a point of contention, the fact that her abilities made the world effectively her oyster, but yet she always found herself asking the same question:

What good was a teleporter who didn’t want to go anywhere?

Lorcán was right, technically she could go somewhere, anywhere, without lifting a finger. With a flicker of thought, she could whisk herself to any corner of the globe and to most, especially him, it seemed freeing. But beneath the allure of endless possibilities lay her profound sense of longing for a place to call her own, a void that no amount of teleportation could fill. Her abilities gave her the keys to the kingdom, but the castle was empty. She had a car filled with gasoline but a missing ignition. A piece of paper and pen that had no ink. P.R.C.U. was all she had left and she was not going to let the rug be pulled out from underneath her once more.

“Yet you’re probably the best constant in my life. You’re always here when I need you, lady dude.”

Aurora didn’t have the heart to explain it to him, the inner turmoil she felt as a result of her past, so she stayed quiet. She knew that he might not understand and the last thing she wanted to do was to make him feel guilty for following his dreams after graduation. Seeing the world like he always had hoped.

She couldn’t bear to clip his wings.

But as Lorcán wrapped his arms around the redhead and pulled her in, she let all of her negative thoughts ebb away as he held her. She inhaled his comforting citrus and smoke scent, felt his warmth as it radiated off of him, and relaxed. He always had that effect on her and she felt the same way as he did - he was always there when she needed him. “Thanks for checking on me, I guess I really did just need to talk.”

She gazed up at him and smiled, “Always.” The two stood there for a moment, just looking at each other, and time seemed to stand still. Did his eyes always have those small flecks of gold in them?

“Roth!” A male voice yelled and quickly took Aurora of her momentary daze. Cass appeared from around the corner, a younger brown-haired girl in tow, and waved. “I saw you beeline out of the ceremony, I assume you’re taking the news pretty hard… glad you got to him first, Aurora,” He added with a small smile and motioned to the girl behind him, “Have you had a chance to meet my sister, Ripley yet?”

“Hey, Cass.” She greeted the blonde teen. She’d gotten to know Lorcán’s family pretty well over the years, including Cassander; they had even been in a few classes together. “No, I haven’t,” she turned to the younger girl and offered her a warm smile. “Lorcán’s told me so much about you, it’s really nice to finally put a face to a name.”

“You’r-” The girl stuttered and Aurora watched as Ripley visibly studied her from head to toe. “You’re gorgeous, Lorcán never said- OW! Cass!” She shrieked as her brother gave her a sudden jab, a non-verbal (but still clear) cue to keep quiet. What was Ripley going to say that merited such a reaction? The redhead looked to Lorcán to try and figure it out, but-

Wait… was he blushing? No, he couldn’t be… right?

Deciding that it was just a trick of her eye or the glare from the morning sun, Aurora quickly pivoted back to Ripley. She still lacked the ability to properly accept a compliment, so she was thankful that Cass interjected and changed the subject before heading in the direction of the plateau, his sister headed towards her team and the administration building.

“I guess they have a point, dude.” Lorcán stated, and the girl agreed; they should probably start making their way to the construction site. “Do you want to ‘port us there, or shall we take the scenic route?”

She pretended to think for a moment, but had already made up her mind, “The scenic route.”

Bending down and picking up the boy’s blazer from the ground, she folded it neatly over her arm. “I want to avoid manual labor as long as I can,” The redhead expressed with a laugh, “Besides, I’m sure Katja can handle things until we get there.” She inclined her head in the direction they needed to head in. “Let’s go, dude. We’ll stop by the dorms on our way.”

As the pair began their walk, alone once more, Aurora couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the various conversations going on around them. Campus was abuzz with chatter surrounding the ceremony and the Foundation’s presence, and although she didn’t want to trigger another panic attack, it was hard to avoid the elephant in the room. “What do you think is going to happen?” She looked up at Lorcán, “The Foundation operates so differently, everyone knows that.”

“I’ll be honest with you, I’m scared.” The redhead revealed, looking down at her loafers as they moved along the paved pathway, “I don’t want things to change, I like them the way that they are.”
The Previous Evening
As Aurora became aware of her surroundings, the first thing she noticed was how warm she was. It was a comforting kind of heat, almost as if someone had wrapped her in a blanket on a cold day. Her ears began to recognize the noises around her, not specific words, just chatter, along with the crash of the waves and the crackle of the remaining embers of a fire.


A familiar voice broke through the haze and a firm but gentle hand rocked her awake. “Rora, hey, sleepy-head, everyone is turning in for the night. Can I walk you to your dorm, lady dude?”

The redhead’s eyes opened slowly, warily. It took her a minute to adjust, but after a moment she remembered where she was; they were around the campfire on the beach. The last thing that came to mind about the evening was hearing everyone’s plans post-grad, and given that the pile of driftwood in the center was now mainly ashes, some time had passed since then.

Not only had she fallen asleep, but she quickly realized that she had dozed off on Lorcán, who was the one waking her up, her head resting on his shoulder and her body tucked underneath his arm comfortably. No wonder she had been so warm. Aurora sat up in a groggy daze, “Oh god, I’m so sorry,” she started, moving the strands of copper hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear, “I didn’t mean to. I was so tired from not sleeping well last night…I don’t even know how that happened though.” She tried to piece together how she had so carelessly let herself pass out, “I didn’t miss anything important, did I?”

“Don’t even sweat it,” Lorcán beamed, smiling as he helped her to her feet. “Just the usual conversations between the brahs and the bros. Amma even chirped up.” He added, hesitating slightly before continuing.

“Less positive stuff though, totally killed the vibe before my best bro gave it some sloppy mouth to mouth. She was just going on about how the world fears us and something about being trapped on the island. It really did harsh my mellow for a minute though.” Lorcán shook his head, underplaying just how much Amma's words had gotten to him.

“It was all chill, I’m sure by tomorrow it’ll be just a memory.” He added as the pair began to walk away from the beach. Aurora nodded lazily, still waking up from her slumber. She wiped her eyes and looked up at Lorcán.

“Yeah… just a memory.”

The walk was mostly quiet, Aurora still half asleep, but it was a comfortable silence, as it always was between the two. Upon returning to her dorm, the redhead quickly fell back asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She hadn’t even bothered to change out of her sweatshirt which still smelled like the smoky campfire, subtly reminiscent of something else. Someone else.

It was the best sleep she had gotten in weeks.


| Tuesday, September 5th, 2028
| 0600 Hours

Right foot, left foot. Right foot, left foot.

The first light of sunrise kissed the horizon and Aurora was already on the move. Her breath formed tiny clouds in the chill of the air as her legs beat a steady rhythm on the ground. The redhead liked running; it was a solitary sport and the only person she was up against was herself. As much as she hated the early wakeups during the school year, she preferred to go when the Island was still and quiet before the hustle and bustle of the day began. Her route varied depending on her mood, but the nature trails north of campus along the coastal cliffs were her favorite, which is where she found herself this morning.

It was humid with dense clouds rolling in overhead, indicating a storm was brewing. Luckily for her, if it started to downpour, she could be back at her dorm in no time at all. But nevertheless, she picked up speed, winding with the natural pathway carved through the trees. The wind was to her back, pushing her along, and upbeat music played through her headphones to help maintain her pace. Sweat gathered at her brow and as she approached the furthest point of the trail, her mind danced through a myriad of thoughts, unraveling her emotions like tangled threads. Each heavy exhale allowed her to release the tension she felt, and each deep inhale brought her more peace.

As she reached the crest of the hill and the lookout over the cliffs, she took off her headphones and let the crash of the surf and the whistle of the breeze become her soundtrack. On a clear day, you could normally see the vague outline of the mainland, but fog engulfed the sightlines and the sea stretched out into nothingness.

In that moment, Aurora pretended that the real world didn’t exist at all.

Location: Myotis Dorm ➜ Mess Hall ➜ Chimera’s Lair - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.046: Calm Before the Storm
Interaction(s): Lorcán @Lord Wraith, Harper @Qia, Haven @Skai, Calliope @PatientBean
Previously: Dreaming

Aurora did an efficient turnaround upon returning from her run; a shower, followed by a quick breakfast with her roommates in their shared kitchen, before changing into her outfit for the day. She was looking forward to wearing her uniform for the first time this school year, but inevitably the novelty would fade a few weeks into the semester like it always did. Today she chose to represent her house, pairing the muted purple blouse with the matching tartan skirt and nude tights. She was fortunate that Myotis’ color suited her copper hair and fair skin. Had she been in Strigidae or Canis she would definitely have felt otherwise.

Looking at the time, she did a final check of herself in the mirror, fussing with her natural waves and slipping on her loafers, before heading out the door and making her way to the Community Farm to complete her contribution before the ceremony. Aurora’s task today was simple, watering the plot of perennial flowers that were to be used for the senior dance, but as she did so all she could think about was yesterday’s fiasco. Hopefully the dust had settled and everyone had gotten over the awkwardness, but that was possibly wishful thinking.

Before she knew it, the redhead was done with her responsibilities and approaching the Mess Hall, easily spotting her teammates who were gathered around their faculty advisor, Tad. She gave him a wave before joining the group, arriving just in time to catch a glimpse of Lorcán’s bright red boxers. She quickly turned her head and averted her gaze, half to give him some privacy, half to hide the blush that immediately appeared on her face. Fortunately, the group began walking towards the Stadium, which gave her the chance to return back to her normal color without anyone noticing. Once they entered Chimera’s Lair, she fell into step beside the brown haired boy and took her usual seat next to him.

As the ceremony began, Aurora stood and hummed along with the national anthem. Although it technically wasn’t her own, she liked to join in to some extent as she had been living in Canada nearly as long as she had been in the states. She felt she owed the country something, at the very least her respect, for providing her safe asylum all these years. The redhead paid attention as Jim - well, now Chancellor O’Neill - approached the microphone and started to speak.

“It was here on this island that I found not only a family, but also a home. This island, this school and its campus, it is my hope that each of you find it just as welcoming now as I did then. I hope that you look at the people beside you, the people you share a dorm with and you see not only friends, but people who you can rely on and trust indiscriminately.”

Family. Home.

The words struck a chord. It was silly how such small words affected her, how they made her feel. The concept of a family and a home had always remained a complex and unresolved issue for Aurora. She was often torn between the yearning for roots and the fear of being uprooted once more. The familiarity of Dundas Island and the friendships she cultivated on campus provided a semblance of belonging, yet a lingering unease persisted within her. The very notion of family and home seemed elusive, a distant dream slipping through her fingers, and more often than not she questioned what those words truly meant. If she’d ever find meaning in them.

“Given the current societal climate, circumstances beyond our control have conspired to invalidate our accreditations. To be straight with y’all, Pacific Royal has recently lost its accreditations for our degree programs in the engineering, law and medical fields. Students currently completing those will graduate with a degree not recognized for career certifications.”


Even though Harper was the only one to blurt something out, she heard Calliope suck in a breath, no doubt the blonde’s legal dreams flashing before her eyes, and saw Haven’s brow furrow, the winged girl trying to figure out how this affected her. In fact, all around them students were reacting to the news in different ways.

Of course it was disheartening. The degree Aurora had worked so hard towards over the past 4 years - all the late nights in the library, the endless juggling of responsibilities, the stressful days of back to back classes - would be for nothing. But, at the same time, she didn’t have as much to lose as the others. Her future plans were still up in the air; she wasn’t even sure if she’d ever leave the Islands, ever even want to. So, as disappointing as this was to the redhead, she could, and would, manage. A small part of her even sighed in relief knowing she had more time to figure this whole thing out. But for her friends, her teammates, it was another story.

Aurora could see Lorcán’s demeanor shift out of the corner of her eye- the way his grip tightened around the base of his seat and the redness that appeared on his face. She had only seen him angry a few times since she’d known him, so for him to be reacting this way was not taken lightly.

“As many of you are already aware, the Alexandria Foundation is here this year to audit Pacific Royal and to bring it up to our standards. We’re interested in acquiring this school and helping it move past that, what would you call it Mr. O’Neil? Little faux-pas with your previous Chancellor.”

Aurora gasped, her hand moving to cover her mouth, the hairs standing up on her neck. For that woman to boil the unthinkable and unspeakable time in Pacific Royal’s history down to, as she called it, a ‘faux-pas’, shook the redhead to her core. She remembered every detail of that fateful day on the Plateau, as did everyone who was on campus then. The damage and the fallout would be etched into her memory and heart forever.

"I'll give her a really nice Pacific Royal Welcome after this."

"Whoever she is, I hate her. If she thinks I'm doing anything to make her life easier here, she has another thing coming."

As the ceremony came to a close, the entire stadium shocked into an uncomfortable silence, the redhead turned to Lorcán, knowing how deep the situation cut for him and his family. However, she found herself looking up at him as he shot up out of his seat not even before Jim had dismissed them.

“I think I need some air.”

Aurora couldn’t react quickly enough to stop him. “Lorcán, wait,” She called after him, but it was lost in the mix of the shocked chatter and chaos around them. She looked around at her teammates as things concluded, taking in everyone’s ranging emotions all at once. Some sat there stoic or confused while others were just as upset as Lorcán was. Her eyes fell to Tad, who was also trying to assess the situation, and as they made eye contact, he inclined his head towards the exit where Lorcán had just fled. She nodded, understanding without a word needing to be spoken, “I’ll go after him. We’ll meet you at the Plateau.”

The redhead focused her mind and visualized where she wanted to go, and in an instant, she was gone.

Teleporting didn’t feel like much. Sometimes she could make out the vague sensation of her body being pulled elsewhere, but most of the time it was more of a weightlessness. Like the way your stomach feels at the top of a roller coaster before gravity kicks in. As soon as her feet felt the cushion of the grass outside of the stadium, her eyes darted around frantically, looking for Lorcán. It didn’t take long for her to find him, pacing and moving his hands as if he was playing his bass, tapping his right thumb against his belt and his left hand working an invisible fretboard. Aurora sighed, relieved, and closed the distance between them.


It was pointless to ask if he was okay; it was evident that he was not. Visually, his shoulders were taut and tense, and as she searched his eyes, she noticed they were darker than usual. Even the air around him was higher in temperature. She gently tried to place a hand on his arm, not wanting to set him off, but quickly recoiled after feeling how hot his skin was to the touch.

“Hey, hey, breathe, talk to me.”
Timestamp: Between 7:00am and 7:30am
Location: BHHS Art Room ➜ Homeroom
Starring: Tatum Sterling
The art room was hidden in the east wing of Beverly Hills High School, nestled away from the hustle and bustle of the main corridor. It was a secluded sanctuary for all who ventured there, tucked into the far end of the ground floor past the hum of everyday academic life. The walls were adorned with splashes of color, a tapestry of eclectic work from past and present students, and tall, wide windows filled the studio with natural exposure. Paintbrushes stood poised in jars, waiting to bring blank canvases to life and the scent of paint hung in the air, endless tubes of acrylics strewn across the brown paper covered benches.

Mornings were Tatum’s favorite time to be in the studio, specifically when the rays of early light from the sunrise streamed in, illuminating the space in warm hues of yellow and orange. It also never hurt to have the room to herself so she could work in peace, most students not willing to wake up that early to make progress on their projects. The brunette sat pensively in front of her easel and canvas, her wavy hair held back from her eyes by a navy bandana. She gazed critically at her nearly completed painting, nitpicking the smallest of details to ensure it was up to her high standards.

The piece showcased a girl’s reflection in a broken mirror. Painted fragments of glass covered the canvas, with different slivers of facial features scattered across the shards- lips, teeth, nose and freckled porcelain skin. Adding a few final brustrokes, Tate sighed, wiping her hands on her paint stained jeans. The girl looked deeply into the mirror she had positioned next to her station before turning it towards the wall, no longer needing the reference of her own face for the self portrait. She rarely made herself the subject of her paintings, preferring to choose her friends or family to base her work around. Recently though, she had been feeling some type of way, and she often found that the best way to cope and process was to look at her own inner turmoil from a creative lens.

In the simplest terms, it was an abstract depiction of the dilemma the teenager found herself in, but at its essence, the canvas detailed the fragmented nature of her identity and her struggle to reconcile external expectations with internal authenticity. She had always been torn between being the person her mother expected and told her to be and figuring out the person she truly wanted to be. It was a weight that was getting harder to bear each day. In her youth, it was easier to conform to the rigid standards imposed upon her, but as she approached adulthood it became much more challenging to control the dissonance between her perception of self and her actual reality. In the painting, she had utilized cooler toned shades- blues, teals, pinks, and taupes- to evoke the sense of detachment and melancholy she felt.

The clicking of heels echoed on the linoleum tiles and bounced off of the walls of the empty room, indicating someone’s imminent approach. Tatum turned and made eye contact with Mrs. Gibson, the art teacher, offering her a warm smile. Mrs. Gibson was always polished and had a certain air of sophistication about her. Maybe it was the many years she had spent out east as an art curator for some of the top galleries in Manhattan that informed her poise. She held herself with pride, each step strong and deliberate.

“Morning, Mrs. Gibson,” Tate chimed, setting down her paintbrush on her palette, “Thanks for lending me the studio keys again so I could come in before homeroom,” The brunette reached down to open her backpack and fished around until she found the keychain that she was looking for, “I really appreciate it.” She expressed, extending her arm out to return it to the older woman.

Shaking her head, Mrs. Gibson motioned for Tatum to take back her outstretched hand. “Please hold onto them, I insist.” She stated, “I had an extra set made so you could keep those, I’m not sure why I didn’t do it sooner given how often we do this dance.” The woman leaned up against one of the benches, eyes drifting towards the canvas propped on the easel.

“Are you sure? I couldn’t take these… besides, I’m sure the administration would freak out if they knew a student had the keys to a classroom.” The voice of reason in Tatum’s head (and the avid rule follower in her) sounded an alarm, the girl letting those thoughts become words that fell from her lips.

“Ms. Sterling, you are one of the most promising students to come through my studio in years. Nothing would bring me more happiness than to grant you the ability to come and go as you pleased. How else will you continue to hone your craft?” Mrs. Gibson affirmed before moving closer to inspect the painting more intentionally, “You’ve outdone yourself with this one, Tatum, it’s exquisite. Any specific meaning behind it?”

“It’s uh…” The brunette started, attempting to find the right words, unsure of how to explain the innermost workings of her psyche. “It’s personal, but I guess I could summarize-”

“No, no, dear. That’s quite alright.” The older woman could sense Tatum’s unease and dropped the question all together. With a sigh, Mrs. Gibson clasped her hands together behind her back, “Art is, in my opinion, a therapeutic outlet. I only hope that you were able to find some resolve for whatever this piece was based on.”

Tatum cocked her head, looking at the painting, and then back to her teacher. “I think so, at least momentarily.” She replied, not sure if that was true, or just something she was saying to deviate the subject. Hoping for a reprieve, the girl tapped her phone to check the time, realizing she should probably start heading to class. Quickly and efficiently, she brought her brushes and palette over to the sink to rinse them off for the next student to use. “I better get going, the bell is going to ring in a few minutes and the last thing I need is Ms. Honeycutt to write me up again.”

The brunette gathered her belongings before shifting the easel back towards the wall so no one would bump into it. “Thank you again, I’ll be back later. Between you and me, I might ditch the pep rally.” She laughed, “I’m not really the school spirit type, as you could probably guess.” Tate motioned to her lack of red and black clothes, not one to dress in theme like some of her peers.

Mrs. Gibson chuckled, but nodded, “Quite alright, but you might surprise yourself, maybe this year will be the year you find a reason to join in on the fun.”

“Doubtful, but I appreciate the vote of confidence.” The teenager smirked, turning on her heel and heading for the door. She wondered if that was possible, but shook off the notion and just took it as wishful thinking.

“And Tatum,” Mrs. Gibson called after the brunette, the girl stopping in her tracks and spinning around to face her, “I trust you and I know you’re responsible, so I know you wouldn’t do such a thing, but please don’t let anyone else use those keys. I shouldn’t need to say it, but you know that some students would abuse that kind of privilege.”

Tatum nodded sharply, understanding completely. “Of course, you have nothing to worry about Mrs. G.” The girl reassured her teacher before continuing out of the art room and towards her homeroom. She bobbed and weaved her own path through the busy hallways, giving most of her peers a wide berth and staying out of the way of more bold personalities.

Within minutes she had arrived at Mr. Phoenix’s room, the clock reading 7:27am. She was on time without being the first one there, just how she liked it. Tatum took her usual seat on the left side, closest to the window; she tended to avoid the back of the class as well as the front, preferring to sit in the middle where eyes didn’t tend to linger. Getting situated, she reached down into her bag and grabbed her sketchbook and pencils, opening to a fresh page and beginning to draw whatever next crossed her mind.
TIMESTAMP: Between 7:00am and 7:20am
Stella Manning & Ramón Montoya
@Melissa & @Aces Away


Stella had spent this morning, like most mornings, in front of her mirror.

The blonde always took ample time to primp and preen before school to ensure she looked her best, and today was no exception. There was something about dressing to a theme that she loved, and as it was the last day of spirit week, she wanted to go out with a bang. Stella knew how to stand out from the crowd, that was for sure.

Her makeup was flawless as usual, and her hair was meticulously curled (and promptly brushed out) to create loose effortless waves that cascaded over her shoulders. The outfit was all Mo - a red checkered skirt with a red striped long sleeve shirt, black knee high boots, complete with a shiny black belt.

The only thing missing now? Caffeine.

Oh, and Ramón. Which is what led Stella to lay on her car horn outside of his house, hoping the boy would hurry the fuck up so they could make a coffee stop before school. One would think that because they lived only a few doors down, they chose to carpool for the environmental benefits. Those who thought that would be wrong - it was purely for gossip purposes.

The blonde honked again, this time earning some dirty looks from their less than friendly neighbors. Stella shot them daggers back, beginning to tap the wheel with her painted nails impatiently.

Ramón came strutting out of his front door less than ten seconds after she started her honking, dressed to the nines in deep red dress pants and matching suit jacket over a soft black and white floral sketched button up. Black dress socks peeked out from white shoes and he rounded the outfit out with dark tortoise shell framed sunglasses. He had his signature bitch face in place as he ducked down to the open window to stare at his childhood ride or die, dipping the sunglasses down on his face to expose his dark judgmental eyes accentuated by black winged eyeliner and shimmering red shadow.

“This is why Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson hate you,” He spoke plainly before opening the door and sliding in without another thought, putting his bookbag in her backseat but keeping his small clutch with his upkeep items next to him, turning fully in his seat to glare at her. “Where the fuck is your eyeshadow, bitch, do you want your face washed out against all the color around it? You can look your normal level of hot any other time but this is spirit week and I had rules,” He unzipped his clutch and pulled out his palette and brush as well as a tissue. He laid the tissue across his hand, ever mindful of the makeup that she did have on, and extended his covered thumb and forefinger towards her expectantly and waited for her to rest her face there. “Why do you hate me?”

Stella raised an eyebrow with a devilish glint in her eye, taking Ramón’s comment merely as a challenge. She promptly rolled down the rear two windows before cranking the volume of her music almost as loud as it could go, yes, and? blasting through the car’s speakers.

“Let them hate me then,” she smirked at her best friend, “and if they want to kill me, they can get in line. Katie Callaghan has been waiting too damn long to get rid of me herself for those geezers to get a free pass.”

She found herself shaking her head as Mo commented on her lack of eyeshadow. Always a perfectionist, always particular. But, she obliged and humored him, obediently moving her face to sit in his tissue covered grasp. “If you make me look like I have the flu or some other venereal disease with that red eyeshadow instead of the vixen that I am, you can get your perky ass out of this car and walk.”

“And have you look like a hooker walking next to me in the halls?” Mo looked offended that she would even suggest he would fail at his task. “Absolutely not.” The next couple minutes were spent getting her eyeshadow just right while his geriatric neighbors glared at them from their window. Just as he’d finished and settled into his seat to get his seatbelt on, his oldest sister Rosa came barrelling out the front door and towards the car, her hair a wild mess and a look of murder on her face.

“Shit, we woke her up. Go. Gogogo,” He stressed to Stella, only relaxing when they’d safely left his driveway with his sister flipping them off in the rearview. He leaned back and let out a little laugh with his sigh of relief. “She would have killed us.”

“Oh please, like I would have let that happen.” The blonde reassured, navigating her Audi down side streets until they hit the main road. She checked her reflection in the rearview as they approached a stoplight, satisfied with Ramón’s handiwork. He was always right, even though she hated admitting it, the red eyeshadow bringing a warmth and color to her face that her mixed print outfit had stolen prior. “What’s even up with her lately, she’s been so moody. Stella commented, taking the opportunity to look her friend in the eye as she turned right.

“Fucking elections are next month and I'm pretty sure she hasn't slept in like a week, which mean no one has slept in like a week, it's killing my complexion,” he answered honestly, checking his black and red nail polish carelessly. Papá isn't helping of course, too busy on the shaking hands and kissing babies route to really follow everything she wants him to do to ensure his spot, so it's crunch time for her,” he looked his friend dead in the eye before she had to put her attention back on the road and smirked. He may love and respect his family but he is still the youngest of four kids, and he takes his revenge from life with his siblings any moment he can get. “She had just fallen asleep an hour ago, I was supposed to wake her up fifteen minutes after the fact but she just looked so comfy with her face smushed into the couch cushion that I couldn't bear to wake her.”

Ramón wiped a fake tear from his eye before laughing and pulling out his phone and bringing up his images. The first picture was of his oldest sister doing her best unconscious impression of Anna from frozen, hair a mess despite the short time laying down, drool coming out of the corner of her mouth and one arm slung over her head while the other was crushed beneath her body. He waved the phone teasingly at his friend as she pulled into the drive thru.

“Want to see?”

“Someone really needs to get that girl a Xanax. I’d be happy to, you can tell her I said that.” Stella stated matter of factly, pressing firmly on the brake as they fell into the line of cars awaiting their caffeine fix. Growing up together meant that Ramón’s family had practically become an extension of her own. His parents were like a bonus set, and as for his siblings, well, she was just as judgemental and mean to them as if they were her own blood. It was the blonde’s own fucked up and unconventional way of showing affection. “Of course I want to see.”

She took Ramón’s phone from his hand, zooming in on the first photo and dissolving into a laugh. “You should have drawn something on her face with that bulletproof liquid liner you made me try once, why didn’t you?” She scrolled to the next one, which was almost funnier than the first. “God, she’s out cold.” Stella continued to peruse the images until a loud honking came from behind them, interrupting. She scoffed before whipping around to face the offender, a woman no more than 40 years old gesturing that the cars ahead of them had moved, implying they were holding up the line.

Stella flipped her off, absolutely unbothered, turning back around and stepping on the gas “Fucking Karen,” she spat, pulling up to the intercom. “Hi, yes, princess here will have a venti light iced almond milk Dirty Chai, blonde ristretto shots, 2 extra shots affogato, whipped cream with dolce powder on top.” She practically gagged as the words left her mouth, Ramón’s complicated order never ceasing to revolt her, “And I’ll have a nitro cold brew. Black.”

She paused, going back and forth in her mind on something. With a sigh, she spoke into the intercom once more. “And a chai latte, shot of espresso on the side.” Stella put the car back into drive and looped to the other side of the building where their drinks would be waiting.

Mo was now staring intently at the side of his friend’s face with a raised eyebrow, completely unbelieving that he had just heard her order a drink for someone not in the car and a bit annoyed that he knew who it was for. Putting that on the backburner until he could get her other comments out of the way, he addressed the first matter.

Reina stole that eyeliner from me when she went off on her last tour and I haven’t seen it since. It’s fine, I stole her leather skirt while she was gone and she hasn’t noticed yet,” Ramón dismissed, returning his phone to his clutch and closing the bag. “Girl if you make that face while ordering my drink one more time I will hold you down by your hair and force it down your throat. Not everyone can handle things as bitter and dark as you are,” he slid the sunglasses down his nose to once again stare at her from over top the frames, eyebrow raised. “Although it looks like you’ll need the caffeine if you want to keep up your energy to run that race,” he hinted towards the third drink, which was not something he was kind enough to just ignore, especially when it was basically his fault she had the other person to buy the drink for in the first place.

Candy King faux pas for sure.

“Looking for a quickie before school or should I text Cael that you aren’t making it to homeroom?”

Stella was wholly unphased by Mo’s stare, rolling her eyes in response as they pulled up to the window. It was no secret that her friend had strong feelings about her relationship status, and she knew he was going to give her shit as soon as she decided to order an extra coffee, but the blonde didn’t bother entertaining the subject. The all too chipper employee handed her the four cups on a tray, which she promptly passed over to Ramón so that she could pay. Grabbing her purse, she opened her wallet and handed over her Platinum card. The childhood besties weren’t the type to split the bill and/or request funds from the other. They simply operated on an alternating basis, taking turns paying for coffee, lunch, and drinks, fully knowing that at some point they’d be even.

Slipping the metal card back into her wallet, Stella pulled out of the drive thru and back out onto the road. “Neither, I’m just setting myself up for success this weekend.” Of course, the blonde always had an agenda, most of it self-serving, but an agenda nonetheless. No acts of kindness were out of the goodness of her heart, and as it was her last homecoming weekend, it had to be perfect. Which meant she was hoping a certain someone would cooperate and be on his best behavior.

“Speaking of, I’m still coming over after school so we can make sure my dress doesn’t need any alterations, right? I want to see it already.”

“I supposed I've no one to blame but myself,” Ramón sighed dramatically before taking a long sip of his delicious beverage. It was his fault for setting the two up together so he really did have to suck it up, but he was still making his feelings known. When he set them up it had been under the impression from all parties that this would not last, And it seems Ramón is the only one that remembers that part of the memo. “Of course you are, you impatient brat,” he responded to her following question with a judgmental eye roll and a scoff. “Perfection leads up to the last minute, but both fortunately and un- for both of us- I know your body and measurements so well that I only need you for the final fitting. Keeps me from having you breath over my shoulder like a rabid dog while I'm trying to create my masterpieces.”

“I may be a brat but I am NOT impatient.” Stella countered, “I get that perfection can’t be rushed- look who you’re talking to- but you’re really down to the wire on this one even by my standards.” The blonde trusted her bestie when it came to all things fashion. She was his biggest supporter and was always left in awe by his creations. But that didn’t change the fact that he was taking his sweet ‘ol time with her homecoming dress.

Before they knew it, Stella was pulling her Audi into the parking lot of Beverly Hills High School, rolling up the windows and turning down the music. The blonde took one last look in her rearview mirror, tousling her hair and applying some lip gloss, before taking the coffee tray from Mo’s hands which held the 3 remaining cups. Stepping out of the car, she grabbed her backpack from the backseat and threw it over her shoulder, locking the door once Ramón had gathered his belongings. She gestured to her complete look before doing a small twirl. “Up to your standards, Edna?”

“Of course it is, darling,” Ramón replied in mock offense with his best Edna Mode impression, hand held up limply in front of his chest with his elbow resting on the arm around his midsection. “I put it together for you after all, and I'm a genius,” he held the condescending pose for another moment before the playful smirk broke through on his lips and he moved forward to link elbows with his bestie for the restie and they began to strut toward the school in unison. “Now, let's show these bitches how it's done.”

As they walked, Stella took stock of their surroundings, her black boots clicking satisfyingly along the pavement as she and Mo approached the double doors. A few football players stood there chatting, and as she passed, she could hear their conversation shift, now revolving around her presence. The blonde liked the attention, in fact, she thrived on it, so when one of the players (ever a gentleman) went so far as to open the door for her and Mo, she smirked, winking at him before entering the school. “Is it just me, or are this year’s sophomores built like seniors...” she whispered closely to Ramón’s ear.

“Maybe,” Ramón replied, equally as quiet. “But I prefer someone that actually had the experience to handle me, not just someone that looks like he could,” he tightened the connection of their arms as they continued on, not needing to slip past people as they stepped out of his and Stella's path. “What good is all that muscle if they don't know what they're doing with it? Besides, they're so immature. I just heard one giggle when he saw your tits bouncing on that last step.”

The blonde rolled her eyes, “I guess, but their brains are like putty at that age, you can mold them to be whatever you want,” Stella commented, “Hotness is bestowed, everything else can be taught.”

The two made their way through the building with relative ease, reaching the hallway where Stella’s home room was. Still a few minutes early, she removed her arm from Ramón’s and leaned against the set of lockers outside of the classroom. She held the coffee tray with one hand, and pulled out her phone with the other, shooting a quick text.

To: Hoe
Got you coffee… felt like being nice today. Shocking, I know.
Meet me before homeroom if you want it.

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.032: Dreaming
Interaction(s): Lorcán @Lord Wraith, Haven @Skai
Previously: No Sunburn Required

The air had cooled off significantly as the late summer day rolled into night. The evening breeze kissed Aurora’s skin and wove gently through her copper locks, rustling them ever so slightly back and forth. The campfire danced in the center of the encircled Team Blackjack, illuminating the surrounding sand in hues of red and orange. All was tranquil and serene as they sat together talking, Aurora simply trying to keep her eyes open long enough to participate in the conversation.

She was exhausted, practically fighting herself to stay awake and alert. A combination of spending nearly the full day out in the sun and the lack of sleep from the night before was definitely catching up with her and taking its toll. She had no desire to doze off in front of everyone, but the sound of the waves crashing against the surf and the crackling of the flames were a symphony to Aurora’s ears, lulling the redhead into a quiet calm. Not to mention, Lorcán’s presence directly beside her had the same relaxing effect. The familiar citrus and clove notes of his cologne seemed to wrap around her reassuringly, and his subtle underlying smoky scent never overpowered, but instead added a layer of warmth and security.

“Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

The brown haired boy was unintentionally opening a can of worms with his simple and straightforward query. Graduation was looming over the whole group and the clock was ticking, which begged the question, what was Aurora going to do next? The short answer was that she had no idea. The redhead found herself dissociating as she stared out at the ocean, having already spent hours pondering the very issue at hand over the previous summer months.

It’s not that she didn’t have aspirations; she loved being a psychology major and wanted to pursue something in the field, she just didn’t know exactly what yet. On the one hand, she thought she’d make a great psychotherapist one day; she could use her charismatic nature to support young Hyperhumans as they developed and tackled difficult situations, especially those who were in the system. Another part of her wanted to become a professor or teacher at PRCU, so she could teach future generations of Hyperhumans while conducting research of her own on the side. Either way, she just wanted to contribute positively to the quality of Hyperhuman life. What didn’t hurt was that both options would afford her the opportunity and give her cause to remain on Dundas Island. Something about going back out into the world worried her; Aurora craved consistency and stability and she feared she’d never find that anyplace else.

She was brought out of her thoughts by gentle fingers brushing against her ear, and she turned to meet Lorcán’s gaze. The contact might have been brief but the redhead found herself leaning into his touch. She gave him a sleepy smile, “Thank you,” she replied softly, only loud enough for him to hear as he went on to tell everyone of his plans.

"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career." Haven’s voice carried into the circle as she joined the conversation, Rory not far behind her, "It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me." She shrugged, the comment having a more severe meaning than her demeanor reflected, "If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."

The comment hit deeper than the winged girl probably realized or intended, and Aurora couldn’t help but glance back at Lorcán to see his reaction at the promise of adventure. She knew quite well that he had intentions of traveling and seeing the world, everyone knew that by now, but the redhead still didn’t like to think about a not so distant future where he would no longer be around. She wanted the best for him, wanted him to be happy and hoped he’d fulfill his wanderlust dreams.

Selfishly though, she wanted him to stay.

Shaking off her unease, Aurora chimed in, “I’m still trying to figure out my plan for after graduation. My guess is I’ll-” The redhead paused, lifting her hand to cover her mouth as she was overcome by the urge to yawn, though she had tried to hold it at bay. Her eyes watered slightly in response, and she wiped at them with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. “Sorry. I was going to say that I’m guessing I’ll live in the Alumni Village for a while, at least until I figure out my next move, I’m in no rush.”

Aurora tried her best to pay attention as her teammates continued to divulge their life plans, but felt the heaviness of her tired eyes growing. She yawned again, and the next thing she knew, she found herself leaning to her left, resting her head on Lorcán’s shoulder and letting her eyelids flutter shut. She relaxed into the brown haired boy and a few moments later, the steady ride and fall of her chest indicated that she had drifted off, her breathing going slow and even.
Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.027: No Sunburn Required
Interaction(s): Rory @Webboysurf, Lorcán @Lord Wraith, Calliope @PatientBean, Gil @Roman, Haven @Skai, and Pallyx @Bartimaeus
Previously: I Could Use a Drink

It wasn’t lost on Aurora that Rory’s face seemed to fall at the mention of his brother, his smile fading as soon as the words left her mouth. Oh god, she had said something wrong, didn’t she...

Great job, Rora, way to upset Lorcán’s best friend.

The redhead mentally kicked herself as she attempted to discern what part of the innocent question had troubled Blackjack’s resident golden retriever. She rapidly replayed past conversations the two had had to find an answer, but every stray thought in her brain quieted as soon as she looked up into Lorcán’s sunset-colored eyes. His presence always had a calming effect on her; something about him being there seemed to ground her, which helped her reel in the little voice in the back of her mind. Maybe it was because she felt more comfortable around him than most, or maybe it was just because their friendship was so solid. She barely noticed Rory in her peripheral vision as he approached and injected himself into their forming conversation.

"Hey Red, Hot Shot over here just reminded me... there's this senior dance after the Homecoming Trials. You want to go?"

Aurora nearly got whiplash from how quickly her head spun.

Her eyebrows raised as she looked at Rory, genuine confusion etched into her features. Was she hearing things, or did he just ask her to the senior dance? She could hear Haven choke on her seltzer behind her, confirming that those were indeed the words that had just left his mouth. The redhead looked back to Lorcán, silently hoping that he had a reasonable explanation for this, but he seemed almost as confused as she was. He whispered something to Rory that she couldn’t make out over the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears.

It wasn’t that Aurora didn’t want to go to the dance. In fact, she felt quite the opposite. She was excited about the celebration after the Homecoming Trials and had been looking forward to it for weeks. There was something nice about getting all dressed up and having an evening dedicated to their class’ accomplishments and spending time together in a less studious environment. But all things considered, she was apprehensive about the idea of going with someone. The redhead felt that there was all sorts of pressure associated with having a date and she didn’t know if it was something she even had the capacity for.

Lorcán’s eyes found hers again and tried as she might, she couldn’t read them. “Uh, we’ll definitely talk later,” His smile did not reveal much, although, she knew it wasn’t his normal goofy grin, “I’ll be sure to find Ripley to introduce you,” The warmth of his touch radiated down to the bottom of her toes and lingered even after he removed his hand from her shoulder.

No, no, no, where are you going? Don’t leave me here!

But for the second time today, the next thing she knew, Lorcán had less than gracefully plummeted backwards over the cooler as he attempted to exit, melting most of the ice and taking a few of the drinks with him. The redhead gasped, her eyes darting between the two men in front of her, unsure of how to proceed. One waited expectantly for an answer, while the other had resigned to their fate. Not wanting to embarrass the orange eyed boy more than he probably already was, she glanced at the former.

“Oh god, uh, Rory, I…” Aurora stuttered, still reeling from his previously aforementioned question and the fact that Lorcán lay on the ground no more than a yard from them. She felt her face grow hot as she spoke, no doubt she was turning into a tomato. “I-I don’t think I’m going to go with anyone to the dance. You’re really sweet to ask me, but I don’t think the whole ‘date to the dance’ thing is, well, my thing.”

She moved to help Lorcán up, but Calli appeared and beat her to the punch. The redhead recoiled, and with nowhere else to direct her attention to, looked back at Rory and in a moment of panic, attempted to elaborate her previous statement, “You should ask someone else though, I’m sure whoever you ask will say yes… I mean, I didn’t say yes, but someone other than me will! And I didn’t not say yes because I don’t like you or anything-” She was rambling. How embarrassing.

"All good. Let me fix this."

“-I’m uh, just going to stop talking now.” Aurora shut her mouth promptly, standing there like a deer in headlights as Calliope inserted herself, refreezing the contents of the cooler. The redhead made eye contact with the blonde as she whisked Rory away, something like knowing in her eyes as she waved. The two of them had never seemed to truly hit it off, but in that moment she was thankful that someone else was stepping in to diffuse the situation or at least change the subject.

Aurora turned to where Lorcán had just been, hoping to talk to him and smooth things over, but again, someone else had moved quicker. She realized that Gil had swooped in and moved them away from the group, no doubt wanting to chat about what had just transpired, that she had just rejected their friend. The girl’s head was spinning, everything was moving so fast.

She swallowed, her mouth dry once more. Taking a long swig of her seltzer, she looked to Haven and Pallyx, an unmistakable flush covering her face and neck.

“Can someone tell me what just happened?”

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.0016: I Could Use a Drink
Interaction(s): Harper @Qia, Mei @Garden Gnome, Gil @Roman, Lorcán @Lord Wraith, Rory @Webboysurf, Haven @Skai
Previously: Sights and Sounds

Harper’s lips curved upward involuntarily as Aurora’s voice floated toward her.

“Somebody has to keep these maggots in line,” she quipped, her hand sweeping across the beach to emphasize the scattered debris. The sun-drenched sand was still somewhat strewn with remnants of carelessness—discarded wrappers, forgotten plastic bottles, and the occasional abandoned flip-flop. “Or this place will be a disaster zone by the end of the day,” Harper added, her tone half-serious, half-teasing, “And don’t you dare say I’m being too hard on them. Someone has to remind them that this beach is more than just a playground. It’s a fragile ecosystem—a sanctuary for creatures big and small. Like...Kat and little Rothy. And I care immensely about both! So there!” She harrumphed with a pout before dissolving into giggles, Aurora joining her with a melodic laugh.

“I would never! You’re not wrong though… I’d be devastated if they ruined the beach.” Aurora commented as her mind drifted, thinking of the many evenings she’d spent sitting on the shore listening to the waves crash and letting her panic wash away. That, and the boy who’d often keep her company.

“In all seriousness,” Harper continued once she caught her breath, her eyes dancing, “you’re looking at PRCU's new and one and only lifeguard.” She struck a pose, hands on her hips, channeling her inner superhero. “Watch out, world! Harper’s on duty.”

The redhead was brought out of her nostalgic thoughts by her friend’s energetic excitement. “That’s great, Harper! I can’t think of anyone better for the job. It’s the perfect community contribution for you.”

Harper’s gaze shifted from the sun-kissed beach to the worn pages of her sketchbook at Aurora’s comment. “Thanks, Rora,” she replied, her voice soft. She traced the curve of the protagonist’s winged back with her fingertip. “I’ll have to add you to my list of subjects.”

“I’d love nothing more.” Aurora stated before turning to Mei, who had just joined them, giving the girl a welcoming wave as she sat down underneath their umbrella.

The redhead had never been great about being on the receiving end of compliments. Although she greatly valued the sentiment of someone going out of their way to say something nice about her, it was always a challenge to find the words to convey her appreciation properly. Throughout her time at PRCU she had gotten better at accepting them, but still, she much preferred to give a compliment rather than to get one herself. So, when Mei complimented her swimsuit, she did her best not to hesitate and simply offered the girl a genuine smile back.

“Thank you! I’m just really hoping I don’t burn to a crisp. Wouldn’t want to start off the semester on the wrong foot.”

Luckily for her, Gil’s approach took some of the pressure off by changing the subject. “Gil! It’s great to see you too.” She replied to his greeting. “Of course, this year is going to be one to remember, I just know it.”

It truly was hard for Aurora to believe that after 7 years, she was going to be graduating from Pacific Royal Collegiate & University. It had been a long and winding road, mostly bumpy, to get to this point, but she felt fortunate that all of the twists and turns had brought her here. Looking back, she was a completely different person now from when she had first stepped off that ferry as a skittish 12-year-old.

Almost as if on cue, the only person who was fully able to recognize how much she had grown, how much she had truly changed, ran across the beach. The boy who had been by her side through it all, the one who had crossed her mind only a few moments prior. The redhead watched as Lorcán threw a football back to Rory as he joined their group of Canis friends. Most of the girls she knew would have focused their attention on his toned torso or his strong arms, but Aurora found herself gazing at his sunset colored eyes and his bright smile.

While the majority of their current Blackjack cohort enrolled in the first year of University, Aurora and Lorcán had been there for the long haul since Collegiate. He’d been a constant for her since the beginning, and for a girl who only knew change her whole life, it meant everything.

Calli’s arrival caught Aurora’s eye, and she took her focus away from the brown haired boy for only a moment to greet the resident Ice Queen. But, clearly something happened in that split second, because when she looked back she found herself wincing as she watched Lorcán hit the ground with a thud. He might have been an athlete, but that didn’t mean he was always the most coordinated.

“Looks like Myotis could have a real shot at the Laurels this year…” She joked to Gil, blissfully unaware of what had actually caused the boy to take a football to the face. As he sprung up from the ground though, she let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. A small part of her felt at ease knowing he was okay.

And then Lorcán was looking their way, waving, and Aurora’s face flushed almost instantly as they made eye contact. Sure, they had seen each other over the summer a decent amount - they’d spent many nights together right here, on this very beach, like they always had - but for some reason, this felt different. Maybe it was because all of their friends were around, and yet, Lorcán’s attention seemed focused on only her.

Or maybe it was just a little hot outside and she was seeing things. Yeah, that was it. At least that’s what she told herself as her mouth grew dry. She needed water… or an alcoholic beverage.

Standing up, she brushed the sand off her legs. “I’m going to go grab a drink if anyone wants to come with me,” Aurora shared, the words seeming to catch in her throat just a tad, “Rory practically brought the whole liquor store with him.” She began to walk towards the group that had formed around the cooler, but as she made her way over, she couldn’t help but watch as Amma sauntered across the sand, power radiating outward with every step. The redhead felt goosebumps raise on her arms as the raven haired girl reduced an innocent shell to dust.

There was something off about her, and until Aurora could figure out what it was, she was going to give that girl a wide berth and keep her distance.

Shaking off the fear that had tightened her neck and shoulders, she continued on until she was in earshot of Rory, Haven, and Lorcán, easily maneuvering herself into the conversation. “Yeah, Rory, really sweet of you to think of everyone.” Aurora leaned down to grab a hard seltzer and cracked it open, taking a long swig. “Where’s your brother? Will, right?” She asked, having remembered that he was starting at PRCU this year. She then directed her attention to Haven and motioned to the cloudless sky “Perfect day, right? I saw you out there before, you looked like you were really enjoying yourself.”

Aurora’s left hand absentmindedly moved up to her necklace as she began to fiddle with the heart shaped charm along the gold chain. “Hi Lorcán,” she looked up at him with a smile, “Catch any good waves this morning?” She took another sip from the can in her right before continuing, knowing that the brown haired boy had kin of his own starting this year as well. He had told the redhead all about her over the last few months and how excited he was for his cousin to join him on campus. “And what about Ripley, is she here yet? I can’t wait to meet her.”
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