Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Kristina Smith

Location: The Southern Gate

After Kristina finished brushing the first horse she went to start brushing the other three horses brushing out the knots and tangles through their mane and then moved towards their coat as she took out the shedding hair and then lifted it off to quickly pull out the animal's fur from the brush and dropped it onto the floor. Kristina leaned up against the stables that they were in watching the four horses grazing there she took another drink from her water and gently patted the horses each on their sides gently and started to head over towards the fields to see what they wanted her to do next.

Sophia Harris

location: Sophia and Niesha's Apartment, the streets of Newnan.

Sophia looked up at Niesha and smiled softly towards her and nodded slightly, it would still be difficult to do everything with one hand and would most likely need an extra set of hands every so often when it comes to doing her work it would be something she would have to live with the rest of her life now. "I know, it will just be difficult to try and do things for awhile but it will be something I will have to deal with. Just happy to be alive still anyway." Sophia bit her bottom lip for a moment when Niesha mentioned she dated another girl awhile back, maybe they could have a chance at some point. "Well i'm sure that she is still alive out there somewhere, and hanging in there as well." Sophia ran a hand through her hair as Niesha got behind her and started to push her out of the apartment and out onto the streets of Newnan once more.

Sophia leaned back slightly in the chair, she still hated being confined to the chair though maybe later today she could try and pull herself out and walk for once. That's when she heard a sudden scream from a little girl, Sophia instinctively tried to reach for a weapon as she tried to search for the danger. It could have been anything from a walker, or someone who somehow managed to climb over the walls without the guard's notice.

When Sophia shifted more in her seat she could see that it was just a coon with its head stuck in a can, and couldn't help but laugh slightly at the animal's expense. "It's just a raccoon." Sophia said as she gently laid her hand on the girl's head and ruffled her hair, she watched as Niesha turned around to deal with the little critter. Though she still felt helpless she wanted to just get up and help out with getting the raccoon. Niesha seemed to have it under control, as Niesha came back towards her. "I think we should get James, since it seems more like his sort of thing." Sophia would gently hold the girl's hand, she didn't want the girl to get to curious with the raccoon. "We will get someone to deal with the coon." Sophia reassured the scared little girl.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Arnco Mills, Arnco Baptist Church, Sugar Magnolia Deli

Raymond waited for a good minute or two when he didn't hear the telltale sign of a walker Raymond silently opened the door, he drew out his machete you couldn't be to careful these days. As he entered he saw the place had been sacked which was a bad sign so far that the church was a bust. As he took a few more steps into the church, Ray spotted the bushy red white tipped tail of a fox, he watched it swish for a moment and then saw it perking its head up from the pew it was searching. Raymond's mouth watered for a moment finally there was a meal standing right in front of him. He looked over his shoulder and went to slowly close the door to the church so that it wouldn't have a way out of the building.

Ray slowly started walking down the row of benches towards the altar where the pew was located. "Sorry little guy.." Ray said quietly as he approached the fox, watching the critter's ears twitch as it continued to make eye contact with him. When Raymond was in swinging distance to get the fox, it jumped out of the pew knocking it down onto the ground as it darted to the other side of the room. "C'mon little guy I just need to eat." Ray said as he suddenly leaped forward and grabbed the fox by its tail. The fox started wailing and making noise until Ray brought the machete down over it's head silencing it for good. Raymond flopped down on the floor as he removed the bloody machete from the now dead fox's head.

Raymond would remove his backpack and slipped its carcass into it, now he needed a fire to cook it though he didn't have the supplies to make one. And he didn't know what else was in this little town Ray stood up and started to make his way out of the church. With his fresh kill Raymond started walking up 3rd Street, a few feet later Raymond spotted a sign for Sugar Magnolia Deli as he took a few steps closer. Raymond spotted something looking through the window. He thought it was a Walker for a moment and started to reached for his machete when Ray saw the man's hand reaching for the doorknob he knew it wasn't a Walker. "Hey there." Ray would say keeping his hands up to show that he wasn't a threat to him he hadn't seen another breathing person in such a long time.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building, Apartment 3C, Riley & Cecily's Apartment

Riley looked at the man and would let out a soft sigh as he ejected the magazine and the chambered bullet out from the gun, and handed it to her, which Riley gently took the gun from him she had never held a gun before which was weird to hold. "I don't think it would turn out well and my fans would be devastated if I was suddenly shot dead." Riley laughed nervously as she set the gun down onto the counter feeling more at ease now that neither of them would be able to hurt one another. "I never did get your name by the way." Riley said as she turned over to grab two mugs from the cabinet and then got things ready to brew the tea.

Once it started Riley walked over and pulled up a seat next to him and started to listen to what he had said, Riley leaned forward listening closely to what he was saying she knew that Danica most likely didn't kill herself the night before. The description seemed to similar to the woman that had attacked Cecily while at the Coroner's. "Do you remember anything else, what the woman looked like, or what she wore any other details that you can remember?" Riley asked, and then looked over her shoulder and stood up seeing that the tea was ready as she walked over and handed it towards the man. "And I honestly don't think that Danica killed herself, the times that I did see her she didn't seem to be depressed or anything like that." Riley shrugged slightly.

Present Day, Lake Tahoe Ski Lodge

Interacting With: @Caits Jamie O'Soloven (Jasmine) & @YoshiSkittlez Jack Woodard (Pinocchio)

Anna would look at Jamie and smiled softly at her seeing how eager that she was trying her hand in skiing, which she had done so many times in the past she lived in this mountain for as long as she could remember. "Actually my father runs the lodge, I am one of the instructors and also work the reception desk as well." Anna would smile brightly at her. "I'm Annelise Brie by the way." Anna said with a soft smile as she would extend her hand towards Jamie. "And lessons are for all ages, young and old. Also my sister Eliza she also works here and she is a professional snow border here, though she is busy planning for a yearly event we have at the lodge which is in a few days if you are staying that long she likes to go all out on the party." Anna would smile again, and quickly tucked the blonde streak of hair behind her ear where the rest of her red hair was.

"C'mon and follow me, and I can help you get fitted into some gear." Anna said as she turned around and led Jamie further into the lodge and stopped for a moment as she looked at Jack with some slight interest showing some girls that had gathered around him showing some magic tricks. Anna would look at Jamie for a moment and then pointed towards Jack for a moment and watched him for a few seconds. Anna watched the girl as Jack did his trick on her showing the card that she had chosen. Anna shook her head slightly she didn't really believe much in the whole magic thing and really thought it was all fake.

Location: The Moors, Rivenspire

Interacting With: @Zhaliora Jadis Snowborn, @YoshiSkittlez Jafar Soleh & @Vicier Freya Beauchamp

Hans slowly got out of the horse drawn carriage as he looked up at the giant castle overlooking The Moors, he slowly climbed out of the carriage and adjusted his clothes slightly and sword as he started to make his way up into the castle. He had come to give Maleficent his report on how Arendelle was doing, since she had helped him gain the throne in the kingdom getting rid of the Brindis family out from what was rightfully his. As he entered the castle, he would look around seeing some of the injured guards that had happened to experience the wrath of the Dark Queen. As Hans entered the room he would look over towards Jadis and glared at her for a moment, he wasn't that fond of her and had a thing for keeping trophies. "I don't think it would be wise to poke the beast Jadis, unless you want to be like the sods out there." Hans said.

He looked towards Jafar for a moment seeing his macaw perched on his back he would give the man a quick nod, as he walked over and leaned himself up against the wall looking over towards his queen. She did scare him actually but he always did his best to keep on her good side a lot of the time, and lucky enough to not be a victim of her wrath. That and he did pledge his full loyalty towards her and would send his men whenever she would need them. "I'm here to give you a report on how Arendelle is doing."

Samantha Hunter

Location: Town Center
Interacting With: @Sohtem Scarlett Warrington & @Morose Dr. Chase Barnes, Jamila & Jade Cornish, @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange & Daniyal Lohi

Samantha watched as Chase stumbled forward dropping the box, and stared at the contents as the lid fell open, she heard the gunshots behind her. She quickly turned her head to look at Chase as he glared at her just as Jade tackled Jamila to the ground, Samantha was about to reach for the box with the weird looking heart inside of it, when a man ran up and grabbed it off of the ground. She stared at the knife he held out to the strange looking heart as Samantha backed away slightly. She had absolutely no clue what was actually going on around her, everything was going by so fast ever since the strange events had been happening Sam quickly went over towards Scarlett to see if the woman was alright.

Samantha looked towards Jade who Jamila had just punched off of her and quickly tried to help Scarlett back up to her feet, as she turned to look at Jamila as she wasn't sure what exactly the woman was. She looked at Jade and Scarlett as well, Samantha felt awkward she wasn't law enforcement and she didn't even have a gun.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

"If it weren't for Ada i'd have dropped out of high school years ago, i'm glad I stuck with it though regardless what happened the last few months before graduating." Riley said softly as she remembered the day she had gotten kicked out of her home, and forced to live in her car as well as living with a friend of hers after her friend had found out and offered her place.

Riley would then start to grab her fort and started to eat the scrambled eggs and closed her eyes sighing softly as she enjoyed the taste of the food. She always enjoyed scrambled eggs, Riley reached over and started to pour some salt and pepper onto her eggs and took a strip of bacon and bit into it. She watched as Cynthia reached for the remote and turned on the tv, and watched the news starting to play Riley would let out a soft sigh as she watched the same news story play from earlier while she was doing her workout.

"Are you okay Cynthia?" Riley asked as she turned to look at Cynthia seeing her freezing during the news conference that was played earlier in the morning. Riley grabbed a piece of toast as she tried to figure out why all of them were slowly being picked off one by one, Riley didn't have to many enemies back in high school except for Simone, Atlas and Cynthia but two of them were now dead and Cynthia pretty much proved already to her that she was innocent from prom night.
1. Angels Fall - Breaking Benjamin - Dark Before Dawn
2. No More Love - Shinedown - Leave A Whisper
3. New Modern Love - Haletsorm - Into The Wild Life
4. Why'd You Bring A Shotgun To The Party - The Pretty Reckless - Going To Hell
5. Cat And Mouse - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Don't You Fake It
6. The Silence Remains - 3 Doors Down - Time Of My Life
7. Whatever It Takes - Lifehouse - Who We Are
8. Battleships (Acoustic) - Daughtry - Baptized
9. Heaven In This Hell - Orianthi - Fire EP
10. Beautiful Flower - Default - One Thing Remains.

Kristina Smith

Location: The Southern Gate

After Kristina finished drinking some of her water, she started to make her way towards the horse stables where they were being kept as she made her way over there she stared at the four horses. She wondered how they got their names after the name of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Kris approached them as she went over to gently pet one of them and ran a hand through its main and then moved over towards their feed seeing that it was still fairly full. She spotted a nearby brush and went over and grabbed it, Kris started to slowly run a hand through its fur while brushing it gently. Kristina always enjoyed taking care of horses but she was always to scared to get a ride, mainly afraid of it getting spooked and then being knocked down and being injured by it.

Kristina continued to brush away the fur picking some of it up as the winter coat was brushed away and Kris would drop the dead fur onto the ground and went towards brushing the main pulling out the tangles and knots that were in there. Kristina would watch some of the others and would casually wave and say hi to them. Kristina then stopped for a moment as she started to take another drink from her water bottle and went over to run a hand over the horses nose and smiled at the animal.

Sophia Harris

location: Sophia and Niesha's Apartment.

"You never know, it could happen regardless of what happens you could be assigned on a run somewhere with Astrid or Froggy, its just better to just try and amend things as best as possible." Sophia said softly as she looked outside for a moment, she did like the thought of getting out and exploring Newnan now that she was discharged from the infirmary. "I wouldn't mind a tour, I mean I need to find my way around town eventually if I am to start working around here." Sophia would look down to her stump slightly, and wondered for a moment how she would actually do things with just one hand.

Sophia then looked back up at Niesha and smiled towards her friend she was glad to be with her and be shown around town by her. "Though I remember dating a girl back in high school, we were friends even after the breakup and high school. I'm not sure where she is or if she is even still alive now." Sophia said with a slight shrug. "Anyway mind being my lovely chauffeur around Newnan?"

Present Day, Lake Tahoe Ski Lodge

Anna smiled slightly to herself she always got a kick out of getting her sister to spill things that she didn't want to say really, she looked at her phone seeing it was close to her time to start her shift, she headed for the kitchen quickly though and decided to brew herself some coffee for the morning. She reached up and grabbed two mugs she thought Eliza would like some as well, as she started to get things ready Anna took out her phone to text her sister.

"I made you a cup of coffee by the way if you ever get your workacholic ass out of that room of yours, see you at the lodge."

Anna hit send as she heard the coffee being made and then slowly going into her mug, once hers was done Anna quickly set up the second one for Eliza and smiled softly as she gently tucked the white streak of hair behind her ear. Anna made her way towards the closet and pulled out a black winter coat as well. She then puts on a blue beanie setting it over her head then she would put on her jacket pulling out a pair of gloves out of her pockets and then made her way back into the kitchen. Anna grabbed her cup of coffee as she set on a pair of snow boots. Anna closed her eyes and sighed softly as she enjoyed the nice cool mountain air, she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and started making her way towards the lodge. Anna could see people already hitting the slopes sliding down the side of the mountain on skies or snowboards she would smile and wave to some of the people she knew as she proceeded towards the lodge inside Anna looked at the people seeing some checking in as some were checking out as well. Anna made her way towards the reception desk as she went to clock in Anna looked around seeing Jamie walking over towards the rack of brochures she seemed new and decided to approach her.

Anna would smile softly as she left the reception desk and made her way towards Jamie as she approached her. "Good morning there! Is there anything you were interested in trying today?" Anna would ask looking over her shoulder for a moment as some of the guests moved about the lodge.
Relaxing, enjoyable stress-free
@Shadow Daedalus Dont ever be scared of joining an RP here. @Pundii And the others in this RP I am in other RPs with and they are all an awesome bunch of writers. :)
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