Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot -> Merlin's Tower
Skills: N/A

"Could've fooled me," Megan deadpanned, smirking ever so slightly. She loved her brother, which was precisely why she both was trying to protect him and mercilessly ridicule him. To do anything else would be a disservice to their relationship as siblings. She did, however, let go of him so she was no longer holding him down behind the bush, trusting that he wouldn't actually be stupid enough to get up and say hello to whatever forces of darkness were marching their way. There was a time and a place for joining a Satanic cult.

Just by ear, she could tell that it had to be some sort of large military force. They seemed to march on by forever, probably a significant body then. She briefly wondered if the noise was at all similar to the army of Ancient Rome, marching off to distant lands to conquer and add to their empire. The knowledge that they belonged to a fairy tale character, of course, ended most of the similarities there. She considered whether or not Le Fay would have outfitted her army with magic - or if they were all standard swordsmen. She didn't dare call out to ask.

Once the army was gone and the coast was clear, Megan carefully rose to her feet. "Do you think any of the soldiers know magic?" she whispered to her brother, as they walked as a group. She was still awestruck as Merlin's tower seemed to materialize out of nowhere. When they went inside to find cobwebs and dust, Megan couldn't help but grin in approval. Cobwebs were her aesthetic.

"Nonsense, it's perfect," she said, contradicting the ginger.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: Wicca

Runa didn't notice the rune floating over her head at first. It was only when she saw people whispering and looking at her in confusion that she dared to tilt her head upwards, seeing the shimmering symbol. She had a passing familiarity with runes, mostly due to their usage in Wicca. She bit her lip, recognizing it as the DÆG rune - meaning day and by association, Balder. Her eyes darted over nervously towards the head table, seeing everyone conversing amongst themselves. Sweat was beading up on Runa's forehead. Every fiber of her being wanted to run, to disappear, to vanish, but she was frozen in place, unable to even speak.

Figures emerged from the mist and Runa's anxiety was skyrocketing. She had read about them. They were seers, priestesses who could divine the future. They approached her and surrounded her, making the air catch in Runa's throat as she suddenly felt incredibly claustrophobic. Their words haunted her, charging her with bringing Balder back from wherever he was being kept alive or the world would end. It was too much responsibility for her. She was just a teenager. That was a job for someone older, someone who had at least finished high school, right?

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird Hangar
Skills: N/A
Guin was incredibly used to Pietro zipping her off at superhuman speeds at this point. Her armor had the added bonus of protecting her neck from whiplash, although she doubted Pietro wouldn't try his best to protect her from that effect of his speed. He was overprotective to a fault - in the House of M reality, his overprotective nature had driven Guin mad, culminating in her asking him to kill her. It hadn't exactly been their finest moment as a couple. In what had to be less than a few seconds, her surroundings had rapidly changed - she was in the hangar now for the Blackbird, rather than the Danger Room. "Is that a fat joke, babe?" Guin asked with a hint of amusement in her voice.

They had been in so many life and death situations over the past few years, she was beginning to become a little bit desensitized to them. Almost everyone survived. It was those who died that haunted her, Muscles in particular, as her heart clenched and her anxiety levels rose, the images flashing into her head again - Muscles on the ground, peppered with bullet wounds, blood oozing from the entry holes. "It is stating a fact."

Guin snorted slightly. She tried to push the gnawing anxiety into the back of her mind, in order to focus on the present moment. "Well, he's a baby Hulk. He can probably push his way on through and get here, as long as someone tells him where to go. I don't know if he'll calm down, you know him, he isn't exactly an expert at managing his temper. Unless, of course, his secret space trips were actually him and Thor learning how to meditate together with some guru."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Danger Room
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
Neil was quickly tiring. Every time he moved his hands, the muscles in his arm burned and ached. It felt like he had been doing push ups with Wolverine for ten hours. Even as he tried to lock onto one of the spiders clustered on top of Lance, each mental tug felt like a knife was sinking into his own brain. He bitterly thought to himself that he was essentially out of spell slots, without even cantrips to fall back on. He wanted to take a rest and recharge, to be able to move things with his mind again, but they didn't have any time. He tried again, only to groan and whimper slightly in pain and fatigue. On his third try, he couldn't even get the spiders to budge an inch.

How was he going to save Carolina if he felt so tired and weak? Maybe he needed to do more Danger Room sessions with Wolverine, but that wasn't helpful now. He needed to come up with something to get rid of the spiders on the mindless killing machine. He was too tired to even be annoyed at Lance for not having gotten rid of the spiders or to find some way to blame Banner for all of this. "Urgh... I don't have any first level spells slots left even..." he mumbled wearily, trying to communicate his situation to everyone.
Runa looked up at the newcomer, before she nodded slightly. She wasn't a huge fan of unknown quantities - really, unknown people. She tended to be the dictionary definition of a shy introvert, preferring the company of those she was already well acquainted with. "Aye," she confirmed to Elizabeth. She didn't bother to clarify that Klara was her blood, not just her friend. Instead, she returned her attention to the runes, pointing at each in turn. "þurisaz is the giant. They hail from Jotunheim. raidō, my personal rune, means ride or journey. wunjō - joy," she replied somewhat helpfully.

February 16th, 2021 - 6:50 PM

Veil & Sunshine

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Perception
Ordinarily, Veil would have either relaxed or tensed up when someone unexpectedly put a hand on her shoulder. As her mutation would suggest, she liked to be able to control her physical and emotional contact. She never had had a real relationship, unable to expose herself to emotional intimacy. When Spark Plug put her hand on her though, Veil was too emotionally weary to really react. "No, but the world keeps on turning. I'll be fine," she answered honestly. Spark Plug was an empath. There wasn't much point in lying to her about feelings. Magik and Moonwalker were dead and it was her fault. All she could do was try to keep on moving forward and help the mutants who were still alive.

The new mutant, Zarina, was certainly strange. Veil was rather perceptive and astute as individuals went, quickly realizing that Zarina was speaking Norwegian. Zarina's clothing didn't stick out, really the strangest things she had on her were the robotic eye and jaw. She listened quietly as Zarina explained things a little more fully, claiming to be from a different world and time entirely, sent here on some sort of mission. It wasn't outside of the realm of possibility - Veil had been a student at Xavier's when Jean Grey merged with the cosmic entity called the Phoenix Force, she knew that the universe was vast and weird.

"Who are the Norns? And what's the prophecy?" Veil asked, giving Zarina the benefit of the doubt for the moment.

Sunshine had averted her eyes from Kristina, her sobbing a little more controlled - not because she was calming down, but because her body was unable to keep on producing an extreme amount of tears for extended periods. "How about a purifier's head on a pike? Why don't you go and get me that?" Sunshine snapped at Kristina, lashing out again in her pain. Unlike Max though, her bark didn't have much bite behind it. She had never met Kristina before and she didn't have a long list of reasons to dislike her. "Or why don't you find a way to bring Magik back and kill Max? Magic mutant for a magic mutant. And we'd all be better off without that trashcan fire around..."

Sunshine looked up, expecting to see Kristina directly in front of her, but instead Colossus was there. Her grip on Magik loosened as she couldn't think of what to say to Magik's brother. He deserved to be the one clutching her corpse and crying. They were blood. She and Magik... they were just really good friends. "I.... I.... H-here...." Sunshine mumbled, losing any nerve or bite she had as she awkwardly thrusted Magik's body into Colossus' arms.

Colossus bit his lip, his chin wobbling before the flood gates open and he started to cry all anew. "G-go in peace... Illyana..." he prayed.

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: ???
Skills: Mediumship
With Luna vomiting into the trash can and having passed off the phone to Negasonic, she would only be able to hear half of the phone conversation. And while Glimpse was acting with childlike innocence, wonder, and fear, Negasonic was the exact opposite. "Look, I need a jet in DC tonight. Colossus and I need Excalibur's help. A demon killed my friend," she said bluntly into the phone. There was a brief pause. "Great. We'll be there." She then ended the call and put her phone in her pocket. "Do you need anything, Princess?"

Casper's jaw dropped as Sapphire tore into James. He was slightly scared of her, but he loved James more than he feared her. He moved his ghostly, astral body in front of James as if to shield him and he swung his fist, trying to punch Sapphire. His fist passed through her harmlessly, his protective drive not even enough to make him corporeal. "Goddamnit, this is not fair! How come she gets to talk abuse at James but I can't punch her to defend my boy's honor?" Casper whined, throwing his ghostly hands up in the air. He wasn't sure how long he had been stuck out of his body like this, but it felt like an eternity.

Watts' eyes narrowed slightly, seeing the way that Sapphire chose to set the girl's arm. He was an asshole, but he didn't like seeing people being cruel to children. And unlike Veil, he also wasn't the sort to insist on having a private conversation. "Sapphire, she's a fucking kid. You're an adult here, so act like it, and take your aggression out on someone your own age!" Watts shouted at her.

"Is he Sapphire's dad?" Casper asked Ben, staring at the older looking man with glasses. He carried himself like he thought he was the smartest person in the room, uncomfortably reminding Casper of his own father. He was slightly worried for him though, afraid that Sapphire was about to make him into a popsicle.

"...I don't think so," Ben told Casper, shaking his head. "Remember the other group went off to find a scientist friend of hers? That's him, I believe."

"Wow, the things you learn when you pay attention," Casper commented wistfully. He perked up slightly as his brother came into the room and seemingly was the first person to notice that something was wrong with him. "Jackie, help, I'm trapped!!! I think my soul got out of my body! Do you have a magic net or something to put me back into my body? Or is there a way to press control, alt, and delete and open up task manager? Jackie? Hellooooo?"

"He can't hear you," Ben reminded him with a sigh.

"Oh," Casper moped like a neglected puppy. "Right. This sucks." He stared at James for a moment as his boyfriend left the room, before running after him. No one would be able to tell ghost!Casper had left the room, as his body was still just in a fugue, coma like state - his eyes wide open, his breathing shallow. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead and he was perfectly still otherwise.

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Elevator
Skills: Shapeshifting

Asha chuckled lightly at Arnora's question. "If I turned into a bird, I would have wings. If I became a fish, I would have gills. Should I turn myself into a dog, I would boast a tail. What do you think happens then when I become physically a male?" Asha asked rhetorically. A lot of people tended to ask that, assuming that she could completely embody other animals, but that there ought to be some sort of exception for changing the sex she presented as. She followed Arnora into the elevator, leaning up against the far wall of it. She grinned at Klara's enthusiasm. She would change her shift to look like her father again later on, she didn't want to draw too much attention to them as they got prepared.

"So with all of the goats, can you, hmm... I guess can you control them with your mind? Or at the very least bribe them to follow you?" Asha asked, wanting clarification on how the daughter of Thor's powers worked. A lot of demigods had powers from their parents, but rarely were they identical in every way. Even two demigod siblings could have drastically different abilities.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Amphitheater - Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy applauded as Niah skillfully landed their flying raft. She once had heard that any landing you could walk away from was a good landing, but this one was masterful in her opinion. Not very many demigods could have boasted such a feat, controlling armor and using it to fly from Fargo to Mount Rushmore without incident. "That was so very!" Nancy praised. "If New Rome ever gets an air force, I definitely think you ought to be the one in charge of it. I wonder if you could fly to space with this thing... That'd be so rad. Can you imagine being the first girl on the moon?" Though, she had to imagine the title of first goddess had to have gone to Diana.

She got out of the raft and did a quick stretch, having been sitting in the raft for a little while and she was feeling slightly stiff from it. The café Madalyne had pointed out wasn't too far away and tons of the food had been abandoned. Nancy was a little bit surprised more tourists fleeing the scene hadn't tried to bring their food along with them, but she wasn't complaining. She picked up an abandoned basket of food and popped a piece into her mouth, before holding it out to Niah and Madalyne. "It's free. Want some?"

Location: Catwalk
Skills: N/A
Raynor had joined them all on the catwalk shortly before Cal, as he had entered the pipe before her. He was so relieved to see that Zarina was alright, but he kept his face guarded. It was instinct to do so. The more people knew about him, the harder things could be. He couldn't trust them. With the limited information he knew about himself and his old life, creating distance between himself and other people had been key for his survival. His knuckles ached from pains long forgotten and as he glanced down at them, he expected to see them stained with crimson blood. They just looked like ordinary hands, hands that he now knew a large portion of history for. He quickly followed after Zarina and Sophia, almost too buff to make his way down the ladder in the pipe. He was partially still on the ladder at the end since the space was cramped. "We are a group, group of three," Raynor pointed out to Sophia.

Back at the main processing place, Vinnie was looking at Y2K skeptically. She didn't want to fill in Cal on everything, since she didn't trust her at all, but a small part of her did feel bad. No one seemed to be answering Cal's questions. "Cal, this is Y2K. Y2K, this is Cal," she said, waving her hand to facilitate the introduction. Y2K then dropped a few bombs of information. The Them were called the Vendri. And apparently, the way They worked was scooping out people's brains and putting them in robot suits. "That sounds like a lot of fucking work and kinda stupid. Yes, I get that most societies need a slave caste, but if they're able to integrate people's minds with tech... why not just build a robot? What skills are they lacking? It's not like this is Ancient Rome and they need slave labor, robots can do anything people can, hell robots can probably outpace humans all the time. And why are they seeing if we're useful by putting us on a weirdo ship like that? If they can scoop our brains out, can't they get Siri or whatever to give them a summary of our skills?"

Vinnie didn't know if she believed Y2K. The being seemed to be hovering perfectly on the line between sincerity and insincerity. Maybe they were telling the truth or maybe they were being really creative in wanting to be killed. But at any rate, Vinnie wasn't going to let them yeet themselves off of the catwalk. They were a source of information. "Also again, not going to kill you. I don't care if you're Jenny the Teenage Robot, you know stuff about Them and we're sure as hell not going to throw the device down with you, so suck it up. You're our prisoner now. So what do They want? What's Vendri's endgame? Is it anal probing?"

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Basic Medicine

"You should be quite alright now," she reassured the gryphon, as she gently applied the salve to his wound. Once the salve was applied, she gently reapplied the bandages, making sure that they were snug yet not uncomfortable. She smiled at the beast, glad to see that it should be alright. She hoped that its pain would end soon, although she knew that not even the strongest of magics could completely do away with suffering. "I bless thee in the name of the Triple Goddess and in the name Aricia," she whispered to the Gryphon. She used her birth name for magical rites and duties. She didn't think of how hearing the blessing be done in her mother's name might impact Arthur and Andy until it was too late. She hoped that them being young and having short attention spans would cause them to not remember that the Triple Goddess was one of Hecate's titles.

"Andy, the Gryphon seems rather fond of you. Would you like to attempt to guide the creature into the cargo hold?" Rebecca asked. She didn't like their chances of convincing a winged monster that it would be safer under the deck in confinement. But if the Gryphon liked Andy, perhaps it would listen to her and go with her. At any rate, Alannah was right - the top deck most likely was not safe for the being. Whatever had wounded it likely had some means of navigating the sky and would be able to plainly spot it. "Of course, I could attempt to manipulate the Mist as to shroud it in invisibility to unwanted eyes."

She avoided answering Arthur's question for a moment. "All things are in balance. As we live, so we die. You'll see many sunsets, but also sunrises."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

Leda laughed. "Pfft, Dana's too slow to take revenge on me. And what's she going to do? Turn me into a senior citizen? I'll just break the record then for oldest demigod in Camp by a few decades, so jokes on her, I'll go down a legend," Leda boasted. Unlike their Roman counterparts, most Greek demigods didn't survive into adulthood. Reaching an old age was practically unheard of. She then glanced around the small group, trying to think on who to have to go next, before her mouth curled into a wicked smile. "Sky Boy, truth or dare?" she prompted Demetri.

She already knew loads about Mary and Kiera had been the one to issue her the dare, so she figured Demetri would be the fairest and most interesting choice to go next. She didn't really want to sit around talking about Kristin and Zeke, the two most annoying demigods in existence. She wondered if Janelle would wish she were blind and deaf before the mission was over, just so she wouldn't have to hear them jabbering on.

Leda really hoped that Demetri picked dare. She would have loved to see him have to turn into Hannah Montana and sing a song.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome - Outside Nancy's Villa -> Cohort Barracks
Skills: N/A

Once back outside of her villa and reunited with Madalyne, their earlier conversation continued as if they hadn't had a brief break. Nancy was hopeful that Terminus wouldn't be cross at her for carrying a sword at the moment, as technically that was illegal within New Rome, but she kept the sword in storage at her home - a conundrum to say the least. "I've actually been thinking about that some... It might be stupid, but I was debating leaving the Legion and seeing if my aunt would take me," Nancy explained, her cheeks red. She didn't really care about the fact that she would have to swear off romantic relationships, she never really found anyone she clicked with. And the normal world was too strange for her after all the time she spent in the Lotus Hotel. Fighting monsters was the only thing that made sense. As they walked out of New Rome, Nancy fetched her remaining weapons from Terminus, glad that he didn't say anything about their swords.

She squinted slightly from the glaring sunlight, before the rest of their companions came into focus outside of the barracks. Waverley, Niah, Emily, and Marco were already all gathered. She was a bit disappointed to see that Marco didn't seem to have a giant keg of coffee on him, but that had been an unrealistic hope anyways. She tilted her head slightly as Marco said they'd need to talk to her about getting a van or something. "Yeah, we could get one - problem is, I don't know how to drive. And unless I have some magical driving genes from Pops going around in the Sun Chariot, I'm a dead end. Niah and Mads can't drive either. And I'm assuming you three can't as well? Is anyone really good at racing games?" It would be nice to take a van - they wouldn't need to worry about bus schedules or anything.










The Hallway Outside Captain America's Apartment...

The Younger Son hissed in pain, the acid burning his skin. He was lucky that Asokho hadn't gone for a basic solution, as his skin would have been coming off in clumps. He glanced at the Uncle briefly. The Uncle in turn looked at Flynn and nodded at him. The Uncle started to make a gigantic tornado, about to undoubtedly unleash some sort of diabolical plan, when Agent 13 somehow came out of nowhere and kicked him in the head so hard he fell unconscious.

"Sorry. I don't have time for villain bullshit," Agent 13 said unapologetically.

The Younger Son looked around the room, before he bolted for the stairs, running on up them as fast as he could - he was headed for the quinjet.

The Hallway Below Captain America's Apartment...

The Daughter made a strange gurgling noise - she was laughing. Oliver's hand on the back of her neck was stopping most of the blood flow, but not all of it. She wasn't going to survive this and she knew it, she accepted it. She could have told him the truth as to how she knew about his mother - that she had psionic intuition - but that wasn't worth using her last moments on. No, if she was going to die, she wanted to leave a lasting impression.

Her skin rippled, but the wound remained as her form shifted. The Daughter didn't have a striking resemblance to Selena Gomez anymore. Instead, she was the spitting image of Oliver. "You - will - fall," she choked on out. Her heart struggled out a few more beats. She drew her last breath and then grew still.

Levittown, Pennsylvania...

Astrad's radio crackled slightly with static as his supervisor, Agent Sitwell, replied. "It's not one of ours. If you get a clean shot, take it down. A secondary team of agents is en route to your location." According to his radar, the three UFO's had just touched down about a block away. It must have been a group of stealth craft, right? He wouldn't have heard any loud engines or anything that an ordinary plane would have had.

Bonnie Chase

Location: Ground Floor of the Apartment Complex
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Bonnie blinked, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. In one moment, she had been falling - and in the next, she was cushioned by Cass' body, safe and sound on the ground floor. She didn't even seem to have any serious injuries, as she experimentally wiggled her fingers and toes. Her head felt fine as well. It was another thing to put under the file of odd occurrences, things that happened to her that she just couldn't explain. Even if Cass broke her fall, she should have sustained some injuries - she was just a normal human.

Her mind flickered briefly back to the vision she had had when facing the Black Order outside the prison. She really needed to look into that more. Maybe she could send an email to Doctor Strange and get his opinion on it. It was definitely outside of her area of expertise and it was becoming more and more difficult to deny that it had happened. "Shockingly, I'm fine," she answered Cass. "Thanks - that was stupid and reckless of you, but thanks."

"We've got to get back on up there. The imposter is our best chance at finding Flynn," Bonnie added earnestly, as she got up off of Cass and offered her a hand to help her to her feet.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA - 2:54 PM
Skills: Aerokinesis, Perception, Intuition
Amelia frowned, seeing the little smirk on Maria's face. Agent Smith was rubbing her entirely the wrong way. She was willfully malicious and didn't seem to understand danger - Amelia winced slightly, realizing that she didn't sound like herself. She loved risk, her dream date would be holding hands and jumping out of an airplane over a volcano. But risk was only fun is everyone involved enjoyed it. "You're being a complete dick. You might want to rethink that or I'll slug ya in the face," Amelia told Maria.

She then went into a dive, flying after Sparky. Sparky seemed to have intentionally gone down this time though, which was a relief as Amelia wouldn't have been able to catch her in time to prevent her being smeared into the pavement. She winced sympathetically, noticing the vomit on the ground. "You alright, mate? You want me to go and beat up that ass? I'll do it, I can probably put her inside of a tornado or something if I try hard enough." Amelia glanced around, noticing that they were in the middle of what looked like a massive suburb. A few people were gawking from the windows, pointing at the two superheroes.

February 16th, 2021 - 6:40 PM

Mutant Underground - Garage...

Colossus nodded, sniffling as Echo offered him his condolences. His wailing started up again like a banshee, and by the time they got back to the Underground, if Echo hadn't had a migraine before he definitely would now. "Poor Illyana... She must have been so afraid..." he moaned. He had failed as a big brother.

Veil & Sunshine

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Veil looked at Kristina with surprise for a moment, before she nodded. After everything that had happened, she had assumed the newcomers would want to get as far away from Washington D.C. as they could. Their current operation wasn't the Mutant Underground it used to be - they never went on the offensive before, like they had with Sinister and Shaw. "Of course, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need. Our main mission is to get mutants to safety, which means we end up risking our lives a lot. I'm not going to ask you to do anything I wouldn't do myself however." There wasn't anything Veil wouldn't do for her people though. She would give her life so they could be free.

She bit her lip slightly, seeing Kristina walk over to Sunshine. Had Sapphire been the one crying with a body in her arms, Veil would have pulled Kristina away out of fear for her life. But in this instance, her heart was aching as she saw Magik all crumpled like a rag doll. Colossus had spent so much time trying to find her, only for her to be taken from him just months later. Everyone seemed to have left Sunshine allow with the body, a choice Veil made a mental note to investigate more later.

Sunshine lifted her head slowly, seeing a stranger offering her food and an energy drink. Her gut reaction was to take the food and kick the stranger in the shins, but she just didn't have the energy for it. All she could think about was Magik as she took the food and drink numbly. "Is it poisoned?" she asked, before cracking open the can and chugging the Energy Drink. Some stray little drops hit Magik's sword arm. "You forgot to add the poison to this one."

Maybe she would have better luck with the food. Her emotions were oscillating so fast it was hard to keep up with. In some moments, she wanted to go out there and bash in the skull of every human on the planet. In others, she wanted to curl up and die, and hope that she and Magik would end up in the same afterlife. Even the afterlives for punishment and torture couldn't be worse than this. The world was hell for mutants. But maybe it would be a good use of her time to make it hell for humans - then it would be equal.

Veil noticed that one of the newcomers had gone off to a corner, sitting by herself. Kristina seemed to be engaging more or less decently with Sunshine, so Veil went on over to check on the other kid. "Hey, kid. Are you okay? I can find you a fresh change of clothes and some blankets - or see about calling someone, if you have any friends or family nearby."

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: ???
Skills: Mediumship
Negasonic smirked slightly, seeing the room that the new girl had gone into. She hadn't been told yet about what had happened to Moonwalker, just knowing that Magik had perished. "James, Barbie is waiting for you in your bed. She's replacing Casper," Negasonic announced, poking her head into medical from the hallway. Her hands twitched slightly as Glimpse still had her phone. She tapped her foot impatiently, wanting her phone back even though Glimpse was making a call on her behalf.

"Sweetheart? I need you to sit down for me, okay? And have someone bring you some water, I'd come over but--" In the background of the call, Glimpse would be able to hear what sounded suspiciously like the roar of a dragon. "You still here? I'm getting you a cure, princess. It just might take--" Another roar. "Some time."

"Yikes, the ice queen is acting like an ice queen. What a shocking turn of events that no one could have predicted," Ben said with a bit of a wince. However, he was also looking pretty eagerly at Sapphire. Her outbursts were the closest things to a good soap opera that he had, as Casper tended to avoid them unless they were in Spanish - and Ben did not speak Spanish. Neither did Casper, but that also didn't stop Casper from insisting on not having the subtitles on.

"Ben, do something! She's going to hurt James! He has soft, delicate skin!" Casper complained. He stood in front of James, waving his arms helplessly, like he was trying to ward off a bull. Unfortunately, no one could see him. No one else at the Mutant Underground could communicate with spirits and Casper had no idea on how to get back into his body. He had tried poking it, lying down on top of it, he even screamed open sesame and nothing happened.

"I can't do anything, Casper! You're going to have to figure this out for yourself. You did this, so you have to have the power to undo it," Ben pointed out.

"You're the one with the powers and the mojo and the tentacles! And goddamnit, Max just touched me. I'm going to have to use more of my herbal body scrub and I'm running low on it... Do you think it's possible to get M-Pox twice? Does the M stand for Max or is it a just a coincidence? I know it's for mutants supposedly but that doesn't make sense, it's not like the flu is the H-flu," Casper waved his hands in exasperation at Max, his ghostly fingers passing through the model-like mutant a few times.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Casper, can't you stay focused on one thing for even ten seconds!" Ben snapped. He was looking at Feedback with clear concern and worry. Had he been physical, he would have pulled her into a hug right then and there and then used his powers to throw around everyone who had upset her. She was too innocent for this world.

Leda stretched her arms out. "Thanks, Doc," she told James. "Y'know, you kinda look like Kid Flash." Her rather jovial tone didn't quite match the mood in the room, with all of the tension and drama. Perhaps it was a British thing, not following social cues.

"I'm going to need blood samples from all of you," Watts instructed, also ignoring the drama. "I'll bring them with me back to Serval and begin working on a cure. It shouldn't take me more than a few days," he boasted. He had an ego bigger than the Juggernaut.
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