Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Armory
Skills: N/A

Leda chuckled at Kiera's suggestion that they could use the armor for foreplay. "Why do I feel like we wouldn't be the first to use it for that?" she joked. She was fine with the idea, as long as they made sure to clean the armor beforehand. She didn't want to be catching whatever Aphrodite cooties were still on the armor from the last person who wore it for sexy times. She smirked slightly as Kiera changed into the armor in front of her. "Like I said, squishy limbs but you look great, babes." She giggled slightly at the spin Kiera did - that was just a little bit extra.

"Aww, and here I thought a tee would be plenty of coverage," Leda joked, before starting to peruse the armor options in her size. She really liked armor that had both protection and mobility to it. She found a bit of a gaudy option - the armored skirt had a bit of an opening to it, but had leather underneath, meaning she'd still be able to run. It definitely would protect her stomach from any trick shots and Leda did really like the tiara. "Whatcha think of this - lingerie or armor?" she asked Kiera.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Roman Side of Camp
Skills: Sound Manipulation

Nancy was a little bit surprised by what Niah had said - she would've guessed that Niah would have believed in happy endings. Nancy figured she was the cynical one of the group when it came to the afterlife, as she found the entire afterlife system horrifying rather than comforting - even the so called 'rewards' given out to heroes. The only good option as far as she was concerned would be to be turned into a tree. She couldn't press her friend further on it though, as they had to deal with the Leandra of it all. And Nancy couldn't help but adore Joanie, cackling slightly as the dragon divebombed Leandra. "Wait, no, stop," Nancy deadpanned.

Nancy's eyes lit up with joy as Joanie lit Leandra's hair on fire. "Good girl!" Nancy praised, as Joanie flew back on over, dropping a pouch in front of her. Nancy gave the dragon some ear scritches, before bending down and picking up the pouch. It had a decent weight to it and she opened it up, her eyes widening from shock and then narrowing from rage. "LEANDRA!!!!!!!!" Nancy screamed at the top of her lungs. Nancy pulled the item out of the pouch so that way Niah could see - it was the gem. "I'm going to kill her. I'm actually going to kill that goddamn mega bitch!" Nancy then took off at a run in the direction Leandra had gone.

She managed to catch up with her, only for Leandra to kick her in the shin. "You goddamn bitch!" Nancy swore, hopping slightly on one leg - that was definitely going to leave a bruise. Nancy whistled, manipulating the frequency and stunning Leandra. Nancy kept the whistle going, glaring at Leandra as she tried to send her into unconsciousness. Leandra eventually succumbed, as Nancy knocked her out. "Tell me I have the power to sentence her without needing a vote or the goddamn Senate," she practically growled, her rage more directed at Leandra than Niah - who Nancy just sort of assumed would have run along. She didn't even turn to see if Niah was there. It was very possible she was talking to herself.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Merlin's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan hadn't slept much during the night. It wasn't because she was stressed or afraid or nervous - or even excited to meet her biological parents. She was an insomniac. It had been an asset during medical school, as she survived with fewer hours of sleep and could get a few extra hours of studying in - and post school, it meant that she always had the time to watch a horror movie or two before heading to work. She loved how still the world felt at night, knowing that businesses were closed and most people were in the realm of the unconscious. There was something spooky about the night, something that just felt right to her.

She wondered briefly if there had been a mistake and her actual parent was Jack from the Nightmare Before Christmas - or perhaps even Dracula. Most of the people here seemed to be more or less carbon copies of their parents. She and Jack were the exceptions. He was nothing like her father. And her biological parents were royalty - they were heroes - Megan wasn't that in any shape or form. For a few hours during the morning, she had stared at excalibur, as if the sword would vanish into smoke, turning out to just be a mirage. She could hear the others moving and heading down to the area with the rest, but Megan stayed in the room she was in, pulling the skull out of her bag - her new friend, Mina.

"They don't understand me, do they?" she whispered to the skull. "I don't think I'm the slightest bit like them, Mina."

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 2:30 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

Sunshine paused, before nodding. "Yeah, I can show you the Akademos. You'll want to change clothes for it, lot of people wear discount X-Men uniforms when they're there," she admitted, rolling her eyes slightly. "I guess it's what serves as mutant gym clothes, but I dunno." She wasn't a huge fan of the X-Men, but a lot of people on the island were. It was ironic, of course, as Sunshine was very well aware that no member of the X-Men had ever come to Genosha before... Well, besides Havok, but he didn't exactly count.

"Not that the X-Men come around... Like do you really think Iron Star is gonna leave her rich ass tower of privilege to come here?" Sunshine scoffed. No one asked her to continue, but she decided to anyways - she and her friends here loved ranting about the X-Men. It always got them riled up. "The X-Men are kinda as bad as flatscans. They don't actually care about mutants - it's why they don't work and Genosha does. We aren't busy kissing flatscans' asses."

Havok let out a huffy breath, before nodding at Waverley. "Sorry. You're right," he grumbled. It was hard for him to muster that much of an apology - and he was clearly tense, on edge. Others in the group may have been taking this well, but every fiber of Havok's being was telling him that they were in grave danger, and he didn't like sitting around and doing nothing about it.

Veil felt like a vein in her head was going to burst, seeing the way Max baited Havok with the door. However, she had a bigger issue with the action - there were only six rooms in the place. Max claiming a room for himself was going to force more people to have fewer space. She didn't like assuming in her mental math that Sunshine wasn't going to be staying with them, but even then, everyone was going to have to have a roommate - there were thirteen of them to six rooms. Veil walked up to the room Max had claimed and she knocked on the door once, before opening it up. "You do realize you have to have a roommate, right? Everyone does. We're already going to have to have a room of three to fit everyone," she pointed out to him bluntly.

"It's not fair for you to get an entire room to yourself, and then make six people in the group have to share two rooms," she then added, hoping that she got her point across. If she hadn't, well, then Veil would assign herself as Max's roommate. She had expected that he would've known they'd have to share, given his time with the Mutant Underground and how normalized sharing was there.

Sunshine was feeling increasingly frustrated and talked over. Echo had asked her where they could get some food, only for James to answer. Max had claimed her room for his own, only for Veil to go off to deal with it and Jack mentioning it to her. As much as she loved all of these people, it made her want to scream and pull her hair out. She'd have to blow some steam with Marrow later after showing Kris the Akademos. "I didn't know your name was Sunshine too," she told James, a slight edge to her otherwise cheerful voice. "But yeah, there's a Tiki Bar nearby called the Lagoon. Kinda the only restaurant at the moment," she said, more or less telling Echo the same thing James had.

Casper perked up - both at the kiss to his hand and the fact that a tiki bar was being discussed for dinner or whatever meal this was. He wasn't even certain what time of day it was, but his stomach was telling him it was food o'clock and he wasn't one to deny his bodily interests no matter what time of day. "Ooo, so that means the place is both the best and the worst place to eat on Genosha?" Casper commented with a smirk, very proud of himself.

The smirk faded though, replaced with boyish curiosity. "Do you think they know how to make waffles? Do you have waffle makers on Genosha or are those too human-y for everyone here? Oo maybe I should open up my own waffle shack here - I could call it... Casper's Syrup Surprise Shack! The CSSS for short! Wait, no, Casper and James' Syrup Surprise Shack! It'll be so romantic, babes, I bet we'd get in all of the magazines. Are there magazines here? Ooo we could start the mutant Vogue - Mogue!"

"... I swear you got stupider," Sunshine commented, before heading down the hallway, ducking underneath Veil's arm, and going into her room. She looked at Max, seeing how he had some weird cube thing in his hands. "If you're going to be my roommate, you should know that I hate it when people snore," she said, crossing her arms. "Also, I'm allergic to hairspray, if that's going to be a problem for you. And you can't fuck Jack in here. You can do that anywhere else. Those are the rules."

Polaris nodded, little wisps of green energy appearing around her at random intervals, all of the metal objects in the palace near them clattering gently. Her anxiety was through the roof. She had avoided telling anyone about this, simply being in denial for the first few months that anything was happening - that she was carrying her and Havok's child... And while she was lucky to still not be showing very much, she was terrified at the idea of being a mother. The last time she had slept with Havok hadn't been too long before X-Cutioner, the two of them meeting up in secret.

But after what had happened, their relationship was over. It was done for real that time - something Havok had helped to usher along after he had more or less kidnapped her. Seeing him awake today had forced her to confront reality - she didn't know how much longer she could keep the pregnancy a secret, her father (the complete asshole) had already started making comments about how she was gaining weight and needed to cut back. "I need you to help me hide her," Polaris said softly. "Father's already growing suspicious. The telepaths only don't know since they can't read my mind," she added, wringing her hands slightly. Polaris wore a green headpiece made from the same material as Magneto's helmet.

"I can't trust anyone to know who she is... Genosha's a paradise... but Father's the snake. He'll kill her... I know he will."

Skrull Prison Ship

"Did you know I'm getting my own TV show? They're having Tatiana Maslany play me," She-Hulk commented to her captive audience - the Wasp and the Human Torch - as she pulled them alongside her as she swam through the waters. The water was still choppy and rough but things were beginning to calm down. Waves of sound were being carried from the city, the sort of sounds you would expect when an apocalyptic event occurs - sirens upon sirens upon sirens.

The dolphin more or less just pointed at She-Hulk and the others, before shifting shape and suddenly, the dolphin was Princess Anelle - who, despite having just been a dolphin moments ago, did not know how to swim in her normal form... and let out a slight scream as she went underneath the water, beginning to drown.

"Yikes, that's why you got to get your kid in swimming lessons early," Tony commented. "So lifeguard - go guard that life!"

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:50 P.M.

To people who didn't live and breathe experimental planes, flying Air Force One would have been an amazing privilege. It had once been the fastest plane in the world, with top speeds of 600 miles per hour, so fast that even fighter pilot escorts couldn't keep up with it. It was equipped with anti-missile defenses and signal jammers, was able to refuel midair, and could achieve altitudes of up to 45,000 feet. "Pfft, you'll have to be more specific luv. Air Force One is the designation given to any plane the President's using, fun fact - so the quinjet we nicked from the not-Avengers was also Air Force One. But if you mean the current plane, it's - no offense, Prez - it's painfully out of date. Can't even get to mach 23 speeds! It's more of a flying panic room than anything impressive. Think they're getting a new one soon, but Hammer Tech is building it so... Good luck with that. I'd wear a zillion parachutes."

It was the most snobbish Amelia had been so far. "But it'd be a wicked cool honor to fly for the Prez, even if it's in a hunk of dinosaur bones," she then added cheerfully, smiling widely. It wasn't the plane that excited her, it was the person she'd be flying for. Plus, she knew that Jakobsen was a pilot himself, and she wondered if he had anything he could teach her - or maybe she'd be teaching him so tricks. He was probably rusty, what with all the smiling and waving and sitting at fancy parties he had to do.

Bonnie frowned for a moment at Oliver, about to ask if he could take a break later - when she recognized what was going on. "You pulled a muscle, didn't you?" she asked him. She couldn't really tell from this far away, but she could make an educated guess. Bonnie sighed slightly, before switching over to using her comm. "Could one of you direct Goose to come inside and do cleanup? He should be able to make his way in unattended." She just hoped that the cat would decide to cooperate with them.

Sadly, most of their plans lately seemed to rely on cats doing things on command - historically, not a great expectation to have. Cats could be trained, but in Bonnie's experience, dogs were much more trainable. Cats seemed to interact with a different plane of existence than the rest of the world, like they were some confused Victorian ghosts still trying to walk down the halls of a house that had been remodeled so many times they were drifting through walls in actuality.

"Oh my gosh, we have to go help!" Amelia insisted, hearing about the disaster. Raynor didn't have too many helpful comments to give, as he was still in pretty rough shape, asking for people who weren't there.

"... I know, but I don't think we can," Bonnie said quietly. "The skrull Avengers are still maintaining their covers so... we'll just have to hope that they save as many people as they can..."

Ricky, of course, was breaking out into a sweat - the news of a crashing ship killing thousands wasn't helping. Neither was the fact that Evelyn had decided to stay next to him, watching him like a clock. Or the fact that Alex didn't really have much of a plan. "That's... that's..." Ricky mumbled, before passing out into a dead faint.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Runa shrugged her shoulders slightly. She did very much like the idea of going to her room, it felt like a safe space in this hotel of the undead. However, she didn't want to inconvenience Nadia - she didn't want Nadia to feel like she was some fragile piece of glass that had to be handled gingerly and carefully. As much as she hated the crowds, she could deal with it - the same way she was sure that Nadia had to deal with Runa's own odd and peculiar behaviors. She tried to force a smile as Nadia reassured her that they would be fine, but Runa wasn't convinced. Nadia couldn't know that.

Nothing was guaranteed anymore.

"I think I lost my appetite," Runa said quietly. The crowds really were horrible, especially with the knowledge that if anyone here got angry, they could kill her and... and that would be it. Death would be permanent this time. There would be no resurrections - no second chances. It felt almost like a cosmic joke, throwing her into this bizarre afterlife only to threaten to take it all away. It only helped a little bit to hear Lara more or less echoing the same fear, asking Arnora if this had ever happened before. The sleepover suggestion sounded like a good idea... as long as the group wasn't too large.

Runa's cheeks blushed red as one of the valkyries came over and she pretended to be very interested in her hands, squeaking out a, "fine."

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

"I know that, Mare, that's why I said we couldn't do it," Guin pointed out, rolling her eyes slightly. She wasn't a psychopath - she knew more than a fair number of people who would have been all too happy to blow the place up and kill everyone in the process, but that wasn't her. She had heroism (not heroin) in her veins. She took Pietro's hand and tugged him on out of the place, heading down the hallway and emerging into the hangar. Guin whistled appreciatively at the ship the Guardians were in front of - Klara's wasn't bad, but it lacked presentation. What would you think about getting a ship like that and living in it? Like all the time? Guin asked.

I don't want to stay in space forever thooooough. I like being on solid ground, there isn't enough room to run around in on a spaceship.

Maybe I live in the spaceship then?

No living in a spaceship.

Fine, where do you wanna live then? And don't say the suburbs!

I don't care, just somewhere that is on the solid ground of a planet.

... Does it have to be Earth? Because Mars would be pretty dope.

Preferably on Earth.

Laaaaaame. Maybe Los Angeles. That'd be fun. There'd be plenty of stupid rich people for you to steal from.

Hmm maybe.

Guin gave him a quick kiss, clearly feeling way better as they got onto Klara's ship. It seemed vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn't remember where she had seen something like it before. At least the annoying raccoon was gone - that was a blessing. She hadn't appreciated the threats to her supremacy as the techie/genius of the group. Once on board, Guin strapped herself in, and was super glad for that with the way Klara was flying. "I think your confusing af flying is totally helping!" Guin shouted obnoxiously.

Once things stabilized though, she undid the safety straps - just in time to hear a crate knock over. A small part of her had expected it to somehow be Mr. Dibbles, that Pietro had somehow smuggled the turtle to space. Instead, it was the most adorable little lemur thing she had ever seen. "Awww, what a cutie pie!" She knelt down next to it and the lemur was showing her its belly, clearly wanting pets - so Guin obliged, petting it. "Oh, I love you so so much - just don't tell Pietro, he might get jealous of how adorable you are!" The little guy was rolling around, grabbing onto Guin's hand and definitely wanting more pets.

"...Wow rude Guina, why do you think I'd be jealous of lemur?"

"Shhh, don't listen to him, Amidala," Guin whispered.

"Wow you are so mean to me Guina."

Guin stood up, turned, and gave Pietro a long kiss. "Better?"


Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa paused for a moment, considering whether or not to lie to Lance. Unfortunately, lying was second nature to her. "I'm fine, thank you," Runa lied, giving Lance a slight smile. She didn't want to trouble him with her problems - and saying her fears aloud would only give them more power. It would make them more real, something she desperately wanted to avoid. What was a goddess with no magic, with no gifts, no skills? She would be worse than despised and feared - she'd be worthless, useless, a cosmic mistake. Her heart broke slightly as she internalized those ideas and feelings. She was silent as they made their way to the hangar, as Klara welcomed them onto the ship and they said farewell to the Guardians, as Klara flew them out of range of the Kyln's weapons.

On the ship, Runa found a space for herself. She sat on the floor with her legs crossed and took a deep breath. She could start with a small, simple spell as a test for herself, to see how bad the problem with her powers was. It was such a small spell, it didn't need words or anything fancy - the empty space in her hands shimmered and an apple appeared. She decided to take things up a notch, going from conjuration to transfiguration - and she turned the apple into a rabbit (read: raccoon). The 'rabbit' scurried off, headed straight for her cousin Klara.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Armory
Skills: N/A

Leda tilted her head at the armor Kiera had found. It wasn't really her taste - namely since it was barely better than boob armor. "If you aren't a fan of your limbs, then it's great luv," she said sarcastically. "I do like the tiara. That part's dope. The rest just seems a bit more like it's for being sexy than staying alive." They were going on a dangerous quest after all with an ominous prophecy - she didn't want to see Kiera die because her shoulders were bare during a fight. She smirked a bit at Kiera's offer to try it on in front of her. "Sure, but that's proving my point luv - this armor is for sex, not fighting. Although I guess to some people those are the same thing, innit?"

Of course, Leda was being a bit picky - a lot of Greek armor was designed like that, where the limbs were relatively unprotected. She supposed that it was better for freedom of movement, which she was a fan of as a speedster, but still - the thought of Kiera getting stabbed in the arm or something with a poisoned dagger made her nervous. She wanted to put a full suit of armor around her girlfriend and keep her safe - even if it wasn't nearly as sexy.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Northern Woods -> Roman Side of Camp
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded, hearing what Niah said - it would've been so neat and tidy for Niah to become praetor, and she would have loved to leave New Rome in hands that she trusted... but she couldn't deny what Niah wanted. Being a praetor was incredibly hard and unpopular, especially since it meant having to deal with Leandra on a daily basis. But more than that, she understood how Niah felt about this entire situation - things didn't necessarily look good. They seemed rather grim. Her best friend, Mads, could die... The physician's cure wasn't even guaranteed to help... And with everything going on with the gods, the future looked grim at best. "I don't know if we'll all be okay at the end - and I don't know if we'll be together either," Nancy admitted.

She was going to leave and join the Hunt at the end of all of this after all. "But... We're okay now. And we're together now," she finished. She didn't know how much the sentiment would help. She smiled slightly as Joanie started trying to eat her hair. "Aww, babes, do you need to eat a brand new camper?" she said softly, before giving Joanie from scritches. She paused though, seeing Leandra sneaking out of her and Mads' tend. "... Or how about a grade A bitch?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Merlin's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan hardly looked convinced - even if her brother wasn't physically drained, he was no doubt mentally exhausted. She didn't mean that he was stupid or anything (although he was the dumb sibling in her opinion), but rather a lot had happened. He had been kidnapped by his father and discovered that he had magical abilities. Even Megan wished that she could spend some calming moments in the morgue, smelling the embalming fluid - no other place in the world was quite so serene. She missed the familiar weight of the bone saw in her hands. The morgue was her temple, her sanctuary - her kingdom, really.

She turned her head as Merlin said it would be a few days before all of the parents were assembled. A sense of dread filled her, one that she didn't understand. She shouldn't have cared about her bio parents showing up - they didn't mean anything to her. They had given birth to her and raised her in her early years, but she didn't remember them. And they didn't know her - the person she had once been was gone, each cell replaced, each memory overwritten with something new. Her eyes then drifted over towards her brother. His meeting with his father had been less than pleasant.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 2:20 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

Veil tensed ever so slightly as Max began flexing his powers, creating the magical barrier to protect all of them. It was an involuntary reaction, purely born out of witnessing previous attempts where Max tried to push his powers too far. She had known a lot of mutants like him over the years, those who set their sights on huge impossible feats and could never master the little things - the little things that really made all the difference when it came to life and death. But... maybe that wasn't something they needed to worry about here. Maybe this was a place where it was okay for Max to be a little extra when it came to expressing his powers - a place where powers didn't have to be treated as weapons and assets.

"Why would they spy on us?" Sunshine asked defensively. "This isn't a place ran by stupid flatscans - we're free here, no one's going to spy on us, no one's going to hurt us. I get it, you all just got here, but I promise, this is the good place," she argued. "If they wanted to hurt us, we'd be dead already. So, there." She hadn't seemed very phased by Max's little explosion - if anything, it looked like his mini fit had made her nostalgic.

"Oww, can we keep the volume down? My ears feel like virgins after being on ice for so long," Casper complained, sticking his fingers in his ears for dramatic effect - even though it meant he had to let go of James' hand temporarily. "Ooo, I wonder what else of me feels like a virgin..."

"Casper," Ben groaned.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Ben, I clearly meant my asshole!"

"... How is that any different than what I didn't want you to say?" Ben asked, confused and a little grossed out by all of this - it was definite TMI.

"I thought you were thinking about my dick," Casper explained.

"... Just stop it!"

Veil wasn't sure whether to laugh, cry, or sigh - Casper was a lot pretty much all of the time and it was beginning to dawn on her how very ~go with the flow~ he was. He pretty much just coasted through life, letting himself end up in weird new situations without a lot of conscious choice. It made sense to her that he was so ready to accept Genosha - he already had accepted other things, like even the Mutant Underground. Her attention shifted to her brother and his words - they felt like a brand. They brought up a deep sense of shame, as if he had been speaking directly to her, rather than everyone else.

"You also have me, asshole," Sunshine pointed out to Echo, irritated he had focused on the guys and not included her.

"Yeah, because when I look at you, Plague Doctor, I feel so fucking reassured," Havok muttered. "Also, what do we even know about you?" he added, staring at Jack. "Or even you?" he said, turning his gaze to James. "We barely knew either of you before all of this. And now, who even knows if you're still the same - or if you've become as fucked up and twisted as the rest of the Hellfire Club."

"... I like the exploring idea," Casper chimed in, supporting his beau as always.

Sunshine snapped her fingers after what Andy said - not in a mean way, more of a signal for going 'yass bae' more or less.

" ... Okay. I'm fine with staying for a little bit - goodness knows we all could use a break," Veil admitted. "Havok, if you --"

Havok cut Veil off. "I'll stay - if only to prove to you that this place isn't paradise, it's hell."
Magneto was off with the Quiet Council, attending to matters of state. However, that didn't mean that Miranda had the place to herself. There was another person who lived at the House of M - Lorna Dane aka Polaris, Magneto's daughter. Lorna was wearing a green and black dress with an X motif. Her green hair had grown out to be long, rather than the short cropped look she had gone for before. She hesitated a moment, before walking right up to Miranda, a bit of fear in her face. "Miranda... I need your help..." Polaris admitted.

"... I'm late..."

Skrull Prison Ship

The dolphin reappeared by Maria, staring at her as if trying to communicate a very important message, before swimming off in the hopes that Maria would follow. If Maria did choose to follow the dolphin, she'd find a small lifeboat with Flynn, the Invisible Woman, and Tony Stark. Tony was coughing up water, barely managing to clear his airways, and his arc reactor was struggling to keep on going. "Well, that went somehow even worse than I had expected," he commented.

"Also, what's with the dolphin? I'm not Doctor Doolittle."

Sue Storm rolled her eyes slightly. "We need to focus on finding the others, not making jokes," she scolded Tony. Unfortunately with the baby and the fall she had taken, it wasn't really safe for her to jump into the water to do search and rescue - Tony had a similar medical ailment that eliminated him.

Worryingly though, Captain Marvel wasn't breathing...

Pennsylvania Avenue: Washington D.C.: 12:40 P.M.

Raynor groaned, slowly coming back to consciousness inside of the Oval Office. His eyes were a little bit crossed and he looked incredibly out of it. Asgardians didn't normally look like that - they tended to be incredibly strong, able to take a good punch or two. For Raynor to be in this condition, either the skrulls were incredibly strong (true) or Raynor still hadn't fully recovered from his near death experience (also true). "Pappa..." Raynor murmured, his eyes not really interpreting reality correctly as he gazed at the electric light fixtures.

Those close to Raynor would know that him saying pappa likely was an indicator of a concussion - or something worse. His father was dead. He had blown up at the Christmas Party over it, still bearing a grudge towards the Norns as they had promised his father would be restored to life after Ragnarok, that Baldur would come back to the land of the living and rule Asgard in a new age... but that never happened. His father remained dead. And Asgard (a people, not a place) was transformed into something else entirely.

Fortunately, Bonnie's medical expertise meant she recognized a nasty concussion - even when her patient wasn't human. The President returned with the Vice President, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. She didn't like having more unknown variables - and somehow, it unnerved her even more, seeing the VP be quietly taken to the back of the room while having a panic attack. She couldn't help but wonder how much of it was real - and how much was just an act.

"I've got him," Bonnie said, heading over to Cass and Matt. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, switching on the flashlight mode. "Raynor, I'm going to check your pupillary light reflex. Focus on my nose, okay?" she instructed, before shining the flashlight into Raynor's eyes. She moved the light back and forth, noting his response. "You have a grade 4 concussion. If you were human, you'd have to take a leave of absence for a few weeks... But I'm sure as an Asgardian that time might actually be shorter."

Raynor didn't seem to really focus too much, before suddenly leaning forward and vomiting onto the carpet, narrowly missing Bonnie's feet.

Amelia had to quickly look away - she was one of those people who vomited when she saw others vomit. But she couldn't help herself - she rushed forward to the trash can and promptly threw up. "Oh, god, so sorry about that - it's just a thing, when I see other people get sick, I tend to get sick," she apologized, her cheeks bright red from embarrassment. She hadn't wanted to puke in the Oval Office - although the room looked like it had seen better days, with all the chaos that had gone on. "We, uh, we gotta get rid of them right?" Amelia asked, gesturing at the skrulls on the ground.

Bonnie nodded. "Thanks Sparks," she said over the comms. "Oliver, do you mind using your speed to stash these bodies elsewhere?" Bonnie requested.

"I can do the radioing?" Amelia offered.

"No offense, Baptiste, but I think your voice is too cheery for a Secret Service agent who just watched Captain America attack the President," Bonnie pointed out. Amelia's smile faded slightly - she had just wanted to contribute.

"... Do you have a plan, Alex?" Ricky asked, still shaking and looking incredibly pale.
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