Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley looked towards Tim as he answered her question who the third victim was, and honestly she wasn't that surprised someone had actually finally cut the bastard down. Riley didn't really show any emotion to Atlas' death, he had made her life and those that she was friends with in high school life a living hell. "Well, honestly I am not surprised about Atlas, he was pretty much hated by everyone in the school for the way he treated everyone." Riley said with a slight shrug.

Riley looked towards Cynthia as she started doing her crazy ramblings again she couldn't help but let out a slight snort and laugh at the last bit of Cynthia's crazy ramblings. She turned her attention back towards Tim and Jacob as he answered Tim's question about his alibi which was surprisingly weird. "Well do you still have your luggage with you somewhere, if you had some of your belongings go to baggage claim then you'd have your stuff tagged. If you have that stuff if you don't have your ticket that could prove it." Riley said with a slight shrug she had traveled around a lot herself over the last ten years. "Or if you have your online ticket on your phone or something like that as well."
Yay can't wait to start this. :D I'll be making a Sky bastard. :)
I'll be posting tomorrow.

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Infirmary.

Kristina smiled sadly at Victor as he patted her on the shoulder letting out a soft sigh as she stared down at the white sheet covering her sister's body, she would look over at Richard giving him a slight glare she didn't blame him for her sister's death but she did blame him for separating her from Maria all those months ago. So long as he didn't get up in her face or piss her off Kristina wouldn't have any problems. Kristina looked towards Meghna as she approached her and asked who the three new people were, Kris saw them all outside the gate the one on the gurney. "I honestly have no clue, the Viking chick and another were standing outside the gates. Theres a huge herd of Walkers entering the outer wall and came to warn us about it. I don't think they are with the group that attacked us." Kristina said softly.

Kris looked towards the redhead she could feel what she was going through she had done the same while her sister was fighting for her life, and knew the helpless feeling as well. Kristina shot another glare at Richard at his comment but didn't say anything, Kristina slowly lifted the blanketed body of her sister. She followed Sid out of the Infirmary, as she was outside Kristina watched as Zoie, James and the new comer with the badass bat and motorcycle started to talk about their plans to get the herd away from Newnan.

Kristina followed where they were taking the bodies once they were there Kristina laid her sister's body down on the ground and removed the blanket covering her head slightly. She would wipe away another tear before quickly covering it up for the last time and looked down at her feet. "Sorry that i'm an emotional wreck right now.." Kristina said tucking away a strand of her hair behind her ear and looked towards Sid.
Ill be posting tomorrow.
@BlackPanther Yep, though i'll have to do it tomorrow if that's alright with you?
Maria looked at Jack with a confused look on him something felt very off, as Jack suddenly was ordering her to get out of the shuttle right away, she didn't know what was actually going on someone was shooting at them but why? Maria fumbled with her seat belt until finally Jack forced her up. She watched as the pilot was struggling to grab her things, then she was forced out of the shuttle by Jack. "What is going on?!" Maria yelled just as she had gotten out of the shuttle an explosion rocked her, forcing her to fly across the landing pad, she landed on top of Jack.

Maria skidded across the landing pad near Jack groaning loudly as she watched their last pilot suddenly falling down into the abyss below, Maria's ears were ringing from the sudden explosion. She was disoriented for a moment as Jack yelled at her to see if she was alright, she slowly got up to a sitting position and looked towards her partner seeing that he wasn't in good shape. "I'm fine.." Maria said as she noticed Jack suddenly falling into unconsciousness. She quickly got up and stumbled her way towards him, and checked his pulse he was still breathing which was good.

"C'mon lets move!" Maria said as she awkwardly started to help him up and lifted him up, trying to make her way to the closest door which was a small maintaince closet on the other end of the landing pad just as more rockets were fried, Maria quickly made it into the room, and closed the door, and started to shake the man awake. "Hey wake up!" Maria yelled.
@Morose Posted! :) Sorry for the wait. :)
Alice Kennedy

Location: Her Home, then the beach.
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice slowly opened her eyes letting out a low groan as she heard her alarm going off, she turned to look over at her phone even though it was summer vacation Alice always woke up early in the morning to get some time out on the beach by herself. Alice quickly reached for her bathing suit and quickly slipped it on before putting on a tshirt and a pair of shorts. Alice headed out of her bedroom she closed her eyes as she could smell her mother's cooking and smiled she always loved her mother's cooking, as she headed down the stairs Alice quickly walked over and approached her mother and gave her a hug and kiss. "Good morning mom." Alice said with a smile as her mother returned the same gesture. "Morning Ali, sleep well hun?" Alice's mother asked, she smiled and nodded. "Yep I did thanks." Alice smiled brightly as she went over and grabbed herself a plate as well as a fork.

Then she heard her brother Anthony coming down the stairs as he went over and just to be annoying he flicked Alice on the forehead, causing Alice to groan and give her younger brother the death glare just as her mother finished making breakfast for the two of them and then scooped their food into their plates. Their dad she already knew that he was already out on a fishing trip and he wouldn't be home for a few days. "I'll be at the lab till late tonight you two, so just make sure you two are safe okay?" Alice's mother said, as Alice started to dig into her breakfast and looked up at her mother and nodded. "Sure thing mom." Alice said as she continued eating the scrambled eggs she always enjoyed her mother's cooking.

"Alright thank you, i'll see you two late tonight. I have to get going now." Alice's mother said as she hugged both her and her brother, and grabbed her things before leaving the house. Alice turned to look at her brother who was eating as well, shortly after her mother left Alice had finished. "Right so i'll be at the beach, i'll be back later this afternoon." Alice said as she quickly got up and grabbed her sandals before leaving the house. Alice then decided to text her friend Millicent they had been friends for a few weeks now and they both got along really well with one another.

"Hey Milly! Was wondering if you wanted to hang out at the beach or something soon, if you aren't asleep that is. If not I can swing by later."

Alice hit send as she grabbed her bike and quickly started to peddle herself across town on her bike finally making it she always enjoyed the beach early in the morning when there weren't that many people there. Alice walked down the beach and went over to rent herself a towel and paid for it she walked over to find a spot and sat down.
@Ace of flames01 Or Ana could give her some of her own blood to increase the healing, but not turn her vamps can do that to.
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