Avatar of Nakushita


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current I used to work at a shoe recycling shop. It was sole-destroying work.
14 days ago
A horse goes into a restaurant. The host says, “Hey!” The horse replies, “You read my mind.”
21 days ago
Someone glued my deck of cards together. I don't know how to deal with it
25 days ago
A kid started a business tying shoelaces on the playground, It was a knot-for-profit
26 days ago
Why did the roofer go to the doctor? He had shingles.




Did you know that Dante's inferno is video game that the main protagonist is also named Dante? Back in the day, the only two games were Devil May Cry and Devil May. The only difference was that in Devil May Cry, the protagonist is better off at the end, and in Devil May Cry 2 it is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.
Nakushita, Naku The Shitta, Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter, Kept Promises.

Old enough to not remember, young enough to function (30 something?)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to join others, I'm willing to give most genres and ideas a go as long as they have some tidbit that I find interesting, whether group or 1x1.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to strangle after realizing that they are either a complete idiot, a walking disaster waiting to happen, or some combination of both.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the status bar my many idiotic jokes is well aware that I'm highly incapable of conquesting an RP and thus my sole attempt on the guild exploded and is nothing to be proud of.

There was also a Isekai RP I was a part of for over a year, which was quite entertaining.

RP's in progress:

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are many 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences and happy little accidents.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational and stupid videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me, especially history. I like channels like Kings and Generals and The Mighty Jingles, and I’ll also watch things like Stimpee or Trick2G to deepen my understanding of degeneracy. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching basically anything that is even remotely funny, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I don't gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

I can't draw. I haven’t done a lot of it recently and certainly don’t feel confident enough to show anything I make to the general public. Perhaps never. I fear that it may blind the public. Unless you really like poorly shaped stick figures.

I listen to everything, and I mean everything. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about having a good time and avenging my grandfather who was murdered by a bucket.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@The World@TaintedMushroom

Himiko stood her ground, even with the blade of Oros sword being a few inches from her nose. She could tell by the way that Oros spoke and her posture that she wasn’t going to become violent. Even so, she still felt a sense of uneasiness having a weapon waved in her face. Himiko could tell right away that Oros was the type to strike right off the bat if she was going to strike at all. Keeping her arms crossed over her chest, as she listened quietly to what madness Oros had to share. Letting the insults and other crude language go for the time being. Focusing more on the important details amidst her mad words.

Golden eyes lighting up at Oro’s last remark about about 'Oros', she couldn’t help but to let out a small laugh of her own. “Careful now, it might not be wise if you start talking about it out loud and in public so clumsily, the others will overhear, after all they are always watching… so it may be shrewd of us to avoid such a joyful little topic,but if it's Mika Fang you are wanting, I’m sure that can be arranged with great swiftness, with both of our desires satisfied and conquered in the process” Reaching a hand up to rub her own chin in thought as the mad esper took her leave, she felt a sense of relief. Her own ambitions and greed growing in the process. Himiko had not heard of Mika Fang, but if Oros was interested in her she had no choice in hunting her down. Hopefully she wouldn’t prove to be too difficult to locate, but Himiko was sure she’d be able to find her once she started to search through her sources.

But what Oros had said and wanted had to wait for the time being. Himiko had more important things to tend to that required her more immediate attention. Her golden eyes drifted down towards Finn as she turned to approach him. Feeling like she had hit the jackpot multiple times today. Figuring that she'd be able to get something else that was just as juicy as that comic that Noble Spark had promised her. Crouching down by his side as she started to rustle around in his pockets while he was still out of it. Digging out his phone, a silver pocket watch that was near his side, wallet, gun, medkit and a puppet as she examined each item as she pulled it free from his pocket. setting aside the gun, medkit, phone and the puppet as she turned her focus to the wallet in particular.

Cracking it open as she shuffled through its contents with great glee. "Damn this kid is loaded....this is the best day ever.." Her eyes full of greedy joy as she admired its contents. Only to be interrupted by Finn's voice as he finally sat up and spoke. Himiko, still being crouched next to him, turned her head towards him as she took a finger and booped Finn on the nose. "Of course she is gone, if she was still here you wouldn't be able to feel what I just did, but glad to see you are still alive, looks like you had a fun little nightmare” Himiko answered before giving him a closer look. Her eyes brightened up as she smiled beneath her mask.

“Oh my my, aren't you as cute as a button...She did a real number on you, you must have done something to really piss her off, but worry not, I drove her off, while you were unconscious I decided to secure your belongings...so here take this I can tell it's more important than the other stuff" Tossing him his silver pocket watch, still clutching the wallet in her greedy little grasp.

"So....since I kinda saved your life and all, you wouldn't mind giving me something of value in return would you? I think it is only fair…after all that Oros is a real dangerous one” Trying to sweet talk him into rewarding her with something of value. Even though she hadn’t done all that much but spoke with Oros. Finn didn’t need to know the real details of their encounter. All he needed to know was that he was still alive, and that Himiko was here by his side in the aftermath.

A thought came to her as she glanced back down at his wallet. “Well, there is also something else you might be able to help me with, I’m actually looking for someone, someone that maybe you know….oh wait how rude of me, I haven’t even introduced myself, even after going through all of your belongings and learning a fair bit about you in the process, you can call me Sovereign, and as you have likely surmised by now I'm a freelancer, now back on point to the real question, you wouldn't happen to know someone named Mika Fang would you, and if so, how I would be able to get in touch with them?" Himiko questioned as she figured it was worth a try. As he seemed like the type that might have an idea of who Oros was looking for. Especially since she had gone through the effort of scattering him across the ground like a broken puppet.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Nyahahameha@The World@TaintedMushroom

Satisfied that her effort to eradicate the two foes before her had impressed her benefactor she holstered both of her revolvers. “If you think so, maybe I’ll have to up the price the next time around, to get you to sweeten that pot, but that comic will do for now” His thought about a good first edition being better left unspoken when a comic had been the promised prize and the confusion it might have entailed. Placing her hands on her hips as she turned her attention to what had drawn Noble Sparks focus.

“Disarmed? In more than one way if you think about it…” Himiko considered it for a moment. Before she could add anything else Noble Spark had already taken off like a bolt of lightning straight for the crippled but still functioning semi. Heading off to assist the Esper from the rooftop before the truck made it any further away. “You better not forget my payment, or else I'll start putting more debt on your tab!” Waving after Noble Spark as she figured that he would have the semi side of things covered without any further help from her for the time being.

Her own focus turning towards Marrie and the last remaining cultist that still had yet to flee. With three freelancers focused on the semi truck, it was only right that Himiko tried to help out the one that seemed to be having to handle things alone.She hustled over towards the trio only slowing down as she got closer. As she slowly approached the scene as her eyes drifted towards the scattered body of Finn strewn across the ground. Unsure of his identity, affiliation, she did at least know that the last remaining cultist had been the one to cut him down.

As she arrived to see what was going on, Marrie was already in the process of taking off to head towards the rest of the action after trying to heal the injured Finn. Leaving only what remained of Finn and the cultist, Himiko let out a sigh and gave a shake of her head. Whoever this cultist was, Marrie didn’t seem too worried about them if she had just turned her back on them to run off to take care of trying to secure the water. So that must have some prior relationship or meeting before in the past based on that alone.

Her golden gaze fell upon the cultist, arms crossed as she took in Oros handiwork. “Quite the mess you made of that guy, hopefully he will be able to pull himself back together..” Pausing for a brief moment not taking her eyes off of Oros, shifting too her next thought “Though, considering you didn’t turn tail like the rest of the cultists, you must have a reason to stick around, though looking at you now, you don’t seem affiliated with the cultists, considering how badly you messed up this guy….it's easy to figure out that you have your own agenda, perhaps one that may favor us both...” Sizing Oros up for good measure. It was clear that she was way above Himiko’s pay-grade. It had only taken a quick glance for Himiko to understand that much.

After seeing what she had done to Finn already, it was clear that Himiko was dealing with a very dangerous individual that wouldn’t hesitate to kill. Even so, where there is danger, there is always money to be made. You just had to make sure you didn’t anger the monsters in human form in the process. She knew she was walking a fine line once Marrie had taken off and left Himiko alone to approach Oros. But fortune favored the bold, and Himiko favored the fortune.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Nyahahameha@The World@TaintedMushroom

A comic book? That was a first for her, she had never been offered a comic book as a form of payment before. Though if it was in mint condition as Noble Spark suggested it had to have some kind of value tied to it. Especially if it was a vintage copy of one of the older series. She was willing to take her chances on it, finding it satisfactory as a suitable form of payment.

“Very well, but it better be as mint as you suggest, or you're going to owe me something else…..” Turning her head just in time to get her legs taken out from underneath her by the shopping cart. A small yelp as she went rolling away inside in a heap. Going for a ride as it came to a creaking halt, she quickly righted herself while still in the shopping cart. Rubbing the back of her head muttering a complaint underneath her mask. The last thing she had anticipated was being interrupted and taken for a ride by a shopping cart. Hoping that not many others witnessed what had happened as she hurried to untangle herself.

Yanking herself free as she leapt from the cart and landed back on her feet on the hard ground. Taking a quick look around to see if anyone had been nearby or watching. She took a moment to shake off what embarrassment she felt, before turning her attention to the far more important task of earning herself that comic. Her golden eyes narrowed as she brought her focus onto the two crippled pale guards that stood between her and the comic.

Without hesitation she brought up both of her revolvers, the mask covering her face, hiding the growing grin. “This is going to be some easy money, sorry losers but time is wasting and time is money” Himiko let out a small laugh as she began to channel everything into both guns. A golden glow emitting from her hands, as she had no intentions of going easy this time around. After a moment, both guns begun to emit a golden glow as she felt she had summoned enough energy to satisfy her needs. With one last laugh, she let loose a single shot from each of her revolvers, the two bullets emitting a golden glow they merged together into one golden arc as it hurtled towards its target.

Satisfied with her efforts she glanced over her shoulder towards Noble Spark “This should be more than enough for that comic you promised, I doubt they will be able to withstand that shot….so we should have a clear path to the truck” Himiko confidently remarked before the results of her attack had even been concluded. Feeling confident that in the current condition both paleguards found themselves in that she may have gone a bit overkill. But if it meant getting that comic, and subsequently the money it was worth, then she had no qualms about it.

Before she knew it, a muffled sneeze had snuck up on her. She gave a shake of her head to clear it up and get her senses back into order and getting her golden hair out of her face. “Well…that was unexpected, someone must be talking about me, hopefully about paying me…” Turning her focus back towards the commotion that was happening further beyond with the semi truck. Knowing that with all the commotion she was able to see and hear that they needed the help of both Noble Spark and herself.

This comic better be worth it, this job was proving to be far more intensive and demanding then she had anticipated. It still didn’t seem like it was even close to being finished either. Not with the primary targets still in play and the water still not secured. But maybe she would be able to barter her way towards a bigger reward in the end.



As the conversation swirled around camp, the frown remained on Oro’s face. They still didn’t all seem to understand what they had to do, what needed to be done. Some still seemed to be in some form of denial about the reality of the situation. Losing a bit of her patience as she spread her arms either side of her, raising her voice as she began to speak again “There is no salvation in sitting around here and waiting to be rescued, no one from the school, our parents, or anyone else is going to come to save us from this place, I doubt they will have any idea about were we all disappeared off too, they can search all they want, but the likelihood that they find us is slim to none, not to mention they would be in the exact same situation as us if they even do make it this far and discover this world, now isn’t the time for foolish dreams, if we want any hope of ever returning back to the world we came from, we will have to rescue ourselves……” Oros quickly countered the suggestion. Great conviction and determination filled her and her voice. Taking this all extremely seriously, as corrections needed to be made and the hard facts needed to be accepted. Finding the idea foolish, knowing that to sit around and wait in the slim hope that rescue would find them was an unproductive use of their time.

They would have a much better chance of rescuing themselves at this point then sitting around waiting and praying for a miracle. Why do that when you can create your own miracle, your own salvation. “We can sit here for two weeks, but what happens when we are still here two weeks later and there hasn’t been any sign of rescue? Do we just give up? Throw a pity party? This place we find ourselves in may look like a paradise right now, but what is keeping it from turning into a nightmare the moment more of the beasts end up here, after all this is a vital source of water, and water attracts living things, so it wouldn’t be out of the question for these beasts to find us here eventually” Oros continued on as she tried to cut away at each suggestion that was made. Finding many of them to be bright eyed and arrogant optimism, not rooted in the reality of the situation that they found themselves in. Oros knew that she would need to chip away at this falsehood until more of her classmates accepted the totality of it all.

The conversation soon turned towards that of an election. Something that Oros could throw her own support behind for once. It would at least give her a way to open their eyes to the truth that she held so dearly. Maybe even allow her to lead them all to the promised land,even if it meant displacing Masato from his leadership role. He was too hesitant, he didn’t have what it took to be a leader outside of school issues as far as Oros was concerned. Despite how good of a class president he was during normal circumstances, this was no longer a purely school issue.

Tilting her head aside as she had to ponder the idea for a moment“An election? So be it, I will submit to such a process if that is what the rest of the camp desires for now, even if I feel that we would be wasting valuable time and days by not acting faster, if this is a means and a way to get what I desire, to help open all of your eyes to the truth, then so be it…” Her sapphire eyes locked onto Masato as she spoke. She had no real ill will towards him, but she knew this had to be done if there was any hope for the truth she held so dearly to be accepted by the others. She wished she could have avoided it entirely, but Masato was a man of conviction, and despite her efforts he had been hesitant and resistant to accepting what Oros had to offer.

Her attention soon turned towards the sound of Asahi and then Shun. A flicker went through her blue eyes as she made eye contact with Shun as she gave a short nod of acknowledgement. Shun had a great point, one that Oros could get behind. But even so, she knew that dealing with Asahi was still something that needed to be handled. “Leaving alone on the journey to the mountain as I said before would be completely foolish…..” Her voice was quiet as she slowly approached Asahi until she stood right there before him. Hands on her hips as she looked up at him with a smug grin plastered across her face, her wild white hair and her intense blue eyes all firmly before him.

“There is something there, that much is without a doubt, but if you go alone, you won’t accomplish what you seek, I have seen it….I have seen the truth A-Sa-Hi……” Leaning in closer as she spoke “Shun may have a great point, you do speak a lot, but I do not always find the true meaning behind what you say…If I were you…I’d wait until things have been decided and we are able to move together as a group….or perhaps you are fearful of what the truth holds for you…. A-Sa-Hi…..” Leaning back as she finished, her voice quiet but filled with great intensity and interest. Oros knew her words would likely have very little effect on Asahi or his decision. It was still her duty to try to get him to accept the truth, even if he so stubbornly refused it and gazed upon Oros as some kind of abomination. Rocking on the heels of her feet, she clasped her hands behind her back before taking a look around at all of her classmates. Knowing that these next few moments, hours and days would shape everything, the future of it all being at stake.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Nyahahameha@The World@TaintedMushroom

Himiko hadn’t been expecting the stone thrower to have quite as much power as he did. Her cover ending up being more of a hindrance to her then a help. Exploding upon the impact of the boulder, sending shattered stone everywhere while sending her flying in the chaos and debris. Roughly hitting the hard ground, stone jabbing into her as she rolled a short distance. The dirt and grim getting all over her nice white coat and her long golden hair. She came to a stop, quickly getting back onto her feet to prepare to defend herself against the onrushing paleguards. "Shit, that actually hurt again, these guys are making this a lot harder then expected...." Himiko bitterly complained through gritted teeth. Only her mask keeping the uncomfortable grimace on her face hidden from view.

Watching as a bolt of lightning struck the rebar thrower's leg, detonating it below the knee. Himko had to take a look at her own revolvers just to make sure that she hadn’t somehow done it herself. She hadn’t been expecting any other espers, Noble Sparks arrival being a blessing. She wasn’t about to complain about getting some free help in a challenging moment.Feeling a sense of relief to have someone by her side. It made her job a lot easier, especially with her rounds not having great effect on the pale-guards.

Glancing over her shoulder at her free help as he introduced himself, she quickly tried to dust herself off as best she could. “Noble Spark? Well whatever your name is, thanks for the help, just call me Sovereign, we can save the pleasantries for later…we have some skulls to crack” Her relief was short-lived as the stone thrower was fast approaching. Requiring her full attention as Noble Spark at least drew away the shopping cart guard. Leaving her only the stone thrower to deal with in the meantime, now that the rebar thrower had been crippled.

She turned the aim of both revolvers onto the stone thrower, this time she changed up her approach. Bringing the barrels of both guns towards the right leg and knee of the stone thrower. Letting loose every single round she had in both revolvers one after another in quick succession. Trying to use all twelve rounds on a single knee to sever it from the body by sheer brute force and mass of lead. Learning that if she spread out her fire power, the rounds would harmlessly pass through the bodies of these guys.

Once she had run out of shots, she quickly dashed towards Noble Spark, putting him between her and the pale-guards while she quickly reloaded both revolvers. She was sure he wouldn't mind her using him as a temporarily form of cover and distraction. Once she had reloaded she took position close behind him and slightly off to the side to keep her field of view and fire open. Guns at the ready for whatever threat that presented itself first.

It was then that she heard the truck's engine beginning to rev up as it picked up speed. Along with the sounds of the cries of the homeless as they got mowed down by the new threat. Himiko knew that the situation had drastically changed from what it had originally been. Something had to be done about the Semi before it was able to escape. Though she wasn't too keen on ditching Noble Spark to handle the pale-guards on his own. She also wasn't thrilled about trying to put herself in front of the semi, or chasing after it. So for now she would have to rely on her fellow espers to handle that side of things. The arrival of the cultists was problematic, what seemed like a easy job to her when she had taken it, turning into much more then she had bargained for.

"We need to take care of these guys as fast as we can, so if you can fry them, we can try to make our way over to help the others and regroup, if they try to run in front of that truck they will get tired, but if they try to chase after it they will get exhausted so our best bet is if they disable it....Just let me know what you need Noble Spark and I'll see what I can do....for a price of course...." Himiko remarked to him with a smile of her own hidden beneath her mask. Greed reflecting in her golden eyes as she knew she had a chance to make profit if she played her cards right. Testing the waters with Noble Spark to gauge if she could extract anything of value. Even amongst the chaos, her thoughts remained on what potential profit there was to be gained.



Since her return, Ayana kept mostly to herself, skirting the outskirts of camp after they had brought back as much of the resources they could muster from Shun’s efforts. Watching and listening to everything, biding her time for the right moment. It had been quite some time since the majority of the group found itself in the same spot at the same time. Staying just far enough from the bonfire to slink in to grab a bite to eat from time to time before returning to the fringes of the circle.

Oro’s eyes darted towards Asahi as he broke the general murmur of the gathering. She didn’t respond or react to his mention of her in his speech. Oros listened quietly, without a word, without reaction. Her face had an empty expression, as her eyes shifted towards Duncan when he responded back. Oro’s kept silent as she let the conversation drift on until Masato had his say after Duncan had. She had heard this kind of talk before, the disagreements, the desire of one amongst them to venture out solo. It all felt like an endless cycle and it seemed to only cause more trouble amongst every time this cycle came to fruition. She had just dragged Shun back to camp, barely clinging to life after she had done something similar.

Oro’s could sit here and let them argue, go back and forth. But she had had enough of waiting patiently, of letting things unfold as they have. She knew that it would only lead to more deaths, more injuries and more infighting. Oros had grown tired of this cycle, tired of these pointless arguments and disagreements. It made little to no sense for Asahi to venture off alone, or even with a second person. If anyone was going to venture off, it should be as a group effort.

In Oro’s eyes it was as if they had all forgotten the true goal of making it out of this place alive. If only they would open their eyes to the truth she had to share, to embrace it as she had done so. Things could be so much different. She knew the feeling that Asahi felt from the mountains, but she knew that venture needed a group effort. For what resided within those mountains was not something to be so carelessly trifled with.

As soon as Masato had finished, Oros pushed forward into the center of the circle around the bonfire as she was nearly at the point of standing within the blaze itself. The heat radiating against her skin and clothes as she turned her back to it as it outlined her figure. Her wild and messy white hair, her intense blue eyes gazing at each of her classmates. As if she was looking straight into their very souls. She brought out the rock that she had stored within the waistband of her skirt. Having taken back possession of it from Shun while she had been incapacitated.

“Enough!!!! No one is leaving this camp alone, or even as a group of two, just listen to yourselves, you may think of me as the lunatic, but we must not keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, just look at what has happened to Shun, you all need to open your eyes to the truth if you ever wish to see home again, if you stay on this path, it only holds death for many of you….I have seen it all with my Endless Eclipse…if we are to venture to that mountain, we must do so as a group…” Oro’s voice boomed out louder than Ayana had ever mustered up before. Now was the time for her to make her move, to set things down the path that Oros desired.

Her blue gaze falling upon Masato “As for Ma-Sa-To, you may be a great class president, but you are too indecisive, too quiet to be a leader when things do not line up with thought out plans, when they challenge any concept of what we had from our own world, for that reason, I believe I should be the leader of the group, to lead the way into the future, to show that I’m deadly serious, if any of you have any doubts about my leadership, if what I have said is proven false and I lead you down the wrong path and that I’m totally wrong about my claims, you may kill me on the spot without question…now do you want to keep going in circles until we are all eventually dead, or do you want to see the future, the choice is yours, but I can not wait any longer…we can not sit here at this camp however nice and tranquil it may be right now forever....it is time to decide...join me....or kill me and accept your fates” Oro’s vision scanned the group, a fiery intensity behind her gaze. Meaning every word she said, speaking it from her soul. She wasn't sure how they would react, knowing that many of them already saw her as a lunatic, as someone not to be trusted, as a liability. Even so, she knew she had to at least attempt it.

Oros knew this was going to be a challenge, but she also knew that she had no other choice. It was time to break this cycle, it was time to do something different. For them to accept the truth that Oros The Clumsy had been destined to spread. Otherwise they would be doomed, destined to die horrible deaths, one by one as everything fell apart. It was up to her classmates to decide, her gambit was on the table. Her hand outstretched in a gesture of good faith, waiting for any who would take it if they so dared.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Nyahahameha@The World@TaintedMushroom

Catching a glimpse of the results of her shots, Himiko couldn’t believe her eyes or her bad luck. The paleguards kept coming, even with the bullets doing their damage to their torsos and heads. It didn’t take her long to understand that these pale guards were already dead. Her best aimed shots had only slowed them down momentarily. It was only with the other esper from the roof's help,that had allowed her to gain a little bit of ground and space between her and the paleguards. She would have to come up with another strategy to take these three down, she at least didn’t have to worry about holding back.

Just as she thought she was reaching a far enough distance to be safe, her golden eyes caught a short glimpse of the rebar flying through the air as it reached its zenith before it smashed into her back. Grimacing as she let out a startled yelp of unexpected pain, the impact knocked her off balance as she had to take a few awkward steps to keep herself upright as she stumbled forward. She was glad it hadn’t done worse damage, though she knew it cracked a rib at the very least. It was clear she needed to take this far more seriously then she had anticipated when she accepted the operation.

Swinging herself around to face them she reached down inside of her jacket and yanked free a couple speed reloaders, jamming them into one revolver then the other and slamming the cylinders shut. Himiko narrowed her eyes through golden hair, she felt the pain radiating outwards through her body from her back.The paleguard having hurt her just enough to piss her off. “That hurt you lifeless bastard, now it's my turn to turn whatever is left of that husk that you call a body into swiss cheese!” Bringing both barrels up towards the rebar thrower.

Shifting her aim from her natural targets of the torso and head right to the knees and legs of her target. She quickly unloaded three rounds from each revolver, her barrels flashing with each bullet that left the barrel. The loud percussion ringing in her ears as her bullets hurtled through the air towards the knees and lower legs of the rebar thrower. Having a grudge to settle with him in particular after his earlier attack.

Quickly shifting her aim towards the stone holder repeating the same method of aiming for the knees and legs. Popping off the last three rounds from each of her golden revolvers.Putting as much lead as she could muster down range and on target. She began to move backwards as she quickly reloaded more rounds, getting another six in each revolver. She knew she had to keep moving and couldn’t stand still for even a moment. Not until she had dealt with the two paleguards currently able to pursue on foot. She figured the third one could be ignored for the time being thanks to the help from the rooftop esper. As she made her way towards some rubble, hurtling over it as she slid down the back side on her rear, pressing her back against it as she took a short few second breather to recollect herself.

Shifting her body to get in a crouch, she braced both revolvers atop the rubble and towards the paleguards hoping her earlier shots had done something to cripple them, if not she had another twelve bullets ready to go. Peering over the top of her makeshift cover to locate the paleguards,she was ready for whatever else they may throw at her. As much as she wanted to help the others, all she could do was focus on her own problems while Marrie and the other esper handled business elsewhere.



Ayana left Shun’s side for a moment as she began to gather as much of the beast's flesh that she could get her hands on. Planning on bringing as much as she could carry with her as fuel for her journey back to camp. She knew that in Shun’s condition there was no way that she was going to be able to make it back unless Ayana carried her. But thanks to Shun having ripped apart so many of the beasts, it gave her more than enough food to last her long enough to find camp.

In some ways Oros was appreciative of Shun having gone on such a rampage. Of Shun having taken Endless Eclipse along with her. Being reunited with the only classmate that she could even remotely call a friend after her revelation of her true forgotten self. She knew even after Shun had drop kicked her, that she was trustworthy. Her not tossing Endless Eclipse away only further confirmed this fact.

Having gathered as much food as she could, Oros made sure to stuff her face with as much of the extra she could find. Wanting her stomach full of fuel as she made it back to Shun’s side. Crouching down she grabbed a hold of Shun and gently tugged her across her shoulders in a fireman's carry. Bracing her legs as she took on Shun’s added weight, she slowly but surely stood up straight. Making sure to go slow and deliberate for Shun’s sake.

Oros paused with Shun across her shoulders, taking a look around her surroundings. Wanting to get a bearing on her position as she, a glimmer of excitement flashed into her sapphire eyes. “Don’t you worry Shun, we will return back to camp soon enough, even if they aren’t happy to see us, we still have each other, at least until the others begin to open their eyes to the truth….however unwilling they are, we will just have to make them, whether they like it or not….” Brimming from ear to ear as she turned to make her way back through the thick forestry from where she had originally come from.

Tracing her path back to the ravine she had taken a tumble down, she started to scale it. With Shun on her shoulders it made it far harder than it would have been normally. But with her energy replenished it wasn’t as horrible as she had thought it would be.Digging deep within herself to keep pushing, to keep her legs moving even if it was taxing. Her determination and desire to return to camp, to bring Shun to safety drove her onward. Reaching the top of the ravine, Oros kept a cautious and wary look out for the hook-stinger wasps that had chased her to the ravine in the first place.

“Wooooo, that was one hell of a hike, but don’t you worry Shun Shun, it's only a matter of time before we reach a safe place for you to rest and recover, we just need some of Duncan's blood and for Asahi to be a good little healer and you’ll be back punching and kicking like crazy…and if they don’t want to cooperate, I’ll make them….” Oros chuckled as she followed the path of her own clumsy escape.

Broken branches, trampled shrubbery, it all led her back to where she had encountered the chalk turtle with Masato. Seeing neither the turtle nor Masato anywhere in sight complicated things slightly. However her sapphire eyes caught a glimpse of blood, quickly moving over to it. She crouched down near it and took a finger to touch it and bring it up to her nose to smell. Its stench clearly not of human origin, its wetness giving her some idea of how long it had been there.

“Sooooooo Ma-Sa-To is still alive, what a joyous thing, he still has a role to play after all, if only he would open his eyes….but thanks to him we have a way back to camp…” Her laugh echoing in the emptiness of the woods as she stood back up taking a hand and pointing down the path the blood trail led. Oros had her path back, now it was time to get serious. She had been patient, but that approach didn’t seem to be working. It was time to try something else, Oros would make them open their eyes. But first she had to ensure Shun was properly treated. Oros, with Shun on her shoulders begun the final trek back to camp.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Nyahahameha@The World@TaintedMushroom

Himiko paused briefly as Marrie disappeared without much warning, reappearing right in front of the group of cultist as it left her standing there with a dull expression. “So…I guess there goes any element of surprise? I guess I’ll just have to start blasting, she is far more bold then she first appeared, I’ll give her that.” Giving a quick shake of her head as she had to focus on her own situation. Especially now that Marrie and thrown herself right into the fray, leaving Himiko to handle whatever came her way.

Unfortunately for Himiko, the moment that Marrie made her move, the golden esper was quickly spotted out. “Ahh shit….thats what I get for being a gold lover… I was hoping that would at least go after the two distractions first before they noticed me….” shaking her head at her own stupidity for having such a stand out appearance. Of course they noticed her, how wouldn’t they notice her with how much gold she had on display. In fact if she was honest with herself, she was surprised it took them even this long to spot her.

The speed of the pale guards caught Himiko off guard as they burst from the sleeper cab of the truck. They moved far faster than she had anticipated or expected. She knew that the guy with the red skeletal hand was trouble, but she should have known he would have a surprise up his skeletal sleeve. It was clear that he kept them hidden away in case of an ambush, the leader was smarter then she had given him credit for. “These bastards are faster and stronger than I thought they would be, now I wish Marrie stuck around….” Lamenting her departure as she hadn’t anticipated being singled out right off the bat. Especially not by three of what looked like the most dangerous of the cult.

But she had a more pressing matter to attend to, she knew she should have taken out both revolvers. But the one she already had out would have to make do for now. She didn’t have time to yank the other one out as the pale guards were already nearly on top of her position. A piece of rebar being thrust towards her chest by one of her assailants. Himiko mustered up as much of her speed to try to side step it and get distance from the wall to her right to give herself more room to maneuver.

Bringing her revolver around onto the pale guard in question, the fake gold of her revolver glinted as she swung its barrel onto target. She fired off two shots, one for the man's torso and the other for his head. If he was going to go for a killing blow she wasn’t about to hold back and aim for non lethal.

With little time to spare, she tried to make some distance between herself and the pale guards, firing off two shots towards the one with the shopping cart and two more at the one who threw the haymaker earlier. Yanking her second revolver free, she tried to turn and run, not waiting to see what kind of effects her fire had, nor the effects of what the other Freelancer from the roof was attempting. Figuring it was better to be safe than sorry. Preferring to have some range between her and her enemy whenever possible. The last thing she wanted was to get into a close range melee brawl with these two heavy revolvers. Though if she really had too, they did make for useful clubs as a last resort. "I know I said I didn't mind if we didn't take the more stealth approach, but I think I'm quickly regretting that..." Himiko complaining as she decided to take a glance over her shoulder to finally observe the aftermath.


@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise@Nyahahameha@The World@TaintedMushroom

Himiko’s golden gaze shifted towards the newcomer as she heard her question upon arriving. Her eyes scanned Marrie from head to toe as she sized her up. Not finding her to be the most imposing, but she seemed experienced from a quick glance “Nice bike, how much did it cost you? Name is Sovereign, I assume you are also here for some water, it can be quite sparse around these parts” Picking up that Marrie was a Freelancer by her question. Even if she found the approach unusual, Himiko couldn’t blame Marrie for treading carefully. Taking the extra effort to ensure that who she was speaking to was here for the mission and not by some random chance a cultist, or a vagrant.

Their brief conversation soon interrupted by the voice of what likely was the leader of the cultist. At least based on him being the primary speaker and seeming to be the guiding voice. Some of what was said, Himiko could understand the reasoning. But parts of it didn’t make much sense to her. His remark about the dragon catching her attention the most. As did the great response and support that the cultists showed the speaker. It was clear had the the admiration and the belief of his group firmly behind him.

Quickly ruling out this operation going by easily or without some form of violence. It was quite clear that the cultists were fully behind their leader. The chance of them handing over the water willingly at this point seeming rather remote. “I have no clue what the dragon is but it looks like we will have quite the scrap on our hands wouldn’t you say bike gal? They seem really into what that man had to say, I have a feeling that they won’t be happy to see us…” Himiko remarked to Marrie as she turned her golden gaze towards the sound of the semi’s loud engine rumbling to life and the shuffle of footsteps pushing out from behind the MicroMart.

As the Semi and the mob that followed came into their view, Himiko quickly scanned the group with her eyes. Taking in all the information she could as quickly as she could. Observing the poorly armed and dressed mob, she looked for anyone that appeared to be the leader, or a more immediate threat. The ragtag bunch being a sorry sight, but still a threat regardless of appearance. Spotting a man reclined on the hood of the semi. Though he wore less then many of his followers rags, the red cloth around his elbow and his demeanor led Himiko to quickly assume that he was the leader of this group. His left hand and the red bones drawing her attention almost immediately. It was unusual, and gave her reason to tread more carefully as she figured there was much more to that left hand.

Gesturing towards the man with her right hand “You see muscles there on the hood? If I had to make a bet, he is the leader of this rag tag group, the red cloth, the necklace and the silver bracelet, not to mention that left hand, he is likely the one we will have to watch out for.” Himiko quickly remarked to Marrie her opinion. Pointing him out too Marrie if she had not yet spotted the man herself.

But before she could come up with a plan of what to do, she spotted a figure on a rooftop a short distance away. Shouting and dancing as they appeared to be trying to get the attention of the mob. Himiko glanced over at Marrie in slight disbelief “That wouldn’t happen to be a friend of yours? Either way they seem to have quite the death wish, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t take advantage of the distraction” Crossing her arms over in front of herself as she reaches into her long flowing white coat. Pulling free her two golden revolvers “Then again…I’m not one to speak about being the most stealth oriented” Letting out a small hushed laugh before crouching down, she slowly inched her way along what remained of the MicroMarts front wall.

“So, you want to go in guns blazing, or would you prefer a more calculated approach?” Himiko questioned as she brought up one of her revolvers to ready it. “If shit hits the fan, I think I’ll be able to take out a few of the tires, or in the worst case scenario the engine itself…” She figured a few slugs would be more then enough to either cripple the semi or stop it entirely if push came to shove.

Normally Himiko would have already started firing, but with Marrie here, and the figure out on the roof, it changed how she wanted to approach it. With the help, it would make the operation a lot easier and less work, making that money much more sweet. Plus it was free help and nothing could beat free help.
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