Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Classic Building 3C, then the gym

Riley yawned loudly as she heard her alarm going off she looked at her phone it was 7:30AM. She would let out a soft groan as she got up from her bed, today was her work out day as Riley walked over towards her dresser and pulled out a grey tank top as well as some sweat pants. Riley quickly got changed into her workout clothes and left her bedroom, she headed into the kitchen and pulled out some cheese and poured herself a glass of milk. Riley took a bite into the cheese and took a sip of her milk while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge she turned on the tv and started to show the news from last night what happened at the block party. Riley shuddered slightly as she remembered what happened to Danica the night before and felt bad for her, Riley quickly turned off the tv and finished her quick snack.

Riley grabbed her car and apartment keys and quickly headed out of the apartment, she knew she wouldn't see Cecily because her roommate would always be out of the apartment way before she would. Riley headed to her car and quickly got in, she started the drive towards one of the gyms that was one of the smaller ones in Justice, mainly because she wanted less people around her and to disturb her during her workout.

Once she was there Riley made her way into the gym Riley pulled out a pair of ear phones and plugged them into her phone, and placed the ear phones into her ear. Riley looked up at the tv screen once more still the same news story was playing, she randomly put a song on. Riley walked over towards the treadmill and selected the speed she wanted, Riley mainly just worked on cardio workouts more then anything. Riley was on there for about thirty minutes until she heard the song stopping for a second and her phone vibrating to show that she had gotten a text. Riley quickly lowered the speed and stepped off it was a text from Cecily.

"Cecily Ashworth, just reported to work at the time of this recording. Heard rustling in Wallace's office, went to investigate. Shot at and assaulted by a blonde woman, estimate age...50 years old. Woman appeared to be on substances. Eyes were...blue. Hair was...styled, most likely ponytail. Very ripped clothing. Suspect grabbed an unknown piece of evidence from Wallace's office."

Seeing the words shot at and assaulted Riley started to get really worried for her roommate she did start to get feelings for Cecily and remembered the kiss last night. Riley looked at some of the other gym goers who some were staring at her, feeling slightly uncomfortable Riley took a step towards the locker room where it was more private and secure. Riley quickly searched through her contacts, and found Cecily's cell phone number, Riley waited for several rings until she finally got an answer. "Cecily! I just got your text, is everything alright?" Riley asked sounding very worried and concerned for her friend.
@LizElzai Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D If you want ever want to RP or chat feel free to ask! :) Im sure you will enjoy your time here!
@Damo021 Get that post up sooooon please all that had happened was the timeskip for the next week please dont fall behind. :(
Well you have Ana whos a vamp she could ya know bite her.
@Ace of flames01 You have my permission to have your character be fine but its up to you.
@BlackPanther Cool i'll have to start it tomorrow cuz i'm crashing now lol.
@BlackPanther You can collab with me if you'd like or you can make the timeskip post totally up to you. :)

@Damo021@Meiyuki@Zhaliora@BlackPanther@Caits@Ace of flames01@Maria 127@LokiLeo789@BeautifulSnow@Lord Zee

Right so timeskip post is up now! Feel free to make your posts up now! And you all have my word I will be more active now on this RP so you all know. :)
Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Riley looked towards Patricia seeing her teacher's face and got the sense that she was holding back her anger towards Vanessa and then finally she lashed out towards her best friend and knew that things would be turning really sour between her best friend, and her possible girlfriend causing Riley to bite her lower lip. She didn't want to see the two people that she cared the most about to argue because of her, Riley gripped her hand tighter around Patricia's not enough to hurt her but to try and make her stop Riley turned to look at Pat. "Please stop...?" Riley asked they all had been through enough this evening and already there was fighting and arguing.

Then Riley looked towards Cassandra as she snapped at Patricia Cassandra was right though and knew that none of this was under any of their control. And Riley needed Vanessa more then ever now as she was now the same as Vanessa was, then Riley looked towards the two brothers as they stormed out of the room, and Cassandra eventually doing the same to talk to the other girl that was standing outside of the room near them overhearing their conversation so her name was Ana.

"I'll give you some space then Alyssa." Riley said softly as she stood up from her bed and looked towards Vanessa as well as Patricia. "Please this isn't any of her fault and just point the finger at me.." Riley said as she quickly headed out of the room, Riley closed her eyes as she started to get the twin's scent and Cassandra's she was still shocked and surprised at how much it has heightened now.

Eventually Riley caught up with Aaron and Gage outside of the hospital near a tree. "Hey listen Gage I know you are angry, and I get it but it wasn't Vanessa's fault at all, please just listen to her and if you want blame me I was the one who set up the trip knowing that there were still wolf attacks recently.."

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Caits Cassandra

Anastasia closed her eyes as she slowly looked over her shoulder as she quietly pulled out one of the blood bags and started to bring it up to her mouth and slowly sink her fangs into the plastic bag to drain the blood. That's when she picked up one of the pup's scents and looked to see that it was Cassandra who had followed her out of the clinic and raised an eyebrow. Anastasia closed her eyes as she enjoyed the taste before pulling it away from her mouth and quickly went to hide the bag behind her bed.

"Uhm hi there.." Anastasia said softly looking at the young teen as she slowly wiped away some of the blood from her lips and licked it off of her wrist. Anastasia blushed awkwardly not to many people would have seen her drink blood off of a blood bag before as she leaned herself up against the wall. "Why aren't you with the rest of your pack hmm?" Anastasia asked she wasn't sure why this girl had suddenly followed her.

@Damo021 Miranda & Cleo @Meiyuki Alyssa @Zhaliora Patricia @BlackPanther Aron & Gage @Caits Cassandra & @BeautifulSnow Vanessa


It had been a very long week for every who had survived the wolf attack, everyone had made a full recovery since the attacked and everyone was released early the next day of the attack. Of course this had become wide spread news around Red Lake and the surrounding areas and even the whole state about the wolf attack. It had been a full week as the week went on for everyone however the teens had started to notice changes within their body if they truly noticed.

Everyone's senses were heightened considerably from, sight, hearing, scent, and taste another gift that they were given were increased strength and stamina as well. However the teens had also felt a slight increase of rage and anger, most likely getting into heated arguments between themselves or family members or anyone that that was affected by them. It is an early morning 8AM as the teens started to go about their day.
*Pokes head in here* Cake is a lie! *Coughs* :P Anyway! I wants a free hat. Also heres a cute kitty gif!

@BlackPanther Sadly I kind of crashed last night lol. I'll be having both posts into one instead today.
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