Avatar of Morose


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Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
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Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
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Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

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Most Recent Posts

Raynor Blake, Jedi Knight

25 pts (Light-Side)

"Oh, you know us Jedi - our heads are always in the clouds," Raynor sidestepped. He wasn't going to lay out for her exactly what questions he was interesting in pursuing - he figured the hint would have to be enough. Anything bolder and he was worried for her safety, due to the presence of the guards. "Some masters spend so much time pondering questions that they'll fall into a meditative trance and forget to eat or drink or sleep for weeks, even months at a time."

Of course, Raynor had never really been that sort of type - his master tended to tell him that he needed to think more really, not less. "I would love it if you would join us - in fact, I insist, as long as that is alright with Jarothe. I would not wish to offend him." Raynor didn't give a reason for why he wanted Shocky to dine with them. He hoped he didn't have to.

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Telepathy

Guin's sadness over having not seen her father in so long was then tinged with annoyance. He was ignoring her. He was berating Pietro, telling him that he shouldn't be anywhere near her; yet Tony couldn't even spare a look in her direction. The annoyance and sadness mixed to light a small angry flame inside of her. Why would Tony talk to Pietro and not her? She knew things had gone horribly for her counterpart in this world, but still, the Guin of this Earth was still a person. She wasn't some object to be argued over. She clenched her fist in irritation. Strange explained his theory as to what was happening with Tony - that he was trapped outside and between reality somehow. "Sounds like a problem for a fucking wizard, then," Guin said, her chin trembling ever so slightly, as she was torn between crying or screaming - or both.

"If reality is getting so weak, weak enough he can appear, then you should be able to drag his ass back here," Guin reasoned. She didn't know though if Tony would want to be alive again in this world. It seemed like a shit fest. Guin didn't even know if she would want to exist in this world if she were him. Tony, Guin said telepathically into Tony's mind.


Guin's left eye twitched slightly. She hated that he was playing dumb. Is there a reason you fucking ignored me? Or am I just multiversal trash to you?

Dealing with other things at the moment like finally being able to yell at everyone else!!!!! he responded, sounded annoyed at this point.

"Actually, I just realized - I don't care," Guin said. She didn't want to deal with any of these people, and the Force Ghost Tony seemed like he just wanted to yell at all the men in the room, as if Guin wasn't capable of making her own choices and taking care of herself. Guin then walked out the door and back into the alleyway Lance, Annie, and she had landed in earlier - and Guin kept on walking, intent on blowing off some steam and having a moment to herself. Well, and Amidala - the little lemur had followed her on out.

Meanwhile, back inside with the group, Runa was glad to see Lance returned from the Mirror Dimension - although she was a bit concerned as to where Banner was, as he hadn't emerged just yet. Perhaps he just hadn't calmed down quite yet. The realization that Tony Stark was trapped between worlds was rather grim. Runa wondered privately whether or not the real solution would be to find a way to end his pain and suffering, should a rescue prove impossible. And then, for almost no reason at all that Runa could understand, Guin mouthed off and left. "So dramatic..." Runa murmured, a little confused. She would have thought Guin would have been pleased to see Tony - well, a Tony.

"Perhaps if we combine our magics, the three of us might be able to free him," Runa suggested then, looking at Strange and Klara. She pulled a rune from her bag - raido, the rune for journeys. It seemed as good a center as any. "If the veil is truly weak, then we should be able to manage it - and return him to a form of flesh and blood." There was always the possibility of using her reality warping powers, but if reality was being so fragile, Runa was worried that she might do more harm than good.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:50 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

"Huh," Casper said, considering what James had explained to him. "Where did you learn all this stuff?" he asked. He had never even really thought too much about things for babies and whatnot, but it seemed like James knew pretty much everything. If it wasn't for the fact Casper knew it wasn't true, he would've believed that James had been a father before. Had he been a dad in the world Wanda made, maybe? Casper knew James had been a little evil in that world, but he wasn't sure about being a parent. Jack had been a parent. Jack was a little evil at times. "Wanda didn't make you a daddy, right? Well a dad, I mean - you're already a daddy before this one even came around."

"Ooo a picture! That's cute. Maman would love a copy, I know - she's kinda angry sometimes but on the inside she's veeery sentimental. I'm also pretty sure I'm her favorite child. We both know it's not Jackie. And Davie's her kid by adoption. Val.... Nah, no way does she like Val more than me. I'm way cuter than Val."

Bee blinked, before nodding. "How did you know that's my mutant power, silly?" she said with a giggle. "I create hard-light copies of things I see - pictures, really," Bee explained. To prove her point, she wiggled her nose, and suddenly a small 3D cube appeared in her hands. In the cube were 3D depictions of James, Casper, and the baby.

"Oh shoot, you blinked... Let's try again on three, okay? One, two.... three!"

Outside the House of M...

Not very many people went to the House of M - it wasn't that the location was too far from everything, as it was in the central portion of the island, just on the eastern side. No, it was more that for all of its grandeur, there was an emptiness to it. Those who lived within those walls were haunted by ghosts, many of them by their own making. Even while the House of Magnus was a noble mutant house, boasting some of the most powerful mutants of the modern era, many of them Omega level... it was still a place of loneliness and sadness.

In short, there is no one outside for Andy and Zarina to run into - they are alone. Rain begins to fall - light at first, before quickly turning into a torrential downpour.


Selene was already back where she had been previously with Jumbo Carnation - somewhere upstairs, judging from how echo-y and distant their voices sounded. No one was around to really ask Jack what he was doing or what he was looking for, so he had free reign to explore. Maybe her bedroom would have some of her hairs? Or he could just wander around and look at couches and whatnot and try to find some?

"Wait, bitch, shut up, you went to Spiralfest WITHOUT ME?!?!?!?!" a voice screeched from upstairs.

"Of course, darling! Spiral and I go way back. We used to kick it at the Arrako Mall with Genesis... Such a shame that little island fell into a hell dimension. Messing with Apocalypse really lost its fun."

"You have to get me onto Spiral Talk, I would DIE and go to gay heaven - or hell, honestly, I'm not picky. But I'm such a stan of my many armed queen!"

"And me, of course. You stan me."

"A gay man can stan many women, you don't need to worry," Jumbo said with a laugh.

Hellfire Bay...

Renegade shrugged. "Honestly, I wasn't planning on telling anyone - I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I never expected that I would get to be this old anyways..." her voice trailed off. "I've done a lot of amazing things and met really cool people. But if it's my time to go... I don't want people to treat me differently. Or be remembered as some sick frail thing. I want to be me till the end. Maybe go out screaming against a group of Purifiers if I can time it correctly," Renegade laughed a little bit.

"Nemesis can't fix it, Nate can't either - or won't, hard to tell with the discount Dracula," Renegade commented. "None of the healers I went to either could make it budge." She hadn't gone to James yet - mostly because she hadn't wanted to worry Casper, but also because she had given up hope.

"Always," Raynor said with a chuckle. "But they are questions that are difficult to answer and I will have to uncover the truth myself," he said. "Thank you for your assistance so far, Shakka," he then added. He looked at her, before turning his attention to the ships, and then lastly to the guards who remained to keep an eye on them. He couldn't ask her details about her employer, nothing beyond the vague. His earlier questions had almost been too bold as well when it came to trying to get Jarothe to admit he was practicing slavery.

"I do hope you'll dine with us, tonight," Raynor said. He was worried that if he dismissed Shakka entirely, Jarothe would ship her off to some sector far outside of the Republic's reach, dooming her to a life of slavery - again. It wasn't right what people like Jarothe got away with - they seemed to think that their wealth made them untouchable and beyond the law.

"Oi, Captain I Only Have A Blaster, catch," Raynor called out. He picked up the red lightsaber of the strange robotic creature, and tossed the unlit blade to Emzie. He imagined that the droid likely had programming in how to handle a sword, given that it seemed to be proficient enough with a blaster - and if not, well, Raynor just didn't want to hear more complaining about a poor choice in weapon. Besides, holding onto the strange being's lightsaber was probably for the best - it might contain clues as to what it was they had just faced. One of the Jedi Masters might recognize the blade's craftsmanship.

"At least these clankers don't have shields," Raynor commented, as they came upon a group of seven basic battle droids at the guard station. Raynor held out his hand, and one of the droids suddenly flew through the glass of the guard station, shattering it and creating a gigantic opening. Raynor then smirked slightly, throwing the flying droid to the side, where it hit the ground.

"Oww!" the droid complained, still functioning.

Raynor understood her curiosity about the Jedi Order; people had questions about it all the time. Despite being protectors of peace in the galaxy, most of the Order was shrouded in mystery and misinformation. The Jedi were poorly understood by the general populace, with some even doubting the existence of the Force. "I've never known anything else," Raynor said to Shocky. "I don't remember what my life was like before - the records tell me that I'm from Nar Shadda, but... My memories begin in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant." He shrugged slightly. It didn't bother him, not knowing who his birth family had been. The Jedi were his family.

"I like being a Jedi, though - it gives me a sense of purpose. Serving the Republic, the innocent people of the galaxy... I think it's what I was born to do - my destiny," Raynor clarified. "When I hold my lightsaber, I feel the weight of all of that responsibility... but I couldn't imagine anything else... I'm sorry, I don't know if that answered your question - did you have something more specific in mind?" he asked. He had a feeling Shocky was looking for something, and he doubted he had addressed it, whatever it was.


EARTH 257 - 7:20 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

The Healing Gardens -

"Thank you, Firestorm, for being helpful," Dr. Reyes said pointedly. The Amelias had picked up the unconscious Avengers and gotten them onto tables, and Firestorm had handled both Flynn and Oliver. No one else had moved a muscle to help, something that rather irked the doctor. She didn't like people hanging around in the Healing Gardens and making it difficult for her to work; and she especially didn't like it when they refused to do the one task she had requested of her. "If you drag her out, Wolverine, please be quick and quiet about it - a lot of these people are in bad shape."

Cerebella had left the Healing Garden already at a run, having went off to fetch the people Dr. Reyes had requested - Sage and Prodigy. The other X-Men left as well, going into the Waiting Grove - a natural clearing of sorts outside the tree and plant canopies that sealed off the Healing Gardens.

Bonnie hesitated for a moment, before sitting on a table herself. "I'm pregnant and I died," Bonnie said, when Dr. Reyes looked in her direction - her injuries, if any, were not visible.

"Noted," Reyes said. Reyes held out her right hand, and closed her eyes for a moment. There was a slight shimmering golden light that enveloped Bonnie, shrinking and shrinking until it seemed to go inside of her. Then, Reyes opened her eyes again, the light vanished. "Your baby girl is healthy and strong. I don't feel any internal injuries on you either."

"... Thank you," Bonnie said, her eyes watering for a moment. It had felt so odd - whatever Dr. Reyes' power was, it was like there had been a tiny bit of warm pressure inside of her body, gentle yet firm. Knowing that her child was safe and healthy was a relief, even if it wasn't something that Flynn could share with her right now - and perhaps never again. She had been widowed before; it wasn't the first time she had lost the man she loved. But it was even more than knowing that her child was safe - she hadn't known her child's assigned gender until that moment. They were having a girl - a baby girl - a daughter.

Bonnie hopped off of the table, staring at Flynn for a moment, as if willing some shred of recognition from him; but then she sighed and left the Healing Gardens, entering the Waiting Grove.

Dr. Reyes then turned to her remaining patients, quickly diagnosing the obvious issues; Matt was visibly bleeding from his forehead, Flynn had two broken legs, and Oliver had a gigantic wound in his chest with a still partially impaled object. "Stay still," Reyes told Oliver, pulling a vial out of her pocket, and then loading it into a fresh syringe. She injected him with the dark scarlet substance, and then closed her eyes. Holding her left hand out, a warm glowing bubble seemed to envelope the stick. With her right hand, Reyes then yanked the stick out, letting it fall onto the ground at her feet. The yellow bubble stayed in place, acting as a dam of pressure, preventing traumatic blood loss and further damage. And miraculously, Oliver's skin began to knit back together; whatever Reyes had injected him with was working like magic. Within moments, his wound had closed; the yellow bubble vanished. Oliver would feel incredibly sore, but thoroughly alive.

Reyes then walked over to Matt, and took a syringe with an oddly green paste in it. "This'll sting," she warned him, before placing a thin layer of the green paste along his wounds. It would be a cool burning sensation, but just like how Oliver's wounds had knit themselves back together, Matt's wounds would begin to seal and heal.

She then went to her last conscious patient - Flynn. Reyes stared at him for a moment, as if debating something. "I need to give you something for the pain," she said. She pulled a purple vial out, loaded her syringe with it, and injected Flynn with it. Instantly, his entire body would feel numb; mentally, it would have the side effect of making him a bit loopy and deliriously giggly. "Stay still," Reyes said, holding out both hands above Flynn. Tiny little yellow bubbles appeared, before disappearing inside of his legs - and then suddenly, the bones were popped back into place. While broken, they were at least set. Reyes then injected him with another vial of the same dark red liquid she had used on Oliver, and his bones began to knit themselves back together. "No walking for at least an hour," she warned him.

"Same goes for you - no movement for an hour," she said, looking at Oliver. "Wolverine's blood is powerful, but your bodies are still weak."

The Waiting Grove -

The X-Men, minus Wolverine and Firestorm, and plus Destiny, Rogue, Mystique, Folly, and Gambit, had more or less made their own little group in the Waiting Grove, sitting on some natural stone benches. They were discussing amongst themselves their strange visitors; most of all the return of Ragnarok, the once leader of the X-Men whom most of them had believed to be dead. Eye-Boy kept having a few eyes glancing over at the group of reality refugees; unnervingly, his eyes didn't all move in unison.

On the other set of stone benches, the Secret Warriors (and Aero) were more or less gathered. "Eye-Boy is staring at us," Raynor said with a sigh. He was standing, his back turned to the X-Men. It was weird to him to see that group. He had almost grown used to the X-Men of Earth-666, a group of spunky kids following Xavier's dream of assimilation. It was weird to see the X-Men of his home reality again, a covert black ops group working for the Genoshan government. It was weirder still to realize that Flynn was the pudgy little kid who used to follow him around; Magneto's kid.

"I can't look at him without feeling like I'm about to puke," Darcy admitted, wringing her hands nervously. "Is it just me or is it suuuper hot here? Like, feels like I'm boiling? No? Just me? Yay," Darcy rambled. She had never been to Genosha before and while Firestorm had mentioned some humans lived here, Darcy had grown up in the country the X-Men had committed genocide in. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and scared around them.

"Nah mate, it's fucking frigid," Amelia complained, rubbing her shoulders. Aero was making practically an identical motion. "Don't s'pose any of you all have the power to make a decent coat appear, huh?" Aero asked, shaking her head. It was late at night in November here; of course it was freezing. And while Aero was wearing a superhero costume, it was built to be lightweight and easy to move in; and not necessarily something that was going to keep someone warm outside in winter for long periods of time.

"Do you know if they still have Cerebro in this world?" Bonnie asked, her mind as always on the mission. It was easier to think about finding Doom and Luminous than it was to consider the possibility her fiancé was lost forever. "Telepaths could solve both our problems - partition our minds and find the fugitives," Bonnie reasoned.

"Far as I know, Chuck never takes the stupid helmet off," Raynor explained. "Assuming Doom and Lumy didn't do any anti-telepathy spells, I think that would work," Raynor said, before looking over his shoulder at the X-Men again. Destiny was staring at them all behind her gold mask. Her stare sent a chill down his spine.

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, listening to Mary's story about this sentient AI - Runa found Midgardian science rather strange, but she was quickly learning that Midgardians had a special affinity for designing killer robots. It wasn't really surprising to learn that the X-Men had one - in fact, Runa would have been more surprised if there actually weren't any robots that called the X-Mansion home. "Yes, I can help with the ship - that shouldn't be a problem," Runa said, as the conversation turned from Danger and towards their next steps.

"Damn, poor Danger," Guin lamented. It always sucked when an AI started getting weird - and Guin had some firsthand experience with this. She used to use an AI named PHIL, but he had had an unfortunate tendency to threaten to kill Pietro, so Guin had replaced him with FRIDAY. FRIDAY was sassy, but at least she wasn't murderous.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Runa murmured with curiosity, as what looked to be Tony Stark appeared before them out of shimmering red light. She had never seen anything like this before - Runa didn't know what Stark was at this point, although Strange's term of entity seemed to be a good enough label for the moment. At any rate, it was somewhat convenient, as they had just been discussing the possibility of turning Stark Tower into a momentary base of operations - Stark ought to be familiar with whatever security systems had been left in place. "What is a Force ghost?" Runa asked Bethany, unfamiliar with the term.

No one stays dead in Star Wars, so... Maybe he is a Force ghost, Guin whispered telepathically to Pietro. She felt strangely sad but also happy, seeing the ghostly looking form of her father - it had been months since she had seen her dad, and even though this Tony Stark was from another world, Guin couldn't help but see her dad there. Her eyes teared up slightly and she blinked the tears away. "Dad?" Guin said hesitantly. She could feel telepathically that he was there, but also not quite - it was something she had never sensed before, a strange feeling.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Big House
Skills: N/A

Nancy made her way on over to Danielle, Joanie resting on her shoulders. She shook her head slightly as Danielle offered to fill her in on what she had missed - "I'm good. I don't need to hear the details," she told Danielle. She had seen the future already, Nancy knew what this was going to entail - but she had also been clear with Zeke. She wasn't going to go inside of the hotel - she would answer their questions, maybe even accompany them to Vegas, but that was it. That was Nancy's limit. She then paused, looking at those who were gathered there. He was standing next to the Jupiter kid - his boyfriend, Nancy recalled, the little bit of information somehow retained after her epic meltdown.

She wasn't in much of a mood to talk here - she wasn't going to tell them that they could ask her questions. If they didn't know her connection to the Lotus Hotel, Nancy didn't feel a need to elaborate on it. Zeke knew and that was enough as far as Nancy was concerned. She was here as a courtesy, as a potential guide to Las Vegas, but nothing more. And certainly not as an augur.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Van
Skills: N/A

"You might even find out you like this stuff - quests are sorta the highlight of our lives as demigods, they're what we're built for," Leda told Arthur - that had been her experience, at least. She always felt her most alive when her back was up against the wall, her sword in her hand, as she faced down a countless number of enemies. She loved being a Greek hero - even though she knew that their stories had tragic ends. She just hoped she hadn't reached that part yet. And on this quest, she was thrilled to get to share it all with Kiera - and Arthur was an alright quest partner as well, if not a little gloomy, but could the kids of Hades really help themselves there?

"And pff, it's not cheating - I'm just that fast," Leda insisted. She kept an arm around Kiera, enjoying having her close - even though the van was extremely crowded at this point. "Well, we're the water world quest, so I think we make our way to the harbor, see if we can get a boat, and then sail out into the Atlantic. This underwater quest isn't going to have much time on dry land," Leda said with a shrug. She rolled her eyes slightly as the last Roman got inside, asking how they were all doing. "Bit annoyed, luv - we've been sitting here for an eternity waiting."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"You don't know the differences until you find them - and if the dungeons were identical, that in itself has interesting ramifications - completely different societies, yet the same dungeon? Fascinating," Megan argued to her brother. She always liked world building in novels and TV shows, and since arriving in this place, she had been thinking about the differences between this fairytale world and their home. She nodded slightly at her father's answer about Lancelot. She remembered liking Lancelot as a small child. And now knowing the story of Guinevere and Lancelot from the stories, Megan wondered whether Lancelot was her actual father and not Arthur.

The medical ward was interesting - dated, but not as dated as Megan had been expecting. It was very much giving her black-and-white horror movie vibes, with the 1930s technology mixed with witchcraft. Her eyes widened with a mixture of astonishment or glee as a marine leech was applied to a patient. "So cool," Megan said.
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