Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Guinevere Stark

Guin had just been minding her own business, doing her very best to save the day. She hadn't been able to claw her own eyes out, which was disappointing as she could feel her hold on the switch weakening. She didn't know how far away she could get from her own body before snapping back, like a rubberband that had been forced too far away - or would she instead get so far away from her body that she'd be trapped forever as Sabretooth, Rapist Supreme? Guin tried not to barf at the thought. It helped somewhat that the next thing she knew, she had been punched in the chest. She stumbled backwards, bewildered as she saw Cass - and the annoying British bitch - in front of her. Damn it. Guin had wanted to get Sabretooth away from people she cared about, not introduce him to others in the area.

"Mate, I don't think that's Sabretooth," the British git said. Guin noticed her pull out some sort of fancy blade.

"Wow, give her a fucking metal, you can recognize a simple case of possession. Now I'm going to run away from here, so you don't get skewered. And by you, I mean you Cass. I could care less about Doctor Who over here and how she turns out," Guin said, feeling a little strange hearing Sabretooth's voice but her words. She then turned around, spotting a building, and decided that it was unlikely for Sabretooth to run into any other friends of hers up there. She scrambled her way up the building with some difficulty, making it up to the roof. She then realized she didn't really have a plan for what to do next...

So Guin took a running leap, trying to make it to the next building - she made it about halfway, before gravity took its toll and she plummeted down to the ground, making a gigantic crater - and more importantly, screaming loudly and making a TON of noise in the process. "FUCK!!!!!!!"

Jade Cornish

Jade raised an eyebrow, a little bit impressed (well, more of amused) with the progress 'Sabretooth' had made in scaling up the building. It was like an uncoordinated squirrel had suddenly replaced the ruthless killer. Not that she was complaining. She knew that she could take Sabretooth out in a fight, but she didn't relish the idea of fighting him. Her angel blade and wits she was confident would be enough to best him - though she also conceded she'd likely get heavily scarred in the process.

Less than a minute later, when Sabretooth was out of sight, Jade then heard a LOUD crash - and the sound of Sabretooth screaming "FUCK" at the top of his lungs. Jade sighed. "So much for stealth. C'mon, luv, let's get out of here before the entire Brotherhood shows up to see what happened," Jade advised. "Is there a quick access to the sewers nearby?" she asked. She figured Cass would know, having lived in those tunnels for a while now. But if not, Jade was confident she would spot one soon enough.

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation and Telepathy

That was part of the trouble of her powers - Guin couldn't really control or protect her own body. So when Frenzy managed to throw off the switch, Guin was basically vulnerable to attack, her own body having not really moved much. The next thing Guin knew, Frenzy had her by the throat. She couldn't breathe, her windpipe crushed as she struggled, trying to breathe desperately. Help!!!!! Guin screamed to Pietro mentally. Her heart was pounding desperately, as every fiber of Guin's being really how very close to being killed she was.

Then, her body was slammed into the ground, and Guin wasn't even aware of the small crater formed. All she felt was immense pain. A few of her ribs were broken and she was heavily bruised. It could've been oh so much worse - but it still hurt like hell. Oww... Help... Guin croaked out to Pietro mentally. She barely registered a flash of green light knocking Frenzy out of the way, keeping her from actually being murdered. "I think my ribs are broken..." she admitted to Lance. Her body ached as he helped her up to her feet. Moving wasn't fun. Breathing hurt like hell, her diaphragm pushing on her ribs. "Go after the bitch who tried to kill me."

Meanwhile, Runa couldn't help but be annoyed by Strange's nonchalant attitude about all of this. Her friends weren't exactly very durable and these attackers seemed to be nothing but durable. Plus, a moment later, an intense pain started to surge through Runa's body, courtesy of Phantazia. "Mewling witch!" Runa cursed, before focusing her energies for her next round of moves. She decided to first get rid of some of the other players, focusing through the pain going through her body. She teleported Pyro away, hoping to put him into the ocean, but managing to put him in a puddle down the street. She teleported Phantazia into the doorway, having instead wanting to put her in a volcano.

It seemed like whatever Phantazia had done, it had impacted Runa's powers - her aim wasn't at precise when it came to her magic. That or perhaps Strange had put up some sort of enchantments to lessen the impact of magic that was not his own in his space. Either way, Runa then sent out a blast of darkness, hitting Frenzy and knocking her backwards. Meanwhile, Guin used her telepathy, knocking Nekra out and slowing Frenzy down.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:50 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

David thought for a moment, trying to recall all of the souls he had seen. He'd seen his own soul before. And then the others. They tended to make themselves known. There had been a moment where he had been trapped inside of his own head, seeing them all. He counted those as souls. "At least... twenty seven?" Legion guessed. "I'm not really good at math," he then admitted.

David then tilted his head, thinking about what Harry had said - about how he was worried, since his sister was really guarded. "Well... I don't like going into people's heads, but I could always tell you what she thinks," David offered, looking uncomfortable even as he suggested it. Going into people's heads was something his dad did. David never wanted to do that. But he wanted to help Harry, and it was one way that he could do that.

The Green Lagoon...

Veil snorted slightly at Callie's idea of using her powers on Madrox. "He's already a crybaby, I'm not sure even your powers could do much to change that," Veil quipped. She did not like Madrox at all. He was an annoyingly boring man who everyone seemed to obsess over, acting like he was god's gift to women. It was like seeing a popular RomCom in theaters, but the leading man was just a wet blanket.

She did pause from her thoughts about Jamie Madrox to consider what Callie was suggesting. It wasn't a bad idea. She knew that Genosha had been using the Marauders to bring mutants back to Genosha, but the Mutant Underground Network was already established. They had their own Underground Railroad, now with a destination that could - with the exception of the recent tragedy - keep mutants safe. And Veil liked that they'd be taking Xavier's power away from him - that his ego would take a hit. "Think of what the Underground could do with Genosha's resources, too," Veil pointed out. "Half of our time had been devoted to just finding food to eat, think of all the mutants we could have helped if we had our basic needs met."

"Well, I'm not making any money," Blob said, before bursting out into a full belly laugh. "Not that anyone else is here. I can't help but overhear, y'all are going to New Orleans? I could use a way to work out my feelings if you need anyone squished."

Veil glanced at Callie - and then past her, to where she could see Sunshine and Marrow making out in a corner, and her brother still standing eerily still with Legion. "We'd be happy to have you, Blob. How are you at graverobbing?"


"Ooo, is that Penderyn Whiskey?!" Pixie squealed, her eyes lighting up as she accepted the glass. "If you keep these coming, we can talk about whatever you want," she joked, before taking a sip. She smiled, her eyes closing for a moment. She was Welsh and while she loved Genosha, she missed her home in Wales at time. This drink happened to take her back there, at least in her head. "Also, let's get sushi. I'm starving. You can make sushi appear, right? My food magic is rubbish."

Outside the Hospital...

Casper was relieved when they made it to the hospital - a new one for him, he tended to not really like going to places like this, doctors weren't usually a fan of Casper's life choices. But as they were here, it meant that they could get little Daniel Elliot checked out, and also that there would be a doctor there making sure that Casper hadn't already ruined everything. A stray thought then popped into his mind - it had been a while since he had gotten a new tattoo, but he wanted to get one. Something of James and Daniel - of his own little family.

"Hey, we know he's not a vampire now," Casper joked slightly about the phone. "So... I'm not the best at, like, asking to see a doctor for things or picking up things at the hospital... I tend to not really be conscious for this part, more used to waking up and being told hey man, you can't OD in here or whatever it is doctors say so... Can you take the lead?" Casper asked sheepishly.

Basically, Casper, the person who never shut up, was uncomfortable at the idea of talking to whoever was at the front desk of the hospital. The world was a strange place.

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto returned all of the flying metal bits back to the ground, before gliding down there as well himself, his cape flowing dramatically behind him. "You are my ward - my child, by adoption but my child all the same - so I expect to be informed as to how you were able to summon a winged horse of legend," Magneto said simply. "Just who are you, Valkyrie?" He then paused for a moment. "You both did well. However, you lack focus when it comes to accomplishing your tasks. You made many unneeded moves that wasted your time and power. Learning to communicate with one another better will serve you well. The humans will not go as easy on you as I did."


It might have been Jack's imagination, but it would look to him like the portraits on the walls of Selene were watching him. As he moved, their eyes would move to follow him. There was something on the walls that wasn't a portrait, however. There was a conspicuously placed bookcase, filled with dusty books. Well, almost all of them were dusty. There was one area void of dust, as if one book was routinely pulled off. This definitely won't remind him of a secret passageway in a mansion, nope not at all...

From upstairs, Selene's voice would come drifting down.

"Honestly, Jumbo, I appreciate your work but I don't think you can outdo my couture. I have perfected the sexy vampire queen look over the millennia. Since time immemorial, I have slayed."

A man's voice - a bit high pitched - replied. "It is a stunning look, but isn't it, well...? It's been done before, girl. It's time to mix it up, to wow us again. No one should be sleeping on your look at the Gala!"

"Hmph. If you were a virgin, you would be in a volcano right now," Selene complained. "And get me an earl grey to drink, will you? Either the tea or a grey-haired earl, I'm not picky."

"I'm a fashion designer, not your butler."


Hellfire Bay...

Renegade hadn't always been good at "responsibility" or "showing up on time" or "not leaving work to go get drunk." It had been one of Magneto's largest complaints back when she had joined the Brotherhood. Rules weren't really her style - she preferred to go with the flow. She got things done when she got things done. But in old age, Renegade had gotten a bit more responsible - at least, enough that she thought for a moment before she...

Wait, nope, she didn't think about it at all. "God, yes," Renegade said. "Later, bitches," she then said, throwing up a peace sign as her way of saying goodbye to the others she had been working with. She then glanced at the kid.

"Later, bitches!" Mongoose repeated, waving at the telekinetics. "What's bitches mean?" she then asked Miranda.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan seemingly spaced out for a moment, but inside her head, it was like a gate had been thrown open. An onslaught of memories rushed through her head. She remembered being fit for armor with the Pendragon crest as a small child, with Guinevere and Arthur, no, her parents standing by her; she remembered training with a knight... Lancelot; she remembered seeing her parents arguing in their room, with Lancelot, and mentions of her name being thrown around. Her name. She realized she did actually have a second name. Her name had been Megan Mordred Pendragon, Princess of Camelot. As Megan came to, she couldn't help but feel disoriented. She remembered her life here now. Ten years of her life, two fifths of her life, returned to her.

Her father asked her what had happened; her parents looked worried. The guard returned, saying it was time for the King and Queen to see them. Moments ago, Megan would have brushed off the concern from Guinevere and Arthur - she hadn't known them moments ago. But now, she remembered being their daughter - she remembered growing up in this world. She remembered that even though she hadn't been the classic princess, they had supported her and cared for her anyways. "Oh, just a rush of memories - probably repressed or something either by years of therapy telling me that Camelot wasn't real or Merlin's magic, take your pick," Megan said casually. "S'pose we ought to go in, though. Do you think they use a guillotine here for state executions?"


EARTH 257 - 8:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

Update sections are organized roughly by combatants...

Cass and Matt vs Mr. Knight/Moon Knight -

"Bloody hell, that's frigid!" Mr. Knight protested, stumbling backwards as Cass struck him twice. He looked a little confused by the things that Matt and Cass were saying. "I don't know the details of your love life, bloke, but as for things not making sense - that's par for the course for me. Nothing ever makes sense," Mr. Knight admitted. Suddenly, Mr. Knight shifted in his stance and posture. He looked much more confident now, but also relaxed. His costume changed as well, looking like the wraps of a mummy, with a long dramatic white cape.

Cass had her blizzard hiding her, but Matt didn't. Moon Knight threw a crescent shaped blade at Matt, the blade missing and embedding itself in the wall behind him. But Moon Knight didn't stop at just that, this wasn't the same "I'll wait for my turn" individual from moments ago. Moon Knight rushed forward, swinging punch after punch at Matt, in a violent boxer's stance. Matt could block the majority of them, but even the force colliding against him from the block would leave a bruise. And the last one, a finishing blow, would knock Matt onto the ground, breaking his nose in the process.

Moon Knight didn't let up, raising his foot up to try to stomp in Matt's face.

Oliver v Captain America

While Oliver may not know biology (and neither does our dear GM), it would turn out the main symptoms from the severing of the Achilles tendon were, according to the Mayo Clinic, extreme swelling above the ankle, the feeling of being kicked in the calf, an inability to bend the foot or push off of it or stand on the toes of that foot, and a dramatic popping/snapping sound during the injury. In short, Captain America would be in EXTREME pain from the injury, but as long as he kept off of the afflicted leg, he could still fight. So, in true Captain America fashion, as Oliver spat on him with blood, Cap wiped the blood off of his face. He used his hands and good leg to push himself up off of the ground, his injured leg limp. Sweat was pouring down Cap's face and he spat on the ground in turn.

"I can do this all day," he told Oliver. Captain America then pressed a button on the inside of his glove, his jetpack thrusters activating and launching himself at Oliver like a cannonball. Oliver would, shockingly(?), manage to dodge this.

Maria vs Hercules

Maria managed to absorb the godlike strength of Hercules - the very strength that, in a Disney rendition of the story, had made Hercules one of Greece's best heroes. Thank her lucky stars. Hercules managed to pull himself back up to his feet. He looked at Maria, impressed. "Another empusa then," he commented, comparing her to a Greek vampire. "If you have my power, then this should be fun," Hercules said, chuckling ever so slightly, before tackling Maria to the ground and beginning to wrestle her.

Is it a brilliant plan somehow, to wrestle someone who can take your powers away with skin-to-skin contact? Is Hercules perhaps not as smart as everyone thought...?

Rogue and Gambit vs the Scarlet Scarab

The fight here was beginning to shift its favor ever so slightly. Every time Rogue went to try to absorb the powers and life force of the Scarlet Scarab, the vague outline of a hippo appeared around Scarab. The aura was so powerful that Rogue wasn't able to get through to use her powers - only Gambit's cards seemed to be able to cut on through. As it stood, the Scarlet Scarab was holding her own with surprising ease.

Amelia vs Aero

In this fight, however, there was a definite change. The pair had ended up going outside, fighting on essentially the edge before a sharp drop down the mountain - something that, had her mind not been so scrambled, would have been eerily familiar to Amelia. "You ain't gonna admit you're not the real Amelia, are ya?" Amelia asked, sending a spinning ball of air in the direction of Aero, in an attempt to knock Aero off her balance.

Aero jumped up, landing on the sphere and dissipating it. "You aren't going to either, mate, so don't act so shocked - we're in a stalemate," Aero said, before kicking up little 'stairs' of air almost, just controlled bursts beneath her feet, and making her way up onto the roof of the Aerie.

"So what now then? Are we just going to kill each other?" Amelia asked, doing the same exact move at the same time - as if the pair of them were synchronized.

"I'm not a killer. I don't know about you lot, though," Aero said, before swinging a punch at Amelia, hitting Amelia in the gut. Amelia stumbled backwards, blasting air behind her to keep herself from falling off of the roof, managing to find her balance again. Aero then charged forward at her and Amelia paused, waiting for the last second before leaping to the side - fully expecting Aero to just land on the ground below - but instead, she saw Aero fall over the edge, beginning to tumble down the mountain.

And in that moment, it didn't matter to Amelia who this person was or what was going on. Amelia was a hero. And heroes saved people.

Amelia jumped, diving after her double.

Everyone Else vs Luminous Basically

Fire may not have killed Luminous, but it was one hell of a distraction. The next thing Raynor knew, he was back inside of Angel's Aerie, kneeling on the ground with tears in his eyes. He sniffled slightly, rapidly trying to calm his emotions - to regain his sense of control, the mask that he hid behind in order to seem strong, not fragile or broken. But instead of feeling calm, he was horrified. He came to just in time to see Sparky try to murder Niah. He didn't see the silver hue to Sparky's eyes. He had no clue that Sparky was possessed. To him, it was like Sparky had actually snapped and gone evil, deciding that killing Niah was going to make her feel better.

"What the fuck happened between you two?" Raynor shouted, oblivious to the obvious answer (again, he rolled a 1) that Luminous was behind this. So instead of focusing on Luminous, Raynor blasted Sparky with a beam of light, blinding her and causing her to go crashing to the ground. He didn't know what Niah had done, but he figured it had to have been something. "Niah, what did you do?!"

"It wasn't Niah!" Bonnie snapped, irritated with Raynor's complete lack of situational awareness or ability to read context clues. Flynn had told her that there weren't really any runes or wards they could use, but that OMEN had fought witches with iron. She didn't know if iron would work against Luminous - if Luminous and Wanda were the sort of witches that iron would work against - but it was as good a strategy as any. Her eyes darted around the room and she spotted a candlestick base that looked to be made out of iron.

A speedster with all of their wits about them would have just run around really fast to get rid of the flames, but Luminous was ON FIRE and not thinking clearly. So, she did what any person would do - she stopped, dropped, and rolled. But that didn't seem to be working as well as it could have been. It was like the flames refused to be put out. Luminous' voice would then appear in Flynn's mind: Douse the flames!!!

Sparky, unfortunately, was still firmly under Luminous' control. In her mind, everyone she was facing was a villain she had seen before. And she would be convinced that all of these villains wanted one thing - to kill Sparky's infant daughter.

Note - this is a one-time command issued by Luminous to Flynn; not a full trance like what Sparky is experiencing

In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade nodded, a bit astounded by their luck so far. No one had really noticed them, the current group of incompetent thugs more or less walking right past them. Of course, it wasn't like she and Cassandra were unskilled - Jade considered herself to be exceptional at hiding and stealth, due to her many careers, and she was certain that Cassandra had to be at least average. She paused besides Cass once they had moved forward enough, getting a good look ahead. There was an entrance of sorts, a gate that was heavily guarded. She narrowed her eyes, examining its defenses. "Standard super strength blokes," she murmured to Cass. "And some sort of psychic... The tall woman's Frenzy."

She then looked for a vulnerable entrance specifically, but didn't find any beyond the main gate. She couldn't help but wonder though if there were tunnels that could take them inside of Magneto's fortress - if they absolutely had to do the aboveground route. The surviving X-Men had been living in the tunnels for so long, she had to imagine they'd investigated it - but then again, she had imagined they had done a lot of things that it turned out they hadn't. "I don't see an opening. Might be worth seeing if there's a below ground route," she whispered to Cass. "For now, we should pull back."

Guinevere Stark

Any other moment, Guin would have complained that she wasn't dumb enough to run back to the base, that she had been surviving in this hellish YA-fantasy dystopia of New York City for longer than he had been. But Sabretooth had found them, thanks to his irritatingly good sense of smell, and had clawed Guin, throwing her against the wall. Her body was aching and she managed to catch her breath, as Ed used his magic to start flaying Sabretooth. "Don't miss," Guin told Ed, before rushing forward. It helped that Ed had Sabretooth occupied for the moment, as Guin managed to reach out and touch Sabretooth - Sabretooth, of course, clawing her in the process and Guin yelped in pain - and then...

Switch. Guin opened her eyes, finding herself in the hulking form of Victor Creed. "Ugh, I feel gross... It's me, by the way. I'm going to run from here as far as I can, you should drag me along and try to keep Sabretooth from fucking up my body," Guin said to Ed in Sabretooth's body, before taking off at a run. As she ran, she tried to muster up the courage to rip out her own eyeballs, but even in Sabretooth's body she was scared of that pain. The best she managed to do was scratch her eyes, screaming in pain - as Sabretooth - but at least managing to get several blocks away, putting distance between Sabretooth and Edus. She just hoped Sabretooth wouldn't do any lasting damage to her body...

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy had lost her voice for a moment, when she tried to say what had happened to her in the Lotus Hotel, how she had been able to come to her senses when very few people managed to do so. But on the subject of Zeke's beau and Apollo, Nancy managed to find her voice again. "How the hell have I been tearing into him? I don't know him! I don't care! And are you really fucking jealous of what I talked to Apollo about? Because it WASN'T FOR ME! I DIDN'T ASK FOR A FAVOR FOR ME! IF YOU HAD EVEN STOPPED TO THINK, YOU MIGHT HAVE FIGURED THAT OUT!" Nancy screeched, her face red. She couldn't say what she had asked Apollo for - what she had talked to him about. She had asked for him to speak to her godly sibling about a cure for Mads, a means to undo Jupiter's curse. If Jupiter found out Apollo was meddling in his curse, the consequences could be dire...

She wasn't moved by his declaration that he would burn down the Lotus Hotel. If it had come from Mads or Niah, she might have been; but from Zeke, it just felt like pity - like he was playing the role of the savior, of the hero who rescued the poor damsel in distress. "Why would you want to burn down that grody ass place? Why would you even care?!" Nancy asked, her hands shaking - sometimes, her hands were open, at other times, her palms were clenched into fists.

Truthfully though, she didn't want Zeke going in there unprepared. There was a reason he was one of the only Greeks that Nancy gave a damn about - one of the few children of Apollo she considered to actually be a sibling. It was so hard though for her to think about the Lotus Hotel. Her mind had wanted to block the entire thing out of her head. Some of the memories she had managed to block out - or they had just become so faded from her time in the hotel. "I - I don't know how it starts," Nancy then admitted, her voice breaking. "I-I remember running away from home, going inside because it was always so hot in Vegas, planning on pickpocketing enough cash to take a bus to Hollywood... And then it's all a blur... Until... Until the night... That... I can't talk about this. I can't. I can't I can't I can't."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Arena -> Big House
Skills: N/A

Leda misunderstood Cassian for a second, thinking that he was calling her a kid of the big three, and she was about to correct him before she realized what he had meant. She snorted slightly. "Again, kid, your time will come," Leda assured him. "And 'course I will. Wouldn't miss the post-saving the world celebrations." She then left fully, making her way over to the Big House just in time to see her girlfriend emerge. Leda returned Kiera's hug and kiss, grinning at her. "Nah, you weren't gone nearly long enough for me to miss ya," she teased.

"Ooo, are they in trouble?" Leda asked, very curious as to what Chiron could want with Kristin and Janelle. She could only hope that they were in trouble for something - it would probably do both of them good. Although, come to think of it, Janelle would be an excellent troublemaking partner - people would never suspect the blind girl. Leda made a mental note to talk to Janelle about helping her out with some pranks around Camp after the quest. There was a lot of potential there to tap into.

"Eh, ready to go already," Leda told Kristin with a shrug. She had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. She never liked Kristin much. Small talk was annoying enough.

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation and Telepathy (Mind Switch)

Guin's ears were ringing slightly from the explosion that took out the wall. What Strange had proposed terrified the hell out of her - she didn't want to be corrupted by whatever Stockholm Syndrome Poster Girl version of her existed in this world. Everything that she had seen so far indicated that this world's Guin Stark was probably better off dead than alive; and that her choices were seriously fucked up. She had gotten Lance killed here after all. And apparently was with Pietro, despite him being a sadistic murderer.

Bizarrely, the entrance of the Dracula Queens or whoever they were somehow helped with Guin's panic attack. Seeing horrifying people like Pyro, who had criminally bad fashion taste for a gay man, and incredibly tall and capable women like Frenzy, who Guin noted stood at about seven feet tall with interest, was helpful. (She didn't like the way Phantazia was talking to Pietro, though. You two never dated or anything, right? she asked). The slight distraction though wasn't as helpful, as Guin ended up getting knocked to the ground by a piece of rubble.

"Okay, that was so fucking rude!" Guin complained, hopping back up to her feet, and deciding to do something potentially very stupid. She had read about Frenzy in SHIELD files before. She basically had all of the good fighting powers in one. Guin charged at Frenzy. Frenzy, somehow, didn't move out of the way. Guin made contact and body-hopped, putting Frenzy in her body, and then taking over Frenzy's for herself. "Woah, I feel like Wonder Woman..." Guin said, before instantly grabbing Nekra and flinging her around like a ragdoll, marveling in her own strength. She then let go, sending Nekra flying into Pyro. Pyro fell over like a bowling pin, although it seemed he wasn't as hurt as she would have liked.

Guin was on a roll though, so she didn't stop. She used her native power of telepathy, focusing for a moment, and managing to pinpoint where Phantazia was. She then kicked at Phantazia, grazing her rather than hitting her dead-on, but enough to make the weird woman at least stumble some.

Meanwhile, Runa was not feeling better after all of this. She was feeling more stressed. They had a limited amount of time to return home, before risking permanent alterations to personalities. She didn't want to have her Lance mixed with the Lance from this reality. If things didn't get better soon, then she figured it would be time to play her Hail Mary - something she wasn't even certain would really work, but it would be worth a shot... If her grandmother could get them home, then she had to at least try to reach out to her, see if that multiversal being was available... "Hold still," Runa told Pietro, before attempting to vanish his handcuffs. It took her two tries, basically because he kept moving around and dodging the Hulk, but she managed to make them disappear, restoring his speed to him. "Don't kill anyone on our side," she cautioned him.

She then focused on the next problem. They had an invisible opponent. Something weird was going on with Guin, Runa figured someone else could deal with that, she hadn't been paying attention to see that Guin had swapped bodies. Runa then concentrated on her magics again, before pulling a rune and casting, forcing Phantazia to become visible once again. Once she could see her opponent, Runa then blasted her with darkness, injuring her somewhat. "Strange, if you could send them to the Mirror Dimension, that would be much appreciated!"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan knew that she was being somewhat nasty to Guinevere. She didn't mean to be harsh with her - but she didn't know how else to express what she was feeling. She didn't know these people. They didn't know her, despite them apparently believing the contrary. And they couldn't answer questions for her, when the big questions Megan had were ones she needed to decide for herself, ones she had never entertained before in her life as she had never searched for her biological parents, she had never been interested in a relationship with them. The only reason she ever would have looked for them would have been in order to get her family medical history.

She didn't want to answer Guinevere's question about what growing up was like for her. But Megan decided to do so anyways. She didn't know why she decided to share - it didn't make any sense to her, there was no logical reason for her to want to share anything with these people, these strangers. But she did anyways. "I was adopted by a pair of doctors, along with my brother, Jack. They were nice. They got me all sorts of private tutors and lessons, mostly science and fencing and the like. Rather pushy though. Enough to make a person snap. Unfortunately, I never did end up having the full mental breakdown that gets you immortalized in the overactive imaginations of kids around a campfire at summer camp as a bloodthirsty witch, telling stories about the chaos and destruction you caused... But that's life, I s'pose."

The guard talked with Sierra briefly, before telling them to wait. Megan sighed a little bit. So much of this was just waiting.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:40 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

"If someone does try talking to us, one of the others will prooobably step in and take over," David mused. "They don't come with me to the astral plane. But I'm not worried about what they're going to do. I just want to spend this time here with you," he admitted, blushing slightly as he leaned forward, pressing his nose against Harry's. "You have the most beautiful soul that I've ever seen," he whispered.

At Harry's mention of his twin, David tilted his head. "Why are you nervous?" he asked, a little confused. He didn't have a ton of dating experience. And David didn't really talk to most of his family.

The Green Lagoon...

Veil couldn't help but groan when Callie reminded her who ran the New Orleans branch - Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man. She had met him on a few occasions and didn't much care for him. He seemed to think that he was god's gift to women, despite being painfully average looking - and for whatever reason, he managed to repeatedly get girls who were waaay out of his league. None of it made sense to her. "Are we sure we want to go to New Orleans now?" Veil joked, shaking her head slightly. "Madrox has to be the most insufferable of the cell leaders."

"Sure thing," Blob said, cracking open a beer and sliding it across the counter to Callie.

"I'll take a whiskey, neat, thanks," Veil ordered.

Blob nodded, pouring a special Genoshan whiskey vintage - all the whiskey made on Genosha was artificially aged by mutants with time-manipulation powers, allowing the perfect whiskey to be made within minutes, and taste like it had been aged for centuries. "How are you two doing?" Blob asked. "Things have been real fucked up lately."

Veil nodded. "No shit," she sighed, pushing her hair out of her face again.


Pixie's wings fluttered extra fast for a moment, as her eyes darted around, before locking in on Max down below. She almost dropped the wooden beams she had been carrying. "One sec!" Pixie shouted down to him, before putting the beams into place. She whispered a word of power and hammers began nailing the beams down, one little bit of the frame of the Akademos restored. Pixie then flew down, landing gracefully on her feet in front of him. She was wearing a pink and black version of a classic school girl's outfit - the same pink of her hair and black of her eyes.

"What's up?" Pixie asked Max. "I didn't take you as the good at construction type," Pixie then admitted, giggling a bit at him. "But if you're here to help, this place could use some style stat."

En route to the Hospital...

Casper was instantly a bit nervous as James asked if he wanted to hold their son. He couldn't even hold a cup without there being at least a fifty percent chance he would drop it and break it within seconds of picking it up. Growing up, his mother had always joked that Casper's fine motor control was exclusively for applying makeup - anything else it was a random roll of the dice as to whether or not he could do it. "Um, yeah, sure!" Casper said, as his heart was pounding. "Uh, just wondering, how, like, bad is it if you drop the baby? Not that I'm planning on dropping him, but I drop things all the time when I'm cleaning them in the sink, and a baby is heavy and wiggly and I'm just worried that I might... well, might be me and mess it up," Casper admitted.

He did, though, take little baby Daniel from James. Casper was immediately struck by how much heavier Daniel was than he had expected - he had always thought babies would be super light, like tiny little pillows, but Daniel felt more like holding a well fed cat. It took Casper a moment to get the hold correctly, but he mostly was just mimicking what James had done, hoping that it was right. "Is this good?" he asked James tentatively.

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto was a little bit speechless as Valkyrie summoned what appeared to be a genuine pegasus. He was used to his daughter, Wanda, bending reality to make odd things happen - but he hadn't expected this from Valkyrie at all. From what he knew, Valkyrie was a technopath with a strong sense of Norse theming. "...After we conclude this exercise, we are going to have a conversation about that, young lady."

He narrowed his eyes slightly at what Andy did - he was annoyed by it. But at the same time, proud. She must have had an excellent grasp on the science of how her powers worked to create this sort of effect. He hesitated, thinking through what to do. He didn't want them to get seriously hurt from a discharging electric field. But he needed to get this zone out of the way. "Impressive - yet potentially harmful to you and your allies," Magneto warned. He focused on the furniture the electricity was arcing between, forcing them to stay still as fixed points. The electric zone was still up, but not in danger of discharging. Simultaneously, Magneto shot the former-spoon behind him, and raised up a small swirling storm of other small metal objects, setting those whipping around in a cyclone around the spoon - his own zone of fuck you.


Blackstone was more or less on the opposite end of the island, making up part of Hellfire Bay. Selene had changed the style of the building somewhat during the rebuilding process. It was made entirely of stone now, the majority of which - at least on the outside - seemed to be obsidian. Much like Magneto had rebuilt the House of M by himself due to his control of magnetism, Selene had managed to reconstruct Blackstone due to her ability to control inorganic matter.

There didn't appear to be anyone outside, but Jack would notice that there were sigils carved into the stone - the sort of sigils that witches might use. That in itself wasn't alarming - Selene had never exactly been subtle when it came to her witchcraft, starting her own Coven here on Genosha. In his mind, Jack would be able to tell that Selene wasn't alone in there, but he wouldn't know who was with her - just that there was someone else there.

Hellfire Bay...

Renegade glanced up from her work, sweat dripping down her forehead. A lot of important things had sunk to the bottom of the waters of Hellfire Bay, and Renegade was working with a team of telekinetics to retrieve them all. Renegade was using her special power over kinetic energy to slow the water molecules to a halt, allowing the telekinetics to part the water more easily, and then simply lift up the remains (largely inorganic) from the bottom of the bay.

"Salut, cherie," Renegade greeted. She raised an eyebrow, her hands trembling as she focused on keeping the water molecules slow, but she was mainly looking at the little kid with Miranda - who seemed far more interested in what the telekinetics were up to than meeting Renegade. "C'est qui? Who is this little dear?"

"I'm Mongoose!" Mongoose blurted. "Can I go play down there?" she asked, trying to get a good look at the bottom of the bay, where water had once been - the very water Ellie and the others were working to hold back.

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