Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

February 17th, 2021 - 1:10 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship
The bouncers definitely weren't the sort to be won over by words - fortunately, Spark Plug also had her mutant power on her side. The bouncers eyes glazed over slightly, like she had pulled a Jedi mind trick on them, and they nodded. "Yeah, Casper can go inside," one of them mumbled. "Maybe the boss will want to rekindle things," the other agreed, stepping aside to let Casper through.

Casper bowed his head slightly, clasping his hands together like in prayer. "You won't regret this - at least, not immediately, I swear," he promised. He didn't remember dating Christian Frost. That wasn't really too surprising. Before James, Casper had only ever dated people if he needed a new drug hookup or if he was tired of couch surfing. He hadn't exactly been an indoor cat. In fact, he was pretty certain that he had once accidentally slept with one of Jack's boyfriends - or had it been the other way around?

He pranced slightly into the room, pecking James on the cheek with a kiss. Casper loved the Glitter Factory. Every twenty minutes, glitter came down from the ceiling like confetti. The strobe light was always going, enough to give anyone with even mild epilepsy a seizure. And the boys - no, the men - on the poles had such fine chiseled abs, you could get lost in them for days. He couldn't help but wonder how James would feel about having a threesome one of these days.

"Keep your mind out of the gutter," Ben reminded Casper, but his heart wasn't really in it. While he was a ghost, Ben was still a gay man - and he never admitted it, but he enjoyed the Glitter Factory as much as Casper did.

Sadly, Casper didn't get to enjoy his surroundings very long, as Echo came running from the dressing rooms, screaming like Admiral Ackbar. "What do you mean it's a trap? Like, the prices for the booze here are outrageous and it's a trap? Or that you thought you had fallen in love with a stripper but they're just using you for the money and it's a trap? Or that your long lost lover was back there and you thought you ended things but they've come back for child support and they're suing you and it's a trap? Or..." Casper rambled.

He could hardly see the hooded figure stumble out of the dressing room. He didn't need to see them though. He heard the gunshot go off and a second later, Casper found himself on the ground unexpectedly. He felt his chest, knowing that it was burning or something, and he pulled away his hand, finding blood - glitter fell down from the ceiling and people started to scream as they ran for the emergency exits.


Location: Eisenhower Building - Pennsylvania Avenue Lobby
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Havok stumbled, losing his balance after Champion shocked him. His hair was standing up like he had just stuck his finger in a socket - which, he guessed, he basically had. As he tried to regain his balance, Havok ended up crashing into Veil. Veil fell forward from the sudden impact, scraping up her knees as she hit the ground - it was a miracle that her cloak of invisibility around them all held up. "What the hell was that for?" Havok whispered angrily, trying not to ruin the mission. "You could've gotten us all exposed, kid."

"Calm down, Havok," Veil said softly, getting back up to her feet. She brushed her hands on her jeans. Her palms and knees were red, but there was no harm done overall. They were inside the lobby of the building. It was a little after lunch time, so they needed to move quickly and hope any bureaucrats returning would stay out of the way. Veil knew the room they were looking for - room 97 - and she pursed her lips slightly.

Thankfully, they were lucky. She saw a visitor's map next to a bench on the far side of the lobby. She quietly moved across, trying her best not to let her feet click-clack on the tile flooring. The floor reminded her a bit of a chess board with its black and white pattern, and it was hard to believe how ornate all of the decorations were around her. It screamed wealth. Veil picked up the map and to any bystanders, it would have looked like the map just disappeared. "This way, it's in the east wing, room 97," she whispered to the group, before heading down a hallway that led to the east wing.

She just hoped that everyone could hold it together a little while longer. Tensions were high. Sapphire was having some sort of traumatic response. Havok was being an ass as usual.


Location: Ronald Regan Airport -> Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine felt like the wind had been knocked out of her as they finally made it back to the Mutant Underground after two jumps. She collapsed onto the ground next to Max, trying to catch her breath. She hadn't done the hard work of teleportation, but the sudden displacement of her body across time and space was still a bit of a doozy. The last teleporter she knew had been Blink and her method seemed much more gentle, as they just walked through a portal. She had no idea how Max's worked but it didn't surprise her that it seemed to be way more chaotic.

"You're not useless... At least, not totally useless," Sunshine corrected him once she had caught her breath. She stood to her feet and frowned. She felt on edge. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing up. It was so incredibly quiet here, quieter than it had ever been. No one answered Max's calls and deep down, her gut was telling her that they were alone. She poked her head into the dining room and into the training room, seeing nothing. Maybe everyone was upstairs asleep, but in the middle of the day? It didn't sit right with her.

"No one else is here," she told Max, frowning. "Maybe... Maybe Jack did something to them."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Sewers
Skills: N/A

Megan's eyes widened slightly as Hansel revealed that all of the healing in this land was done by magic. She supposed it made sense, given the infancy of science here. People had to use the tools available to them and if magic was the best option, then that's what they would use. She mused whether or not they had medical schools with lengthy residences and whatnot, before deciding probably not. If she had to guess, people likely learned by apprenticeships here - it felt very medieval and all. The more she learned about this land, the stranger it felt to her - even though she was supposedly its princess. She wondered what sort of person she would have become, had she been raised here.

She diligently climbed the ladder up once it was her turn, deciding not to speak since noise had been an issue Hansel raised earlier. They just had to wait now. She glanced at Jack, before looking briefly at the two girls deciding to talk and Megan rolled her eyes slightly. They weren't going to be final girls like that - they were probably the ones who would die first or who would run into the house after something silly like a slipper when the serial killer was still there.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome: Senate House
Skills: Strategy

Nancy took her weapons back, glad that Terminus was willing to let them hold weapons in New Rome. She didn't have any hard feelings towards Madalyne for leaving her to run the war effort - if anything, she was worried if Madalyne was okay or not. She hoped that Waverley wouldn't put her foot in her mouth for once. They had allies on their way though - the Greeks. She bit her lip slightly, debating whether or not to ask the Hunters of Diana to come and aid them in their struggle, but she decided against it. They had their own mission. New Rome would not fall that day. "That's all. Go," she told everyone in the room. "Alexandra, I want you to make a sacrifice to the gods - particularly Mars and Bellona. We'll want their blessings in the battle."

She would have gone and done it herself, but she needed to be prepared to command - to decide what strategies to use. She found the war maps of Camp Jupiter and New Rome, spreading them out on the praetor's table. The maps of Camp Jupiter and New Rome were enchanted, showing movements of all within them. The third map she found was of the sewer system and she frowned sharply. She hoped that the construction could be completed by all of the cohorts quickly. She found a bit of sticky notes and wrote on one - MEDICS - and stuck it on one of the villas nearby. She did something similar on the Senate House for WAR ROOM. Nancy strummed her fingers on the desk as she thought.

She wrote down numbers for each of the cohorts, before placing her stickies. The First and Second Cohort would defend Camp Jupiter. The Third and Fourth would be placed around New Rome. The Fifth Cohort would be down in the sewers. "Terminus - would you go inform the citizens of New Rome to take shelter? If any are willing to fight or assist, bring them to me."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: the Ship
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, I feel chuffed whenever I get to chat with the Romans," Leda quipped, shaking her head slightly as she looked at Kiera. She really didn't like the way the Romans treated everyone. They didn't get a chance to really interject and contribute to the plan, instead the Romans just decided they knew what was best and that would be that. They were all so war happy too, she wouldn't have been surprised if they turned out to all be children of Ares - or Mars, she guessed - at the end of the day. At least Jason would probably love New Rome then. He'd fit right in.

Alannah apparently was going to push things so that way they'd get there sooner - ideally in time. Leda didn't like the Romans, but she didn't want them to die. She'd go down swinging for her fellow demigods, Camp Half-blood or Camp Jupiter didn't matter. "Mm, yeah, probably would be a good idea," Leda admitted. "The Romans are expecting an attack. If we're lucky, gods willing we can help them stop it. Which means... Oi, Alannah, do we have any armor on this ship? Should probably get everyone fitted with a set."

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:20 A.M.

The nurses instantly went to fetch the doctor, but Larson stopped them in their tracks. "I'll be taking over Dr. Bautista's care," Dr. Larson explained. "You may go now - thank you," she said with a smile. The nurses looked a bit uncertain, but it was late and they were tired and Dr. Larson was clearly a doctor, so they nodded and left the room. "We can take my ship," Dr. Larson offered. "It's much faster than anything made here on Earth."

??? - Quinjet: 9:20 P.M.

In the cockpit, Hawkeye overheard what Cass said - even with the divider in the way. He scowled slightly. People didn't seem to really understand how much he was unwilling to let anyone else have the coordinates of where they were going. He especially figured that anyone coming to join them had a higher chance of being a skrull than anyone on the ship at the moment, and revealing those coordinates could cause him to risk a lot. "Tell them to get to New Jersey and then I'll pick them up, Reed. Like I said, no one is getting these coordinates," Hawkeye said over the intercom.

In the medical bay, Bonnie didn't give much of a visual reaction to what Hawkeye said. Most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had a favorite safe house, she understood him not wanting to burn its location. Still, it was a bit of a strong reaction from him - she wondered if there was more to the situation that they weren't seeing. She finished her job with the surgical thread and stepped back, as Folly started wiggling her arm around experimentally. "You should take it slow," Bonnie warned her.

The stitches were designed to be the sort that would dissolve when they weren't needed any more, so Folly wouldn't need any follow up appointments. Folly started by closing and opening her hand, then she abruptly yanked her arm up and down, testing her full range of movement. She grabbed one of her knives and started poking up and down her arm to test her sensitivity to pain. "Wow, thanks Doc, now I'm a real girl!" she said with a laugh.

Agent 13 came in with Breacher, while the others stayed behind to try to rouse the rest of the group. She reached into one of the medical drawers and found a bottle of aspirin, and tossed it to Breacher. "I trust you don't need me to figure out the dosage for you," she commented dryly, a bit annoyed that he was treating her like a nurse.

"Thank you, Mr. President - I appreciate it," Bonnie said. She looked at him. "If you're ready for medical attention, I can treat your injuries now." She figured with the rate the quinjet was flying at, they'd probably arrive at Serval in the next ten to twenty minutes, giving her just enough time to tend to Jakobsen before they'd land. "That or I can treat the kid for his concussions I don't doubt he has."

In the tech bay, no one can hear you scream Kwassi's luck had taken a turn for the worse. P.H.I.L.'s countdown had been too fast for someone else to come and intervene. True to the A.I.'s words, he really did have a self destruct feature. P.H.I.L. used the energy stored in Kwassi's mask to fry the piece of equipment and itself. As Kwassi had hugged the mask to his stomach, it would essentially zap him in the belly - nothing harmful, more unpleasant rather than anything else. His mask, in its current state, couldn't be used at all though. It was beyond repair.

In A Flying Yellow Spaceship: 1:30 A.M.

Raynor stared at Astrad and his stupid, incredibly punchable face for another moment. His temper only became more foul as Astrad insulted Nanna and Baldur's ship - he may have been from an alternate universe, but Raynor was still a mama's boy at heart. No one insulted his mother or her things. "Why don't you just throw yourself out the airlock and save me the trouble of doing it myself?" he asked Astrad. He wasn't really trying to keep a check on his anger, even though Sparky - the mother of probably his unborn child - had asked him to do so.

Amelia glanced around the interior of the spaceship, before she noticed that one of the beanbags had what looked like a Wii remote wheel resting next to it. With everything she had seen from Nanna and Baldur, she was pretty sure those were the controls. No one was challenging her for the right to fly the thing - she figured that maybe Angry Muffin Man a.k.a. Raynor might, but he was too busy being angry with everything and everyone (mostly Astrad). She flopped down in the beanbag and picked up the Wii remote. A holographic display appeared in front of her, showing her a stylized map of sorts.

"So. Fucking. Sick," Amelia gushed. She stared at the controls for a second, before pressing a button - the ship kicked straight upwards and the map started to change, showing them gaining more and more height. Amelia kept holding down the button and she noticed the map had little arrows showing the direction to go for each of the Nine Realms. She was pretty sure that Earth was called Midgard, and she pressed another button, causing the ship to kick forward. The little readout indicated they were heading in the right direction.

"I hate student drivers," Raynor grumbled, feeling every jump and jerk as he sat in a yellow beanbag next to Sparky. He couldn't blame Amelia, as much as he wanted to add her to the list of things he hated. It was hard to drive a spaceship for the first time and his parents insisted on using the Asgardian equivalent of a stick shift. "Try not to get us killed - or worse, arrested by the freaking Nova Corps. Gods, their prison is the worst..."

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa had a bit of a hard time wrapping her mind around how old Klara was. She wondered if Klara's memories were limited by her age - like how it was hard to Runa to remember things that happened when she was really little, did Klara only have faint memories of her time when she was alive on Earth? Or did they have an infinite memory of sorts once they died? Did everything just sort of compress and blur together? She had so many questions and every time someone tried to answer one, she only inevitably had more. They needed to eat and sleep and all - but could they get sick? Did the older ones have to go get vaccinated?

She grimaced, seeing the intoxicated dwarf hit their table. Her face dropped slightly though when their mission to retrieve the tools was even harder - apparently they had been gambled away. Runa didn't have much skill at card games. Maybe Klara knew how to gamble? But if she didn't know about fairy tales, Runa was doubtful. "Are either of you good at gambling?" Runa asked. "Maybe we just buy him some new tools, he may not notice the difference..."

February 17th, 2021 - 1:00 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Outside the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship, Acting
"It's Hot Daga's, of course!" the person answered Callie, somewhat unhelpfully. "... You do know Hot Daga, right?" they then asked, sizing her up. She didn't look like the typically barely dressed gay man that the mysterious Hot Daga liked to hang out with.

Casper glanced at Waverley as she said the name of the birthday boy - Hot Daga. The name was definitely familiar. He stroked his chin as he tried to remember who it could have been. He'd partied at most places in the D.C. area, the only issue was that he was generally high as a kite or drunk as a skunk or both during those events. "I think I do - Bennie Ben Ben, do you know?" Casper asked, looking at his dearly departed best friend, hoping he'd have the answer.

Ben shook his head. "Shit, Ben doesn't know," he grumbled. "Um well... I do remember that Hot Daga is bear sized and very hairy - and his name was similar to... something with a Church? I don't know, everyone just called him Hot Daga, I think. Or maybe I'm imagining this and never met him, it's very possible as I was high as heeeeeeell," Casper answered, singing the last part slightly.

The line was moving quickly, and it wasn't long until the group was up at the front. The bouncers let everyone move along in the group, they didn't even need Hot Daga's name, but the bouncers did end up stopping one person - Casper.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Casper," the bouncer growled.

"You have a lot of nerve coming in here after breaking the boss' heart," the other bouncer added.

Casper stared at them with confusion. "Are you sure that was me? I sleep with a lot of people who call themselves bosses," he explained. "And I'm here to support my dear friend Hot Daga on his special day! I'm not the kind of rotten friend to not show up. It's a special occasion!"

"You're such a convincing actor," Ben commented.

The bouncers agreed with Ben's assessment. "Beat it, Casper."


Location: A Block from the Eisenhower Building - Parking Garage -> Eisenhower Building - Lobby
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil nodded, glad that the newbies didn't take forever to come up with mutant names. She didn't give any notes on whether or not she felt they were good ones - her own name was a play on her human name after all, so she couldn't judge, and Sapphire named herself after a pretty rock. "Thundering Champion? That's almost as bad as Negasonic Teenage Warhead," Havok teased a bit cruelly. "We're really running out of names, huh?"

Veil shot Havok a look - they didn't have time for this. "We're all going in together as a group," Veil explained to Andy. "Glimpse and Stareyes are going to evacuate people out if things go south - they've got speed and flight on their side," she finished. She didn't blame Thundering Champion for being a bit confused, it was likely the kid's first serious operation. Their plan was painfully simple and probably not the best, but they didn't have the time to improve upon it. Going in cloaked and doing what they could was just about all they had.

Her teeth started chattering from the rapid drop in temperature, as frost formed on the windows of the van. A popsicle car was definitely going to stand out, even hidden away inside of a parking garage. Veil closed her eyes for a brief moment, trying to refocus herself. She didn't get a chance to ask for Sapphire to take a deep breath though, as Havok responded to Sapphire's verbal assault with one of his own.

"Lighten up, Frosty," Havok muttered, his own mood souring. The car was parked and he didn't want to stay in a meat locker, so he opened up his door and got on out. Veil stepped out of the car as well. "Guys, we can't afford to be fighting like this. If we don't work together, then this mission is already a failure," she reminded them all. She kept the field of invisibility around them all still. "Now come on, let's move."

Once everyone was ready, Veil started walking down the block to the building. She maintained her field of invisibility around them all, although that couldn't account for the tracks they left in the snow on the sidewalk. They'd just have to hope that no one noticed those. They were incredibly lucky that no one was standing around outside the building to see the door seemingly open by itself, as the group went inside and entered the lobby.


Location: Ronald Regan Airport
Skills: N/A
Sunshine didn't like letting people see her vulnerability. She didn't want them to think that she was weak, unable to handle herself. A day ago, it would have been unthinkable for her to let down her guard with Max, to admit to him that she didn't know what to do next. She had always seen a path forward but now, she felt like she was lost in the woods, fog swirling all around her so she was blind. "Maybe there isn't a reason why he did it." She set down her milkshake, losing her appetite for the first time in her life.

She knew that humans didn't need a reason to hate mutants - the Hellfire Club hadn't needed a reason to kill Erg. Some people were just bad. Maybe it was overly simplistic of her to believe, but she did. She had thought that Max was just bad for a while. She didn't know if the same was true of Jack - if he was just a bad person and he didn't need a reason to do bad things. His father had been a bad person, so maybe he passed it onto Jack - and then, maybe Jack passed it on to her. Maybe she was a bad person too. Maybe that was why she always lost more than she gained.

"Can't you teleport us the rest of the way there?" Sunshine asked him. "Whatever. A bus is fine, I guess. As long as there aren't any Purifiers."

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy, Deduction
Runa stared at Loki with uncertainty, trying her best to not get riled up by his scathing remarks. He wanted to play on her emotions and her fears, to cause her to not think things through, to rid her brain of logic and reasoning. She took a deep breath, even as her eyes narrowed at him. "Yes, I would say that your company is most unpleasant," she agreed. "Although, you did select an excellent location in which to die - your final sights will be breathtaking."

I... am... fine... Guin told Pietro unconvincingly, biting down hard on the inside of her cheek to keep herself from screaming and collapsing in pain. Her suit was the only thing keeping her vertical at the moment, as her legs were in no shape to support her weight on their own. She blinked and saw her husband rush on over, abandoning his job as taxi service for the innocent civilians, and then fail at hitting Loki. She might have teased him about it had she not been in so much pain.

Mary - or at least, Guin thought it was Mary - sent Loki flying backwards with her vines and she couldn't help but hope they'd just be able to pummel Loki and call it a day. But nothing was ever that easy. Mary and Lance were imposters, revealed to just be more manipulations of Loki! Her eyes widened, wondering how Loki had managed to deceive them like that - Mary and Lance had vanished, or had they been taken prisoner by him a while ago? I didn't go... anywhere? she replied to Pietro, confused.

Uh what are you talking about? I can't see you!

She could have kicked herself for not realizing it already, but it was probably the pain clouding her thoughts and judgment. Loki is making us look like Loki to other people! she explained quickly, before repeating it verbally. "Guys, Loki made us look like Loki!" she shouted. She had no idea how to fix it, but it basically meant that attacking any Loki right now was a bad idea. She had no idea who Pietro had just attacked for instance.

What are you talking about?

Don't attack until one of the magic people fixes this! Guin urged.

Speaking of magic users, Runa saw that all of her allies had vanished, leaving her with a ring of Lokis. She took a breath, trying to concentrate her powers to pick out the real one, but none of them were obvious lies. She couldn't determine who her enemy was. There was one way though to draw out the real Loki. She charged Gandr up with darkness and drove her staff down into the ground, emanating a large area attack. Everyone (every Loki, that is) was sent flying backwards and slammed into the ground. "Face me, coward!"

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A
Neil furrowed his eyebrows at Annie's suggestion - the thought of Loki multiplying was horrifying. The universe was already in a bad enough place with one Loki running around, they didn't need more of him. Maybe this was Annie's idea of a joke - although she wasn't really the joking type, despite her fits of laughter. People were rushing into the building like mad, and Neil pulled both Annie and Carolina close to him so that way they wouldn't get trampled. It wasn't the first stampede they had had to deal with sadly. "Come on, we need to go help the rest of the party," Neil urged his friends.

It was way harder than it should have been. He could have sworn there was a pack of bloodthirsty Karens charging at them at some points, their blonde bobs glinting in the sun as they left the outdoors and rushed into the building. Several of them banged their handbags into him and Neil could've sworn they had weights in there, as they hurt. He was going to have bruises, not from fighting a supervillain, but from white privilege. Neil let out a sigh of relief when they managed to get out of the building and away from the funnel of scared tourists. "Are you two okay?" he asked, before motioning for them to follow him as he carefully walked in the direction of Guin's panicked plea.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Sewers
Skills: N/A

Megan couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight of the entrance to the sewers. It was really a classic - so many books and movies involved the heroes crawling through the sewers in order to accomplish a goal. While of course this was all real, they were in a land of stories and it felt like a little homage to that trope. Of course, had Megan been writing a story and using it, she would have had everyone die inside of the sewers to turn it on its head - she sighed slightly just thinking about it. She loved movies that got really graphic with the gore, even the cheesy ones where people's blood was so pressurized it came out like a garden hose.

She jumped down after one of the girls, water splashing up as she landed. It came to a bit above her knees and it felt cold and grimy, but she didn't mind. She had felt far stranger things in a morgue. She glanced at the rats around the edges and couldn't help but wonder, after the girl mentioned the plague - did this fairytale world also experience the same plagues they did? Were their antibodies going to be useless here, if all of the diseases were a bit different? "How often do you experience plagues here? And what's the standard of medicine?" she asked.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome: Senate House
Skills: Strategy

Nancy's consciousness slowly came back to reality. She knew what the cards had shown her, a bleak future for Mads that she couldn't accept. There had to be a way to cure her - maybe some long forgotten text existed. Maybe the Greeks had invented a way to cure werewolves. The prophecy - no, her prophecy - it had to be wrong. Such was the Oracle's curse after all, being able to see these horrible things and unable to accept them. Everything Nancy had ever seen in the cards came to pass, but with Mads? She wanted so desperately to be wrong. Maybe they could convince one of the gods to heal her - her own father, maybe?

She put the tarot cards away in her pocket, rising to her full height. Her mind felt scattered - for instance, she had told Marco to inform the Senate what had happened purely because he was talking at the time. There hadn't been any political motive behind it. She wanted to put all of her energy into helping her friend, but Mads had run off to be alone. New Rome had two praetors for a reason - Nancy was going to have to step up and lead everyone in Madalyne's absence. She looked at Terminus and set her weapons down - the bow Diana had gifted her, as well as her daggers and such. "Sorry, Terminus - it was an abrupt entrance," Nancy apologized.

Privately, she hoped that Niah would go after Mads and she looked at her, hoping her gaze would speak louder than her words. "Fifth Cohort's been making a defensive line and evacuations are underway," she murmured, thinking quickly. She had to think about the safety of everyone there - she couldn't waste all of their time worrying about Mads, as much as she wanted to. "Okay, new set of orders. I want the Fourth and Third Cohorts to set up siege weapons around both Camp Jupiter and New Rome. First and Second Cohorts will set up traps within the city itself. Terminus, you're to stay at New Rome no matter what. They want to use you to free Atlas, and even if we're all dead, don't do it. I also want a medical tent set up, staffed by the children of Apollo ideally. Have it in one of the villas nearby. We'll use the Senate House as a war tent."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: the Ship
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

Leda felt a bit like they were eavesdropping, hearing the inner workings of the Roman Senate. One of the praetors had left and the other was just giving everyone their marching orders. She didn't say this, since she was next to her lovely girlfriend, but both of the praetors were really hot - and sadly, there was no New Housewives of New Rome show going on at the moment. It was all just dramatic and serious, with tension so thick it could've been cut with a knife. "We're here to let you lot know we'll be there this evening or tomorrow, ta," Leda explained.

"Understood," the praetor said, her brown eyes burning with a certain fury - they had the intensity of the sun. "We're anticipating an attack by the titans. If you get here beforehand, join us in the battle. You can support the fifth cohort or work as an independent squad."

Leda shot a bit of a look at Kiera as she maintained the Iris Message - she didn't exactly like the lack of choice given to them. They were Greek - they pretty much were trained to be strong fighters on their own and to do what seemed right. The overall military vibes of the Romans didn't really vibe with her worldview. She wasn't a pacifist by any means, but she was still a child of Iris - she didn't like order and conformity and all. "Uh huh," was all Leda said. "How generous."

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 314 -> Elevator
Skills: N/A

"Hey, no eating my shorts or I'll eat you!" Asha exclaimed, jumping back slightly. She loved these shorts and it was becoming increasingly harder to replace things. As time continued to move, the styles were changing and she didn't really like modern things so much. Her silver shorts were one of her cherished possessions and she didn't want to have to toss them out because a goat bit a hole in the crotch - she'd rather her shorts have a heroes death, like fighting a volcano monster or something. She moved over to the elevator, keeping an eye on the goat that had tried to bite her as she did.

"Doing the floors would probably be the best first," Asha agreed. They could let out a few goats at a time and then at the lobby, have the goats stampede since they wanted the most to be let off there anyways. It also would be rather funny just to see people trying to get on and use the elevator while they were in the middle of this.
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