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3 yrs ago
Current I do be minty doh
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@Ryik The Ra Yellow student is done! Hopefully it all looks good; excited to get my guys movin' soon :D


Guys see if any of the images can suit you up! In any case we could try generating new ones.

Edit: I know the eyes look funny, but if you like any of the pictures I can try to make them look better. Just choose before I do the editing.

These look pretty good! I think among mine, the fifth and sixth ones resonate most with me. Eager to see what you can do with them!

Sorry for a late reply, but uh...Honestly, seeing what you were able to do for Blizz? I think that can actually work lol. I've got the original art I've used for my character before; dunno how much help it'll be in the process with that app of yours, but if you can get me something nice, I'll definitely be sure to shoot up a sheet for her, fast as greased lightning! This is a pun, but you don't know it yet >:)

@Ryik Here's my gal! Hopefully she looks good; I'll be seeing about getting card images into the Decklist sometime soon.

On reconsideration, I think I'll be sitting out on this one; I'm just never big on realistic faceclaims in general, both because I struggle to find ones that feel fitting for the character in that regard, and that I simply prefer more animated artstyles, both for the ease at which they can be found and, well...Just simply finding them more appealing. lol

So apologies, but unless that changes, I'm gonna take a bow. Hope things go well here! And if something changes on that front, then I'll certainly see about popping in again :)
Ooh, this looks interesting for sure! Been a while since I saw something Marvel-related crop up, and I have an old Mutant character who I'd love to be able to play again. I'll see about submitting them sometime soon :3
<Snipped quote by Mintz>

Can I join?

Things're open for now, so feel free! :)
I'm currently reeling between two very different ideas;

Something more OG DB/DBS-like. A jacked female anthro with some kind of gimmicky technique

Or a version of Vegeta from a timeline when Bulma made the wish at Pilaf's castle for her perfect boyfriend, and summoned a teenage Vegeta to Earth

Both could be fun! Admittedly, the former will be easier to work around, given the fact that an alternate universe Vegeta would have to contend with the fact that most of the DB timeline would be too risky to allow them to be involved in, what with another Vegeta running around more often than not xD
What is you're opinion on Ginyu's Body Changing technique?

An interesting proposition....Depends on what exactly you might have in mind here, but I'm all ears.
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