Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Actually, everyone does have a skull," Megan pointed out, with a slightly wicked smile. "If you didn't have a skull, your face would be mush." She then had a bit of fun imagining everyone around them with their skulls removed. A few people would actually look much improved, she realized - and she counted Hansel as being one of them. She was fairly certain that his thick skull was likely responsible for some of his more prominent features. Perhaps it was even suffocating his brain, causing it to be difficult for poor Hansel to think critically. Her eyes danced with amusement at Sierra's comment. "Oh, yes, do give them a kidney - you do have a spare."

A moment later, a teenaged rushed past them, nearly knocking them to the ground. Guards were in hot pursuit and Megan raised an eyebrow, mildly curious as to what the kid had done. But before they could even stop to think about the situation, Sierra had run off after the kid. Megan tilted her head, really confused at that line of thought. "Err, are we sure the guards here are morally corrupt and evil? I mean, no more corrupt than most police are?" she asked, looking at Gretel. She didn't feel the need to insert herself in every conflict that went on.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Falls -> Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa nodded, agreeing with Mary's observation, even if she was not quite certain what to make of it. She didn't know any reason why they wouldn't be harmed, especially if whoever was responsible for this was the same person causing the anomalies that had the Nova Corps panicking. She tilted her head back at Mary as her friend suggested that it might not have been magic. Everything was telling her that this had to be some form of magic however - it certainly wasn't Midgardian science. Before she could interject, however, strange creatures came out of the red mist. Runa's eyes widened as stuffed, miniature bears waddled on out... and hugged her?!

There were so many of them, Runa was more or less entirely covered by the demon spawn. "Get them off get them off get them off!" Runa squealed, feeling incredibly claustrophobic. She concentrated on the teddy bears, attempting to dispel the magic that conjured them, but they remained, insistent on squeezing her to death. Runa huffed, trying an alternative method - she focused on warping the space around herself and Mary, hoping to teleport them further along to Runa's father's hall. It mostly worked, as she could now see the hall - but the damned bears remained! The hall looked like it was obscured by a thick red fog and Runa tried to dispel it using her magic, but only managed to thin the fog slightly.

Annoyingly, the bears didn't seem to be worried at all about Mary - they only cared about her. And Runa could count on one hand the number of people on Asgard who cared about her, a thought that sent a chill down her spine. She would've recognized the magical resonances of her parents - and besides, they were too peace loving to ever cause destruction or chaos. That left her brother, Forseti, and her cousin, Klara.

She stayed quiet though, not sharing that information with Mary. If Klara or Forseti were behind this... Runa wanted to protect them.

Guin Stark

Location: the Palace
Skills: Telepathy

"If your sister did this, I swear to... well, not god, since there's a goddess in here, but you get the point..." Guin grumbled. She was starting to begrudgingly get along with Wanda, although she wouldn't consider herself friends with her sister-in-law. They were at the point of more or less tolerating each other. Fortunately though, Lance wasn't suggesting that Wanda was behind all of this - instead, he had the far more horrifying idea that the infinity stone in question was the reality stone, easily one of the worst (of course, Guin couldn't think of a non-threatening infinity stone). She frowned as Lance insulted Pietro. "Hey, he's not dense!"

There wasn't much time to argue though, as rubble slammed into the ground and werewolves came out to play. Guin was pretty sure the way werewolves worked was if you were bitten, you were cursed to become one. They also needed a moon to transform, but she guessed the MacGuffin wielder didn't really care about that minor detail. "I'm gonna try something crazy, if I start acting weird, just... take a step back," she warned her allies, before rubbing her hands together. "Okay, Twilight, let's have some fun," she said, before concentrating on one of the wolves in the pack. It took her two tries, but she managed to reach out, ensnare the wolf's consciousness, and swap it with her own. She figured that odds were, the werewolf would be too confused at the sudden switch to really do anything in her body, and she could use the wolf body to attack the pack without worrying about getting bit.

Holy shit.... This is trippy... Guin blinked, in the body of the smallest werewolf. Everything around her was red and black. She was much taller now in this body and she could feel the claws at the tip of her hands - well, paws.

Why did you switch with the monsters we want to take down???

I figured I could take them by surprise and avoid getting bitten, Guin answered, as the other werewolves turned and started growling at her. Guin lunged forward, hoping to start some in-fighting among the werewolves, maybe they'd even take each other out. She wanted to rip out a throat with her teeth but instead, she ended up slashing a decent gash across the body of one of them. Also you keep telling me to try new things so... I tried.

But what about the werewolf in your body?

It should be really confused to suddenly be in a tiny girl body! Guin argued. Of course, the werewolf was not. It apparently wasn't very confused by suddenly being in the body of a small human girl and instantly threw a punch at Pietro (which missed), a punch at Annie (which hit and sent Annie to the ground), and a kick at Lance (which also hit and knocked him down). Guin winced, switching back into her own body. "Sorry! My bad. I didn't think the werewolf would know how to punch. Or not be totally confused by being in someone else's body."

"I mean don't werewolves turn from humans or whatever?" Pietro asked with a bit of a shrug.

"Yeah but how often do they body hop?" Guin pointed out. She then focused on the werewolves, trying to psychically shut them down, but she wasn't able to get a firm grip on their minds.

"Eh who knows? I didn't even think we'd ever run into them ever until literally a minute ago when they popped up, so haven't gotten around to asking questions with regards to what they are used to or what has happened to them in their lives."

5:10 AM November 13th, 2021 - the Raft

Raynor had to do his best to stifle his laughter at Maria's suggestion of throwing a letter through the portal and hoping someone on the other end would throw a response back. He bit down hard on the inside of his cheeks, as he had been trying to be less of an asshole, especially now that his daughter had been born. Still though, he just loved that everyone was trying to come up with these high tech solutions and Maria just wanted to... tie a piece of paper to a glorified stick, chuck it through, and hope that Doctor Doom would write a cordial reply and send the arrow on back. "What do you do if someone fires the arrow back? Or if Doom and Luminous decide to just not reply?" Raynor asked her, his eyes dancing with mirth even as he restrained his giggles.

"I think if a monster comes through the portal, we see if it's friendly and if it isn't, we do our thing?" Amelia suggested. She didn't know about Raft surveillance and whatnot, or who had caused the damage. All of those things would have been in the mission file given to Cass (yes, there was surveillance footage and partially, the majority of the damage had been caused by the inmates attempting to escape). "...Do monsters usually end up coming through weird swirly things?" she then added. She hadn't fought a monster before, but the more experienced members of this team seemed to have fought just about everything by now.

Bonnie bit her lip, perturbed by the fact that all of the devices thrown through the portal had lost signal. That didn't bode well. If there was nothing on the other side, maybe Luminous and Doom had more or less committed suicide unintentionally in the escape. However, they couldn't just assume that - they couldn't risk letting Luminous and Doom go free to terrorize people. Between the two of them, they could likely pose a serious challenge to the full Avengers line-up. The Secret Warriors had enough trouble with Luminous on her own and the Fantastic Four regularly struggled to defeat Doom. "Wait, Sparky, d-," Bonnie began to warn, before the portal suddenly widened and engulfed them all. The light was blindingly intense and Bonnie felt like she was free falling - she could hear Amelia let out a slight woot of excitement, probably from the adrenaline - and then suddenly, her feet hit solid ground.

EARTH 257 - 9:10 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Times Square, the Iron

Small drones littered the sky. It looked like they were in Times Square, with the electronic billboards displaying harrowing messages: "REGISTER. IT IS YOUR CIVIC DUTY.” “BEGINNER POWER CLASSES - GET YOUR LICENSE!” “WANTED FOR CRIMES AGAINST THE IRON - THE X-MEN." On the last one, three familiar faces would have their images displayed - Raynor, Maria, and Flynn. The group would be able to pick out a few others, although they weren't anyone on their team: a girl with claws like Wolverine, a boy covered in eyeballs, a man made entirely out of steel, a fuzzy blue elf/demon hybrid, a teenaged boy with pink hair, and a man with dreadlocks. Times Square was fairly crowded, with people walking around with strange metallic implants in the side of their face.

"Woah... Where the bloody hell are we?" Amelia asked, her eyes alight with wonder. She then glanced down at the ground and saw the drone, as well as the bolt Celestine had thrown. Amelia knelt down and picked up the bolt. "We didn't, like, miss a bunch of stuff right?" she asked. The posters and billboards made no sense to her, especially the drones and the weird implants. It was like they had been dropped into some sort of futuristic society.

Bonnie felt strangely calm for the bizarre surroundings. They had seen and done a lot of crazy things. Suddenly finding a transformed New York City with Big Brother style surveillance and ads for the arrest of her fiancé... it didn't shock her as much as it once could have. Her mind was working quickly as her eyebrows furrowed, coming up with a hypothesis. Maybe this was the future, but the images of Flynn and Maria looked like they could've been taken days ago. "Raynor... You've traveled between worlds before," Bonnie stated. It wasn't a question.

Raynor nodded, looking as white as a sheet. "This... This is my home. We need to run, now, before they come for us."

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:30 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop -> The Ground
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Veil was gasping for air, struggling to breathe as she fell through the roof of the building and was somehow pushed by an invisible force through floor after floor. The first floor she felt her arm snap - the second floor her ankle twisted. Each floor brought on a new injury and Veil couldn't bring up even a flickering force field to protect herself. Was this how she was going to go out? Her eyes watered slightly. She'd see Sapphire and Moonwalker and all the others soon, then. At least she'd go out helping people, protecting mutants....

She closed her eyes, waiting to feel the impact against the ground, for her spine to shatter - only to instead feel a secure pair of arms grip her and the gravitational force vanish. "Faire attention," a woman's voice said. "Vous êtes bonne?" the woman asked. Veil opened her eyes, seeing lengthy black locks fluttering in the breeze.

Veil turned bright red. "Grâce à vous," she admitted.

The woman smiled, before she flew back up to the roof, holding Veil bridal style.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing
Skills: Mediumship

"We were supposed to be keeping track? Awwww," Casper whined. He was pretty sure he had plenty of other near death experiences that James hadn't been present for and Casper didn't want to live with his number being unnaturally small. He didn't want to die or anything, he just wanted truth in his records. For example, every meal with his father had been a near death experience as it forced Casper to contemplate whether or not impaling himself on his fork was a good way to go.... Okay, so maybe sometimes he wanted to die, but it was just to get away from Professor X, so who could blame him?

He was very happy to not be dangling anymore, his legs shaking slightly from adrenaline as he dashed down the stairs with James, and they finally made it out of the building. Outside, others who lived there were screaming and running in the direction of the nearest shelter, even as chunks of asteroids fell on them. Some of them were using their mutant powers to deflect the asteroids, so luckily barely anyone was getting hurt. "Which way?" Casper asked James. "I have zero sense of direction here."

"Again, you aren't even going to try to help?!"

"Ben, shush, it's loud here and I can't hear James over you!"


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Marauder
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Enhanced Accuracy

Sunshine raised an eyebrow, looking at Echo like that was the dumbest thing she had ever heard of. She hadn't had any formal education, she didn't think of mental illness as an illness. She was pretty certain that she couldn't make people mad with one of her disease orbs - she more or less believed that mad people were just born mad, even if it wasn't obvious at first. "Uh, no," she told Echo. "That makes no sense at all. How would you catch being sad?"

Unfortunately, Echo's clones were unable to patch any of the holes in the ship, as they weren't able to freeze the water. It had been difficult enough for Echo to do that alone by himself when he wasn't divided.

There was then the sound of a bomb going off - and suddenly, no one on the Marauder could hear a thing at all. They were all stricken with temporary deafness. Sunshine swung her head around, trying to figure out what had happened, and she winced as she saw Feedback. Feedback, her former roomie, had lost a hand. "Don't worry, the healers can fix that!" Sunshine shouted, but no one - not even herself - could hear her.

Piedra Dura tried to defend himself against Marrow, but Marrow sent another of her body spikes into him, managing to embed one in his eye, killing him instantly. It looked like Marrow had let out some sort of yelp of happiness or surprise, but no one was able to hear it. Martillo though had accomplished one critical goal - sinking the Marauder. He had missed Sunshine with the swing of his hammer, and his hammer ended up going into the side of the ship. The ship had taken on too much water, the water was now ankle deep on the top deck. The ship was going down.


Cadena smirked slightly, before shaping some of the electricity coming off of her suit into a sword, and taking a gigantic swing at Zarina, aiming for Zari's neck. Her swing was perfect and would've been lethal, but Zari would be able to react quickly enough to block. Aguja, the energy manipulator, started firing blasts upon blasts of energy at Zarina, but Zarina was apparently incredibly nimble and would be able to dodge them all.

House of M...

"I don't know," Magneto answered Miranda. "I'm certain she can fend for herself. The place is made of metal, after all." He was a bit hot and cold when it came to his children. He cared about them the most when it was convenient to him and his plans - and when they were kept from him. He had been so fiercely passionate about retrieving Lorna when Havok had taken her, but now, he wasn't going to go look through the rubble for her.

"Now you, power thief, will be dealt with!" Magneto snapped. He had put metal shards in Terramoto's arm and he manipulated them, throwing Terramoto at their teammate, Olvido. Olvido managed to redirect Terramoto, and Magneto sent the metal shards embedded in Miranda's wall flying back at Olvido. He sent Terramoto flying at Olvido again and this time, it was too much for Olvido. Terramoto and Olvido were both impaled by metal shards, their bodies stuck together, and they died together.


Selene studied the image that Max had conjured, shaking her head ever so slightly in disappointment. "Stolto," she muttered, before taking a breath and plastering a false, almost wicked smile on her face. "Those aren't humans, Maximilian," she corrected him. "Let us begin again, Coven." She then took another breath, drawing her magic back into herself, before suddenly the black magics pulsed out from her body like a wave, forming a thick ring around them all.

"Percussores nostros interficite. suffocant fontes sanguinis. Uteri eorum steriles, et segetes earum. Displicuerunt tibi, Mater Dea. Ignis super eos pluat," Selene chanted. She needed more power. She drew upon the strength of her Coven, siphoning a small bit of energy from each of them, channeling it towards the defense of Genosha against those who would do them harm. As Selene drew upon her Coven, all of the Coven's eyes would turn a frightening dark shade of black as they enacted the curse - even Pixie's.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: Audiokinesis, Daggers

Nancy mouthed the word NICE as Niah flew on over quietly and snatched the gem. If they had some way to whistle and get a friendly godly ride, their quest would pretty much be done now. Unfortunately, the dragon was waking up - they weren't going to be able to skip the boss fight. Nancy sighed slightly, even though she was secretly pretty excited. Fighting a dragon was probably the most totally radical thing they'd ever get to do in their lives. She didn't know anyone at Camp Jupiter who had even seen a dragon before. Like a game of hot potato, Niah tossed the gem at Mads and luckily, Mads caught it. Nancy didn't want to know if the gem was breakable.

The dragon started to rise to its full height, its massive wings barely small enough to even fit inside of the cavern. Nancy flicked her daggers into her hands and started off at a run, only to skid to a halt as their way was blocked by a column of fire. Nancy glanced up at the ceiling of the cavern at Mads question, shrugging slightly. It was super dangerous and could easily end in getting them all killed, but at least they'd take the dragon out with them. "Yeah, I think I can bring the roof down," Nancy said, sounding a bit nonchalant to hide her panic. She took a breath and whistled, focusing on the vibrations traveling up to the roof. A few cracks formed. Nancy curled her toes. She whistled again, knowing that they only had seconds before the dragon killed them, and this time a stalactite fell, pinning the dragon. It wasn't dead.

Nancy then charged forward with her daggers, and stabbed her daggers into the dragon's eyes. "Die die die die!!!" Nancy shouted, her most fearsome of battle cries.

Maybe the gods thought it was actually a pretty good one, as the dragon died by Nancy's hand.
"May the Force be with us, then," Raynor bade, walking alongside the droid. His master's legacy felt heavy upon his shoulders. If they failed, then their sacrifice would have been for nothing. They were one with the Force now, he knew that was what the Jedi taught, yet Raynor couldn't sense them anymore. He couldn't feel his old master, even in the cosmic force. Tears dropped from his eyes despite himself and Raynor didn't wipe them away. He didn't want to admit that he was struggling to remain objective and focused, to harness serenity rather than passion, calm rather than rage, acceptance rather than grief.

Some time later, they arrived at the factory. The droid construction factory. It was the key to the fight in the skies above the planet. It was the key to freeing Ringo Vinda from separatist control. Already outside of the factory, bodies of clones and droids alike littered the ground, showing clear signs of blaster fire. Raynor didn't dare try to pick out a familiar set of armor and he did everything he could to actively not look for the robes of a Jedi. "Which way?" he asked Emzie, crouching behind the rubble of what had been a droid tanker.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

"Only if your smelly socks have been cleaned," Leda teased, sticking her tongue out at her girlfriend. She did love the sing alongs around the campfire they had at night. The smell of fire and smoke in the air, with the way some of the sparks would soar through the sky - it made her heart sing. It made her want to toss pinecones into the flames to hear them pop. Her favorite nights were when everyone sang so loud that the fire grew exponentially in size and intensity, becoming a roaring representation of demigods at their happiest. However, the flames weren't dancing like that tonight - instead they went up in a frightened almost scared blaze and Leda rose an eyebrow.

"That's new," she mused. She hadn't seen that happen before. She didn't see who had caused it, so she figured that everyone was a bit on edge from the Triple Prophecies. Usually one prophecy was already enough to set everyone up and make them jumpy. Three was basically more than enough to give the camp a collective nervous breakdown.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy also had sworn to Niah earlier in the day that she wasn't possessed, before adding the addendum 'as far as I know' just in case she was possessed somehow. She didn't want the River Styx goddess to curse her for all eternity for lying when she didn't even know she was lying. She had enough problems to deal with. Case in point, they had to handle the Leandra of it all. They had to discuss everything with the Senate, the prophecies, Leandra's possession, all of it. She bit her lip slightly, noticing how tired and worn out Madalyne looked as the senators and whatnot trickled into the small tent that was becoming rapidly cramped.

Once everyone was inside, Nancy stood up from her seat in the center next to Mads. She figured she'd get things going and let Mads jump in when she felt ready, if at all. That was one of the nice things about having two praetors - when one of them wasn't up to something, the other could pick up the slack. Mads was going to have to go off on a quest, whereas Nancy was to remain with the Legion. "Hey all, I'm not going to lie and say this isn't some grody ass news that we're about to give you. We're going to go through all of this methodically. On the agenda is deciding what to do about Leandra, the Eidolons, and the newest prophecies." Nancy glanced briefly at Mads. "Let's start with Leandra. She stole the gem that Niah, Mads, and I had recovered from the dragon. She was possessed by a spirit. However... Let's be honest, she doesn't exactly have a rad reputation these days for being good to New Rome. She's a vindictive megabitch. If it were up to me, I'd exile her to an island... But that's probably not one of the options we get to vote on." Nancy sighed slightly.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan smirked ever so slightly, seeing that Mina was accepted as something of value - and her smirk only increased when Jack's offering was rejected. She giggled a bit too, hardly able to keep her mirth in. Her sibling rivalry was strong at the moment and she was certain that Jack had to be irritated that her skull was accepted, whereas his knife had been rejected. Only of course, Hansel had to step in like a knight in shining armor and save Jack from having to part with something else, handing over his weapon and ammunition. "I think you might have to put out," she whispered to Jack, amused with the idea of Jack having to do favors for Hansel to repay this debt. "Prince Charming might be into that." Of course, it then occurred to her that Prince Charming was probably a real person here.

Their offer had been accepted overall at least - and now they had to kill time until sundown. Megan sighed ever so slightly. She wasn't excited to meet her parents - no, her biological parents - and if anyone asked her that she would double down on that claim. She just didn't like waiting around with nothing to do. Between the two siblings, Gretel seemed to be more competent (and cuter), so Megan followed along after her to the docks.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded slightly as Nadia came over and put a hand on her shoulder. She knew that Nadia was likely lying - they could all die for real now and even worse than that, they were now in trouble with Runa's father. She'd never been in trouble with her father before. Sure, her mother had had plenty of reasons to be cross with her growing up, but her mother hadn't really believed in traditional punishment. Shockingly, Runa turned out okay and didn't instantly become a brat. Nature versus nurture and all. But even more shockingly, Runa found herself being hugged by her father, feeling his scratchy beard and gigantic muscles. She dwarfed in comparison next to him.

"Umm...." Runa didn't know what to say, her mind going blank for a moment and temporarily forgetting English. "Takk skal du ha1," Runa said in her native tongue. She cleared her throat slightly, her eyes widening a bit as Balder said that they were permitted to continue the search efforts. She thought he was going to lock them inside a room with a board game or something and tell them to keep themselves out of trouble. She nodded quickly. "Thank you," she said again, this time in English.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: a River
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa frowned, seeing the ripples begin to grow in the fog. She didn't trust this one bit. If they hadn't already eliminated Loki as a possibility, Runa would have guessed that he was responsible for this. And then, something more bizarre than threatening occurred - puppies. Runa tilted her head, seeing the swarm of fluffy little creatures heading their way. She tried to sense the magical signature, the fingerprint really of who had conjured them - but it was someone she didn't recognize, someone she didn't know. "I do not know who conjured these - which makes it unlikely to be any of Odin's blood," Runa informed Mary. She was familiar with the magical fingerprint of the other magic users in her family.

"I'll see to their safety," she said, before casting a teleportation charm - a simple one. The swarm vanished, as Runa intended to send them to Odin's throne room, only to reappear back in front of them a moment later. Runa frowned, tilting her head again. She didn't want the puppies to get hurt, but they were in the way. "... Or perhaps a reduction in size?" she murmured, attempting to shrink the dogs to the size of ants, but they hardly became that miniature. They shrunk, but not to the size she was going for.

"...I suppose they are harmless and aren't impeding our course..."

Guin Stark

Location: the Palace
Skills: Telepathy

Guin was a little bit surprised to hear that Annie couldn't get a lock on the others either - mostly since she didn't know that was something Annie was even capable of doing. Secondly, she hadn't considered what she had said to Frigga to be particularly rude or anything. If she wanted to be rude, she would've asked Frigga why her roots were showing and how long it took for her to go to the Asgardian hairdresser. Guin tilted her head slightly. She supposed Asgardians could just be overly formal, gods knew Runa was, and they had the entire Shakespeare vibe going on. "Sounds like a typical dude, won't listen to the woman who knows more than him," Guin lamented, shaking her head slightly at Frigga's description of Odin always looking in the wrong spot.

She had to wonder just how much agency women had on Asgard. She felt bad about it, but she had only ever really heard about Thor and Loki - no one talked much about Frigga. "Also, magic protection charm would be rad. It'd also be super cool if you could magic us on over to the place where the light beam or whatever was coming from, it's near where Baldur lives, I think?" Guin said hesitantly. Asgard's geography wasn't one of her strong suits, as she hadn't ever been there before. She gave Amidala, her pet flying lemur-mouse thing, a scratch behind the ears.

Do you think she's actually going to help or will this be more like an NPC pops up along your quest but won't come along for some contrived reason sort of situation? Guin whispered to Pietro.
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