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9 yrs ago
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Got my post up, also... If we are going to go the two seperately teams route and kind of have them in competition with each other and what not as we go through the rp, we need to decide a few things.

1) who is going to be on which team and with who?

2) which team will go on which job? Are the teams going to go on jobs together? Which ones?

3) do we need to add to the plot arcs we have planned already to accommodate two teams?

I just want to make sure we all know what's going on ^.^

The moment when we split up in two teams both groups will essentially follow different story lines. I think the most important aspect when having two groups is that both groups have at least 1 player who is capable, active enough and willing to come up and manage the story lines for his group. Story lines do not always have to come from the same person in the group but it is important that both groups keep moving. You kind of want to avoid that one group is having the time of their lives while the other is lagging behind because no one feels comfortable in taking the lead story wise for their group. See it a bit as having one group headed by the gm and another by a co-gm. Both will need to communicate about when to persue different paths and how to tie both groups back together again to follow new plot lines.

The obvious pick for the first group manager is ofcourse @Noxxis. As GM he's in controll of story lines :)

For the other group I think having either @Animal, @Leslie Hall or @Milkman as a co-gm to drive the other groups story line. Those 3 players have a bit more presence in the IC/OOC compared to the others.

Once we have decided who is going to "lead" next to Noxxis we can look into what characters/players have great chemistry through roleplaying as a large group through the first story arc. Or we can make predetermined teams based on who we think will work together well :)
Renard Sournois


Interacting with:@Leslie Hall

The trip to the gambling hall was a rather pleasant one. Tristan is defenitly great company to have, talkative and not someone to shy away from asking personal questions. Having Tristan around make the walk up to the gambling hall much more fun. Both Renard and the bard had much more in common than they would have guessed at first sight.

The journey to the gambling hall took both wizards through what most would call the bad part of town. Worn out buildings, littered across the streets and the locals weary of outsiders. This part of Hargeon looked familiar to Renard. The young wizard himself had grown up in one of the lesser neighborhoods of Magnolia and knew the workings of the underclass. Renard was perfectly aware of the struggles these fellows had to go through on a daily basis and how their worldview was. If it wasn’t for his magic, the young wizard himself might have ended up like the fellow with the butterfly knife, although of less intimidating posture.

Just as their destination became in sight Tristan suddenly dragged the young wizard into some dark alley. “Hey, you might want to refrain from dragging young boys into dark alleys in public. Especially when you’re going to ask them to get into your shirt. It makes you look a little bit creepy” Said Renard with a big smile. He was confident that the bard meant no harm to him and the opportunity was to good not to make a joke about the somewhat awkward situation. But Tristan was right. The big scary dude in front of the door wasn’t there for show. You could bet that lots of his gang buddies would be inside, keeping an eye on their clientele or simply having a good time. Not to mention that such establishments as these where more often than not ‘adults only’. Renard’s small size and generally young appearance would make him stand out way to much in the crowd. “You’re right, I would attract too much attention in there. Luckily I am a natural when it comes to low profiles” Said the young wizard as he transformed himself back into a mouse and made its way up Tristan’s pants before getting comfortable in one of his shirts pockets.

The confined darkness of Tristan’s pocket did not bother Renard, in his mouse form his eyesight was remarkably poor anyway. However no sight, feeling or smell went unnoticed and it wasn’t for long before the young picked up the rather unpleasant odor of the buffoon at the front door. The stench of sweat and an unwashed mouth was rather penetrating. Without doubt the lad was standing for a while in the sun guarding the door. He definitely was not standing there for hospitality. The contraction of muscles and the screeching of bones combined with the fact that the bard wasn’t flying gave way that the brute was letting them in to the underground establishment.

The sounds of laughter, chatting and all kinds of gambling machines was overwhelming for the mouse sensitive ears. It took Renard a few seconds to focus his senses before he noticed a strange unpleasant feeling. As if there was some sort of unknown, sinister form of magic at play. It almost felt like there was some kind of spell cast on this place. “Do you feel that Tristan?” Whispered Renard from inside the Bard’s pocket. “It’s really strange but I suddenly feel in the mood to gamble and I never even considered to gamble in my entire life. I wished I had brought my savings. I could make so much money.”
@Noxxis I was thinking of putting an abbys chaser mage inside the gambling hall and then connect it to the story line of the missing persons. Would that work for you?
I have a bit of a busy weekend so i am not sure if i can get a post up before monday.
Cool :)
Aree @Raider Dog and @Jynmi88 still around?

My personal preference would be to have a slightly smaller group that is dedicated. That way players are less likely to have to wait for someone to post. For me it is not a necessity to keep the current group size (8). I think roleplays such as this one with the focus on a single group would work just as well with a smaller number of players. In the end it is your decision as GM and I am fine with adding new players :)
Havent heard anything :(
Renard Sournois


Interacting with:@Leslie Hall

The response of the Bard surpised Renard. The young wizard wasn't really used to people having such a positive response to his rather childish antics. Usually Renards pranks would just annoy the crap out of people or piss them off real good but the chap in front of him seemed to have had a good time as well. With a big smile on his face the shape-shifting wizard laughed "hahaha, it was a good show indeed. I can't believe they actually fell for it. I guess you stepping in reallye helped." Renard pauzed a but before returning the favour of a friendly punch to the shoulder as well. "It's actually nice to hear someone respond positive to my well uhm, sense of humor. Usually people go like 'cut the crap, start acting to your age' or 'when will you finaly grow up, you're 17 now'. Looks like not everyone becomes boring as they age." Renard accepted the hand Tristan offered with joy. It filled the young wizard with delight that he had the honor of meeting someone who wasn't annoyed of his often stupid pranks at first sight. "I am Renard, Renard Sournois of the Fairy Tail guild. My friends call me Renard or annoying brat."

After the exchange of pleasantries it was time to focus at the task at hand. It was clear that Renard wanted to do something about the situation but his current plan was nothing more then to do something about the situation. Now that the bard was tagging along the young wizard was forced at least a bit to think about what the actual plan would be. It's not like that he could go around kicking in doors, beat up bad guys and save the day. He's not the legendary Natsu Dragneel of past times. Not to mention that he could not afford to cause too much destruction either since the incident. As Renard started to walk towards the gambling hall he continued the converstation with Tristan/ "I kind of ran out of credit with the magic counsel for this year so I suggest that we move forward with a bit of caution. I don't want to stir up too much trouble. Lets pretent that we want to gamble, walk down the front door and see what we can find out about the place."
I've started working on my post. Will finish it tomorow. Time to sleep now :)
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