Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha

Anastasia smiled softly at Natasha as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Tasha, i'm Anastasia its nice to meet you as well. But you can just call me Anna if you prefer that." Anastasia said as she ran a hand through her hair and thought about it for a moment when Tasha brought up the question about the wolf attack. Though Anna wasn't there when the wolf attack happened but she wasn't sure what to say she didn't truly trust this woman, after appearing in the town out of the blue after the wolf attack was a red flag for her.

"I honestly have no clue, I was at home unpacking my things since I just recently moved here myself." Anastasia answered and then looked towards Vanessa for a moment only she knew that Vanessa was a werewolf and Vanessa knew that she was a vampire. "But I do remember a few hunters going out into the woods to try and investigate things and try and get the wolf reward. But since the attack I haven't heard any news from farmers who have livestock killed."
Maria had stayed in the hotel room since the first news stories of the dead coming over the border and then started approaching Toronto. She made her way towards the window seeing a few flames in the distance, she was scared she couldn't call her family back home due to the amount of calls coming in from the phone lines. She sighed softly as she made her way into the kitchen luckily there was still a little bit of power in the hotel, Maria made her way for the radio that was in the room and picked it up and tuned it in. She listened to the story as there was a safezone that was made in CN Tower.

Maria sighed softly to herself she knew that she would end up running out of food and water, so she made her way towards the bathroom remembering a small trick from her grandfather who was a little bit crazy. But he told her to fill up a tub as much as possible and the close the drain. Maria grabbed a few water bottles and started to fill them up, then Maria stuffed her backpack full of clothes and turned to leave and grabbed her winter coat.

Maria headed down most of the building had been abandoned even the staff had left to and Maria used that chance to lock up her room and take whatever food was in the other hotel rooms. Once she was on the first floor Maria left the hotel feeling the cold air as she walked down the streets seeing the bodies as well. Maria knelt down to a dead cop who was still holding his gun and pried it off of his cold dead hand she checked and saw that there was still a full clip inside, then she checked anything else but couldn't find anything and continued to walk down the street.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building, Apartment 3C, Riley & Cecily's Apartment

Riley smiled and shook Ronni's hand firmly and nodded and laughed slightly. "Yep that is me. And probably I've never held a gun before honestly." Riley said as she watched him look around the apartment probably seeing some of the pictures on the wall and her guitars. "And nah honestly I don't feel like i'm famous, I just do it because I like it and because I know my fans like it as well." Riley said as she listened to Ronni speak then he handed her his phone her eyes scanning the email that Danica had apparently sent to him sometime before she had been murdered. Riley thought for a moment if she should tell Cecily about all this information or not. But she decided against it, she knew that Cecily had a lot on her plate already and after the break in from the text Cecily had sent her anyone could have been shaken up by it.

"Well, should we try and pick up where Danica left off?" Riley asked, she knew that this could get risky if she was right Danica did get murdered by someone. "Or were you planning on going into Danica's apartment to try and find something out, if so we would have to wait because the cops are still searching the place."

Kristina Smith

Location: The Southern Gate

Just as Kristina was making some distance away from the horses stables, she could hear someone yelling about a raccoon she turned around seeing a brown, black and white furred animal scampering across the fields until it made its way towards the horses stables. She heard the horses starting to become spooked and they all started to scatter out of their stables and started scattering across the outer walls. "Well shit." Kristina said to herself and looked over towards Guy who saw the commotion going on and started after one of the horses, Kris quickly started to do the same as she started running ahead and making her way towards the black horse. It was fast as Kristina tried to keep up with the rampaging horse.

"Shhh, settle down please big guy.." Kristina said in a soothing voice as she still kept her distance as the black horse turned around to face her and backed up slowly from her. "C'mon little guy I just brushed you, its just a coon completely harmless from the dead that are outside the walls." Kristina seemed to calm down the beast somewhat. Kristina watched as the other Newnans started to scatter to try and reign in the other three horses.

Sophia Harris

location: The Streets of Newnan.

"I don't think that there is a hole in the walls, i'm pretty sure they are check constantly every day for any wear and tear. It probably climbed over the wall, or used one of the trees from the outer wall to climb in." Sophia said as she was wheeled, she wanted to get out of the wheel chair and go and help. But she was still recovering and she would just be more of a hindrance for the others to watch over her she would probably try later and do some walking on her feet by herself. Sophia remembered her home growing up had constant visitors from raccoons and as a child growing up she would feed them their cat's food to them.

Sophia turned to look at the little girl who stuck with her and smiled when Niesha introduced each other. "Nice to meet you, whats your name?" Sophia asked the little girl who was behind her helping Niesha pushing the chair around. "I think James could be in the fields, since he runs the whole agriculture thing right?" Sophia asked turning to look up at Niesha.

Samantha Hunter

Location: Town Center
Interacting With: @Sohtem Scarlett Warrington & @Morose Dr. Chase Barnes, Jamila & Jade Cornish, @Witch Cat Sylvia Strange & Daniyal Lohi

Samantha looked at the crowd and wondered what the actual fuck was actually going on as Chase laid there noticing the blood flowing out of every orifice on the man's head. She looked around at the people, this was all certainly very weird and fucked up but then again it is the apocalypse as well. Sam took a step closer and took out her camera and started to film the body of Jamila as she saw the Qareen slowly started to die. She turned around aiming the camera at everyone else to hopefully try and get information on what was that thing and what had happened.

"So mind telling me what the hell is going on here, and what the hell that thing is?" Sam asked as she gestured towards the body of Jamila, she had never seen anything like that before. Then she looked down towards the heart that was now pretty much destroyed and assumed that it was the creatures.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Hotel.

Riley watched as Tuesday shut off the TV and sighed softly the news of more of their classmates was stressing her out quiet a bit, she turned to look at Cynthia and laid a hand gently on her shoulder. "Like Tuesday said, you aren't the one responsible for the murder of Simone. You are cleared of that is for sure." Riley said as she took a drink of her water and finished eating the scrambled eggs and stood up and went to lay it down on the counter. She looked over at Tuesday and smiled she still couldn't wait for the picnic and actually try and enjoy the reunion despite the murders that had happened within the last forty-eight hours.

"I know I will just go straight for the cookies." Riley said with a smile as she made her way back towards the bed and sat down next to her sister. Growing up she always liked to eat anything sugary and sweet, which she still did of course half of the food that she had back at home were mostly cookies. Of course she still ate normal food, sweets she just ate whenever she was craving it.
I'll be posting tomorrow.
I'll be posting tomorrow.
Landslide (Live From Bridge School Benefit) - Bush - The Sea Of Memories
Asking For It - Shinedown - Threat to Survival
In The Clear - Foo Fighters - Sonic Highways
One Light - 3 Doors Down - The Greatest Hits
Traitor - Daughtry - Baptized (Deluxe Version)
In Your skin - Smoke & Mirrors (Deluxe Version0
Defeated - Breaking Benjamin - Dark Before Dawn
One Late Night - Default - The Fallout (Limited Edition)
The Past (Feat. Chris Daughtry) - Sevendust - Chapter VII: Hope & Sorrow (Bonus Track Version)
The Same - Nonpoint - Recoil
My weekend was meh worked all weekend lol.
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