Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

As Riley went into the women's restroom she quickly went to do her business as she sat on the toilet Riley closed her eyes and slowly ran her hand through her hair letting out a soft sigh as she thought about the murders and all who have been killed so far. Once Riley was done she got up from the toilet she looked at herself through the mirror seeing some of her makeup had been slightly messed up, she reached for some paper towels and slowly started to wipe it off. Once it was gone Riley quickly started to was her hands, she grabbed some more paper towels and dried off her hands and tossed them into the trash can.

Riley walked out of the lockeroom seeing the group was still there Riley slowly approached them and covered her arms over her chest and looked at Jacob as he asked who has been murdered so far. "Valencia Grey, Jessica Flaggstaff and i'm not sure who the third is." Riley said as she looked over towards Tim and wondered who the third person was she just remembered Val and Jess were murdered. Riley then sat back down next to Cynthia letting out a soft sigh as she looked between the two of the men in front of her. Riley then turned her attention towards Cynthia. "Did I miss anything?" Riley asked her grabbing another handful of popcorn.
@smarty0114 I'm sorry to hear that. :( But if you want you are more then welcome to come back anytime you wish to.
@BlackPanther I'll be making a post tonight so Riley will interact with the twinsises.
@Damo021@Meiyuki@Zhaliora@smarty0114@BlackPanther@Caits@Ace of flames01@Maria 127@LokiLeo789@BeautifulSnow@Lord Zee@ChaoticFox

Everyone I will be doing a timeskip post this Tuesday! So if you have not gotten a post up recently I recommend that you make one between now and Tuesday! I am gonna speed things here now because things have slowed down considerably some have dropped and some have randomly disappeared so if you are affected by those people who they are interacting with you may feel free to ignore those the characters will become NPC's so you may control them as you please! I promise to make things active again and interesting and thank you all for being an awesome group and your patients!

Kristina Smith

Location: Newnan Inner Wall Gate Tower, then Newnan Infirmary.

Kristina looked down at the bat wielding girl for a moment hearing her call her something she didn't understand but she knew the rest of what she had said, as much as Kris hated it though the woman was right. Then Kristina turned to look up at Ashton she nodded towards him, though she didn't know him that well she knew that he already had a lot of stuff on his plate, she also did need to have time to mourn. "Sure thing, oh yeah and here I think this belongs to you..." Kristina said softly as handed Ashton back his hat. She looked down at the group of women in front of the gate as it was opened Kris stood just outside as they finally were let in side. Kristina eyed the Valkyrie like women they looked very intimidating as she got a better look at who were in the wagon seeing Niesha and the injured woman, Kris shivered seeing the unconscious woman's recently cut off hand. "Right so the infirmary is this way."

Kristina said as she quickly walked down the street and straight towards the Courthouse she hesitated entering the building again she knew most likely that Maria's body was still in there. She sighed softly as Kris opened the doors and led the way into the infirmary Kristina froze for a moment and watched as Sid and Meg were about to cover Maria's body. Kristina slowly approached them and looked down at her sister laying there peacefully.

Kristina turned to look over at Victor, she knew that he had done his best to try and save her she looked down at Maria once more and slowly ran a hand through Maria's hair letting out a soft sigh. "Thanks for doing your best Doc..." Kristina said softly looking towards the doctor. Kristina looked towards the new girl and then looked at the other unconscious girl and bit her lower lip for a moment, she knew that Niesha wanted to help. Kristina turned to look at both Sidd and Meg, she needed help carrying her sister's body out along with the others that they had lost today. Kristina slowly started to wrap Maria's body up in the white blanket wiping away some more tears, Kris took out the small photo her sister had kept all these years once more before putting it back into her pocket and turned to look at the woman she had helped escort in and motioned towards Victor indicating that he was the doctor here current.
Name: Alice Kennedy

Age: 16


Personality: Alice is seen as usually a very friendly and approachable kind of girl who is always willing to try and make new friends and try and get a long with anyone. She hates getting into any form of confrontation with anyone and would try and break it off if there is a friend of her's who is in an argument with someone. She is very loving and caring to those she considers friends and family, she gets close to her friends and enjoys being with them in her spare time. Alice is also a very smart girl who always gets fairly good grades in school and takes it pretty seriously.

Bio: Alice was born into a small family having just a younger brother, her mother a marine biologist while her father was a fisherman they both met while her mother was chartering his boat to do some tests and the two eventually fell in love and got married and about a year later they had Alice. Growing up Alice always spent her time with her father and going on some of his fishing trips watching him and his small fishing crew pulling up fish from the ocean, eventually her parents had her brother Anthony.

Now in high school she has been spending more of her time with her friends as well as getting an interest into both the school's swimming team and music as well. Alice and her brother who is ten tend to get into arguments a lot but the two of them still love one another, she spends a lot of her time when not being with her friends, studying for tests or out helping her father Alice is seen swimming or playing her guitar and singing.
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*Pokes @Damo021* Whens dat post coming? It's been two days trying not to rush but yeah..
I'll post up tomorrow.
Here it is! :) I'll be getting to work on my character soon.

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Imma vote for mountains.
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