Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley looked towards Jacob as he actually answered her and got the feeling he had been busy the last ten years doing with whatever it was that he did. Then he asked her what she had been doing, once her career finally picked up she spent a lot of the time working on her music. "Well mainly I've been working on writing songs, touring and putting out albums." Riley answered him as she looked over her shoulder as Cynthia got up and grabbed some popcorn and a soda, she knew that the evening was going to be either really interesting or really weird and creepy as Cynthia babbled on doing her own crazy talk.

Riley would reached over while Cynthia wasn't looking and snatched a handful of the crazy girl's popcorn hoping that she didn't mind as she ate it and tried not to laugh as Cynthia rambled on and on. She looked towards Tom as he approached Jacob as he asked him where he was yesterday at 4:00PM yesterday afternoon to now. She still was slightly suspicious of him and then looked towards Cynthia once more before getting up. "I'll be right back gonna go use the lady's room." Riley said as she started to make her way towards the locker room once more where she knew there were the restrooms were at.
@BeautifulSnow Under the tattoos/scars section for Kellie's CS your link for that one is off.
But wont do that till damo makes his post.
@BlackPanther A week. Gives peeps who were attacked time to adjust to new things and stuff.
@BlackPanther I know till his post comes then the timeskip
@Ace of flames01 So a no from you on the timeskip?
@Ali Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you ever want to RP or chat sometime feel free to ask! :)

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Inner Wall Gate Tower

Kristina looked towards Zoie for a moment, she didn't mind the hug even if she didn't know the woman all that well she was grateful for what she had done for her sister earlier after she had been bit. But it didn't help much in the end, Maria was gone now her hand absentmindedly went for her sister's necklace that was still in her pocket. She sighed softly as she watched Zoie going off to start her crazy plan to get rid of the invading walkers. Kristina needed to tell Ashton what had happened to her sister, she looked towards the people still outside of the gates before turning her attention back towards Ashton.

"Ashton.. my sister, she's gone.." Kristina finally said trying her best to not break down in front of him, her hands were trembling as she held it back. Kris noticed the fields outside of the inner wall and what was left of the outer wall. Kristina could see the fields out in the distance and knew that Maria had something to do with that. "If you want, whatever her duties were I could take over. I have experience working on a farm like my sister. That's if you want me to that is.." Kristina said softly.

Her attention towards the girl in the wagon asking if she could be pointed out on where to go to the infirmary. "I could lead the girls over to the infirmary and get whoever is down there treated if you open the gates. Or if you want I could help Zoie, whatever you want me to do." Kristina said she wanted to keep her mind as far away from what happened to Maria as much as possible and keep herself busy.

Riley Ridgeway
Cecily Ashworth

Location: Classic Building 3C

Riley smiled softly and giggled slightly as she reached into the fridge once again grabbing a second bottle. "That is true." She said as she opened the bottle for Cecily and followed her roommate to the couch and handed it to her. "Well, I guess thats a good thing that you aren't on the case then right?" Riley asked as she took a sip of her beer and set it down onto the coffee table in front of them. Riley bit her lower lip for a moment as she throught about Danica a girl she didnt know all that well except for passing her by either at the gym or while walking. "I honestly don't know how you can handle seeing dead bodies all the time. I wasnt expecting to see that happen to Danica at all, even though I didnt know her that well." Riley said softly meeting Cecily's gaze.

Cecily shrugged a bit. "I....Hmm. A corpse just is like an empty house, I s'pose. There isn't anything freaky about a home when no one's there, unless you're the white girl in a horror film..." she trailed off, chuckling awkwardly. "Maybe I'm desensitized to it? I did see a therapist for a little while, when I first started work... But just know, grieving is normal. Doesn't matter if you didn't know them. It's human."
She reached out, and gave Riley's hand a squeeze.

Riley blushed softly as she felt Cecily's hand giving her's a gentle squeeze and smiled slightly and nodded she did work with bodies a lot. "I guess it's one of the perks with your job huh?" Riley said as she took another sip from her beer tucking a stray strand of her hair out and away from her face. "It was just so sudden though one moment we are talking the next a body comes falling to the ground."

Cecily nodded. "It could have been anyone... But that doesn't mean it will be, you know?" Pausing, she realized her advice was, quite frankly, horrible. The pair of them lived in Justice, of all places. It was practically the murder capital of the world. "And if someone does come in here, I've got a gun, and I think one of us could manage to shoot them...eventually." She smiled at Riley, glancing over at her face. "Things will go back to normal within a few weeks... It'll all be fine."

Riley sighed softly and nodded, she knew that they lived in a very dangerous city and murders, shootings, and other crimes were pretty much a daily thing. "Well it's good that we have something to defend ourselves with, it's locked up though right?" Riley asked she knew that there could be someone who could break into their apartment if they could. "I might have to buy myself a can of pepper spray and a taser with me, I do have some self defense training as well." Riley gentle squeezed Cecily's hand and blushed again before letting go.

"Yeah, it's in my room...inside a locked hollowed out copy of Harry Potter," Cecily blushed, tugging on her hair. "I know, I must seem kind of lame to you," She laughed awkwardly, attempting to get herself to stop blushing, but the blush only grew and became more severe. She took a sip of her beer, hoping that the bottle would somehow cover it up. "Hmm... You could get a bodyguard, maybe? You're famous. It makes sense."

Riley smiled seeing Cecily blushing which was rather cute. "I don't think it's stupid, as long as you know where it is and that its safely locked in should be fine. And I don't think anyone would expect a handgun hidden in a Harry Potter book." Riley said as she gently rubbed Cecily's shoulder. "I did sort of offer DJ as a body guard earlier when he was protecting me from a camera man." Riley smiled as she took another sip of her beer. "By the way you know you look even cuter when you blush like that right?"

"You should hire him! He looks strong. Reminds me of this one superhero, can't recall who though..." She chuckled, leaning her head against Riley's shoulder. "I'm pretty sure you're flirting with me, now. Do you, what did we say in middle school, like-like me?"
"I think you might be thinking of Thor or something? And I might if I have a show coming up or something, but right now I don't have any concerts coming up." Riley said and blushed when she felt Cecily's head resting against her shoulder and looked down at her. "Well i'm not gonna lie you are pretty damn cute." Riley smiled playfully.

Cecily nodded, sitting up again. "Yes! Thor! That's who he looks like! You should hire him, but make him dress as Thor. And sell pictures of him, you'd make a killing... Or, you know, you could just sell concert tickets like normal." She blushed again at Riley's comment, realizing though that it wasn't an answer. She wasn't going to force her, though. She had no clue how to function in a relationship or anything. "Well, you're very cute as well, Miss Ridgeway."

Riley laughed softly and shook her head for a moment. "I don't think that the big musically man would ever wear something like that unless you paid him a million bucks." Riley said as she blushed for a moment, though she had a few relationships in the past she looked at Cecily for a moment before leaning forward and pressed her lips up against Cecily's giving her a quick and gentle kiss before pulling back as she gently rubbed Cecily's arm. "Thank you Cecily.." Riley said biting her lower lip, she had a few relationships in the past that never worked out due to people knowing her for being famous.

Cecily blinked in surprise, the kiss over before she had properly realized it had begun. "My first kiss was with Riley Ridgeway...Your fans are going to be jealous," Cecily teased, before experimentally giving Riley a peck on the cheek. She nodded at Riley's thanks, feeling that none was needed. However, a knock at the door interrupted the moment.
"Probably the police coming to question us," Cecily said, though with their previous line of conversation about tasers and guns, she didn't particularly feel like going to the door.

Riley saw Cecily's response and smiled softly. "Well i'm glad I was your first then." Riley said and gently rubbed her cheek when Cecily kissed her on the cheek causing her to blush once more. She didnt want the moment to end, and groaned softly as she laid her head back up against the couch. She had already given her statement to them before going to their apartment. "Cops are moment killers.." Riley muttered to herself.

"Should we open the door, we wont be suspects if we don't open the door right?" Riley asked, when it came to law stuff she was clueless.
Cecily chuckled slightly. "If we don't open the door, they'll probably just kick it down. They've got probable cause, tonight, so anywhere is fair game."

Getting up from the couch, Cecily went over to the door and pulled it open, coming face to face with a woman in blue. She asked the standard list of questions, only to be cut off by Cecily raising her plastic, forensics badge. "Our statements have already been processed. Any questions you have will be in a report on Gregory's desk by tomorrow evening."
The cop hesitated, before nodding slightly, and leaving the apartment.

"Well, now the cop is gone," Cecily shrugged, returning to the couch. "Gregory must be making them do a proper job tonight..."
"Thats true, or they would send in the SWAT team or something." Riley said as she sat up and watched as her roommate got up and headed over towards the door, she watched as Cecily flashed her forensics badge at the female officer and couldnt help but smile as she remained quiet. Then she watched the officer turn around and left their apartment, Riley reached over and gently held Cecily's hand and smiled.

"Well good thing then maybe they would actually get some shit done, and do their jobs properly and get some real justice done."
"The case probably won't go to trial, though," Cecily grimaced. "Most cases don't... especially around here. Wallace is probably going to say it's a suicide, and that'll be that. You can't press charges against the dead."
"I don't think it was a suicide though, even if I wasnt as close to the body like you were just the timing seemed to coincidental with the girl who killed herself a few months ago. But thats just me." Riley said with a slight shrug.

Cecily paused, glancing around carefully. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she nodded at Riley. "I'm positive it's a murder. The burns, the residue...It's all wrong for a suicide. Someone is picking people off here, no idea why but... There's always a reason. Maybe it's drug related?"

Riley reached for Cecily's hand as she whispered towards her. "It's just the timing is way to off, I don't think Danica or the other girl Peyton was it? Were into the whole drug scene." Riley said shrugging slightly. "Or they could have dug into something they shouldn't. So many factors ya know?"

"True, I think Danica was a journalist? Maybe there's some sort of super secret organization like.... like the Crime Syndicate in the Suicide Squad comics!" Cecily proposed, giggling a bit. She yawned slightly, realizing how late it was becoming.
"Yeah probably." Riley said with a soft laugh as she noticed Cecily yawning and looked towards the clock for a moment. "Maybe my comic book lover should get some rest, you have been up for what over twelve hours now or something right?" Riley said as she looked at Cecily once more.

She paused, counting on her fingers. "I've...got no idea. But yeah, sleep sounds like a good idea". Rising from the couch, Cecily smiled at Riley, and headed towards her room. Closing the door behind her, Cecily collapsed on the bed, and quickly drifted off to sleep.
Riley smiled as she nodded. "Sleep well Cece!" Riley called out as she grabbed her beer, and drank the rest of it, and decided to finish Cecily's as well. She got up from the couch and made her way towards the trash can and dropped the two bottles into the trash can. Riley headed towards her bedroom and then closed the door and quickly just stripped down to her underwear not even bothering to put on her PJ's and just crashed onto her bed.
@Lady Amalthea Alright thanks. :) Just wondering.
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