Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Guin sighed. She didn't know how to explain it to Pietro - she knew that this wasn't their home, that these weren't their people, that these could not be their lives. But knowledge did not always prevent the emotional weight - the feeling of paranoia, of tiredness, of sorrow that had been creeping into her mind ever since they had arrived. The false memory of having her eye destroyed by Magneto was just one example - she knew it never happened, but she could remember the experience of it now, making it feel real even if it had happened to someone else. But she didn't know how to properly communicate that, beyond just hoping that through their mental rapport, Pietro got the sentiment. "Maybe once we're back home I'll have a strong drink," Guin joked, even though her heart wasn't completely in it. "But yeah, we should go back. Before some other shit happens here."

She then left the graveyard of her childhood, that lonely and abandoned bedroom, and returned to the main living area of the Stark family. All of the others seemed to be assembled now, in varying states of distress. But there was one nice thing - there seemed to be some usable parts on the floor, stuff that they could potentially use to fix their ship. Some of it Guin was sure would end up being junk, but hey, building miracles with a pile of scraps was part of her family's skillset. "I think I can make this work," Guin said, eyeing the pile. "If we're ready to go get our ship."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Runa tried not to feel defeated as her pleas for Asgard to open the Bifrost were ignored. She was not entirely too surprised - if her reputation in this reality was the same or worse compared to their own, she could easily imagine Asgard deciding to cast her aside. It was only the will of her family that prevented Asgard from shutting her out entirely. Her heart twitched at the thought that perhaps Ragnarok had occurred here, and that was why the realm eternal was closed to her. "I do not need your comfort," Runa said, turning her head away from him. "If Asgard is closed to me, then so be it. There are other powers in this realm." Her thoughts flickered towards her grandmother. The last time her grandmother had encountered Midgardians, it had ended in genocide - but perhaps this time could be different, if she dared call out...

She didn't answer Lance as to whether or not she needed a minute. Runa was compartmentalizing now. She could shove all of her emotions aside and focus on the task at hand. Her objective was to find them safe passage home, in the chance that the Sorcerer Supreme could not ferry them to their realm. She could assemble the pieces of her shattered heart later. She left the room and returned to the main area where the others were, observing that most of them if not all had returned already.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

Guin would have gone back to try to possess one of the newcomers, but everyone seemed to be moving in different directions. She couldn't go safely possess one of them without having someone to back her up - four against one would end up in her being dead or captured, rather than taking over the body of Avalanche or one of his friends. So instead of heading to go get a body with more useful powers, Guin followed her group - Mary and Cass - through the door of the nearest staircase and up the stairs. There were about four levels and from what they knew, Magneto was most likely on the top floor.

"If we see anyone I can switch with, could you ensnare them in plants for me?" Guin whispered, hoping that Mary could make things easier. She still bore the wounds Sabretooth had inflicted on her. And as much as she felt suicidal at times, she didn't want to die - at least, not now and not here. Not until Magneto was taken down. Not until her family was avenged. She quietly climbed the stairs, reaching the top floor without seeing another soul. She slowly opened the door just a crack and didn't see anyone in the hallway. "Coast seems clear," she whispered.

Meanwhile, Jade had gone through the same door that Edus had, ascending a new staircase. She was moving quietly and stealthily, doing her best to not be heard. As she went from floor to floor, she didn't hear or see anyone. It seemed all but abandoned. But most likely, everyone was concentrated to the top floor, those on lower levels perhaps being pulled out to respond to Thor, Hulk, and the Thing. When Jade reached the landing of the top floor, she paused for a moment, listening.

There were footsteps, coming from directly outside of the door. Jade had to make a flash decision. There was nowhere obvious nearby that she could hide and sprinting down to a lower floor would only cause noise. Instead, Jade readied her angel blade, prepared to stab anyone or anything that came through the door. The blade had killed the devil - she figured it was good enough for the mutants.


EARTH 257 - 8:50 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

Cass -

Cass would open her eyes, finding herself only able to remember her life of Earth-666. The memories of Earth-257 and personality bleed had been locked away inside of her mind.

Matt -

Matt would open his eyes, finding himself only able to remember his life of Earth-666. The memories of Earth-257 and personality bleed had been locked away inside of his mind.

Flynn -

Flynn will have a choice - to fight this other Flynn, the victor then becoming the dominant personality. Or he can embrace this other Flynn and become an amalgam of the two identities. Either way, please have him make this choice in your post, and he will wake up to join the others.

The Waiting Grove -

Bob Banner was having time not getting positively misty eyed at what Sparky was saying. It probably was a testament to the fact that he was in desperate need of therapy, but he had never dared to hope that his kid would want any form of a relationship with him after what had happened. "Yeah, I'd love that - Lana... Um, do you want me to call you Lana? Or..." Bob trailed off, realizing they probably should've started with this earlier. "You can call me Bob, by the way - if that's easiest..."

Raynor had been more or less quietly supportive throughout this conversation. However, he could hear voices drifting now from the spot in the Healing Gardens where Professor X had taken the others for psychic surgeries. They must've been waking up. "I think the others are going to be ready for us soon, provided Chuck hasn't accidentally fucked their brains up beyond recognition," Raynor said, interjecting.

To be honest, Raynor wasn't sure if it was more or less awkward for him to be here with Bob Banner and Sparky, or to go check in on the others. He knew that the rest of the team wasn't exactly his biggest fan - he was a rude pretentious asshole, and he would be alive long after most of them were dead and gone. If he were one of them, he'd probably hate him too, if not for his personality than for the sea of blood he had spilled.

Healing Gardens -

Amelia was a bit surprised as Oliver pulled her into a hug, and she hugged him back tightly. She couldn't help but ruffle his hair affectionately. "I know ya missed me, the rest of this lot is right mad," Amelia joked. "As for scarin' ya... I'll do my best, but it's good to get the blood pumping every now and then - let's us know we're really alive." She let him go though, as he moved on over to Niah. Amelia was a little surprised he hadn't started with Niah, the two of them were thick as thieves lately. She raised an eyebrow at Oliver's question. She hoped he'd at least do a decent skin care routine if he were to suddenly turn purple - maybe she'd have to drag him shopping after this was over, get him the supplies he needed before his skin did crack and turn spotty and ugly.

Bonnie nodded at Maria's check-in. "I'm fine - just had a chat with a goddess," she said, aware that it was cryptic but she also couldn't help herself. There was a reason she was attracted to Flynn - Bonnie liked to be a little bit dramatic from time to time. But beyond the drama, she was also focused on staring at her lover - or at least, the person who had once been him.

"Herc does that shit all the time - same with Moonie and Scarab," Amelia said nonchalantly. The person she had been before coming to this world would've had a million questions about Bonnie and her goddess, but now, she was the Amelia of this world and the old one. She knew three people with connections to the divine from the Blue, and then bloody Raynor was a god as well. Gods and goddesses were getting to be as common as roaches.

"If you all wouldn't mind, I need quiet and solitude to continue," Professor X said, his voice tired and drained, as he continued his work.

Thirty minutes later...

Bob Banner's Home -

Once everyone had recovered from their psychic surgeries, Bob Banner volunteered to host them all during their time on the island. Professor X was concerned that these psychic surgeries would only be a temporary measure, and that while he had managed to largely correct the damage, the process rewriting their personalities and memories was bound to continue if they were not careful. Professor X and Magneto then agreed to task X-Force, Genosha's spy agency, with tracking down Doctor Doom. They promised to let the Secret Warriors know the minute there were any leads.

For now, they were left inside what basically looked like a beach house on the sandy western coast of Genosha. All of the furniture was sized for a Hulk, making everyone look like tiny kings when they sat down in chairs. Bob served up what food he had - American classics, like cheeseburgers, hot dogs, salads, and so forth. For drinks, he had water, lemonade, and a lot of beer. If anyone was ready for bed already, sleeping bags were pulled out and spread all over the living room, enough for everyone.

"So uh... Help yourself and dig in, everyone," Bob Banner said awkwardly. "Mi casa es su casa."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Van -> NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy stiffened up the instant Zeke mentioned drawing the layout of the Lotus Hotel and Casino. She breathed in slowly through her nose, before breathing out gradually. She never wanted to have a meltdown - she never looked forward to having a breakdown. She didn't want to lose her shit in front of the Greeks. In her mind's eye, she focused on Mads and Niah, two people who were counting on her. "No," Nancy said, trying to keep her voice steady, but it more came out hoarse. "Not today." The breakdowns didn't just take a mental toll on her, but a physical one as well. And if she were to have to help Zeke sketch out a map of the Hotel from her memory, she'd rather do it alone, away from the rest of the group.

The van stopped, and Nancy assumed that they must've been in New York City. The skyline looked about right, the buildings were massively tall, and everyone seemed to be walking around with a stick up their ass. Nancy got out of the van, her dragon curled around her shoulders, and she grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and causing Joanie to briefly move aside, before Joanie resumed her position. "Huh..." Nancy scrunched up her face, turning around and taking in all of the buildings, before asking a question: "Where are the twin towers?"

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: Super-Speed, Sword Fighting, Agility

"Gods, that's disgusting," Leda complained, as sewer stench filled the air. She made a big show out of holding her breath. However, she couldn't do too much of her burgeoning standup routine as she needed to act quickly. Kiera, her amazing girlfriend, had done a wonderful job of causing a smelly, watery distraction. She trusted that Arthur would be able to get the chains off of people. Leda tugged down her necklace, the necklace coming off of her neck and transforming into her celestial bronze sword, Ultraviolet.

Her sword was glowing a faint shade of red, not indicating anger - but rather that Leda was energized and ready to go. She took off at a sprint, running up at superspeed behind each cyclops in turn, and running them through with the sword. She managed to take out thirteen in this manner, leaving eight more standing. She came to a halt, pausing to catch her breath - and immediately hating herself for it, as her mouth ended up tasting like sewer. "Blehh!!!"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Actually, a paper cut very well may just kill you in this world," Megan warned her brother. "An open wound is a chance for infection. The smallest of cuts could prove fatal before the advent of modern medicine. I am unfamiliar with the means of disinfectant used here - perhaps alcohol would suffice, or burning the wound if needed," she said pointedly. She did not have a good idea for the state of medicine here. It seemed to be more advanced than purely medieval remedies, but not quite up to the standards Megan was used to. Of course, everything seemed to vary wildly from territory to territory - she was fairly certain Camelot didn't have elevators, whereas this underwater kingdom did.

She was satisfied to see that Jack did put on some armor though. Her attention then was called over to her father, King Arthur, as he mentioned that Merlin had made rings of enchanted armor for just about everyone. It seemed though that neither her mother or father had rings like hers at the moment though, as they used loaner armor. "Did he fashion a batch of enchanted swords as well?" Megan asked, before heading out with the others.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 9:00 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

The island was aglow in light, a technicolor daydream underneath the Full Moon. The Hellfire Gala had been put on by the Quiet Council to foster a sense of community and togetherness, to allow the mutants of the small fledgling nation to feel connected. Saucier, the finest mutant chef in the world, had personally overseen the catering - food was present from every culture on Earth, and even some food from beyond the stars had made it to the celebration, thanks to some crafty teleporters. Dazzler was booked as the main entertainer for the night, with Lila Cheney, intergalactic superstar, opening for her. Almost the entire island was in attendance, spread across the MASSIVE venue - the outdoor carousel of the island, where gigantic platforms like mushrooms threatened to scrape the sky. Fireworks brightened up the sky regularly, the entire affair a feat meant to boggle the senses. Alcohol was flowing and thanks to designer Jumbo Carnation, everyone looked fierce. Bonfires raged, bathing everyone in warmth.

Aside from the celebrations of life, there was also room for death - for mourning - at the Hellfire Gala. The Carousel was a truly massive venue and it was not far from Hellfire Manor, where Reeva lived. The steps of Hellfire Manor had been filled with holographic cube-like images of the 198 mutants lost in the attack. Candles and flowers and food and other offerings surrounded the images, as people went to say goodbye to their loved ones one last time and pray that they would see them again.

The party had been going on for a few hours now, and Dazzler was in the middle of her set, singing her latest hit - Hands On Me. Renegade had left the party not too long ago, taking home the kids so they could get some sleep (Flower Child, Purple Mongoose, and baby Danny). Though Renegade wouldn't admit it, she was feeling pretty exhausted herself - the X-Pox was making it harder for her to keep going.

The Mutant Underground family was currently seated at a table that was actually a mushroom, with all of the add-ons and guests making it so they could barely fit all the way around it. Casper was practically in James' lap though, which did help - he had to keep his legs crossed with his poofy pink dress to keep himself from flashing the rest of the group (they had already had a few close calls). "So... It's weird that you're not dead, Benny. Almost as weird as the fact that you're like, what, twelve years old now? So you have to go through puberty... again?"

"I'm seventeen, asshole," Ben muttered, rolling his eyes. He was having a bit of a hard time adjusting to being alive again. The first few days, all he had wanted to do was experience everything and do everything. Now, it was hitting him just how much everyone had really moved on and he had stayed still - that and he had almost completely lost his filter, since for almost two decades Casper had been the only person capable of hearing him.

"So rude, what would Mother say?" Casper said with a fake gasp. Ben gave Casper the middle finger and got up from his seat - he was wearing a leather jacket, hoodie, and dark pants - and then went to sit down on the other side of the table. One of Marrow's bones jagged him in the side as he sat down too close to her and Ben winced. "Shit. Keep forgetting I can't just go through things," he complained.

"Watch it, ghost boy," Marrow warned. "I don't need your blood on my brand new fit."

Sunshine giggled slightly. Whereas Marrow had on essentially a black unitard and then bone spikes everywhere, she was in a flowing green dress embroidered with wildflowers. Some of the flowers were braided into her hair. She felt like a fairytale princess. Had anyone pointed that out to her though, Sunshine would have hit them. "Maybe it's past your bedtime," she teased Ben. "You seem pretty cranky."

"I'm fine, if everyone would just stop!"

"Leave him alone, guys," Veil chided, taking a sip of her drink. It was a specialty cocktail they were serving that night, using some flavors that Veil could not even begin to describe - as they were straight from the Shi'Ar galaxy. The drink was staining her tongue blue with purple spots, something that she'd find out later in the mirror. She was wearing a pink suit with a black crop top. And as expected, Veil had gone alone to the gala - she hadn't asked anyone out.

"We need a new topic then," Sunshine said, before a mischevious grin spread across her face. They were at a party, just hanging out and having fun - it was the sort of thing that she loved about Genosha, the freedom for them to just... exist as people. "Let's play fuck, marry, kill. Max, you first," she added, before facing the wizard. "Magneto, Doctor Strange, and Captain America."

"Ooo, me next, me next!" Casper blurted out eagerly. He loved this game.

"I don't... I don't know this game," Legion admitted, looking at Echo and feeling confused. David was the dominant personality - for now, at least. "I don't think any of those people would let Max fuck them?"


EARTH 257 - 8:40 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

Cass -

Nothing about the scene was changing - Matt was eating his food, and the two brains were in front of Cass, even though the SWORD one had been pushed away slightly. If Cass had ever seen Umbrella Academy, she would be reminded of the scene where the White Violin had amnesia and had to eat her own brain inside her mind in order to regain her memories. Here, the brain that Cass chose to consume would determine what person she would be - the SHIELD agent of Earth-666 or the SWORD agent of Earth-257.

Of course, she could always eat both - but who knew what sort of person she'd become...

"Do you not like that one?" Matt asked, nodding towards the SWORD brain. "We can always send it back."

Matt -

Matt's mental landscape resembled something of a bad trip - (that or the GM running this RP was just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks). First, he had met someone claiming to be his son in a sinking submarine. Then, they were attacked by a kraken with Matt's face. And now, the kraken had turned into bees as Matt tried to use his paralytic touch. Everything was slippery, warping and twisting and changing, going wildly out of control.

"Matt, I need you to focus - I'm losing you, son," Professor X's voice echoed, seemingly coming from all around him. "Concentrate on a memory where you found yourself - a moment where you realized who you truly are."

Healing Gardens -

"Doing fine, mate - and yourself?" Amelia asked Maria. Her mannerisms hadn't really changed much in the integrations of herself. The real difference was just a doubling down on her devotion to freedom and individuality, to chasing her dreams - she wasn't going to return to SHIELD after all of this. Amelia was going to go higher, further, and faster; she wasn't going to be a government suit again. Besides, SHIELD reminded her too much of SWORD and the Iron, leaving a bad metallic taste in her mouth.

"I do not know, child," Professor X answered Niah, his voice strained. He sounded like absolute shit to Amelia - like he had just finished his first week at bootcamp and it wasn't getting easier, it was getting harder. He sounded like he had just chain smoked a box of cigarettes and then went straight to playing the trumpet, barely able to squeak out a pleasing sound.

"Kinda weird to be calling her a child, she's an adult," Amelia told Professor X with a slight bit of irritation. She hated it when people belittled others - especially old white men. But she didn't press it too much, as she was also concerned about Oliver. They were besties - and Oliver hadn't said a word just yet.

Bonnie opened her eyes, finding herself in the healing gardens - her body hadn't been moved. She expected to feel... different after making that pact with Athena, but she felt the same. She just felt like herself. There was no shimmering silver aura or anything special. She was Bonnie - just Bonnie - like she always had been. And while others may have been disappointed, Bonnie was glad.

Her eyes fell on Flynn, wondering who was going to be waking up - if it would be the man she loved... Or his shadow.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Van
Skills: N/A

Nancy was a little bit surprised when Zeke asked her if she could draw. Had anyone else asked, she might've chewed them out about that being a tired old cliché for seers, and that she wasn't interested in playing the role of an augur or an oracle. "Nah, everything I tried just turns out like chickenshit," Nancy answered with a shrug. "I dance though. And sing. Not just to make people's heads explode, though that's fun too." She smirked ever so slightly.

It would've been easy for Nancy to hate singing and dancing because of her mother - but that form of artistic expression always felt liberating to her. She could communicate her emotions and thoughts so much more effectively when she was belting, she could move her body to a rhythm all of her own. Drawing had just never really clicked for her. She absentmindedly rubbed on one of Joanie's ears affectionately. "I'm assuming you draw - that's pretty rad. If you're good at it, of course."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

"The entire cab smells like someone took a bloody awful wank in here," Leda added, wrinkling her nose in disgust. "Or a shit. That too." The more she thought about the smell, the worse it became - to the point that she was surprised it hadn't wafted out at them when the doors opened up as the cab picked them up in the first place. Leda couldn't help but wonder if the Mist was capable of masking up smells as well as sights - it was the only explanation that made sense to her.

When they got back to the area they had almost been abducted in, Leda paused to take in their surroundings. There were prisoners in chains being forced to unload trucks, as other cyclopses supervised the work. One of the prisoners Leda recognized - little baby Hercules, only he wasn't a baby anymore. "Hmm. How about you make a big watery mess, get all of their attention? And Arthur, think you could get people off those chains? I can then be speedy and stab the monsters in the back. It'll be risky but I think we could tag team it." They didn't really have very long that they could talk though - eventually some of the cyclopses would be curious as to why their cab was back and no one was leaving.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"No, but you are made of flesh - flesh that is easily bypassed, allowing access to all sorts of fun arteries and the like that will cause you to gush out water like a geyser," Megan told her brother rather matter of factly. "A well placed incision is all that stands between you and death. If you were made of glass, your blood would be better protected." She was a medical examiner after all - a key part of Megan's job was cutting people open and removing organs and blood. She knew how easy it was to make a person bleed.

Megan twisted her signet ring and her suit of armor from Camelot materialized around her. She still had her skull that she had retrieved from earlier, as well as the tiny pet bat who now nested within it. At her side was excalibur, her magical blade, the one given to her when they first arrived in this strange realm. And the one that she had at first felt that King Arthur would wish to have returned to him. But just as Megan had now claimed her memories and her life from this world, she was claiming this blade. It was hers and hers alone, now and forevermore. "I'm ready."

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Guin nodded her head slightly when Pietro asked her if she was okay - truthfully, she was feeling completely overwhelmed. It was like she was roller skating and each little thing was threatening to knock her off balance, causing her legs to shake and her arms to flail, the universe just waiting for her to fall and hit the ground hard. First they had been stranded in another reality, then she learned the horrible story of her counterpart from here, she had experienced a weird flashback to her maiming by Magneto that had never really happened, she had talked to her father's ghost, and now she had found more details about the fate of her family, seeing more of the pain and the trauma of this universe. She didn't doubt that her Pietro was a good person, that wasn't the issue - there was just only so much Guin could process at a time without crumbling.

"I know it'll be okay," she murmured, as her husband hugged her. "I know that we're superheroes, we're going to save the day because that's what we do." She never doubted that they could do anything - she was young and rich, believing that she was invincible more or less. "But this place fucking sucks and I don't know why, but it's getting to me - like it's in my head and I can't keep it out, I can't just deflect it off with a funny one liner and keep on moving. And I don't know why." She sniffled slightly, blinking her eyes rapidly in an attempt to not cry.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

"I am Baldur's daughter, a princess of Asgard - they should not turn me away," Runa said, mostly to try to reassure herself. If Thor was not welcomed on Asgard, then Runa felt her chances were slim. In their own reality, the people of Asgard took as kindly to her as the people of Midgard did to mutants. Her dominion was over darkness and lies - hardly qualities people wanted in a princess. They were powers that should have shaped her into a villain, someone for Thor to swing his hammer against and lay waste to.

Runa extended Gandr and took a breath, before raising her staff upwards. If the BiFrost opened through the roof of this tower, she didn't think it would matter much. The place was already decrepit and falling apart. Asgardian allies were what they needed right now - perhaps the Norns could give them some guidance as well. "Heimdall!" Runa shouted. There was no response. She breathed. "Heimdall, it is I, Runa, daughter of Baldur, princess of Asgard. Open the BiFrost, I wish to return to the realm eternal!"

But only silence answered her.
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