Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: Audiokinesis

Nancy pouted slightly. It would've been so wicked cool to drop a mountain on a dragon - especially one, as Niah had pointed out, that was basically racist. She wasn't very surprised about the lair being next to a harpy nest, especially after they had just fought a bunch of harpies just to get up here - it made sense. They probably enjoyed stealing things from tourists or whatever when they were around and Nancy doubted people were free climbing enough to make them relocate. Although, she did wonder - did dragons eat harpies?

Nancy whistled softly, appreciating the mist clones Mads had made. "Damn, we look good," Nancy quipped. They just needed to sneak in now, take the gem, and then be on their merry way - quest over and done with. "I think I have an idea on how to help, quiet's never been my thing but..." she concentrated, and it took her a few tries, but she managed to soften all of the noises the trio made. Their footsteps would be quieter, their heartbeats a little softer, their breath more muted. She held up a finger to her lips, gesturing for them to be quiet, and Nancy began to sneak her way into the cave. Inside, she saw an insane amount of gold, as well as a dragon sleeping - and the gem!

Raynor paused, before shrugging slightly. "Yeah, guess it would've been a bit alarming for a protocol droid to know how to rig a detonator," Raynor joked. He was slightly amused with himself. He never had been a huge fan of droids before, but Emzie was remarkably human. Their sense of humor was beginning to endear itself to him too. He fell silent though as Emzie brought up the map, his eyebrows furrowing as he studied it. He had been raised in the Jedi Order his entire life, taught that they must preserve the peace, that all life was sacred.

Yet for the duration of the Clone Wars, he had been a soldier in a war. He knew that the Jedi way wasn't always the way that won battles. And while other Jedi may have scoffed and chaffed at such thoughts, they were comfortable to Raynor... largely because he was already in violation of the Jedi Code. He had a wife. A lovely Twi'lek with gorgeous green skin and brilliant eyes, more stunning and radiant than anything he had ever seen in the galaxy. There were things worth defying the Jedi Council for. Sparky was one of them.

But could he give up hope that his former master, the General, was still alive? That the clones who had fought so bravely were lost? But if they failed, what about the lives of those fighting up in the skies above them? And those in the Republic who depended on the Jedi and the GAR? A sort of morose calm came over him. He could feel it through the Force. "Is there a secondary route to the core?" he asked Emzie.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Infirmary
Skills: N/A

Leda nodded at Kiera's question, heading out of the infirmary with her girlfriend. "Yeah, someone had kidnapped Calliope, so Apollo made me go find her with Kristin and Zeke, bleh. Just thinking about all the time spent in close quarters with the two of them makes me wanna barf," Leda complained. However, she got the feeling that complaints about people she didn't like wasn't really what Kiera needed or wanted to hear at the moment. It was a bit of a scary idea, going off on a quest. "I won't lie, quests are hella dangerous, but they're fun too. Gives you a chance to test yourself, see what you're capable of, explore life beyond camp."

She paused for a moment, looking at Kiera as they headed to get Chiron. She figured that Chiron would likely be on the porch of the Big House. It seemed to be one of his favorite spots. That or maybe he'd be grabbing a bite to eat at the dining pavilion. "It'll be chill though, we're going to get through this, I promise," Leda said, offering her pinky out to Kiera. "Pinky swear." She smiled, hoping it would help Kiera feel better. Leda was a little bit scared too, but mostly, she was excited. Quests were really fun adventures - provided you walked away from them.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Northern Woods
Skills: N/A

Nancy really shouldn't have been surprised that Mads caught up to her so quickly. She forced a slight smile, her eyes darting around for a moment. She wished that they could have been alone for this conversation - she didn't mind Niah being there, in fact she was a little glad Niah had come to. The children, they were unexpected complications. Despite the screaming match she had had with her father, Nancy was a private person when it came to inner thoughts and feelings. She didn't open up lightly. Besides Mads and Niah, the only other person here who Nancy had begun to open up to was her brother - and she hadn't even told him yet about some events who shaped who she was.

Nancy took the box from Mads, feeling the weight of it. She nodded. "Yeah, just felt like I was going to ralph if I stayed there longer," she said, only telling a half truth. She paused for a moment. She didn't want to talk about her conversation with her father, with Apollo. She also didn't want to talk about the prophecy that she had seen, but she knew that she needed to do so. "The stuff I have to share, it's going to be heavy," she warned, more or less giving a minute for the kids to leave if they wanted to.

"... I saw you die, Mads ... I saw you fall into the Pit."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rumple's Home
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow, her mind briefly flickering towards documented cases that were potentially spontaneous human combustion. This reminded her some of that. Would there be a detectable accelerant source from a magic fireball - surely not, yes? Was magic perhaps then to explain the mysteries surrounding those old cold cases? She was irritated that he hadn't decided to leave with the rest of them, but at least impressed that he was managing to deal considerable damage. She was very curious as to the temperature of his flames - would they be enough to cremate remains? Or were they insufficient? She'd have to see if he wouldn't mind some rigorous experimentation later on....

She hadn't yet gone out the exit, but their window of opportunity to escape was narrowing. Megan sighed slightly, "I have a thousand questions," and grabbed her brother's arm and dragged him on out with her, fleeing the scene. She moved quickly the way that they had come, guiding/forcing Jack through the hole in the wall as well and making it to where the others were. She was very quiet as Merlin turned them all invisible and still, but tensed and ready for a fight.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 1:30 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: the Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing Complex - Omega Building: Renegade's Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

Casper's shrugged off James' guilt. He could be a bit spacey too - in fact, Casper was often very spacey so he wasn't going to hold it against his boyfriend. Besides, it had been much longer for James than it had been for him. He didn't know what he would have done if their roles had been reversed - actually, that was a lie, Casper knew exactly would he would do. He would have found any drug he could get his hands on and overdose himself into a coma rather than spend a minute without James. The realization scared him slightly - but it also excited him. He wanted to spend his life with this man.

"Ooo, if slipping away means slipping out of some clothes then I'm down," Casper said with a playful smirk. He knew that Echo was right there, but Casper didn't care. He had missed Pride after all! He nibbled at James' earlobe slightly, just in case James didn't get what Casper was hinting about. He turned his head slightly, seeing that they were slowly gathering an audience. It wouldn't have been the first time Casper was sexually inappropriate in front of other people.

Inside the apartment, Sunshine had no idea where the MarBow name had come from - she knew the first part was Marrow, but she had no idea how Bow had anything to do with either of them. "I don't think we're gonna have kids - and if we did, we could just have a telepath help share the memory," Sunshine pointed out. She had fully adapted to mutant culture and processes on the island. A lot of human things - like cameras to record videos - weren't really needed anymore when all you needed was a psychic. Sunshine even knew one mutant who could permanently project images from her mind onto hard surfaces, making flawless photos just from mental images.

Havok was too brooding and grumpy to want anything to do with the trip down memory lane they had all collectively shared, so he headed on out of the apartment, wanting to find something to smash.

Veil, meanwhile, had a slight headache from the information drop Zarina gave them. Plenty of her teachers at Xavier's School had similarly complicated backstories. It only made Veil wonder more why Zarina had ended up with them, if she was not really just a mutant, but also someone like Thor, one of the most powerful and beloved Avengers. Her parents were SHIELD agents too, meaning this kid was seriously well connected. She had more questions for Zarina - well, one in particular really: why?

But people were starting to chaff at being in this one spot. Already a good number had gone out into the hallway, and while Veil wasn't technically in charge anymore, she felt responsible for her companions and their wellbeing. She could interrogate Zarina more about her past later. Right now, it was probably best for her family if they went to the ceremony and then ideally were able to settle down and stake out a little spot to call home for a while. She didn't doubt everyone would want to thoroughly discuss what they had seen too. "Thank you for sharing that with us, Zarina."

Renegade almost forgot to answer Max's question, thinking more about the half-Asgardian elephant in the room. She wasn't one of those educated types, so she didn't know that other species could have mutants. "Bien sûr. There's loads of mutants who can use magic. But I ain't the one to answer those questions, I don't do any hocus pocus stuff myself. Gives me bad vibes, reminds me of an ex."

Ten Minutes Later at Carousel..

Image Reference: here

The full force of the Mutant Underground - or what had once been the Mutant Underground - was standing on the stage at the Carousel. The Carousel was more or less centrally located on Genosha, allowing everyone to travel there fairly rapidly. It helped that the island's telepaths sent out the alert, explaining everyone who wanted to meet the heroes who had saved Washington D.C.'s mutants from a terrigen bomb should head there immediately.

The Mutant Underground weren't the only ones on the stage, looking out into the crowd - there were easily at least 20,000 mutants in attendance, their collective body heat raising the temperature of the space. There were raised natural platforms everywhere, allowing everyone to take a look, and the light filtered in gorgeously through the strange purple and red trees. The Quiet Council stood to the side of the stage - some of their members would be familiar to the Mutant Underground already. Reeva, Magneto, and the Three-in-One - the fourth would be knew, a woman with wild dark hair and a mischievous grin, dressed like it was Halloween.

"On behalf of the Quiet Council, we would like to honor these young mutants for their actions in Washington D.C. Without them, many of us would not be here," Reeva Payge began, her voice somehow echoing in everyone's minds, as telepaths ensured that everyone could hear each and every word. "Two heroes, however, are not here... We would like for there to be a moment of silence, physically and psychically, to honor the sacrifices of Glimpse and Sapphire."

Reeva held up a hand. The crowd was still, motionless. After a few minutes, she continued on. "To our mutant brothers and sisters who survived, I ask that you introduce yourself to the island, as you are and will forever be the heroes of Genosha."

Sunshine didn't hesitate. She looked really proud to be up on the stage, despite having viciously hated almost everyone in the Quiet Council not too long ago. "I'm Sunshine, duh," she introduced, the telepaths amplifying her voice. She let out little puffs of green smoke from the palms of her hand and the crowd roared, cheering her name - "SUNSHINE! SUNSHINE! SUNSHINE!"

Casper also didn't have stage fright. "I'm Casper!" he said cheerfully. "And that's Ben," he said, pointing at his ghostly friend despite no one being able to see him. "CASPER AND BEN! CASPER AND BEN!" the crowd cheered.

When it was her turn, Veil's voice was so quiet it was a bit hard even for the telepaths to psychically boost it in everyone's mind. "... Veil ..." "VEIL! VEIL!"

Havok, of course, was glaring at a woman with green hair standing near the front. "I'm fucking Havok," he muttered.

"FUCKING HAVOK!" the crowd cheered and Havok facepalmed.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim -> Hotel Valhalla: Lobby
Skills: N/A

Runa had never traveled really on the back of a cat much before - much less on the back of a cat through the bifrost. The rainbow bridge was absolutely stunning, she had never seen so many colors before, and she smiled slightly. However, she felt incredibly nervous all the while. She had met her father. And he did feel familiar to her - he felt like he was her father, if that made any sense. And it was just all the more confusing for her, since she hadn't really ever thought about her father before... She had always assumed her mother was just making it up.

Runa climbed off of Betty, staring for a moment at her father and the person he was talking to. She bit her lip, before looking at Klara and Nadia. "Should I go talk to him?" she whispered, asking her friends for advice. She didn't know what to say. She had so many questions that she had no questions at all. But - the most surreal thing was knowing that they had done it. They had saved the world... for now at least.

Skrull Prison Ship

This time, Mister Fantastic had the answer for Maria. He was monitoring their position, contorting and twisting his body as his neck stretched between rows of monitors and maps all at once. "Our current trajectory will put us down along the cost of Uruguay, not too far from Montevideo," Richards answered. "Setting a craft of this size down in the South Atlantic that close to a city may cause large waves to crash down on Montevideo. We need a way to either minimize our impact or to adjust our course to be at a safe distance away, which will be difficult without the engine core."

"Captain Marvel, can you lift a ship this size and steer us?" Maria Hill proposed, her arms crossed as she was thinking through their options. "Maybe the Torch can assist?" Iron Man didn't have his armor either and they didn't have many flyers. Hill wasn't even certain how much help Johnny Storm would be, he wasn't exactly known for super strength - at least, not that her records had indicated. And the Wasp was going to be too puny to really change things.

"Maybe parts of it," Captain Marvel admitted. "I'd need more than just one extra hand. Too bad you can't fly, She-Hulk," Captain Marvel sighed.

"I'll see if I can make some makeshift jet packs or repulsors, Hulk sized," Tony volunteered. There was tons of random tech on the ship - maybe he could improvise something to help.

Maria Hill nodded. "Agent Reed, see if you can absorb Marvel's powers and help her. Agent Flynn - I can't recall from your files, are you able to assist here?" she asked. As far as she remembered, he was more or less just like the Human Torch.

Roman, someone who could be very useful with their current situation, was bizarrely quiet and unhelpful. Escape pods, unfortunately, wouldn't help save those in the city either.

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:00 P.M.

Inside the Oval Office, VP Ricky Goldsworth (who bore an uncanny resemblance to the older Pietro Maximoff) looked surprised to see Captain America there. President "Jakobsen" however did not, instead smiling charmingly and holding out a hand to Rogers, who shook his in turn. Jakobsen clasped his left hand over the handshake as well, clearly happy to see the Captain. "Rogers! I'm so glad you've come. I've honestly been feeling a little lost with this entire situation and I'd love your input... Ricky, give Marcus my best, okay?"

Ricky hesitated for a moment. "Sure, Alex," he said. "You know one of these days, you'll have to come over for dinner and video games like we've been talking about."

"When?" Jakobsen laughed. "Between the crisis in the Middle East and negotiations with Genosha, when exactly am I supposed to have the time? I haven't even been able to teach Alcie to shoot a BB gun yet."

"Isn't she a little young?" Ricky asked, shaking his head slightly.

"Never too young," Jakobsen said, pointing a finger at his VP. Ricky rolled his eyes, before leaving the Oval Office, his own Secret Service attachment following him on out. It was a more of less convenient set up. Excluding the undercover Secret Warriors, there were only two other Secret Service agents in the room, standing behind the desk.

"So, Captain - I'm all ears," Jakobsen said, sitting down on the couch. "Please, take a seat."

Cap knew that the real Jakobsen hadn't entered the room yet, so he nodded, sitting down on the couch. They couldn't make their move yet until everyone was inside and they could seal off the room. "It's a matter of civil liberties, sir. This registration is going to put lives in danger - good people's lives. It's just a thinly veiled repeat of the mutant registration act and in my experience, when you start putting people who are different on lists, it can't end well."

Bonnie had moved into the Oval Office already, standing near the door. She winced slightly hearing Captain America's argument - it reminded her of the rule of the internet that anyone who invoked Hitler in an argument would surely lose. Captain America was comparing the registration act to what had happened during the Holocaust. Bonnie knew that Hill had been a skrull and it hadn't been real - but it didn't mean she didn't believe that more regulation would be a good thing. Every day, she read stories about incidents from people with powers who didn't know how to fight and they ended up getting hurt - innocent people were hurt.

To her, there was a difference between registering people because they were different and regulating those who wanted to act as vigilantes. In general, super heroes shouldn't have existed. They made decisions without any legal authority or backing. And she couldn't help but believe that any hero who didn't want their identity to be known had something they were hiding, some dark secret in their closet.

"What's wrong with oversight? Not every person with powers is going to be Captain America - they won't have your training, experience, or moral compass," Jakobsen argued. "Look, Steve, I'm trying to do what's best for everyone - you have to believe me."

Amelia was standing right outside the doorway, just waiting for a chance to seamlessly enter and blend in. That was one of the problems they had to contend with - they couldn't just all waltz inside of the Oval Office without making a scene. A large group of Secret Service doing that was bound to attract attention. No, it was easier to fade in slowly, all at once. She was feeling a little giddy though, just wanting to skip past the boring waiting and move onto the action.

Raynor glanced at Oliver and Matt, before giving them a slight nod. There were multiple entrances to the Oval Office. They had poured over and studied the maps, so Raynor began to move into his next position, heading down a hallway and then standing outside of the side entrance. The plan was the instant they heard conflict going on, they could sneak inside and support the others - and ideally, prevent anyone else from coming in and getting suspicious.

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy, Electronics and Computers, Engineering Design, Problem Solving, Perception

Guin rolled her eyes. "And hear I thought my brunette hair and this gun would have me pegged for Princess Leia, but I won't complain about being R2. That little droid carried the franchise on his back," Guin said. That was the truth as well - she loved R2D2, he was easily one of the greatest characters in the franchise. Rather than naming it the Skywalker Saga, it should've been called the Adventures of R2D2 in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. I was shot because these guards want us dead or back in cages? Guin whispered to Pietro mentally. And yes I would very much like you to be here but I thought you were too weak for that right now.

I'm just tired, it's fine. Probably. Pietro responded, not sounding all too convincing with it.

Well then, Threepio, come on up here, Guin suggested. Her tongue was sticking out slightly from the side between her teeth as she concentrated on the door panel. It wasn't too hard to figure it out, especially as she was getting some practice with Nova Corps tech - the hardest thing was just figuring out what the varying letters and symbols meant. It wasn't too long though until she had gotten it right where she wanted it, where with the single press of a button the door would open.

Give me a minute.

"Door is ready, just say the word and I'll open it," Guin said to the others, more or less holding her finger over the button. Okay. Love you.

Love you too.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Darkness Manipulation

Runa thought for a moment. "They are faring well. Their ancestors would be very proud," Runa answered. Truthfully, the guards hadn't seemed to be much of a match for them. Runa knew that the X-Men were not weak by any means, but she still expected that the Nova Corps would have been more of a threat, especially considering how easily they had been subdued on the ship. Yet much like her uncle Loki, it hadn't been an honest fight then - the Nova Corps had relied on deception and trickery to subdue them.

She frowned for a moment, hoping that her uncle was enjoying his prison cell. She was feeling some anxiety over the lack of reliability of her primary power, so Runa decided instead to bend darkness to her will, intending to craft an added layer of protection. Yet as she reached her fingers out, preparing to weave the darkness, nothing happened. Her stomach dropped. What in Odin's name is happening to me? Runa panicked. She tried again and made a shield, but it didn't do much to ease her anxiety. Was she losing her powers? Was she becoming mortal?

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Infirmary
Skills: N/A

"She fainted in the shrines, we just found her like this," Leda told the healer. A few seconds later, Kiera came crashing into the infirmary - and Leda couldn't help but be slightly impressed with how fast her girlfriend made it across camp. "You sure you don't have superspeed, luv?" Leda teased slightly. Maybe it was denial, but she believed that Rosie was going to be okay, so a few little quips weren't going to be out of place in the situation. Oracles did stuff like this all the time. It was an occupational hazard, and as long as Rosie had medical attention, she'd be fine. Just fine. Nothing was wrong at all. Nope, not a single thing was out of place.

There definitely wasn't any green smoke billowing around the room - or a horrific prophecy. Leda grimaced as she saw the illusions or images unfolding in front of her. There was a wolf, along with Andy and Mary in some sort of chamber. Then there was Leda and Kiera, along with Arthur, in some sort of ocean camp. And then finally, a ginger she didn't know, Jason, and one of the Romans. It was a triple prophecy. Leda let out a soft whistle, trying to comprehend what they had seen. "Oracle shit," Leda explained to Kiera. "Looks like we've been issued triple quests."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Outside the Dining Pavilion -> Northern Woods
Skills: N/A

Nancy raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you do that yourself?" she muttered, even though Apollo had already left - she had a feeling that he could hear her. Her emotions about the entire situation were still varying wildly. She had been extremely blunt and honest with her father in the chariot, and she didn't know yet if she felt better or worse because of it. She didn't know if he was genuinely trying to be better or if this was just some sort of charade for praise and attention. It made her wonder how Diana could be Apollo's twin - Diana was a straight shooter, whereas Apollo....

She glanced inside of the pavilion, seeing her friends talking with some Greeks. Nancy couldn't help but feel incredibly self conscious. Everyone had to have seen what had happened - that Apollo had given her some gift. Had they been able to hear her screaming at him in the chariot? And then, the episode she had had with the vision, it all made her feel queasy and sick. She knew that she ought to go talk to Mads, to explain what she had seen... that Mads was going to fall into Tartarus. But the thought of being so honest in front of so many people, it was horrifying. So instead, Nancy raised her hand slightly, before lowering it and she just started walking, trying to process so many life altering things at once.

She didn't even notice where she was walking to until she realized she had left the dining pavilion behind and walking through the northern woods. She glanced up at Joanie, before petting the dragon's snout affectionately. "Does a walk sound good?" she murmured to the dragon, before pressing onwards. Maybe the woods would help her clear her mind.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Rumple's Home
Skills: N/A

Megan tilted her head slightly at her brother. "It's incredibly easy, have you never been cross with a corpse before?" she asked. She was routinely angry with the deceased, especially when the organs had begun to liquify, as it was increasingly difficult then to collect any meaningful or useful evidence. She frowned, hearing what Jack was saying about an artifact. If it was something worth hiding, she had to assume that it was something powerful. She also guessed it was likely magical - that seemed to be the theme.

She didn't want to stick around and look for this. She wanted to get out of there while they were ahead - they had rescued Jack, the mission objective was fulfilled. They had to wait in silence as Merlin tried to track down the artifact, and Megan was feeling more and more impatient, more antsy. However, they didn't have to wait for long. The door opened and Megan snapped her head up.

Severed heads were tossed at Jack's feet, as Rumplestiltskin himself came into the area. Megan was ready to slash at him with excalibur, but Merlin tossed a fireball at Rumplestiltskin. "Let's go," she prompted her brother, heading for the exit quickly.
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