Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

@Nallore@BlueSky44@Achronum@Trainerblue192@Framing A Moose@Kirah

CS Update Instructions
  • Empty out your character's possessions to reflect only what they had on them when they were facing the X-Cutioner (exception: Sunshine, James, and Jack need to empty and can then acquire new items)
  • Update your ages to reflect how old your character is on July 15th, 2021
  • Skill Rewards:
    • Veil - Mission Strategy (General)
    • Sunshine - Reading/Writing (English) (General) & Archery (Combat)
    • Spark Plug - Persuasion (General)
    • Max - Basic Spellcraft (General)
    • James - Omega Level Healing (General) & Investigation (General)
    • Jack - Basic Psychic Defense (General) & Italian (languages)
    • Casper - Basic Self Defense -> Advanced Self Defense (Combat)
    • Feedback - Improvised Weapon (Combat)
    • Echo - Dancing (General)
    • Zari - Basic History (Earth-667) (General)
    • Andy - First Aid (General)
    • Kris - Snipe Shot (Eye-beams) (Combat)
  • Relations - only need to be done for Sunshine, James, Jack, and Miranda. Everyone else is off the hook.

These need to be done before your last post hits day 8! Consider this your counter for this round.

Skrull Prison Ship

Anelle nodded at Flynn. She had a brave face on as she walked after Maria, going back to the bridge. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of all the destruction - and the casual attitude of those who had committed it. She could barely hold back the tears, seeing all of the dead. Some of them were burned beyond recognition. It was so horrible. It had been a massacre. Her heart was pounding, as her mind was seized by the idea that she was siding with these people who had slaughtered her people.

"Hey take it easy, Princess, breathe," Wasp reminded her. "Captain Marvel, have you seen the skrull leader?" Wasp then asked, as Carol came on over.

"You're... Captain Marvel?" Anelle asked, her face clouded with confusion. "Do you have news of Mar-Vell, my betrothed?"

"Wait, what?" Wasp asked, confused.

"You're Mar-Vell's fiancée?" Carol asked, looking shocked. "She never told me she was engaged... But yeah, I know her. She's the reason I got into this line of work. I named myself Captain Marvel in honor of her."

"Is she alright?" Anelle asked.

"As far as I know, she's still on Earth," Captain Marvel answered.

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 9:20 A.M.

The truck had been too full for Spider-Man to go along with those heading to the animal shelter - that and since his secret identity was secret even to other heroes, he wasn't about to remove his mask and whatnot. So showing up to an animal shelter in Missouri as Spider-Man would definitely draw attention. Instead, he was in the quinjet with the others, albeit stuck to the ceiling and looking at everyone upside down. He was a bit of a tech nerd himself and he was very curious about this entire eyeball process.

"Hey, have you ever heard of some really old movies called Star Trek? This one guy in them, he was the villain, he was missing an eye too. Had a really lit looking eyepatch and everything! Maybe you could cosplay as him," Spider-Man suggested. "I think his name was Chang, if you wanna Google him. I'd tell Fury to try it out, but I think he'd kill me."

Raynor sighed. "Kid, if you keep blabbing like that, I'm going to make you lose an eye," he threatened. Despite all of the rest he had gotten, he was still pretty weak and recovering. He wasn't anywhere near full strength and having a hyperactive spider-ling around wasn't helping. At least now he was surrounded by people he mostly knew and could mostly trust. A thought then occurred to him. Speaking of kids, he had no idea what the gender of his baby was going to be. "Do you know the gender yet?" he asked Sparky.

Baby names... Those were going to be a thing too. He knew that he'd want to honor his parents - he missed them so dearly, mostly his mother - and he hoped that Sparky wouldn't mind. Midgard names weren't as cool as Asgardian names anyways, there was a reason she went by Sparky and not Theresa, right?

"Someone needs to eat a Snickers bar," Spider-Man quipped.

Bonnie was doing some general busywork at the moment, tidying things up and reorganizing and taking inventory of all their supplies. As they had more or less stolen the quinjet, they hadn't had much of a chance to really go over all of the medical options. In a strange way, it was also the closest they had gotten to a girl's night so far - plus Spider-Man and Raynor. She wondered briefly how Raynor would be as a father, before deciding that it wasn't really any of her business. And she wondered again if there was a chance that Flynn was out there, alive.

"I think everyone needs to behave themselves or I'm kicking them out," Bonnie said, eyeing the two boys. "This is a medical facility, and as the doctor, what I say goes. If you don't like that, I'm sure there's something on the farm somewhere that you could do that'd be worthwhile. Maybe the animals need to be fed or something."

"Sorry Agent B," Spider-Man said.

Raynor just shrugged.

Bonnie stared at Raynor.

"...Sorry Bonnie..." he grumbled.


The (Horribly Named) Robert E. Lee Animal Shelter - Missouri: 9:20 A.M.

The truck bed was incredibly packed, with everyone who had decided to go flerken hunting. They were more or less all squeezed together like sardines. Amelia ended up squeezed in between Sam and Bucky, whereas the President was right next to T'Challa, Cap ended up right next to Kwassi, and Mar-Vell rode shotgun up front. The trip was relatively quick, which was both a blessing and surprising, given how far out in the middle of nowhere Hawkeye's family seemed to live. When they pulled up to the animal shelter, Amelia's face fell, seeing the name.

"Never understood why they always feel the need to plaster names like that everywhere, seems a little bit backwards to me, given that they, y'know, lost and everything," Amelia said, shaking her head. She conjured up a little gust of wind, propelling herself up and out of the truck, flipping over in the air, and touching the ground firmly behind her. "Like why can't they name the bloody place after someone who was good and wasn't, y'know, an actual bad guy?" she continued.

Sam nodded, feeling the same discomfort that Amelia did. Captain America opened his mouth for a moment, about to say something, but then reconsidered it. He truthfully didn't really know what to say. For a man from the 40's, everything seemed much better nowadays, but he was beginning to understand that the work wasn't really done yet and the movement was far from over.

"I must confess, I do not understand it either," T'Challa said, getting out of the truck. He was silent for a moment, feeling a certain heaviness in the air. "So, Goose, shall we go see if we can find more of your kind?" T'Challa asked, addressing the cat like he was a person and not, well, a cat.

"I guess we could say you like cats, T'Challa," Sam teased lightly. Even Bucky smiled a little bit at the joke, as he got out of the truck bed along with Steve.

"Ugh, I just know they're all going to be so cuuuute!" Amelia exclaimed. She didn't want to dwell on racism in America for too long, especially not since she would much rather think about all the cute dogs and cats they were about to see. Even if they weren't all equipped with tentacles in their stomach, she was still excited at the thought. And from the squeals coming from the truck's cab, Hawkeye's kids were equally excited about the idea.

Case in point, the small family (and Mar-Vell) practically spilled out of the truck, with the three kids running as fast as they could towards the shelter doors.

"They're free to a good home, any takers? No?" Hawkeye joked.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Sure, if you'd like to, that'd be chill," Leda told Kiera with a smile. She tended to just do a little maintenance on a few shrines every day, since then they'd more or less be in good shape all of the time. She knew others would've just done a large overhaul once or twice a year, but she hated the idea of letting everything pile up like that. And with the fighting between the Big Three going on, they needed all the godly good will they could manage. "I'm tending to the Big Three shrines today, so the main trick is making sure that they get exactly equal offerings and all placed, don't wanna mess with the cosmic balance at a time like this."

She didn't know if giving Hades a slightly larger offering than Zeus and Poseidon would cause trouble, but she didn't want to find out. It was already wicked weird that Camp was getting a small bit of the snow falling through, since usually the barrier kept their weather perfect, even if everything else around them was horrid. "Have ya heard anything from your pops lately?" she then decided to ask. She didn't know what she was really looking for, maybe just a bit of hope that things were going to go back to normal soon. Of course, a small part of Leda was itching for a quest. She hated feeling cooped up all the time.

Leda then started piling up more food onto her plate, going for the waffles and fruit this time.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Cohort Tent -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy followed her friends to the dining pavilion. Ironically, this was the place that made her the most homesick for New Rome. She missed the Lares drifting in and out, the camaraderie of eating with your cohort. They now just had a table for the legionnaires, which was fine and she was grateful they had a place at all, but she always felt incredibly out of place in the dining pavilion, as if it was the heart of the Greek-ness of Camp Half-blood. However, there was one thing that she was happy about - Bacchus hadn't been around for a few days now. It had always been nerve-wracking eating in the same space as that god. He hadn't been behind the Lotus Hotel and Casino, yet he was the god that she associated with that trauma.

She nodded at Niah, as Niah voiced her discomfort with the idea. "Maybe Mads and I should move into the cohort tent instead," Nancy suggested. "And just use the praetor tent for actual praetorial business, could be a rad way to help ease some guilt and tensions," she explained. She didn't know how Mads felt about them sleeping somewhere else, but it did make Nancy feel guilty. She picked up a piece of toast and offered it up to Joanie, looking around the room. The Greeks always seemed so happy and carefree. It was hard for her to fathom sometimes.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Forest -> the Tower
Skills: N/A

If looks could kill, Megan would've sent Colby to an early grave for his suggestion that they slow down - she wondered if he would have said the same if someone he cared about what in danger. No one else here had a reason to care about Jack. They cared more about people they had never met before than someone who had been journeying with them, someone who was real and mattered - their parents in this crazy fairytale world? Those were the strangers who they could slow down for. Jack was more important than them. Her intensity didn't decrease as Merlin explained that Rumplestiltskin likely needed Jack for something and would keep him alive. Knowing that Jack was alive wasn't good enough - she had to get her brother to safety.

When they made it to the tower and Merlin asked her if she had anything of Jack's, she froze for a moment. If that had been key to recovering Jack, why the hell did Merlin not say something when they had easy access to everything Jack had left at the inn?! Her mind briefly flashed with the thought of taking her sword and lopping off Merlin's head out of rage, but it was just an anger fantasy. "This," she then said, reaching into her bag and pulling out her keys. She then took one off the ring. "It's the key to the apartment Jack and I rent, so it belongs to both of us." She then handed the key over to Merlin.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: Wicca

Runa furrowed her eyebrows, a little bit confused by what Nadia had told her. She assumed at first that she had just misunderstood her, that maybe something had been lost in translation, but that clearly wasn't the case. Before she could ask for Nadia to clarify, Nadia had already jumped out from their spot, shouting at the gatekeeper. Deciding that Nadia must have meant to go to Klara, Runa sprinted over to Klara's hiding spot. She had luckily been able to get over there without the gatekeeper impaling her or anything. Once over at Klara, Runa reached out a hand. "Come on, let's go," Runa whispered.

She didn't really wait for Klara to answer, grabbing Klara and dragging her out from her hiding spot in a mad dash. She felt the ground shake from a boulder impacting just feet away from them, no doubt lobbed by the gatekeeper. She really hoped that he wouldn't pursue them too far. She could see a wooded area up ahead and beyond that, something like a castle. She didn't even have the mental capacity to wonder how living trees could grow in Helheim, given that it was pretty much a realm of the dead.

February 18th, 2021 - 12:00 AM

Veil nodded slightly, considering Spark Plug's suggestion. It could potentially work, but she wouldn't be able to maintain a force field around an explosion and keep them cloaked at the same time. She'd need to put all of her energy towards the shield. Plus, it required pretty much excellent precision from the others and assumed that the X-Cutioner didn't have anything else nasty planned. He struck her as the type to be over-prepared. He had to know that they had disarmed the other bombs.

"Oh, Moriarty? He's like this sexy professor who kills people for fun, and he's obsessed with this detective, Sherlock Holmes. He's veeeery queer coded and dresses so pretty," Casper rambled. "Except he takes Sherlock's not boyfriend but queer coded friend John to this pool and makes him wear this heavy coat, and Sherlock's all 'whaaat why are you here John' and then John opens up the coat, and BAM! He's wearing a bomb! And Sherlock's freaking out because he's also queer coded. Honestly come to think of it, pretty much every character in that show is queer coded, but not actually queer, because the BBC can't let us have nice things... And Waverley? It's always the time. That's how time works. It just keeps on going."

"Wait, what do you mean by them? I thought Daddy-O's circus ponies weren't coming," Casper blurted, confused by what Max had said.

Veil furrowed her eyebrows, before realizing the most logical person for Max to refer to - or people, however. The thought sent her stomach twisting up into knots. She always believed that the means and the ends had to both have honor in them - but here, when they were seconds away from the X-Cutioner's deadline, could they really have the luxury of being choosy? If they could save the mutants in the D.C. area, didn't they have to try every option available to them? "I don't think this could get much worse, Warlock," Veil admitted. "I believe in us. But belief might not be enough."

She turned to look at her brother, studying his face briefly as if it could be the last time she'd see him. "Je t'aime aussi," she replied softly in her native French.

Sunshine bit her lip, scrunching up her face as she tilted her head sideways. Most of her diseases that she caused were admittedly pretty unimaginative - just since she didn't know a lot. It helped her to know the name of the thing and the general effects. She'd never heard of a disease that could paralyze someone before, and she decided to give it a name in her head - Max Disease - as she twitched her fingers. No green smoke appeared around her hands.

Everyone seemed to be coming up empty and it worried Sunshine as much as it made her angry. They were a group of powerful mutants and here, some stupid flatscan with some weird tech was about to beat them all and they weren't even going to try? If this was the best that mutants had to offer, then maybe they deserved to be wiped off the face of the planet. They weren't just survivors - they were fighters, warriors! Like igniting a flame underneath a hot air balloon, Sunshine's anger allowed her to soar. Green wisps appeared in her hands, and her eyes turned emerald green. "I don't know how long it'll last, but... Fuck this flatscan." Sunshine then threw her green smoke orbs, her secondary mutation of perfect aim allowing them to connect.

There was silence, tension in the air, as the X-Cutioner fell still for a brief moment.

"You did it, kid," Havok said, his eyes wide as he started to collapse.

And then suddenly, the X-Cutioner began to move again. He turned and looked right at the group, since although Veil had made them invisible, Sunshine's actions had revealed their location. "I know you are there. There's little use in hiding now. Come into the light - or I will detonate the bomb."

The color drained from Veil's face. They only had one advantage. The X-Cutioner didn't know how many were present. She did a quick calculation, before gambling on their two best hopes. She removed the cloak of invisibility from everyone except Sapphire and Max. "X-Cutioner. You asked for us to come. We're here. What do you want?" Veil called out.

"I asked for the pathetic X-Men, Xavier's spawn - not some gutter children."

"If you want X-Men, I'm the real deal," Havok offered. "Take me - just let everyone else go."

The X-Cutioner laughed. "A real X-Men, boy," he threatened, his hand resting on the detonator. It would take very little effort for him to cause the bomb to go off. "How fitting though - Xavier shows his true colors, abandoning you and all the mutants in D.C. in favor of his chosen children, his pet monsters. You're all demonspawn, born of Lucifer's sin. Consider this a mercy killing, mutants. I'm your real savior."

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Guin nodded slightly at Ed's words - it was nice of him to let her know, but she already knew that Pietro was okay - well, as okay as you could be after all the bullet holes. Guin shuddered, her breath catching at the thought. "Thanks, already knew that, but thanks," she said, before tapping the side of her head twice as an explanation. Her eye twitched as the raccoon started laughing at her. She was already incredibly scared, as prison was one of her worst fears of all time, and now the rude little talking raccoon was laughing at her? In that moment, she did something she'd never done before. She invaded the raccoon's mind and gave a simple command - hit yourself. The raccoon obeyed like a puppet on strings, slapping himself across the face.

She didn't even want to have the stupid raccoon's help anymore when it came to escaping - besides, whatever plans he had inside of his head, she could just steal them. She had already stolen some of his knowledge on how the technology on the Kyln worked, so it couldn't be that hard for her to steal some more information? She'd never really bothered to use her telepathy like this before, and a small portion of her regretted that. It was so much easier to just take the information she needed directly. Much more efficient.

No, there's a stupid raccoon and a talking tree with the speech variety of a Tickle Me Elmo doll, and this place supposedly is impossible to escape from, which means I'm going to die next to a pile of raccoon piss!

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

"It is alright. It is I who should apologize - without Gandr, I cannot be of any use to you," Runa said softly. Gandr channeled her abilities, allowing her to use them to shape the world around her. Without her magical staff, she had essentially lost her ~training wheels~ and simply didn't know how to ride the bicycle without them. Despite being rather old by Midgardian standards, she was still a young child as far as Asgard was concerned. However, there was one thing that she did not need her staff for - by Midgardian standards, Asgardians had super-strength more or less.

As a rather rude inmate bumped into Bethany and chastised her, Runa frowned. The man was staring at the two of them rather than moving along. Bethany was clearly not happy with the encounter, and Runa glanced at her. "If we wish to settle this by blows, I make no objection," she told her friend. She doubted that any guards would care if a fight broke out in a place like this. Unlike the prisons run by her brother, it was simply too large to be monitored. She doubted that rehabilitation was even a priority.

Skrull Prison Ship

Anelle hesitated, before nodding. If the alien woman could replicate her powers, then she could perfectly mimic Criti Noll - provided that she first made contact with her. Skrulls couldn't absorb everyone's memories and personality traits from afar, it required physical touch. They could shapeshift to mimic someone without the touch, but it was the touch that made their shapeshifting so powerful. "Odds are, Criti Noll would have been on the bridge," she said softly. "You would need to search the bodies for her... Although you wouldn't know who you were looking for so...."

Wasp internally winced. To go through with this plan then, they needed to lead a traumatized young woman through the field of corpses and unconscious skrulls, searching their faces for the one they were interested in, forcing her to confront the results of the Avengers actions. Would that be enough to push Princess Anelle over the edge, to have her join the Empress rather than help them out? "Are you going to be okay doing that, Princess?" the Wasp asked.

"...If it saves my people, I would do anything," Anelle said quietly.

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 9:10 A.M.

Barton sighed, before plastering a smile on his face as he was tackled by three small kids - one girl with long brown hair, and two little boys. The kids looked like there were a few years spread in ages between them all, but the oldest, the girl, couldn't have been older than eight years old or so. "Hey rug rats, don't you all have school today?"

"Mommy said classes were canceled because your friends are here!" the little girl chimed in helpfully.

"And she said we're your problem since she needed Mommy time," the older of the two boys added.

Hawkeye smiled, shaking his head slightly. "Oh boy, lucky me. Well! How about we get some breakfast, and then, you can come with us to go pick out some animals, okay?" Hawkeye asked, as he got up from the table and got some things for his kids ready. The kids got into their seats at the table, looking around the table happily, although they clearly weren't phased by seeing Avengers around. The youngest boy locked eyes with Goose and gasped.

"Pussy cat!!!!" he squealed, before jumping onto the table, knocking his bowl of cereal into Captain America's lap, as he tried to grab Goose by the tail. He latched onto Goose and Goose screamed, leaping upwards and latching onto the ceiling rafters with his tentacles. The kids all started screaming - not out of fear, but excitement.

"Do it again!!!!!!"

Fury was trying not to laugh, but failing. "Look how the mighty flerken has fallen," he teased, before getting up. "I'm going to sit out the flerken retrieval mission. I'm too old to go to an animal shelter." He also didn't want to go with a bunch of hyper screaming little kids who doubtlessly would want to adopt EVERY animal in the place.

"Not to worry, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is on the case!" Spider-Man exclaimed. He aimed his right hand upwards, shooting out some webs and launching himself up to the ceiling. He crouched on the rafter next to Goose. "Hey there, Mr. Kitty Cat - or are you a Mrs. Kitty Cat? My name's Spider-Man, you wanna come down for some kitty cat treats?"

Goose looked at Spider-Man for a moment, before walking over and sniffing him slightly. After a few moments, the cat started rubbing up against him, since to Goose he was clearly one of the good hoomans.

Agent 13 raised an eyebrow. She didn't exactly want to be with the screaming children either, and they still had a lot of unknowns to deal with. "I'm going to see if I can find out anything online about the convention and get us a list of who's attending." She didn't want to wait to get that from the White House. She got up and headed up the stairs to the rooms they had been staying in.

"Wow, don't everyone volunteer at once," Cap said, shaking his head. "I'm going. Sam, Buck, T'Challa you in?"

"'Course I am, you know I'd never pass up on a chance to pet some dogs," Falcon said with a grin.

"I may have a hard time refraining from adopting all of the animals in the shelter... But yes, I would like to go," T'Challa agreed.

The Winter Soldier just nodded.

"Sparks, work on the quinjet?" Raynor suggested. The quinjet had air conditioning. He liked air conditioning. As far as he was aware, Hawkeye's home did not have air conditioning. It was also a little weird to him to see the kids running around - and part of him was a bit jealous, as his own kid hadn't been born yet. Would his kid look at him and the world with such curiosity and joy? Or would they be like him - cruel and angry all the time?

"Are we going to take a truck or something to the shelter then?" Amelia asked.

Barton nodded. "The truck's got room for someone to ride shotgun with me, kids will be in the carseats, the rest of you will have to ride in the truck bed. Once the kids finish breakfast, we can head out - and Spidey, you might want to throw the cat down at some point, I imagine we'll need Goose with us."

Mar-Vell nodded. "Flerkens have an instinctive ability to recognize their own kind."

Bonnie nodded, smiling slightly at Sparky. "Yeah, of course. I ought to study Niah's prosthetic some and take another look at Cass' wound anyways, make sure everything is healing smoothly. Niah, hun, when you're ready, we can go out to the quinjet and camp out in the medical bay."

(Everyone who is going flerken hunting, go get in the truck bed this round!)

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Forest

Overall, it hadn't gone as horribly as she might have imagined. She had been the first one to bolt, as she knew that she didn't have time to sit around and wait for the guards to clear her (and she doubted they would, with the weapon she carried). She had been able to flee the city before the guards pursued, realizing only a bit later that others had dashed with her. A few guards had followed them, but one of the blonde girls had used some throwing knives to handle that situation, and it wasn't long until they were in the woods. Megan felt calmer in the woods. It was at least partially due to the smells - Camelot hadn't smelled fantastic.

Most everyone seemed to be accounted for - Megan honestly didn't remember the names and descriptions of everyone in the group, it was rather large. And right now, her memory was entirely focused on what had happened to Jack, trying to preserve every detail in a desperate gamble to increase the odds that her brother would be returned to them alive. "We can't afford to slow down. We need to find Jack before he's dismembered," she urged Merlin.

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