Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: N/A

While the room itself was relatively quiet, with clipped conversations and short words, Guin and Pietro were in a much more lively conversation taking place via their psychic rapport. To those looking at Guin, she would seem to be a little bit shaken, but doing her best to hide it and put on a brave face. Each thing that had come to pass would be distressing on its own; but all of it summed together was an avalanche of emotion and confusion that Guin felt powerless against.

I don’t know. It’s like there’s a million different things going through my head at once - like a bomb threatening to explode. I remember your father ripping out my eye - but I know that can’t have happened, not to me…. Not to this me.

...Huh. That's weird... Strangest thing I had was to literally just want to murder everyone in the room... Not weird memory things...

Yeah. I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t like that. If my mind isn’t safe…. If our minds aren’t safe…

...So not much we can do then to combat what's going on. Fun.

Not with an incompetent telepath, no, Guin replied bitterly. Her skills as a telepath had improved a lot, but Guin was used to being pretty much perfect at everything she tried (well, science and engineering-wise). She was a prodigy, a successful nepotism baby, a genius - but when it came to her mutant power, Guin always found herself lacking. She felt she was average in every sense of the way on good days; completely incompetent on bad ones.

You aren't an incompetent telepath...

Mm, if I weren’t, then I could fix whatever was happening

Not necessarily! You don't know that.

Oh really?

Yes really!

Guin paused, turning her attention to the conversation happening in the physical plane. "I don't think running into any of our doppelgangers is something to be excited about, Annie," Guin cautioned. The Annie in this world was probably some sort of twisted murderer or something - everything here was horrible, she didn't see any reason why Annie's good nature would have been spared.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: New York City Defenders HQ

Bethany ripped off the bandaid, something Runa hadn't even known if she would have had the courage to do herself. Her eyes were misty with tears. Lance really didn't have the slightest clue who they were, although he did remember Pietro - as his murderer. How could she ask him to travel in the same company as Pietro - how was that anything but cruel? It didn't matter if Pietro had killed him or not, Lance believed that he had, and Runa didn't want to hurt him.

"She tells the truth - we are not from this world. Our Pietro is not your slayer; and you are not his victim," Runa said, doing her best to keep her words steady and even, in order to calm Lance. "I should not ask this of you, but I need you to be brave. I need you to breathe in deeply for me. If you do not want to travel in his company, then I will not make you - we can go separately and attend to other affairs."

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 1:10 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

"You.... I'm sorry, what?" Ben said, looking at Casper, before then looking at James. "Let me talk to James, I need to make sure that this is real and you didn't just... steal a baby or something," Ben insisted. He was incredibly concerned and incredibly confused.

"We did not steal a baby!" Casper whisper-hissed. "We filled out the piece of paper that Stacy X asked us to and got Danny fair and square. Plus, he's so adorable. I know that doesn't relate to your concerns, but you should really consider how cute he is."

Meanwhile, inside Bee chuckled a bit, looking up from her work. "I guess we're becoming best friends," she said sweetly. "Um, umbrella, umbrella... I don't actually know if we have any around, usually a weather manipulator just comes around and clears things up and..." Bee's voice trailed off. She glanced outside the window, seeing that the downpour had suddenly stopped. "Oh, there we go! Looks like it'll be a beautiful day now."

Outside the House of M...

The two girls were being completely and utterly adorable. Of course, such cute things could only be allowed to go on without interruption for only a short period of time - the universe, having seen this potential drama resolve, decided that it had to come up with MORE potential drama. Andy and Zari would hear the crows before they saw them - a group of three, with string tied to one foot on each crow, and the other end supporting a heavy package. The package looked like some sort of parcel, wrapped in black silk and tied with a grey bow.

The crows then came to a rest on a nearby stone, staring expectantly at Andy. One of them then pecked at strings and at the bow sealing the parcel and it came undone, revealing a fitted gothic outfit, a crown of black thorns, and a small skull with glowing blue orbs in its eye sockets.

"Hail, Luna Minor, daughter of the dark priestess, the demon huntress, goddess of the moon, immortal mother of mutants.... Selene!"

The crows then picked up the crown in their beaks, leaving the outfit and the skull on the stone, and flew over to Andy, placing the crown of thorns on her head. The rain then suddenly stopped, the sun now shining up ahead.

Bar Sinister...

Sinister snorted slightly, at Jack's comment that Selene might've been losing her hair - well, all the Sinisters snorted a bit at that. "Hmm, she might need to go get a snack sooner or later then, suppose she is getting rather old in the face these days," Sinister Prime joked. Though privately, he was a bit concerned at the idea of Selene losing hair - hadn't she just eaten a bunch of ghosts the other day when the island had been attacked? What was that witch up to?

"Right, right, the cure for your mother," another Sinister said, before motioning for Jack to follow him. "Unfortunately, her disease is incurable," he said. "So to work around it, we'll need to replace the broken bits - her body..."

The Sinisters lead Jack through a maze of sorts, before they came upon a room filled with strange glowing tubes that sort of looked like bacta tanks from Star Wars. Inside the tanks, Jack would see people floating, some of them he would recognize - some of the Stepford Cuckoos, Emma Frost, Jean Grey (or was it Maddie Pryor, it was always impossible to tell...), Havok....

And over in the left hand side, there was a tube containing a perfect clone of his mother. "All we need to do is put her mind into this new body - as simple as transferring over your files onto a new laptop, so you can throw the old one down the body chute," Sinister said cheerfully.

Hellfire Bay...

"Sure, don't see why not - Mongoose and Flower Child might get along," Renegade said. She did feel bad about what was going to happen to her granddaughter, if she died. She paused for a moment, before looking at Miranda. "If anything happens to me...When it happens to me... You'll look after Flower Child, right? I love Val, but she's a shit parent. And I doubt Jackie or Cas would be any better," Ellie admitted. She didn't think any of her children were really ready to take care of a child. Maybe they'd do better to start off with something small, like a fish. Or a sack of flour.

Mongoose made her way on over to them. "Are we leeeeaving now?" The rain then stopped all of the sudden, the sun shining up above them. Someone with weather control powers must've cleared up the brewing storm.

Magda Eisenhard Memorial Housing Complex - Max's Room...

Pixie thought for a moment. "Well, you're making a new spell - trying out some new magic - so.... I think as long as the location feels right to you - feels meaningful - then it's a good place to do this," she said. "If you just care about privacy, there's this gigantic tree that I've found on the island that's hollow on the inside, and it's like the size of a house... That could be a cool spot."

Marrow snorted slightly, seeing a bowl of marrow stew at her feet. "Damn, if only you could do magic like that all the time," she commented. As much as she was sweetly in love with Sunshine, Marrow could be an asshole at times. She bent down and picked up the bowl, before slurping it down. "Shit. That was fucking amazing."

Sunshine giggled a little bit at her wife's humor. But then she got focused on the task at hand again. Max didn't really seem to know much of what he was doing, which was slowly killing the little bit of hope she had that Ben would make it back okay - that Waverley and Kris and Erg and Sapphire.... and Illyana would make it back okay. She dreamed of a world where they didn't have to worry about humans stealing their lives anymore - where they could actually be free.

"So... You have a special tree you can use, then," Sunshine said. "Is that magicky enough for you?" she asked Max.

Outside the Magda Eisenhard Memorial Housing Complex...

Outside, the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue, and the sun was shining down on them. Veil squinted, her eyes adjusting to the light after the darkness of New Orleans. The ground was damp from freshly fallen rain, making everything a little bit slippery. Veil paused for a moment, thinking about where James and Casper could be. If they were only looking for Casper, Veil would've guessed he'd be at the Green Lagoon, drinking himself into an early grave. For James, Veil imagined he would've been somewhere on the island helping those in need. But the two of them together? Her mind was blanking.

"Not sure - hopefully they aren't fucking right now," Veil commented dryly. "Let's go to the Green Lagoon, see if they're there. And if they aren't, we can ask a telepath to track them down for us. There's bound to be a telepath there. Can't throw a rock on this island without hitting one."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy was surprised as Danielle hugged her - she hadn't thought they were that close. Nancy wasn't the most hug-friendly of people - sure, she hugged Mads and Niah, but that was different. There was a bond between the three of them that defied description, going beyond the normal bounds of just friendship into something else entirely, something as beautiful as it was weird. She awkwardly hugged Danielle back, grateful the hug hid her face from Danielle, so Danielle couldn't see how confused Nancy looked. She replaced her confusion with a smile though as she pulled away from the embrace. "You're going to do great," Nancy said.

She glanced over at Leandra, having heard the muffled sounds trying to come from her, and Nancy rolled her eyes. "Gag me with a fucking spoon," she muttered under her breath. But then the mask of duty slid over Nancy's face again. "Right. I should get going then. Take care, Danielle - may the gods be with you," Nancy said, slinging her bag over her shoulder, and holding out her arm slightly for Joanie to perch on, before heading back to the Big House.

One step closer to her living nightmare...

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC Cab
Skills: N/A

Leda climbed into the cab with Arthur and Kiera, wondering briefly what sort of thing to be prepared for next on this adventure. She'd never really fought monsters underwater before - maybe that was something to mention to Chiron as something to improve upon. That could be fun. And it would be pretty hot, with everyone's hair floating around them, sweeping upwards. Of course, she knew she could probably do this privately with Kiera.... and at that point, Leda decided she wasn't going to mention this to Chiron at all. It'd be more fun if it were just the two of them.

"Could always start playing two truths and a lie to pass the time," Leda offered. Quests were exciting, but they could also be pretty boring too. Games were often needed - at least, they were in Leda's experience. She was easily bored with things. If nothing stimulating was happening, then she needed to find something else to focus on. It was one of the curses of being a speedster and a demigod - a healthy dose of ADHD.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was a bit surprised at first to hear that in exchange for aid, Atlantica needed help with Captain Hook. She had never really thought of Hook as being an effective villain - his nemesis was a young boy in tights who could fly, hardly the most threatening of people - that or the ticking crocodile. But then again, the more she thought about it, it wasn't actually that surprising - of course this war council would want something in exchange for help. Nothing was ever truly free.

"That's fine," Megan said. Taking down Hook wasn't what she had come here to do, but he was trading in slaves from what they understood, so he needed to be handled anyways. He couldn't be allowed to continue to act that like, to treat people like they were just property. The sooner he was eliminated, the better; the sooner all men like him were eliminated, rather.


EARTH 257 - 7:50 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

The Healing Gardens -

Bob looked at Oliver for a moment, a little confused with what Oliver was saying. "I, uh... I need to go see her. I'm sorry, doc," he then added to Reyes, since he had come to help, before leaving the Healing Gardens and rushing out into the Waiting Grove.

The Waiting Grove -

Eye-Boy shrugged. "Magic stuff, maybe? Your guess is as good as mine," he said, answering Cass. If he had known what the red aura surrounding them all meant, then he would've offered some sort of explanation. But as it stood, it was just something that he could see around them, something mysterious and ominous. And the longer he looked at them, the more he realized that it was slowly growing in intensity each minute.

There was a hint of a smile on Professor X's lips, but it quickly vanished. "Thank you, child - but this requires the steady hand of an experienced telepath. It is one thing to copy someone's power - another thing entirely to understand it and use it," he cautioned.

Before much more could be said though, a man rushed out of the healing grove, looking at all of them with bewilderment. He took in the people present, mostly focusing on the women of the group, before his gaze settled on Sparky. She had the same exact eyes as her mother. He knew then in his bones that it was her. That she was his daughter. His eyes started to tear up. "Um, I'm..."

There was a beat. Professor X looked at Sparky, before returning to look at Bob. "X-Men, that will be all. Those of you in need of psychic healing, please follow me. Bob.... Good luck."

Bob nodded, still looking at Sparky. The X-Men left the area, going off to go find some dinner most likely, as Professor X lead the Secret Warriors (minus Darcy, Raynor, and Sparky) back into the Healing Gardens. There, he instructed them all to lie down and bade for them to clear their minds. He instructed them that they needed to restore their minds to proper order, which most likely would mean overcoming a series of psychic obstacles, but that he would be available if any of them needed help. He could not astrally project into everyone's mind at once though, so only his voice would be present.

Meanwhile, still in the waiting grove - "Um, I'm... I'm Bob Banner," Bob said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "And, um... I think you're my daughter - my Lana."
Flynn -

When Flynn opened his eyes next, he would find himself in what looked like a military bunker. His mind would be clear of the effects of the drugs - but his memories still all scrambled. In this military bunker, he was specifically in what looked to be a hallway. Doors lined it on either side, one of which had a warning written on it - DANGER. DO NOT OPEN. And as fate would have it, there was a distinct pounding sound coming from the other side of that one door.

"Why, if it isn't the ex-witch hunter," a man with hearing aids and a bow slung across his back said, coming down the hallway. "If you're looking for wooden stakes, we're fresh out, Agent."

Bonnie -

Bonnie opened her eyes. She took in her surroundings and her breath halted. She recognized where she was - well, where her mind decided she was. She knew that all of this wasn't real. But it still wasn't any easier to be back within the walls of the asylum she had once been confined to. Bonnie stood up from the bed she had been laying down on, inspecting herself. She was wearing a hospital gown and any sign of her baby bump was gone. She could feel something digging into her shoulder though - what felt like talons.

A gigantic barn owl was sitting on her shoulder, and Bonnie's heart twitched at seeing it. "Athena...?"

The barn owl hooted, before flying off and out of the room.

"Wait!" Bonnie shouted, running after the owl.

Amelia -

When Amelia opened her eyes, she found herself... inside a Blockbuster video store? "Woah... The inside of my mind is some sort of DVD rental shop?" Amelia murmured. DVDs didn't exist in the Iron, but they were still around in the Blue. People in the Blue tended to be distrustful of technology that originated in the Iron, and their inventors were disorganized at best, so things tended to be a little bit behind the rest of the world there. Most movies Amelia had seen actually came from Europe - New Asgard even had a cute little film studio she adored.

"Ooo, this looks fun," a blonde woman said, dressed in a snazzy red-and-blue suit, with a brown aviator jacket over it.

Somewhere in Amelia's head, she knew this woman - but at the same time, she had no idea who she was. "Sorry, but... Who the bloody hell are you, mate?" Amelia asked.

Cass -

When Cass opened her eyes, she would find herself at the Triskelion, dressed in a traditional SHIELD agent uniform. The sun was shining outside, coming in through the glass walls of the building. But while everything was as she remembered it, there was something strange - there was no one walking through the hallways, no one standing in the conference rooms, no one checking their phone for a text by the elevators.

Cass would then receive a message on her communicator: THE BASEMENT. NOW.

Maria -

When Maria opened her eyes, she would find herself back in her childhood bedroom - her childhood from the main reality, Earth-666. Everything would be exactly as she had left it. From the windows, she would be able to see that it was raining gently outside. And from somewhere in the house, she could hear the sound of commotion - her little sister maybe?

But most bizarrely, Maria wasn't alone in the room. Sitting across from her, mirroring her poses, was... herself. This other Maria was glowing a faint red. Meanwhile, Maria herself (the original Maria, the real Maria) was becoming strangely translucent, the light beginning to pass through her body, like she was becoming a ghost.

Oliver -

When Oliver opened his eyes, it would be to a tragedy. He was sitting alone in the ruins of what had once been Cardiff. Alien spaceships hovered above the city. No bombs were dropping however, as everything was already gone, reduced to smoldering rubble. Fires raged unattended in some places, with no one present to douse them. Bodies littered the street - some of them wearing uniforms, indicating military or police, but mostly innocent civilians, including children.

In Oliver's hand, he would find himself clutching a bloody teddy bear.

A shadow loomed over him. From behind, an alien spoke - "Was it worth it, Thane?" Thanos asked.

Niah -

When Niah opened her eyes, she would find herself in a gigantic library - one that would surely rival the Library of Alexandria, or even the one from Beauty and the Beast. The library was quiet and the lighting was low. There was a sort of musty smell in the air, the sort that comes from books that have been left alone for decades without being touched. On the counter of the help desk, there was a bell with a note next to it, in plain script - DO NOT RING THE BELL.

Suddenly, Niah would hear someone coughing. If she looked up, she would see... herself, at the top of a tall ladder, reaching for a book on the shelf.

But if that wasn't weird enough, Niah would spot two more Niahs in other spots of the library, all reaching for something they could not quite grasp.

Matt -

When Matt opened his eyes, the first thing he would likely notice would be the flickering lights. The overhead lighting kept going in and out, little bzzts coming from the fixtures each time the bulb struggled to come back to life. Everything was bathed in an eerie blue glow and there didn't seem to be much of any sort of natural light source. But as Matt took in his surroundings, he would realize he was on a boat - and not just any boat...

He was on a submarine.

A red alarm began to blare.

And cracks started to form on the glass of one of the windows.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 1:00 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

"Yeah, that all sounds great to me, babe," Casper said, beaming as they approached the hospital exit. He then paused, seeing that it was pouring down rain outside. "Uh... Can babies get wet?" Casper then asked, turning to look at James. "I know he might set fires, but... I feel like rain isn't good for babies?" Casper bit his lip slightly. He was regretting now that he didn't have a baby sized rain coat or a poncho or something for little Daniel to wear, but he hadn't even known that morning really that they were going to have a baby come the afternoon. Also, Casper just wasn't good at planning for things anyways.

Casper rocked back on his feet slightly. He wasn't going to take baby Daniel out into the rain without James' say so. He also didn't know how good James was at healing babies - he knew James was pretty good at healing adults, but he didn't know if James had ever even really tried to heal a baby before.

"Hey, Cassie," Ben said, appearing suddenly. "Who's the kid?"

"Oh, Ben! Do you know if babies can get wet? This is Daniel by the way - our son - as in me and James, not me and you, because you're a ghost and can't have kids... Not that James and I made Daniel, you know, but I don't think ghosts can adopt kids either, since you can't sign forms..."

Outside the House of M...

The rain isn't letting up - both Zari and Andy are more or less soaked at this point, looking like they had decided to take a shower while fully dressed. No one else has emerged from the House of M - Polaris and Magneto must still be inside. And no one has come on by to stumble across the confessions from these two lovebirds.

Maybe somewhere the goddess of love, Klara, is squealing with joy though, seeing these two girls find each other?

Bar Sinister...

Sinister wasn't a singular person and had not been for a long time; Sinister was a system. Still, any system set up by a white man from the Victorian era was bound to include some sort of hierarchy, a Sinister who for all intents and purposes was the real one, the others just clones. Every so often, the Sinister in charge was violently killed by another, who would then take his place. For instance, the Sinister who had fathered Jack had actually died when Jack was only two years old. But as Sinister was a system, each Sinister clone still saw Jack as their child, at least biologically speaking.

"Me, boy," the Sinister with the biggest cape said. "We have a system, see? Big cape means that I'm the one in charge," Sinister said, before flicking his fingers. He telekinetically grabbed the sample from Jack, grinning a bit as he looked at it. "How did you get your hands on it? Witches are awfully protective of their DNA," Sinister lamented.

"Hate witches," one of the other Sinisters said.

"Nasty women," another agreed, shaking his head. "Always trying to steal my semen."

Hellfire Bay...

The rain finally reached them now at Hellfire Bay. Mongoose hopped out of the tree she had been claiming. "Mooooooooooom, it's raining!" she called out. She liked calling Moneta Mom already. Her parents had died long before the attack on Genosha; she had been an orphan on the island, living in the Akademos with the other kids. She liked having a mom again.

"Thanks, chère," Ellie said. "Should get out of the rain, don't want you getting sick too," Renegade joked, laughing a bit. "C'mon, I can head back with you to the House of M - unless you want to crash at my apartment, which is also fine."

Magda Eisenhard Memorial Housing Complex - Max's Room...

Pixie shook her head, as Callie asked if the acheron was a magic version of a Rubix cube. "No, no, it's more - like, well, the magical version of a Pokéball," Pixie explained, giggling ever so slightly. "You can use these to trap things - demons, witches, wizards, monsters, the works. Though you can't toss it and then control whoever's inside, so the metaphor really ends there... But either way, this thing is so cool - looks top notch too, which is rare. Most of these things were destroyed, for obvious reasons. Only little cheap knockoffs are around nowadays. And you just got this... to deliver a party invite?" Pixie asked, confused and bewildered, but nonetheless amused.

Veil raised an eyebrow - she didn't know which to focus on more, the fact that Doctor Strange had given Max an extremely powerful Pokéball (as much as she trusted Max, she also... didn't know if she trusted him with that just yet) or that Max had McDonalds food all over the floor. "Right then, well... We'll go and find Casper and James, they're probably together at least, so shouldn't be too difficult," Veil said. Besides, she was fairly certain that they'd be able to hear Casper chattering from a mile away - he wasn't exactly the most subtle of people.

Sunshine glanced at Marrow for a moment, who nodded. "I'm going to stay here," Sunshine announced. She didn't want to leave Ben's body alone - she didn't like him being vulnerable, lying in the coffin on the bed. Sure, he was dead and had been dead the entire time she knew him, no matter what reality, but... Panic bubbled up in her throat at the idea of just going off and leaving his corpse to lie here. What if something happened to him? Sunshine would only blame herself if something happened.

"Do you have any food that isn't stale?" Marrow then asked Max. Her wife was sticking around, so she wasn't planning on going anywhere either. "Preferably something with bones in it," she then added. She liked bone marrow - go figure.

Veil then waved slightly, before leaving Max's room to go look for Casper and James - anyone who wished to go with her was welcome to do so.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded, hesitating for a moment. She closed one of her eyes, scrunching her face up slightly as she thought. What was her advice to Danielle, to a new praetor? She had always been so fixated on making sure she paid her debt to New Rome and served the Legion well, she never really considered who would come after her and how to help them. She'd never been given a crash course in leadership, it was something that naturally found her over time (it helped, of course, that she was a relatively powerful demigod and an accomplished one at that). "Well, my advice to you is... At the end of the day, it isn't about us. We're here to serve Rome, to protect people, to keep them safe. Sometimes it's a pretty grody fucked up job, but we don't do it because we want power. We do it because we love these idiots," Nancy said, pausing for a second. "As long as you make your choices for Rome and not for yourself, it'll be rad."

She then looked at Leandra, her eyes narrowing slightly to see her in the corner. Gods, she hated that girl. "Keep her gagged and guarded, and assume the worst. She always manages to achieve it," Nancy advised. "She's real fucked up. If she escapes, I'd kill her. Probably the safest option, but... Here we are." She then paused again. "Anything else?"

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: New York City Sidewalk
Skills: N/A

"Mm, cab it is then, I s'pose," Leda said, seeing that she was more or less outvoted by Arthur and Kiera. She didn't really care that much to argue with them - all quests inevitably had a moment where the money basically ran out, and things still seemed to go okay. One way or another, they'd probably end up losing the cash, whether it was to a cabbie or from a monster physically eating the bills. "Right, I'll show you how to hail a cab," Leda said. "It's very simple," she said, stepping up to the edge of the sidewalk and sticking out her arm.

For a brief moment, she had considered actually hailing the Gray Sisters' Taxi Cab, but had decided against it. They could call on them later if things got really dire. For such a short trip to the harbor, it'd be a little silly - as cool as it would be. Everything she heard about the Gray Sisters was positively mental. "Oh, and if you wanna be like in the films, you can shout Taxi!"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was hardly surprised to hear that the council members were rather old. It seemed to be one of those occupations where once achieved, you stayed there until death - much like the Supreme Court and other political jobs back home. Megan didn't agree with those things on principle. In theory sure, these council members might have a lot of wisdom and experience - but if anything, she was expecting them to not care much for the lives of others. People that old in positions of power tended to have been long since corrupted, serving their own interests other than those of the people. She raised an eyebrow as Eric then mentioned the council would listen to facts more than anything else - if that was the case, then this ought to be easy.

The council members looked pretty much exactly as Megan expected - old men sitting around a table. They asked for them to be introduced, and to know why they were there. Ki- no, her father introduced himself and made a summary of what they were asking for. No one else started to speak, the men at the table whispering about what was to be done. "I... am Megan Mordred," she said, settling on that name. "Maleficent will only grow more powerful. Each day of inaction only ushers in her total victory. She may not be in Atlantica now, but she will come for you."

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Streets
Skills: N/A

Guin relaxed slightly into Pietro's embrace, letting him be an anchor for her for a moment. Everything going on in her head was an absolute clusterfuck - there were a million different weird and depressing things that her brain was being forced to consider all at once. She wanted nothing more than to go home, curl up with her husband in bed, and watch bad TV until she fell asleep. Hell, she would've preferred seeing her mother again over what was currently going on in this world. Maddie Cromwell was an easy problem to handle in comparison. "I know it'll work out for us, it always does... But it doesn't make this any less shitty or awful," Guin muttered.

She didn't doubt that they'd be able to fix everything - but that didn't mean these missions and adventures didn't take a heavy toll.

Before Guin had really calmed down or had a moment to tell Pietro everything - specifically the new gruesome memory of losing an eye - Klara came on outside. Guin couldn't help but feel irritated. She had wanted to be alone - Pietro she wasn't mad at, she didn't mind him coming on out, but she didn't want anyone else that was for sure. "Just needed a minute, okay?" Guin answered Klara, when she said they were getting ready to leave and then asked if they were okay. Guin sniffled slightly, pulling away from Pietro's hug. I don't think the universe is going to let me actually have time to be okay, without giving me new traumatic memories of Magneto ripping my fucking eye to pieces, so I think we can go now.

Okay, if you're sure Guina.

I'm sure, Guin replied, before heading back inside.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: New York City Defenders HQ

Runa's breath hitched for a moment. Her heart slowly broke into two pieces as she realized that there was no recognition in Lance's face. The person that she loved was gone, replaced by... something else. She opened her mouth to speak, before a morose thought occurred to her. Could she really tell Lance that he loved her, that she was his girlfriend? That had been forced upon them by Wanda - Lance hadn't made an active choice in it... Was it fair to make him return to that dynamic? Maybe now he could choose - if he really did love her, if they were meant to be, wouldn't he find his way back to her?

"... I am Runa, Baldur's daughter, Goddess of Lies," Runa said, her voice uneven at first before settling. Bethany came into the room and Runa turned her head. Bethany would be able to see a single tear trailing down her cheek. "Um.... We're fine. Lance... His memories... They, um, seem to be gone - replaced by his memories from this world," Runa explained to Bethany, blinking rapidly to try to hold back further tears. "But I think we are ready to go," she said, turning to look back at Lance, "will you come with us?"


EARTH 257 - 7:40 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

The Healing Gardens -

Bob Banner's eyes widened as Matt explained he was from another world - his heart skipped a beat nervously. It felt simultaneously like it had been yesterday and also a lifetime ago that he had sent his little girl to another universe, in order to give her her best chance at growing up safe, happy, and secure. Each time travelers from another dimension arrived on Genosha, it sparked hope in him that maybe, his little girl would be among them. (This was the third time that travelers from another universe had arrived on the island, making it rare but not unheard of). "Are any of you adopted and assigned female at birth?" Banner asked quickly. "It's just... Well, I sent my daughter through one of those portals a long time ago."

Dr. Reyes' gaze softened, as she put a hand on Banner's shoulder for a moment to give him some comfort. She then returned to tending to the patients. "We should be able to help your friends - or at least, attempt to. Psychic surgery is a Genoshan specialty," Dr. Reyes said. "Although, I don't know why your memories would be altered... We have some residents on the island from other universes or timelines, like Cable, and as far as I'm aware he never has had any symptoms like that."

Sage raised her glasses for a moment, looking at Flynn. She then dropped the shades back into place. "Then they didn't travel the universes in the same way the others did. How exactly did this portal come to be? Any detail you can give would be helpful."

"Oh," Prodigy then said suddenly. He had the mutant power of gaining knowledge - what someone else knew, he then knew. His brain synced with the information in Oliver's head, and he turned to Banner. "Excuse me, Bob - but your daughter is outside. She's here."

The Waiting Grove -

Destiny's voice was reminiscent of Kreia's from KOTOR II - patient, old, and wise, with an authoritative softness. She turned to look at Flynn, her gaze concealed by the terrifying golden mask. "If they fall, Genosha will share their fate," Destiny said simply. She didn't offer any elaboration. That was one problem with seeing the future - sharing too much information could be as disastrous as giving any at all. Each prophecy she gave had to be vague or else the consequences could be dire.

Raynor frowned, thinking back on the Professor X and Magneto he had known over twenty years ago. He had been angry and raw back then, fresh from the loss of his parents. And those two had been more than happy to provide Raynor a target for his rage, manipulating him into becoming their weapon against the world. Raynor couldn't really claim he had been truly deceived though; he had known what they were doing all along. He just hadn't cared. "The worst," Raynor finally answered, telling Cass what she could expect from the duo. "There isn't a line they're unwilling to cross."

The conversations then stopped, as Charles Xavier and Erik Magnus Lensherr entered the Waiting Grove - better known by the codenames Professor X and Magneto. Their hands were clasped as they walked - Magneto was wearing an all white variant of his costume, his cape trailing behind him ominously, and his face almost entirely obscured by his helmet. Professor X was in a black body suit, his waist looking snatched, and on his head was a portable Cerebro unit, making it impossible to see his eyes.

"It is true then - you have returned, Ragnarok," Magneto said.

"You are always welcome on Genosha, my boy - you're one of our lost heroes - but... I have to ask - why now?" Professor X added. "After all this time, why return here?"

Raynor shifted uncomfortably. In many ways, Charles and Magnus had been his adoptive fathers - his dads. They had molded him into the person he had become, just as much as Baldur and Nanna had. He felt like an uncertain young man again, standing in front of them. "I was investigating an anomaly with my team - it pulled us across the multiverse and we landed here by chance," Raynor said.

"All the realities and it brought you to us... That's curious," Magneto murmured.

"I sense that's not all though?" Professor X pressed.

Bonnie jumped into the conversation. She didn't feel like this was a closed forum between these three, particularly after she had used Athena's power to call Professor X to them. "No, it isn't. We were sent looking for some dangerous people who had escaped prison - Luminous and Doctor Doom. They're magical and volatile - we have no idea what sort of damage they might do to this world." Bonnie paused for a moment, before continuing. "We need to apprehend them and return to our universe, but some of us are experiencing memory problems. Like we're being overwritten with the memories of our lives here, slowly forgetting our lives back home... We don't have any team psychics, so we need help if we're going to complete our mission and get home."

"Supposedly, I'm not actually from here? Which again feels super wrong, since my memory is totally fine, and she's definitely the one that's not from here," Amelia said, before hitting Aero slightly with her elbow. Aero furrowed her eyebrows and elbowed Amelia back. "No, we decided you are," she reminded her. "No way. Anyways, if you could do your mental whammy trick to fix everyone, that would be cool. There's like two Firestorms right now and that seems like two too many - no offense," Amelia said, looking at Firestorm.

Magneto turned his gaze to look at his son. "Where is your double, then?" Magneto asked.

"Um, excuse me!" Eye Boy said, calling Xavier and Magneto's attention to him. "They're surrounded by some sort of red energy - feels almost magical. Like... ugh, I don't have a good reference for it, but otherwise I don't see anything weird. The doubles are all identical, like perfect clones. But there's something clinging to them. Well, except for those ones," Eye Boy said, pointing at Raynor, Sparky, and Darcy.

"I see," Professor X said, before focusing for a moment. Each member of the Secret Warriors would briefly feel a probing presence in their minds, before it lessened and vanished. "You did a great deal for Genosha and helped to establish our young nation - so we will help you," Professor X promised, looking at Raynor.

"I can perform psychic surgery on you all to stave off the effects, but it will be only a temporary solution. I may be able to temporarily restore some clarity to your minds, but it will be difficult - and you will need to assist me. In the meantime, I can dispatch some resources to attempt to locate this Luminous and Doctor Doom you seek."

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